The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 21, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    THE CITIZEN, WKDNKSDAY, 1-T3II. 21, 1012.
Statement of Finances
(Continued From Pngo Sixth.)
Ain't of lup 1910
Ain't nclcleil tl mi.. 111(1
Am't 6 per cent, added chip. 1910 14.16
Ain't diipllcntf, mil 2162.00
'ira i mined duplicate, 1911
Ity Am't duplicate 1911 unpaid
Am t sin-op claims pnld
Am t collector's mm., lliln
Am't 5 per cent, abatements 1910 7I.0S
Am't exonerations, 1910 ffiS.OO
Am't Count V frnnM nnmmlaDlnn FJI 71
Am't linl. In trens. .Ian. 1, 1912 10.1.08 J
County orders received fcllS.53
n . . ""iiiunj v.iiniE.i:i w-'i tai n
n Hunkle ense 17.G2
Paid X n Snencer. services
111 IlUnkln r.iKn If. '11
y I'.mi coroner s Jury, Hiinkle case .12.00
Paid 13. V Clavltte, M. D.. nu
opsy Hunklc case 20 00
:y Paid John n Wilson. M. I).,
autopsy Hunkle case 2T.OO0
y Paid It A Smith, J. P., Hunkle
case 8.2S
y Paid W li Ammerman, J. P.,
iv":v -
ry i'aid i' H
Peterson, coroner,
I vie wine bodies
22 00
fy Pnld James HoaK, J. P.
ly Paid It N J. P.,
I coroner
file from delinquent collectors $ 200.00
Horn duplicate. 1910 S0.1.21
from duplirnte. 1911 13,997.77
from Slate Tteas. for prim's 1471.
fiom Si te Treas. game laws 10.00
from N II l.lmtort. errnr slmon
(claim .50
from John Murraine, overpaid
cons fees .r,n
from 1 acka countv llnwn
Inncl int S0.VO0
rrom Clinton School District 9f..!o
from Cherry Itldiro Pnur Ills im(i
lalance county fund in Treas. $12.509 3(1
luc M J llanlan. hal acc't 1911 210.02
M 1. liraman. sheiilT, hal. acct 622.09
V J arioe. hal. on Knnkmit
Ibridse com 145.00
m atts, note and Int. 1,037.07
Thomas i,ill, note and Int 1,034.0.1
" Mrs Elijah Uiay. note and Int. 457.25
" 1: K. Ferguson, notes & int. 10.30S.4C
" H 11 KirpuMHi. note As Int. 6,joj."5
' 1. Fi.Kusoii, note Int. 5,11.1.43
Mjru Hill, note and int. 1,219.73
' 'nuslees Protection Kimine Co,
note unci interest 3.1SO.O0
' J U ti hiiuilt. Herlln, over
paid dup 09. 10 .2S
" U m ui ill.x. Canaan, overpaid
dUI ...'0 .10
,M .1 iimmms. 1) berry, over
laid dup ir.t. 10 5.51
" .1 K HlK.irt. bake. dup. 1910 1.91
' John inuitne. l.ehlL'h. dim. i!y i cm
i' Woodward. Jit. Pleasant,
dup '9(0 5.00
Peter P s. hniidt. Palmyra, dup. 1
.. yj- 10 4.ti i
V.UOI1 uouie. i-aupacK, dup. '09 1.U0
.1 1. Noble. Salem dup. 1910 .09
" S o ebster, Sterling, dup.
1910 jo
" C H Stephenson, AVaymart,
dup 0V ID 7.07
ICastern State Penn. 752.40
" Kieltncr Utos. lumber 10.9S
" Uraham Watts, nails, Klass, etc. 3.C9
I has K oyd, btidKe repairim; 17.00
J t operthwalte, dep. con.
Nov election 3 00
" Ulen Mills Schools, hoard of
inmates C3 53
' K Horns, M. I)., med. ser
vices at Jail 4.50
' K Gummeil. ltec. Olllcers'
oaths and bonds "i nn
i i Aiaucien,
expense acc't. ' substantially. The Filipinos are rapid
, expense acc't 15 73 ' Iy lpnrni"K the lesson of the benefits of
' J K Hoinbeek
MOO 21 t
I I."' fn.1..1l1,.
i!w 1,181 l' 45.43! Arbor day exercises have been nb-
! mast us P001 Hist., non-resi- ' sorbed by the bureau, and during (lie
'im pom 13000 , . . .
' Tier. btidKe inspecting S 1 n:lst scl'ool year not less than 000,000
ofnn.m.1."''s,S''lal Heform- care ,rees wpr Planted by the school clill
Kstimate Atn'i due Collectors. ' 1 dren. The aesthetic and economic ben
ly" cooooo cflts accruing to the people of the
t35&si on Island as a result of the tree planting
ie arc oe & Hoyd. bridBe work 200.00 , of a siiiKle year cannot be easily est!-
r. , . , S35.SS1.G0 ' "Oted.
dms TZA ctyuV'are In! T,"C ,P?S,nI ba"kS WCrC ""
;pute and ate considered doubtful: I ronlzeu by 13,728 Filipino teachers and
ie from Poor District, Preston J2250.00 pupils with SIE! fiSI ilennslted
ie from Poor District. Hawley 1019.00 1 11 ' ' lltpOMlCU.
! ,y"r '''strict, Berlin 183S.50 1 Industrial Instruction.
uui 1 001 inainci, i-aimyra 7JO.9&
ie from Poor District, Honesdale I
md Texas
lie from Poor District, Dyberry
209.SI 1
r. . v., , . IC950.13 I
N ANfML standing of COUNTV. 1
Si ctt? or oTco00- g
,,., , .
v. Z I T, th, TT I
the county ot 'Wayne, do certify that I
met at the Court House at Honesdale
layne county Pennsylvania, on Janu-
1 19U Have examined the foreKOlni;
COIlniS Of tllR Cotlntv I nnmltilnnin
lerlff Countv TrenROr..r. Pnrnnnr tn.i
IV r,t ,At,orney of Wayne county, Pa.,
u in.u uiviii correct as aoovn
IVitness our hands .it ITnn.cini,.
Ii day of Fecruary, A. D. 1912.
fiiladelphian Describes Diet of Beans
Peanuts, Dates and Oil.
iDr Albert P Ilrubaker in a lecture
"Tho Nutrition of tho Itmlv " clellv
ed In Drexel institute. Philadelphia
escribed how to live and grow fat on
worth of food a week and thus gel'
kenge upon dealers who raise tho
P.-e of foodstuffs. .
Ilr Hriiimker sulci his u-nnu icdi... w.-iw
Esc-d 011 the ac tual experience of twe ,
n who began on the diet as student!-
d have kept It up since They lived
. iui six mull ins, ill' nam, iiiiu
th gained in weight nnd improved In I
alth The men. he said, studied tin
Ilue of foodstuffs and, knowing thf
man bodj recpilres about 1!.8()0 heal
tits a day. selected their food accord
dy The diet of each was the same
llowing Is what they ate In six
dozen cans haked heans jj 2,
dozen boxes of a patent food 2.K
lans condensed milk Ti
pounds dates . 39;
Ipounds raw peanuta
kuarts cottonseed oil H
lead, butter and extras H 7j
br. Hrubnker said one of the stu
nts was suffering from tuberculosis
hen he began the diet. In six month?
had gained six pounds. The did
is kept up two years.
His Qualifications.
Yes, he Is a person of unusual lit-
fry taste."
I Indeed, He doesn't look It."
I know It. nut they really say that
has read oil of tho Congressional
Lords and several novels by Henry
Ines!" Clevelund Plain Dealer.
More Than $3,000,000 Was
Spent Last Year,
Nearly Ten Thousand Teachers and an
Enrollment Upward of Half Million.
Annual Report of Director of Educa
tion Gives Figures.
The report of the direc tor of
educntlou of the Philippine Islands for
the school year 1010-11 is in Un
hands of the bureau of Insular nffiiirs
This report Is the eleventh since the Is
lands passed under American control
and direction, and It f,'lves some Inter
cstliiK statistics.
During the school year 1000-10 the
annual enrollment was r87,317. Last
year It reached 010.-103.
There are now In operation 4.101
schools, and when the schools closed
for the summer last year the number
of American and Filipino teachers em
ployed was O.OStl. The Philippine gov
ernment spent for public education
during the last INeal year the sum o'
Hygienic Buildings.
The bureau of education has pro
vided plans for school buildings which
are hyt;enlc and attractive iu appi-ir
.nnce, nffordlnj; ample classroom space
to meet the needs of the schools and
at a cost with which the nvallable
funds can keep pace. The buildings
are so constructed that when it be
comes necessary they can bear ad
ditions without marring their beauty
or detracting from their usefulness.
The structures are of re-enforced con
crete, combined with good construction
timber, and have from one to ten
rooms each. There are now in course
of construction nearly 300 such build
lugs. The pupils are taking to the Ameri
can game of baseball like cannibals to
n fat man. Rasketball, volley ball aud
track and field events are also favor
ites In the school and community life,
but baseball stands out in the calcium
glnre of enthusiasm, nnd for It devo
tees of the cockpit are forsaking that
so called pastime. Naturally the popu
larity of clean forms of diversion Is
developing new standards among the
islanders, Instilling new and higher
principles nnd building character most
neaitny competition.
c r ,1 1. , 1 , .
Som-e of the results of the Industrial
instruction ns cnrrieu on in tlie schools
, v. 1 . 1 .
ji iuu i.iiuuu.i uiu uieuLjuueu ity me fit
rector: Schoolboys In a hundred towns
0f the Philippines are wearing hats
nde by themselves; the hat exports
from the islands Increased from 021,-
ln 101 1.O2.V.00 In 1011; many
gIrls wunvo the cloth 0,1(1 mako the
ciotmng wnicn tuey wear in ncnool;
more than half of the desks and tables
In the primary schools of the Philip
pines have been made by tho pupils j
the primary schools of one province
were able to deliver 1,000 salable bas
kets on a month's notice; in one town
the baskets used to contain tho or
anges for export were purchased from
other towns now they nre made at
homo as a result of tho trade huvlug
been taught In the schools; one school
has Introduced and developed the slip
per making Industry and last year sold
$1,000 worth; In one province over n
thousand gardens were cultivated.
These cases Illustrate the sort of
!hl"K tlmt ,H ncconiplished in the
Jr,duii!'lal c,,,sl!pf, of tIle "uljllc schools.
"'"-cior oeneves mat tne Highest
su,l 01 ' muustnai instruction are
l"u"B "uve to 00 with tne inold-
'"' 01 "-' cuaracter anu lire purposes
of tlle PuI,lls concerned,
Penty of Red ,n Spring styIe8i Which
Will Be Smaller and Cheaper.
Tho National Association of Jietalt
Milliners, In convention at Chicago, de
cided the proper thing In .hats tho com
ing spring should bo:'
Small or medium iu size.
A riot of colors, with plenty of plain
Novelties In Turkish designs.
Anything rather than largo hals for
fashionable women.
In way of uoveltles an umbrella hat,
n "sou'wester," a score of creations
evolved from the Turkish towel red
stripes, tassels and nil and wound tur
ban effects tiro set forth In the dis
play of hats.
"Styles this season nre to be less ex
pensive nnd more simple, but startling
in coloring," snld Mrs. Marie Uarrls,
president of the association.
Austrian South Polar Expedition.
Austrian scientists nre preparing for
n south polar expedition, every mem
ber of tho party to bo a specialist In
somo branch of sclenrn.
Brown Favored For Acces
sories by Horsewomen,
This riding hat of silky brown plush
in the new bowler shnpe nccompanies
a riding liablt of brown wool mixture
made for wear at Aiken this spring.
Hoots and gloves nrc of henvy yet
soft brown leather.
Character In Backs.
I If your back Is straight and upright
you are correspondingly straight in
, your conduct. You will hold your
, head up, for you arc not nfraid to look
! the whole world in the face,
i Even when you're sitting you keep
I your back straight. There Is an air
of real strength about you both phys
1 leal and mental. In short, you have
, plenty of backbone. You are deter
mined, energetic and to be relied upon.
If your back Is stooping and rounded
you are a creature as weak as you
look you are prone to lolling alxiut
and too lazy or too feeble to take a
front rank in the battle of life. The
tramp Is nn excellent example.
If you are n criminal your back is
stooped or round, but the scholarly
stoop of the bookworm must not be
confounded with the foregoing.
If you are mean nnd covetous your
back is narrow and rounded and your
shoulders are high. You are sly very
sly. You generally have the appear
ance of drawing yourself up into ns
small a compass as possible. You are
always yourself, so to speak, and peo
ple should give you the cold shoulder.
Are you too straight backed that
Is, do you hold your head so high that
there is a preposterous fall In the
small of your back? Then you are so
puffed 1111 with s-elf esteem that you
carry your chest out so far It's ab
surd. Kimono Sleeves Are Out.
Kimono sleeves are out of the run
ning In spring fashions, and sot In
sleeves are the order of the day in all
the new models, the armhole usually
rllOOK Of I'.ilimOIDKlltID 1ILUK I.1KEK.
being emphasized by special trimming
The charming gown of embroidered
blue linen illustrated has the uew set
in sleeve.
Evening Frocks.
Authorities are divided on one Im
portant item-the length of evening
frocks. In spile of the fact that most
of the new models this year are made
with a ten or twelve Inch pointed train,
one of the greatest Paris houses shows
a majority of Its new evening gowns
with the short skirt just Instep length.
Since there is this division of opin
ion nuiong the great originators of
fiishlon It would seem that each young
woman may eliocxe for herself as to
whether she will cling to the youthful
round length skirt or will prefer.. the
more formal tr.ilned effects worn by
the older women. Home wonderful new
black Jet trimmings nre used this sea
son, nnd white aud colored spangles,
bugles and brilliants are strongly in
evidence. A black velvet evening frock
cut en surprise has the deep V yoke of
cream white ninline lace. This corsage
is outlined with 11 narrow row of bril
liants nnd trimmed with n cut Jet
motif which extends down Into the
klrt to th Incor ndt'e
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Ufflcc: b'econd floor Masonic Build
Ing, over C C. Jndwin'i drue store
Trade Maiiks
CopyniQHTS ic.
Anions lending n fifctti-h ind description mar
intrtclr ascertain our fii.lnlnn fra tvfipthor an
Itirrntlon la prohablf patnthio. Commnnlm-
tliHiintrlclly confidential. HANDBOOK onl'ntcnU
i-nt free. Olrteit actney furaccurlrifr patent.
Pntents taken tnrouch Jlunn A Co. rccUi
fpeeial notice, wlfhout charg. In the
Scientific JTmeiicait.
A hnndiomelr Illustrated welf. clr
ctilnticin of nnr scientiuo Jntirtial. Terms, ft a
joar: four months, ft. Soldhjall newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.3G,b'm"'' New York
llranch omco. C2S K Bt. Washlnuton. 1). C.
it ti
Designer and Man- I
ufacturer of
I Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
a I
Gorman-Aiiterican Home
Tua1.vI Men Wume n, you nc Hold
i r&stni&rsia " s.nini .a', , tr.d. f
a VHlllluillI q.sfki .V lilterll.lnr Do, (or
Fool.d. P.r.W.d or Uobh.d Ira. O.n't a.1rr .11 .llh.
. HCrlfClr Nri.alillc Coeiblastlon SeUrl.d a C'ombln.d ..I
i 5C10O ICilirrrnt Drur. Co ah A .,try
C...,f, toltlrelr tb. Onlr Cure, no ai.llfr b.l.o.?.r
Jour ailrarut or Hlaraaa my b, r.u. or orleia, no ai.ltr
who failed- HHte. at.t. )Our C.t. In itrlrt ronlljc.r..
ACnrt unAIIJM'KKll, idrtr.i. OLD CERMAN
DOCTOR. l't Uoa SMbCl. I'blladrluhU, I'm.
J the Judge of the several Courts of
the County of Wayne has Issued his precept
for holding a Court of Quarter Sessions, Oyer
and Terminer, and General .lull Ilelli-crv In
and for said County, at the Court Ilouie. to
ueuui on
and to continue two weeks:
And directing that a Orantl Jury for the
C ourts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and
Terminer he summoned to meet on Monday,
.March 4,1912, at 2 p. 111.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the
Coroner and Justices of tho Peace, and Con
stables of the County of Wuyne, that they he
men emu mere 111 uieir proper persons, at
said Court House, at 2 o'clock In thn icftnr.
noon of said 4th day of March. 1U12. with their
records, iiKiulsitlons.exainlnutions audother
remembrances, to do those things which to
ineir unices appertain to oe uone. anu those
who are bound by recognizance or otherwise
to prosecute the prisoners who are or shall
be In the Jail of Wayne County, be then and
there to prosecute against them as shall be
Olvcn under my hand, at Honesdale. this
11th day of Kch., 1812, and In the 135th year
ot tho Independence or the United States
FJtANK U. KIMULK. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Olllce 1
Honesdale Feb. 141912. I2v4
EKGISTEK'S N01JCE. Notice if
hereby given that the accountants
herein named have settled their respective
accounts In the olllce of the Uegihter of Wills
of Wayne County. Pa., and that the same will
be presented at the Orphans' Court of said
county for continuation, at the Court House
In Honesdale, on the &ecoiul Monday of
.March next viz:
First and final account of C. F.
Hamble and Emma Bortree, execu
tors of tho estate of William Ram
ble, Lake.
First and final account of Jano G.
Palmer, administratrix of tho estate
of Smith T. Palmer, Hawley.
First and partial account of Ohas.
H. Welles and Frances Gardner
Sllkman, executors of tho estate of
Henry O. Sllkman, Salom.
W. H. LESHER, Register.
Honesdale, Pa., leb. 1C, 1012.
Late of Clinton Township,
A 11 persons indebted to said estute are noti
fied to muku Immediate payment to the un
dersigned ; and those having claims iigaiiiM
the said estate are notilled to present them
duly attested, for settlement.
Present all hills tofl. H. o KIlNKIt! Ati'v.
Forest City. l'u.. Feb 1J. 1912. liioolwl
Ai-i-HAisisatisivi's. Notice is giv
en that appraisement of $30.0
to tho widows of tho following nam
ed decedents have boon lllod In tho
Orphans' Court of Wnyno county, and
will be presented for approval on
Monday, March 11, 1912 viz:
IManeho E. Smith, Scott: Personal.
W. J. BARNES, Clerk.
Honesdnlo, Fob. 1G, 1312.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination for the
olllco of Representative In the Legls
alture from this district, subject to
the decision of the Republican voters
at the April primaries.
Btf Ariel, Pa.
Your Money Back If You Are Not Sat
isfied With the Medicine We
Wc nre so positive that our remedy
will permanently relieve constipation,
no tnnttcr how chronic It mny bo, that
we offer to furnish tho medicine at our
expense should it fall to produce satis,
factory results.
It Is worse than useless to attempt
to cure constipation with cathartic
drugs. Laxative or cathartics do much
harm. They cause & reaction, Irritate,
and wenken the bowels and tend to
mako constipation more chronic. Be
sides, their use becomes n habit that l-i
Constipation Is cntised by n weakness
of tho nerves nnd muscles of the large
Intestine or descending colon. To ex
pect permanent relief you must there
fore tone up nnd strengthen these or
gnnstnnd restore them to healthier 11c
We want you to try Rcxall Orderlies
on our recommendation. They nre ox
ccedlngly pleasant to take, being rat
en like candy, and nre Ideal for chil
dren, delicate persons and old folks
ns well ns for the robust. They act
directly on the nerves and muscles of
tho bowels. They apparently have
a neutral nctlon on other associate or
g.ins or glands. They do not purge,
cause excessive looseness, nor create
nny Inconvenience whatever. They may
bo taken at any time, day or night.
They will positively relievo chronic or
habitual constipation, If not of surgical
variety, and the myriads of assocl'te
or dependent chronic ailments, If taken
with regularity for a reasonable leutth
of time. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 30 tab cts.
23 cents; SO tablets. .10 cents. Sold
only at our store The Rexall Stcre
D REAL ESTATE By virtue of
process Issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Wayne county, and
State of Pennsylvania, and to me di
rected and delivered, I have levied on
and will expose to public sale, at the
Court House in Honesdale, on
All the defendant's right, title, and
interest In the following described
property viz:
AH defendant's right, title and in
terest in the following described land
situate in Canaan township, Wayne
county, Pa., bounded nnd described
as follows: Beginning at a heap of
stones, the eastern corner of Chas.
Hogan's land; thence by said land
north CS degrees west 70 rods to a
stones corner; thence by lot No. 17
In the allotment of the Cadanalader
Middle creek land; north 4 0 degrees,
east 137 U rods to a post corner:
thence by land this day conveyed to
Edward Walsh south 6S degrees
east 7G rods to a post corner; thence
by land In the warrantee name of
Joseph Burrows and Benjamin
Mashon south 40 degrees west 137 V4
rods to the place of beginning, con
taining G2 acres more or less; also
all that other piece or parcel of land
situate partly in South Canaan town
ship and partly in Cherry Ridge
township, Wayne county, bounded
and described as follows, viz: Be
ginning at a heap of stones, the
common corner of lots Nos. 5G, 57,
G2, G3 In the allotment of tho Cad
walador Middle Creek tract; thence
by land conveyed by John Torrey to
William Walsh and Dennis Donavau,
north 40 degrees east 1G4 rods to
a stones corner and thence by land of
David S. Buckley south 50 degrees
east 35 rods to a stones corner, and
thence by said lot No. 57 south 40
degs. west 1G4 rods to the place of
beginning, containing 35 acres and
140 perches bo the same more or
less, and being the same land of
which James McCarty died, seized
and of whom defendant is a son and
heir at law, having vested In him his
said heir a one-eighth undivided in
terest in said land. Upon the first
named premises is a framo house,
barns and outbuildings and nearly all
tho land is Improved; upon tho sec
ond piece there are no Improvements.
Seized and taken in executon as
the property of D. G. McCarty at the
suit of Margaret McCarty. March
Term, 1909. Judgment, ?2G9.02.
Attorney, McCarty.
By virtue ot tne annexed writ of fi.
fa I have this day levied upon and
taken In execution tho two following
described pieces or parcels of land,
situate In tho townships of Mount
Pleasant and Clinton, tho first bound
ed and described as follows: Begin
ning at post and stones, tho north
east corner of the John Shee war
rant; thenco by the same south eighty-five
degrees west ono hundred
seventy-ono and one-half perches
to stones corner; thenco north live
degrees west seventy-four and one
half perches to stones corner; thenco
north elghty-flvo degrees east one
hundred forty-two and three-fourths
perches to post and stones corner;
thence by tho Ellns Dawson warrant
south twonty-slx dogreos east seventy-nine
and three-fourths perches to
tho placo of beginning, containing
page 79. conveying these lands to
D. m. ( O. TIHB rABLR
Lmi v' i'cVv U X- '' M HTAliuM. I'. M I'.M. A..M 1'. M, A.M.
,Jij iJUJ' '. l -Albany 2 0) IU 50 '.. 10 80 '
'fl"" am miiL'tmnitoii . nut tub to....
011 2 U I'-' " '' IS ' it' 111 I'lillmlHl'lilic .... 1 OH 7 11 "Titt 7HT5
in 1 ','! '??" 710 Wllkes-lturre ... ' a 2M 7' 25 12 65 10 05
4 0 H 0" 5 Hi 1 III 7 41 . . .Scnintoii 8 U Hi 6 30 12 05 9 12
Im-a ::::: p.m. p. r a.m. u aV a.m. m. m. :::::: p.m. m.
k 11 215 ' Si" 'IP H " I'lirlioil.liile. .. H051 35 5 50 25 S 27
5?i 5:?.' P SM -.Mncciln Avenue.. 7 51 1 25 5 10 lilt 8 17
?m 2?J i 'J! H!i White 7 50 1 21 5 31 11 10 8 li
! l 5 if. W1H Kur lew .... 7 33 101 5 IN 10 51 ,54
H 8 21 B5 2 13 H21 Caniuiil 7 25 12 5 5 11 1115 c 47
., ,M, ..,- ..... IJike lAxliire
K& IV. 2 5- 9:f-' Waynmrt 7 17 12 4!) 5 tVi 10 37 7 29
j? ?, 2 2 S 3M Steene 7 Oil 12 40 4 55 10 SSI 7 38
El.' l'M :i 1)1 H .. I'roiniitoii.. 7 05 12 3H 4 51 10 25 7 2
5JJ 21' 7 Hi i!?7 H 17 H'orleillu 7 01 12 32 4 47 10 21 7 22
2 IS H ? I 27 :l ln ps" -VelyvlllH 6 5K 12 211 4 41 10 lb 7 19
55 ... 7 31 3 15 H M . Ilonesclale .... fi M 12 25 4 40 10 15 7 1
I M ' ! M I' M T 7. Ar l,v A.M T'. P.M. A.M. pTm".
For Results Advertize
sovonty-thrco acres and twenty-four
porches, bo the same moro or less.
Upon tho above stated promises Is a
framo story nnd one-half houso,
framo barn and other out buildings,
apple orchard and other fruit trees,
nnd sugar maple orchard and largely
Improved land. Tho Second: Be
ginning at n henp of stones In tho
west line of tho Ellas Dawson war
rant; thenco along said lino north
twenty-live degrees west forty-four
rods to stones corner; thenco south
eighty-two degrees east forty-six
perches to a corner In tho Lacka
waxen Turnpike; thenco southerly
along tho said Turnpike about thlrty
nlno rods to a post; thenco south
clghty-slx degrees west forty perches
to the placo of beginning, containing
eleven acres and twenty-four por
ches, lie tho same more or less. All
Improved land. For title to tho first
pleco seo Deed Book No. 5, at pago
283, and the second pleco No. 20, at
Aaron Loomls; also Will Book No.
3, at page 149. Seized and taken In
execution as the property of Augus
tus Loomls at tho suit of Wm. L.
Ferguson. Judgment, 12,432. Mch.
Term, 1910. Attorney, Lee.
TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs
must bo paid on day of sale or deeds
will not be acknowledged.
Honesdale. Pa.. Feb. 9, 1912.
Asthma ! Asthma !
gives instant relief and an absolute cure
in all cases of Asthma. Bronchitis, and
Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on
receipt of price $1.00.
Trial I'nrknce by mall 10 cents.
WILLIAMS HFC. CO..rrops.. Clereland. Oh!
roll SALE BY
C. C- JAllWIN.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
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