TUB CITIZEN, WKDNKSHAY, MARCH 0, 1012. PAOR T totnmAnt E P! 111 I .III i I I ii i iirt w OF WAYNE COUNTY. (Continued Prom Pago Sixth.) Am't of dup., luio Am t added dup., laio Am,1 6.l'if cent, added dup Am t duplicate, 11111 Am t added duplicate. Mil 13.00 1910 H.. 2462.0b 11. 0U Am't duplicate lull unpaid 1U10 ,i aupneato lull unpr Am t sheep claims paid Am t collector's com., 1! Am't r. ...... .. . 5510.3t J2I73.0O 77.63 Am t D per cent, abatements 1910 74.0c Am t exonerations, luio ffis.uu Am t county treus. commission 66.71 Am t bal. In treas. Jan. 1, lyiz 103.0f $J615.& J3I8.K. COIIONEIVS ACCOUNT, nil County orders received Paid Anthony Schlosser. services liunkle CflHA 17 M V?11 . u- Spencer, services llunkln man 1R V011. Soroner'B Jury, Hunkle case 12.0" Paid 13. V. Oavltte, M. D., au isy llunklo caso 20.00 Paid John U. Wilson, M. D., itopsy Hunkle case 230.0U Paid n. A. Smith, J. P., Hunkle ISO 8 Paid V. D. Ammerman. J. P.. ise 2.75 Paid P n. Peterson, coroner, exvlng bodies 22.00 Paid James Iloac, J. P., acting toner 17.jj Paid K. N. Lee, J. P., acting ""oner s.ji AGRICULTURE - OF LOCAL INTEREST TO - WAYNE COUNTY FARMERS i i- I- I -I" -i I- -I -I- ! J.-.J.-.J .!.-..-.!.-..-.! J.-.J.-.T.-.?. fjiie r,f. UAIMS I. f'AVOK Or COUNTY. ftom delinquent collectors ! 290.06 from duplicate, 1910 803.21 from duplicate, 1811 13,987.77 from Stnte Treas. for prim's 1471.93 from State Treas Kame laws 10.00 from N 11 Llppert, error Bheep ilm .60 from John Murralne, overpaid ns. fees ,58 from Lacka. county Howe trial u inL. Knr. rvi from Clinton School District 96.93 Hum v-iituj- iviue coor uis. iou.31 ince county fund in Treas. 12,G09.36 .10 tin nut it. CLAIMS AGAINST COUNTY. M J Hnnlan, bal. occ't 1911 210.05 M, L. liraman, sherllT. bal. occt E22.W r J. 'arcoe. bal. on Lookout idee cont tm nn V. m. Watts, note and Int. 1,037.67 Thomas Gill, note and Int. 1,0.14.05 NrsA m'Jnh Gray, note and Int. 457 25 & P.' Ivereuson. notes & Int. 10.30S.46 J' H. IerKUson, note & Int. 5,300.75 i. .re'Buson, note Ai Int. 5,113.43 Myra Hill, note and int. 1,219.73 Trustees Protection Engine Co., note and Interest 3,180.00 J. G Schmidt. Berlin. over. paid dup. '08, "10 Wm. Itellly, Canaan, overpaid p. 1810 M J Crlmmins. Dvberrv. over. paid dup. '08, '10 J. K, Biirarl. Lake. Hun lgin John couitney, Lehigh, dup. 1803 V c' u'oodwurd, Alt. Pleusunt, dup, .1910 letter K Schmidt, Palmyra, dup. Aaron Goble, Paupack, dup. '08 J. U Noble, Salen' dup. 1910 SO Webster, Sterling, dup. C. H Stephenson. Wavmart. dup. '08, '10 7.07 liastern State Penn. 7D2.4U Kreitner Hios., lumber lu.9s Graham Watts, nails, glass, etc. 3.69 Lhas. L. Uuyd, bililue leiialrlm: J. . Coperthwalte. dep. con. sov. election 3 UU Glen Mills Schools, board of InmateH 5355 li. W. Burns. M. D.. med. ser vices at Jail 4 it B. W Gammell, Rec. OHlcers' T C ' IKKi IS 71 J IC Hnrnheplr .Truing. . 1906 ' 24S,; J. 1J. Mandevllle, expense acc't, 11,06 46.4." Damascus Poor Dist.. nnn.reai. dent poor ISO.ou A. Tyler, bridge inspecting 12.81' Penn'a Industrial Iteform.. care or inmates is so 1911 Klatli. 5.51 1.81 5.Ui 4.06 1.00 .03 2.10 Spraying Trees When J Ionium t. From the Southern end of Lan caster county camo a letter to Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist, Hnr rlsburg, Inquiring as to tho best months for Bpraylng fruit trees, when In a dormnnt condition. The reply of Professor Surfaco was ns follows: "Hoplytng to your recent letter asking If February and .March would not bo a better time to sprny for scale than December and January 1, i ul-k to any mat in spraying with lime-sulphur solution of tho proper strength you will kill tho scale at either time, and can not hurt tho trees In tho least. "I Would earnestly rnrnmmnnil that you prune the trees and get tho linic-surfur solution ready, using either homemado or commercial, and apply it strong and do a thorough Job. Spray when