The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 21, 1912, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    lllli CITIZEN, W21)NKSI)AY, FI5IJ. 21, 1012.
ed carriages, 1 doublo sleigh, 2
ots of harness. Prices very reason
able. Apply at the Scranton Trust
Company, Scranton, Pa. 9tf.
candy for tho Martha Washington
fair, will be held In Reading Room
of Chapel. Tuesday. Fob. 20, from
2 to C and from 7 to 9.
modern Improvements, April 1.
Dr. C. R. Brady. lGtf
lngton dinner will be held in the
Presbyterian Chapel, Thursday, Feb.
22. Tickets, usual price, 50 cents.
First table at 5:30.
owner can have snine by paying
for this notice and calling at the
Citizen office.
FOR HE .NT Al'KIL. 1, iU. o UUK-
land Brick Block. Inquire of Mrs.
Coo Durland. 12eltf
ment with lavatory In good condi
tion on Eleventh street, ?S per
month. Possession given immedi
ately Inquire J. E. Richmond. 9tf
and sleighs don't forget E. T.
Smith, 1120 Church street, who has
tho largest assortment In Wayne
county to select from. 75tf
silver by Souimer, Jeweler and
Optician 9Ctf
The Honesdalo Danks will be
closed Thursday, Washington's birth
day There were about 25 people
from Scranton and Wilkcs-Barre
here attending the 24-hour race Sat
urday night.
Remonstrances have been filed
with Prothonotary W. J. Barnes
against Charles E. Homan, Sterling,
and Michael F. Downs, of Bucking
ham township. These gentlemen are
applying for licenses for tho sale of
Miss Isabel Harroun is still very
dangerously 111 of typhoid fever at
tho home of her mother, Mrs. Grace
Harroun, on North Main street. Miss
Harroun was recently brought to her
liome from Philadelphia where she
was first taken sick.
An answer to the'cballenge or
the Co. E Basket Ball team has been
received The Co. E team challenged
any team within a radius or 100
miles, the Rink team is less than one
mile away and ready to play as soon
as their series with the Alerts Is over.
A great many people are having
trouble with frozen water pipes. It
Is a common thing to see holes In the
streets dug for the purpose of thaw
ing them out. Tho fact that there Is
no snow on tho ground along with
the extremely cold weather of late Is
accountable for this. Most of these
pipes are at least four feet under
J. L. Favreau, of the general
insurance adjustment bureau, of
Scranton, was in Honesdalo on Fri
day last and allowed O. M. Spettigue
all the insurance he carried on his
store and contents, amounting to
JH.OSO. He carried $9,000 on
6toclc and $5,050 on tho building.
Mr Spettlgue's actual loss is esti
mated at about $10,000.
The town council has three men
at their annual Job of cutting a chan
nel through the Ire In Park Lake
between tho dam and tho bridge.
The lie Is thicker this year than
usual, being 24 Inches In somo
places, in others, where the water is
8hallow. it Is frozen fast to tho bot
tom of the Tiver. If a sudden rain
should come it is very probablo that
there would 1)0 another flood.
- Clean up the back yards now.
Every time there is tho slightest thaw
- clean up tho back yard. Remove
the winter's accumulation of refuse
at eery opportunity. Do not wait
until decay results in foul odors and
the breeding of disease germs. Clean
up The emphasis cannot bo mado
kf.oo strong As the spring season ap-
'iroaohes the dancers from neglected
piles of rofuse Increase and It is only
liy vlgl ance on the part of every
householder and every citizen that
tho continued health of tho town can
be assured
Tho International Sunshino so
ciety, a membership corporation in
corporated under tho laws of tho
Ptao of Now York in 1900, began
doing tho small things In llfo with
tho object Bimnly to incite its mem
bers to the performances of kind and
helpful deeds. The aim was to
"Do tho thing that is needed when
It Is needed " Tho association Is de
voting its work to tho education of
blind children and Is doing a good
work Tho work of the society
reaches far and wide. Thoy havo
offices at 9G Fifth Avenue, Now York
Tho following ladles comprised
a party that enjoyed an excellent
eupper and spent a pleasant evening
ot tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mumford, Dyborry, on Saturday:
Mrs. Georgo B. Osborne, Mrs. Wy
man Kimble, Mrs. J. P. James, Mrs.
Wallace Ham, Mrs. F. B. Spencer,
Mrs. T A CroEsley, Mrs. F. B.
Whitney. Mrs. H. T. Menner, Mrs.
D H. Menner, Mrs. E. B. Callaway,
Misses Nelllo Gonovlevo Klmblo,
Rena Edgott, Marlon and Graco Wil
der, Bofesio Swift, Etta Nielsen,
Anna Williams, Carrie Smith, Mabel
Lont begins to-day.
Frozen and filled guttora aro
responsible for Hooded sidewalks.
Born, a daughter, to Mr. nnd
Mrs. Joseph Harvey, Dyborry town
ship, on Sunday.
John Bryant has Installed n
panel front In Lclno's Seventh street
drug store windows.
Spirited rovlval meetings aro bo
Ing held in tho Methodist church.
Aro you interested?
Thoro were thlrty-flvo Inter
ments In Glen Dyborry cemetery
during tho year ending February 12.
Tho Woodmen held a loap year
dance in their hall at White Mills on
Saturday evening and a good tlmo is
The local teachors' Institute
was held In tho High school build
ing at Sterling on Saturday night,
February 17.
Paul E. McGranaghan has filed
a license asking tho court to grant
him a license to wholesale and re
tall liquor. Ho now holds a whole
sale license.
Perry Christian, a railroad em
ploye, of Carbondale, and Miss
Edith Thorpe, of Scranton, were
married by Rev. Will II. dllller Sat
urday evening.
The Clifford, Susquehanna coun
ty creamery divided $GO,000 among
its patrons last year. Tho receipts
ntnounted to $70,000 and the expen
ses were $10,000.
Nearly 700 people partook of
tho supper given Thursday evening
last by tho Sodality of St. Mary Mag
dalen's church. In Lyric Hall. Tho
amount cleared that evening Is $158.
Preparations for tho annual
Martha Washington dinner to be
held In the Presbyterian chapel on
Thursday evening, February 22, are
well under way. The tlrst tablo will
bo at 5:30.
Almost iwo hundred women
applied for divorce in ono branch
of tho New York Supreme Court
the other day. Want to get free as
quickly ns possible to take advan
tage of loap year.
W. J. Silverstone was instru
mental In collecting for the Berg
mann fund $25.55 by means of a Jar
in tho Union depot. The money col
lected was given principally by
traveling salesmen. ,
Expert tailors say that thin men
will be all the rago this coming sea
son. With the price of food rapidly
reaching the prohibitive stage fat
men will be able to qualify by tho
time tho Eastern parado starts.
Tho W. C. T. U. will hold a
meeting in honor of tho Frances Wil-
lard Memorial at the homo of Mrs.
Bolcom, on Fifteenth street, on
Friday afternoon, Feb. 23, at 3
o'clock. A special program has been
arranged and refreshments will bo
Don't forget the masquerade
at the armory Tuesday evening for
the benefit of Company E basket
ball team. It promises to be the
event of tho season. Tho boys are
deserving of support and it is hoped
that tho armory will be filled and
that they will realize a neat sum
-The commissioners of Luzerne
county have found it necessary to
raise the 1912 tax levy two mills in
order to meet tho Increased expenses
or the county. Tho new levy Is C.2
mills as against 4.4 mills last year.
In addition to the tax Increase a
$000,000 bond issue Is to be floated,
bringing tho county's indebtedness
up to over three million dollars.
Since Dr. H. C. Many's absence
from Tyler Hill tho people of that
country hamlet and for several miles
around have been without a family
physician. The nearest doctor lives
at Cochecton, N. Y., and owing to Ill
ness he has not been able to cover
this entire territory of late. There
Is an excellent opportunity at Tyler
Hill for some young physician to es
tablish a good practico.
The funeral services of the late
James Codington was held In the
Pine Mill church at 2:30 o'clock
Sunday, the Baptist minister of Han
cock, N. Y., officiating. Mr. Coding
ton spent his life in Manchester un
til within the last few years. At the
time of his death ho -was a resident
of Readburn, N. Y. Over fifty years
ago ho was married to Miss Merenda
Tyler, of Pine Flat, yho survives
him. Mr. and Mrs. Codington were
the parents ot eleven children. All
of whom survive. Ho was a soldier
in the Civil war. Interment was
made In Pino Mill cemetery.
Honesdale Tent, Knights of the
Maccabees, at their last meeting in
stalled officers as follows: Past Com
mander, E. E. Williams; commander,
Frank F. Schueller; lieut. command
er, Frank S. Evans; record keeper,
W. H. Varcoo; finance keeper, W. L.
Lemnltzer; chaplain, Chas. S. Prag
nell; sergeant, BIrt Dain; M. of A.,
Eugene II. Miller; first M. of G.,
Norman Mantle; second M. of G., H.
V. Tuman; sentinel, Chas. E. Knapp;
picket, Geo. W. Searles. After tho
business session there was a bounti
ful supper, followed by speeches,
somo of much interest and benefit.
Somo changes mado at the last ses
sion of tho Supremo Tent, placo tho
Order of Maccabees higher than over
in tho front rank of fraternal orders.
Tho annual meeting of the First
Presbyterian society of Honesdalo
was held In tho Chapel rooms on
Wednesday evening and tho treasur
er's report and tho treasuror of tho
envelopo system woro read and ac
cepted. At tho meeting three trus
tees were elected to servo three
years. Thoy were: II. S. Salmon, W.
T. Mooro and John D. Weston. The
treasurer, C. T. Bentley, reported tho
receipts of tho church to be $3,900.
75, and after paying tho pastor's sal
ary and other expenses thoro was
$109.90 In tho treasury. Tho church
Is now out of debt. Tho pastor's aid
society paid tho last noto in March
1911. Tho total amount received by
tho envelope system for tho year,
Feb. 5. 1911, to Jan. 28, 1912. waa
$820.09. Tho total amount of col
lections for tho year was $1,030.35,
an increase of $105.82 over tho pro
ceeding year. At a rereut meotlng or
tho Board of trustees It was decided
to again have a special Easter offer
ing to meet tho current exnensos ot
tho church. Envelopes will bo sent
out later.
Ash Wednesday.
Tho Athlotic association ot Haw
ley will hold a carnival on March 1.
Thoro woro 40 days of sleighing
on 'Honesdalo streets Including Satur
day last.
Christopher Schrocdor claims
that wo will havo a month of winter
weathor In March.
Tho Wayne county stntcmcnt ap
pears In this lssuo of Tho Citizen. It
will bo found on pago C.
With tho opening of spring con
siderable business activity Is prom
ised In tho building lino.
Galvln &. Theobald havo secured
tho contract for installing tho heat
ing plant In St. Mary Magdalen's
Tho masquerade nt tho Texas
No. 4 station on Monday ovenlng was
well attended and everybody had a
good tlmo.
Attend tho revival services at
tho Methodist church. Special effort
is being put forth to mnko them In
teresting and full of life.
Sixteen ladles comprising tho
Ladles' Aid of tho Ilawley Presbyter
Ian church, aro making preparations
to attend the Mnrtha Washington
supper hero u Feb. 22.
Tho young people of St. Mary
Magdalen's church hold a mas
quenvdo danco at their club rooms
on Church street on Tuesday night.
A good tlmo Is reported.
A goodly number of men attend
ed tho services at tho Methodist
church Sunday afternoon. Several
wore present from the Brock settle
ment and also Scclyvillo.
Extend an Invitation to your
neighbor or friend what's better ac
company him or her to tho special
meetings that are being conducted
nightly at tho Methodist church and
both of you will receive a blesBlng.
It was statod In last week's Citi
zen that Rev. J. II. Boyce, of Da
mascus ofllclated at tho funeral of the
late Lucian Olver of that place on
Feb. 9. This was an error and we
wish to state that Rev. F. E. Moyer
officiated and was assisted by Rev.
J. H. Boyce.
A civil suit has been filed with
Prothonotary W. J. Barnes of the
Hancock Crushed and Building
Stone company against the New
York, Ontario and Western railroad
for trespass. Damages aro laid at
$20,000 which does not include $1,
000 expended for chutes.
On February 12 and 13 a mo
tion to quash tho Indictment in the
lase of Commonwealth vs. Burr,
Ackerman and McCann was argued,
Searle & Salmon representing de
fendants and M. E. Simons the Com
monwealth. Tho motion was refus
ed by order of Court dated Feb. 17,
and the case will be tried at March
Michael Weidner, the Cliff street
butcher. Is confined to his home suf
fering from injuries received on Sun
day. Mr. Weidner was horseback
riding, having occasion to go to a
neighbors. While descending a hill
near his home, the horse slipped and
fell and Mr. Weidner was thrown un
derneath tho animal. Ho was se
verely bruised but no bones were
broken. Dr. W. T. McConvill was
John Muralne, a constable 6i
Buckingham township, was examin
ed before a commission on Friday
last and was found to bo mentally
unbalanced. The commission was
composed of Dr. 11. B. Ely, F. P.
Kimble and F. H. Crago. It recom
mended Muralne be taken to Dan
ville and on Saturday Sheriff F. C.
Klmblo, assisted by Levi DeGroat,
took him to that institution. Mur
alne had a mania for arreslng peo
ple. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Hawken,
East street, have received an invita
tion to tho twenty-fifth wedding an
niversary of tho former's cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mitchell, 2G1
Dana street, Wllkes-Barro, to bo cele
brated on the evening of February
22, at their home. Mr. Hawken will
attend and will also visit his sister,
Mrs. Thomas C. Key, of the same
city before returning home. Messrs.
Mitchell and Hawken came to Amer
ica at the same time as young Boy
Scouts to partake and make tho best
of things that there were In It for
Miss Pearl Murray visited Scranton
Mrs. Burke, of Clemo, is a guest of
friends hero.
Georgo Ripple was a Carbondale
visitor Sunday.
Miss Margaret Purdy Is visiting
friends in Hawley.
Harry Uniey, of Scranton, was a
Sunday visitor here.
W. J. Silverstone spent part of
Monday In Scranton.
Miss Lizzio Davey Is visiting her
parents at Beachlake.
Earl Gagor, of Scranton, was a
visitor In town Sunday.
Miss Nelllo Neary, of Scranton, Is
a guest of friends hero.
A. J. Rehboln has roturned from
a Western business trip.
Mrs. Jos. S. Fryer spont Saturday
with relatives in Hawley.
Mrs. Mary Simpson returned to her
homo at Keen on Sunday.
Frank Cory was with his family
on Court street on Sunday.
Miss Pheobo Robblns visited
friends at Fortenia Sunday.
Fred cavor and Louis Cook havo
returned from Buffalo, N. Y.
Walter Toddman, of Waymart, 1s
spending a fow days In town.
Mrs. Charles Burger, of Wlhto
Mills, spent Saturday In town.
CharlcB Fletcher is confined to his
homo by an attack of lumlja'o
.TnRonli Tfirnur nt Qnrnnfnn nnant '
Sunday with his parents lia.o.
Mrs. Charles Sklnnor, of Port
Jorvis, Is visiting in Honesdalo.
Mrs. Kolsek, of Whito Mills, was
visiting friends In town on Thursday.
Horaco Weston, of Elmlra, N. Y.,
is spending a few days In tho Maplo
Mrs. Frank Box and daughter,
Miss Alice, aro visiting friends In
Mrs. Charles Smith visiting frlondB
in Scranton tho latter part of last
Michael Burns, of Scranton, was
calling on frlonds hero one day last
Robert Patterson, of Scranton, was
n business caller hero tho first of tho
Mr. nnd Mrs. Isanc Hawker woro
the guests of frlonds In Prompton on
Georgo Thomas and family of Car
bondalo spent Sunday with Honesdalo
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Fostor, of
Scranton, woro recent callors In
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown spont
Sunday with relatives and frlonds In
Miss Margaret Kennedy, of Mount
Pleasant, spent Saturday with Mrs.
N. J. Spencer.
Miss Nottlo Ame3, of Prompton,
wna a guest of friends in Honesdalo
on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Markey, of
West street, aro entertaining frlonds
from Scranton.
John Kroll departed on Monday
morning for a several days' visit In
New York City.
M. .(. Hanlan attended tho funoral
of tho lato Georgo Atkinson in Haw
ely on Monday.
Mrs. Kato Wizard, of Grovo street, ,
underwent an operation 'for appendi
citis on Monday.
N. C. Farnham has returned from
a business trip In tho intorest of
Blrdsall Bros. Co.
Benjamin Kennedy, of Carbondale,
Is visiting at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Stephens.
Percy L. Cole, druggist, -was a
business caller In tho metropolis on
Friday and Saturday.
Miss Marrlctta Russell has return
ed from a two weeks' visit with
friends In New York.
Frank Kcsler, of Blnghamton, N.
Y., was a week-end guest of his sis
ter. Miss Eva Wilson.
Mrs. Georgo Keyser, of Salt Lake
City, Utah, was a caller on Hones
dalo friends Saturday.
Josep.i Ennis and sister. Miss Mnry
Ennls, aro visiting friends In Plttston,
Scranton and Carbondale.
Hon. Charles A. McCarty will be
tho speaker at Hamlin on tho next
Memorial Day celebration.
Dr. Richard H. Ely. father of Dr.
H. B. Ely of this place, Is critically
ill at his home in Hawley.
Miss Hattlo R. Finn, of Scranton,
is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. G. W.
Docker, on Fifteenth street.
Joseph Dorflinger and John Henzy,
of White Mills, were visiting friends
in town the first of the week.
Mrs. H. Scott Salmon and daugh
ter. Miss Grace, were visitors In
Scranton Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Weston left
this (Tuesday) morning for Bermuda
where they will spend a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Scantlebury, of Beth
any, spent Saturday as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rlckard here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chapman, of
Wilkes-Barre, visited the latter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Short, at Fortenia.
Mrs. Robert J. Horton left Sunday
for Ephrata, Lancaster county, Pa.,
where her husband Is located at pres
ent. Every tiling
For the Kitchen
You'll find every kl-d nml inscription
orkitclin utensils inourlarcc stock
all curutuliy selected (or cood value.
Wo make a Rpednlty of household
wares, buy in lame luts and can
afford to sell close.
You will bo Interested la our new
line ol
"1892" Pure Spun Aluminum
Cooking Utensiis
A new end better ware which Insures
l.ealthful loi. i, as it cannot chip off,
crack, tarnisa, nor spoil lood flavors.
TheHjhest.briEhtest, loncest-Iastlne
ware on the market cuarantce for
15 ears.
Our line of paints and varnishes is
the latcest In town. Uctore you do
any painting-, talk It over with us.
Wo can havo you money.
I, J. BLACK, Maplewood, Pa,
The Liberty
Now on display in Gammefl's Garage window, opposite the
Union Station.
Every young man in Wayne conntv who can afford to have a borne and hussy can better afford to
own n LIBERTY BRUSH AUTOMOBILE. It is a line pleasure car and can be made very une-fiil, such
as taking milk to creamery, delivering farm products, going to church, or calling on a dts'ant friend
In fact it will do nny kind of work with as much pleasure as can be enjoved w Ih the tnuiin" cars
and at a much leKs tucpeno. If yon knew what this little car can do, you would not waft many duvs be
fore placing an order for one. Come in and look it over. We will be glad to show you.
Grambs building, opposite D. & H. Passenger Station.
Save Property and Reduce your insurance by installing one or' these Extinguishers.
With the "SUCCESS" Power Sprayer
300 to 400 Matured Trees in a day.
Tho Famous "NEW WAY" air-cooled Engines. No weather too cold ; no weath
or too hot. Fully Guaranteed
"SUCCESS" Manure Spreaders. Wood Saws. John Deoro Sulky Plows.
Homo Electriu Light Plants.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnco Harris,
and son, Harold havo roturncd from
a visit with relatives in Danbury,
Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge, of Rut
lodgcdale, are visiting at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Oscar Torrol, on Main
Harry Penwardon, who Is employed
In Nyack, N. Y., has been unable to
work on account of having troublo
with his eyes, and is taking his en
forced rest with his family here.
Percy L. Colo Offers Popular Medi
cine nt llnlf-Price.
Percy L. Colo, tho popular drug
gist, Is making an offer that Is Just
llko finding money for he Is soiling
a regular 50 cent bottlo of Dr. How
ard's eclobrated specific for tho cure
of constipation and dyspepsia at half
price. In addition to this largo dis
count ho agrees to return the money
to any purchaser whom tho specific
docs not cure.
It Is quite unusual to be able to
buy fifty cent pieces for a quarter,
but that Is what this offer really
means for it Is only recently through
the solicitation of Druggist Cole that
this medicine could be bought for
less than fifty cents. Mr. Colo urged
the proprietors to allow him to soil
It at this reduced prico for a little
while, agreeing to sell a certain
amount. The result has Justified his
good Judgment for tho salo has been
something remarkable.
Anyone who suffers with head
ache, dyspepsia, dizziness, sour
stomach, specks before tho eyes, or
any liver trouble, should take advan
tage of this opportunity, Tor Dr.
Howard's specific will cure all these
troubles. But If by any chanco It
should not, Percy L. Colo will return
your money.
FOR three weeks' series of
YOU Revival greetings
Methodist Episcopal Church
Beginning SUNDAY, FEB. 18.
Music led by
Mr. and Mrs. MYRON J. SMITH
7'30 Pointed Sermons by Pastor Ihller and his helpers.
Kxcept .Saturday I
1,000 pair Women's Gun Metal, Patent Leath
er and Velvet $3 and $3.50 Shoes at $1.70
500 pair Men's Calf Button and Lace $3.50 Shoes
at $2.50
100 pairs Men's Tan Bntton and Lace $4.00 Shoes
at $3.00
500 pair ot Men's Heavy Working Shoes from $1 to $2.50
Stop in and see US
RETTEW BUILDING. Next door to Red Stone Front
The Time is Past
When You Can Raise
Fruit Without Spraying
If you aro, havo your bills printed
at Tho Citizen ofllco, Extra touch,
durable papor used, and our prlntora
mako a neat, boldly displayed bill.
Advcrtlso tho salo In Tho Citizen,
where it will bo seen by thousands
of rcadors.
Albert Krantz, ot tno University
of Pennsylvania, Is spending a few
days with his parents on North Main
(Other Personals on Inst Pago.)
Some Its and Ands
you have work to be done
Ari If
it is done satisfactorily
it Is finished when promised
the price is reasonable
it is done in our own eliop
it is done in the neatest way
the best material is used
our work is guaranteed
you nsk our nianv customers
they say the above is true
Then why not get the HABIT
come to
Rowland The Jeweler
Only $350.
you can spray from