rGk 4. iilK CITIZEN, 1'ltlDAY, I'KimUAIlV 10, 1012, THE CITIZEN Seinl-Wcekly KoiiiiiIimI IIMIM; Wrckljr I-'imiiiiUmI 1811. t' ibllshed Wednesdays and Fridays by tho Citizen Publishing Company. Entered ns second-dnss matter, nt tho postoftleo. Honesdnlc, Pa. 13. n. HAKrENHBRGH PRESIDENT II. C. VAN ALSTYNE and R. 11. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS H. DonrUMann, m. n. ALi.r.M, duikctors: ii. wilson, E. In IIAIIDF.NIIEIUIII Our friends who favor us icith contributions, and desire to have the same re umttt, should ii erny cum enclose stamps fvi that ut) dsc . TERMS: nVR YEAR l.r.O THREE MONTHS 38c SIX MONTHS 75 ONE MONTH 13c Horalt by Express Money Order. Drnft, Post Ofllco Ordor or Registered letter. Address nil communications to The Cltizon, No. 803 Main street, HonPFdnlo, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments hold for tho purposo of making money or any Items that contain advertising mnttor, will only be admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charltablo purpose-" whore a fee Is charged, will be published at half rates. Curds of thanks, 50 ctuls, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be chnrged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rntes on application. The policy of the The Citi:cn is to print the local news in an interesting manner, to mimmarite the news of the world at large, to fight for the right as this wiper sees the rinht, without fear or favor to the end that it may serve the best interests of its readers and the welfare of the county. FRIDAY, FEmtUAKV 10, lOlii. A THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Bo great In act as you havo been In thought. Shakespoaro. What has becomo of tho Greater Honcsdalo Hoard of Trado slogan eontest? Can you correctly spell tho words that semi-weekly appear In tho achool contest bulletin of Tho Citizen? If all tho money that has been dropped In oil -wells, sunk in some silver mines, subways or other wildcat schemes, representing Honesdale capital, wore placed In homo Industries, there would ho enough to give em ployment to tho entlro unemployed in Wayne county. Yoa, and oven nioro. Washington, tho father of our country, of whom It Is said was "First In War, First In Peace and First In the Hearts of His Countrymen," was one of tho groat architects of his day and age. Ho designed and built sev eral houses and mansions, but of course ho was not the kind of architect that we have to-day. One of these houses is sill standing In Washington, D. C, and is located a short distance from tho White House. It is known as the "Octagon House" and for tho past few years has served as the head quarters of the American Institute of Architects. Wo take pelasuro In presenting to our readers tho pictures and special articles of two of Wayne county's best known citizens, Isaac ltosa Kimble, of Honesdale, and his brother. William Kimble, of Dyberry. Goth gentle men came from pioneer stock and for over four score years havo been ac tive business men. They have devoted their time and attention almost ex clusively to lumbering and it is doubtful whether two men of like experi ence can bo found In the United States. " Hill " Kimble, as he Is better known, claims to have steered 3,500 rafts down the Delaware and Dyberry rivers in his day, while his brother, Isaac, holds a record of 40,048 feet fo hemlock lumber in one saw in daylight. Ho has sawed millions of feet of timber but claims that that represents 'his best day's work. The Citi zen extends most hearty congratulations to these brothers and sincerely hope 'that as tho evening of their lives draw nigh they may be endowed with earth's choicest blessings which will serve as a closing benediction to their lives. Ily boycotting, tho women of Pittsburg lowered the price of butter from fifty-threo cents to forty-ono cents. Butter may becomo ono of the great luxuries. For a time It will seem as though wo cannot get along without it. Eventually however thero will be found substitutes for It and as far as its food value is concerned thero are any number of foods which como up to Its value and are not nearly so expensive, though not so de licious. Other foods havo become luxuries in tho world's history and havo passed out of general use and people have accommodated themselves to tho change. It Is too bad however that a food so universal and so delightful and almost indispensablo should bo passing from tho possibility of tho general run of people. It Is ono of tho surest means of making people dissatisfied with the trend of social conditions to have their tables af fected. It Is striking at the very heart of human conditions. Nothing is better calculated to cause unrest In this country than the rise in the cost of the necessities of life and butter Is but one of many that are thus affected. In tho event that several automobiles will bo sold In Honesdale and Wayno county the coming season, In addition to those In use, It behooves all owners of machines to get together and form an organization for tho advancement of better roads and tho promotion of a more social and friend ly feeling among the residents of other towns and cities. Honesdale could bo made tho mecca for autoists. Whoro would they find a more congenial or prettier town to visit or while away a fow hours? If an automobllo association wero formed cross-road markers could be obtained and placed at different points designating how many miles to Honesdale. For In stance If a guido wero placed at Narrowsburg, N. Y., tho sign post would read "lti miles to Honcsdalo" with an arrow directing tho pleasure seeker toward historic and beautiful Honesdale. The distance from homo would ho placed on tho different guido posts. Let's got tho people coming our way. They will go somewhere, why not here? Tho Citizen called atten tion to tho advantages that would bo derived therefrom In an article prlnt od a week ago, hoping that something contained therein might cast a ray of light on tho importance of organizing a Wayno county automobllo association. LET US HAVE A GREATER HONESDALE. Tho word greater as used In connection with villages, towns and cities throughout the entlro country Is only another name for the progresslveness and wideawake spirit which Is abroad everywhere In tho land. This Is tru ly an ngo of great things, gigantic enterprises, undertakings and achieve ments aro now lookod upon as commonplace. Everything being equal, sizo Is tho measure of strength. The greatest amount of strength well directed will produce tho greatest and most satisfactory results. Largo and pro gressive towns and cities aro sought by thoso who wish to establish enter prises, industries or commercial relations. Largo cities and towns havo a commercial value over smaller ones, duo eololy to tho greater number of Inhabitants residing therein. Every family coming to resido In a town adds to tho commercial valuo of tho place, as a site for business or Indus trial enterprises. These conditions aro so well recognized by tho alert nnd progressive that tho matter of larger towns and cities is now lookod upon as stepping stones for larger Industrial and commercial prosperity. This spirit of progress seems to havo escaped tho otherwlso alert citizens of Honesdale, and consequently all other efforts, In tho direction of im provements aro hampered. Honesdalo as shown by the census, contains something less than threo thousand, whllo tho territory naturally com prising tho town contains about seven thousand people. This Is a mlsrcp jescntatlon, which has deprived Honesdalo of its propor standing as a town, robbed us of all tho advantages which our population should entitle us to havo. There appears to bo no good reason why all tho contiguous portions of tho thickly-settled part of Texas township should not bo annexed to the borough of Honesdale. It will be so annexed, peacemeal If not to gether and If It is dono altogether, conditions will more readily adjust themselves, so that thero will bo much benoflt accruo to all tho people. Ap plications aro being made by rosidonts of Texas township to Join tho bor ough, and more will follow. Why not como In as a wholo, and give us a town of sovon thousand Inhabitants, with all tho advantages which a municipal government has over a township; then industries will multiply, trado and commercial prosperity will follow and ovory porson In tho town 'will bo benefited. HAWLEY. ! (Spctlal to Tho Lltlzon.) Hawley, Pa., Fob. 14. Tho cold we.ithor continues; mor enry dropped to 'JO below zoro Sat uitlay morning. Many aro suffering with heavy colds and the physlclnns aro kept busy. Gcnrgo Atkinson Is confined to his homo by sickness. Mrs. Frederick Evordlng Is on tho sick list. Mrs. Georgo Pelton, who has boon In pour health for a long tlmo, Is con valescing. Albert Whcole, of Wllsonvlllo, who suffered a stroko of paralysiB a fortnight ngo, Is slightly Improved. Nnncy, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Artcmus Simons, Is nffllctod with chlckonpox. Miss Gill, of White Mills, was with rolntlvcs hero on Saturday. A load ot young pcoplo from tho east side enjoyed a slolghrldo to White Mills Saturday evening and attended tho danco hold In tho Flor enco theatre Mrs. F. Schalm was a visitor In Carhondalo over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frey of Tafton, left on Tuesday for a sojourn with friends In Buffnlo, N. Y. Word was received hero of the death of C. F. Purdy at tho homo of his son, Harry, nt Honcsdalo Satur day morning. Tho defeased was well known In Hawley. Miss MIUIo Tut tlo's visit to Schnectady, nt tho homo of her brother, Frank, hns been pro- 'onged by Mrs. Tuttle s call to Hones dale owing to the total Illness of her father, Mr. Purdy. Mrs. Jennie ningham was with Dunmoro friends for several days last week. Her sister, Miss Dolla Hurd. of Honesdalo, camo to spend Sunday with her. Tho Hawley Hnennerchor society celebrated their 37th anniversary on their regular meeting night, Thurs day. Tho occasion was ono of good beer, enlivening music and a boun tiful repast was served. Howard Degroat, who hns been working In tho woods at Wllsonville, 's now emnloved by Frank Stevenson In his coal yard. Mrs. Nora Edwards expects to en ter tho State hospital In 'Scranton this week. She will be accompanied by her physician, Dr. A. C. Voigt, Who advises an operation to relievo her from a long-time affection. Charles Kelly, who formerly lived at Hawley, but is now living at Sus quehanna, met with an accident last week. While stepping from tho en gino ho In some way slipped and javo his leg such a wrench that ho has been laid up since. District Deputy T. F. Mangan has been busy installing the newly-elected officers of tho K. of C. councils. Mrs. Edgar Tuthlll. who has been sick at her home at the Eddy, Is not much better at this writing. Henry Dried is also confined to his home with Inflammatory rheumatism. Samuel Geary has returned home from a five-week visit at New York city and Allentown. At the latter place he visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert .1. Wheel, or. It will bo remembered that Mr. Wheeler did some campaign work by making several stump speaches In tho Interest of tho Socialist party throughout tho state last fall, and wo must all admit and wo also see how tho old political parties are begin ning to sit up and take notice of the rapid growth of that party. Tho Brilliant Cut Glass company has been chartered by Governor J. K. Tener and has commoncod busi ness. Mrs. Fred Kneesei was taken very sick at her home on the East side, but at last report sho is somo better. Tho Hawley Base Ball Association will conduct a dance in Odd Fellows' hall on Friday evening, Feb. 10. The admission is 50 cents a couple, with 1 0 cents for extra lady. Tho proceeds will bo used to liquidate tho debt and make ready for somo good playing next season. There was somo excitement about tho Keystone cutting shop on Sunday patients aro doing as well as can bo oxpeotod. (j rant Collins was nblo ii . u uiin slalrH Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Collins nnd family of Aldonvlllo, vlsltod tholr bou, Grant Collins, on Sunday. Mr. Michael V rlmmlns Is visiting rolatlvcs nnd friends in Olyphnut. nenry A. Dennett Hpont Wednes day nnd Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Duel Dodge In Honcsdnlo. Mrs. Horace Noyes nnd son, Van Kirk, of Honesdalo, npont Sunday with tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Starncs. Tho many friends of Mrs. Charlos Webb wero pleased to seo hor out to church Sunday slnco her long siege of Illness. Rov. John E. Pritchard will preach in tho Presbyterian church Sunday ovonlng, Fob. 18. Charles Faatz Is suffering from a boll on the back of 'his neck. Fred Ilauser spent Sunday In Scranton. Helon Ttoss returned to Honesdalo Sunday to rcsumo bor studios, having been laid l.p with a brulseu nukio. Ivah Ballou has had tho grip for tho past week. Miss Helen Manning expects to ac company her patient from Summit, N. J., to tho South on Thursday, Fob. 15. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. O. Dlako and Dorothy spent Sunday at Pleasant Mount. Tho scholars and teacher, W Hoar, onjoyod a slolghrldo Monday aftornoon. AWAY GOES PIMPLES. BLACK HEADS, ECZEMA, DANDRUFF AM) OlHEIt SKIN AFFECTION'S. When 'enio unit .cum Sonp Aro Uned The A. M. Lolno Drue Stnro savs: "Wo are so confident that Zomo and ZEMO SOAP used togethor will rid tho sum porson 1 A A. A. A A A X A A A A A A A A HONESDALE MARKET . Corrected Every Thursday Hy T. II, Stegner & Sons. - ho skin or scalp of Infnnt or grown t .,, hnn , lorson of PIMPLES, BLACKHEAD. 1 HH"' urv 3C55EMA, DANDRUFF. INSECT h0:!? L !.' V..' D1TE3 or any form ot Itchlne. Irrl- cr'. l."rnla BHU i tatcd. disfiguring skin or scalp nP', r",',,, ih ' trouble, that wo do not hesitate to Lleibl,a,fne;f lb VJll UVU lUUI I, I odles to ovory person who desires 1 t.u." ' nnd n euro from nny form I ."."''""v,'1" iiuic-k ronei ana n euro from onv of nggravated akin or scaln affection uiicnumcs ono bottle nnd ono cako of soap will euro a minor case of skin trouble. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP nroduco suro and swift results. You will not suffer another day after you com mence to uso thorn. You will feel like a now person. ZEMO nnd ZEMO SOAP can bo ob- STEENE. ffa'DfClal to Th Cltli-n.l Steono, Pa., Fob. 13. Tho Colo brothers are getting the lumber on tho ground ready to build a largo horse barn In tho spring, to replace tho ono that was struck by lightning and burned to tho ground last fall. It Is rumored that tho wedding bells will soon bo ringing In tho vi cinity of Clinton township: If you want to know tho particulars, ask .loo Burns. Miss Miller s school enjoyed a hrldo last Wednesday. Leon Short was tho teamster. Mrs. Perry, formerly Miss Stella Arnold, Is back to her old homo visit inir her father. J. W. Arnold. Tho Bobolink is busy breaking In his span of colts Merchant Datesman, of Prompton, is confined to his homo with an at tack of tho grip Our old bachelor Is back at his old trado, tho huckster business. Ho un dorstands anything from a veal calf down to a peck of potatoes or tur nips. Edward Williams, who has been spending tho winter months here. surely knows where milk and honey tlows, as ho 'has returned to the west. Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Hambly, of Honesdale, visited their parents here on Sunday. ' William Wright returned to his home at Carbondale Saturday, after visiting a few days with the Bobolink and mate. M. A. McMahono, the Lake Lodoro Improvement Company's general foreman at tho ice plant, Is certainly a hustler, as he seems to know everv crook and turn In handling a largo body of men. His record for 15 days is harvesting ono hundred and thlrty flvo thousand tons of Ice besides loading one hundred cars. There Isn't another man In Wayno county that can beat It. Still another rumor of tho wedding bolls ringing hero at Stoene In the near future. There will be a basket social held at tho chapel hero at Steono on Wed poq " p i 'ntr Pnp.'p- ' fop benefit of the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Durch. All aro Invited. Honesdale market on eggs, butter and potatoes are as follows: Eggs 38 and 40 cents per dozen; butter 43 cents per pound; potatoes 35 cents per peck; still tho farmers kick be causo they haven't the said produce to sell. Tho teacher and pupils of the morning following tho very cold 1 Steono school aro busily engaged pre paring valentines for a valentine box social to bo held February 14th. Farmer Denny Is getting ready for a largo run of sap, as he has pur chased a largo supply of sap buckets. WORDS FOR THE SPELLING CONTEST OF THE H Wayne County School' . II niffiit. .Mr. Wall heard tho water pouring through tho floors of the building and on entering ho found tho floors covered and water rushing down the stairs. Pipes had bursted In tho acid room and that was caus ing tho catastrophe. Tho llreman hurried to tho scene and soon had the water turned off, but not until quite somo damago was dono. Miss Helen and Lena Lehmann wero In Scranton last week. The history ot Pennsylvania must necORRnrllv lin tnilpM In nil ft,l.lt - " ... Jl.lJIll. I " . schools as well as u. s. history, it ! ::::::::::::!::::::::::::::::::::::::::; la ll'nll Hint nmilli. 1. 1 of tho history of their own state. Therefore, we wish to correct a state ment that we saw in Saturday's S. T. R. that tho Hon. S. E. Dlmmlck was Attorney General under Gov. Hoyt. Ho was appointed and served with Gov. John T. Hartrauft. Mrs. Alfred Oschmun was Indis posed during the week. John Hoover's daughter, who has boon in tho Stato hospital, Scranton, for treatment, has returned greatly benefited. BETHANY. tSierlnj lo i iiu C ltl?pn.l Bethany, Pa., Fob. 14. Amos Ward and Grant Collins woro Injured In an accident Thurs day afternoon on tho Strongman farm whllo thoy woro blasting ground In nn open space. Tho fuse was slow In going off. Amos Ward wont to examlno tho causo and as he roacheu It thero was an explosion and Mr. Ward received tho force In his face and was cut Eoerely, es pecially under tho right oyo and his oyes wero llllod with dirt. Grant t olllns was seriously hurt. Ho was thrown up In tho nlr by tho explo sion and tailing struck his back and head on a troo stump, receiving deop cuts on his head and faco. Uussell Stnrnes was twenty-flvo foot from the explosion and escaped. Ho as sisted tho men to Mrs. Georgo Hausor's homo and tolophoned for Dr. Poterson who enmo In a short tlmo and did everything for tho In jured men. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hausor wero In Honesdalo at tho time of tho accident and thoy wore notified by 'phono and reached homo soon after. Grant Collins was re movod to tholr homo and Amos J Ward was taken to his homo. The LESSON XII. acroplano audible Belgium co'n'x'ar dirigible ecstasy facility t,..u..iceo hystorlcs iudoliblo lnoitablo Judicious Manila mlulaturo naphtha opposite projudleo parliament nllvo similar tableau trunsom transient vinegar tanglblo HOW'S Till.-? We offer Oiip llundied Dollar Reward for any case oi Cutarrli thin cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrl Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, nave knowi F. J. Cheney for the last 15 i;art. and believe him perfectly honnralili in nil business transactions and II niinclally able to curry out any ob ligations made by his tlnn. Wtilnlng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hull's C'utnrrli Cure Is taken In terniilly, acting directly upou tin iilood nnd mucous mirfncHH of tin system. TetUWiionlni I sent free Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold bj all Druggsts. Tnke Hall's Family Pills for mn -tlimtlnn art Endive, head Potatoes, Wayno Co., pk 3 Wax Boans, qt Cauliflower, head Water cross, bunch . . Sweet Potatoes, 2 qts. White Cabbage, lb. Spanish onions, each Onions, qt Potatoes, peck ipples, pock A 2 0-3 1 Itexford D. Wickwlro, of Chicago, spent Tuesday with relatives In town. Ho made tho trip from Scran ton on his Indian motorcycle for which ho Is demonstrator. talned from ono loading druccist lniTurnins. neck 2 every city or town in Amorlca and In 1 Oranges, Navels, doz 30-4 Honesdalo. By tho A. M. Lolno drug Lemons, doz 4 store I Cranes. Malaga, lb 1 FISH Codfish steak, per lb 2 Uhltaftch .1rncu..rl " Halibut, steak 2 Spanish mackcrol 2 Pickerel 1 Yellow Pike 2 I Smelts, not dressed MILANVILLE. Special to The Citizen. Mllanvllle, Pa., Fob. 14. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Lassley woro guests ot Mesdames Connor and Nichols on Tuesday last. That tho stork did not comploto Oysters, qt 40-C his Journey south this winter, but Is Clams, doz 2 still hovering about Milanvlllo was Scollops, qt G again maue eviuont on Friday last Mackerel, Norway, No. I wneii no uruiiKai a uaoy uaugnter to gladden the homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Sherer. Miss Bessie E. Skinner was a guest of Mrs. C. H. Valentino last. .MacKcrci, .Norway, .no. z i , Herring, salt, lb I XX r A A nr.r ti.ttU 1. n .1 101 Trout, dressed 2 week at her pleasant homo at Da mascus, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Olver. of Ty ler Hill, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Cora and Miss Mabel Skinner. Mrs. L. B. Price recently entertain ed Miss Lillian Canflold of Galileo. Mrs. Sarah Calkins, of Fostordale, N. Y., has been caring for hor two sister-ln-laws, Mrs. Maria Calkins and Mrs. Dora Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Carthuser and Miss Bessie Sklnnor enjoyed tho hos nltality of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Lessley last week. Mllanvllle isn't dead ty any means. Fifty-threo teams aro hauling wood to tho chemical factory. H. E. Ttiitchell and dauchter Miss Helen, of Port Jervls, and Mertln East ItufTulo Cnttlo Mnrkct. East Buffalo. Fob. 14 C'ATTl 1 tua. ti kj ii t :tii . . 1 1 1 1 w :i steady. VEALS Receipts, 50 head, tivo and steady at $5 50a 10 00 nuns Kocfi nts. l.tiuu. net and strong; heavy and mixed, $G. aG.Gu; a few, $fi.G5; Yorkers, $6. r "rn.- or.. . .... i r. nr. r. n .i- o .j . I .1 liu . o : A iit;a. o uu.i.j nil les, ?G.15aG.50. Bntw.,1- A.Mj ij..Mia- iteceip u.uuu. uuuu to ciiuk e. uriive, co mon, slow; sheep steady, lambs, higher; lambs, $3.50aG 90 CANDIDATE FOR ASSEMBLY. I hereby announce to the voters Calkins, of Scranton, arrived on tho 011,1 and last time a candidate for t Mountain Express Saturdav evening to attend tho funeral of tho late Mrs. Uakins. Beauty Truths Piinple, Sallowncss, Blotches nnd Dull Eyes Caused by Stomach. Beauty Is only skin deep, but that's deep enough to satisfy most women, also men. In order to keep tho skin In a clear, clean, healthy condition, tho stomach must supply the blood plen ty of nutrition. As long as the stomach Is out of order and the blood lacks proper nourishment, tho skin will bo affected. If you want a perfect skin that you will be proud of. take a week's treat ment of MI-O-NA stomach tablets. Get a fifty cent box to-day, and If you are not satisfied after a week's treatment, you can have your money back. For any stomach ailment MI-O-Na Is guaranteed. It gives almost In stant relief and permanently cures. Largo box 50 cents at Pell, the drugclst, and druggists everywhere. Tho finest consignment of reliable horses ever to arrive in Honesilalo are at tho livery stable of EVL Lee Braman Church Street. Every horso is guaranteed to be as represented. They are kind and gentle. Our matched teams are winners. Come and see them. nomination nnd elei tion for Ren sf'niiii ivo in rim .,fiinr:ii assp i at Harrisburg. I therefore soli Liiu uiu aiiu suunuiL ui u i v ir i at the Primaries to be held April 1912. H. C JACKSON. Tyler Hill, Pa. lloel X ..J. fl Fi - ran ah aguuui Every man, woman or ch should make It u point to nn n. ntr n mnnev inr ti "rainy day" which wo aro expected. The best way to II11H IS 1(1 I1I1HI1 iL S;11T11TS ILI'I'Ill with tho FARMERS AND MECHANICS BA HONESDALE, PA. Tho bank for all classes t'tMlLH SIIlLtll Uf IJiriit! illTL'lJllI DLTilllU LUUUIUL'I UUt! UUllilT. Illi .1 ..nnolf A ....... L book, and then resoHe to nnstt n irivfm sum. small Minn without trying it, now easy Limit; it IS lit UU 1UU11UV w an account with a bank l been opened. With an accoi a porson feels a desire to large his deposit. It starts fill Llllt riUUL 1 Uilll ItlLU Hill thing to rely upon in time need. Grow with this bo which has reai hod over SMOO.OOO.OO mark in deposits The Farmers and Median Bank was established In 19 Pnnltnl Smck. ST.VOOO.OO II one of the growing banks wayno eocnty ana rerrese the deposits of the peopio of vocations of life M. E. SIMONS. President. n 1 l.'MI.IfV riiililni- FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS WILL BE PAID Dividends to Policy Holders in THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, of New Yoi During 1912. This is tho largest amount that nny company In tho world over paid any vear. Insuro with tho MUTUAL LIFE and get your share of thoso dlvidenc BENTLEY BROS. GENERA INSURANCE, Ofllco opposite Postofllco, Honesdale, Pa. Consolidated Phono 1-9-L. TO CALIFORNIA, OREGON, WASHINGTON and PACIFIC COAST POINTS VIA ERIE R. R. March 1st to April 14, 1912 For full Information, ca'l on Ticket Acent HiwMlali'. I'a. or apply to V. O. HOCK. I'. 1'. A. KrlO U. 11, . I lIUIIIDtTH si, MatlOl). .New vorK iiiy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers