The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 20, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Soml-Wockly Founded 10H; Weekly Founded 1HM.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by tho Citizen Publishing Company.
Entered as second-class matter, at the postofllco, Honesdale, Pa.
ti, DORrMKcifcn,
M. B. ALI.K.N,
Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re
unxed, should in every case enclose stamps for that putjme.
Kemlt by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Office Order or Registered
Utter. Address all communications to Tho Cltlzon, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdalo, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments hold for the purpose of
making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only bo
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice
of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purpose'
where a fee is charged, will be published at half rates. Curds of thanks,
60 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will bo charged for at
thr rate of a cent o word. Advertising rates on application.
WIS I )N15SI A Y, MARCH UO, 11)11!.
In another editorial In this Issue Tho Citizen has expressed tho opin
Ion that tho delegates from this district should go to tho National Re
publican Convention unpledged. It Is equally important that tho dole-
gates from Wayne county to tho iRepubllcan State convention should go
unpledged. This convention will elect twelve delegates to tho Chicago
convention. Tho voting for these twelve delegates should bo as untrammel
od at Harrlsburg as the voting for the presidential candidates at Chicago.
Four petitions have thus far been filed with the county commissioners
by candidates for the offlco of delegate to tho Republican Convention.
These candidates are Dr. L. P. Cooke, of Hawley, William F. Rlefler, of
Dyberry, Thomas A. Crossley, of Honesdale, and Harry Sampson, of Ariel.
Dr. Cooke and Mr. Rlefler aro unpledged: Messrs. Crossley and Sampson
have announced themselves as favoring the candidacy of Theodore Roose
velt and have directed their names to bo so entered on tho ballot. At tho
state convention even moro than at the national convention tho pledged
delegate will bo an anomaly. His solo possible accomplishment will be
to cast his vote without change In behalf of Ms candidate. Aside from
that he can do nothing, support nothing, accomplish nothing. Ho must
ho a micro automaton, without freedom, without judgment, without the
right to act in any respect save In the lino of his pledge. It Is not con
ceivable that tho Republican voters of Wayne county will deslro to be rep
resented in this manner.
If Messrs. Rlefler and Cooke are elected they will ho free to partici
pate In party consultations, to use their judgment as the occasion may
arise, to act for tho best interests of their party and of those whom they
directly represent whether those lnerests lead them toward Roosevelt,
Taft, Hughes, La Follette, Cummins or any ono else who may appear to
embody tho will of tho party and Is aide to lead It to victory. Give your
delegates a free hand, gentlemen, and trust them to represent you with
fairness and judgment. No two Republicans In Wayne county aro moro
entitled to tho confidence of the party than are Dr. Cooko and W. F.
It is interesting, and Instructive, to note In a recent editorial In the
Philadelphia North American, one of the foremost of the Roosevelt or
gans, a list of the contributors to the Roosevelt campaign fund. Promi
nent among them Is the combination of manufacturers of agricultura.
Implements known as the Harvester Trust, which has contributed $25,
000. Although this particular trust was not disturbed during the
Roosevelt administration the present attorney general, Mr. Wlckersham
is preparing to proceed against It as one of the unlawful combinations,
of capital In restraint of trade. Another contributor Is tho body of capl
talists comprising tho United Shoe Machinery Company now under in
dictment and on trial by tno government for carrying on its business in
an unlawful manner. Another contributor is Geo. W. Perkins, recentlj
a partner of J. Plerpont Morgan, and now prominent In the Harvestei
Trust and other combinations under investigation by the government.
Other contributors in largo amounts are Frank A. Munsey, proml
ncnt in what Is known as the magazine trust, Dr. Lyman Abbott of the
Outlook, the circulation of which has greatly Increased since Mr. Roose
velt became ono of Its editors, Gifford Pinchot, Dan 'R. Hanna, and other
millionaires whoso personal, political and financial fortunes would bo
materially enhanced by the success of tho Colonel, and correspondingly
depressed by the success of Mr. Taft. An Investigation of this list of
contributors confirms what most people believed In the beginning, viz:
that there was no spontaneous pop-ular demand In tho Republican party
for Mr. Roosevelt to come forth as leader and presidential candidate,
but that his candidacy is the result of a carefully planned scheme by a
few men having personal and financial Interests at stake and was sprung
upon the country at what was considered the opportune moment, in the
hope and expectation of a popular response.
In the result there has been much disappointment. It Is plainly
apparent that there was no spontaneity in the movement, and that the
Republican voters have not responded as was expected. As tho Roose
velt campaign progresses, the machinery that propels It becomes more
visible It Is now seen that tho movement was carefully planned and or
ganized many months ago, and Is proceeding along tho lines originally
laid out. Tho mistake that has been made was in bringing tho Colonel
too soon to the front of tho stage. This act has robbed the movement
of Its appearance of spontaneity, and has nullified It as a popular de
mand. Col. Roosovelt cannot carry tho part of idol of his party and
savior of his country through the long months prior to tho convention
Tho New York World says he is beaten now. It looks very much like it.
The Citizen welcomes the largest latitude in the choosing of party
candidates at the primaries. As tho law now stands a man who desires
to represent his party, or a group of men who deslro to have a man repre
sent their party as a dolegate to a national convention may have his name
printed on tho ballot by filing a petition containing only ten names. The
same is true of a candidate for delegate to a stato convention. This per
mits of tho utmost freedom within tho party as to a popular choice for
delegates. No man or group of men can complain that they aro subject to
steam roller methods whore tho field Is so absolutely free. Under this
law and up to this writing tho names of only four Republicans have boon
filed with tho county commissioners of Wayne county as candidates for
delegato to tho Republican National Convention. They aro Homer
Greene, of Honesdale, John v? Codding, of Towanda, Dradley W. Lewis,
of Tunkhannock, Wyoming county, and D. R. Stephens, of Athens, Brad
ford county. Homer Greene and John W. Codding aro unpledged, and
have not committed themselves to tho candidacy of any ono. Bradley W.
Lewis and D. R. Stephens have pledged thomselves to tho candidacy of
Theodore iRoosevelt and have directed tho commissioners to so enter thoir
names on tho ballots. No one has yet entered tho raco specifically pledg
ed to the candidacy of President Taft. Tho Issue should bo perfectly plain
to tho Republican voters. Two delegates only can ho elected. If Messrs.
Greeno and Codding aro elected they will bo perfectly freo to voto for
Col. Roosovelt In tho convention, and will do so if his candidacy should
recommend Itself to them at that time. Thoy are equally freo to voto for
President Taft, for Justlco Hughes, or for any other Republican whoso
name may bo presented to tho convention. As for Messrs. Lowls and
Stephens thoy aro unalterably hound to tho fortunes of Theodoro Rooso
velt. If thoy are olected, then so long as his namo Is boforo tho convention
to bo voted on thoy must voto for him. No matter how hopeless his can
didacy may bo at that time, no matter what revulsion of feeling thoro may
bo, no matter how desirable it may bo to select a strong, compromlso can
didate on whom both wings and all factions of the party may unite for
victory, tho hands of tho pledged Roosovelt delegato aro tied. Ho cannot
toreak away from his candldato without violating his pledge to tho pooplo
who elected him. Ho must, machine like, on every roll-call, repeat tho
namo of his original choico. If his ca ndldato should bo nominated his ac
tion will bo justified. It someone olso should bo chosen, as seems now to
bo altogether likely, then his opportunity will havo been lost, his pres
ence at tho convention will havo been useless, he will havo dono nothing
for himself or his party or his district, simply because he was bound hand
and foot to tho fortunes of a single candldato. Is it worth while for the
Republicans of Wayne county to send delegates to Chicago who aro thus
fettered? Would it not bo bettor to send men who can fairly represent tho
rotors of tho district, no matter what emergency may arise?
(Continued From Pago Ono.)
Rome triumphantly. His conversion
and triumph also behold tho triumph
of tho Christian religion oor hor
enomlcs. Ho repealed tho laws
against tho Christians, and built
churchos In honor of God by Whom
ho had been so visibly protected.
Thon tho Christians camo from tho
caves and catacombs and worshipped
God with perfect freedom.
At tho fall of Rome a young
Christian was taken prisoner on
tho northern shores of Gaul, and car
ried by his captors Into Ireland.
That young captive was Patrick
whom wo aro honoring to-day. Ho
was born of Christian parents, stolen
from them and sold ns a slavo at
tho ago of 1G. His labor whllo In
captivity was herding cattle on tho
dreary hills of Ireland. After six
years ho escapes from Ills captors,
and finds his way to his home. Tho
Saint hlmsolf tells us that ho heard
In a dream tho voices of many peo
ple crying to him, "Wo entreat thee,
O holy youth! to come and walk
still amongst us." Ho adds: "It was
tho voice of the Irish people." Ho
entered college at tho famous Mon
astery of St. Martin at Tours, and
went to Rome after his ordination
to prepare hlmsolf for his missionary
Popo Celcstlnc, The First, conse
crated Patrick the first bishop of
ireianu in tno year 4 30.
Tho Holy Father recognized In
Patrick the destined instrument for
carrying out tho great work of
Christianizing Ireland.
What a gladsome day it was for
tho Irish people when th6 feet of the
newly-consecrated Bishop Patrick
touched the green shores of tho beau
tiful Islo that stands out In the
water like a brilliant gem on the
bosom of tho ocean! Bishon Pat
rick met no opposition in christianiz
ing the people he found on the Is
land. It Is a matter of history that
it is the only country converted by
ono man; it is the only christianized
country that never cost her Apostle
an hour or sorrow, a single tear, or
a drop of blood. Ho found Ireland
entirely pagan he left it entirely
Tradition tells us that In expound
ing tho doctrine of tho Holy Trinity
he used a little sprig of trefoil, or
three-leaved grass, 'whence the
Shamrock camo to ho tho national
emblem as St. Patrick is the na
tional Saint.
Tho Pagan Monarch of the Druids
was holding a Druldical festival on
the Hill of Tara, at which the
kindling of a great fire formed the
chief feature of the proceedings, and
it was a crime punishable with
death for anyone to light a fire In
tho surrounding country on tho
evening of the great ifestlval until
after tho Sacred Flame of Tara Hill
blazed forth. To his amazement,
however, the Monarch beheld on the
Hill of Slane. visible from Tara.
a bright fire kindled early In the
evening. This was the Paschal Fire
which Bishop Patrick and his Mis
sionarles had lighted, for It was
Holy Saturday. History tells us how
the alarmed Monarch sent for the
Chief Druid and pointed out to him
on tho distant horizon the flickering
beam that so audaciously violated
the sacred laws. Tradition says that
tho Archprlest gazed long and wist
fully nt the spot, and finally said
"Oh, King, there Is indeed a flame
lighted on yonder hill, which If It
be not put out to-night will never
be quenched in Erin." Tho King
ordered tho offenders to be brought
beroro him at once for dlro punish
ment. Bishop Patrick on being ar
rested himself In his vestments, and
with crozlor In ihand marched boldly
at tho head of his captors, reciting
aloud as ho went along a prayor to
God and the Saints for victory over
the pagans.
When arraigned boforo tho King
and his assembled courtiers and
Druldical High Priests. Bishop Pat
rick was not at all dismayed, for ho
boldly proclaimed to them that ho
camo to quench the fires of paean
sacrlflco In Ireland, and to light tho
flame of tho Christian Faith. Tho
amazed and angered Kins listened
to him, hut ordered no punishment
to do mulcted on tho Bishop. " On
tho contrary," concludes the histor
ian, "Bishop Patrick made several
converts on tho spot, and tho ser
mon nnd tho learned controversy In
tho King's presence proved an aus
picious beginning for tho glorious
mission upon which ho had Just en
tered. As four mighty Salpts, Ambrose,
Augustine, nnd tho two Popes Gro
gories, like four great pillars, up
hold tho Western church; as four
mighty Saints, Basil, 'Athanaslus,
Chrysostom, Nazlanzen, aro tho pil
lars of tho Eastern church, so tho
church of Ireland rests upon Pat
rick, Columba, iMalachy and St.
Lawrenco O'Toolo.
Irish history Is not completo with
out mention of Brl,gld, tho Balnted
Abbess of Klldaro, who Is lovingly
called "Tho Mary of Ireland." It
is a matter of history that she was
tho first groat woman who com
manded tho attention and undivided
homage of Christendom. "Sho
roso," says tho historian, "llko a star
from tho Western wave and hor pure
light fell upon nations that Chris
tianity had with difficulty convinced
of tho lofty piano to which tho Vir
gin's Son had elevated woman. Pure
as tho snow upon her natlvo hills, sho
(Brlgld) had a heart of flro. and an
intellect clear as a sunbeam."
Unwomanly, unlrlsh, ignorant and
desplcablo must bo tho soul of that
Irish Maiden or Irish Mother whoso
cheek would burn, or tonguo falter
at tho heaven-Inscribed named of
Bridget, "Tho Mary of Ireland."
Studonts flocked from every part
of tho land to receive Instructions
from educators whoso fame had gono
out to other lands. Tho nations
were very generous In praising Ire
land for hor scholars and saintly
men. Thoy conferred on hor tho
grandest and proudest title ever yet
given to a land or a people, " Tho
Island of Saints and Doctors."
Tho Irish pooplo enjoyed many
years of happlnoss till tho unhappy
vear of 1 1 GO, whch brought with it
tho English Invasion. In that year
tho English soldiers put their foot
on the green soil of Erin for tho
lirct umu, and tid knows thoy havo
kopt their foot firmly on It over
Elmo a span of years that run Into
thrcti' figures 711. During thoso
4-1 years much of tho Irish .his
tory Is, written in blood.
Hcntli of Agues Kluslnger.
Agnes Klnslnger, only daughtor of
Mr. nnd Mrs. August Klnslnger, of
Now York City, and a niece of WI1-
llnm Klnslnger, of RIdgo streot, died
In St. Joseph's hospital, Now York
on lrlday last. Tho deceased was
22 years of ago and death was duo to
phthisis. Tho romalns arrived on the
afternoon Erlo train, Monday. In
terment was made in Glen Dyberry
coinotcry, Row C. C. Miller officiat
ing. Death of Miss Lydln Stephens.
Miss Lydla Stephens, who for
many years was a resident of Hones
dale, died of paralysis at tho Homo
for the Aged In 'Wllkcs-Barro on
Tuesday, aged about 80 years.
Miss Stephens left Honcsdalo about
fivo years ago. Sometime ago sho
conducted a notion store at this place
and has1 many friends hero who will
regret to learn of her domlso. Sho
was a member of Grace Episcopal
Tho romalns will nrrlvo In Hones
dalo on tho 9:55 Dclawaro & Hud
son train Thursday and directly tak
en to Bethany whero Interment will
take place.
Fred W. Stephens of Beech Grove,
is a nephew of tho deceased.
Dentil of Edson M. Tiffany.
Edson M. Tiffany, aged 70 years.
died in a Scranton hospital on Mon
day at about noon. Ho had been in
failing health for somo weeks and
had been receiving treatment In the
hospital. Tho deceased was ono of
Hopbottom's most prominent mer
chants, and since the founding of the
Hopbottom National Bank ho has
been its able president.
He is survived by his wife and one
daughter, Mrs. Grace Merrill, of Les-
Services were hold yesterday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock nt his late
home In Hopbottom, and later the
funeral was conducted In tho Uni-
versallst church, there being a large
attendance of sorrowing frlend3.
Interment was In Hopbottom ceme
tery, the Masons, of which order he
was an actlvo member, having
charge or tho services at the grave.
Montrose- Republican.
Death of Edwnrd Franklin liny.
Son of tho late Jacob Hay and Ills
wire, Agnes Schlffer Hay. was born
In Jackson, Monroe county, 'Pa., July
3, 1872. He was the oldest of a fam
ily of seven children. Deceased liv
ed near Roemervllle for several
On Dec. 30, 1908, he was united
in marriage with Katie Oppelt.
Shortly after tho couple mado their
homo on tho John Gilpin place In
Wayne county, In which house they
tiavo since lived. Mr. Hay was one
of tho best and most esteemed em
ployees of the John Gilpin mill, be
Ing by trade a sawyer.
Ho was faithful In his work and
very happy in his home. It was a
Joy .for him to ho able to work for
his homo, tho dearest spot he had on
earth. He was a faithful and lov
ing 'husband In every respect, and a
loyal friend, and was ever ready to
improve niraseir and Tils surround
Ings. Sober and industrious, he
was well on tho way in a useful.
happy life when his career was cut
short March 7, 1912, In the terrible
accident at the mill.
'Edward Hay was an honored
member of tho I. O. O. F. and the
P. O. S. of A., members of which
orders met to escort their brother
to his last resting place.
Ho Is survived by his loving.
stricken wife, his mother, four broth
ers and two sisters and a circle of
relatives who mourn his untimely
Wayne County School.
ammonia anarchist
anthraclto apparatus
asparagus anatomy
avalancho bachelor
beseech captivity
chandolior chauffeur
colonial commercial
coquetto character
delegato doplorablo
dewy destiny
eager evacuate
etlquotto English
"Wo Provo It."
Every day ZEMO gives rellof and
cures men, women and children In
overy city and town In America whoso
skins aro on lire with torturing
ECZEMA rashos and other Itching,
burning, scaly, and crusted skin and
scalp humors.
SOAP, two refined preparations will
glvo you such quick relief that you
will feel llko a new person.
Wo glvo you threo reasons why wo
recommend and ondorso ZEMO and
ZEMO SOAP for all skin and scalp
1st. They aro clean, scientific prep
arations that give universal satlsfac
tlon and aro ploasant and agreeable
to uso at all times.
2nd. Thoy aro not experiments,
but aro proven cures for every form
of skin or scalp affections whothor
on infants or grown persons.
3rd. Thoy work on a now princi
ple. Thoy do not glazo over tho sur
face, but thoy penetrate to tho seat of
tho troublo and draw tho germ II To
from underneath tho skin and destroy
it. In this way a complete cure Is
effected in any caso of SKIN OR
Endorsed and sold In Honcsdalo
by the A. M. Lolne Drug Store.
Menner & Co. are closing out a lot
of Ladles' Tailor Suits at halt price.
Nicholas Mimliolzo Dead.
Nicholas Musholzo dlod nt tho
Stcngor homo In Whlto Mills on
Thursday aftor an Illness of several
wcoks. Dcceasod was a' niah of
nbout soventy years nnd by profes
sion no nnu uccn a glass cutter em
ployed In tho shops there in Whlto
Mills. Tho funeral wrts .held nt St.
Mary Magdalen's church In this
place on Saturday mornlne at 9
o'clock, Rev. Dr. Balta officiating.
Intormont took Dlaco In tho Onrmnn
Catholic comotery.
An interesting basket ball
between tho Whlto Mills second team
and tho iRInk Fivo second team was
piayeu at tno Rink Saturday night,
tho scoro being 13 to 11 In favor of
tho homo team.
Tho High school team nl.ivn Mm
second game of tho series with thn
Alort second team to-nltrht .it r.rt
'iho Rink Fivo still has somo hard
games ahead of them in April, Pltts-
lon, Wyoming seminary and Taylor
being on their sdhedule.
Ross, who has been nlavlnc for
ward on tho Champion Rink Fivo
team, Is out of tho gamo for balance
of tho season on account of 111 health.
mis piaco win ho ably filled by J.
Polt who has been playing guard
and McDormott will become tho reg
ular guard.
An Interesting game Is promised
next Thursday night when tho All
Star Wayno county team will play
tho next best possible team, .both
teams being picked from the best
players of the Alerts, Co. C, Seely
vlllc, White Mills and Rink teams.
Tho game will bo played at the Rink
and tho second team known as tho
Defenders claim they can "wallop"
the All-Stars. This Ail-Star team
has been organized to play tho
champion Johnstown professional
team at the Rink on Monday next.
Forgarty, captain and forward of
tho Johnstown World's champion
team, has the name of being the best
foul sliooter and forward in basket
ball, while Klncard, a guard with tho
same team, has tho reputation of be
ing the best In his line.
Honesdale has nover had the -honor
of entertaining a world's champ
Ion team and probably will nover
again have the nlhance, so everyone
who is Interested In basket ball will
miss a very rare treat of they fail to
see this Johnstown team play next
Monday night.
Co. E showed a reversal of form
on Monday night and almost 'beat out,
tho Rink Five on the Rink floor, but
tho Rink boys woke up Just in time
and won out by a scoro of 22 to IS.
Tho first half looked llko a walkover
for the Cortright team, ending 14 to'm.ure 'bisiu,uuu " interest oi uio
G ln their favor, but Co. E started
the second half with a rush that al
most won the game. Lineup:
Company E. Rink Five.
D. Faatz F J. Polt
Jacobs F McDormott
Shields C Mackle
C. Faatz G W. Polt
Targett G Bader
Alerts Defeated.
The High school team defeated tho
Alerts last Thursday night in tho
High School Gymnasium. Tho game
was a fast and exciting ono through
out. The teams aro evenly matched
and the remaining games of tho
series will be worth seeing. Score
and lineup:
High School.
.F Curtis
.F Hessling
.C O'Connell
.G Allenbacker
Malloy .
Balrd. .
Kuhn . .
Kuhn G Fritz
Final score, 20 to 14 in favor of
tho High school. Referee. Bracey.
Dr. McFnrlnnd is Guilty, Jury Said.
Pittsburg. Rev. Dr. W. D. Mc
Farland, minister and educator and
former head of tho Pittsburg Central
High school, was convicted Saturday
afternoon of having performed an Il
legal operation on Elsie Dodds Coe,
his 'former secretary. His attorneys
announced that an appeal will bo
Croup Ends Life
Miiny Children DIo of Croup Every
Year Beforo n Doctor Can bo
Parents of children should bo pro
pared at all times for a spasm of
Keep In the house a remedy that
will give Instant relief and keep the
child from choking until tho arrival
of tho physician.
Get a CO cent bottle of HYOMEI
to-day and in caso of an attack of
croup pour 20 drops into a kitchen
bowl of boiling water. Hold the
child's head over the bowl so that It
can breath tho soothing, penetrating
vapor that arises. In the meantime
send for a physician.
This treatment has saved tho lives
of many children and ls a precaution
that all parents should promptly
HYOMEI Is sold iby Poll, tho drug
gist, and druggists everywhere and
Is guaranteed for croup, catarrh,
ashtma ahd bronchitis.
Political Announcement.
I hereby announce myself as a
candldato for a delegato from tho
Fourteenth Congressional district to
tho National Republican Convention
to ho hold In Chicago in Juno, favor
ing tho nomination of Theodore
Roosovelt for President. Primaries
April 13, 1912.
23oISt. Athons. Pa.
ERIE R. R. March 1st to April 14, 1912
For full Information, call on Ticket Apcnt. Honesdalo. Pa. or apply to W. O
:1c. D. 1. A. Krio It. It. Chambers St. Station, New York City.
Thoro woro ten cases of measles ro
portod to N. B. Spencer, health offl
cor, in tho borough of Honesdalo
and' Texas township. Tho dlseas.0
seems to havo laid a firm hand on
tho children of tho borough nnd
overy precaution should bo taken to
stop tho spread of tho disease. Tho
ten victims are:
Asenoth Bunnell, aged 10 years,
and Robert Bunnell, aged 0 years,
children of John Bunnoll; Dorothy
Evans, aged 10 years, daughter of
Mrs. Byron Evans; ono child of Dun
can McTavIsh on Cliff street; four
children of Walter Strains, on Cliff
Tor Infants ana Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
of 25zy
n. ji p..
, , ,,onc8dal' .
He, ls ln fa,vor of the initiative, ref-
?.reS V1? a recall, the elect on of
Unlte(J States Senators by direct vote,
wage worker and the farmer, also
wiso legislation impartially enforced
against criminal trusts and corpora
tions. He is not controlled by any
boss or interest.
Honesdale, Pa., in 1S64, and was
educated in the Honesdalo schools
and learned the druggist's business
and has followed tho business for 27
consecutlvo years. His father and
grandfather were Wayne county
farmers, having settled here about
tho middle of the last century. He
has always been an active and con
sistent Republican, 'but never held
office and asks your support at the
Primary Election Saturday, April 13,
1912, from 2 to 8 p. m.
by local applications, as they can
not reach the diseased portion of the
ear. There is only ono way to cure
deafness, and that ls by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caus
ed by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian
Tube. When this tube ls inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or im
perfect hearing, and when It ls en
tirely closed, Deafness ls tho result,
and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to
Its normal condition, hearing will
bo destroyed forever; nine cases out
of ten are caused by Catarrh, which
is nothing but an inflamed condition
of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred DoV
lars for any case of Deafness (caus
ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
F. 0. CHENEY & CO..
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation NOTICES
another consignment of
Direct from the farms
of Iowa
aro being offered for salo dally, at1
Horses Guaranteed as Represented
Heavy Draft and Farm MARES
Good Selection. Prices Right.
Torms Easy. Come Early. Tho Ear
ly Buyer Gets tho Best Selection. Bo
on time. Tho largest dealer ln
Wayno county. Both 'Phones.
Ml. Lee Braman