The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 01, 1912, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    TAflK 8
nih UTIZiCS', ViitDAV, MAUOlt i, 1012.
Devoted to tho Interest
of tho Dovolopmcnt of lm
provomont Associations nnd
Socletlos In Wayno Coun
ty. Corrospondonco
At the call of Mrs. Holon Atnrrlrk
Somplo, president of tho State Fed
eration of Women's Clubs, nnd Mrs.
Owen Wlstor, chairman of tho State
civics commlttco of tho Civic club,
tho attention of club womon
throughout tho stato Is now being
wrecicci 10 a coniorcnco or tho 'Rural
Progress association, to bo hold In
Philadelphia March I I, 15 and 10.
Tho conferenco Is to bo hold In fur
therance of civic progress In tho
rural districts, and it Is expected that
delegates from organizations in nil
tho counties of tho stato will bo In
Speakers of distinction and wldo
experience will address tho confer
ence, and In a letter Issued to civic
workers Mrs. Wlstor says that sho
regards tho conference as of great
importance and urges tho county
vice-chairmen who aro considering
a visit to tho city to make their visit
at this time, when their co-operation
will bo appreciated. Tho hosnltnlllv
of the Civic club is extended to tho
visitors, nnd tho well known organi
sation will bo a general headquarters
for the delegates.
Tho object of the association,
which is largely composed of work
ers on tho civic committees of clubs
within the Stato Federation, Is to
further civic development by bring
ing tho outlying districts in closer
touch with tho civic workers In the
larger cities and towns. It has been
discovered by tho womon workers
that it often is difficult to securo
co-operation in rural districts, whllo
In many Instances there is a decided
uiiiijiaiiij ana a consequent oppo
sition to any new movement. Such
conditions have been reported by
suffrage organizers, peace advocates
and social workers, and It Is hoped
to outline campaign methods that
will carry tho civic progress idea into
every section of the state.
It has been suggested that tho
methods followed In cities where tho
schools are used as social centres bo
adopted and that these buildings bo
made confers from which enlighten
ment shall radiate upon the com
munities. Questions of immigration,
child labor, hygiene, conservation
and other matters of interest to the
various districts and affecting indi
vidual communities according to
their need, will be discussed at the
conference, of which Mrs. Charles F.
lu is cnairman. Tnero are
fifty-two vice-chairmen of the state
civics committee, under tho State
Federation, many of whom will be
present, together with a largo num
ber of workers.
Plcclul to Tho Citizen.)
Lookout. Pn.. Fob. 29.
Tho lco wn3 very bad at this placo
a lew nays last week.
13. Tcoplo nnd John II. Flynn
innuo a business trip to Honesdalo
ono uny last weok.
Miss O'Connell, teacher at Ilra
raan, passed Saturday night with
Mrs, J. 11. 11111.
Jay Urannlng and wlfo and Sadlo
Edsnll spent Sundny with Clark
Urannlng and wlfo at Tanners Falls.
(alo Stnlkcr wns n pleasant guest
at tho homo of S. J. Rutledgo Sat
urday and Sundny.,
Mr. Dormody, of Cochocton, spent
Sundny with his sister, Mrs. J. II.
Flynn, nnd attended church at Rlley
vlllo. Mrs. Hattio Danoy entertained tho
following on Sundny: Mr, Swlotzcr
nnd Miss Davis, Tyler Woods; Miss
O'Connell, teacher nt Uraman, and
Miss Hopkins, teacher at this placo.
IM Moo!
coni nTTK0 atnlneJy illustrated
copy of tho East Stroudsburg Stato
booklet has been received W B
Holmes is a trustee of the school. '
C hester A. Garratt, Esq., addressnH
the piis of the ingh school last
afternoon. Washington's
iit'U'ilram0un Frida afternoon
MlnoMtems''1 b D "n-nis
(SpeU.ii to '111 Citizen.)
Lakoville, Pa., Feb. 28.
Gladys Danlcis, youngest daugh
ter ot .Mr. ana Mrs. Lharles Daniels,
is ill nt this writing.
Abo Muter, who for somo tlmo
has been in business in New York
state, visited his tathcr and mother
uero tho 2uth and 27th.
Mr. and Mrs. II. li. Cross, Hoad
lcys, passed Sunday here with par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. James.
Row Purkiss is expected to return
from an extended trip to England
next week.
On Fob. 22d Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
Seegar entertained a number of
guoats at pinochle. A very pleasant
evening was passed.
