The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 20, 1912, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    rilE CITIZHJf, VI2NKHIAY, MAKCH HO, 11)111.
Society Tennis Player, Bank
rupt, Lists His Gambling Debts. (
New York, March 14. Gustnve F.
Touchard, the well kuown society ten
nis plnj-or, filed a petition In voluntary
bankruptcy, giving most of his liabili
ties ns gambling debts.
His petition gives his liabilities as
?3,033 and his assets as $12 in cash.
Among his liabilities which are spo
ken of In the petition as incurred in
gambling transactions are debts to S.
Emery, Xew York, of $l.Ji00; John
Loud. Newport. It. I., $800; Kdwnrd
Kline, Newport, $23S, anil W. T. I'cck
ham, Newport.
Surgeons Say Septic Poisoning Has
Resulted From Wound.
Atlanta, Ga., March 14. The condi
tion of Eugene Grace, who claims ho
was drugged and shot by his wife, for
merly Mrs. Daisy Ople of Philadelphia,
in furtherance of n plot to get $27,000
life insurance he had Just taken out.
changed for Hie worse, and the nur
geons are quoted as saying they do not
see how he can recover.
The surgeons now say the bullet,
which is lodged against his spine, has
probably caused septic poisoning. They
are considering a desperate operation
In a last effort to save Grace's life.
A rumor of Grace's death was cried
on the streets and was heard by Mrs.
Grace in the Tower. She collapsed nt
once, and it was some time before she
was revived.
A development was the tiling of suits
agaiust Grace by Atlanta Jewelers to
recover costly jewelry which he bought
on the Installment plan and which he
has got rid of. One piece, a diamond
sunburst, worth $1,000, Mrs. Grace has
Grace had paid only $25 on it
Body Found In North River Identified
as That of Frank Meisl.
New York, March 14. The body of a
man which was found in the North
river was identified as that of Frank
liclsl, a shipping clerk, who had his
home at Union Hill, N. J.
He is supposed to be the man who
was shoved Into the river and drowned
by nn automobile which tore through
the guard fence of the ferryboat Os
wego as she was entering her slip on
Kov. 20 last.
Three of the Curtiss Type of Machine
Ordered by the Czar's Navy.
New York, March 14. A cable dis
patch was received at the New York
office of Glenn H. Curtiss giving an
order for three more hydroaeroplanes
for the Ilusslan navy. This is four hy
droaeroplanes to be purchased by the
Russian navy.
The first machine will be shipped
March 20 direct to Monaco, where It
will be demonstrated by Hugh llobln
No Word Heard From Hubert Darrell,
In Arctic Regions, Since 1910.
Seattle, Wash., March 14. Mall from
Hersch island, in the arctic ocean, re
celvod at Dawson, Y. T., says that Hu
bert Darrell, the explorer who went
east in 1010 from the MacKenzIe, lias
been given up for lost. No word has
come from the explorer since his de
parture. Orders Bachelors to Wed.
Dublin, March 14. The district coun
cil of the small town of .Dunshaughlln.
in the county of Meath, has ordered all
of the bachelor tenants of several cot
tages to get married within three
months or leave the houses.
Duke of Marlborough Hurt,
London, March 14. The Duke of
Marlborough was thrown from ids
horse whllo fox hunting near Melton
Mowbify. nis scapula wna broken,
and bo was brought to London for
m i teM
; ,
"Madame Sherry" Iteal French
When is vaudeville not vaudeville?
This conundrum Is definitely nailed
to a standstill by the reply: When it
is a Frencfli vaudeville. An evening
of farce studded with musical num
bers which do not hinder, but are
genuine stepping stones in the plot
there is the pocket definition of a
French vaudeville.
"Madame Sherry," the comedy 'with
music, which Is to be at the Lyric
Wednesday, April 10, is described
as the first "French vaudovlllo" to
vault to American Chores. It Is pro
duced by II. H. Frazee and George
W. Lederer, tho arrangements of the
production being in the hands of
Lederer, who made tho "revuo"
style of entertainment famous and
planted the seeds of "musical com
edy" as now established on this
bustling continent.
Lina Abarhanell of " Merry "Wid
ow" fame, heads the cast of players
and the novelty that makes "Sherry"
a vaudeville to be the absence of a
regulation electrotyped chorus. Sub
stituting the usual throngs of mas
culine and feminine poseurs and
dance acrobats will be an assembly
of young actresses, whose duties, al
though minor, will none the less be
legitimately connected with the
stage topic.
Resurrect Old Canal.
Assemblyman Cook has introduced
in the legislature two bills calling
for the rebuilding of the old D. & H.
Canal. The one repeals certain acts
relating to the D. & H. Canal com
pany. The acts repealed are chapter
238 of tho laws of 1823, which in
corporated tho company, and "all
subsequent acts" to and including
chapter 841 of the laws of 18G7, and
chapter 4G9 of the laws of 1899.
The other appropriates ?1, 000, 000
for the improvement of tho Delaware
and Hudson canal, from tho deep
water of the Hudson river at Itond
out; through or along tho Rondout
creek and other natural streams at
or near the entrance of the canal to
tho Delaware river at Port Jervls;
thence fallowing generally tho chan
nel of the Delaware river to its inter
section with the Lackawaxen river at
tho village of Lackawaxen. Tho
work is to be done by the superin
tendent of public works and tho state
engineer and surveyor. The bill pro
vides in detail for depth, width, etc.,
of the Improvement. Port Jervis
I'rof. Creasy is Honored.
In recognition of his attainments
as an educator and reflecting credit
to tho Hawley schools for their high
standing, 'Prof. Mark Creasy, of the
local schools, has received from Dr.
N. C. Schaoffer, state superintendent
of education, an appointment as
member of the state examining 'board
for the twenty-first district, which in
cludes Wayne, Pike, Lackawanna
and Susquehanna counties. Prof. M.
J. Lloyd, principal of tho Taylor
High school, has also beon appoint
ed to tho board, tho third member
of which has not yet been announced.
Scranton will bo tho examining
center for tho committee, and thev
first examination dates have been set
for the second Thursday and Friday!
in June. Under tho school code,
many teachers throughout tho stato
must take examinations in specified
branches, and many others must take 1
examinations for permanent teachers
certificates. This board will conduct
those examinations. A largp number
of tho teachers in tho Scranton dis
trict will take examinations under the
board for their permanent certifi
cates. Hawley Times,
Telephone Calls,
A registering apparatus has beon
Installed at tho telephone exchango
of tho Canton and Leroy Farmers
Telephone company, which registers
each call as It Is answered, says tho
Canton Sentinel. During tho seven
days ending March 5 thero wero 11,
240 calls answered a fraction over
1600 a day. Sixteen hundred times
each day tho girls Jab a little plug
Into a hole, and ba-11 out " Hello."
Usually they have to hold more or
less of a conversation with tho party
to find out what they want. Then
they have to puirch a push button
that rings a boll, and call up the par
ty wanted. Perhaps thero aro six
other parties wanting that line at the
same time, and the girl must cut off
the ono at the end of three minutes,
and glvo tho line to tho next ono.
And through it all sho must be pleas
ant. Whon sho is scolded for not an
swering prompt she must bo more
pleasant, take all the blame, and al
low a musical laugh to float over the
wire when a subscriber gets off what
ho thinks Is a joke. Oh, it's fun to
bo a telephone girl.
Harding in Brooklyn Eagle.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Milanvllle, Pa., March 16.
Wallace .T. Barnes, of Honesdale,
recently visited his son Earl.
Miss 'Ida Barnes, of Honesdale,
spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs.
M. L. Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. John-Milks attended
the funeral of the former's sister at
Lako Huntington, N. Y., on Mon
day last.
Dr. and Mrs. Otto Apply, of Da
mascus, visited the Sunday school
hero recently.
Eberly Skinner is in Honesdale
this week.
Charles Barnes is recovering from
an attack of tonsilitls.
Mesdames W. D. and Win. B. Yer
kes, Orville Kays, L. B. Price, G. B.
Lassley and Goble, the Misses Mabel
and Bessie Skinner, Beulah Price
and L. B. Price enjoyed the Ladles'
Aid dinner at Mrs. Frank Brush's
hospitable home at Callicoon on
Wednesday last.
Porter Ross and Lee Mitchell, of
Tyler Hill, have purchased Adam
Farenz's slaughter house at Old
Cochecton and will open a up-to-dato
meat market In tho postofiice
building at Cochecton. Messrs. Ross
and Mitchell expect to send out sev
eral wagons to supply all tho near
by towns.
'Several ohanges in property are
being agitated, among which is F.
W. Tegeler, having sold his farm to,
his son Ralph, who being a young
man of considerable energy, will
continue to make farming pay.
Donald Calkins, of Fosterdale,
was in town Monday.
Frank Sampson spent Wednesday
last at Hanklns.
C. H. Valentine, the up-to-date
undertaker of Damascus, Pa., has
purchased the undertaking business
and furniture store of Mr. G. C.
Abraham and will continue business
at the old stand. Mr. Valentino has
been with Mr. Abraham for some
years and is very -popular both In
business and social life. 'His many
friends wish him success.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Union, March 15.
Wo are having typical March
weather, snow, rain and occasionally
a little sunshine.
George M. Blum, of Hawley, Is
spending a few days with his parents,
George Blum, Sr., and wife.
B. F. Blake and C. O. Blake spent
last Sunday at John Blake's.
Several from this place attended
tho Sunshine club which gathered at
Lewis Rauner's and all had a most
delightful time last week. Ice cream
and cake wero served during tho
Lowls Kellam has been suffering
with la grippe but his many friends
will be glad to hear ho Is on tho road
to recovery.
Mrs. Stevens and daughter, Mrs.
Robert Tyler, -who has spent the
winter at Braman, Is going to move
on their farm in this placo soon.
Mrs. Hattlo Denny, of Lookout,
was a pleasant caller In this placo
last Monday.
Tho Infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Blake recently died In
BInghamton, N. Y. Tho body was
brought to Equlnunk Tuesday morn
ing and Interred In tho family plot.
Tho parents wore both former young
people from Wayno county, and they
have tho slncoro sympathy of their
many friends from this vicinity.
Mrs. John Blake, who has been
very sick, Is - recovering slowly and
able to sit up. Her daughter, Abblo
from BInghamton, N. Y Is homo
for a long visit.
Mr. Weltzer, tho merchant, of Bra
man, Is spending a few days In Now
Clarenco Blake, of BInghamton,
was a caller at his homo last week.
Friends wero saddened to hear of
tho death of Mrs. Russel Stalker of
Long Eddy. Tho deceased was the
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Skinner of Kellam.
Tho rural free delivery mall route
Is much appreciated, and our mall
carrier, Millard Lord, Is always pleaB
ant and accommodating to us all.
Only Ono In Many .Millions.
Tho Erie Railroad has carried
180,000,000 passengers in tho past
six months and has killed only ono
person, according to an official. Said
ho: " This one was a case of bard
luck. Tho doctors pronounced It
heart failure. A woman of seventy
five years was found dead In her
berth. She was probably frightened
to death because she was traveling
on tho Erie." Goshen Democrat.
Joseph It. Hnnfonl.
Joseph R. Sanford passed away
at his homo In Orson on Tuosday
morning, March fi, 1912, after a pro
longed Illness and poor health. He
was born nt Wlnwood, this county,
March 31, 1858, and was tho son of
Francis A. and Harriet Sanford.
Tho deceased was twice married.
On July 3, 1879, ho was united In
marriage to Ida Kllpatrlck, a loving
and devoted wife and mother who
preceded him In death eight years
ago In January. Ho later married
Mrs. Amelia Cox, December 3, 190G,
who survives him. Deceased was a
momhor of tho Mothodlst Episcopal
church, Epworth League and I. O.
O. F. and was a kind neighbor and
friend. Ho leaves to mourn his de
parture ono son Egbert II. Sanford,
and two daughters, Mrs. Ard Samp
son nnd Mrs. D. M. Smith, all of
Orson, children by his first marriage.
Two brothers and a sister also sur
vive. Tho funeral took placo from
tho Methodist church Friday, March
8, Rev. O. G. Russell, of Hamlin, as
sisted by Rev. 'David High, had the
funeral In charge. Rev. Russell's
sermon was taken from 'Phlllpplans
1:21 "For me to live is Christ, and
to die is gain." Messrs. Arthur
Foster and A. H. Crosier, of Thomp
son, rendered three selections,
"Does Jesus Care," "Saved by
Grace," and "No Night There." Tho
pallbearers wero Silas Franchor,
Butler Bryant, Fred Tiffany, D. O.
Chamberlain, Thomas Hare, Theo.
Hatch, mombors of tho I. O. O. F.
lodge. Several beautiful floral trib
utes wero sent by relatives and a
very nice casket bouquet by the
members of tho Epworth League.
Our sympathy Is extended to tho
lone widow and children who have
been called to part with a loving
companion and father.
Dcntli of Itcv. II. 15. Benedict.
Rev. H. B. Benedict, pastor of tho
Methodist Epslcopal church at Mont
rose, died on Monday following a
long Illness. He was well known In
tho Wyoming conference, and a
clergyman of marked literary attain
ments. 'Ho served tho Montroso
church four years, was transferred
and went back there at tho request
of tho congregation nine years ago,
remaining continuously as pastor
since that time. His wife and one
daughter, Bertha, survive him.
A Butler, Mo., publisher brought
suit against one of his subscribers
who had taken the paper for a time
and then refused to pay, after the
old-fashion with which so many
newspaper makers are sadly familiar.
The subscriber, it is alleged, even
showed to tho magistrate that he had
ordered the sheet discontinued, yet
the Court of Appeals held that the
mere acceptance of a paper created
a liability. In summing up the case
tho judge said:
" The preparation and publication
of a newspaper involves much phy
sical and mental labor, as well as the
outlay of money. Ono who accepts
the paper by continuously taking it
from tho -postofllco, receives a bene
fit and pleasure arising from such
labor and expenditures as fully as If
he had appropriated any other pro
duct of another man's labor, and
by such act he must bo held liable
for tho subscription price."
It Is a fallacy held to many peo
ple that, under -certain circum
stances, they are not obliged to pay
for a newspaper that they have re
ceived for years. It Is true that
the postofflce department has made
somo rulings regarding tho passage
of papers through the malls, but tho
postofflce department has not made,
and can' not make, a ruling that will
affect the collection of a debt be
tween private parties. If you ncccpt
nt tho postofllco a newspaper sent to
your address, tho subscription price
of that paper can bo collected from
you, provided you are not execution
proof. The publisher may have vio
lated a rule of the postofflce In send
ing that paper through tho malls.
That Is a matter between him and
tho postmaster general. If you have
Beginning March 1, 1912 we annouce a reduction of price in
fuel gas to all customers using same through a separate meter
as follows:
From 100 cubic feet to 290009 $1.50 per
From 2,000 cubic feet to 5g0009 $1.25 per
one thousand.
Above 5,000 cubic feet
These rates makes the cost of gas for Fuel, Cooking,
etc., cheaper than coal. Be independent of the coal dealer.
Honesdale Consolidated Light, Heat & Power Co.
Both Phones
received tho paper you owes for It,
and n Judgment can bo recovered
agnlnst you for tho amount of tho
debt. That publishers seldom do
this Is bocauso tho amounts Involved
aro, usually, so small that It would
cost moro than It would conio to.
Moral If you have received a bill
for Tho Citizen kindly attend to It at
once. Don't lot this happen to you.
Harrlsburg, Pa., March 18. Full
stato control not only of tho con
stitution, but of tho operation of all
dams for water storago and power
Is foreshndowed by tho action of tho
stato water supply commission last
night in approving thirteen chnrtera
for tho Clarion River Water Power
project, only on condition that tho
owners of tho charters , agree in
writing to nccept whatever terms of
supervision tho state may Impose.
This action Is of stato Importance
as It means that tho commission will
keep tho dams within Its control,
and as fully a dozen big projects of
that kind aro pending, notably In
the northwestern counties, It will
havo a Wide effect. The Clarion
project, which Involves tho construc
tion of two huge dams and a tunnel
on tho Clarion river, In conjunction
with tho Tloncsta Creek project, will
cost millions of dollars. Tho step Is
ono of tho most Important yet taken
by the commission, and with tho leg
islation which it Is expected to have
passed In 1913, will effect stato con
trol of all dams during building and
Aro you reading tho war story
now being run in Tho Citizen? It Is
very interesting.
PilesS Piles! Piles!
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure
Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles. It ab
sorbs tho tumors, allays ltchlns at once,
nets ns a poultice, elves instant relief.
Williams' Indian Pile Ointment Is pre
pared for Plies nnd Itchlns of thu prlvato
Pirts. DruKsists, mail 50c and $1.00.
WILLIAMS MFG. Ci frops.. Cleveland, Ohlt
r Dr. Whitehall's "
For 15 ytar a St&ndird Remedy for
all forms of Rheumatism, lumbago,
pout, sore m nuclei, stiff or swollen
joints. It quickly relieve the severe
paint j reduces the fever, and eliminates
the poison from the system. 60 cents
a box at druggists.
Write lor a Froo Mai Box
Dr. Whitehall M.grlmlno Co.
180 8. Lafayette St. South Band, Ind.
HERE one man gets rich through
hazarous speculation a hundred
get POOR.
The wise man chooses
the better plan and pBaces
his money in this bank.
Honesdale, Pa.
or Tim
At the close of business. Feb. 20, 1912,
RESOURCES. nnd Discounts i 281,027 72
Ovcrdrafts.secured and unsecured 7 10
U. S. Ilomls to secure circulation. 55,000 00
Honds to secure- Postal Savlnes B.106 K!
Premiums on U. S.Ilonds ) .TOO 00
Honds.sccurltles.etc. .W;m W
llnnklnchousc, furniture and fix.
turns 40.000 00
Due from National Hanks (not
Itcscrvc Acents) 2,SW 35
Due from State nnd Prlvato Iianks
nnd Hankers. Trust Companies.
and Savlnes Hanks 210 14
Due from approved reserve
acents 112 698 67
Checksnnd othercasli Items.. .. 2.M7 63
Notes of other National Hunks.. 330 09
Fractional paper currency, nick
els and cents... CIS 00
Lawful .Money Jteserve In Hank,
viz: Specie $SI.H7 50
Ural tender notes ti.5.13 00- TO.!T72 60
KPdcmptlon fund with U. H.
Treasurer, (6 per cent, of circu
lation) 2.750 00
Total 11.825.413 48
Capital Stock paid in $ 150,000 00
Surplus fund 150.000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 41.455 CO
National Hank notes outstandlns 63.400 00
Due to other National Hanks 4G0 00
Due to State and Private Hanks
and Hankers 327 CH
Dividends unpaid 15 00
Individual deposits subject to
check $1,405,405 U7
Demand certl denies ot
deposit 21,335 00
Certlllcd checks 65 00
Cashier's checks out
standing 2,970 72-tl.429.785 79
Honds borrowed Nono
Notes and bills redlsrotintcd None
Hills payable, lncludlm; certifi
cates ot deposit for money bor
rowed None
Liabilities other than those above
stated None
Total $1,825,413 48
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss.
I, Lewis A. Howell. Cashier, of the above
named Hank, do solemnly swear that the
abovo statement Is true to the best of my
knowledce and belief.
Lewis A. Howell, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
21th day of i-cb., 1912.
K. A. SMITH. N. P.
Correct attest:
II, ',. Husrki.l, )
II. T. Menxcr. -Directors
Louis J. Dorflinger, J
ArchiteGt an Duilder
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
HERE one man stays poor by
his slow methods of saving,
a hundred get RICH.
per one
110-7th St.
and THAT