The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 23, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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THH CITIZEN, Fill DAY, FEB. 23, 1012.
vxqjs ?
a - . a . -
Lost Jewel
A Romance That Bezan In
a Queer Robbery :
Copyrlcht by American Prrsj Assn.
elation, 1911. ;
ue crcui car ioucnt us wnv remv
uiy luruuKU uenvy units oi sihih '
n, nunc lis unver nesiiiiicii hih'in-
n r I. In hnHil ... ,1... 1 . ...I . .
impulse which lnul prompted hiii:
fiiQniiaa ni t in nhniiiifiiM nun i!ii:n
nil hlinnnlf thn fnuL- nf rnlUm- for
mother nml sister nt n elty I h-
r. xnt t.nnlil inve fiiimil li's w:iv
ndfolded through tnnuled by-
v ivnuii .inmnnM in imiiirii 11111 in
.11 If .. 111.. I. CI ......I.... I. .I
I)nrtnls of their uew humesteml
on the hill.
leretofore the sunurnnn trnins una
med to liim the best meiins of
ifilll lilt- riiiiiif. iii.iiii-i in nimii.
5 IT fd-v
r in the distance shone one solitary
ht. With all possible speed Servlss
point a way out of his dlfllculty.
the enr drew nearer he saw that it
a nn nre lipht which hml Jieen iilnreri
the Imposing entrance lo un Isolnt
manslon Ue was still too far tiwuy
discern more than the dim outline
the building, but even as he watched
iriii gieaniea nriKiui.v tor a moment
ipr nnrt nf the hnnse. nnd so nt re'-
tr nirarrn a Trilm lump ti nm r ivun
great lurch the limousine plunged
I'M. mill niTviNN. Niiri 11 iriiiir niziuiv ill
ground, ascended the stone sleps
uiiiu un in me UMurwiiY. 1 11 Mil mi-
-11. .... . .i... .a . m.. ....
iimiii in'riTi it iinir ninvini' iiimit. ill
Its echolnir sound. Suddenly a wom-
s voice nroue tne silliness.
iiere. caiieu tne voice, -iconic
n .lnpl- Rorvfcn If nnnnnon lllra ft
of distress.
Tolcc prompted.
lotvlm winillnr until nnil iriui(nt
way up Ice covered steps. Ah he
i . i. i 1 1 .. . . .
l nuj linn iit-iiu miiu irui, riue saiu
go at once."
i uu unit- t iut-iiii( iijiiuc u uii.-i-
... Cn. .!-. iin.,...ul clnn.1l l
see" He reached for the little nu-
uuuiir i. ii ill iii.- i"'i i. i . miw" iii
light first full upon himself, then
i urow iiuck tremoiingiy.
What do you want here?" she wills-
1 have lost my way In the storm.
i inn txi i uiii'u. - :mii Kioiii I'll in unri;
most direct rond to Hie city."
uir j ne one word seemed to ex
ss vast relief. "Kollow the straight
id Ipndlng past this house." she add
bnstily. -it will take you there."
i u. un. ,-u. erviss answered, unu
ii lingered in doubt. "Cnn X be of
-Istance lo youV he asked.
.mi. sue spoKe sn'TTiy, "i lease go.
Ie plodded buck through the snow
iln came that Imperative call:
i n-ji'-v luuii- iii-ii. i up vuice en-
Ie quickly retraced his steps, but
small flashlight revealed no wall
figure on the porch, and though he
rplieil illlli'i'iitlv In evpri- lilililun
ner. tramping patiently about the
nt house, the mysterious little ladv
(ii u hii i v wiii ' v or t ifi'-i
ource he rang the doorbell and
led loudly: then, receiving no nn
or. he resumed his seat In the unto
bile nnd stinted cityward.
Jove, that whs quperl he mused
king back at the great dark bouse,
e memory of tit Klrl'n traffic face
a a 4 X " i 1" 1" T""S
Mystery of the
ds mw t i ill
UlllltlXl 111 M II ItUl. I .-TJkJ
iv i 'mill ivmvi.'vr in 11 i 1 1
a. i .IV I V jMSV . Jf IV . HI I'
l' I'll I l ,11111 5 ill I 1 ll 1
I M If 11 I 1, 111 l it '
i in u s-r . ii
in tinted him nil the way. "I nm half
dead with fear," she hud snld. yet why
was she theieV What did It all menu?
