!ic Cttaa GOING TO HAVE A RATR? If you arc havo vour bills nrlnted Hoard of Trade Envcl'o i aro at Tho CItlzon oHlco. Extra touch, durable paper used, and our printers Hast, Xlio Citizen Print in. uiuko n neat, ooiuiy aispmyca, 0111. 5 a 70th YEAR --NO. 23 BONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1912. PRICE ' ? ;ents 9 PLEADS FOR PRISON TERM AT 88 YEARS Old Criminal Induces tho Court to Send Jllm to Clinton, tho Only Homo Ho Knows Wns n Former Wnyno Countcnii. " I don't want to go frco and I don't want to go to the Poor House. I simply want to go to Clinton Pris on for llvo years, and by then I may bo dead," said Charles Bartlott, 88 years old, before Judge Edward Swann In General Sessions one day last week after he had pleaded guilty of attempted forgery In tho second degree. Bartlett entered tho storo of V. & J. Sloano, dealers In carpets, at 804 Broadway, on Jan, 27, and ordered two expenslvo rugs, giving In pay ment a check for $2,125, signed by W. 13. Bennett and drawn on a Pittsburg bank. He then went di rectly to Police Headquarters and gave hlmsolf up. When arraigned In court the aged prisoner said ho was ready to plead guilty of forgery, but Judge Swann would not allow him to do so, and then Franklin Grier, tho prisoner's counsel, said he would plead guilty to attempted for gery In the second degree for his client. " Your Honor, this man wants to go to Clinton Prison for live years, as he figures that he will die In that length of time," said the lawyer. "Ho says all his friends aro there." " Yes, that is right," Interrupted the aged criminal. " I do want to go there; it will take me out of temptation and protect society." "A. very remarkable case," com mented Judge Swann; "tell me about yourself." " Well, about forty-two years ago I was swindled out of all that I had $28,000 and have devoted tho rest of my life to swindling swindlers to advertise them. I did not try to swindle the Sloanes; I simply wanted to get back Into prison." At this point the Grand Jury filed in and Judge Swann said: " Gentlemen, here Is a very Te markablo case. This old man has pleaded guilty to a crime, and wants to go back to Clinton Prison, and I don't want him to go to prison. What shall I do?" Tho Grand Jurors talked among themselves and then announced that they were of the opinion that the prisoner should be sent where ho de sired to go. " Do you want to say anything more?" asked Judge Swann, again turning to the old man. " Yes, I was born in Wayne coun ty, Pennsylvania, and my brothers were all lawyers, and my own son, who died at tho age of 60, was a re spected man. I invested all.,, my money in a New Jersey land deal and was swindled out of it. I had earn ed this money In tho publishing business, and then I decided to swindle, other people myself." Judge Swann handed tho old man a slip of paper and told him to read it aloud, and holding the paper far from him, and without tho aid of glasses, the prisoner read this: " The criminal record of Charles Bartlett, aged 88: 1870, Brooklyn, grand larceny, tho penitentiary; 1872, Sing Sing, 5 years, grand lar ceny; 1880, Sing Sing, 2 years, grand larceny; 189C, State prison, 7 years, forgery; 1902, Boston, for gery, 8 years; 1908, New York, for gery, 3 years, Clinton Prison." " Yes, that Is my record. A church has offered to give me a home, but I don't want it, for I am not good enough, and it would re flect on tho church. I don't want to go to the poorhouso, because thero you have to have a well-filled pocket book to get along. I won't say that I have been no good, for I was in my day, " I was a canvasser, and ono rainy day in the Winter I was in my little room In the Bowery with but thirty six cents to my name. I went out side and saw two men eating froz en apples which they had picked from a garbage can, and I thought to myself; ' I must commit suicide or come to that.' " I am an immortallst and believe in tho soul and have traveled tho world over, but I thought of suicide and that decided me. I know how tho Sloanes did business, and made up my mind to forgo a big check, so as to be sure of arrest. 1 wanted to go to Clinton Prison again, and still want to go there. I am an old man. I want free use of tho prison library, so that I can read and study and think Pleaso send mo there." " All right. I will do so," said Judgo Swann, ' but if at any time yn deEiro to corao out, wrlto to mo and I will communicate, with tho Governor and obtain your release." ' Don't worry about that, your Honor All tho friends I have left in this world aro in Clinton Prison, and I will never chnngo my mind." Tho old criminal thoroupon was sentenced to servo five years, and gave a sigh of apparent relief as he shuffled out of sight. Taken from tho Now York Times of March 15. STRIKE SETTLED Dexter-Lninbert Company Among Others Iteturn to Work This Company Was Paying Moro Than Operatives Wero Strik hit? For. (Special to The Citizen.) Patorson, N. J., March 19. Tho employees of tho silk mills In this city havo returned to their looms, tho Dexter-Lambert company being among tho number. The Eastern operatives were striking against a maximum of from $6 to $7 por week and a minimum of from $4 to $4,50. It Is known that many hands In tho above mentioned mill make twice the amount quoted as their weekly payroll. REV, OTOOLE'S SERMON ON SAINT PATRICK Delivered Sunday Evening Before n irj;u iimiu'iicc "tiod is Wonder ful in His Saints," Subject. SlllldaV Was n roil Wtnr ilnv nt Bf John s Itoninn Catholic church. At 7:30 n. m. Tlov. .Tnlm n"pni tm beloved priest of this parish, prench- uu a ringing ana patriotic sermon, rather O'Toolo was greeted by ono of the most select nudlcnccs that ovor congregnted In that edifice. Mnny persons -wore turned from tho doors. For tho benefit or those who were unable to hoar this magnificent sermon and for tho enlightenment of the public generally, wo herewith present extracts from it. Father O'Toolo based his remarks upon Saint Patrick and chose as his sub ject. " God is wonderful in His Saints." Ho said In part: Every country has Its heroes who aro annually honored for their loy alty and patriotism. lEvery Chris tian country has her Saints whose feast days aro fittingly observed for their loyalty tp God and country. The people of Germany annually honor St. Donnflce, their Patron Saint; tho people of far off Poland celebrate tho festive day of St. Stanis laus; England makes merry on St. George's Day; Wales commemorates the festal day of St. David; Scotch men observe tho anniversary of St. Andrew, and Irishmen and tho sons and daughters of Irish parents, wherever they are found on tho 17th of March, religiously and Joyously celebrate the feast of St. Patrick, Ireland's Patron Saint. If history speaks any warning, or teaches any lesson it Is this great truth: that persecution has never yet put down a good cause, nor ma terially served a bad one. Truth may be obscured or smother ed for a time; it cannot be destroy ed. "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again." The Saints are the channels through which praise is most acceptably given to God. They are the heroes of the Church. These holy ones were the messen gers of God to mankind. It was through one of these heroes and sainted channels that God sent the light of Christianity to Ireland. For nearly 400 years the light of faith had burned before ltfl bright rays penetrated Ireland. During tho first 300 years of the Christian epoch, the followers of Christ had to worship God in tho dark caves and gloomy catacombs. First century of Christianity, Bo man Emperor, Domitlan, a tyrant, ordered himself called " lord and god," and was worshipped as such by his submissive subjects. Ho mur dered many Christians; he plotted to kill his own Tvlfe, who, having learned of his Intention, had lilm assassinated in 9G. A fitting drop curtain for the close of his murder ous administration. Gleaming forth on tho page3 of tho history of tho second century of Christianity we see tho blood-stained name and deeds of Trajan, tho heartless Emperor, who came to Antioch, over which Bishop Ignatius presided. Trajan forced the Chris tians to choose 'between apostacy and death. Bishop Ignatius defended his people and opposed the Emperor. Ignatus was brought before Trajan for trial tho Saint and the sinner met like bringing a Saint to hell to stand trial before Judge Satan. Trajan opened the trial by asking Ignatius this insulting question: " Who art thou, poor devil, who sett est our commands at naught?" Bis hop Ignatius replied, " Call him not poor devil who bears God within him." Trial proceeded Ignatius re fused to yield to wishes of Trajan latter had him condemned to bo torn to pieces by wild beasts. He was devoured by hungry Hons in the Roman Amphitheatre. The hungry and maddened beasts left nothing ot his body but a few bones which rev erently kept at Antioch. Tho pagan empire of Borne had existed for more than 1,000, and had extended its powor almost to every known country in tho world. But at last the day was dawning when God would grant to His Church and peoplo tho glorious vic tory over paganism. As God selected a Washington to lead tho American peoplo to civil liberty, so God select ed a Constantine to win Christian liberty for his followers. The man whom God had chosen to put out tho ilrc3 ot pagan sacri fice in tho Roman Empire was one of tho greatest warriors that ever faced an enemy. Constantino was tho first among the Roman emperors to embrace the Christian faith. His victory over paganism reads like a beautiful story of bygono ages. Historians tell us thut Constantino marched against tho pretended emperor, Mnxontius, who had 188,000 soldiers under his command. Constantino with half that number marched out to give bat tle to him. On his way to meet tho enemy, Constantino, looking heaven ward, saw a brilliant, luminous cross In tho sky bearing this inscription, "In hoc signo vlnces" "by this sign thou shalt conquer." To his banner Constantino attached a representa tion of tho miraculous cross, and sot out to meet Maxentlus. Both armies fought a desperato battle (Oct. 3, 312) near tho Mllvian Brldgo which spanned tho majestic Tiber. Maxen tlus and his powerful army wero de feated and routed. In rapidly re treating from tho scono of battlo, MaxontluB nnd mnny of his men mad ly rushed onto tho brldgo spanning tho river, tho bridgo gave way, and Maxentlus and many of his men wero precipitated Into tho wators of tho Tiber whoso tawny waves formed winding sheets for their lifeless bod ies. Tho next day Constantino entered ( Continued on Pago Four.) "M0MMER, HONESDALE SOUGHT BY BIG CONCERN Wants to Manufacture Their Ware on an Extensive Scale Representa tive Coming To-day From Mid illo West. Honesdalo's futuro is exceedingly bright. Tho business prospects are brighter and to tho persons who have been looking through dark glasses all winter it looks tho bright est. Now developments have chang ed things in their way of looking at matters and it is feared that thoy will bo compelled to continue wear ing their dark glasses to protect their eyes from the glittering and spark ling prospects of the town. Even though Honesdale has no slogan the town Is, growing arid rapidly, too. Honesdale has always been recog nized as1 onef of tho great glass can ters. It is here that quality counts and that larger manufacturers rec ognize this fact Ib demonstrated by a representative of one of tho largest cut glass houses of tho middle west coming to Honsdale to-day to locate what might bo a permanent factory. The firm suffered a heavy loss by fire and immediately telegraphed Honesdale and White Mills parties to ascertain whether a factory with 50 frames could not bo secured at once. An effort is being made to get tho frames from a nearby town, which undoubtedly will be available and amicable arrangements can bo made for the use or perhaps purchase of one of Honcsdale's factories to man ufacture their product. TOWN UNDER MARTIAIj LAW. No Trace of Allen's Gang Seen Thought to bo In Devil's Den. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Hillsville, Va., March 19. Two companies of State troops arrived to-day. The town is under martial law. It Is presumed that tho gang is hiding in Devil's Don. An effort will 'bo made to round them up. Edward R. Connolly, deputy sher iff, and a veteran of the Spanish American war, leaves this city to-day to join tho Virginia troop. Many of tho soldiers aro Spanish War vet erans. New School Account System. Harrlsburg. William Lauder, of Rlddlesburg, member of the State Board of Education, has submitted to tho board a preliminary report on a simplified system of keoping ac counts in school districts of tho fourth class, In which thousands of dollars have been spent and a con siderable amount wasted In handling school affairs. Tho new system, which will be submitted to tho board for action at tho coming meeting, thrown a number of safeguards around tho business operations of school hoards, which it is beliovod will bo advantageous. Sang Himself Out of .lull. Richmond, ICy. Isaac Lakes sang hlmsolf out of Jail hero when ho ren dered "On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand" before a jury In tho Circuit Court room. Ho was Indicted for disturbing public worship by singing too loudly. Several continuances hail ftftnn irrnnfixl nn nnpniint nf ttin absence of witnesses, so tho judge suggestou mat in lieu or testimony tho Jury bo allowed to pass Judg ment on tho prisoner's voice. Tho prisoner acquiesced nnd, standing In tho witness stand, ho sang with all his might. Huvo Filed Last Papers. Threo foreigners of Browndalo havo filed their last naturalization papers and final hearing will be mado in their cases on August 1?. 1912. Tho men are, Frank Gruol. born in Australia, arrivod in United States on December 22, 1902; John firn gae, born In Austria, arrived in tho United States on August 17, 1899; Anthony Mnrkel, born In Austria, ar rived in tho United States on Jan. 15, 1905. I'M SCARED1" Donnell in St. Louis Globe-Democrat! JURY VINDICATE ARIEL MN G. W. Swarfs, of Ariel, Freed a Sec ond Tinio From a Clinrge of lar ceny Brought ly Floyd Itortreu Verdict a Popular One Other Cases Against Swnrt.s May Be Thrown Out of Court. As we went to press last week G. W. Swarts was on tho stand testify ing in his own behalf. Ho produced receipts of all the tranbactions be tween himself and the mill. They corresponded to tho duplicate slips of tho same date held by Mr. Dor tree. Ail ot his testimony was stiaight tor ward and made a good impression upon the court and Jur ors alike. Twenty-two character witnesses wore sworn and testified to tho honesty an integrity of Mr. Swarts in his community. They wore: J. Bigart, G. O. Collins, Rev. Van Stiver, George Miller, William Swingle, F. Kimble, S. B. Curtis, jonn Brown, Earl Rockwell, H. R. Sampson, Friend Osgood, J. V. San uertock, Martin Koilam, A. B. Walk er, (jeorge Bell, Miles Keesler, W. J. Bone, E. P. Jones, A. S. Koyes, H. L. Butler, Goorgo Frantz. All of tho above meu lived in tne vicinity of Lake Ariel and testilied that Swarts' reputation for honesty and integrity was good. Court was dis missed at 5 o'clock Thursday oven ing and on Friday morning Howell iiortree was called by the defenso and when askuu to show his note uook of the transactions he objected at first but the Court prevailed up on him to show it and it went in as evidence. Tho fact was brought out that ho had not made tho entry of tho articles ho had delivered to the Swarts homo until sometime after wards. This closed tho defense and tho Commonwealth called Howell Bortree and Floyd Bortree for re buttal but failed to establish any dehnlto testimony against Swarts. The case was hotly argued before tho Jury on Friday morning by At torneys Kimblo and Holgato for tho uelendant and Attorney Scregg for the Commonwealth. Judgo Searlo in his charge to the Jury said that the case hail not brought out any evi dence of larceny and tho only Im portant thing would be tho matter ot costs. The Jury went out at about 3:15 on Friday afternoon and after considering tho evldonco in tho vase came in at 4:45 with a verdict not guilty and tho prosecutor, Floyd Bortiee, to pay all costs of prosecu tion. this caso lias attracted much at tention all over tho county and es pecially lu tho neighborhood of Lake Ariel where the trouble started. The mill In (luestion is owned by S. C. uortrco .i Son and they enjoyed a good baslnoos from all tho farmers in tho community. District Attorney Simons statod Saturday morning that G. W. Swarts was piacthally discharged, it is trio that thn.'O more iu-:es against him lilcu l,j tha Bortrcos still stand anil I hmj utcn i.intln eil o.er to tho e(Otxi ..eek of . ourt, but it is statod on good a thorlty that the.-io cases will uol o to t ial and in all prob abl'lty will be U rown out of court. TWENTY IDENTIFIED. Majority of Persons Killed lu Boiler Kvpioslou Known. i. 'I'e ition.) i .o. March 19. Twenty of ti e .' cr on who woro killed by ' .x 1 tIo" on Saturday lie c "jb 1 t'ltnioil. It Is believed '' o x o ' ac cat sod by careless- -ni nMo vlrii? water to r n r - r' 1 o" r. Tho theory 'r c 1 niiiod tho placo is " ' ' '".' in lettorg remain un- ' n rrtnffio here: S. " '." " J -nv. M's Agnes H" ' Rawnnd. Mrs. C. II. " ' " ; stosoer; Miss T" ' " Ai!n. Postmas-to- HENRY BROOME JADWIN DIED 1 SATURDAY Member of Oldest Fnnilly In This Section Brother of C. C. Jadwiii, of Honesdale. At ono o'clock on Saturday morn ing occurred tho death of Henry Broomo Jndwln at his homo in Car boudufo which removes from this vi cinity ono of tho pioneer residents and a citizen who at nil times mani fested n profound regard for tho wel faro of Carbondale. Mr. Jadwln hns been confined tn bin rnnm nntv n short time, but for tho past few years thoro had been a gradual Im pairment in his health. Although i the end did not come unexpected It 'caused much sorrow in tb,o family i circle and his numerous friends In tli at city and throughout tho valley iwuiji tuo uowa wim no miio re gret. Henry Broomo Jadwin was the third of eight sons of Henry B. Jad win, Sr., and Allco Grlswold Plumb. Ho was born In what Is now Willow Lane, Carbondale, on May 18, 183G, his parents having Bettlod hero in 1832. Only two of tho'eight broth ers aro now living, Hon. C. C. Jad wln, of Honesdale, and Charles P. Jadwln, of Scranton. At sixteen, Mr. Jadwln began his life-long activity by taking a posi tion ns teacher in tho South Canaan school, walking back and forth at week-ends. Later he became a clerk for Richmond & Robinson, pioneer merchants, and loft them to work in tho postofilco under Anthony Grady, ono of our early postmasters. In 1!5C ho became a clerk, and later tho Assistant Paymaster for the Dela ware & Hudson, leaving the company In 1862 to become a partner in Jad win & Co., retail druggists. In 18G4 this firm was succeeded by H. B. & C. P. Jadwln, and In -872 this firm was succeeded by Jadwln & Altken, which firm dissolved in 187C. There after Mr. Jadwin continued the drug business in his own nnmp until 1 snfi when he retired from retail trade and for ten years or more devoted his attention to his private affairs and the management of the Brook side cemetery. For tho Inst fnnr rr ttvn vnnn nf his life Mr. Jadwin's health has been very poor owing to severe nervous trouble. In Anrll. 1KR4. Mr JarinMn woo married to Louise Aitken, who died in lyuy. rive cnudren survive of the six born of their marriage: JMrs. M. J. Shields, of Scranton; Robert A. Jadwln, Mrs. T. L. McMillan, Mabel M. Jadwin of Carbondale, and Henry Jadwin of Scranton. Mr. Jadwln has long been consid erably Interested In Carbondale real estate and always taken an active part in municipal affairs, serving numerous terms as school dlrector councilman, etc. In 188i he was elected mayor of tho city after a three-cornered contest with tho late Thomas Voyle and John Nenlon. During the Civil war Mr. Jadwln acted as a special and secret agent of tho War department In various matters pertaining to local affairs and stuck to his task until the end, notwithstanding the many verbal threats and written notices ho re ceived warnlny him that death would bo the penalty of his courso. His patriotism was further shown by his enlistment in the Wurts Guards who wero sent South Just after tho battle of Antietam. Mr. Jadwln about 40 years ago be came connected with tho M. E. church horo and took a tremendous Interest in its affairs so long ns his health permitted. At tho time of his death and for many years he had been one of the board of trustees. Funeral services wore held at the home In which ho lived for 4G years, Monday afternoon nt X nVlnr-V np Hall officiating. The interment was private. HADDOCK WANTS INCREASE. Believes That Operators Can Grant .More wages to .Miners Issues Statement. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Wilkcs-Barre. March 19. John Haddock, loader of tho Independent coal oporators, issued a statement to day In which ho favors an Increase of wngos for the minors. Ho says he sees no reason why tho big opera tors cannot grant nn increaso to the miners. Mr. Haddock Is presidont ot tho Plymouth Coal Company. Boys Furnish Bond. Lowls Kelly and Joseph Hendry, tho two boys of Hawloy who wero freod last Tuesday from a chargo of robbery nnd assault committed upon tho person of Meyer Krawltz on tho road between Hawloy and Hoadleys last November, wero arraigned boforo ludgo Searlo on Monday morning. Ho statod tho caso plainly to them, saying that he believed thorn guilty of tho offense tho Jury had ac quitted them of, and desired thorn to find a bondsmnn to bo responsible for them for ono year. P. H. Kear ney, of Hawloy, signed tho bond for $100 to gunranteo that the boys would keop tho peace In Hawloy for ono year. Tho Judgo reminded them of tholr former troubles with tho strong nnn of tho law and told them to try to bo good boy3. Tho .Iud?o told Mr. Kearney that the conduct of tho boys for a period of ono yoar rested entirely with him. Both Limbs Amputated. Inglohart, March 18. News arriv ed hero from Benjamin Branning of Bololt. Wleeonsln, that ho has been removed from tho hospital and ho nnd his wife are again domiciled in thel- own homo. It will bo remem bered thnt ho had both lower limbs nmn-'tated recently. He withstood hnth operations very well and is fee'lnr n"lto good at last accounts. (a Tho hearing for hotel and other licenses commenced on Monday morning nnd took up most of tho day of court. Threo cases for hotel licenses wero heard and four for wholesale licenses wero put before tho court and remonstrances given. Thero wore many remonstrances to tho wholosalo license ot Joseph Herewlthcn, and Goorgo W. Stiles, or Browndale, Clinton township. The case of Paul McGranauhan was tho first, who took tho stand to testify why ho should bo allowed to havo a license. Thomas Dunning, C. M. Betz, J. W. Cowperwalth. A. B. Walker, Dr. Grlflln, Fred Schwclgho fer, all testified to the good character of Mr. McGranaghan and of his abil ity to keep a hotol properly. Thero was no remonstrance. Tho caso of Paul Vaverschak for a ihotol license In Canaan was called and Mr. Vaverschak was called to tho stand. He stated that ho had lived thero for 13 years that in his opinion a hotel was necessary at that point for tho accommodation of tho general public. Ho admitted that ho "took a llttlo" onco In a while. Frank Lee, Michael McFadden, John Hartley. James Ryan, William Skolly testified to his good character and tho neces sity of a hotel at this point. John Learey said that Mr. Vaverschak was a good man to run a hotel but did not think one was necessary at this point. It is six miles from Hones dale. Tho caso of Matthew F. Ciomo, for a hotel license in Dyberry was called. Thero were six remonstrances to tho hotel at this placo and tho manner in which it was conducted. Walter Ackers, Georgo Madeford, James Henshaw, Walter Thomas, Leo Paynter and John R. Leppert. all living In the vicinity of the hotel on tho road between Mt. Pleasant and Honesdale testified that a hotol was not necessary at this point because of the lack of much travel on this road. They all objected to tho way tho hotel had 'been conducted and some were opposed to the salo of In toxicating liquors on general princi ples. District Attorney conducted tho opposition and Searle & Salmon for the defense. A. O. Blake stated that he was a cattle dealer and lived at Bethany and at various times dur ing tho year ho stopped at this hotel for accommodations and stated that many times he brought imany strangers thero. Ho thought a hotel rwas necessary there. He stated that It was tho only hotel on tho road between Mt. Pleasant and Honesdale. Among the other witnesses called for the defense were: Thomas Dunn, of Mt. Pleasant, Frank Ferrell, James O'Brien, Peter Haggerty and Harry Gummoe, all of whom had found the Tlbteniecessary .1,0. them and thought that the license should bo granted. The hotel in question although own ed by M. F. Clerao, is conducted by a man 'by the namo of Davis and tho place does not have a very good name and most of the persons making re monstrances stato that their action is mostly against the way tho place is conducted and they would not ob ject to a hotel at this point if it were conducted properly and run by com petent persons. Tho case of Lafayette Rolloson for a hotol license at Hawley was argued and there wore no romonstrances. Herman Eberding, Harry Stone, Patsy Fried, all of Haw-ley, were call ed and stated that thoy were acquaint ed with Mr. Rolloson and that ho was a lit person to conduct a hotel and that another hotel was necessary in Hawley on account of the increas ed building operations there. Frank Mang for hotel license in Texas township. Nolls Cole, John Decker, Harry P. Deck, Frank C. Kimble, Frank Compton, Levi Bunt ing were called for the defense and testified to the good character of Mr. Mang and stated that a hotel was necessary at this placo. They said that thoy had always found everything there to bo in llrst-class order, good meals, and conducted In a proper manner. Thero wero six re monstrances to this petition. A. M. Eno, Seolyvlllo; Robert Ransom, near Seelyville; George Mackle, liv ing about one-third of a miio from Mang's plnce; Fletcher Coons, Dy berry; E. H. Lake, Dyborry, and Georgo Robinson, of Pronipton, and formerly living near Mang's place, all signed a remonstrance and stated thnt Mang was not a lit per son to conduct a hotel for thoy had ofton seen him intoxicated and fur thermore thoy stated that lu their opinion a hotel was not necessary at this place. Iho cases of Georgo W. Stiles and Joseph Herwltion, for wholesale li cense at Browndale, Clinton town ship, wero argued together for tho same witnesses tostilled In romon strance. Browndalo Is a small vill ago near Forest City and It was stat ed by theso persons that tho peoplo of Browndalo did not need any moro licensed places thero and that thoy could got all thoy could uso at tho two hotels that woro already thero. Browing companies from Forost City and Carbondale send wagons there every day and deliver boor and whis key and tho dofenso tried to bring out tho fact that Stiles nnd Hero-, wition wanted to compoto with tho Lackawanna companies who wero supplying tho Browndalo trade. Thoy believed In keoping the business In their own county. Thero wero fivo persons who npponred and testlDod thnt wholesale licenses woro not necessary to tho welfaro of Brown dalo. 1 Judgo Searlo announcod that nil tho cases would bo decided on Wed nesday morning nnd It Is expected that many of tho licenses will not be granted. Tho case of John Woodmansee for a hotol license In Starrucca bor I (Continued on Page Five.) MANY REMONSTR. tS HEARD AT COURT