The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 15, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7
TIIII CITIZEN, lmiDAV, MARCH 15, 1012, . . i . , . I - I I BB MnwM bbb Farm and Garden FOXGLOVE GROWING. on Coit and Labor of Production. Foxglove has for some years been ir v iinmr ninnr if fa nr rallied garden loams, but docs not invn Tn nnpntitnirn in wnt enlla -. lm k. iiiiiin TTi rw linnin I rirtnn i.iir nm Irt Tinftirtil ntnnn nnlnn ftrty flirt ntili oduct tlint is now marketable. The nts nor nminil. ilrr irnliht. Tim mnst 'linnin fiRTiiiinrna nr viniri fin nnr rTi iii Efirc if urn i rnTu nrirnr Foxglove promises a fair return for it pner ri i rrnwinp iiiir nnr pnncwinr. iii rn-rmiirn "rinvii in rum imi iittv ouiu quieuiy overstock mo marKet. in nrnefttu M ril rr rantl rnntnnt Mm I 41. t OTlr nf llinnm rrrnat I x innrnnono 4 lw it ik uesi io use me lypicai purpie men may be Had from most seeds- How the Stave Silo Is Made Designed Ijy W. E. M'COY, College of Agriculture, Ohio State University 0 I 1 A I 7 tHraaaam,! '.11 I jc .saaaaaM? I DETAIL Ul OF STAVES , W a S w u " at DETAIL Of DOOR S3? TT7 METHOD OF. JOINING THE stave silo Is perhaps the most popular type of silo. This one Is sixteen feet in diameter and thir ty feet high. The following bill of ma terial will be found useful: Btavcs, 152, 2x6 in. x20 ft JS2.20 natters, 25, 2x4 in. xli ft 7.02 Rooting paper, 625, sq. ft 15.62 Purlin, 3, 2x1 in. x20 f t 1.20 Hoops, 12, J6H in. Xl7 ft 30.75 Lugs, 36 g.00 Bolts, 96, 4x5 in 4.89 Nails, tenpenny, 13 lbs 65 Ventilators Frame, 1, 2x4 in. xlO ft 25 Siding, 1, 1x6 in. xIO f t 30 Lattice windows (3) 1, 18x18 in 1.00 2, 24x24 in., triangular 3.E0 Foundation Gravel, 61-3 yds., 60c 3.18 Sand, 3 1-6 yds., 60c 1.69 Cement, liy, bbls., J1.60 18.00 Total '. 1195.06 agriculture. FOXGLOVE, i 1 1111 1 111 n pnvnrmf 'i "nnr mnp rn cc i cut 11 1 iu 11 iu kuluii ui uursi1 cum- ion or fwpniT .nnnps nnnrt if nniiii turc is lu tended. The ordinary gar- 1 M'i'ii in 111 1 : k iiiii ltiiiini I'ui'i'i it is bust to remove all covering .irlimpnts. first KPttlne thp drill nlow open a furrow not more than one- f Inch deep. Enough line soil will rk in the furrow to cover the seeds lie nemiod flpntn. Uinta may also te raised in a seeu IlUc tobacco plants and transplant- In June during dull weather to the setting them twelve or fifteen Ues anart in rows two or turec ieet rt Whnthnr enwn In fiplil np nurrt- , the seeds should be put in at the llest practicable moment in spring t the soil can be got in good condl- 1, as they nre slow in germinating. is good practice to drop an occa- ml radish seed in the rows, as the er quickly come up and indicate rows so that cultivation and conse i. i .1 . i 1. i . . me unv ioxc ove seea incs annear. soil should be well enriched. cultivation and weed elimination thorough throughout the grow season. In Held culture the plants uiu uu luiuui-u 10 sinuu uui over ui- he.v can be well (iintingulRlieu. t the approach of severe freezing r free from seeds of troublesome U3 Will t:Kl'll IUU UUUKl'l UL Will' killing. The plants bloom in .Tune Foxglove should be grown as a 1 1 . 1 .1 1 ..1 1 , nii.'ii fir- 1 u 11 veil r f'r-fiii. 1 1111 iviiimi i iu iuuu.v uie Hiier uiouiuiug inui 11 tbo second year. ( v - - The home is often taken to rep t rami iue prospcniy or uie larm j, ipon which It stands. If your jomes does not do the farm Jus- Ice build another as soon as pos- S? he farm and show the enter- ft rlse of the manager. ... Root. For Dairy Stock, care In preparing the soil aud vlng the crop, from fifteen to twen-' ve tons of roots, like mangels, ruta is or stock carrots, can be grown acre. They can be stored under the Intr nllev or in n nit outstdo nf thn 1 nt very little expense. Twenty of roots will supply ten cows hj pouuus jier uuj uucu ior uu cost of less than S10. The nutrl- contained in twenty tons of roots worth $30 when bran is worth $20 ton, no the feeding value of the is suiucient to nav ior mo cost 01 uctloil, besides the additional ad age of their supplying the succu- neeaea uy uie ammai. uome ana A General Farm Barn Designed by J. W. RAY, Coll ege of Agriculture, Ohio State University A BALD-HEADED WOMAN. Hliorn of Her Crown of Itcnuty, looses 1 In Ix.vo niul Mnrriagc. 1 Hair Is certainly most necessary to Woman. Who could Invn nnrl tnnrrv a bald-headed woman? What charms could ono arrny to offset such a dls llguromont? A woman's goal Is usually lovo nnd marriage. Her crowning glory Is hor hnlr. Tho loss of her hair mars hor beauty, happiness, and success. Yot thoro aro thousands of women who nro neglecting or Injuring their hair to such an extent that It is only a matter of tlmo when It will ho utter ly ruined. Many women destroy tho beauty of tholr hair through thoughtlessness or lgnoranco of cctaln facts. They ubo curling irons ovor-hcatcd, or to ex cess, which destroys tho natural oil of tho hair, causing it to split, break and como out. They do not shampoo ineir nair oiten enough, or too of ten. Thoy use soaps or prcpaatlons which contain Ingredlonts positively narmiui to tne scalp and hair. As a result of such treatment, dan driiff is created, tho hair loosens, loses color, falls out, and baldness commences, unless propor and prompt precautions are taken in time. Then again, microbes nnd cer tain diseases bring about unhealthy scaip anu nair conditions. Almost any woman may rid her- sen 01 uanciruiT and dseased scalp and hair if she will but use tho right remedy. We have that remedy, and ! wo will positively guarantee that It I will either rollovo dandruff and baltl I ncss or it will not cost tho user any I thing. That's a pretty broad statement, but wo will back it and prove it with our own money. "Wo will return your money if you do not find that Kexall "93" 'Hair Tonic Is an entirely satisfactory remedy that will pro mote hair growth and overcome scalp and hair troubles; that It will grow hair oven on bald heads, unless all life In tho hair roots has been extinguished, the follicles closed, and tho scalp is glazed and shiny. It gets its namo from the fact that it grew hair in 93 out of 100 cases, where It received a thoroughly hard, Importial, and practical test. We want you to try Itexall "93" Hair Tonic at our risk. You surely cannot lose anything by doing os, while you have everything to gain. You had better think this over, and then como in and see us about this offer. You will bo well repaid for your visit to our store. Remember, you can get Itexall Remedies In this community only at our store The Rexall Store. A. sr. lein'e. WHERE tho location is suitable a bank barn has many advan tages as a general farm barn. Below are shown the plans of such a i i 'structure, which can be built at an es timated costy of $1,148, not including Inside fixtures. The bill of material for this barn is as follows: Board feet. tl, 2x12 in. X24 f t 3,036 18. 1x12 in. xl8 ft US 41, 2x12 In. xK ft 2,132 12. 2x12 tn. ill ft 836 C, 2x14 in. X26 ft 301 34, 2x10 In. X24 ft 1300 16, 2x10 in. x26 ft 347 28. 2x8 in. xlS ft , 672 E3, 2x6 In. Xl4 ft .' 1.232 CS, 2x6 in. x 16 ft 1,088 62, SxS in. x20 ft , LM 10. 2x4 in. x20 f t 1J4 4, 1x8 in. xl6 f t 41 12, 3x8 In. X16 ft 123 46, 2x18 in. xl4 ft 1,933 1x8 In. X24 ft T.400 Sheeting 2,840 Total, 21,772 board feet, J25 per 1,000. 544.30 Shlplap siding, 4,850 board feet, 120 per 1,000 155.50 Slate roofing, 39 square, S7 273.09 Door track, 186 feet, 6c 9.30 Door hangers, 11 pair, 1 11.00 Hinges, 6 pair, 60c 3.00 Windows, 10, Z 20.00 Concrete wall, 2SV4 yards, 15 142.50 Total ll.HS.CC ORNZVXfro MANURE SPKAXff, HORSE STABLE BOX STALL 0"XO' ' BOX STALL 0'X9' I rxcowAr I 1.1 I I I 1 JV I COW STABLE 1 I a OCX STALL fitfDOOR C0VC2ED BARNYARD Basement Plan. 1'DOOR M: .- W. h, ",...rl ' ' .r ComoUU VUw of Innor B.nt. Comol.U Vtw of End B.nt. JL'ltOFUSSlONAI, OAItUW. Attorncya-at-Low. H WILSON, . ATTOKNEY A COUNBF.I,On-AT-I,AV, OIUco adlaccnt to Post Offlco In Dlmmlcl ofllce, Honesilae, 1'n. Wil. H. LEE, ATTORNEY A CODN8ELOU-AT-l,AW. omeepver post ofllce. All lecal husinen promptly attended to. Honcsdale. Pa. EC. MUMFOKD, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. i.0.,.Il.c,SL"Virty bnlldlne. opposite the 1'oat Olllce. Honcsdale. l'a. SOMEK GREENE. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Otllce. Court House. Honcsdale Pa. pHARLES A. McOARTY, J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-IT-LAW. Special and prompt attention Given totLe iiaims. collection otc Honcsdale. 1 Olllce, City Hall. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Olllce In the Court Ilouae, Honesdalo Pa. ftttMtttffttTtttMtttMM i; SPENCER The Jeweler -would like to see you If" :: you are In the. market:: t for I JEWELRY, SILVER-f $ WARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES "Guaranteed articles only sold." PETER II. ILOIfF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, qnice-Spcond floor old Savings bulldlnc, Hnnesdale. Pa. SEARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, Ofllces lately occupied by Judae Senrle CHESTER A. GARRATT, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Ofllce adjacent to Post OfHce, Honcsdale, Pa. OLD DR.THEEL & DR.W. LTHEEL 11 f. 1 f I IILII. ..- .. M.rlf III . Uk HI.) Onlf U.ra.a n'pl.n.l la An.rl.t., llliU l'.lirMH4 l,rai.a Tr.alBi.Bt. rrit,ltiluM. I Ktr.M... Ah..., TliBlanm, Hptcllla lllood l'olaftn(aLh.r. aalr aa IrMal r.-.. M.r.arr a Tata.., Iinmm, .t.r lar... ralaa a III), laaaaaadk Ik... tin.-. ... ,k.. ll.r.... D.MIIt.,L.lll.alaa4,naatar..,nkav llr4rar.l.,Tari.a..l., ft!rilara(aa taUlaf )Cad.,.lanaiBbl Mhraa..a Ortaa., Bladd.r Jk KMa.f l)la... Lbni., Cam Slefla a Harrl.4 Lllr, mtnti Tlrar ." "' ' r", all.n raa'l, 41 ;n. a a jr.. IL.plul Kia.ri.aM U Gariaaa;. lar Haaa, (.III all, Xipo.lnr .na tltr m Caaatrr idt.rU.l.i Ir.idi. Iln.1 If I, S-S I Baa., Mkj tmnniiiiuiimimmnnitnmimnmtwtt WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Ofllce First floor, old Savings Bank bulld Inc. Honcsdale. Pa. D R. C. R. BRADY, DENTIST, HONESDALE, PA. 1011 MAIN ST. Citizens' Phone. Physicians. PB. PETERSON, M. D. . 112GMAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA. Eye and Ear a specialty. The fitting o( class es given caretul attention. Livery. LIVERY. h red. G. Rickard has re moved his livery establishment from corner Church street to Whitney's Stone uaru ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 76yl W. C. SPRY BEACHLAKE. AUCTIONEER HOLDS SAIiE8 ANYWHERE IS STATE. in your family you of courso a reliable physician. Don't a at that; have his prescript! i call . ston j u iiiv;viimiutiD put up at a reliable phonnacy, nvnn If It io n Kill.. r.Jat r ? ' u.i... h .n u tiiviu turitiur iruin your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable Htore than ours. It would be im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. A H. Station. Honxsdalx. Pa. trnmmnara.mi.nmn MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. i HONESDALE, PA. C Have The Citizen sent to your address. Only $1.50 per I year. D. & H. CO. TIHE TABLE HONESDALE BRANCH A.M. SUN 8 30 10 00 10 00 3 16 4 0 P.M. 5 40 s SO 0 54 6 11 6 17 6 26 6 32 6 33 6 39 6 43 H 461 6 60 P.M. SUN 2 13 7 10 8 00 A.M. 8 45 8 55 8 69 9 18 8 21 32 9 37 9 39 9 4.1 9 47 9 50 U 65 P.M. A.M. A.M. 10 00 10 00 12 30 4 40 6 30 P.M. A.M, 2 15 12 30 1 19 P.M, 6 20 6 :to 6 34 662 6 68 7 07 7 13 7 16 7 20 7 24 7 27 7 31 P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 37 2 43 2 62 2 57 2 59 3 03 3 07 3 10 3 15 P.M, 1 30 t 05 A.M. 2 15 7 10 7 65 A.M. 8 45 8 65 8 69 9 18 9 24 9 32 9 37 9 39 9 43 9 47 9 60 9 65 .... Albany .... Blnghamton . Philadelphia.. .Wllkes-Barre. ....Scranton.... Lv Ar Carbondale .... ...Lincoln Avenue.. Whites Farvlew Canaan .... .Lake Lodore ... ... . Wayruart Keene Steene Prompton Fortenla Seelyvllle Honcsdale .... P.M. 2 00 12 40 4 ON A.M 9 35 8 45 A.M. 8 05 7 64 7 60 7 33 7 25 7 1 7 12 7 09 7 06 7 01 6 68! 6 55 A.M. P.M P.M, 10 60, 8 45 7 14 2 55 a 13 P.M. 1 35 1 25 1 21 1 03 12 66 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 36 12 32i 12 29 12 25 rV.M, 7 38 P.M. 7 25 6 30 P. Mi 5 50 5 40 6 34 6 18! 6 11 6 66 4 5S 4 65 4 51 4 47 4 44 4 40; P.M. P. M.i SUN 10 60 a 00 7 14 12 65 12 05 P.M. 11 25 11 14 11 m 10 5.1 11 45 10 37 10 32! 10 29 10 251 10 21 10 18 10 15 A.M, A.M. SUN. 738 P.M. 10 05 9 12 P.M. 8 27 8 17 8 13 '1 64 47 7 S3 732 7 30 7 2 7 22 7 1 7 15 P.St. Prize Winners POULTRY AND STOCK BREEDERS know that this is one of the most prominent sections of the East for stock raising. Close to the markets of New York and Philadelphia, thousands of people raise utility birds for profit as well as fancy birds for prizes. Good stock is the first essential to success, and as the Citizen goes into thousands of homes in Wayne and adjoining counties, it is the quickest and cheapest method of telling these people about the merits of your bird's; therefore all poultrymen and breeders. Columns OF THE Citizen Wo aro, by our model Job Plant, in a position to print Pamphlets, Cards, Sale Dills, Etc., In short no tice at Reasonable Prices. Mall or-l ders given prompt attention. Fit HE NOTICE published In The Citlien If j this paper prints your Sala Bills. J