The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 16, 1912, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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nu crrizior, fkiday, fehuuary io, 1012.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Sherman, I'a., Feb. 14.
Jacob Gardiner tiled at his lato
homo last Thursday morning at
6:30. The funeral was hold In tho
Presbyterian church Saturday after
noon at 1:30, conducted by Rov.
Andrew Scott. Ho leaves a wlfo and
one son, Clarence.
Rov. Sanders Wright Is gradual
ly falling. He had a slight stroke of
paralysis a few days ago which af
fected his speech.
A slelghload of our young people
attended a dance to Hale's Eddy last
ISpeclal to The Citizen.
South Sterling, Feb. 13.
inter Is here, everybody lively
keeping step with the zero weather.
Ceo. II. Lancaster Is still confined
to tho house, unable to walk. His
factory is running about every day,
unable to get the right thickness of
plank for some orders.
Mrs. Angelino Hurko has gone to
New York to spend tho winter with
her son. Dr. H. G. Uurke.
Mrs. T. A. Dunning has gone to
Tafton to keep house for Mr. and
Mrs. William Frey, while they are
visiting Dr. James M. Uurko of Buf
falo. Dr. F. Gilpin was called homo to
assist Dr. Simons with some of his
eick patients.
Washington Camp band celebrated
their first anniversary February 1,
with the largest crowd that was ever
in the hall, and all Fcemod to enjoy
themselves. They also gave a report
of the finances for the year. Money
received from all sources, JS97.4S;
money expended during year, IS49.
05; money in treasurer's hands,
$48.43; money cleared from supper,
?4l.iS; grand total in treasurer's
hands, $'.i3.21, and by the first of
Juno they expect to come out In their
new uniforms.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Gilpin
went to Stroudsburg to attend tho
funeral of Miss Mary Depew.
Special to The Citizen.)
Mt. Home. Pa., Feb. 13.
Eugene Henry of Henryvlllo, enter
tained a merry party of sleighriders
from Mt. Home on Thursday last.
Those who wero present were: Rev.
Samuel Cooper and wife, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Charles Kubb, Mr. and Mrs
Orval Hilsert, Mr. Saguino and two
daughters. Miss Edith and Arline.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heller, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Compton, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Mick, Mrs. J. Maud Seisslnger,
Air. and Mrs. W. D. Yothers, Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Rice.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hoke and fam
ily spent Sunday at Newfoundland.
Miss Ella Werkhiser spent Sunday
with friends in Canadensis.
Mrs. Chas. Kulb attended the
funeral of Mrs. Rice at Cresco.
A. C. Price and family aro spend
ing the winter in New York.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Jared Price Sunday last.
Mrs. Myron Sebrlng spent Sunday
with her cousin, Mrs. Alfred Mutch
cr. While rolling props at Mt. Home
docks recently Ira Edwards had hia
finger pinched entirely off.
Fred D. Mick made a business trip
to Stroudsburg last Tuesday.
Tho mercury stood twenty-one
degrees below zero Saturday morn
ing. A. J. Mutchler made a business trip
to Canadensis Friday.
Mrs. Geo. Huffman Is confined to
her room with the grip.
Georgo Smith of this placo has
Rone south to see if they have
Coons' day down there.
Miss Mary Foley spent Monday
with Mrs. Caroline Strohmier.
We aro sorry to hear that Mrs, C.
A Utt is not improving as rapidly
as was expected.
IXpeclal U The ritfn I
Ledgedale, Pa., Feb. 14.
Our veteran miller, Vincient Bun
yon. Is confined to the house with an
attack of the grip.
Aden Conklin and Elmer Foulkrod,
who have been working for tho Peck
Lumber Co., at Uswlck, aro homo for
a week. Owing to tho severe cold tho
latter 'have closed their mill for a
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Simons drove
to Dyberry Saturday nnd hack Sun-
dnv. nlllng on Mrs. Simons father,
Win. Kimble, who is quite 111.
Henry Meyers, who has been
working at this place this winter
anont Sunday with his family at
Sterling, Pa.
Grover Sheerer nnd gang of men
stopped cutting props and nro now
engaged In cutting and burning tho
jrush from tho river bank, taking
advantago of tho solid condition of
tlio Ico.
Our teacher. Miss Lucia Cobb,
spent Sunday with her parents at
Hub, Pa. Miss Cobb on Thursday
Inst completed her fifth successful
month of school.
Dr. Volgt and Mort Harloe of Haw
ley woro callers at this placo last
Special io Tne fMllzei 1
Prompton, Pa., Feb. 14.
Flno sleighing and everybody busy,
Farmers from tho northern part
of tho township aro busy hauling
lime from tho station.
A party of twenty came from
Waymart In two sleighs laBt Tuesday
evening and the ladles of the M. E
church furnished them with supper
and a good number ot Prompton peo-
plo turned out to greet tho Waymart
party. They nil declare they had a
flno time and added $21.40 to apply
on tho pastor's salary at Prompton.
Tho supper served by tho ladles of
tho Prcsbytorlnn church January 24
at the homo of Mrs. C. Wllwarth
proved a success socially and finan
cially. The proceeds of tho supper
wero $21.
A Missionary meeting was held at
tho homo of Mrs. Samuel Found last
Friday. Tho ladles report a fairly
good attendance and added two new
members to tho society.
Special to The Cltlsen.
Lkevllle, Pa., Fob. 15.
Ono of tho most enjoyable ovonts
of tho season was a masqucrado
dance held in P. O. S. of A. Hall
hero on Feb. 7, 1912, under ho aus
r.lccs.0 H1ll,sard Rebekah Lodge,
No. 3o9. Over ono hundred were
present. Not alono was It, the Teens
I M' it,.- ... 1. i . i .. . p , 1. -
.iiiii i muiilh-3 mi uiiiuiuil iuiu um
pleasures of tho evening hut many
who had past tho forty, yes fifty
mark. Several society leaders ap-
iivuiuu iu nauuBuuiu uuiuiui;a, iiiuu
ever-consnlcuouH clowns ; were in i evl-
donee. The Little Rod Hiding Hoods
took actlvo parts. Then tho Soldier
ho, Tho Holland Maiden, Martha
as, nf,.n.?'..'0(1',e.!sof Liberty,
Twilight. 'Dawn. ' The Sailor Boy, 1
7u? r ..V, x . .V;. thT Kreat I51!ln
Chief "Pohatcn," tho Japanese Brldo
and Groom, tho Base Ball Sharp, tne
. . uioui.W nolle. 1-oxy Grandpa. Be-
fres-hments were served. It was one
ui ujh must eujuyaiuu nines ever neiu .
in Lakevllle. Net proceeds, $1S.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Ilollistcrvillo, Feb. 14.
The M. P. Ladles' Aid society met
at the parse nago last Wednesday
with 41 present. Dinner was served
by the society.
The Alpha Organized Bible class
will give an entertainment in the M.
P. church on Wednesday evening, the
21st, at 8 p. m.
The drama which was presented in
tho M. E. h:ill ht' thrt vnnnr fnllra nf
notwithstanding the cold woatherJ
They netted almost $40.
'Snuire E. B. Hollistor's condition
Is about the same, he bolnc compelled
to keen nis bed. I
Mrs. Walter Frey is suffering
slight spoil of sickness.
Rev. McEwen has accepted a call
to Harlansburg, Lawrence county, i
this state, and expects to move there
next month. '
Miss Nellie Brown is slightly ill
at this writing.
Rev. A. R. Reichert will hold ren-
ttlar services in tho M. P. church
next Sunday at 11 a. m. His sub-
Ject will be Homo Missions.
Paupack, Fob. 14.
Clara Masker, the infant daughter
of Al Masker and wlfo, died last.
week, also a small son of D. Cron. i
Henrv Trlvelniece Is nn tho Kink
list. Dr. Simons was called Satur-
day. We all hope for his rapid re-
covery. i
The oox party was qulto a sue-
cess, over $17 was realized, wo1
were helped greatly by a load of
ten from Hawley. I
Tho L. A. S. was held with Esther i
Killam last Saturday.
Mrs. Kimble is with her daughter, '
Mrs. A. Simons, Hawley. We
glad to hear she is Improving.
Wm. Sprlser and wife expect to
moo to Paterson soon.
No church In Paupack for a while
as Rev. Purklss Is still in England.
Conrad Gumble, Jr., has sold his
lumber to H. Von Franck. He and
his sons are busy cutting it.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Sterling, Pa., Feb. 14.
Charles Butler has had a serious
time with pneumonia, but is improv
ing, and now his mother, Mrs.
Elitfha Butler, is very 111 with pneu
monia, and is thought to be gradu
ally dying.
Lewis Butler s folks havo also
been 111, but aro all Improving.
John G. Catterson is still on the
SICK usi.
Thomas Musgrow and children In
that vicinity aro improving.
Mrs. W. B. Lesher and youngest
daughter, who havo been unwell, aro
around again.
A. J. Cross has been confined to
his bed for a wook or more, but Is
up again.
Dr. Simons Is kept on the jump
night and day and scarcely gots a
chance to sleep threo consocutlvo
hours any night. Pneumonia is tho by Messrs. Groat and Carpenter and
prevailing epldomlc In this section carried to to homo of Wnllnco Var
thls wlntor. coo. Dr. Knapp of Forest City, was
E. J. Hlldebrant of Cortland, ac- summoned, but could do llttlo for
companled by Irwin Snyder, of Co- the. lnj-rod man who died about ono
lumula, N. J., woro guests or A. J.,iioiir arterwaru.
Cross last week. Mrs. Cross Is Mr.
Hildobrant's sister.
Tho teachers' local lnstltuto will
bo held in tho High school building
next Saturday, tho 17th. Wo do
not know what tho program Is, but
tho evening session Is always inter -
esting to all,
Dr. R. A. Smith has been elected
lay dolcgato to tho M. E. annual con
ference that meets next March In
On tho 4th Rev. W. E. Wobster
gavo ub an excollont sermon, nnd last
Sunday his subject was "Abraham
Lincoln," and wo all appreciate tho
time and thought ho has given, the
subject. Lincoln was truly a great
man, and like his Gettysburg me
morial address will not soon be for
gotten. Last weok Itov. W. E. Wobster
officiated at tho burial of Nath. Mar
tin at LaAnna,
On Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. N.
A. Frantz of East Stroudsburg, ac
companied by Royal J. Cross, of New
York City, came to J. E. Cross'. In
brief, lloyal J. Cross expects to have
a llttlo party on Valentino's day at
Charles Augenstoln's homo. In which
a charming young lady, Miss Lor
etta, Is an Interested party. Con-
Miss Kuth Webster was on tho
sick list t'hreo days last week, but
wo were pleased to sec her at the
church organ Sunday.
Imperial to The Cltlsen.
Lakewood, Pa., Fob. 14.
Mrs. George Simpson visited
friends In Dunmoro last week.
Mrc .1 P Tlllntf Its cnnnrltnt, n fnw
days with her sister. Mrs. Course, of
Hancock, N. Y.
Tho mill inn'm nf thn Vrnainn inert,
. " " ."n"
si'tiooi expect to hold a social on
Feb. 23. Music furnished by the
Hancock orchestra.
Pnlf W nopmnn nrn.lntinfl n 'nf'
interesting sermon Sunday.
Mrs. N c. philips spent several
(nys of last week with her daugh-
tor jirs A Patton of Orson
A. H. Kellogg and Harry Howell
ar(, onloying their acetyleno lights.
lT. K. Howell is drawing timber
for J. Dumond from tho Harry Cllft
( h'arlos Bennett has completed
miing the ico house for tho Borden
Milk company.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Lako Como, Feb. 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moughtenburg
aro nappy over tho arrival of a son.
Tho Enworth League held a musi
cal on Saturday evening, February
10, at tho homo of F. R. Woodman-
see. A large attendance is reported
and refreshments wero served.
Tho Ladies' Aid society of the M.
E. church met with Mrs. Wright on
u eunesday.
Miss Jennie Gilchrist, of Union,
spent Sunday here at homo.
Mlss Helen Woodmanseo enter-
talned her friends at a Valentine
Party on Wednesday evening and a
vory enjoyable time is reported..
George Brain is spending a low
days in Wilkes-Barre.
ISpeclal to The Citizen.
Beach Lake, Pa., Feb. 14.
Friday evening there was a box
party at W. P. Downing's. Although
zero weather tho 'house was full nnd
tho largo dining-room table laden
with such elaborate boxes was
sight not to bo forgotten. Hiram
Wood sold all the boxes to anxious
bidders, then a jolly good time was
spent eating the delicious rlands and
G. C. Olver is away on a business
trip in New York state.
Joseph Olver has tho grip.
Miss Maud Spry is working at
rank Ulddlecomb's.
Grant Olver spent Saturday and
ouuuay wun ins parents, nr. ana
lrf- y- L; uier.
".;" .,,, uj Uiv mau
"suai inis winter ay so many iainng.
rs- X u"ruVr 1110 , vc"m-
u" ti,u 'uuimuj uu nas
been a great sufferer since. The
dor thinks no bones are broken
shaking up that ono side was severe
ly Injured. Mrs. Prower Budd Is
caring for her until her daughter,
Mrs, C. Decker Is also laid up on
account of a fall.
The people hero aro uncommonly
good In helping tho aged and ailing
ones by cutting their wood. Tho last
wood bee was at Mr. Eberspaeher's.
They cut all of his summer wood.
Llttlo Frances Falley, who had In-
fantllo paralysis. Is gaining fast now.
Norman Davey rourned to Norrls-
town to resume his work there.
Will Davoy has purchased a fine
colt of Halsey Wells.
Miss Jennie. Van Wert took her
scholnrs for a sleighrldo Thursday
to Boyds Mills to see their former
teacher, Miss Graco Wall. A lovely
tlmn rnnnrtod
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Aldonvillo, Pa., Feb. 14.
Whlln rotnrnlni? from Vnrnut P1tv
on Friday nftornnnn lust. .Tnenh
jerlco was thrown from a sleigh on
1 the mountain highway, known as tho
finrtis road, ami strlklni? tils honrt
against a log skldway, received a
fractured skull. Ho was nicked un
C. C. Lozler, who has been on a
business trip to tho metropolis, re
turned on Friday last.
Two alrgo sleigh loads loft this
town Thursday night, ono for Hones
dale where the ovonlng was spent at
, tho skating rink; tne other for Nl
ngara to a chicken plo supper. On
tho same day two loads from Forest
City attended tho ehlckon dinner giv
en by tho M. E. L. A. S. at W. J.
Folloy's. About ?1S was realized at
tho lattor place.
On Thursday evening next an oys-'
tor supper will bo held at Georgo
Gaylord's for tho benefit of tho Bap-
tlst church.
Tho Bbfo Ball association has, or-
ganlzod for tho coming jyear with
Georeo Shields as manager. The
members are planning on a benefit to
ho held in the near future.
British Premier Claims the
Friendship of Germany.
Mr. Asqullh Explains That Lord Hal
dane't Visit to Berlin Wai to Com
to an Agreement Regarding Their
Mutual Acts Admit Near
ness of War Last Summer.
London, Feb. 13. The expected an
nouncement In regard to tho visit of
Lord Hnldune, the British war secre
tary, to Berlin, whero he conferred
with the German emperor, vras made
In tho houso of commons by Herbert
Henry Aiqulth, the premier. Mr. As
qulth's Btntement hi taken as mennlng
that Great Britain nnd Gcrmnny have
at Inst come to an agreement in regard
to their mutual actions. Mr. AsqulthV
Important announcement was greeted
with hearty cheers.
The premier, unswering a question,
admitted that the relations between
Germany and Great Britain have re
ccntly been clouded over by serious
events, but he stigmatized as a pure In
ventlon the story that the British fleet
last summer wns ready to attack Ger
many. This story was circulated dur
ing the crisis In the negotiations over
Morocco, when war between Germany
and France, England's ally, seemed
likely. Tho story gained n wide circu
lation, nnd Mr. Asqulth's statement is
practically tho only official contradic
tion of it.
It Is rumored that this Is the last
official act of Lord Haldnne as secre
tary of war and thnt his assistant,
Colonel John Bernard Sceley, will noon
succeed him.
Continuing, the premier declared that
tho anticipations in regard to the re
sults of Lord Ilaldaue's visit to Ber
lin nnd an Improvement in the friend
ly relations between Great Britain nnd
Germany were completely realized.
Lord Ilnldane, ho said, freely and
frankly conversed with a wide nren of
German officialism, nnd there was an
unmistakable evidence of a sincere nnd
resolute desire on both sides for a bet
ter footing for their relations, but at
the same time without impairing their
special relationships which each borr
to other powers.
"Both countries nre now engaged
with a careful survey of the practical
possibilities," was the concluding sen
tence of the premier's statement. Aj?
he reseated himself on the bench
cheers broke out from nil parts of the
house. Tho significance of the pre
mier's words were instantly realized,
and tho unanimous approval which
was given them on the spur of the
moment showed thnt the sentiment in
the house of common for better rela
tions between Germany and England
is almost unanimous.
Porto Rican Papers Quote Senator Root
at Opposing Citizenship.
New York, Feb. 15. Porto Itlcnn pa
pers just arrived here tell of a state
ment made by Senator Root of New
York In which he put his foot down on
the Idea of granting tho Porto Ilicans
American citizenship and expressed
himself In favor of granting them In
dependence under an American pro
tectorate. Senator Root expressed his Tlews to
Roberto Todd, mayor of San Juan and
member of the national Republican
committee, when the latter was in
Washington to attend the gathering
of that body. Todd wanted some def
inite expression from him on the sub
ject, and he got It
Gonzalo O'Neill and D. Collazio,
president and secretary of the Porto
Rican alliance, are joyous over this
reputed stand of Mr. Root They are
tired, they say, of Just hoping for
American citizenship for their fellow
people. Ninety-five per cent of the
Porto Ilicans were in favor of inde
pendence, they say.
Lord Sandhurst Gazetted to Succeed
Earl Spencer,
London, Feb. 15. Lord Sandhurst Is
pazetted ns lord chamberlain to succeed
Earl Spencer, who retired a few days,
He wns born In 1S55, has been a sub
lieutenant lu the Coldstream gunrds, a
lord in waiting, undersecretary for war
and governor of Bombay. He was tho
civil nttacho to John Hays Hammond,
the American special ambassador at
tho coronation of King George. His
present wife Is a daughter of the late
Mathew Arnold. His first wlfo was a
daughter of the fourth Earl Spencer.
Lord Sandhurst Is Interested In theat
rical matters and the turf. lie is a
member of tho Garrlck and Turf clubs.
r. Whedon af Syracuse Dearl.
1 Syracuse, N. Y Feb. 15. Dr. Georgo
Deulson Wliedou, seveuty-uiue years
id, one or tno most prominent physi
cians and surgeons in Syrncuse, is
dead, in tho civil war ho was surgeon
fortheTentn jsew ion: cavalry.
$400,000 Dock Blaze,
Amsterdam, Holland, Feb. 15. The
docks and warehouses of tho Com
pngnlo do l'Ocean are a total loss by
fire. The damngo done to the goods
itored In, the warehouse is estimated at
jver $100,000.
One of Arizona's Member!
In United States Senate.
President Taft Signs Proclamation Ad
mitting Forty-eighth Star.
Washington, Feb. 15. President Taft
signed the proclamation admitting Ari
zona to ttie Union.
He used a gold pen, which Is to be
given to Postmaster General Hitchcock
Thus Mr. Taft added the forty-eighth
star to the flag and brought within the
sisterhood of stntcs the last bit of ter
ritory within continental United States
There were three moving picture op
orators in the president's office and
half a dozen photographers lined up
with them on either side of his desk.
It was announced that the president
would send the nomination of Richard
E. Sloan, former governor of Arizona.
to be United States district Judge for
the new state to the senate.
Dr. Kaempf, a Radical, to Fill Spahn's
Berlin, Feb. 15. Dr. Kaempf, n Rad
leal, was elected president of the relchs
tag. He takes the place of Dr. Peter
Spahn, who, though elected president
of the house, resigned becnuse ho re
fused to nssociate with the Socialist
vice president.
The Soclnllst vice president Is Philip
Scheidemann. He presided over the
house, as Dr. Spahn had resigned be
fore the meeting.
Newark's Convicted Wife Murderer In
Trenton Prison.
Trenton. N. J., Feb. 15. Allison M.
MacFarland of Newark, convicted wife
murderer, is now In the state prison,
Ho seemed cheerful. His counsel,
Frank M. McDermit, assured him that
Ue would get him back to the Essex
county Jail within a day or two.
Gittins Bill Up Again.
Albnnv. N. Y.. Feb. 15. Assembly
man Cuvillier of New York has Intro
duced the Gittins bill of last year, de
signed to relieve directors or racing
associations for liability for gambling
carried on without their knowledge-
Market Reports.
New York. Feb. II.
BUTTER Weeker; receipts, 11,0 peck
aces: creamery, specials, per lb.. 2a32Mc;
extras, SlHc; firsts, KMc; seconds.
30c; thirds, zSaJJc: held, specials, JI
3214c; extras. IlaJ2ttc: firsts, SOaSltte.;
reconds, 29aHc; thirds, SSaSHc; state
dairy, tubs, finest, 31c; rood to prime, a
:oc. : common to rair, xaiic; process, spe
cials, XSViaJJc; extras. Jlc; firsts, aialTe.;
seconds, nV4c; factory, current make,
firsts, JCuICHc. , eeeonds. Xa iHc; thirds.
IIHrHc . packing stock, current make.
No. z. J4aM'c; No. I. 2IaZJVic
CHEKSBFJrm: receipts, I.SSS boxes;
stnte, whole milk, held, speelsls, white,
per lb., UKc; colored, 17Vic. ; avereze fan
cy, white, 17ic; colored, Uc; winter
made, specials, IMie.; averair fancy.
lCUc; underKradea, 14alle.; daisies, fall
and earlier, beet, KHc; winter make, spe
cials, 14c; choice, llallc; undercrades.
nominal, CVialJc-
EGGS Unsettled; receipts, t61 eases;
fresh Kftthered, extras, per dos.. 33a40c ;
firsts, SSHnOc; seconds. 37c; dirties, 30a
33c; checks, 21a23c. ; refrluerator. fair to
prime, 33a34c. ; stnte, Pennsylvania and
nearby, hennery whites, fancy large, 41a
4Cc. ; fair to Rood. 39a40c; hennery browns,
33a40c. ; Kathered brown and mixed colors,
POTATOES-Steady; Bermuda, No. 1.
per bbl., I0a6 tO; Maine In bulk, per ISO lbs.,
I3.50a3.75; per bag, 33.2Sa3tO; state In bulk,
ISO lbs., J3.a3.W; per bag. 3a3.3; Euro
pean, No. 1, per ICS lb. bag, !.SOaU0;
sweets, Jersey, No. 1, per basket,
MISATS Mve veal calves, per IW lbs..
7nlU.70; fed calves, 3a4; western and
southern, I3.t0a3.75; country dressed veal
calves, prime, per lb., 12Hc; common to
good, lOV&alZc.; buttermilks and grassers,
Live Stock Markets.
Pittsburgh. Feb. 11.
CATTLE Receipts light, market steady ;
good to choice. J1.4)a7.tfi; good, J7.10.i7.;
medium, at0u7; tidy, JG.15atS.G5; fair. J5.15a
I; common. J3.50a4.t0; common to fat cows,
2.Xa5; heifers, I3.50a6; fresh cows, J15ai5.
HOGS-Hecelpts light. 6 cents higher;
prime heavy, ; prime mixed. JG.G0
aGffi; prime medium, ja.05a8.70; heavy
Yorkers, J0.05a0.70; light Yorkers, JG.40a
6.00; pigs, Ju.10j.C30; roughs, JS.COaO; stagB,
SI 1K1QP Receipts light, market steady;
receipts of calves light, market steady;
prime wethers, J4.25a4 50; good mixed. J3.S5
u4.15; fair mixed ewes and wethers, J3a
3UV culls to common, Jl.50aZ.50; culls to
choice lambs. J3.60ati.75; yearling lambs.
J3l0a5.75; veal calves, I5.50a9.50; heavy and
thin calves, Jta.
I'Specliil to The Citizen
Preston, Pa., Fob. 14.
Tho last meeting of tho South
Preston Grange was hold Fob. 3.
Andrew Monaghan gave us a fovr
suggestions for the good of tho order.
After grange tho members held
card party.
Ethel Dlx and Loon Colo of Star
light, spent Friday and Saturday at
W. H. Doyles.
Stevo Monaghan made a business
trip to Hancock last week. It is said
that ho got a new checker board for
tho coming match with tho champloa,
of OrBon.
A surprise party was held at the
home of John Doylo Friday evcnlnt
in honor of tho birthday of Irvln.
After spending a pleasant evening
playing games and eating warm su-
itar, everybody started home declar
ing Mr. and Mrs. Doyle royal entor-
Ruth Stono spent tho week-end
with her friend, Miss Mae Avoy.
if ! III'. ltlAllOMt RKAMl. A
J;Mt''t AAi our DruajrUt r
r'-t-tftjru-l fv ilmitjoptl Urn oil
J' tisr nT Tonr
A el i
npecinilst Itrr hton,
20 Yc ra' -Siutu-s In this Itr
3uring Rupture,VaricoceIe,
Pile, nnd Flotnl
D'e s scif Men -t 'tired
Hon r detention from
Dr. K. I-'. Amnion savs . "Trusses wOl not
Cure riu r irr
l. HUM. Ill lilt, ,11111 1 Will r ill! Villi M
i . .Mil net need to wear a trss
rti'miax L. Smith. Orson. Wajocto I'a -Ktiptun-.
'i''it I.. Allpn. Spvrnrh Avp t arln inlnlp
I'n. Hydrocele.
I urt II. Knapp. AluVnwIle Woyxe I'o.
I'a. Ifuptun .
'.i. Mc Column, Ml North -aln Avenue
Stsu ton. I'a. ltupti.ri'
Co., I'a.-lltipUire.
l.lii e Honrs:!) a m. to 5 p. ni owl " to 9 w
in.. Sin tlny VI t. i I n.
ere i't.
Oitn'iltntinn nnd h xamiatIon I-rro
OKI K E.S-U'I Linden si M luSluN I'A
Painters Paper Hanger
sign witrrrit
Hotel Wayne. HONESDALE, P.
Have me and save money. V i 1 attend
sales anywhere in Mate:
Address, Vtuakt I'a . It I) a i
I hereby announce myself as
.mmUlnl. Vi . n n I r, I r. w tnr , I,
office of Representative In the LegiB
at the April primaries.
6tf Ariel, Pa.
xt t 1 1 1.' cur I r ni.'f'iniMnv 11 1 w i
William A. Murphy v. Lena .Mumhy.
X. 1 Il.Jllt.l.IL. I I II' .II . I I V I . 1 1 11,11,
t ilim ,ilwtw cfnt.xl ,.it, ilnfuol, tltr.
Sesrle .1- Salmon. Att'js. Sheriff.
Honesdale. l'u, J miliary 31, 1912. 9w
Late ot Clii.ton Township.
Alt persons indebted to saiii estate nre not
lieu lu make iiiuiieiiiaie oavii eni io me ui
uersiL'iieu : unu iiiom1 naviii!; eiauiis UL'ani
the said estate are notitled to present thei
amy auesieu, lor settlement
AM 1U.M UL' I Kl(
Arliniiiis rut or.
Koresi City. I'a.. Feb 13. iyl2 liSculwl
I ii hih mi ii 1 1 1 H io,,. r.. i, .in
UhUlbThlt b NO'lK E. Noti'-e
xi nereoy given mat tne accuunuiii
herein namru nave semen uieir respei ii
unm.nnlu It, ,li iiIMP,, ,,f tlwi IriM.Ull'r III Wl
111 ll J lir v Iftllt, j 1,1111 .,,' .,.- .,.i. ,
county fur confirmation, at tin Court Hou
III Jinucsuaic. on me sciuuu Mouuuy
Man'h next-viz:
First and final account of C.
tors of tho estato of William Ran
hlo. Lake.
First and final account or Jano (
I tiiinur, iiiuuwiioci n ia ui uiu uaui
of Smith T. Palmer, Hawley
First and partial account of Oha
H. Wolles and Frances Gardni
SUkman, executors of tho estate
Henry O. SUkman, Salom.
W. D. LESHER. RoKlstor
Honesdale, Pa., 1-eh. 1C, 1012.
ArxiiAicuni(M m. PiOllcu is ki
en that appraisement of $3
Lll L1IM VV1I1I11V S III I in I II I 1 1 1 W I 1 1 IT Mill
od decedents havo hoen Hied In tl
Orphans' Court of Wnyno county, ai
win Do presented for approval
Monday, Mnrch 11, 1912 viz.
V. J. BARNES. Clerk.
Honesdalo, Foh. 1G, 1012.
Traverse Jurors snmninm
. i n f I Ml
of Court 1!12. will report f(
duty lut Monday of April nex
By Urrter ot L ourr.
W J. BARNES, Clerk.