THE CITIZKN, FIUOAY, MAltCIl 22, 1012. PAOH L FOR SALE. FOR SALE SETTINGS OP BAR- ItED KOCK EGGS. llntlnp. direct ono month ago from E. U. Thomp son's "ninRlots." $3 for 15. H. G. Rowland, Honcsdalo, Pa. 24el2 FOrt SALE 1 VICTORIA, 2 CLOS- cd carriages, 1 doublo sleigh, 2 cts ot harness. Prices very reason able. Apply at the Scranton Trust Company, Scranton. Pa. 9tf. 1 HAVE A BARGAIN FOR SOME- 'body who may want a high class Honcsdalo home. Owner going away nd will sacrlflco In price rather than rent. Ask DORIN. It NINE-ROOM HOUSE AT POUR- tecn hundred seven Main street for sale. All Improvements. Bent ly Bros. Opposite postoffice. 23eitf FOR SALE CHEAP QUANTITY OF second-haud furniture Including pieces from parlor to kitchen. In quiro of William II. Hall, Indian Or chard, Pa. Bell Phono 92C-5. 24c!3 SYRUP CANS, MILK PAILS, WASH boilers, clothes baskets, and wring ers at Clark & Bullock's 22el4 S. C. BUFF ORPINGTON EGGS. Blooded stock. 1.00 setting of 15. F. B. Lord, Honesdale, Pa. 24eit 8. C. BUFF ORPHINGTON COCK- erels for sale. F. B. Lord. 24eitf FOR SALE SEVENTY-FIVE GOOD work horses and mules. Can be teen at Gouldsboro, Pa. Mountain Ico Co. 22t3 MISCELLANEOUS. WILL BE IN HONESDALE APRIL 2 for the week. Sam. S. Wint Piano Tuner. 24t2 10 MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO learn glass cutting. Krantz, LOST A SILVER BELT BUCKLE attached to black belt. Finder re- urn ifi .ii. mii irmnnin kitoot :i ti m with Improvements on second floor. 231 Westside Avenue, Honesdale, . 111UU11U Ul U. Hi. UUIW. 1 UU1 O TO CLARK & BULLOCK'S FOR dry goods, groceries,, shoes, rub- UU ltHi. 1 11UUJ1S WITH modern Improvements, April 1. Wednesday, February 7, 1912. silver by Sommer, Jeweler and nup nn ihrr LOCAL NEWS -Surely spring Is hero In all Its Did you say you heard a robin his morning? Hawley has a measles epidemic. v. r rk . i. 1 1 .1 i nvn Hin mnlnrlv. -The executive committee of the Uo Vtlft Pnnnhr n n lin n AonnnlnMnn nr. nr rnn isnnprmTonnnm'R nniPA ast Saturday and decided to hold he Spring meeting of the association t h nn n n v nn nr w nv nnn snr rnnv lay 10th and 11th. John O'Connell, Jr., an employe f the Gurney Electric Elevator vorks. accldently ran the nolnt of a lft In tho rnrnnr nf Yia ovn nn Tupr- ay last, slightly injuring the eye all, While tho wound is painful nero Is no danger of losing tho eye-lght. -Tho crusade against the sale of andlod violets and other flowers dulteratcd with coal tar dyes is to e pushed in all cities of the State. lie Jirsi iirreais were iuuue in i-uiia-elphia on Friday, and more will fol- een made in several eastern cities f tho state. Chanes j. smitn, of this place, as received exceedingly good news UUl U lit lUJIUii HID uiu.uvi-iu'iuni ho has Just been appointed goner 1 superintendent of four divisions f the Great Northern railway com any, with headquarters In St. Paul, linn Tho divisions, Superior, nsnhl. Northern nnil Fercus Falls. in IK) Known as uiu ijiinu uiouiti. I am sorry to hear that Mr. ussoll Dimmlck, trust officer of tho ackawanna Trust and Safo Deposit Impany, Is seriously 111. Mr. Dim- lt'K is one 01 tnn iisarvnuiv nonuiar on or inn rnv nn m n eniai. leasant gentleman, with whom it is 'Now Is tho tlmo to advortlso your vncant house. Try tho cont-a-word column of The Cltlzon. Lawronco Woldnor lost a valu ablo horso on Tuesday mornlnc. Ho had just purchased tho animal. Tho old Lodgednlo dam nt Lodgodalo was torn out by tho lco recently and will probably not bo rebuilt. Attorney T. 1). Axtol, of Susque hanna, was hero in tho Interests of John Woodmansee. of Starrucca. on ruesuay ana Wednesday. lion. W. 'H. Dimmlck stated to a citizen representative that the condl Hon of his son, Russell, of Scranton, was very gravo Thursday morning. Preparations aro nearly com pletcd for tho second annual ball and entertainment of Hoso Company No. 1 nt tho armory Easter Monday evening. A marriage license, tho first In the month of March, was Issued ruesaay ny I'rothonotary W. J names to Arthur W. Graham and Miss Mary D. Spencer, both of Lonox What has becomo of tho contest for a slogan for Honesdale? Wo re member somo good suggestions, but none or tnem seem to havo'beon used now about '"Honesdale to tho Front?" According to N. V. Ayor & Son's Aowspapor annual, there nro 215 daily papers: 43 soral-weokly: 847 weekly; 239 'monthly and 70 mis cellaneous papers published in Penn sylvanla. A three-year-old son of Walter Ohscharskl wandered from Ills home In Mayfleld, Saturday, and was found Sundny near the old Gravity D. & H. track. Death resulted from exposure. Announcement was mado at the State Department yesterday that no withdrawals of nominating peti tions would bo accepted unless ac companlcd by affidavits of candidates to the orrect that they desired to withdraw. At Seelyville, on Friday even ing, there will "be games between the Seelyville Basket Ball team and tho Co. E team, and between the Hones dalo Tigers and Seelyville Juniors. On Tuesday evening next the flrst of a series of games with Hawley will be played. Marriage licenses were granted in Scranton Tuesday to John H. Alte melr, of Arlington, and Daisy B. Pel ham, of Dallas; also to Edward Ewartz, of Carbondale, and Velma E. Estley, of Lake Ariel. The latter were married Saturday at Ariel by Rev. F. A. Van Sciver. 'Homer Greene, of Honesdale, publishes his announcement as a candidate for delegate to the Repub lican National Convention to be held in Chicago. We know of no man better qualified to represent the Fourteenth Congressional District than Mr. Greene. New Milford Ad vertiser. Chancellor Mahlon B. Pjtney's nomination has -been confirmed as as sociate Justice of the United States in executive session. The vote was 50 to 20. PItney's confirmation was opposed by labor, in view of his rec ord as favoring corporate Interests, and decision against peaceful picket ing during the progress of a strike. Mrs. Freidewald, of Scranton, will read " Tho Lady From the Sea," by Henrick Ibsen Saturday afternoon at tho High school auditorium. The following Saturday, March 30, at the same place and at the same hour she will read "Peero Gynt, also by Hen- rik Ibsen. This delightful course Is nearlng the end and all who can should avail themselves of hearing tho remaining numbers. In Canada an employe of a gar age smoked a cigarette over a can of gasoline, with the result that two hundred thousand dollars' worth of property went up in fire. There ought to be special and severe penal ties for this specific kind of gross carelessness. In such cases life Is jeopardized quite as much as proper ty. In tho new crusade for fire pre vention careless smokers should have prominent consideration. Delaware and Hudson officials, Including Superintendent C. E. Burr, Division Passenger and Freight Agent, G. E. Bates, and C. J. Dibble of this place, met with tho commit tees of the Business Men's Associa tion and Board of Trade In Burgess C. A. McCarty's office Wednesday afternoon, for tho purpose of dis cussing better .freight facilities on tho Honesdale branch of their road. 'Representative business men and heavy shippers of the D. & H. were present. PERSONAL Hon, E. B. Hardonborgh Is In Now York on business this week. Mrs. Garrett, of Whlto Mills, spent Wednesday visiting frlonds hero. R. E. Law, of Wllkos-Barre, was a business caller In town Wcdnes day. Mrs. Charlotto Cummlngs loft Tuesday for a few days' stay In New York. Miss Mary Hlgglns Is visiting rel atives and friends in Scranton this week. William .Tonson, of Scranton, was a ibuslncsa caller In Honcsdalo Wed nesday. Mrs. Miles Fltpatrlck, of Carbon dnle. Is tho guest of 'Honesdale friends. Mrs. E. T. Brown nnd sister, Miss Etta Fuorth, wore Scranton visitors, Wednesday. Editor C. E. Sandorrock, of tho Wayne uounty Herald, spent Tuesday in Scranton. Miss Margaret Hagen loft on Wed nesday morning on a business trip to New York. Ray Hambly, who was operated upon in Scranton two weeks ago, is expected homo in a few days. Frank Ross, of Hanklns, N. Y., Is spending a few days with his brothor, George P. Ross, of Dyberry Place. Mrs. C. J. Smith, who has 'been at the Moses Taylor hospital for some time, Is expected home this week. Miss Eva Wilson entertained tho members of the Billiken club at her home on Tuesday evening. 'Refresh ments were served. Misses (Margaret Leonard and Sadie Gaffney have returned to their homes In Carbondale after spending a few days with Honesdale friends. Mrs. W. J. Perkins and son, Wil liam, of Carbondale, were guests a few days recently at the home ot Commissioner and Mrs. Neville Hol gate on Thirteenth street. Wnyno County Preacher Claimed to lie Lost. Word hs been received from Ro chester, England, that tho Rev. H. T. Purklss, of Lakovllle, Wayne county, has disappeared from tho place ho was visiting there and tho police liavo ibeen asked to look for him. It is believed he Is a victim of aphasia. His health failed a year ago and the members of his congre gation raised a purse and sent him abroad to rest. A couple of months ago his friends had a letter saying ho had been robbed ot his ticket ll. ....... .. t ... ., 1 . lways a pleasure to meet and talk. Mr, A second nurse was o Is a lawyer of much ability, who Vn A.PS,. BeCL bandoned a good nractlco a couhle """" " ' " " " f nn " ,. " 'sieumsiup company denied mar, no r years ago for tho purpose of un-,,,,, ,,' nM'. ,0ft, fpi,0 I1UU UUbil AShfUUU 1 UlltOt oruiKinK unanciai activities in con ection wun xno Trust comnanv. hlch aro more congenial to his isies. il is billion mm ins condition critical. I hopo that tho doctors u 'luipianuu nuuiu mai, UUU lllul a ipk rppoverv win nrini? mm nnnnr i i -. . i i . . nnir imh iriifiiiiH in ;l vnrv ennrr mo." Personal and Pertinent, ranton Times. C. E. Roehllng, of Chicago, and P. Feenoy, of Bowling Green. hio, were In Honesdale Thursday tho Interest of 1'itkins & Brooks, Bowling Green, whoso factory was ;stroyed by fire about a week ago. r. Roehllng told a Citizen ropre- ork could bo commenced at once take caro of their many orders. or the present, he claimed It would ) only toraporary and as for estab shlng a permanent factory In onesdalo could not givo an answer j -uoy. Rev. Dr. Crydcmvlso Is Energetic In tho Muster's Work. Tho Rev. H. M. Crydenwlse, of BInghamton, father-in-law of tho Rov. Walter Austin Wagner, pastor of tho First Congregational church of Mlddletown, N. Y Is a remark able man. This fact was thoroughly impressed upon overyono who at tended any of tho services at tho First Congregational church on Sun day. Rov. Dr. Crydenwlse Is 73 years old but If those who heard him preach had shut their oyes and Judged his ago by the sound of his voice and tho quality of his sermons, they would havo thought ho was a young man and n most eloquent ono at that. -Mercury. - , Now Rugs, Carpets and Curtains for Spring house cleaning necessities at Menner & Co., Keystone Block. 4t LICENSE COURT. Tho application of M. F. Downs, of Buckingham township, for a ho tel license, was considered on Tues day afternoon before the court. At torneys Scarle and Salmon and Mc- Carty for Downs, and Attorneys Simons and Stocker for the prose cution. Tho hotel in question Is located on tho river road at a point several hundred yards back of tho main road. It is one and one-half miles to Hancock, N. Y., 9 miles to Equinunk, 8 miles to Lake Como. Several remonstrances were flled against this petition and among them were two from Hancock. N. Y, These two remonstrances com ing from persons living In the state of New York could not be consider ed, however, their evidence was allowed to go In. Michael Bregsteln, W. N. Stevens, Jacob Hunt, Ben. Robinson. Christ. Murphy testified to the good char acter of Mr. Downs and the neces sity of a hotel at this place, saying that It was an ideal spot for sum mer tourists and to go to Hancock a person would be obliged to pay a toll to cross the bridge. J. A. Bodfe, Jr., showed pictures to the Court wnich ho had taken of the pro posed hotel and he stated that he had been inside the house, -which is almost now and well conducted. M. F. Downs stated that he expected to servo the oest class of the public as ho had done In the past and that he was not depending wholly on business from Hancock. He said ho could accommodate 30 people, his house having 10 rooms and a large dining room which would seat near ly 20 persons. Ho stated to the Court that he was an experienced ho tel keeper, having somo eleven years' experience in this state and also in New York. Ho produced a book showing last year's business which showed receipts from boarders $837.75. and from travelers of $39. 50, making a total of $877.25 for tho year. In tho remonstrance there were seven witnesses, William Kingsbury, Hancock, N. Y., H. A. Williams, Hancock, N. Y Boyd Belknapp, Jas. tioag, uu. Terwiniger, Mr. Kings, bury, Autumn Leaves. These wit nesses all testified to the lack of travel on tho road where the hotel stands and stated that ono was not necessary hero for the travel was mostly by drummers, who hired rigs In Hancock to go to Lake Como and Equinunk and Invariably went back to Hancock for hotel accommo dations. Somo of tho witnesses were against hotel licenses on gen eral principals but most of them op posed the hotel license on the ground that it was unnecessary. Ono man stated that that region was on the decline and not as pro gressive as it was 20 years ago when the lumbering was good. Ho stated that oven the school was go ing down, having only three pupils at this tlmo. This saimo man said, when asked If he didn't think ad vertising would bring business, "No need of advertising. What's tho use of wasting your money on that." COURT NOTES. Tho Itov. James A. Brown of Pltts- von win bo the special preacher nt urnco episcopal church Friday, March 22, nt 7:30 p. m. On Sundny, March 24, tho Rov. H. Brownleo Smith, of Stroudsburg, win omcinio at uotn tno 10:30 a m. and tho 7:30 p. m. services in cxciiango with tho Rector. Sunday school at 12 M. Tho Rov. H. Brownleo Smith of htroudsburg, will bo tho special preacher at tho Indlnn Orchnnl school house, Sunday, March 22, at P. m. All aro invited. Thero will bo no preaching sor vices In tho Honcsdalo Methodist Episcopal church .on Sunday. Sun day school and other services will be ncid as usual. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. ino gradual development of our country Into ono of tho world's great nations may Uo followed in tho nic tures exhibited at tho High school March 28, 29 and 30. Tho Indian is well brought out as a human bolng, not a mere blood-thirsty savage. He Is seen to have thoughts and feollngs akin to our own, social relations and Industries of peaceable, home-keeping significance. Colonial times also' aro brought to mind tho formation of tho Union and many other significant events In our national development. There aro views of superb American scenery from tho Atlantic Ocean to tho Pa cific. In fact a national commentary. full of beauty nnd meaning, is In tho pictures. 'BASKET HALL. The famous Johnstown World's Champion Basket Ball team has not been defeated since starting on Its Darn-stormlng trip at the end of tho league season, March 14. This team Is composed of such well known play ers as Fogarty, Klncnid, 'Newman and Wohlfarth and others. They will play hero in tho Rink on Monday night next, March 25. This is a very unusual honor for Honesdale and will bo n treat no basket ball fan will want to miss. To-night (Thursday) tho All-Stars and Defender teams will play at the Rink to decide on the best team to play against Johnstown. This will bo a very interesting game. Death of Herman UnverznKt. Mrs. John Baumann, of Twelfth street, received a telephone message Wednesday that her father, 'Herman Unverzagt, had died suddenly at his home at Roxbury. His death was unexpected, Mrs. Baumann claiming that a letter received recently told of her father and family s good health. Mr. Unverzagt was about 75 years of ago and was thrice married. Besides a widow tho following children sur vive: Mrs. Anna Harris and Mrs. George Weldner, both of Scranton; Charles, of New York city; Ralph, of Philadelphia; Mrs. S. J. Mower, Harry and Edith Unverzagt, all of NewTjurgh, N. Y., and Mrs. John Baumann of Honesdale. The funeral will be held Friday morning. Mrs. Baumann will attend. FINDS $10,000; $1 REWARD. Kilainazoo, Mich,, March 19. One dollar was tho reward of a Bur dick Hotel chambermaid- for finding $40,000 worth of gems lost for (four teen hours. Albert Glnsenberg, a New York salesman for Kalsof Brothers, of Maiden lane, New York city, whole sale jewelers, was the man who lost the Jewels. Will Raise Bridge. Ono of tho first Jobs to bo dono on tho Delaware division of tho Erlo tho comlni; season will bo tho raising of the railroad bridge that spans tho highway at Deposit. Tho work will bo under tho supervision of Division Engineer Barnes of Susquehanna. Mr. Barnes said rocontly that tho vlllago trustees had approved of tho plans submitted by tho company. Tho bridge will bo raised ono foot and 10 inches, nnd Is dono for tho pur pose of safeguarding brakemen who aro obliged to rldo on top of tho enrs at this point. TRAINS GO TOO FAST. Statement of Public Semico Coiiinilfi slon. 'Railroad accidents havo 'been so frequent of lato that tho Public Ser vice Commission nt Albany,, has is sued a statement giving Its conclu sions on the subject. The statement says: " It would bo far better If wo Americans would bo satisfied to travel slower. It would Increaso safety. Investigation may Indicate tho necessity of compelling tho reduc tion of very fast train speeds in cold weather." Judge Staples Sustained. Hon. C. B. Staples was sustained in two cases he decided while presiding in court in Bucks county, by the Su perior court. Tho one was In a case where a road was vacated and new ono laid out, and tho other was a suit of the Turnpike company to col lect taxes from a trolley company, Ho decided in favor of tho trolley company and was afllrmed. Another feather in the cap of the Monroe county judge. Milford Dispatch. Lncknwnnnn Fined 93,000. Buffalo, N. Y., March 21. Tho Lackawanna railroad -was fined $2, 000 to-day for violating tho commo dities ClallRO Of Mln,..,.. 1 ..vuuin ItlVV. 1 Tho company shipped hay over Its n lines irom uurrnlo to Scranton freo of chargo for uso of its mules In Its own mines. CASTOR I A For Infants ana Children, Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bignaturo of THE R. S. HOWARD PIANO Well known in this county, and known well, Tho R. S. Howard Piano at its price is tho best known piano on tho American market, and it's guaranteed a lifetime. Prices on R. S. Howard Piano from $250.00 to $300.00. On easy payments. No interest. Free Tuning for two years. Stool and Scarf free. We carry an insurance for your interest for three years. F. A- JENKINS IV3US1C HOUSE, LYRIC THEATRE BUILDING, Honesdale. DINGHAM BUILDING, Hawley. tM I tHM Ml Htttt I I I I I HI I M MHMt I I MtM HMti To Develop Water Power. There are all kinds of rumors In tho air concerning tho development of water power at different points in this part of tho country. It is known that capitalists aro ascertaining pos sibilities of the big falls near Shohola and in tho Delaware River at Mon- gaup, and there may be aams built in tho rivor at Barryvllle, Cochecton and Connonsvlllo for tho storage of the water. THERE IS NO USE TALKING - - The Celebrated - - BREAD Is A Marvel In Bread Stuff Such Richness, Pur ity, and Mellow Tasting Bread can only be ob tained in S. & B. bread. If ' you are not now using S, & B. do so at once, as they cost no more than the inferior kind. Manufactured at SCHWENKER'S BAKERY 633 MAIN ST. BOTH 'PHONES Come In and look at our large stock of Easter Goods An Unu sua Event To Be Able To Offer Brand New Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits at Sacrifice prices right at the beginning of the season Through making a lucky trip to New York last week, I came across a Clothing Manu facturer who had a lot of 260 Men's and Young Men's suits made up for a Philadel phia clothierwhose lease just expired and not being able to renew it, was compelled to cancel the order, therefore leaving the suits on the manufacturer's hands. He was forced to sell them at a sacrifice price, and being fortunate in being there, I purchased them close to my own offer. THEREFORE, WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER YOU SOME WONDERFUL SUIT BARGAINS IN THE VERY LATEST OF 1912 SPRING STYLES. 52 Men's & Young Men's regular $10.00 value while they last $6.00 0 " ; 97 $12.00 " " $15.00 " " " " $7.50 " " " $10.00 ii ii $18.00 $12.00 50 Men's and Young Men's Regular $7.50 Slip on Raincoats $3.98 Enterprise Clothing House A: W. UHUB Prop. !e, Penn'a. Douglas Shoes Stetson Hals Holeproof Hosiery f t I SOLE AfiRNT FOR - I Hart Schaffner & Marx Fine Clolhes 44MMMMMMM4-M-MM. 44 HM t M)M ; PUMPS - PUMPS PUMPS Hand force pump for weMs 10 to 30 ft. deep. Ratchet top in sures easy operation. Fitted with hose discharge for washing wag ons or garden use. Brass lined cylinder, capaci ty, 30 qts. per minute. Price $6.50 Outfit for30ft. well $9.50. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa.