The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 22, 1912, Image 1

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If you are, havd your bills printed
nt Tho Citizen office Extra touch,
Hoard of Trndo EnvelqKyFar
durnblo paper used, and our printers
licst. xno uiuzen i-rinw
make a neat, boldly displayed bill.
Oth YEAR --NO. 24
Mr' 1
r.igm in uno JMinnioro l aniliy Tupcci
Out by Explosion Cnuso
Either Dyiiniulto or Gns.
From Tho Scranton Times.
'Eight persons aro dead and an
other is In tho State hospital with
little chance of recovery as the re-
ll it ni nn nr r r Anl An nr ill cv l f lt
Wednesday morning in tho homo of
JUBt what caused the explosion ,
has not been dctormined, and may
never be. One theory is that It was
the result of a diabolical Dlack Hand
plot, In which dynamite, nltro-gly-(
cerine or some other high explosive
was used, and tho other Is that gas i
bv a mlno cave, was ignited by a
himii nr stnvn In tho Coviello home.
Tho dead:
Mrs, Jean Datisto Coviello, aged
forty-eight years.
William Coviello, iged twenty-one
won ra
Lizzie Coviello, aged fourteen
Lucy Coviello, aged fourteen years
Domlnlck Coviello, aged eight
Mrs. Vlto Summa, aged twenty-
eignt years; a marrieu uaugiuer.
Rose Summa, aged four years.
Frank Summa, aged llvo years;
on or Jirs. vito summa.
The injured : Mamie Summa, aged
ten years; daughter of Mrs. Vlto
Jean Batiste Coviello, the head of
the house, Is a night watchman for
tho Scranton Gas and Water com-
innl ntlil woo llllGV lncf nlp'llt n Tl
was summoned about 5 o'clock Wed
nesday morning, and after ho had
riewed the wreck, friends took him
to tho home of another married
daughter, Mrs. Jean DeLorenzo, Zii
the scene of the tragedy. He and
Urs. LeLorenzo are the only two
members of the family alive. She
moved from her father's home a
cnnnln nf mnntliK airn.
Only a mass of charred timber
and wood that Is torn and split Into
rlirnilu rumnlna nf tho two-stnrv
house occupied by the family. The
thrpp-storv nouse 01 .Micnaei simone.
.1 n. O A A Tr 1 Til Dl.nnt ii'lflcrlif fl tn
;tl ILL i I T 1 1 1 111 .111 1 . 1 . 1 . l.llllhlll, .11 1.
n l to nlcn n tntnl lncc
.111 . I 1 .J 1 . LU11. .vwu.
Just a few minutes before the ex-
Plosion occurreu two men were sum
. . i 1 1
to have been seen running at full
Knnpri nnwn urniiev SLreui. livu ur bia
blocks away from the sccno or the
It Is estimated that at least a
thousand windows were broken In
boused and stores In the noighbor
bood. Little "Mamie Summa. was heard
moaning and tender hands took her
from a tree In front of the house,
where she had been thrown. She Is
the only occupant of the house alive.
Rhn ns unconscious when taken
from tne tree ana was still jn mat
condition at 3 o'clock this afternoon,
according to omciais at tne State
hospital. There are a number of
lacerations and contusions on her
is probably Injured internally.
Coviello s Bouse Is Just across the
ittreet from the house of Mrs. Pat
rick Jordan, at 241 Elm street,
whoso cellar dropped Into tho mines
a week ago. Sho heard voices
shouting and lowered a ladder into
tho holo In tho cellar and rescued
two miners whose escape, otherwise,
was cut off by tho caveln.
That caveln extended to the street
and broke tho gas main. Tho hole
has been filled up and men employed
. i. n . r. .. .. c. tit n . m
ujr mu ocruiJLuji uua ot. wumi tutu-
liahy were still busy this morning
Knnri.rlnr' ihn hronlr
Houses on each side were Knocked
out of plumb, one burned to tho
ground and two across tho street
jpartially wrecked. People asleep in
Photo by American PrrB Association.
Top arrow designates where Mamie
Summa was found; lower arrow
whero seven bodies laid.
them were lifted out of their beds;
doors blown off their hinges; shades
cut off their rollers as If by n keen
knife, and hundreds of window panes
blown in and the glass scattered
over tho floor.
Next to the home of tho stricken
family of Coviello, the principal dam
ngo was sustained at tho homo of
John 'Banks, at 243 Elm street, al
most across the street whero tho ex
plosion occurred, the home of Pat
rick Jordan, a big double dwelling
IPX i.yurr"""
and storo owned by Angolo Mecca
on the same side of tho street as tho
Coviello house.
Tho bodies were at McGuIre's un
dertaking establishment half a dozen
blocks away, but thoy wouldn't let
Coviello go there because of his col
lapse. They feared for him:
"They aro nil gone." ho crled,"and
now I want to go. Thoro Is no use
living now."
Over at tho flro thoy told how
when bo came to tho scene of tho
explosion ho drew his rovolvor and
tried to kill himself, but was pre
vented by some one quick to seo his
condition. That's why they didn't
leavo him alono all morning. They
will wait to make tho arrangements
for the funeral until the coroner
makes an Investigation and tho grief .
stricken Coviello gots over tho first
shock of the horrible fate of his wife ,
and children.
Mrs. Lorenzo, tne ciaugntcr, is tho
one that's left. Sho lived in tho Ill
fated house until two months ago
nnd sometimes spent the night there ,
but fortunately she did not Tuesday
night else her s would have been the
fate of the others.
Coviello couldn't bo comforted,
not even by the daughter. He
rnnlrln't iinrlnrat nm. wliv fntn nlinnlrl
have struck him such a blow.
Coviello declared that he know no .
one who could wish him ill. Others
said the samo nnd explained what a
hard-working man Coviello Is and of
the respect he is held In by tho
Italians in his neighborhood. No
body had threatened him or his fam
ily and there hadn't been any
trouble, yet there were those around
him who shook their heads knowing
ly. "It doesn't seem that gas could
do that," said the daughter. " I
think that maybe somebody put some
dynamite or something in the
house,'' volunteered another Intel
ligent looking young woman.
While the bodies were all found
In the one pile, it became known
that Mrs. Coviello and three of the
gins slept on tne nrst noor ami uie
other five on the second floor. That
they should all have been blown to
'the same spot was another freakish
pcrformante of tho explosion. They
were completely covered by debris.
Twenty Rodios Taken Out To-day
All Found Huddled in a Heap.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
McCurtain, Okla., March 21. One
hundred and five men were found
dead in the San Born mine as the
result of an explosion here yester
day. Twenty of the bodies taken out
to-day were found In a heap, which
is evidence that the men tried to get
out. Tho flro Is still raging. Hun
dreds of women are standing at the
foot of tho mine which is a most
pathetic scene. Many- of their be
loved ones are still in the mine.
Two Methodist Preachers Who Aro
Missing to bo Discussed by Bis
hop and Cabinet Friday.
(Special to The Citizen.)
'Scranton, March 21. Tho Wyo
ming conference of the .Methodist
church will go into executive session
at D o'clock Friday morning at which
time the case of Rev. Watson B.
Slgnor, a former pastor of Orson,
Wayne cunty. Pa., and also that of
Rev. R. S. Wilson, of Genessee, N.
Y will 'bo taken up.
Uev. F. P. Doty was named as one
of the auditors of conference in place
of Mr. Slgnor.
Taft Postpones Meeting.
Washington, D. C, March 21.
President Taft today postponed in
definitely his proposed conference
with John Mitchell regarding the
coal situation. Tho announcement
from tho White House, unaccompan
ied by any reason for tho change In
plans, followed closely a conference
between tho president and Secretary
of Commerce and Labor Nagel, who
saw tho president shortly after his
return from New England. Socre-
I tary Nagel and Dr. Charles P. Nelll,
United States Commissioner of La
i bor, aro keeping in touch with de
velopments in the situation.
, Wnyno Coal Company Now Ready to
Hcgln Operations.
' The Wayne Coal company, a new
subsidiary or the Erlo, showed
much foresight and worked all wln
1 ter constructing a track from No. 17
1 1111 and Qulntln's fill, In Lako town
. ship, this county, to the mill switch
i on the Scranton division of the Erie
near Clomo. There aro several hun
' dred thousand tons of small sizes of
coal in tho fills, which were part of
the abandoned Pennsylvania Gravity
railroad. Tho material will bo put
through n washory that has been
erected at the switch, and tho result
ing product rushed to Now lorn.
Now that the prices of anthracite
aro increasing In tho largo eastern
cities, the Wayno Coal company's
preliminary outlay, which is re
ported to bo $so,uoo, win UKoiy uo
amply returned.
Judge Kearlo Will Decide.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Scranton. 'March 21. Judge A. T,
Scarle, of Jlonesdalo, heard argu
ment in tho caso of tho Court of
Lackawanna county vs. Tho Lacka
wanna commissioners yesterday and
today. Tho court hold out that tho
commissioners had no right to ap
point Henry Wetter and Thomas
Law as tipstaves of tho court, while
the commissioners claimed that they
had a right. Former Judge Kelly
pleaded for the court while Attorney
George Watklns was counsel for the
Judge Bearle toTd the court here
that ho wouM give his decision In a
few days.
Tho Cist session of tho Wyoming
Conforonco of tho Methodist Eplsco
pnl church was oponed In Elm Park
church, Scranton, Tuesday evening,
Bishop Earl Cranston presiding, with
a grcnt temperanco rally.
Upon tho bishop la Imposed tho
nrduous task of directing tho delib
erations of this largo church body,
before which n number of Important
Courtesy of Plttston Gazette.
Who is Presiding Over tho Sessions of Wyoming Methodist Episcopal
Conference, in Elm Prtfjc .Church Scranfon.
church Issues will come, and passing
upon the annual appointments of
the ministers to their charges.
Bishop Cranston has grown old in
the service of God, but his 71 odd
years set lightly upon his erect
shoulders, although his llfo has been
active, and, at periods, strenuous.
Ho as born born at Athens, Ohio, on
Juno 27, 1840. Ho was graduated
from Ohio University in 1861, and
later received degrees of A. M. and
L. L. B., from that school and that
of D .D. from Allegheny College In
1S82. Ho answered tho call to arms
in 18C1, serving In tho Union Army
until 18C4 with distinction and at
taining tho rank of captain. Follow
ing tho war ho entered tho Methodist
ministry. In 1884 ho became an
agent for the Book Concern. In
1896 he was elected a bishop of his
church and spent the next two years
In visitation work in the Far East.
Bishop Cranston lives at Washing
ton. Tho Wyoming conference is one 'of
the large conferences of tho Metho
dist Episcopal church. In 1911 at
conference time there were 210
charges, having a membership in full
standing of 49.C30, which was an
Increase of 2,000 over the previous
year, so that It might well bo as
sumed that tho membership is now
much in excess of 50,000. Tho pro
bationers, according to the last an
nual report, numbered 3,302. There
aro 130 local preachers In the confer
ence. In connection with tho
churches there are maintained 425
Sunday schools, with 0,384 officers
and teachers and 57,647 scholars, a
total of moro than 64,000. There
aro also 235 Epworth Leagues (sen
ior), with a membership of 10,527,
and 112 Junior Epworth Leagues
having a membership of 4,789. For
pastors' salaries tho charges pay
$185,306, and for house rent for the
pastors $34,724 is paid annually,
while for all ministerial purposes, in
cluding pastor, district superintend
ent and bishop tho Wyoming confer
ence paid In the year ending In 1911
$245,044. Tho support of tho phy
sical property of tho conference, and
Its maintenance cost $111,328,
while for benevolences there was
paid by all charges of tho conference
in tho yoar closing a year ago $101,
365. Tho annual expondituro for Im
provements on church property and
annual payment on church Indebted
ness adds another $100,000 annual
ly, bringing tho total moneys raised
by tho conferonco each year up to
$550,000. Tho property of tho
churches of tho conforonco Is valued
at moro than threo and a quarter
millions of dollars, the exact total
being $3,317,600. Thoro are 432
churches valued at $2,767,850 and
214 parsonages valued at $549,750.
Tho Indebtedness on church proper
ty nt conference tlrno last year was
only $80,366.
Tho Elm "Park church has one, of
the handsomest and 'most valuable
sacred edifices In tho conforonco, and
not only tho Methodists but nil people
of the city of Scranton tako prldo in
the splendid temple, Us organ and
chimes, and the great influence the
church wields In tho community. It
Is fitting that tho conference should
not only meet In session this year
nt Elm Park, but wo should llko It
the conference camo to us moro fro
ciuently, so tho outside clergy and 1
laymen might become better nc-
qualntcd with tho Elm Park church!
and the people, says tho Scranton
The Wyoming conference has met
six times In Scranton since the first
conference was held In Carbondalc
In 1852, Elm Park church has enter
tained only onto, and that was In
1894, eighteen years ago. Tho Scran
ton Methodist Episcopal church,
formerly the Adams avenue church,
later tho Elm Park, entertained the
conferenco In 1860 and In 1880.
Simpson church of West Scranton,
was the most of tho conference in
1867 and in 1884. There aro eleven
churches of the conferenco In Scran
ton, with a total membership oT
more than 5,000.
The conferenco opened with tho
celebration ot the Sacrament of the
Holy Communion under the direction
of the bishop, assisted by the mem
bers of his cabinet.
The preliminary events of tho con
feronco Included tho examination of
candidates for admission to tho con
ference and for advancement in the
different classes. An unusual feature
of tho examinations was the presence
of father and son, Rev. Edgar D.
Cook, of Norrls, N. Y., a candidate
for advancement to studies of tho
fourth year and his son, E. L. Cook,
who is ono of Hvo young men to join
the conferenco from Drew Theolo
gical Seminary, Madison, N. J.
Rev. Alfred Smith, D. T)., of Wil
mington, Del., secretnry of the Tem
perance Society of tho 'Methodist
Episcopal church, was the speaker
Tuesday night at tho anniversary ses
sion of tho temperance society of the
conference. Rev. J. A. HenBey, D.
D., of BInghnmton, district superin
tendent of tho Blnghamton district,
presided at the meeting and Introduc
ed 'Dr. Smith.
Dr. Smith's address was entitled
" From Maine to Texas on tho Water
Wagon." Ho told of tho fight In
Maine last fall In which an effort was
made to repeal tho constitutional
nmendmont providing for prohibi
tion. Ho said that the liquor ele
ment from other states Invaded
Maine and put up the cry that local
option would give tho peoplo of
Maine tho right to decide.
" I decided In that light that when
the liquor Interests boarded a local
option wagon," ho said, " that lt was
tlrno for men to get off. Local op
tion as a means for solving tho liq
uor question is obsolete. 'Wo should
have a prohibitory clnuso In tho fed
eral constitution, for lt every state
favors prohibition, thoro would bo
enough liquor sold in tho DlBtrict oi
Columbia to dam tho whole country."
Dr. Smith told of tho fight in Tex
ns for a constitutional amondmont
saying that 147 nowspapors had sold
themselves, princlplo and all, to tho
liquor interest. Even at that, ho de
clared, tho amondmont had beon lost
by only 5.000 votes. In Malno, on
tho other hand, Dr. Smith said, tho
newsnanors could not bo purchased,
but stood a solid phalanx against tho
repeal of tho amendment, with tho
result that victory louoweu. ur,
Smith charged the attempt to rees
tablish tho saloon In Maine after
sixty years of prohibition up to the
Democratic party loaders nnd to
Dr. Smith spoke to an audlonco
which Included many of tho leading
members of tho local Prohibition
pnrty and his raps to local option
were roundly applauded.
About ono hundred and fifty dele
gates answered present when tho roll
was called by Rev. Ripley, of Haw
ley. Five of tho members havo died.
namely. Rev. Haskel B. Benedict,'
Rev. William M. Hiller, ,Rev. Thos. !
Burgess, Rev. Samuel Moore and1
Rev. Charles M. Surdam. Aftor tho
roll call the conferonco proceeded to
organize by tho election of officers.
Rev. Ripley Re-Elcctcd.
Rev. Mr. Ripley was re-elected
conforonco secretary. His name was
put before tho conferenco by Rev. L.
C. Murdock, D. D., superintendent of
tho Scranton district, promptly sec
onded and the election mado unanI-
mous. Rev. Mr. Ripley nnnounced
the following assistants: Thomas
M. Furey, George H. Prentice, Ira L.
Bronson, as reported anniversaries,
and Elmer E. Pearco as expert pen
man. Rev. Louis E. Van Holsen, of Lu
zerne, on motion of Rev. H. C. Mc
Dormott. D. D., superintendent of tho
Wllkes-Barro district, was re-elected
conferenco treasurer. He named as
assistants Rev. Elmer E. Pearce, Rev.
R. E. Austin, Rev. John G. Frey,
Rev. H. W. Thomas, Rev. William B.
Arnold, Rev. H. S. Smith, Rev. W. E.
Wolcott and 'Rev. William McAlplne.
On motion of Dr. Murdock, Rev.
E. G. N. Holmes, of Thompson, Pa.,
was named statistical secretary and
directed to select his own assistants
to bo announced later.
Rev. A. J. Hensey, D. D., superin
tendent of tho Blnghamton district,
was introduced and submitted his an
nual report. Tho work In that sec
tion of conference has been one ot
universal growth. Especially Is this
truo of the Blnghamton churches.
Rev. O. L. Severson, D. D., next
presented his report of work during
the year in the Oneonta district. Re
ferring to the worth of men turned
out, tho report said: "How much
Wllkes-Barro and Scranton districts
and cities aro indebted to Oneonta
none can measure. Elm Park and
Simpson churches of this city each
hns In Its active membership a grand
son of George Peck, William H. Peck,
president of the Third National bank,
and George L. Pock, a successful at
torney and superintendent of the
Simpson M. E. Sunday school. Then
think of Reuben Nelson, William H.
OHn, Austin Griffin, N. M. Cryden
wise, and last, perhaps not least, my
distinguished colleague in the cabin
et, L. C. Murdock."
On Thursday afternoon, the anni
versary of tho Women's Foreign Mis
sionary society will be held and Mrs.
McDowell, wife of Bishop W. F. Mc
Dowell will bo the speaker. On
Thursday evening, the Laymen's As
sociation will hold a-blg mass meet
ing. On Friday afternoon, the lay1
delegates will elect general confer
enco delegates In Immanuel Bap
tist church and the clergymen In
Elm Park, to bo followed by a joint
meeting at which Bishop Cranston
will read his message, which has the
samo relation to tho conferenco that
tho president's has to Congress.
The appointments will bo an
nounced at the business session on
Monday morning. On Sunday after
noon, Bishop Cranston will conduct
tho ordination service.
I'. E. McGrnnnghnn nnd John AVood-
inanseo Granted Hotel Licenses,
Others Refused No Whole
sale Licenses Granted.
On Wednesday morning the decis
ion in the various applications for
hotel licenses was pronounced by the
Court. Court was to havo convened
at eloven o clock but It was eleven
thirty before Judgo Searlo showed
up owing to illness caused by a hard
week s work.
Tho application of MIcSiaol F,
Downs, Buckingham township, was
refused until such time as business
will be more constant thero and un
til the business of tho placo will
warrant a license. Mr. Downs was
granted permission to keep summer
boarders but no license was granted
to him for a hotel. Thero werre no
now licenses granted.
Tho application of John Wood-
mansco for hotol license at Starruc
ca was granted nnd the Judge stated
he did not 'bellovo Mr. WoodmanBeo
had violated his license.
The application of Frank Mnng
for n hotel license in Texas was re
fused. Tho application for a licenso for
a now hotel by Lafayctto Roloson at
Hawley was refused.
Tho application of George W.
Stiles and Joseph 'Herwltlon, for
wholesale) licenses at Browndalo,
Clintou township, wero refused.
The application of Paul McGrana
ghan for a hotol licenso In Honesdnle
borough was granted. Mr. McGran
aghan has had a wholesale licenso
but this has been withdrawn by tho
Tho application of Paul Vaver
schak for a hotol licenso in Canaan
wa3 refused.
Tho application of Mathow P.
Clomo for a hotol licenso at Dy
berry will bo hoard next week.
Judgo Searlo wont to Scranton
Wednesday whero ho will sit In tho
Lackawanna county court.
Body Found in River.
Plttston While ongagod in dredg
ing tho river In tho vicinity of West
Plttston cemetery tho body of a man
was found floating down tho stream
Tuesday. Engraved on a ring on the
man's left hand were tho Initials "H.
O." It Is holleved to bo tho body of
Harold Owens, of Lestorshlre, N, Y.,
who has been missing since last November;
Will Hold Inquest Saturday Night to
Inquire Into Death of Dutmior
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Scranton, iMarch 21. Coroner
William W. Lynch will hold an In
quest Saturday night to determine
whether lt was gas or dynamlto that
caused tho explosion at Dunmoro yes
terday morning and caused tho death
of eight persons.
