The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 27, 1912, Image 1

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Wo Print All tlio News Tlint's Tit to
lloaril of Trade Envclor .iro
Itcst. Tlio Citizen PrlntfA '
H Print All Uio Tlinc
70th YEAR.--NO. 25
ltcv. W. II. Hlllcr Returned to Hones-dale.
Rev. Will 11. Hlller. pastor of the
Jlonesdalo Central Methodist Episco
pal church, has been returned to his
congregation for tho ninth succeed
ing year. His return to Honcsdale
will be received with much gratifica
tion and pastor and people will en
deavor to make tho coming year the
liest in his pastorate. There is
much work to be accomplished In
this Held and all feel the responsi
bility So here is to a banner year
of Methodism in Honcsdale.
Last year Seelyvlllo easily won tho
championship of Wayne county, win
ning from Hawley, White Mills and
a couple of picked-up teams from
Honesdalc, the only teams Hones
dale had. They went through the
season without losing a single game
on their home floor. This year,
however, they have found harder
Bailing, having been defeated on
their own floor by three different
Honesdalc teams, tho Rink Five, the
Alerts and last Friday night Co. E
turned the trick by giving them the
worst beating of all, score 31 to 15.
This was the first game of a series
between these two teams.
Next Saturday night the B. 1. A.
All-Stars of Scranton, with the two
well-known players, Seull and Ris
kin, will bo the attraction at tho
Rink. This team has only lost one
game this year and are champions
of Scranton.
The World's champion Johnstown
team cancelled the game which' they
were scheduled to play at the Rink
Monday night and the Pittston team
'Who are the 'best independent (not
professional) team In the. BtatQ
were substituted. Johnstown has
forwarded a certified check for $50
to Manager Ross of the Rink Five
as a guarantee that they "would ap
pear hero April 18.
Detroit llasc Hall Plnycrs in Unilroml
Wreck This Morning,
f Special to The Citizen.)
VIcksburg, Miss., March 2C. A
special train carrying the Detroit
players was wrecked here this
morning. The car was not properly
roupled, it is stated, and broke away
from the train. Tho car went down
ft steep grade and jumped the track
at the foot of the hill.
Tho Injured are:
Manager Hughey Jennings, Scran
ton, head cuL
Pitcher George Mullen, knee
Jim Bclhanty, second baseman,
fcneo hurt.
John Onslow, back Injured.
David Jones, Jessup, hurt Inter
nally. Edward Summers, pitcher, knee
Jim Maronoy, pitcher, cut and
bruised; knee injured.
Henry Penry and Geane Tutiuc, in
jured by flying boards.
Mrs. Edward Lafitle, wife of
Pitcher Lafltte. suffering ffom
Manager Jennings harely escaped
with his life at Gouldsboro last De
cember when his automobile ran ofT
a bridge Into tho river.
Htoam Shovel Struck Born and Dis
charged Dynamite Accident
OiTiiiToil Near fiiildsboro.
Louldsboro, In an explosion of
Wasting powder found In a borehole
on tho Lackawanna railroad's short
rut-off between Amalomlnk and
C'rc"co Friday afternoon, threo mon
were killed outright, another was fa
tally Injured and tho fifth, Michael
llcCaho. of Moscow, foreman for
Contractor Timothy Burke, of Scran
ton, who la building tho improve
ment was seriously Injured. Tho
victims, all Italian laborers, wero de
signated by number and their names
are unknown. They live at Pen Ar
BJ'le The Lackawanna is building a six
inlle cut-off liotween Amalomlnk and
Cresco as nn improvement to tho lino
liotween Mt. Pocono and Strouds
liurg. Tho gang under McCabo wore
working about a mile and a lialf west
of Henryvllle Friday afternoon at 4
o'clock. A steam shovel was In oper
ation cleaning up tho rock as fast
as tho gang cut and 'blasted It down.
They had been over part of tho
Kround threo weeks ago, when thoy
did a lot of blasting. Tho gang was
putting tho last touches on that
etrctch of tho cut somo 2,000 feet
when tho steam shovel plowed up
io the faco of an old borehole.
George Govern will return tq New
York Wednesday, after spending two
weeks in town looking after the in
terests of his farm near 'Bethany.