Miss Eva Smith, of Andcll, Pa.,
was tho guest of Miss Hazel D.
James from Saturday until Monday
of this week.
Mrs. Harry MIgnorey is entertain
ing her niece, a Miss Frlsbo, from
James Ryder, who passed last
week with friends in this vicinity,
returned to his homo at Mllford, Fa.,
on fcaturday.
J. Ward Haney is convalescing
from the grip.
Mrs. C. H. Pennell is passing somo
time with her husband at Washing
tonville, N. Y.
Isaac li. Sandercock, a surveyor
from East Honesdale, was a brief
caller in this placo on Sunday last.
On March Cth all members of
Hildagard Lodge are requested to be
present at that meeting. Important
Business to bo transacted.
Mrs. Murphy last week had the
misfortune to fall on the ice. Sho
was taken by her son, R. W. ilur-
phy, to his homo at Hawlcy where
she is receiving medical aid. No
bones broken.
Win. Drcuteho is running his savr
mill tnls week. John Simons Is do
ing tho sawing.
Homer Dldwell spent a few days
with his parents last week. Cora
Bidwell returned to Scranton with
him. Sho camo homo Thursday.
Mr. Sthyer, Mr. Hutmeyer, Mr.
Knapp have purchased Mrs. lirout-
chos farm. The lumber down to 8
In. is reserved but the farm is to bo
stocked. It contains 98 acres. It
was owned formerly by M. S. Bid
well, of Carbondale. Consideration
Aldnvlllo, Pa., Fob. 28.
Miss Leah Stiles, of Wnvmnri?
Ira Wright, of Honesdalo: Mr. nml
Mrs. G. Hattan nnd daughter Isabol,
of Seolyvlllo; Stephen Sncdekor, of
i..anaan; a. i,. uatesman, wlfo nnd
daughter, of Prompton: Frnnk .Ton
kins, R. Milton Salmon nnd Wilbur
Hodlo, of Honesdalo, wero visitors at 1 " C . . .. .1 .. .. V
una iuuuu oumiu,
Mrs. M. Shields, daughter, Mrs. E
Hendricks nnd grnndson, Arnold
Hendricks, nro 111. Miss Nottlo
Shields of Honesdalo Is caring for
William Tanner nnd Mabel Monso
visited frionds at Dundaff over Sun
A brother of Chas. Gilbert of this
pinco nrnvod from Connecticut Sat
urtiay. Ho expects to enter tho
glnss cutting shop.
A goodly number from this placo
attended tho Baptist L. A. S. at
Samuel Urossmnn's, Whlto Valley,
Thursday for dinner.
A Jolly load of young pcoplo at
tended tho High school entertain
ment nt Pleasant Mount Wednesday
M. E. Pothlck and V. H. CHft
were In Scranton on Frldny In the
Interests of business of tho cream
ery at Prompton.
District Supt. Murdock held quar
terly meeting at tho M. E. church
Monday afternoon.
1 olitlcal Parties to Select Delegates
n ,,, to Conventions.
i,,v , Ua'ne ounty commissioners
nave Issued a proclamation in which
they announce that tho spring pri
mary election will be held Saturday,
April u, next whon th(J ,
for roi'artleS VU name candidates
ior Congress, the general assembly
and delegates to the stato and na
J nn n' """entions. Tho proclama
h l, C,laref, tllat thc election will
be held in a 11 the voting precincts in
tho county between the hours of 2
S?ni n "mf1' ,on U,at Ua'- Tne sev
eral political parties the Republl-
ki: .DemoeSatlc- Prohibition nnd
Keystone have filed with tho com-
SnHners Ik?. nocessary preliminary
notices entitling them to have bal
lots printed for use at tho primaries.
Tho delegate petitions are llled with
the commissioners while those aspir
ing Tor congressional and assembly
honors have to bo filed in tho office
of tho secretary of tho Common
wealth, Harrlsburg.
The chairman of tho county com
mittees of tho different political or
ganizations have (lied with tho coun
ty commissioners tho number of
committeemen to bo elected In Mm
various districts In tho county at tho
imm.wiua. j njs is in accord with
nnother requrement of the uniform
primaries act.
The number of delocattR in thn
conventions aro computed from tho
general voto cast for tho last Gov
ernor, and county chairmen notify
tho commissioners of tho number to
which their respectlvo parties aro en
titled, and also ns to tho number of
committeemen according to tho party
Literury Society Met at Hawley.
