The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 16, 1912, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THE CITIZEN, Fill DAY, FEUKUAIIY 10, 1012.
Urge Dix Not to Pardon
Schiff Ex-Valet.
irccru nsurrnp
Current Comment.
The Ideal Guardian
In time to como being chosen on an
Important Jury will bo a less formida
ble experience than oxllo to Siberia.
Chlcngo News.
One of the most conspicuous: features
of every Investigation Is the amount
of advice to congress that Is Incidental
ly volunteered. Woshlngton Star.
Turkey trot nnd grizzly bear dances
are getting In bad everywhere. That
makes us more anxious than ever to
see what they're like Atlanta Jour
nal. There are millions of dollars for war
pensions nnd fat pensions to educators
and ministers and civil service men,
but where are the pensions for retired'
newspaper men? Boston Traveler.
Who Leaves Harry Kemp, For
Whom She Deterted Husband.
of the estates of your minor chil
dren. It has the very best facilities
for the profitable and wise invest-
I 1 I I
to Avoid Accidents.
mentana ie investment of the princi
pal and accrued income -The Scranton Trust Co.
BIO Spruco Street.
Attorney General Believes Governor
Will Pardon Man Sentenced to Thir
ty Years Because of Misrepre
sentations Made to Him In
Previous Hearing.
Diicr hi mRnanflu Kn iin. m i a.un
wanna Railroad Conceived Idea of
Teaching 26,000 Employees to Be
Careful by Pioturlng Dangera.
Fewer Fatalities th Ret ult.
Scranton, pa., Fob. 13. To lesson
mrn irnara in ma m nn i n nnn l r
Phillips, general mannser of Vn
Jlplrnwfltinn rn1lmn1 omnlnrln tr "(i
persons, conceived the Idea of
void mine dangen,
A rpHm nt nfrtiiro wan tnlrpn tn th,
d. On one pace was shown tin
r, I t L 1- IJ a. t i
ie careful miner and how he avoided
i n.n inn nni innr 'inn t rtMi ontui
ooks, each containing 200 pictures
nve been distributed among the for
Lnst year, although tho output wn
rp irpr man inn vdnr nornrft r ia titiMi
v iiir n . xn nnn :q marrmnmn t nri
in ue huh KieaiLT reuueuon.
Kansas City.
Philadelphia. Kelt. 13. fionrpp
i'iim 1 1 injiii iirdcit nnr rir rnrt nifa.uiii
Pennsylvania Aero club, announrnd
Is year will be held In Kansas City.
win ru ffri n 1 1 nvnnticno r thn n
iniun oi enierniff oaiioons in the con-
- - - " " "f ttJUJ 4.1 m-
rItv nf fin (W. till, in f jr.n
llln fnnf ihnPn ' ,
fltOn tn VfntITT TXrtfinrflanti ...til
11 endeavor to bring the prize bad;
ICr Vlllf thnKn 1 .1 . I
. . w.. ....w . I I J L 1 1 i l I I 1 I '
TO3 111 Mir. .rtntict T) 1 ...
llllams and Dartmouth. These three
lieges will have entries this year, as
11 the T'nU'ftri'tft. I'l- I I .
- ..iij v. i IU(,1U1U illlM
T.T. T U HATTTV TJ a TT7"d ttdti
esident of Lucknow Iron Works Al
leged to Be Insolvent.
ilimiltillJUUl. IMM1. IH l . It Tn..
. - " -- . . .K- ll 1
d John J. Calne of this city and Wil
m T. Uildrup of Uarrlsburg were
pointed receivers of the alleged bank-
burg, president of the Lucknow Iron
nics and treasurer and general miin
er of the Central Iron and Stee.
irks of Uarrlsburg, which went into
j hands of a receiver on Feb. 5. The
polntuient was made by Judge .Me-
ITSflll 111 Till) I Til rail Vfilt .1 I
w 4 1 0 k i . V L
lalley la a member of one of the
st prominent and wealthy families
Ilarrlsburg. While the attorneys In
j bankruptcy proceedings hint at fu-
'fi K.HIUflllnnci t licit l-nfunn 1. ..
clt They explain that the Lucknow
, - . ..... .. "i,vj "".J
1 1 1'H a fl It ft,) I.- nmirniPii ..l. 1 1,. . 1.
ntral iron and Steel works, a $2,(KX).
) corporation, was prosperous and
larentiy had more business than li
lid haudie.
lie s u oaest ii'mn weiahed h'M
HO till lit I'OVI tllfl T1 111 I lIMtUKll-il
i, Is dead nt lus home at Mount Car
i ai' wiigneu pounds, was rive
t ten Inches in height, measured
ee feet a ross ihe shoulders and was
re than uie fett In girth. Moose had
ength In proportion to his size. He
s employed at the Pennsylvania
llroad company's oil house and could
a barrel of oil weighing 400 pouuds
.limit any great effort.
lis death came at the zenith of his
o.-.ii 'uv.uij, iui ue irua ouiv luriv
irs old. Kidney disease, rapidly fol
ded by dropsy, ended his career.
ioso ulways attracted consldiTiible
entlon at the sessions of the Order
Mocse. of whir h he was au otllclal.
n fl. HAnkina Anneal. In .!..
City Polics to Investigate,
ersey City. N. J.. Fob. 13. With
. . 1 .. 1 I .... I ... . .1 J a . .
ee others In a danperous condition
mi poisoning by paiis green, John
Hopkins, proprietor of the Hopkins
iiiuis, ui iio'j vjituii. iitciiui;, in me
v Cireenvllle pcctlon here, appealed
the poil-e of that city to discover
i 1 (entity of tlio person or persons
to have been trying to poison his
7 Amr
rhoto Dr ah. ei lean Piesi Association
New Vork. Feb. li!. Mrs. Meta Sin
clalr, one time wife of Upton Sinclair,
the novelist, and Henry Kemp are no
longer In a little bungalow on tho Man
asiiuan river, near West Point Picas
ant, N. J. Mrs. Sinclair Is with her
father and mother In their apartment
at 17-1 West Eighty-seventh street,
writing a book, and Kemp has departed
and left no address, it Is said.
All that William F. Fuller, Mrs. Sin
clair's father, would commit himself to
was tills:
"My daughter i with her father and
mother. She is writing a book. The
episode is over.''
Novelist Sliicliin. styled by his wife
as an "essential monogamist," secured
a divorce last fall. It is said that he is
now on his way to Europe with their
ten-year-old son David, who will go to
school In Germany. Sinclair Is expect
ed hack In the spring.
Convicted Slayers of Truck Gardner to
Swing From One Scaffold.
Chicago, Feb. 13. Construction of
the scaffold on which five men arc to
be hanged In the county Jail next Fri
day has begun. A deatli watch also
was placed over them. All of the pris
oners are trying to appear brave. The
convicted slayers of Fred Guelzow, Jr.,
the truck farmerICwald and Frank
Shlblawskl, Philip Sommorllng and
Thomas Schultz exchange cheering
messages. Thomas Jennings, colored,
whose conviction of the murder of
Clarence D. Hiller on "linger print" ev
idence attracted wide attention, has
turned "jail preacher." He has Induced
several prisoners to confess religion.
Hundreds of persons have applied for
permission to witness the executions.
Earl of Granard May Not Become Lord
London, Feb. 13. There are reports
In society that the Earl of Granard,
who has just resigned. Is not likely to
be appointed because of the fact that
his wife, who was Miss Beatrice Mills,
Is an American.
It Is rumored that the speciDc objec
tion to him Is that It would be Im
politic to have an American woman In
a posltlott to Influence the lord cham
berlain, who is the practical arbiter of
British society through his power to
determine who shall be commanded to
attend court functions. The story has
received much currency, but so far la
not backed by anything authoritative.
Nciv York. Feb. 13. Immediately
following the announcement Hint At
torncy General Carmody will report to
Governor Dix that Folke B. Brandt
should bo pardoned and that the attor
ney general will call for an Investiga
tion to determine whether Improper
Influences were used to obtain Brandt'
conviction powerful Influences were
brought to bear on Governor Dix to
convince him that Brandt's case should
not bo reopened.
It was learned that the governor Is
wnverlng. On one side of him Is thf
attorney general demanding complete
publicity In tho Brandt rase and an
open investigation. On the other nve
closo friends of the governor, among
them Alton B. Parker, who am advls
Ing the governor to pay no nttentlon
to popular clamor, stand by his dec!
slou and keep the papers sealed. They
are using as their principal nrgunient
upon Governor Dix that full publicity
in the Brandt case would mean a scan
Attorney General Carmody, who is
here, said that ho believed tho govern
or would be swayed eventually by the
facts in the case, not by what either j
the friends of the Schiffs or of Brandt i
might say to him. Mr. Carmody win j
osk Supreme Court Justlco Gerard to !
day to delay his decision on the writ
of habeas corpus in order that the case ,
might go back to tho governor, who Is 1
contemplating n ieview of the pro- 1
"I believe," said Mr. Carmody, "that
the pardon will bo granted. The gov
ernor knows that misrepresentations
were made to him. but he is besot by
people who tell him that It would be
wrong to stir tilings up again on ac
count of scandal. However, the gov
ernor has put the case In my hands.
I tackle It for tho first time. I am al
ready convinced that Brandt was the
victim of what looks like n conspiracy
"Tho Issues In this case are more 1m to tho state than they are to
the 'infortutiate young man, Brandt
Ther" nppoars to have been a misuse
of ihe courts. Every ounce of authoii
ty In my ofllee will be used to Dud out
who engineered this business."
Architect and Builder
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
Senate Committee Rejects the Sher
wood Bill.
Washington. Feb. 13.The Sherwood
"dollar a day" pension bill was reject
ed by the senate committee on pen
sions and another measure, which
would Involve an annual expenditure
of ?2 1,000.000, proposed as a substitute
.by Senator Smoot of Utah, was adopt
Senators Brown (Nebraska) ami Cur
tis (Kansas) gave notice that in the
senate they would press tho Sherwood
bill us u substitute for the Smoot bill.
Duchess' Estate Must Pay $300,000.
London, lul. 13. Legacy duty of
$300,000 must be puld on the estute of
Consuelo, duchess of Manchester, ac
cording to Judgment delivered in the
cliaii'-eiy division of the high court of
Justice. She was left $11,000,000, and,
although the money was never
brought to England, the British rev
snue authorities claimed legacy duty,
and the demand was resisted by the
ixecutors of the duchess' will.
Live Stock Markets.
CATTLE Receipts. ia loads, seatnst
75 lonrts last Monday: market slow and
10 to !5 cents lower on nil grades; good
to choice, J7.30a7 75; good, I7.10a7.30; me
dium, iiit0a7: tidy. Kafi.GO: fair. :a6.90;
rommon. l3M)a.K); common to fat bulls,
JJ.7CnO.75; common to fat cows, J2.2Ja5;
hclffrs. $3.r0aCJ5; fresh cows, JlSati.
HOGS Receipts. 55 loads; 10 to IS cents
louer than Saturday; prime heavy, I3.M;
prime mixed. MtO; prime mrdlum, fcJ.W;
heavy Yorkers, J3 45a60; light Yorkers.
(li.HaO.IO: plus. J0.90aC.10; roughs, J5.Wa
SIUCKP Receipts, 5 toads; demand
only fair; market a shade stronger on n
few choice lambs; general market slow;
only steady on other grades of sheep and
lambs; receipts of calves, 700 head; steady;
prime wethers, H 2334.50; good mixed. J3.80
at 15: fair mixed ewes and wethers, (Sa
1.C0; culls to common, Sl.t0a:.50; culls to
:holce lambs, J3.50aC.75; yearling lambs,
!3.50a5.75; veal calves, JtoD.50; heavy and
.bin calves, JlaC.
Valspar dries free of dust?
in two hours and hard inl
.Use tomorrow
A floor varnished with
Valspar can be walked on
in twenty-four hours, with
out sticking or marring. j
Wash Next Day
The lustre stays, does not
turn white, wears the
Keeps Things New,
Wayne County
Savings Batik
Financial institution of Wayne
County has been designated by
the United States Government,
Depository Number 2115, for Pos
tal Savings Funds and is entitled
to receive
S8 per cent.
of the total
to be deposited in the Konesdale
INTEREST PAID from the FIRST of any
month on deposits made on or before the
TENTH of the month.
Boy on Way to Reform School
Dead as Supposed.
FlshUiU Landing, N. Y., Feb. 13.
Wliile being taken back to the Roches
ter Industrial school, from which insti
tution he escaped a few weeks ago,
Harry Orr, a sixteen-year-old boy,
eluded Joseph Ewlng, an attendant,
aboard a fast West Shore train nnd, j
running to the platform, Jumped from
the train while It was traveling at the
rate of fifty miles an hour between
Esopus nnd West Park. I
It was not thought the boy could
have landed nllve, and so the train was 1
not stopped until It reached West Park. I
The oillcer and several men started
back along the tracks, thinking they
would find the boy's dead body, but
when they reached the point could find
no trace of him. Tracks in the snow ,
indicated thnt he had cut across a field
to the highway and made good his es
Guaranteed by us
Honesdale, Pa.
Do Your Banking
Always Reliable
Wayne County Savings Bank
w. b. homies. rnEsmrcxT. h.
HON. A. T. SKARLE, Vice-President. AV.
S. SALMON', Cashier.
J. WAltU, Asst. Cushicr
ents a
The Plan That Promotes Success
Minister of Foreign Affairs Made
Knight of the Garter.
London, Feb. 13. The Gazette an
nounces that Sir ICdwnrd Grey, the
minister of foreign affairs, has been
made n knight of the most noble
Order of the Garter.
The announcement created general
surprise, as Sir Edward is the first
commoner to be made n member of
the order since Horace Wnlpole was ap
pointed in 1712(1 and the first ever cre
ated when no vacancy In the member
ship existed. It wns thought nt first
thnt Sir Edward hnd been appointed
to fill n vacancy caused by the deatli
of the Duke of Fife, but It turns out
that the latter was specially appointed,
nnd his deatli made no room In the
membership for a now appointment.
THE " 17-Cents-a-Day " Plan of purchasing
The Oliver Typewriter means more than promot
ing sales of this wonderful writing machine.
This Plan is a positive and powerful factor In
promoting the success of all who avail themselves
of Its benefits.
It means that this Company Is giving practical
assistance to earnest people everywhere) by supply
ing them for pennies with tho best typewriter
in the world.
Tho "17-Cents-a-Day" Plan is directly In lino
with tho present-day movement to substitute type
writing for handwriting In business correspond
ence. Ownership of Tho Oliver Typewriter Is fast be
coming one of the essontlals of success.
"17 Cents a Day" and The
Frederick Nye Under Arrest at Sha
mokin Arouses Dig Crowd.
Shamokin, Pa., Feb. 13. Frederick
Nye, eighteen years old, Is under ar
rest here charged with murdering
Henry Miller In his bowling alley, nt
Sunbury, Sunday, and then robbing
the place. A loaded revolver was tak
en from Nye when nrrested.
One thousand nngry people surround
ed the train as he was taken to Jail at
Sunbury. Some wanted to lynch him.
He wns on parole from a reformatory,
having committed burglary several
years ago. Miller was n prominent
rcsldeut of Sunbury.
Actor A. H. Stuart Dead.
Detroit, Feb. 13.- Alexander Hamil
ton Stuart, actor, 1b dead In a hospital
here after au Illness of more than a
The Standard viaiulc Writer
There is no putent on tho "17-Cents-a-Day"
Purchase Plan.
Wo invented It and presented It to tho public,
with our compliments.
The "17-Cents-a-Day" Plan leaves no excuso
for writing In primitive longhand. Wo havo
made it so easy to own Tho Oliver Typewriter
that there's no need even to rent one.
Just say "17 Cents a Day" snvo your pennies
and soon tho machine Is yours!
Tho Oliver Typewriter Is selling by thousands
for 17 Cents a Day.
When oven tho School Children aro buying ma
chines on this simple, practical Plan, don't you
think It is tlnio for you to get an Oliver Type
writer? 17 Cents a Day
Buys Newest Model
Wo sell tho now Oliver Typewriter No, 5 for
17 Cents a Day.
Wc giinruntco our No. 5 to bo absolutely our
best model.
Tho same machine that tho groat corporations
Their dollars cannot buy a bettor machlno than
you can get for pennies.
Tho Oliver Typewriter No. 5 has many great
conveniences not found on othor machines.
We even supply It equipped to writo tho won
derful now PRINTYPE for 17 Cents a Day.
Make the Machine
Pay Its Cost
Tho Oliver Typewriter is a inoiiey-inaking ma
chine. It helps " big business " pilo up huge
Tens of thousands of peoplo rely on Tho Oliver
Typewriter for their very bread and butter.
A small first payment puts tho machlno In your
Then you can mako it earn tho money to meet
tho llttlo payments.
If you aro running a business of your own, use
Tho Oliver Typewriter and make tho business
If you want to got a start In business uso The
Ollvor Typewriter as a battorlng-ram to forco
your way In!
. .Tho ability to oporato Tho Oliver Typewriter
is placing young peoplo In good positions every
Get Tho Oliver Typewriter on tho " 17-Conts-a-Day"
Plan It will help you win success.
Ask About "The Easy Way"
to secure tho newest model Oliver Typewriter No.
5. Tho Art Catalog and full particulars of tho
" 17-Conts-a-Day" Purchaso Plan will bo sent
promptly on roquest. Address
Agencies Everywhere - . Walnut and 10th Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.