tho wind is In ono direction, and after it has changed, spray again, In order to thoroughly cover both sides of the trees. In fact, you can spray with decided suc cess in killing tho San Joso scale at any time during tho winter when it is not too cold for tho liquid to freezo before It dries. As tho solu tion dries on tho bark within less than one-lialf hour from tho time applied, you will see that tho weath er must bo remarkably cold to bo too cold for successful spraying. In fact, you can sprny whenever It is not so cold as to be disagreeable to work outdoors. If tho wind is blowing strongly, you can spray tho trees thorougnly from ono side, and when It changes spray thoroughly from tho other side. j " Where it is so cold that the peach production can bo turned into partial fruitfulness In the increased crop for tho following year." I'llOFKSSIONAr, CAItlKS. Altorncvs-nt-Lnw. IT WILSON, oiSl"e.Cflonte!e.,p,:St nlC DImm,cl WAI. II. LEE, ATTOItNKY , ATTOItNKY A COUNBKI.Otl-AT-I.AW. ""iiiuicr jiusi onice. All iccHl huslneai promptly attended to. Honesdale. illne" W C. MUMFOllD, .,m ATT0KNKY COUNBEI.OK-AT-LA . Vnft ,fmrfil,,ip.rty "."'J btilldliiB. opposite tht 1 OSt Ullice. llnnnnrlnln ln Charles a. Mccarty, ATTOItNKY A COUNBEI.On- IT-LAW . ,if ti tt'a fron,It attention elven In tie Honesdale. Pa. OUlce. City Hall, Slands for tho Hcehlvcs. Placo timbers threo feet In length and few feet apart, parallel to each other on a piece of high ground. Hoards of any ordlnnry lumber may do naneu crosswiso on these. Such uimuor mny bo taken from tho scrap iniu to moid unnecessary expense. I attoknky a counsklor-at-i.aw This will make a raised platform ovorlOIlice in the Court House, Honesdnle the ground and It can bo constructed I I'a. HOMER GREENE. ATTOItNKY A cnilKSEt.nn.iT.i iw Olllce. Court House. Honesdale Pa. llTlf E. SIMONS, , I 111. ATTOKNKY A SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE ' perches to post and stones eorner: REAL ESTATE Uy vlrtuo of.thenco by tho Ellas Dawson warrant process Issued out of tho Court of , south twenty-six degrees cast seven Common Pleas of Wayno county, and , ty-nlno and three-fourths perches to Stato of Pennsylvania, and to mo dl reeled and delivered, I have levied on and will expose to public sale, at the Court Houfo In Honesdalo, on FRIDAY, MAIlCII 8, AT 2 P. M., All tho defendant's right, title, and Interest In tho following described proporty viz: All dofendnnt's right, title and In terest In tho following described land sltuato In Canaan township, Wayne county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Uoclnnlnc at a h ran fir stones, tho eastern corner of Chas. 1 rotls 10 stones corner; thenco south Hognn's land; thenco by said land oighly-two degrees cast forty-six tho placo of beginning, containing puko in, conveying tneso lands to seventy-three acres and twenty-four perches, bo the same more or less. Upon tho above stated premises is a frame story and one-half house, frame barn and other out buildings, apple orchard and other fruit trees, and sugar maple orchard and largely Improved land. Tho Second: Be ginning at a heap of stones In tho west line of tho Ellas Dawson war rant; .thence along said lino north twenty-five degrees west forty-four PETER 11. ILOtF, ATTORNEY A COUNBKI.OR-AT-LAW, miUdlne. Honesdale. Pn. any length desired to accommodate any number of hives. It is well to consider room for swarms at this time. Hives may bo sot on this nnd proper drainage of water away from thorn Insured. Being raised off tho ground enables tho air to get under neath to Insure dryness. Water al ways does bees more harm than cold. This platform should bo constructed On flint t f atnnnn ... .1 11... . . slightly. This insures proper drain- ! 