t I Tllii CITIZKN, FRIDAY, MAI101I 22, 12. THE) CITIZEN Scml-Wcckly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1814. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by tho Cltison Publishing Company. Entered as second-class niattor, at tho postofllco. Honesdale, Pa. E. 13. HAHDENBEIIQH PRESIDENT U. C. VAN ALSTYNE and E. D. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS n. nonrLmoFn. m. b. ai.uw. oirkctorb: It. WILSON. It. A. IfAKnKNIlKRait w. w. woon Our friends tcho favor us with contributions, and desire to hale the same re vrned, should in every case enclose stamps for that purjwse. TERMS: ONE YEAR $1.50 THREE MONTHS 38c HIV MONTHS 7b ONE MONTH 13c Rnmit hv Kinross Money Order. Draft. Post Office Order or Registered fetter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. 803 Main street, TTnnaarinln. Pfl. ah nntiroR of shows, or other entertainments held for tho purposo of making money or nny Items that contain advertising matter, will only bo iimittnii tn thin nnner on Davment of rccular advertising rates. Notice of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charltablo purpose" whoro a fee Is charged, will be published at hair rales, uaras or uianns, 60 cnts, memorial poetry nnd resolutions of respect will be charged for at th rato of a cent o word. Auveriising rates on appncuuuu. FRIDAY, MARCH 11)1. THOUGHT FOR TODAY. Our character Is our will for what vta will Vanning. we are. Archbishop Tho Republican party Is to bo congratulated when men of tho charac tor and standing of Homer Greene and John W. Codding offer themselves as candidates for delegate to a National Convention. There Is no compel satlon attached to tho position, and the delegate must bear his own ex penses. It is a matter of pure and disinterested party service. It is a pos ition moreover which requires not only party fealty but Judgment and ex perience. No qualifications which fits him for this service is lacking in cither of the two gentlemen named. That they are not only willing but desirous of representing their party nt the great convention, speaks well not only for their party loyalty but for tho standing and principles of the party that can command their services. Tho Republican voters of this congressional district are fortunate to have tho opportunity of being repre uo nod at Chicago by men of their calibre, character and standing. WRIGHT SEES PENROSE. Stnto Treasurer of Pciiu&ylvnnln lit Washington, Washington, D. C, Mnrch 21. Stttto Treasurer Wright of Pennsylva nia is a candidate) lor a full term In that ofllco, according to nn announce ment made to his friends In this city when ho came hero to-day. Heine an uppointco Mr. Wright Is eligible to succeed himself, nnd as ho has given n successful administration of the af fairs of his offlco It Is 'bollevcd he will havo tho hacking of tho Republi can Party of Pennsylvania and will recoivo tho nomination. Mr. Wright called on Senator Pon roso to-day, but no announcement was inado after tho conference It Is not known who will bo supported by tho leaders for tho nomination for auditor general. Commenting on tho Presidential fight In 'Pennsylvania, State Treasur er Wright said to-day: "in my part of tho State thoro Is little If any Roosevelt sentiment Everybody feels that President Tnft has given a progressive administra tion, without much noise or luss. Tho President is Btrong in Pcnnsylva nia, and 1 don't think thoro Is any doubt or his renominatlon and re election." fit to cat And fishermen throw them away. oomo lisiicrmcn nre in tno nauii f kcoping Hah of Just six Inches s 20 and oven when tncy nave legal number caught havo kept on fishing, hoping to catch lnrgor fish, n which ovont they throw uacK in to tho hrook tho smaller sized fish and keep tho larger, and In such cases tho fish always dlo. Tho intention Is to endeavor to amend tho law so that any sized trout mny ho kept by tho fishermen. and thus prevent fish affected with fungus from coming In contact with tho othor fish. THE NEXT STATE TREASURER. Hon. C. Fred Wright, who is serving by appointment as treasurer of tho State of Pennsylvania, will bo a candidate for the nomination to that office at the next Republican State Convention, and will undoubtedly be aomlnatcd. Ho has been one of the 'best treasurers the state ever had. His long experience as a banker, and his many years of successful training in large business enterprises havo endowed him with a peculiar fitness to handle un dorstandingly the finances of tho stato. He has given the offlco the benefit of his personal attention, and has conducted the business with vigor, -with exactness and to tho great advantage of the commonwealth, as tho records of his abundantly show. His nomination at the State Convention for the coming full term should be a matter of course, and if nominated his election will be practically assured. What is said in another place on this page concerning tho good fortune of tho Republican party In being able to enlist tho services of such men as Homer Greene and John W. Codding as candidates for delegate to the Na tional Convention may be said with equal force of William F. Riofler and Dr. L. P. Cooke who are candidates for delegate to tho State Convention. Both of those last named are men of high standing and character, both aro men of largo business interests which require their constant and careful attention. In standing as candidates for stato delegate they are entirely unselfish, they have no axes to grind, nothing to gain except the satlsfac tion of having served their party and the people of tho state. Moreover, If elected, they will go to tho convention with a full knowledge of tho party's needs and the people's wishes They are no recent acqulsltibns to tho party, nor are they dormant timber now starting for the first time into -party life. For a quarter of a century they have been among tho foremost In tho party counsels, have pratlclpated actively and honorably in all of tho party struggles, victories and defeats, are well known by tho Republican Toters of Wayne county and have their confidence and good will. It -would be difficult to find better men to send to a state convention, and the Republicans of Wayne county are to bo congratulated on being able to command their services. Tho Ktnto Department Received Over 1,500 of Oio Petitions Tills leur. Chlof Clerk Georgo D. Thorn, of tho Stnto Department, Harrlsburg, es tlmates that fully 1.G00 nominating petitions were on file nt tho State Canitol for congressional, senatorial and legislative nominations and that all records would bo broken. It was figured out that there wero between 1.300 and 1,400 nominations on tuc but later scrutiny showed that over 1,500 wero In the files. Tho highest previous record was in 1010. when 1,400 petitions were en tered for tho same nominations, but this year, owing to activity of tho Prohibitionists and Socialsts in mat inc nominations, tho difference made by failure of Keystoners to nominate has been more tnan made up. beven petitions which arrived at tho Harris burg postofllco after midnight on Saturday were rejected, three of them did not come in until Monday morn ing. The department rejected four po titions to bo candidates for sonato in tho Fourth Philadelphia district where Senator 'E. L. Tustln resigned and the vacancy there will havo to be filled by a special election, for which papers will bo filed later on. iMondav morning uierKs w. Fleming, J. C. Delninger, Harry Freeston and James K. LeLancy be gan tho big task of comparing the nomlnatinK petitions witn tno en tries In the records and when that is finished tho certification of nomina tions to counties will "begin. Tho last petitions wero not entered until al most midnight or twenty-four hours after the tlmo for receiving tnem closed, this being duo to the rush on Saturday night, which was beyond all precedent. WARNS CONGRESS CANDIDATES, THE RULE OF THE PEOPLE. " Do you believo in tho rule of the people?" asks Col. Roosevelt In the pagos of a recent number of his magazine, The Outlook. Of course wo do, Colonel. We believo In It not only as a thing to 'bo desired, but we believe In it as an accomplished and existing fact. In this commonwealth especially, the people have the first and last say. If they did not have it it would not be because they dod not have abundant op portunity to have it. Take it in tho matter of elective ofllces In this state. Our primary law, enacted by a Republican legislature and approved by a Republican Governor, gives to tho voters the largest possible freedom of choice in the selection of their candidates. A certain limited number, from ten to two hundred of tho voters of any established party may, by filing a petition In the proper offlce, have the name of their candidate printed on the official ballot. Each wing or faction In tho party, any group of men In the party has tho same privilege. Nothing could be furth er from dictation or bosslsm. Nothing could put the sources of political power more directly in tho hands of tho people. Under this system If the Toters do not get the candidates they desire, t Is absolutely their own fault. The primaries and the doors leading to them aro open wide. To say that the people aro not and cannot bo in control of their own affairs under our present system Is as false as It is foolish. The cry that tho people ro deprived of their rights is the cry of the demagogue. It Is the wooden horse concealed within which certain shrewd seekers after political con trol hope to enter the citadel of power. Listen to the cry if you please but take It for what It Is worth. PROGRESS OR RETROGRESSION? The spirit of progress and activity 1s moving In Honesdale and Wayne -county. The recent number of real estate deals consummated, the prospects of tho erection of several new buildings and the remodeling of others is evidence that tho seemingly apathetic condition of affairs Is broken. Un questionably thero are a number of people residing In Wayno county and especially Honesdalo who would like to see It advance and prospor and are willing to place tholr shoulder to tho wheel and get out of tho rut of Indlf foronce. Yet thero are others who aro satisfied and set In their conserva tlvo ways who think that things aro good enough as they stand, let alone tmprovo thorn. Any municipality cannot stand still and prospor. It must elthor advance or go behind. Honesdalo Is now at a point whore It can ndvanco and become a city of 10,000 Inhabitants. Tho Greater Honosdnlo opportunity Is gradually bolng grasped and tho spirit seems to bo moving. Three sections of Texas township recently petitioned tho Town Council for admlttanco and havo been accepted. Individuals living in different parts of tho abovo named township aro anxious to come in. This Is ample evidence that tho peoplo of Texas aro moving 1n tho right direction. Honesdalo Is well on tho road to a greator and better town. This movement needs 'the support of every resident of Texas township who is out for bettor things, and wo know that thoro aro nono but would wish to see this community experience a boom on a safe and substantial basis. By a mutual Impulso the realization seems to havo come to tho peoplo that Honesdalo nvuBt not be loft to depend upon those natural processes of accretion by which merely " good towns " grow. The awakening of tho trade organizations and the chic associations with which Honosdale and Texas township 1s provided, and their Impulse for co-oporatlon, Is hopeful and Inspiring. It means a rovlval of tho forces that havo become latont through tho onjoymont of a very comfortablo prosperity. Honesdale Is bo elnnlng to learn that towns do not stand still any moro than peopie stand still. Thoro must bo progress or retrogression, and Honesdale has. decided for progress. We hope Honosdaleans generally will absorb this spirit and with ono voice decdo that Honesdalo shall progress. Then when the op pcrtunlty Is afforded work In co-operation with Texas township and wo will havo Groater Honesdale. Must File Contributions and Ex. penses Fifteen Days IJeioro a Convention. A notice warning candidates fo Congress that tho act of August 19 1911. requires the filing of a state ment of campaign contributions and expenses fifteen days beforo a prl mary or convention, Is about to bo is sued jointly by Representative Burke of South Dakota, acting chairman of the Republican Congress committee and Representative Lloyd, of Mis sourl. chairman of the Democratic Congress committee. Tho law provides that evasion or violation of tho requirements as lndi cated shall be punishable by fine and imprisonment. This would mean that tho rlcht of a successful candidate to hold his seat would be denied if it was shown that he had failed to comply with tho act of August 19 1911. to Mothers Form nn Organization Protect Their Marriageable Daughters. Catlln. 111., March 21. Tho moth ers of Catlln, with a view of protect ing their daughters through invest! gation of tho standing and character of suitors, havo formed a Mother Protective Association and plan extend It to other cities and central Illinois. With tho Intercity association tho mothers of one city can got iniorma tion from a.iother concerning any young man who may como courting from a distance. Hero are tho points which th mothers will ask to bo enlightened upon when a suitor appears: Does ho smoke cigarettes? Does ho drink? Is ho known to bo pr.ofano or vul gar? Does ho read good books? Hoes ho go to church or Sunday school? Does ho spend his evenings homo or In saloons? Is ho considerate of his mother and sisters? 'What are his business prospects? In addition thero aro a number of blanks In tho form to bo filled with additional Information not cov ered by these questions. C. A. Itlgclow, Comedian, Dead. Charles A. Blgclow, tho comedian, who playod In various companies with Anna Held for several seasons, and who Inst appeared 1n "Tho Kiss Waltz." died suddenly at Mcadvlllo last week, whllo on his way to Now York, from a visit to Cambridge Springs, Pa. Mr. Rlgolow had been 111 for only a short time. About n week ago ho went to a sanitarium nt Cambridge Springs for trentment and was re turning to New York when ho sud denly suffered a turn for tho worso on board tho train. His valet, Geo Petors, caused his removal from tho train nnd Mr. Blgelow died In tho Spencer hospital. Mr. lllgolow was 50 years old, and .was a member of tho Lambs, Green Room, Larchmont Yacht and Man- hatsot Yacht Clubs, of the Elks and of tho Masons. Mr. Blgclow made his first stage appearance when ho was 14 years old at Boston in " Tho Crystal Slipper.' He then Joined tho Carlcton Opera Company nnd roso rapidly coming to New York with Lillian Russell and mado his first marked success In Tho Princess Nicotine." BOY SCOUTS EDITED BY ONE OF THEM Hoy Mrs. William A. Petliick Dead Mrs. William A. Pethlck died at her late homo at Dethany at 8 o'clock on Thursday morning, 'Mar. 21. She had been In falllifg health for some time and her death comes as a severe blow to bor many friends In this part of tho county. Deceased was1 a highly respected woman and gained many friends In Bethany and vicinity by her sweet disposition and kindly nature. Lavina Palling was born In Can ada 72 years ago and many years ago she and her husband, who pre ceded her In death some years ago, came to Bethany to reside. Ono son, 'Harry W. Pethick, of Hawley, three daughters, Mrs. Henry Ben nett, Mrs. John Smltn, of Bethany; Mrs. Rena Griffith, of Cornell, sur vlvo to 'mourn her loss. She Is also survived by ono sister, Mrs. Eliza Davis, of Princeton, Canada. The Dress Goods shown by Menner & Co. for this season are very at tractive. 24eol4 ::::;:::::::::::tu::5:n:::::::::::an:3 WORDS FOR THE SPELLING CONTEST OF THE Wayne County Schools. Scouts Help Have Chestnut Trees In Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Hoy Scouts are co operating with tho Stato Department ui l ui csu; in iiresurviiiR ino W11U encstnut troes. A disease a destroy ing hundreds of tho trees throughout mo siaic, anu tno situation Is so dan gerous that tho stato legislature has appointed a commission to investi gate tho spread of tho blight. A great difficulty, however, lies In find ing tho afflicted trees. In this work tho Boy Scouts of America can be of great valuo to tho commission and tho Department of Forestry. The uoy scouts are taKing up tho work becauso they havo already had so much fun going chestnut hunting that their loyalty to tho sport com pels them to do everything thoy can to save the trees. " It has occurred to us," writes Irvln C. Williams, Pennsylvania Deputy Commissioner of Forestry, " that this would bo valuable exer cise to Boy Scouts, It would teach thorn woodcraft, would enablo thom to recgnlzo tho disease, will teach them how to discriminate between wild chestnut trees, and other spec ies of trees, and will enable them to iaKo waiKS anu marcnes with a double purposo, and at the same tlmo glvo our state advanced Information of the occurrence of tho disease. This work will bo of gerat help to tho commonwealth becauso the dis ease must be arrested at once If any trees aro to bo saved." Scout Master E. G. Jenkins of the local troop. Is perhaps tho first Field Agent appointed outsldo of the 35 experts connected with tho Blight Commission. He had tho privilege last fall of accompanying one of tho most experienced experts on a tour of lnspction, locating blighted trees, and receiving field Instructions. Recently a number of Scout Mas ters In the state have been appointed Field Agents. As such, they aro at liberty to enter any woodland or other property to cxamino chestnut trees and the boys while under the Field Agents' personal escort may also be admitted to assist in tho ex aminations. It is tno purposo of the Commis sion to teach tho people of each lo cality to recognize the blight and to use proper measures In combating It, and with some training the boys can assist In locating the disease and In structing tho owners. Arrangements are under way for an Illustrated lecturo and field in struction by Mr. Keller E. Rockey, who has charge of this work, some time this spring. Every owner of chestnut trees In this section will bo Interested In this lecture and no doubt a alrge number will be bene fitted thereby. Sour Stomach Gas and Heartburn Stopped in Five Minutes. Get rid of Indigestion. Or dyspepsia, or whatever you call your stomach misery. Drivo out tho sourness. Lift off the heaviness. Stop tho fermentation of food. iinnmn f?n o n ni rr nil fti r ah forever. Info nt Pnll'fl. thn (ImirirlftK tn.i)ar UlHUUBUa UUUJUU 1UUIU Ul 1 (J I 1111 stomach distress. tion was ever writton. fXTT-O-XTA rriolrta flirt Dtnmnnt. ' ' - - ---"- T nrniin anu stronc enoucn to dleon food without aid. For salo by Pell h rliMlcrtrlor nnd flrl1ICrlara nvnnw whore. uuiy auniiny to Kvnngciuo uuy or Wllkcs-linrrc. Billy Sunday, former base ball star now an evangelist, has arranged wit summer of 1913, and will stay to which will accommodate 10,000 per sons, and the meetings will bo hel in it. ntttutuututtttttttitutttt LESSON XXII. frontier glacier herolno Isinglass knoll mischievous nostril obituary privilege patron reason sincere formal ghost incapablo Jehovah metropolis neuralgia opossum picturesquo penniless reverend shrewd suspect traffic HERE IS A RE.MEDY THAT WILL CURE SKIN AND SCALP AFFECTIONS. And Wo Can Prove It. Tho Lelno's Drug Store says to every person be It man, woman or child who has an Irritated, tender, inflamed, itching SKIN or SCALP, you need not suffer another day. "Wo have a refined skin preparation that acts instantly and will bring you swift and sure results." Ono warm bath with ZEMO SOAP and ono application of ZEMO and you will not suffer another moment and you will soon see a euro In sight. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP aro prov en cure3 for every form of skin or scalp affection. They aro sold by ono loading druggist In every city or town In America and In Hones dale by A. M. Lelno's drug store. Tho new wall papers for spring 1912 contains tho latest combina tions and shades at tho lowest prices at Menner & Co. 24eoi4 ih-.akxkss oaxxot nrc nuiiE . V. . V. .1 I r, .. .. .1 . I . 1. UUb 1 l.t . fcuts u.ocav. AU1 k.WU W. Ill ear. There Is only ono way to cur iifiii 1 1 ri.T . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1. m ii v i .1 1 i i ii liuuui luucuiua. ucaiucaa ia mu ed by an Inflamed condition of th mucous lining of the Eustachla Tube. When this tube Is inflame tlrcly closed, Deafness is the rcsul and unless the inflammation can b taken out and this tube restored t Its normal condition, bearing wi uu ueauueu luicvci , uiuc uusea u of ten are caused by Catarrh, whlc is nothing but an inflamed conditio of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Do ed by catarrh) that cannot be cure circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. stlpatlon Political Announcement. I hereby announce myself as fTILIIII 1 1 1 H 1(1 I nr JL 1 1 M I E- LT II I M iriiui II Fourteenth Congressional district tn hn hfilrl In nhlrairn In Juno, f-ivn " 1 X T" 1 T- I I April 13, 1912. D. R. STEPHENS, aIRf Athona P.i FOR SALE RESIDENCE AT 1407 MAIN INQUIRE OF STREET BENTLEY BROS. Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile and Boiler INSURANCE Consolidated Phone I-9-L 'Opposite Post Office HONESDALE, PA. at New Trout Law Wanted. At tho next meeting of tho Legls laturo an offort will bo mado to hav tho law relating to trout fishln changed so that thoro will be no limit to the bIzo of fish caught but tho limit as to the numbor caught will bo re talned. At present tho law says that no trout less than six Inches may bo retained when caught, and a fislior man is limited to 40 In ono day. Old exports, who havo knowledge whoreof they talk, and ono of them Is Fish Commissioner Duller, say that when a trout of less than six in ches in bIzo Is caught, removed from tho hook and then thrown back into tho water, it Invariably dies. Whero tho fisherman's hand comes In con tact with the trout It Injures tho fish so that In a short time a fungus be gins to grow, which In duo tlmo spreads to the entire fiflh and kills It, so that throwing a fish back Into tho water, no matter how well moant, does not save the trout. This has been proven time and again. A trout affected with this fungus Is un- THOSE NASTY SPRING HEAD COLDS Quick changes of temperature and the advent of spring clothing are apt to induce colds, which, starting in the head work downward into the throat and air passages. The important thing to do is to stop these colds in the start, to insure prompt relief from the distress in the head, and to open up the nostrils and insure free breathing. You can do this with REX ALL COLD TABLETS, our remedy for colds. It costs but 25c. Sold By Us Only LEINE'S, the Rexall Drugstore, Honesdale. Pa. Both Phones