Mamlo Summa, aged eight yearn,
who was found In a treo fifty feet
from tho explosion, Is stilt uncon
scious and In a critical condition.
Tho funeral of tho other vlctlmn
will bo hold Friday morning.
Four of tho smaller children will
bo burled in a slnglo casket. Th
two men will bo burled separately.
Tho remains of Mrs. Graco Summa
will bo laid to rest In tho sam
coffin with those of her five-year-old
son, Frank Summa.
Despite tho stormy weather large
crowds aro standing In Mount Carmel
cemetery watching the grave diggers.
Concerning the Rnrtlett Family.
Many inquiries havo been receiv
ed at this office relative to tho artl
clo concerning Charles Bartlett and
who his relatives might havo been.
Judge Henry Wilson furnishes us
with tho following information.
which might throw some light upon
the subject. If any of our reader
know anything further about th
Bartlett family, kindly mail or tell
us about it and it will bo thankfully
The History of Wayno County Ik
the sketches of the bar of tho coun
ty, contains tho following In relation
to an attorney who seems to bo de
scribed by tho prisoner as a brother
"Ara Bartlett Is a native of Promp-
ton, Wayno county. He was educated
at the academy In Bethany, and sub
sequently taught school. Ho road
law with R. M. Grennell and F. M.
Crane, and was admitted to tho bar
May 3, 1853. He married Lucinda,
a daughter of Judge Eldred, and re
moved to Kankakee, 111., whero h
commenced practice. President Lin
coln subsequently appointed him
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
of Dakota. At tho close of his term
he returned to Illinois and resumed
Beyond this, the only information
given by the records Is that he was
a member of tho Town Council of
Prompton In 1848 and 1849. Noth
ing can bo learned respecting other
brothers of tho prisoner.
Firo nt Calllcoon.
The cottage of Mrs. D. Hahn on
the 'Hortonville road near Calllcooa
was destroyed by flro Friday night.
Tho fire department was summoned,
and the people had -their 'Choice oi
going to the flro or watching, tix.
flood In tho Delaware. The fir
started in a little building near the
house and It wasn't five minutes bo
fore the whole structure was a mas
of flames and blazed fiercely as
though It was an oil tank Instead of
a house. The supposition is that it
was the work of an Incendiary, for it
does not seem that any building
could go so quickly and burn with
such fierceness without a guiding
Samuel R. French Dead.
Samuel R. French, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry French, of East
Honesdale, died at the homo of his
parents on Wednesday morning, at
about half past threo o'clock. Death
was tho result of tuberculosis.
Samuel R. French was 20 years and
11 months ot ago and was born 1
Honesdale on April 21, 1891. H
Is survived by his parents, three
brothers and two sisters, Raymond.
Carl and Clarence, and Verna, an
Mrs. Walter Dodge, all of Honesdalou
The funeral services will be conduct
ed by Rev. W. H. Hiller at the
home on Saturday afternoon lit I
o'clock. Interment will be In the In
dian Orchard cemetery.
Manufactures Total Billions.
WashIngton.March 2 1 .Twenty
billion dollars is the value or the
present annual output of American
factories, the total having just
doubled during the past ten years,
according to a Commerce and Labor
Department estimate. Exports from
tho United States in 1911 amounted
ot over $2,413,500,000, of which
only $900,000,000 was In manu
factures. Gormany Is credited with
being the greatest rival of tho Unit
ed States in commerce.
Found Dead on Roud and Moncy
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Jessup, March 21. John Sopskie,
of this placo, who disappeared a
month ngo nftor he had received his
pay, was found dead lying on the
Mooslc road a short distance from
hero to-day. Thero wero no mark
on Copsklo's body to denoto any vio
lence, but his monoy was gone.
Theodore Klino Too Late.
Harrlsburg, March 21. Theodore
Kline, of Lnko Ariel, Wayne county,
to-day filed a petition to bo a candi
date for tho houso on tho Republi
can ticket In Wayne county. As the
tlrno for filing such papers expired
on Saturday It was rejected.
Buying Land at Nnrrowsburg.
Strangers havo been In Narrows
burg for several days past securing
options on lands along tho river
front and It is thought that some
industry intends to locate there.
$12,000 Firo in Jessup.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Jessup, March 21. A flro In thle
town this morning destroyed two
frame dwellings and a clothing utore.
Loss, $12,000.