His liiiud wuh still a confusion of
thought as be renched the llieater.
Suddenly the doqj ot the limousine
was thrust open, A girl hastily ulightcii
and paused for a moment at bis side
as she looked up "t liliu. Serviss ut
tered nn exclamation of surprise.
"1 thank you for a lung tide." the
girl said, "Unconsciously you have
rendered me a great service."
She Unshed a Inughlng glance Into
his bewildered face and melted into
the crowd.
"My dear son." be benrd bis mother
saying at this moment, "1 hope we
have not kept you wnltlng long In the
Serriss nppenred at brenkfnst the
following morning distrait and preo?
cupled. His apathy vanished, however,
ns his eyes met the glaring bendllues
of n morning pnper:
"Another Oaring Itobbery on Sum
ner ltoad-Homc of Colonel Tllchmond
Entered by ISurglars Last N'lght While
Family Were Out of Town-Vnlunbles
nnd Money Amounting to Several
Thousand Dollars Stolen- Famous Dia
mond and Pearl Necklace Among the
Missing Jewels. Etc.. Etc. Police
"Working Upon Slight Clew-Member
of Mounted Police Saw a I.-irge Li
mousine Stalled at the Entrance to
Colonel Richmond's Residence as He
Passed on His Hounds at a Late Hour
Last Night, but Did Not Think It
Necessary to investigate at the Time
-It is Now Helleved That It Was
This Car Which Enabled the Sneak
Thieves to !et Away Unobserved."
Grim lines showed about .luck Ser-
vlss" mouth as lie folded the paper. Soj
line ivus uif siiiiHiiiii in uie insirr..
"Take the box." she had said, "nnd let
us go at once." And she had made him
her accomplice.
Nat. the chauffeur, entered the room
at this moment. "Meg pardon, sir." he
said, "but did one of the Indies drop
this In the car last night?"
He held out a little Jeweled locket.
Servlss took It eagerly In his pnlm. A
hasty glnnce showed a name engraved
upon Its cover. "I will tnke enre of
the trinket. Nat," he snld unexpectedly.
When the man hnd gone he read Ihe
name Inscribed. It wns Marguerite
Richmond. All morning he deliberat
ed upon the best course to pursue. One
thing was very evident the locket
must be restored to its owner. At
length he decided to return It In per
son nnd tell what he realized would
sound a most Improbable story. He
wns determined, however, to give no
information which might lead to the
possible detection of the girl to whom
he had "rendered n service."
His ring wns promptly nnswered on
this occnslon. and he was ushered into
the presence of Colonel Richmond.
"How do you do. sir." said this ec
centric old gentleman, "and what's
your business?"
"I have called." Servlss replied, "con
cerning the robbery which occurred
here lust night."
With an impatient gesture Colonel
Richmond waved the subject nslde.
"The wrong has been righted." he said
brusquely. "Notes nnd Jewels are all
safe In my possession once more."
He turned awny with a chuckle.
"The culprli Is here In my own house.
I'll send her In to talk with you. Ex
cuse me. sir: I'm busy."
As Colonel Richmond left the room
Jnck Servlss" lingers enrae In contact
with the golden trinket In his pocket.
Then a soft, rustling sound caused him
to glance expectantly towurd the door
wny. The curtains parted to udmlt a
girl's slight figure. She stood a mo
ment, looking up with the dark, appeal
ing eyes he remembered so well.
"Well." she asked, "hnve you come
to inform upon me?"
Servlss stepped forward, "I came to
return this locket." he said slowly.
"It wns found iu my enr Inst night,
and 1 feared that It might be one of
the misslug Richmond Jewels."
The girl's face flushed rosily ns she
extended her bnnd to receive the trin
ket. "I must usk you to listen to an
explanation." she said, . "although it
will place me in n ridiculous position.
I have been attending school In Bos
ton, taking n postgraduate course
merely In order to stay on n little
longer with the girls. Not long ngo 1
wrote mother nnd futher to expect me
home for the holidays, and mother re
plied, telling of various dnnces and din
ners which were being planned In my
honor. It wus theu that 1 decided to
return nt uu earlier dute, so that we
three might have a nice, 'homey' time
together. Wishing to give them n good
surprise. I did not announce my com
ing, nnd It never occurred to me that
fnl tier might tuke it Into his head to
carry mother off to visit n sister out la
the country, but such proved to be the
ense. My train was late, and I left It
nt the Junction, keeping close to the
trees which border the roadside in tho
hope thai no one would spy me from
the windows, for 1 wished to enter the
familiar old room very quietly and see
two dear faces light up with pleasure.
Rut before me the house loomed deso
late, forsaken. 1 tilted my latchkey
nnd slipped Into the gloomy hall. Then,
ns 1 passed again and again from room
to room, turning on euch light ns I
went. I found that not even n servant
remained In the house to bid me wel
come. What could I do buttle my way
bnck through the sudden storm to the
station In the chance of finding n Inte
train to the city or spend the night
alone In this cold, ghostly house? As
I leuned bnck in the study chair, try
ing to think a way out of my dlfllculty,
I saw upon the table before me n lit
tle 'strong box In which father usual
ly carries his notes and valuables to
the bnnk. Strange to say. the key re
malned In the lock, nnd ns I raised the
cover several rows of banknotes met
my eye, nnd flashing upon its rclret
cushion ww the wonderful necklnce
which my grandmother had worn at
Lincoln's Innugurntlon ball. Why baa
the box been left thus carelessly upon
the library tnble?
"I recnlled ninny dnrtng robberies
which hnd been committed of Into In
this snme lonely locality, and per
haps even now burglars were scantl
ing the empty boii-e for ftitiher ln.nty.
They would return presently for ihe
llttte box, nnd then tremblingly my
blind sought the telephone. Mr. Leigh,
who managed father's alTalrH ut the
bnnk. might be nble to advise or ir'lp
me. I explnlncd the situation hurried
ly, nnd nt Inst his well known voice
"Try not to be ntnr!ned. he said,
'nnd ndmlt no person to the house. 1
will be with you ns soon ns the nuto
enn rush me there nnd will bring you
nnd the vnlunbles bnck with me.'
"The thought of remaining longer In
the silent house was unbearable: so,
concealing the little box beuenth my
clonk. I crept out into the darkened
porch nnd n waited my deliverer. When
the lights of your car shone down the
drivewny 1 cried eagerly, nlthough 1
might have known thnt It would huve
been Impossible for Mr. Leigh to nrrlre
so quickly, but the moments dragged
ns houra back there in the storm nud
"1 quite understand," Servlss an
swered gently, "but why did you not
let me help you?"
She leaned forward with n graceful
gesture. "Why. don't you see." she
nsked. "I wns not a very responsible
person then, nud so I thought yon
might be the burglnr returning for
his stolen prize. At nny rnte. It would
senrcely hnve been wise to make a con
fidant of a man who appeared nt the
rear door of a vacant house so lute nt
night to ask tho very apparent way to
the city, nor would It have been nd
vlsnble to trust an entire stranger with
the care of a box containing several
thousand dollnrs' worth of vnlunbles.
Nevertheless I wns determined not to
stay in the plnce another moment, so
when I bud called you I ran nrouiid
the other wny nnd peeped Into your
automobile. Finding it empty, I took
n desperate chance nnd slipped Inside,
hoping that you would not see ine
there nnd thnt I might thus reach the
city quickly nnd snfely. As we rolled
along nnd I hud time to think the mat
ter over soberly I was ashumed of my
folly nnd knew Instinctively thnt you
bad spoken the truth. When the
lights of the theater gleamed out and
thnt little old lady came to meet you,
why. 1 wnnted to beg your pardon for
having doubted. I do so now." she
added Impulsively. "Will you shake
hands with the culprit?"
Servlss clasped the proffered hand.
"If you are the culprit." he replied,
"remember that 1 nm nlso your ac
complice. I nm still anxious to hear"
"Walt." interposed the girl. "When
I left you 1 went directly to Mr.
Leigh's home, where his wife wel
comed me sympathetically. This morn
ing when Mr. Leigh read the startling
news of the robbery we came out here
directly. It seems that in the hurry of
depnrture father had forgotten the box.
which he had Intended to lenve nt the
bank for safe keeping, it wus not un
til he hud reached his destination that
he recnlled having left It upon the
library tnble nnd Immediately boarded
n homecoming train. Father Is very
hnsty. nnd when he discovered that
the house hnd been entered and the
box taken 1 think he must hnve noti
fied every police station and detective
agency in the surrounding country."
A mischievous light shone in Miss
nichmond's eyes. "I would like to
know just what you thought when you
read the papers?" she questioned.
"My predominating thought wns thnt
I should like nbove all things to see
"me wnoNo hab bkkn hkiutkw," he
you again." Servlss answered daringly.
The girl smiled.
"What a swift, light running car
yours Isi" she said remlnlscently.
"Perhaps you would be goud enough
to try it uguln under more favorable
circumstances?" he ventured.
"Yes," Miss Rlchmoud nnswered
frankly, "1 would."
And u very short time after In fner,
the first spring flowers were Just pok
ing their heads above ground n hnppy
couple motored in this same cur down
the highway to the city. The man
glanced ut a goldeu locket which deco
rated his watch fob.
"Darling." he said rapturously
"sometimes I think it was this llttli
charm which led me back to you."
And Mrs. Servlss smiled demurely
"I hoped it would when 1 left It there,'
he replied.
iRcccIvcd from W. A. Gay
lord, Ex-Treasurer 2G9G.10
Received from H. Schuor-
holz, Coll. on 1910 dup. . 909.09
Received from W. A, Slu-
mnn, Coll 325.00
Received from H. Schuor-
bolz, Coll 300.00
Received from W. A. Slu-
mnn, Coll. on 1911 dup. 1150.38
Received from W. A. Slu-
man, Coll, bal. on 1910
duplicate 173.38
Received from H. Schuer-
liolz, Coll. on 1911 dup. 2G83.87
Rcc'd for support of poraons
In nsylumB 279.25
Rec'd from Philip Itoso,
support or father 13G.50
Rec'd for milk 1788.52
Rcc'd farm produce and
stock 210.07
Dy patients in insano asy
lums 12735.89
I3y patients in schools lor
feebleminded G7.50
By fees to Auditors and
statement 15.00
By coal for almshouse .... 141.38
By coal for outside relief.. 7.25
By drugs nnd medldno. . . . 18.25
By Dr. Gnvitt $6.50, Dr.
Powell $19.00 25.50
By shoes for paupers 11.90
By butter 160.93
By dry goods, groceries,
clothing, dishes and pro
visions 440.77
By horso shoeing 21.90
By removing patients to
nsylums 73.35
By printing statements. .. . 30.00
By hardware, stovo and
mowing machine 181.52
By stationery and stamps. 11.39
By tobacco for inmates. . . . 14.20
By outside relief 313.88
By livery hire 17.00
By.telephone service 37.50
By seeds for farm 34.88
By pasturing stock .... 16.25
By insurance 90.88
By making two . duplicates. 7.00
By repair work, fertilizer,
gasoline, oil and carpen
ter 81.05
Dy lumber, stock and fur'ro 154. 68
By refund to L. Guckenbur-
ger, guardian 2.65
By Hour and feed 613.18
By stewards' salary 450.00
By hired men 299.50
By hired girl 156.00
By Searle & Salmon, Attys. 25.00
By directors' salaries 225.00
By butchering 6.00
By repairing telephone line 21.90
Balance in Treas. hands... 4203,08
Cash In Treas. hands $4203.08
Due from H. Schuorholz,
Coll. of Honesdalo for
1910 360.92
Due from H. Schucrholz,
Coll. of Honesdalo for
1911, subject to exonera
tions and commissions. . 502.42
Duo from V. A. Sluman,
Coll. of Texas for 1911,
subject to exonerations
and commissions 367.59
We, the undersigned Auditors,
having examined the accounts of the
Directors of tho Poor District of
Texas township and the borough of
Honesdale, find the same correct as
above set forth both as to items of
charge and discharge.
Real estato $7000.00
20 cows 1000.00
2 two-year-old heifers 60.00
1 two-year-old bull 50.00
2 yearlings 40.00
4 calves 20.00
Pair horses 450.00
2 sets harness 35.00
Farm implements 700,00
Dairy fixtures 100.00
Goods in Steward's kitchen 90.00
Dining room for inmates 45.00
Furniture and bedding 275.00
Furniture In directors' room 100.00
Groceries and provisions 300.00
Hay 625.00
Oats 130.00
Straw 75.00
Corn in crib 50.00
Potatoos 300.00
Chickens and ducks 30.00
Farm Implements 150.00
2 hogs 30.00
Number of Inmates at close of
1911 11
Number admitted during year 1
Number discharged None
Number died "
Number days support 4480
Number averago numbers In
mates 12 U
We, tho undersigned, Poor Direc
tors of tho Poor District of Texas
Township and tho Borough of
Honesdale, certify that tho above
statement is true and correct to tho
best of our knowledge nnd belief.
THOMAS GILL. President.
W. A. GAYLORD, Secretary.
O. E. BUNNELL, Treasurer.
Truce Mauks
CopmiaHTs &.c.
Anyone lending n Wtrh mid dncrlptlnn mar
siilcklr airertulii our iipniluu frue whether aii
tiiToiillon u iirohnblf ihiidiiihIiIa. Conimiintru.
tl.minirlcllrroiiildoiillul. tIANOUOOK on I'mrnu
cut free. OMeit aveitcr for aecurinT patents.
I'ntonti taken lurouiih Muun 6t Co, receive
tprclal fiollt,, wllhoutehirie, lutba
Scientific Jliticr.cniu
A nundiomelr lllnntrelM werklf, Ijirmt rtr
culitUun of enr erleniiua Journal. O'erm. 13 a
renri four montbe, f L Solil brJl nemdealer".
MUNN& Co.3B,B''New Ycrtt
ilrancb 00c. 3I r BU Wufalogtee, I. &
You Rlk No Money If You Try Thlt
Wo want every ono troubled with
Indigestion nnd dyspcpsln to come to
our store and obtain a box of Rexnll
Dyspepsia Tablets. They contain Bls
muth'Subnltrnte nnd Pepsin carefully
combined so ns to develop their groat
est power to overcome digestive dls
Rexnll Dyspepsia Tablets nre very
pleasant to tnke. They tend to soothe
the Irritnblc, weak stomach, to
strengthen nnd invigorate the dlgestlvr
orgnns, to relieve nausea and indiges
tion, thus promoting nutrition and
bringing about n feeling of comfort.
If you give Rexnll Dyspepsia Tnb
lets a reasonable trial we will return
your money If you nre not satisfied
with the result. Three sizes, 25
cents, 60 cents, nnd $1.00. Rcmem
bcr, you can obtain Rcxall Remcdlct
only at jur store Tho Rcxall Btoro
REAL ESTATE By virtue of
process Issued out of tho Court of
Common Pleas of Wayno county, and
State of Pennsylvania, and to mo di
rected and delivered, I have levied on
and will expose to public salo, at the
Court Houso In Honesdale, on
All the defendant's right, tltlo, and
Interest In the following described
property viz:
All defendant's right, title and In
terest In tho following described land
sltuato In Canaan township, Wayno
county, Pa., bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at a heap of
stones, tho eastern corner of Chas.
Hogan's land; thence by said land
north 68 degrees west 76 rods to a
stones corner; thence by lot No. 17
In tho allotment of the Cadanalador
Mlddlo creek land; north 40 degrees,
east 137 14 rods to a post corner;
thence by land this day conveyed to
Edward Walsh south 68 degrees
east 76 rods to a post corner; thence
by land in tho warrantee name of
Joseph Burrows and Benjamin
Mashon south 40 degrees west 137
rods to tho place of beginning, con
taining 62 acres more or less; also
all that other piece or parcel of land
situate partly In South Canaan town
ship and partly in Cherry Ridge
township, Wayno county, bounded
and described as follows, viz: Be
ginning at a heap of stones, the
common corner of lots Nos. 5G, 57,
62, 63 in tho allotment of the Cad
walader Middle Creek tract; thence
by land conveyed by John Torrey to
William Walsh and Dennis Donavan,
north 40 degrees east 164 rods to
a stones corner and thence by land of
David S. Buckley south 50 degrees
east 35 rods to a stones corner, and
thence by said lot No. 57 south 40
degs. west 164 rods to the place of
beginning, containing 35 acres and
140 perches be the same more or
less, and being the same land of
which James McCarty died, seized
and of whom defendant Is a son and
heir at law, having vested in him his
said heir a one-eighth undivided in
terest In said land. Upon tho first
named premises Is a framo house,
barns and outbuildings and nearly all
the land Is improved; upon the sec
ond piece there are no Improvements
Seized and taken In executon as
the property of D. G. McCarty at the
suit of Margaret McCarty. March
Term, 1909. Judgment, $259.02.
Attorney, McCarty.
By virtue ot the annexed writ of fi.
fa I have this day levied upon and
taken in execution tho two following
described pieces or parcels, of land,
situate In the townships of Mount
Pleasant and Clinton, the first bound
ed and described as follows: Begin
ning at post and stones, the north
east corner of the John Shee war
rant; thence by the same south eighty-five
degrees west one hundred
seventy-one and one-half perches
to stones orner; thence north five
degrees west seventy-four and one
half perches to atones corner; thence
north eighty-five degrees east one
hundred forty-two and three-fourths
perches to post and stones corner;
thence by the Ellas Dawson warrant
south twenty-six degrees east seventy-nine
and three-fourths perches to
the place of beginning, containing
page 79. conveying these lands to
seventy-three acres and twenty-four
perches, be the same more or less.
Upon tho above stated premises la a
The Vvnuli Ttwt Won't Tyro U tuu"
Prolongs, Indefinitely the Life of Oil Cloth.
100 square feet of oil cloth costs about $7.00, lasts about one
year and looks shabby after six months. It costs $1.50 to
varnish with Valspar once or twice a year according to need.
Valspar waterproofs the oil cloth, preserves it and keeps it
bright and new. Figure vo'.v saving. Get Valspar NOW from
Made liy V.tflENi'l'NE & COMPANY
C. C. JADVVIN, Honesdale, Pa.
D. n. CO. TIHP rAKI.I-
A.M. I' M V.M. .M. I' U -1 .,
H :) 111 mi 1 si uiuny
IP 01 in nn .... m it.ii.-ii iniiiiii
IU IU' 2 ViV 11 A "MM hIhIiiIiI.I
3 w 7 ID I in 12 l Till Vllkp-llnrrr
0 x Oil vi I Ih TV -r.iiliin. ..
i'.m. a.m p.m T VTi i Tr
5 III HI'S ".'.'! K A) 'iM 1 11 I'lirhiitiilule .
5 611 KM ... sail ill s .V I iu-..ii Avenue.
0 51 8 SI fi 'II 2 I'l .Hi Wlille
fill 9 I ... M :n it I -'nr lew
6 17 9 21 .V 211 fi 21 fioi.iaii ....
. . 1 uie IMlnre
6 2fi MX' ... 7 07 2 .V t .vnmrt ...
6 32 H.TJ ... 7 1.1 2S7 M '17 k'eene . ...
6 3.1 9 :l 7 IK 2 VI M :CI leen
6 Hit .... 7 211 3 11 U II I'miiiploil.
6 41 9 17 7 21 3(17 H 17 Kurleni.i .
MB 9.V) ... 7 27 3 111 H.HI eelyvllle
B 60 9 AS .... 7 31 3 1.1 M M llnne.iliile
P.M. A M ' I' vT l' M " Iv
frame story and one-bnlf houso,
framo barn nnd other out buildings,
apple orchard and other fruit trees,
and sugar maple orchard and largely
Improved land. Tho Second: Be
ginning at a heap of stones In tha
west lino of the Ellas Dawson war
rant; thence along said line north
twenty-fivo degrees west forty-four
rods to stones corner; thence south
eighty-two degrees east forty-six
perches to a corner In tho Lacka
waxen Turnpike; thenco southerly
along the said Turnpike about thlrty
nlno rods to n post; thence south
elghty-slx degrees west forty perches
to the place of beginning, containing
olovon acres and twenty-four per
ches, too tho samo more or less. Alt
Improved land. For title to tho first
piece seo Deed Book No. 5, at pago
283, and tho Becond piece No. 20, at
Aaron Loomls; also Will Book No.
3, at pago 149. Seized and taken is
execution as tho property of Augus
tus Loomls at tho suit of Wm. L.
Ferguson. Judgment, $2,432. Men.
Term, 1910. Attorney, Lee.
TAKE NOTICE. All bids and cost
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Honesdale. Pa.. Feb. 9, 1912.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
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