The Hawley High. School Literary
society held their lirst meeting Fri
day evening in the spacious auditor
ium and much interest was manifest
ed in the meeting as shown by tho
fairly largo attendance considering
the icy condition o the streets.
1 he meetings will be held regularly
if tho interest continues to prevail
and Judging from tho applause and
encores that greetod the efforts of
tho society, the program was much
appreciated. Thero were musical
numbers, recitations and a spirited
dobate, on tho subject "Should Cor
poral Punishment ha Abolished."
The affirmative was. ably sustained
by Robert Gulnn, Sylvia Rodman and
Mabel Tuthill, and the negative was
just as ably defonded by Norman
Swingle, Ruth Goss and Laura
Decker. The Judges decided in fav
or of the aillrmative. These bi
weekly meetings are very Instructive
as well as entertaining. Tho pupils
of the Hawley school are preparing
for an athletic carnival to present
before the public In the High school
on March 8.
(Special to The Citizen )
Ariel, Pa., Feb. 29.
Thc K. K. Club was entertained nt
tho home of Mrs. G. G. Collins on
Saturday last. (Refreshments wero
A number of tho young peoplo of
this place attended the Grange show
at Salem on Saturday evening.
mo revival meetings which clos
ed recently was a success.
Silas Curtis has sold his saw mill
and a now up-to-date mill will be
erected o nthe Neff farm now owned
by Howard Swingle.
A. J. Pethick has sold his black
smith business to a man from
A. C. Andrews spent a few days at
his homo hero last week.
Dr. H. C. White Is improving.
Wendell Emery has scarlet fever.
Ray Wall, of Hawley, was a caller
ln town recently.
S. R. Tresslar has purchased a
new horse and mail wagon to serve
the patrons on his route.
W. N. Curtis is expected to' return
soon witn two carloads of Western
J. W. Sandercock Is improving
Elvvood Ammerman is homo from
Wyoming Seminary.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Damascus, Feb. 29.
Merle Bogert, of Ursinus College,
a last year's graduate, won the Ora
torical contest and the first prlzo of
ten dollars there last week.
Tho Empire Trio that vva3 bnnknii
for Thursday evening, February 29,
will come on Friday evening, March
z-'u insieatf.
Professor Morris, the colored Jubl
lee singer, will appear Wednesday
evening, Aprfl' 10.
The Damascus High Scbool Basket
Ball Team will play the fourih game
oi a series wiui t,ong Eddy at the
H. S. Gyinnafrtum Friday 'evening,
March 1. A box social will immedi
ately follow tha game for the bene
fit of the Gymnasium fund. Will the
ladies jrfoase bring, boxes?
Funeral of Mrs. Goorjjo Heiitle3
The funeral of tho late Mrs. Geo.
Ilentley, a member of one of tho
pioneer families of this part of tho
State, who died recently at tho homo
of her sister In Scranton, was held
from the homo of her sister, Mrs.
Thomas Dickson, on Tuesday morn
ing. Rev. Joseph 11. Odoll, D. D.,
had chargo of the services and read
a passage from tho scripture. Mrs.
William Hutton and Mrs. Kelsel
rendered duet selections. The pall
bearers were: William Franklin, E.
B. Franklin, Edwin Shafer and J. A.
Bodio of Scranton; Frank Bentley,
of New Y'ork and T. Frank Ham, of
Honesdale. lntorment was made, in
a private vault of tho Dickson fam
ily in Dunmoro cemetery.
Work Promises to lie l.lslit Not a
',.!, .!,...! ,.,.,. 'I'.. Milt,.
, ,.,? wT,nK aeoa s wero record-' Tho graud Jurors drawn for
, .. Lesners mco 011 Satur-i grand Jury duties will answer to
t' i ii, . their names when called on Monday
r i..? n, W-. aton' of Scrantn- to afternoon, March i, at 2 o'clock, In
i.ittlo it. baton, same placo, lands in tho court houso.
Waymart; 51.00. Tn0 business to bo transacted will
John . haton and Lllllo Elton, bo exceedingly light, according to a
or waymart, to Alice A. Romlch. statement mado by District Attorney
" junto, certain innuB in
mart: $1.00.
On Tuesday. Feb. 27, tho follow
ing: Henry Dried nnd wife, of Hnw.
icy, io is. u. Shaffer, of
Way-M. E. Simons to a Citizen reporter
on Wednesday. Ho stated that to
date thero is no criminal caso on file
for aitlon and regarding bridges and
(Special to The Citlzen.V
. Sterling, pa.. Ff-h.. 2 7
On tho 20th Rnv E. Wehsti-
aiiended me iueuiodlst Ministerial
meeting neid at Scranton.
Arthur Benjamin, has moved hf
steam saw mill from Robert Cross'
to Ulysses Martin's woods. Soon all
tho best of our woods will bo eut off
and nothing but a fow patches of
brush will remain. i
Mrs. P. II. Howo entertained Mr.
and Mrs. J, D. Godfrfes, and Mrs
Augustus Snyder at dlnnsr on Feb
ruary 23. .
Friday evening, March 1, the High
school graduating class will give a
conundrum, supper and. social at the
High school building.
Rev. andi Mrs. Arthur Flak and
daughter returned to. Plymouth last
Friday. Mrs. Fisk's brother, Charles
Butler, Improves but slowly and tho
trained nurse Is still with them.
Washington's birthday was cele
brated In tho East Sterling M. E.
church last Saturday night and Row
W. E. Webster dellvared an address.
Wo do not know the nature of tho
proceedings but report says there was
a good attendance and ?25 was rais
ed to npply on tho minister's salary.
Horacn Simons haa had quite a ser
ious attack of tho grip but Is now Im
proving. Mrs. Elizabeth TBompson is at tho
homo of her brother, Walter Mus
gravo, and is quite ill, and does not
For somo time past Granville Web
ster has been located at PIttston, but
Is now reported to bo moving to
Dover, N. J., and Is now making his
parents hero a visit. Mr. Webster Is
oue of our Sterling boys who has
financially made Hfo a success.
S. N. Cross has over 1000 saj
buckets on hand and E. Cross has or
dered 2500 one gallon syrup cans.
Tor Infants nnu Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
t&iicclal to Tho Citizen.)
Indian Orchard, Feb. 28.
Tho roads In this vicinity aro In a
bad condition owing to tho recont
rains followed by sovero cold weath
er. They are so Icy that traffic is
dangerous. Tho only team over tho
road on Thursday was Borden's,
driven by John Wizard.
Lco Bunnell, who has been visit
ing his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. H.
Bunnell, has roturned to Scranton
whore ho Is employed In tho machine
Miss Wren, of Scranton, who at
tended her unclo's funeral on Tues
day last, spent several days with her
friend, Nclllo Hall.
Frances Froy nnd Corn Wood, of
Troop's Corners, wore visitors on
Monday and Tuesday last at tho
homo of W. II. Mnrshall and wife.
Elizabeth Swltzor of Hawley Is
visiting hor parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Svvitzcr.
The entertainment and box party
given by Miss Gray's school on Wed
nesday evening was a grand success.
Samuel Saunders, who has been
visiting his daughter, Mrs. S. D.
Noble, of Calkins, has roturned homo
accompanied 'by Mrs. Noblo.
The Guild met with Mrs. May
Richmond on Thursday last. Not
withstanding tho inclemency of tho
weather a largo number were nmsnnt
and a good time was enjoyed by all.
They will hold their next meeting
with -Mrs. Richard Ham.
Melva and Katherlne Wren, form
erly of Hawley, aro now making
their home with Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Hall of this place.
Among those who exnoct to nt.
tend the Pomona Grango at Maple-
wuou are a. saunaers, Mesdames
Buckingham, Dunn and Downing.
J. G. Swartz. who has boon work.
ing at Dyberry, has returned to his
Homo at this plare.
William Oliver, of Genunsrtown.
was a caller at A. M. Henahaw's -
W. C. Spry and wife of the old
Rod Rock farm, spent Sunday with
Beachlake relatives.
Indian Orchard Grange will Initi
ate three now member at its next
Halsey Wells, who has been caring
for a broken leg, was able to attend
Grange on Saturdav evnnfne- lnat nt
which time ho was installed as Mas
ter. We believo ho Is the rfght man
in trie right place.
On- Wednesday evening of last
weok Mr. and Mrs. Horace Budd of
the West Shore house entertained
the Odd Fellows and their wives' who
ll-e In the vicinity of Beaehlako.
Those present were: W. H. Dunn, C.
A. Davey, H. D. Wood, W. W
unver, urn. ives, W. II. Marshall.
r. H. Olvor, H. F. Budd, and their
wives, Mrs. Seymour. 11. D. Olver,
Woodley Olver and W. .1. Pnrkin nil
of which were invited to partake of
uysiers anu various other delicacies
to which each acted their part well.
Brother Wood acted as toastmaster
and nearly all responded when called
upon. Brothers' Davey, Ives, Olver
and Olvor sang several quartettes.
At midnight 'all' departed for their
several homes declaring that their
host and hostess were thc best of entertainers.
Tho following nnmcd porsons have
uiuu moir petitions tor a Ilcenso nnd
tho snmo will bo presonted to Court
of Quarter Sessions on Mondey,
.uurcu it, iy la.
i Buckingham Mlchaol Francis
, uowns.
' Canaan Jns. Glldca, Paul Vavcr
: schak.
Clinton H. T. O'Nolll.
. Drehor II. B. Smith, O. E. Sl
I inons.
Dyberry Asa Kimble, Matthew F.
i Clcmo.
1 Hawley Christian Lehman, Mar
I tin Reallcr, August II. Frank, Geo.
Kohlman, Angela Hughes, Frank J.
Dcnlson, F. J. Crockonberg, LafayetU
I Honesdale Frank N. Lord, Jr.,
1 Lcnnon & Coyne, Jesse T. Barlow &
C. W. Elmendorf, Chnrlcs McArdlo,
Paul E. McGranaghan, Chas. McDon
ald. Lake Flora M. Schadt.
Lehigh C. W. Garagan.
Manchester Win. F. G. Emrich,
Wm. A. Block, Frank & Martin Dti
Breun. Mt. Pleasant I. W. Bunnell, Wm.
T. Davis.
Preston Anthony Y'eager. P. F.
Madlgan, W. J. Healoy.
Salem II. F. Nicholson, Ralph
South Canaan John Benthstm.
Starrucca John Woodmanse.
Texas Thomas Gill, Frederick
Krantz, James Mundy, F. W. Bun
noil, Charles H. Murphy, George
Meyers, John C. Smith, Frank T. Bis
hop. Emmet A. Hurley, Frank Mang.
Waymart Walter J. Mitchell.
Canaan James J. Burnett.
Clinton John Opeka.
Hawley Gus. Deitzor, J. Adams.
Louis Geisfer.
Honesdale' Christopher Lowe.
Henry Beurkett, John H. Heumann,
Fred O. Gelbort, F. W. Michols, BenJ.
Lorls, Jr., A. R. Taeubner, L. C.
Wonlger, T. Vf. O'Connell, Herman
Meyers, W. B. Roadknlght, Chas. P.
Sllsby, John Theobald.
Texas Chris-, J. Hook,
Honesdalo John rtren.r
I'almyra Luke P. RIchardso
u?,xa8T,P.n Urwlng Com
mam Muimeyer.
Clinton Geo. W. Stiles, Jos.
ITnwlnv TirttftnXr tt T.
nonesuaio .Michael Galvln,
McGranaghan, Paul Fives.
Tp YH 4 T h n tlnnin,.,!,,..!.
urowing Co.
W T tl ,
.fx en that apnialsemenf nt
to tho widows of tho following
: - "wii uiuu i
...Ill V. . . . -
, in uv i'i vduiiluu iur approva
fnnrlnv fflti 11 in, a
.......... . . , yij
ttlnnnlifi Qmltl. a... r.
ATvrtln QiL'lnfrli C...U n
Adelaide Burcher. Da
Honesdale, Feb. 1C, 1912.
YT aync Common Fleas: Trial
i t .iarcn Term. laiz.
Week of March 11.
Tiffany vs. Sands.
Selleck vs. DoBrnnn
Wood Admr. vs. Stuart et al.
1 1 rn Tl I." I ... 1. 1 Tl t . .
YATnt'ttn rnnnnn,n P. C ...... I . - r 1
u. a. uorirignt.
Conley vs. McKenna.
Week of April 1
Ramblo V8. Pnnn.i Pnnl Pn
uuuiisuuie, i-u., reo, u, l'Jl
lil'.vli KSTATK TIC A VKKl.-It
The following real estate
i i . i ...
and wife transfers to Alice A.
llch, of Warmart, certain land
Waymart; consideration $1.
TUP P A A 1 P&
I H t k V AM
I II L Luuni
Bears tho
Signature ot
Kast ItiilTnIo Cattle Market.
East Buffalo. Fob. 29. CATTLE
Blooming i road vlows claimed that there wero Actlvo and strong.
visais Active at iu.uuai2.00: a
yirovo, lots 4 and o In Hawley . sovoral out. but did not know
borough; cpnBldoratlon $2200.00. vvhethor or not thoy would bo ro
Rachael Nelman and Charles Nel- turned In tlmo for action to bo
wan. of Texas township, to Charles 1 taken upon thorn.
Smith, of same place, portion of
land in Texas township comprising 1 1M , , ,
about 4 acres; consideration J 1500. levator Works Chnnijcs Its I ay Day.
'Anna Goldsmith, admlnlstra-. The Gurnoy Electric Elevator
trlx, of Hawley, sold tho property company of this placo has changed
eltuated In Palmyra township last its pay day from Saturday to Wed
weok to Nancy Stlmnard for a con- nesday. Tho next pay roll will bo on
federation of $200. Wednesday, March 6.
fow, $12.25
HOGS Actlvo and steady; heavy
and mlxod, $7.00a$7.05; Y'orkers,
$G.7na7.05; pigs, $C.C0aG.75;
roughs, $G.lCaG.25; stags, $4. 50a
5.50; dairies, $G.75a7.00.
steady; lambs, $3.D0a7iD0; yearlings,
$5.50aG.25; wetherB, $5,00aG,25;
owes, $4.25a4.75; a fow, $5.00;
sheep, mlxod, $2.00a5.G0.
Administratrix's Notice.
Estate of Mary Robacker, late of
Sterling Township, Wayne county,
Pa., deceased..
Letters of administration on the
above estate having been granted to
the urfdersigned, all porsons having
claims against the said decedent and
estate will please present them, duly
authenticated, for settlement, and
those Indebted to said estate are re
quested to make lmmedlato payment
to HELEN K. RonArTcrcn
. Mt. P6cono. Pa.
Or hor attorney, J. B. Williams,
Esq., Stroudsburg, Pa. I7t3
IES,. In compliance with Sec
tion 3, o the Uniform Primary Act,
jjubu oi,.L. li., tauii, notice is here
by given, to the electors of Wayno
county ot tho number of delegates
party is entitled to cieut, names of
party otlltors to be lilted and for
what olllces nominations aro to bo
made at the Spring Primaries to bo
held on.
1 person for Representative in
1 person for Representative In.
General Assombly.
2 persons for Delegates to the
Stato Convention.
2 porsons for Delegates to the Re
publican National Convention.
2 persons for alternates to the!
Republican National Convention.
1 person for Party Committeeman
In oach district In. tho county.
1 person for Representative 1n ,
Congress. !
1 porson for Representative in
General Assembly.
1 porson for Delegato to tho Stato
2 porsons for Delegatos to tho
National Convention. i
2 persons for alternates to the Na-1
tional Convention. 1
1 person for Party Committeeman
In each election district In tho coiyi-
i ,
3 persons for Delegates to tho
Stato Prohibition Convention.
7 persons for Delegat03 to tho
National Prohibitive Convention.
7 porsons for alternates to the
National Prohibitive Convention.
1 porson for Dologato to tho Key
stono Stato Convention.
Petition forms may be obtained nt
tho Commissioners' office.
Petitions for Congress and Ropre
sontativo must bo led with the Sec
rotary of tho Commonwealth on or
boforo Saturday, March 1G, 1912.
Petitions for Pnrty offlcors. Com
mitteemen and Delegates to tho
State Conventions must bo filed at
tho Commissioners' offlco on or bo
foro Saturday, March 23, 1912.
Attest: Thos. Y. Boyd, Clork.
Commissioners' Ofllco, Honesdale,
Pa., Feb. 2G, 1912.
By Frank H. Hubbel
I itn Dritrotn 1 flnnn tfnl J n - i r - n r -r 1 1 n
lqid iiiiaic ioi. rcwi, vui. cfiiu uapi. uu. u bnn ren
Will be published in theCitize
M-t-w Cllllllll IIV.AL tf IX. II I it 1 I I I 1
thrilling story ff the .'ivil War an
it will prove intert. stiny; to oun
anu uiu aiiKe. uon t rail to read i
Theauthcr, Frank H. Hubbel
will be mm mbtncl bv manv of o
citizens, hnviniv hi en hnrn in Hrn
, 0 v...-.
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mer Honesdale man.
Out of the Jaws of Death
To Appear Wednesday, March 6