0fl"''nt to Post O.Hce. Honesdale. Pa. ngo 01 SEARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS A COUN8EI.OR8-AT-LAW. OlllccB lately occupied by Judse Searle p HESTER A. GARRATT, J ATTORNEY A COtlNHKLOR-AT.r.AW water which mnv hn iirivnn i Into tho hivo entrance by tho wind. I FLAGSHIP TO DISCARD. Dentists. Admiral Dswsy Consents to Olympiad Transfer. Washington, Feb. 20.-With the con sent of Admiral Dewey, the navy de partment win transfer the cruiser Olympln, Dewey's llngshlp nt the bat tle of Manila bay, from Annapolis to Charleston, S. C. The Olympln has been used for several years for train ing purposes for tho mldshlnmen nt ground is frozen you have an advant-, the Naval academy, having been u part i.b i" pujiuiij spraying apparatus or me practice siiunilrnn fnr cni-nrni ground without making In over tho 00 i ruts, nr pnmnfirtlnr Mm er.il c-r. n. L.I OKI 111 111 ly as to be Injurious, and the dray age Is also lighter at such time than when the ground Is soft. I certainly do not recommend any person to wait until the spring thaw for spray ing his trees. However, should It not bo done sooner, it will bo all right to apply the spray liquid as late as the time when the color in tho blossoms first becomes visible." At least until grass makes a start to grow It is usually best to feed the poultry regularly threo times every day. It is always best to examine the eggs set for hatching a week after they are put under the hens. Sawdust on the floor of tho hen house will keep the biddies' feet warm and Induce egg production. Constant handling of the eggs in an incubator will often snoll tho hatch. summer cruises. Anticipating possible protests from pntriotle citizens, friends of veterans of the Manila bay campaign nnd per sons who believe In the benefit to be derived by the midshipmen from the use or the historic vessels, the navy department first obtained the views of Admiral Dewey on the subject. The admiral expressed a deep attachment for the Olympln, It having been nt his instance alv was sent to the Naval academy. Realizing that for the ad vancement of the modern unvy a ship of the Olympla's class and nge can be of little further practicable benefit to the midsnipmen, he could see no objec tion to her being sent to the Charles ton station. FREE IF IT FAILS. Varcoe & Boyd, 356S1.6 bridge work a)U fi,Ml.t following Tiave been rnrHMl n from Poor District, Preston J2250.W' fiom Poor District, 1 law ley 1W9.W' fiom i'oor District, Berlin 1H3S.6" ftom i'oor Dlau let, Palmyra 7S6. from Poor District, lionesdaln TflMH vet from I'oor District, Dyberry aw.u. J68D0.K r a m, n.r.ilnu, . u n ,.n ance against the county $5786.1 the undersigned Auditors. In ann he county of Wayne, do certify thin let at the Court House at Honesdale ne county, ivnnsv vnn nn .iHn,. , 1912. Have examined the foregolne inis of the County Lommlssionerb rt. County Treasurer, Coroner unc let Attorney of Wayne county. Pa llnd them correct as above pr ucbs uur nanus at Honesdale, thl. uv or I'lTrlirtrv A II 1il' W O. AVEKY, K L OILP1N, EDWIN H. BOD1K, Auditors. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. splendid exercise for straighten- no Knnli Innrs nnil nn hp. h Is to stand erect, rise slowly on ip toes, take a long deep breath, the arms at full length and ch them back as far as possible, n by practicing the exercise six each morning on arising and y Increase the number of times enty. o best nowdors aro tho talcum lull ijuwiiors. vor. Knmn vnrv rnnn powder has no poisonous Ingre s and needs to bo retommend- Tli , w nf . I ,1 - 1. . . .1 uuieiiiy improves a muddy corn on when a little ammonia Is with it and the mixture rubbed iuiiiuvus uiucKneaus, cures les, yet must not touch the eyes ilr Peroxide Is used extensive- How to Tell If tho Peaches Aro In jured. A prominent peach grower In Western Pennsylvania wrote to Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist, Har rlsburg, for Information concerning the effects of the recent cold weather on the peach crop. The reply was as follows: " All peach buds which I have ex amined from several counties, were killed, excepting one lot received from the Cumberland Valley. In this tnere were enough alive to Insure a fair crop. It Is not a difficult matter for poach growers to determino now whether or not their buds aro killed. i nis is done by cutting Your Money Back if You Are Not Sat isfied With the Medicine We Recommend. We are so positive that our remedy vrlll permanently relieve constlpntlon. no matter how chronic It mny be, that we offer to furnish the medicine at our expense should it fall to produce satis, factory results. It is worse than useless to attempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs. Laxative or cathartics do much harm. Tbey cause a reaction, Irritate, nnd weaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more chronic. Be sides, their use becomes a habit tfiat Is dangerous. Constipation Is caused by a weakness ODen thn large round blossom buds, being sure 1 of the nerves and muscles of the large to CUt to the centre, Whether this Intestine nr dpsppnrltniT colon To ox. cut Is made by splitting them length wise or cutting across. If tho bud is alive a very small green thread reaching to the pistil will bo seen there in the centre In Its natural light green color. If tho bud Is ln- pect permanent relief you must there fore tone up nnd strengthen these or gans and restoro them to healthier activity. We want you to try Rexail Orderlies Jured. the centre will be found to be on our recommendation. They are ex ceedingly pleasant to take, being eat en like candy, nnd are ideal for chil dren, delicate persons, and old folks, as well ns for the robust. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on other associate or gans or glands. They do not purge, cause excessive looseness, nor create any Inconvenience whatever. They may bo taken at any time, day or night. They will positively relieve chronic or habitual constipation, If not of surgical uiuwn or uiuuK. n is so easy for a person to determino this for himself, even without tho uso of a micro scope, that each peach grower should examine at least one thousand buds taken from different parts of his own orcnarii. In examining this number ho I should keep a record of tho exact 1 number found alive. If five per cent, or fifty in one thousand aro found alive, it will bo enough to insure a fair crop, although I would prefer ten per cent, alive. During a normal season a far lower norcentaco than this will bo found uninjured, but as variety, and the myriads of associate a rule nearly all our fruit trees set far more buds than is best for tho tree for the production of first-class fruit. It must bo remembered that twigs can bo brought Into tho house and kept In tho warm and fairly moist atmosphere, and they will bloom oven though tho fruit germ itself Is do-1-- ' IvTon the atfnh"r'?r a" if" '"munnnur or dependent chronic ailments, if taken with regularity for n reasonable length of time. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 30tab'cts, 25 cents; 60 tablets, DO cents. Sold only at our store The Rexail Store. A. M. LE1NE. son, but tho fruit may havo been Killed by tho cold weather. Tho ap- ? pearanto of a blossom does not mean H tho setting of fruit. Tho best timo ! ! to make a general examination with-'ft Hilt 1 D Q ftf (lml la mil II and should bo among tho toilet aro open, as ono can then quickly go 1 is, though not used too freely, from ono tree to another, look Into U ono Of tho sanitarium!! In tho blossoms anil kpo If tho nnntnrltt Is green or brown. However, prac- H tiral fruit growers should at this dato tl make examination of their buds and h decide whether or not they will havo a fair crop from tho present pros pects. If they find them practically all killed, this is tho season to com mence to pri-no back, as you Bay, in order to produce an abundanco of now wood growth this coming sum mer; which will set fruit buds for tho next year's crop. Especially whore trees hnvo hocomn ton liltrli. rinsed In hot Water, gradually headed, nr whnro thoro nrn rontrnl ing It to cold. Ei-ery other day stems cut out to make modern opon- atlent drinks a glass of cold wa- headed trees, or where thoro Is too i which thero Is one-half spoon- much old wood or too denso growth, f salt, and there Is no denying tho pruning will bo a great benefit, act that thoy do make a com- Of course, this should bo combined jl thero which Is good and last- with proper cultivation and fortlllza- A cheap cosmetic, and ono to tlon or feeding the trees. If this is a at home. done tho coming period of scant BHUUUatttttmr. a great many of tho tooth 3 and produces remarkable re when first applied to tho teeth, also used as a bleach for finger es sgan, where they gavo facial Ifro rind nvnrv b-ln.l n 1 ... ng device Is resorted to, tho at- Tiin win ion vnn miav ,iiinn . - - J mukuu skin, cleanBo it from nil lm ios and give you tho blusn of a pink rose with something you In your own house all tho time. nnt is nnriiinir morn nn, i... salt, The face Is washed In hot suds, then a little flno salt t t..o palms of tno hand nnd iged Into tho nock and faco. MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. E. T. BROWN, DKNTI8T. Office First. Hnnr nlH Rnvlnn. D.nl.t..,IM. Inc. Honesdale; Pi. " """" """" DR. C. R. BRADY, DKNTIST, HONKSDALK, IA. 1011 MAIN ST. Citizens' Phone. Physicians. PR. PETERSON, M. D. . 1120 MAIN STKKKT, IIONE8DALK, PA. kyeand Ear a specialty. The llttineof Blast es given careful attention. Livery, LIVERY. h red. G. Rickard has re moved his livery establishment fron corner Church street to Whitney's Stout Barn ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 75yl SPENCER The Jeweler would like to see you If you are In the market for 5 f JEWELRY, SILVER-1 t WARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES "Guaranteed articles only sold.' north C8 degrees west 76 rods to a stones corner; thenco by lot No. 17 In tho allotment of the Cadanalador Mlddlo creek land: north 40 dcereoa. enst 137V4 rods to a post corner: thenco by land this day conveyed to Edward Walsh south C8 tin crops east 70 rods to a post corner; thenco by land In tho warrantee namn of Joseph Burrows and Benjamin Mashon south 40 degrees west 137U rods to tho placo of beginning, con taining 62 acres more or less; also nil that other pleco or parcel of land situato partly in South Canaan town ship nnd partly In Cherry RIdgo township, Wayno county, bounded and described as follows, viz: Be ginning at a heap of stones, tho common corner of lots Nos. D6, C7, 62, 63 In tho allotment of the Cad walador Middle Creek tract; thenco by land conveyed by John Torrey to William Walsh and Dennis Donavan, north 40 degrees east 164 rods to a stones corner nnd thence by land of David S. Buckley south 50 degrees cast 35 rods to a stones corner, and thenco by said lot No. 57 south 40 degs. west 164 rods to the place of oeginning, containing 35 acres and 140 perches bo the same more or less, and being the same land of ; which James McCarty died, seized ! and of whom defendant is a son and j heir at law, having vested in him his 1 said heir a one-eighth undivided In terest In said land. Upon the first named premises is a frame house, barns and outbuildings and nearly all the land is improved; upon the sec ond piece there are no Improvements. Seized and taken In executon as the property of D. G. McCarty at the suit of Margaret McCarty. March lerm, 1909. Judgment, $259.02. Attorney, McCarty. ALSO By virtue or the annexed writ of fi. fa I have this day levied upon and taken In execution tha two following described pieces or parcels of land, situate In the townships of Mount Pleasant nnd Clinton, the first bound ed and described as follows: Begin ning at post and stones, tho north east corner of the John Shee war rant; thence by the same south eighty-five degrees west one hundred seventy-one and one-half perches to stones corner; thenco north five degrees west seventy-four and one half perches to stones corner; thence north eighty-five degrees east one hundred forty-two and three-fourths porcties to a corner In tho Lacka waxen Turnpike; thenco southerly along tho said Turnplko about thlrty nlno rods to a post; thenco Bouth eighty-six degrees west forty perches to tho placo of beginning, containing cloven acres and twenty-four por ches, bo tho same more or less. All Improved land. For tltlo to tho first piece see Deed Book No. 5. at pago 283, and tho second piece No. 20, at Aaron Loomls; also Will Book No. 3, at pago 149. Seized and taken In execution ns the property of Augus tus Loomls at tho suit of Wm. L. Ferguson. Judgment. $2,432. Mch. Term, 1910. Attorney, Lee. TAKE NOTICE. All bids and coste must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. FRANK C. KIMBLE, Sheriff. Honesdale. Pa.. Feb. 9, 1912, nammmzrniniBKinnjrHnnaautmxm WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that; have his preicriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible fnr more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Preecrip tione brought here, either night or day, will he promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and tlie prices will be most rea sonable O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, PP. D. A H. Station IIonesdalk. Pa. t::rrrnntmnn::::t:r:n::::n:n:KaaKnnH G Have The Citizen sent to your address. Only $1.50 per year. Subscribe for the Citizen. D. & M. CO. TIHE TABLE HONESDALE BRANCH A.M. I' M A.M. A.M. P.M. SUN SUN a :w in 00 4 a) if ' 10 00 6 05 10 01) 2 n "iFii a 'Vis if 7 10 ii";' i to 12 iw 7 To 0' 8 00 5 :tn 1 19 7M p.m. a..m p.m. FTm! a.m. 5 40 8 45 '"."I: -F20T(K"Tl5 5 50 55 6 :) 2 15 H 55 b 51 8 59 6 31 2 19 8 5M 6 11 9 18 6 52 2 37 9 IX 6 17 9 21 6 5 4.1 9 21 6 26 932:;;.;; 707 252 932 6 32 9 37 7 13 2 57 9 37 6 35 9 39 .... 7 lfi 2 59 9 39 6 39 4.1 7 20 3 01 9 1.1 6 41 9 47 7 21 3 07 9 17 K4fi 9 50 7 27 3 10 9 50 6 50 9 55 7 31 3 15 9 , p.m. a.m. ;;;;;; T. p.m. T. . . Allmnv llliiihitmtim I'lilladHpliiii Wllkes-llarre . .N'rHiitnn. .. I.v A Carhondale . ..Lincoln AviMiiie.. Whit,. Far -lew. Canaan Lake Isidore Wayiu.trt Keeiif Steene .... .. .. I'niinptiin.. Korleiil.i . ... -eelyvllle ... Ilonesd.ile . .. r I.v I'. M P.M. A..M P.M7 SUN 2 Oil 10 50 10 50 12 10 8 45 00 i u" 7 u 7 38 ;;;;: - u A.M P.M 9 35 2 55 7 25 12 55 8 45 i13 fi 30 12 05 a.m. iTm! :;;;:; p.m. 8 0.5 i . 5 so ;;;;;; "ITis 7 51 25 5 40 11 1 7 50 I 21 5 31 11 10 7 33 10! 5 18 10 53 7 25 12 5fi 6 11 11 45 7 it 12 49 5 sk ;;;; 10 37 7 12 12 43 4 V 0 32 7 09 12 10 4 55 10 29 7 05 12 3fi 4 51 10 25 7 01 12 32 1 47 .... 10 21 fi 58 12 29 4 41 .... 10 18 fi 55 12 25 1 40 .... 10 15 .m p i p m. :;;: ITm. A.M. SUN. 7 18 P.M. 10 05 12 P.M. 8 27 8 17 8 13 54 47 7 39 7 32 7 : 7 28 7 22 7 19 7 15 Prize Winners POULTRY AND STOCK BREEDER know that this is one of the most prominent sections of the East for stock raising. Close to the market of New York and Philadelphia, thousands of people raise utility birds for profit as well as fancy birds for prizes. Good stock is the first essential to success, and as the Citizen goes into thousands of homes in Wayne and adjoining counties, it is the quickest and cheapest method of telling these people about the merits of your birds; therefore all poultrymen and breeders. 1 wr i7!o , Advertise Columns in tile OF THE Citizen Wo aro. by our model Job Plant. In a position to print Pamnhlets. Cards, Sale Dills, Etc., In short no tice at Reasonable Prices. Mnll or ders given prompt attention. Fit HE NOTICE publlshod In The Citizen if this paper prints your Sale Dills. , f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers