The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 22, 1912, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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Combination High Chair and
Swing For the Baby.
The combination high chair uud
Bwlug here illustrated provides a seat
for the baby by merely hanging it on
the back of an ordinary dining room
or kitchen chair. The seat of the small
chair Is pivoted to the back, and the
aides arc pivoted to the seat, so the
whole can be folded tup flat. Chains
run from the outward corners of the
seat to the top of the back and bold
the former up. Hooks nt ttie top hook
over the back of the larger chair. A
table Is removably fastened on tho
arms of the baby's chair and answers
the double purpose of providing a place
for baby's tray nnd holding the arms
In nn upright position. This same seat
enn be used as the seat of a swing by
attaching it to chains suspended from
celling or porch roof.
The Good Wife's r'-hen.
This Is one of the oldest and most
popular ways of cooking chicken In
Having tied up the chicken and turn
ed the feet iu. surrouud It with n strip
of cooking bacon. Put It In a saucepan
with three tablespooufuls of butter or
the same quantity of lard. Take care
that the saucepau iu which you put the
chicken is of a good size. Cover the
saucepan nnd put it on a gentle Arc.
As soon as the chicken has begun to
take n very light brown color surround
it with sis white onions of medium
alze and eight potatoes the size of a
pigeon's egg. Season it with salt and
pepper stud continue the cooking at a
slow lire for thirty-five to forty min
utes. At this point the chicken and
vegetables should be well cooked and
hare taken on a One rich brown color.
Arrange the chicken on a dish and
surround it with all the vegetables and
keep It warm. Pour three to four ta
blespooufuls of hot water in the sauce
pan. stir it carefully so as to set free
all the chicken gravy which may be
sticking to the bottom, and when it Is
all well dissolved pour into this sauce
over the chicken.
Spanish Meat Pie.
A slice of ham and a pound of veal
cut into inch pieces. When It Is near
ly cooked in Just water enough to cov
er It pare three medium sized potatoes,
slice them Into It, season It with pep
per; the ham will nearly salt it enough.
"When it Is done thicken with a little
flour wet in water. Now line a baking
dish with a rich crust nnd pour In the
meat nnd potatoes. Have ready two
hard boiled eggs "cut into halves and
place on top. then cover with crust.
Make n hole ou top and bake three
quarters of an hour.
Vegetable Cutlets. i
Boll six largo potatoes, mash them,
add butter, seasoning nnd enough hot
milk to moisten. Chop tine three but
tou onions; fry in butter to light brown.
Wash, peel and scrape and boll sepa
rately twelve small carrots and four
mall white turnips. Chop and ndd
with the onions to the potato;- 'KeaK'on
to taste, add a little minced parsley nnd
cool. Mold into small cutlets, dip In
beaten egg. then powdered cracker
crumbs. Fry to n golden brown In
boiling fat
Mock Cherry Pie.
Take two cups of cranberries, cut In
halves and soak one-half hour In cold
water to remove seeds. Stir one ta
blespoon cornstarch lu a little cold wn
tor, mix It with one cup of boiling wa
ter and boll until thick. Itemore from
tho Ore and add the cranberries, a cup
of seeded raisins, n tablespouu of but
ter, a pinch of salt, a cup of sugar and
two teaspoons of vanilla. Line a pie
Un with pastry, pour in tho filling, cov
er with crust and bake.
To Clean Baby's Bottle.
Mothers of bottle babies will find a
great trouble and time saver In clean
ing baby's bottle by the uso of tho tea
leaves left over from teamaklng. Sim
ply put the leaves Into the bottle with
the water and wash as usual. Tou will
find tbli method superior to anything
to. cleaning the bottles after the milk
ban bsa allowed to stand overnlcht la
K " ' I
Admiral. George Dewey pets up nt 4
o'clock every morning In consequence
of lila practice of retiring curly. He
una rend the pnpers nnd pcrlutps a
book or two by the time he sits down
fo breakfast.
George J. Gould, hend of the Gould
family, who hns Just celobnited 111-
forty-eighth blrtlidny, keeps himself In
pond trim by walking home from Ills
ulllec every afternoon, n distance of
tbout four miles.
Tlionins Foster of Ilnmpton hill, Lon
don, who Is now in Ida ninety-seventh
year, wns bend gardener to King Wil
liam IV., nnd, although approaching
1 his hundredth year, he Is to be found
In his orchard nt work for several
hours every day.
i It. II. fJcolt. who has been elected
president of the North Hcnfrew Agri
cultural society of Ottnwa. Canada, has
been blind from childhood. lie is a
machinery agent nnd horse denier and
travels the (Jutted States nud Cnnadn
, unassisted, buying horses, which bo
Judges solely by the sense of touch.
Sir Francis Opienhelmer, the first
; .lew to be accepted In the dlplomntlc
corps accredited to the kaiser's court.
Is an English lawyer and a graduate
of Oxford, tie was recently appoluted
commercial attache of the British em
bassy. Jle has an International repu
tation as an authority on commerce
and finance.
Sporting Notes.
Boston wants this year's amateur
rowing regatta.
Philadelphia, New York. Baltimore
and Washington will hold amateur
league baseball competitions, the win
ners In eacli city playing for the cham
pionship. The Newcastle United Association
Football club, winner of the English
cup two years ago and runner-up last
season, is planning to visit tne unit
ed States and Cnnndn this spring for
a series of games.
Italph Craig, the famous sprinter of
the University of Michigan, on account
of business engagements will not com
pete with the American team at the
Olympic games in Stockholm nest
summer. Craig was expected to score
heavily In the 'lOO and 200 meter
Current Comment.
Butter can be mado directly from
grass, we are told by n scientist. The
day of the cow with twenty-seven cog
wheels and a stenm whistle may be at
hnnd. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
China has celebrated Its last Chinese
New Year. The western calendar has
been adopted by the republic. Thus is
the cycle of Cathay brought Into ac
cord with tho years of Europe. Phil
adelphia Ledger. ,
After the Maine had been sunk a
good many years Uncle Sam raised
money to raise the ship, and now that
the money hns been sunk and the ship
raised the ship will be sunk again, the
money to be raised probably from the
sinking fund. Detroit News.
The Writers.
Lady Sibyl Grant, eldest daughter of
Lord Boscbery, Is a talented writer,
having much of her father's wit.
Hlllalre Belloc, English author, who
was some years ago a favorite lec
turer, says that he left parliament "bo
cause I was getting sick of the vilest
and dirtiest society In which I have
ever mixed In all my life."
A movement Is under way in Spain
to secure the next Nobel literary prize
for Perez Galdos, novelist nnd drama
tist, who is best known for his series
of romances dealing with Spanish his
tory from Trafalgar to the- Carlist
The Royal Box.
Tho queen of Belgium is passionate
ly fond of horses. '
Princess Vllma Lwoff-Parlnghy of
Berlin nnd Vienna speuds not a little
of her time In New York. She was
born In nungary and is a Magyar
princess. She Is also a portrait painter
of somo eminence.
In 1013 the kaiser will celebrate the
twenty-flfth anniversary of his acces
sion to the throne. This event will bo
celebrated with extraordinary pomp
and circumstance, and the preparation
therefore has. It is said, airendy begun.
Pointed Paragraphs.
r. . 1 .. . i 1 i .
at solitaire.
Offering ndvlce affably requires the
finest of tact.
Patience Is another thing that is tax
ed all out of proportion to its just due.
Fato furnishes Its most cruel mock
ery In the disappointed father of a
worthless son.
No boy realizes It, but the first time
ho contradicts his mother he cuts loose
from n whole, lot of love. Union Coun
ty (N. J.I Standard,
Don't Fall In the Hole.
It Is astonishing bow many well edu
cated people are a little lame on math
ematics. For Instance. Just to test you,
how much dirt is there In a hole Ave
and n half feet long, ono and one-quarter
feet wide and three and three-quarter
feet deep? Boston Globe.
Much would depend on tho rock con
tent of the material excavated. Roch
ester Democrat and Chronicle.
The Globe should bo ashamed of It
self for digging such a hole for Its un-
-w Ml.ilhanv 7aiif t
Yeoumans, England's Great
A. T. Yeounians, holder of the two
mile heel and toe walking record In
Great Britain, is out with a challenge
to meet George Goulding, the sensa
tional walker of Canada, for any dis
tance from one to five miles for $1,000
a side.
Yeoumans is n Welshman of whom
great things are told, if he is success
ful In getting Goulding to turn profes
sional Yeoumans will sail for this coun
try and train for the race.
It Is said that Goulding Is willing to
consider the challenge, but wants the
rnco decided in Cnnndn if terms can be
made to his satisfaction. Goulding has
established three world's records in the
past year, wiping off the marks made
by Frank Murry 'way back in 18S3,
18S4 nnd 18S7. These mnrks nre ns
follows: One mile, C minutes 29 1-5
seconds; two miles, 13 minutes 45 1-5
seconds, and three miles, 20 minutes
GO 3-5 seconds.
Many Athletes In Olympic Games.
The victories of American athletes
In past Olympian games have been so
consistent that every other competing
country Is making special efforts to
break the chain of triumphs at the
coming games at Stockholm next
July. It is expected that entries for
the track and Held events will be re
ceived from close to twoscore nations
and subsidiary territories.
It Is evident, therefore, that the
American team for the 1012 Olympic
meet will have to bo bigger and bet
ter than ever before In order to main
tain tho supremacy nnd status achiev
ed in the preceding games. Close fol
lowers of athletics In this country be
lieve that tho mammoth meet of next
summer will be more closely contested
than ever before and that new Olym
pic records will bo established In a
number of events.
Stone Quits Baseball.
George Stone, the former champion
batsman of the American league and
for years tho mainstay of the St. Louis
Browns' out Held, has turned up his
nose at the diamond. Stone Is the
ownerof a jirosperous farm in Ne-,
braska' and ho-ha'shnudo somuclj, mon-
ey there during tho last year that he '.
has decided to forsake the ball field
and live tho life of ease as a country
gentleman. ,
Four years ago Stoiio led tho Amerl-1
can league with the big stick, topping J
tho only Ty Cobb uud tho wonderful
Lajcle. ne always has been u .300
hitter and ranked as oue of the highest
salaried outfielders In either major
Skates 268 Miles In Twenty-four Hours.
Raoul F. lo Mat of Washington re
cently hung up u world's record for
Marathou roller skating when he ended
a grind of twenty-four hours und thlr-ty-flvo
minutes with '-GS miles to his
credit. The previous record for twenty-four
hours was 170 miles, made In
Wichita, Kan., Jan. 27. 1011. by Joo
Hampton. Lo Mat consumed five
quarts of champagne and four bunches
of celery during his grind, which was
the only nourishment bo took.
King George Retains Jockey Jones.
King George of England has re-engaged
Ilerbert Jones as first Jockey for
1012. Jones has been In the royal serv
ice for a long period. lie won the Eng
lish Derby on Diamond Jubilee and on
Minora for the lato King Edward.
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Now York-Connecticut Iicaguc.
Port JervlB Is to ho In tho Now
York-Connecticut baseball lcaguo If
tho pinna eventuate Tho lcaguo was
formally organized at a meeting at
Poughkcopslo on Thursday after
noon. On Friday, Thomas Donovan,
who roprosonts Nowburgh, and C. A.
Van Alien, of Albany, who was dolo
gatcd to represent Mlddlotown in tho
league, visited Mlddlotown and en
deavored to stir up random there,
i Whllo In that city they telephoned
to D. It. Thomas, Supt. of tho Trac
tion Co., who controls tho baseball
I park and mado arrangements for tno
park and tho organization of a team
In that city. It Is believed a team
, can bo put in tho field from 'Port
Jervls that will at least bo able
to beat Mlddlotown.
Tho league as at present mado up
1 Includes Port Jorvls, Mlddlotown,
Nowburgh, Kingston, Poughkeopslo
and uanuury. Morldon and Norwalk
also doslro to enter the league which
would then constitute an clght-club
body. Tho compactness of tho routo
mako carfares easy.
It was decided to call tho organi
zation tho " New Y'ork-Conncctlcut
Lcaguo." Tho salary limit per team
was placed at $1,200 per month. Tho
leaguo Is to proparo a schedule and
open tho season on May 17. A
guarantco of ?40 a game to visiting
teams, or thoy can have their choice
of that sum or 40 per cent, of tho
gate receipts. Holidays will ho
split evenly. Umpires are to bo paid
$5 a game.
Telegrapher's Monument.
There will bo a marker unveiled at
Harrimnn, on the Erie, signifying
tho plnco where tho first train order
wns sent from.
It will resemble ono hugo slab
with an attractive pedestal and or
namental top. On tho faco of the
slab and beneath a seml-clrcular or
Gothic top there will be this in
scription: " From this station Charles MInot,
superintendent of the Erio Railroad
in IS CI issued tho first train order
ever transmitted by telegraph read
ing ' Bun to Goshen regardless of op
posing train.' "
It Is almost incredlblo to those
who aro aware of the extent to which
telegraphy Is used to-day to know
that sixty years ago when poles were
being set up in Orange county the
linemen hnd to dlsputo the right of
way with wild cats and pantners.
To-day there aro 30,000 miles of com
mercial and railroad wire and 3,000
miles of signal wire or a total of 35,
000 miles of wire between Now York
and Chicago.
Spitting In either a habit or tho
result of disease. When you spit
you throw off saliva, secretions of tho
mucous membrane or broken down
tissue. Saliva Is used In digesting
food. Your body uses up energy to
manufacture it. It Is therefore a
drain on your system to waste saliva
by spitting.
If you aro In health, secretions of
tho mucous membranes will be taken
up by tho air. When an extra supply
Is given off, It means that somo germ
is present. Diphtheria, cold, in
fluenza, whooping cough and ton-
sllitls aro among the germs then to
be found. Broken down tissue is to
be found In the sputum of consump
tives and with It are tho germs of
If everybody would ceaso spitting,
many of theso diseases would prac
tically disappear. Therefore. If It is
a habit with you, stop it. If you do I
It because of disease, uso a paper I
napkin. Abovo all things don't spit I
in your home, in trollov cars or any
place where your doing so will make 1
others suffer.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anrono tending n skclrh nnd description mnr
qutcklr ascertain our omttii free whether an
iiivciillnn Is ftrohnhljr paieninMo. Conimunlrn.
tlimssirlctlyronililoiitliil. HANDBOOK cm I'ulcnts
sunt free. Oldest opener forsocurlnirputcntH.
I'm cms taken through lluim & Co. receive
tprclut notice, without cbnrao, lu tho
Scientific flmesicntt.
A rmndsomelr lllii'trnlei woexlr. Jjirsest clr
dilution n( nn r m-ieiulUa Jrinrnul. Terms, M a
TPir: fntir mutilhs. IL Bold bj all newsdealers.
llrauch OOlcn. (Si V BU Washington. 1). C.
H. F. Weaver
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
f Or. Whitehall's "N
For IS yeu a Standard Remtdv for
all forms of Rhtumatlim, lumbago,
gout, sore muiclti, stlfl or inolltn
folnti. It quickly rtlieYet the lertre
ptlni reduces the fever, and eliminates
the polion from the system. CO cents
a box at druggists.
WHie for a Free trial Bex
Dr. Whitehall Mogrlmlne Co.
IBS . Lafayette Bt. tteuth Bend, Ind.
. vfeAAMalv ov
T-aa -nnniiiHfcr
Arohitect and Quier
Piles! Piles! Piles!
Williams' Indian I'llo Ointment will cure
Blind, Uleedln? and Itching Piles. It ab
sorbs tho tumors, allays Itching at once,
acts as a poultice, gives Instant relief.
Williams' Indian Pllo Ointment Is pre
pared for Piles and Itching of the private
parts. Druggists, mall 60a and 11.00.
WILLIAMS UFO. CO Props.. Cleveland, Ohls
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and -which lias been
In uso for over 30 years, lias borno tho signature of
nnd has Tjccii mado under his pcr
A,j(?j77i?Z, sonnl supervision slnco Its Infancy.
uxf7r. Allow no ono to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Jnst-as-good" nro but
Experiments that trlllo with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants nnd thlldrcn Expcrlcnco ngninst Experiment.
Castorla Is n. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pnro
gorlc, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
1 To Oo.nlc Oojjosll
We herewith submit for
your consideration a con
densed statement of the con
dition of this Bank, at the
close of business February
20th. 1912.
High Grade Railroad
and Government Bonds $ 1,234,589.48
Gash and Reserve 212,919.09
Total, $ 1,447,508.57
Loans and Discounts 281,034.91
Banking House 40,000.00
U. S. Bonds to secure
circulation 56,900.00
Total, $ 1,825,443.48
National Bank
H. Z. RUSSELL, President, ANDREW THOMPSON, Vice-President,
L. A. HOWELL, Cashier, A. C. LINDSAY, Asst. Cashier.
Henry Z. Russell Andrew Thompson
Edwin F. Torrey Homer Greene
Horace T. Menner James C. Birdsall
Louis J. Dorfllntfer E. B. Hardenbergh
Philip R. Murray
Agency at Honesdnle, Wayne Co., Pa.
m-iii .a ii. i . .
ms. !.... In fnwa
iuiui iiiaui uiivir in sw i. imiiiii isittitu ' ;
m Ai ! mm
Ratio of expense and taxes to Income
Signaturo of
e Depositors
$ 1,430,587.88
Capital Stock
Undivided profits less
expenses paid
National Bank Notes
$ 1,825,443.48
1 777 Kli nr
1 OM1 Mi 7fW
M OTu vu K.
. 1178 per cent
II. A. TlNGLEY. Agent.