Twenty in Scranton Cnmo From New
Vork State Will lio Used in or a Strike.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Scranton. March 20. Twenty
strike breakers arrived in this city
this morning from New York state.
They registered at two local liotcl3.
It is stated that tho mon wore "ship
ped" here in case a strike was declared.
Jns Explosion Kills 80 Miners.
(Special to The Citizen.)
"Welch, West Va March 2G.
Eighty men are entombed In a mine
of tho United States Coal and Coko
Jed, three miles from here. Threo
of the men escaped. It Is believed
all are dead.
Death of Richard limn.
Richard illam, late of Berlin town
ship, died at his home there on
Fridny night, at the ago of sixty-live
years, after an illness of about
two weeks. Mr. Ham for many
years was a progressive agriculturist
in that section of tho county and
was a son of John and Mary (Wic
ket) Ham. Mr. Ham was 'born In
Cornwall, England, in 1849. They
camo to this country In tho spring
of 1852, and located In Damascus
township and later moved to Berlin
where the family have since resided.
Mr. Ham was educated In tho public
schools. In 1807 ho was united In
marriage to Miss Elizabeth T. Spry,
of Berlin township. His wife died In
1873 and in 1879 he married Miss
Sarah P. Compton and for several
years they lived In Oregon township
and later removed to Berlin where
ho again engaged in farming. His
second wife died in 1887 leaving
two daughters. In 1889 Mr. Ham
married again and this time it was
Miss Gertrude Munger, of Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Mr. Ham was an energetic worker
and his business ability gained for
himself and family a good home and
commended him to tho honor and es
teem of the whole community.
Deceased Is survived by his wife
and five daughters, Minnie, wife of
Win. Cosgrove; Bessie, wife of Jos.
Tuman, White Mills; Cora, -wife of
Bert Dain, Deposit; Ethel and Laura
at home; two sons, Jesse and Law
erence at home; one brother, W. H.
Ham, of White Mills; four sisters,
Mrs. W. P. Budd, Beachlake; Mrs.
L. 11. Garratt, White Mills; Mrs. G.
W. Taylor, and Mrs. W. H. Colwell,
Torrey. He was a brother of the late
Thomas Ham, who recently became
paralyzed and fell from Ills wagon
about two months ago and was pick
ed up on tho highway in a dying con
dition. The funeral services" wore held at
the home on Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock, Rev. G. W. Wondell, of the
Honcsdale Baptist church, officiating.
Interment was made In Indian Or
chard cemetery.
Miss Louise Fowler was a week
end visitor in Scranton.
Anthony Gill, White Mills, spent
ahe week-end in Scranon.
Wm. Ferber was attending to busi
ness in Hawley on Monday.
Miss Charlotte Baumann has re
turned from a few days' visit in
Miss Marguerlto Kennedy, of Al
denvllle, spent Saturday and Sunday
with friends in town.
Mrs. Peter Barnes and daughter,
Miss Ida, spent Saturday and Sunday
with George Barnes in Carbondale.
Mrs. Charles Hudson, of Carbon
dale, was in Honesdalc Saturday in
tho Interest of her property here.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Miller of
Syracuse, N. Y., are passing a few
days with relatives In Honesdalc.
IH. R. .Shirley was a passenger to
New York city on Friday.
Mrs. G. W. Knapp, who had heen
spending some tlmo at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Nina Pflume, on
Sixth street, departed on Saturday
for her home In Elinira, N. Y.
Mrs. John McGettigan and daugh
ter Miss Margaret, will tako up their
residence in Batavia, N. Y., having
sold their real estate here to Asher
Miss Minnie Buchwaller, of Phil
adelphia, is hero attending her
mother on Rldgo street, who Is re
ported 111.
Edward Knapp, of Maryland, N.
Y., recently spent a few days visit
ing friends in town.
Mrs. Harriet iRoed, of iRldgo
street, spent the latter part of last
week with her sister, Mrs. Penwnr
den. in Carbondalo.
William Eck has relinquished
his position with tho Gurney Eleva
tor Co. Ho was employed as a ma
chinist. Jesse Shallcrosse, Jr., of Coates
ville, was a guest over Sunday of
friends in Honcsdale.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ponwnrden re
turned Monday from Buffalo where
tho former has been tho past few
weeks for treatment.
Mrs. Wilson Trloble, of Dallas, Is
a guest at tho homo of Henry Wilson.
Earl Tingley, a Lackawanna rall
Toad fireman, of Scranton, Is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Tingley on Eelventh street.
Irwin Colo, of 'Hallstead, formerly
of Prompton, was a business caller In
Honesdalo on Saturday.
Miss Mollie Parker left Monday
for Paterson, N. J.
Miss Alma Schuller spent tho
week-end with tho Misses Placo at
O. M. Spettlguo and son, Olaf, loft
tho first of tho week for Now York
City, whero they will purchaso a
stock of hardware to equip their now
store, which Is fast noarlng comple
tion. Fred Butler has acceptod a posU
tlon In a Jewelry storo in Atlantic
City, 'N. J.
Session Cnme l n Closo Monday
EvrnliiK Rev. W. II. Hlller Re
turned to Honcsdale.
Rev. J. H. Race. D. D.. of Chat-
i tanooga University, and Rev. John
A. Faulkner, or tho Drow Theologi
cal scnunnry, were selected Satunlny
morning as the two remainlnc mem
bers of tho delegation of flvo to rep
resent tlio Wyoming Methodist con
ference at tho general conference to
be held In Minneapolis In May. Tlio
other three delegates are Rev. O. L.
Severson, D. D superintendent of
the Oneontn district; Rev. L. C. Mur
dock. D. D.. superintendent of tho
Scranton district, and Rev. H. C. Mc-
Dormott, 'D. D., superintendent of tho
Wilkes.-Bnrro district.
Rev. Slgnor Discussed.
Dr. Murdock spoke on "Tho Prob
lem of tho Church and tho For
eigner," at the conforenco of min
isters hold Saturday morning after
the business session. During his
talk Dr. Murdock called up tho caso
of Mrs. Watson B. Slgnor, tho wife
of iRov. Slgnor, of Orson, 'Wayno
county, who disappeared last Fall.
It was unanimously decided, after
some little argument, to placo Mrs.
'Slgnor In tho first class of conference
claimants, Bishop Cranston referring
to her as 'a widow of the church and
agreeing that she is entitled to as
sistance from tho church funds.
Tho annual morning conferenco
sorraon was preached by Rev. L. C.
Floyd, D. D. It was a forceful ser
mon, at the conclusion of which one.
of the ministers from the floor said
that had he not changed his confer
ence relations he would recommend
Rev. Dr. Floyd for the Elm Park
It was reported to tho conference
that funds for the Increase of $1.34
to $4 for superannuated ministers
and widows of ministers wero In
sufficient. It was finally decided to
placo the rate between. $1.50 to $2,
to be fixed upon by tho board of
stewards. This was passed.
When the Wyoming Methodist
conference resumed its session in
Elm Park church Saturday morning,
the caso of Rev. Watson 'B. Slgnor,
who disappeared from his charge at
Orson, Pa., last July, and of whom
no word 'has since been heard, was
ofllclally taken up and a committee
of nine ministers appointed to try
him on charge of desertion.
Rev. L. C. .Murdock, D. D., super
intendent of tho Scranton district,
brought tho case before conference
by reading a written complaltjt
charging Rev. Signor with leaving
his charge at Orson on July 10 anl
with deserting his family. '
After reading the complaint, Rev.
Austin Griffin, D. D., of Oneonta, N.
Y., was on his feet, declaring that It
was liarely possible that Rev. Slgnor
was dead and that the matter should
bo put over for a year.
Rev. Dr. Murdock, in jqply, said
that Rev. Slgnor may have died Te,
cently, but that he had his grave
doubts and reasons for tho same. "
"This is the lightest charg-o that
can bo brought against hlin'.and I
make it for the sake of thdChurch,"
said the local superintendent,' adV
dressing conference. "I know that'
this will save the Church and work
less Injury to the man. I theroforo
move that he be dropped from the
roll as a minister and that his rela
tions with conference be discontin
ued." ' .
Rov. C. H. Newing, D. D., of. Wyo
ming, moved and it was seconded
and unanimously adopted that con
ference receive tho complaint, and
that a cmmltteo of nine ministers,
threo from each of tho threo. other
conferenco districts,- he named to
consider tho changes. Rev. G. A.
Place, D. D., of Moscow, was appoint
ed to represent the church and Rev.
Austin Griffin, D. D of Oneonta, the
accused. Rev. illenry M. Crydonwise
D. D., of Blnghamton, N. Y., Is presi
dent of tho trial.
Tho commltteo appointed to pass
on tho charge is as follows:
Blnghamton district iR'oVKChaun
cey C. Vrooman, D. D., of'"1 Mara
thon, N. Y.; Rev. Frank WijYoung,
D. D.. of Owego, N. Y., and ."Rev. J.
W. Nicholson, D. D., Kingston, N.
Oneonta district Rov. M. H.'.Rcid,
D. D., of Mt. Upton, N. Y.; Rov. D.
L. McDonald, D. D., of Sidney,. N.
Y., and Rev. R. F. Lesh, D. D., of
Smyrna. N. Y.
Wllkes-Iiarro dlstriet;HRo Carl
Councilman, D. D., of Wyoming, Pa.;
Rov. William Trelble, D. D., of Dal
las, Pa., and Rev. L. C. Sanford, D."
D., Tunkhannock, Pa.
Report of Treasurer. '
The report of tho conference,
Louis E. Van Hoesen, of Luzerne,
Pa., concerning tho work,.,' of the
Bonrd of Homo Missions anjl
Church Extension work showed that;
$.3,557.50 had been received, during
the year and $3,303 disbursed. '
On motion it was decided to ad
vance Charles M. AlamB, Robt. E.
Austin, 12. D. Cook, Georgo Farns
wortli, W, H, Horton, Harry L. Ren
villo, O. G. Russell and E. L. Schonk
In tho studies of the fourth year. L.
L. Vught and N. W. Barnes were
Following Is tho complete list of
Hcrnnton District? .
L. C. Murdock, Superintendent
Ariel W. E. Harknoss.
Beach Lake and NarrowsburM
v. j. soyniour.
Bethany E. S. Blerly.
Brooklyn F. A. Van Sclver.
Carbondalo Frank D. Hartsock,
Carloy Brook J. H. Boyco.
Clark's Green J. G. Frey.
Clark's Summit G. A. Lamphear.
Clifford J. A. Tuttlo.
Dalton W. S. Crandall.
Damascus F. E. Moyor.
' Dunmoro E. A. Martin.
Forest City II. M. Kelley.
Fostor E. W. Morrison.
Gibson P. R. Hanton.
Uouldslioro P. S. Lehman.
Hamlin O. G. Russoll.
'Harford L. T. Van Campen.
Heart Lake I. B. Swelzlg.
Hawley D. S. MacKellar.
lloilcsdalo 'V. H. Hlllor.
Jackson II. L. Renvlllo.
Jcrinyn W. G. Simpson.
Lackawaxcn W. G. Blandy.
Lake Como E. B. Emmell.
Lakevlllo S. Treat.
Moscow O. A. Placo.
New Mllford R. W. Thomas.
Nicholson B. W. Dlx.
Orson E. V. Young.
Peckville L. D. Palmer.
Pleasant Mount W. Fallis Hunt
er. Scranton Asbury, M. S. Godshall;
Court street, Clarence Hlckok; Elm
Park, Georgo W. Anderson; Embury,
J. H. Llttell; Myrtle street, E. G. N.
Holmes; Providence, M. L. Harding;
St. Paul's, J. S. Custard; Simpson,
Jns. Benninger; Tabernacle, F. P.
Doty; Tripp Park, W. N. Fulcomer.
Sterling W. E.' Webster.
South Canaan (Supply).
Tayjor A. D. -Decker.
Thompson E. A. Gillespie.
Thornhurst (Supply.)
Throop (Supply.) ,
Uniondalc O. L. Buck.
Wallsvllle (Supply).
Waverly E. E. Barker.
West Nicholson W. T. Schenck.
Whlto Mills Walter Walker.
Other changes of Interest to Wayne
county readers:
T. F. Hall, Carbondale, is trans
erred to Onenonta, N. Y.
B. P. Ripley from Hawley to Les
tershlre, N. Y.
J. F. Warner, Sayro, to Forty
C. H. Newing, Ashley.
J. A. Transuo. Auburn.
J. E. Bono, Courtdalo.
J. R. Pennell, Noxen.
G. A. Cure, Pittston.
A. O. Williams, Skinners Eddy.
G. H. Prentice, "VVanamle.
David Evans, Parish sreet, Wllkes
Barre. L. W. Karschner, Wyalusing.
R. S. Boyce, East Worcester, N. Y.
A. W. Cooper, Schenevus, N. Y.
J. W. Coleman, Windsor, N. Y.
G. M. Bell, Athens.
E. D. Cavanaugh, Danbury.
Elm Tark Church Rev. George
Wood Anderson of St. Louis suc
ceeding Rev. L. H. Dorchester, who
goes to Freeport, in tho Rick River,
111., conference, "temporarily."
Simpson church, West 'Scranton
Rev. James Benninger, Ph. D., of
West Pittston, succeeding Rev. F.
D. iHartsock, who has been trans
ferred to Carbondale.
; Myrtle Street Church RoV. E. G.
N. Holmes.' of Thompson, Susquehan
na county, succeeding Rev. A. R.
Burke, who has been assigned to tho
Norwich, N. Y., church.
Court Street Church Rev. Clar
ence Hlckok, of iNew Berlin, N. Y.,
succeeding Rev. N. B. Ripley, assign
ed to Mllford, N. Y.
Tripp Park Church Rov. W. N.
Fulcomer, who recently joined the
conference, succeeding Rev. G. C.
Lyman, who has retired.
Christian Lehman Dead.
Christian Lehman, proprietor of
the Park View Hotel, died at his
home In Hawley Monday night, of
No License .For H. II. Hoylo.
' Tho application of Horace H.
Hoylo for-a hotel license In Dyberry
was heard, before tho court on Tues
day morning. There wero no re
monstrances. IH. H. Hoyle, Mr. Ful
kerson and W. B. Fostor wero tho
witnesses. Mrl- -Hoylo testified that
ho Intended to romodel tho place and
fix It up generally for tho accommo
dation of summer boarders. The
Court did not grant tho license be
cause It was thought not necessary
at tho present time but stated that
when Mr. Hoyle had estahllshed a
business in summer boarders and tho
necessity had arisen then application
fo license could be made.
Marriage Licenses.
A license was issued in Prothono
tary J. W. Barnes' office on March
27 to Howard D. Burleigh, ago 27,
of Lake Ariel, and Miss Dora Wood
ward, age 15, of aloadleys. Consent
of Frank P. Woodward given.
.1. J. Cauivun Appointed.
On Tuesday, March 20, the Court
confirmed the appointment of John
J. Canivan us deputy constable of tho
borough of Honcsdale. Levi DeGroat
mado tho appointment and It was
Ho gives as his reasons for tho ap
pointment that owing to tho amount
of work that the constable of the
"Borough of 'Honesdalo Is required to
lo?Mie .thought that tho accommoda
tion and convenience of tho people
could better bo sorved by the np-
anthem architect
- banquet bologna
.brulso hrlof
Chesapeake charity
coro corps
Christian Dyberry
diet eraso
either error
fuehsla federal
-Armament factor
famouB guest
? guessed gonlus
j.uv. Geography
- Avocn Silk Mill to lio Rebuilt.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Avocn. March 2G. Tho two largo
silk mills that woro dostroyed hy
flro will bo rebuilt. Tho damage
amounting to $200,000 Is fully cov
ered by Insurance Botweon 200
and 3Q0, hands nro thrown out of om
jiloyraet?.t.i; LW, C.'Footo, of Scranton, was a
business callor in town last week.
Child Horn in WIlkcH-Itnrre Weighs
IH Punds and tins a Tooth.
(Special to Tho CItlon.)
Wllkcs-dlarrc, March 2C. A
bounolng Tiaby boy was born to Mr.
ntwl Alrn ?., ,1.1.. .. I .. '
utiu .,.10. uuf,i;uu iUU jUW, llllO 1.11,
toilay. It weighs 18 poundri and has
one tooth. Local physicians are
puzzled over tho case.
.Men Jump From Second Story of
Jloiisc Woman Rendered Un
conscious. (Special to'Tho Citizen.)
Archbald, March 2G. A fire on
the rldgo here early this morning re
sulted In the narrow cscapo of tho
burning of a child and Its mother,
Mrs. Joseph Morusklo. V
Threo men, Lewis Cavello, his
son Ugo and a boarder saved their
lives by jumping to tho ground from
tho second story.
'Mrs. Moruskio was rescued by her
hushand" who was In search of tho
child. Sho became hysterical and
afterwards unconscious. Tho child
was saved by tho firemen.
Two houses were consumed, en
tailing a loss of $0,000.
Scranton' Miner Killed.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Scranton, March 20. Otto Reggo,
a miner, aged 38 years, of Peters
burg, was killed this morning by a
premature blast In tho Pino Brook
Russell Diinniick Dies in Scranton
Tho death of Attorney Russell
Dlmmlck, of LaPlume, a nophow of
former Mayor J. Benjamin Dimmlck,
of Scranton, and a son of William H.
Dlmmlck, of this place, occurred at
4:45 o'clock on Sunday afternoon at
Dr. Reed Burns' privato hospital at
Scranton, after an illness of several
months. It was known for some
time to the physicians in attendance
that the man could not recover, be
ing afflicted with a djseaso of the
liver. Russell Dlmmlck was born In
Honcsdale on November 20, 1871, he
ing the only son of William H. and
Annie Russell Dimmick. Ho attend
ed the public schools hero until 1888
when he was sent to Dr. Clark's
school on tho Hudson. Ho was a
member of the class of 1893 In the
law school of Cornell University and
after that spent one year In the law
school of the University of Pennsyl
vania. Mr. Dimmick began his prac
tical experience in the law offico of
Homer Greene, and he remained
there until he was admitted to the
bar. He began his first' practice Of
law In Scranton.
In 1909 ho became connected with
the Lackawanna Trust and Safe De
posit company as trust officer and
had been so connected ever since.
Ho was a very popular young man
and well known throughout the city
especially in the legal profession and
hanking circles. He was a member
of the Lackawanna Law and Library
Association and that organization
met at 11 o'clock on Monday and
took fitting action on his death.
Russell Dimmick was married on
October 31, 1907, to Miss Leah G.
Reedy, of Berwick, Pa., and soon af
terward they took up their residence
at Wayside Farm, near Dalton. They
had one daughter, Gertrude, who is
two years old. Deceased Is surviv
ed by his wife and daughter, bis
father, William H. Dimmick, of
this place, and ono slstor, Mrs. John
Lambert, also of this place.
Tho funeral services will be held
on Wednesday morning at 10:30
o'clock from the Episcopal church,
Rev. A. L. AVhlttaker officiating.
At n special meeting of tho Board
of Directors of tho Honesdalo Con
solidated Light, Heat and Power
Company held March 20, 1912, the
following minute was unanimously
Tho Board of Directors of the
Honesdalo Consolidated Light, Heat
and Power Company havo .learned
with deep regret of the death of
llusaull Dimmick, in Scranton, on
Sunday. March 24. 1912.
Air. Dimmick was elected to mem
bership In this board January 20,
190S. to succeed Edwin F. Torrey
who had reslgnod on' account of 111
health. From tho time of his elec
tion to'tho date of his illness ho had
taken a deep interest in the affairs
of this company and gave them such
attention -as his non-rcsidenco would
permit. Wo deploro his early and
untlmoly death, and to those who
mourn him wo point, for such con
solation as It may give, to tho rec
ord of his successful, manly and
beautiful life.
Miss Mary Romalne, Scranton Is
the guest of Mrs. Fuller, Church
Attorney Louis Grambs, of Scran
ton, passed the forepart of the week
with relatives at his place.
Mrs. Frank Scudder, of Cold
Spring spent Friday visiting frlonds
'Andrew Moran, of Carbondalo, Is
spending a few days with friends
Miss Gerrudo 'Jlurrman, of Mans
field Stato 'Normal school, is spend
ing her Easter vacation nt her homo
on High street.
Rov. Fahor Burko, of Hawley,
was a visitor at St. John's parochial
rcsldonco last week.
James Curran, of Port Jervls,
spent last Wednesday with his family
on Tyron streot, East Honosdalo.
Rov. Father Gardlnor, of Hawley,
spent Sunday and Monday visiting
friends In town.
REV. .1. 11. SUMNER.
Tho Citizen takes pleasuro in ex
tending heartiest birthday greetings
to Rov. John B. Sumner of Blng
hamton, who since 18G9 has been
faithful disciple of the cross. Mr.
Sumner spent part of his 74th hlrth
day with his daughter, Mrs. T. A.
Crossley, on North Boulevard, Mon
day. Ho Is making a short stay la
Rev. j. B. sumner was presiding
elder of the Honesdalo district of th
Methodist Episcopal church from
1887 to 1892, during which time he
and his estimable family resided in
'Honesdalc. For 42 years or until
1911, Rov. Sumner was ono of th
best preachers of the Wyoming con
ferenco of tho Methodist Episcopal
church, which Is very dear to him.
Again Brother Sumner, The Citizen
wishes you continued blessings and
sincerely hopes that the evening of
your Hfo may be crowned with hap
piness and that your cup may over
Heroic Work of Firemen Savo Other
Buildings From Burning nt Early
Firo Monday Morning.
A vacant house belonging to the
Dorfllnger's, White Mills, was burned
about 1 o'clock Monday morning.
The loss is complete there being no
Insurance carried upon the dwelling.
The White Mills boys quickly an
swered the flro alarm and within a
few minutes afterwards had streams
of water upon tho burning building.
By heroic work upon their part they
succeeded in not only saving tho big
Dorfilnger establishment from de
struction, but also protected several
adjacent houses from being burned.
The wind was blowing In the direc
tion of the factory but tho boys, by
hard work, succeeded in subduing the
flames. This is demonstrated by tho
fact that only tho roof was burned
off, the four sides of the building re
maining lntnct. The kitchen, at the
rear of tho house, was destroyed.
The snow on the roofs of the
houses adjacent to the fire, without
a douht, was a good preventative
against the flro. Large sparks were
carried some distanco from tho fire,
but no other flro was started by
their dropping upon buildings.
Thomas Smith was tho hero of the
fire. Ho was head nozzleman on
Engine No. 2 and evidently mis
Judged the distance of tho lire. Ule
burned his nose.
The 'building had been vacated
since last Thursday by Charles
Smith, who moved to Indian Orchard.
Mr. Smith said he left the house
clean, and could not account for the
firo. As no one occupied the dwell
ing and Its taking Are at so early an
hour in the morning leads tho people
of Whlto Mills to believe that the fire
was of an Incendiary origin. The
building was erected about 42 years
Honesdalo Boy Promoted.
Daniel R. Coleman, of this place,
who for the past few months has
been manager for Collier's Weekly 1
Scranton, has 'been appointed assist
ant manager of tho Philadelphia of
fices of the same company. Dan left
Monday to assumo his new duties In
tho Quaker City, ills many Hones
dale friends wish him merited suc
Consummated Last Week IIoncn-
dalf Parties Interested SriO,
OOO Involved.
Ono of tho largest lumber deals
that has been transacted in thl
section of tho country was consum
mated last Thni-bday when State
Senator Harvey Huffman, of Strouds
hurg, County Trensurer Miles Row
land, of Pike county, C. S. Houck, or
'Hawley. and E. C. Mumford and II.
B. Ely. of Honesdalo, purchased 3,
700 acres of lino chestnut timber
In Reslca, Monroo county.
Work was commenced on Monday.
Tho new concern will bo Incorpora
ted and a charter lias already been
applied for. It will be known as
tho Monroe Lumbor company. Al
though no officers havo been elect
ed Miles C. Rowland is acting as
managor. HeadquarterB will bo In
Tho company has contracted with
tlio Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company for all tho mine
ties it can produce. The Monroe
County Lumber company will manu
facture telephone poles, railroad
and mino ties.
Tho Incorporators expoct to build
a llvo-mllo railroad connecting
Reslca Falls with tho Delaware Val
ley railroad.
Tho property was purchased for
about $50,000.