The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 16, 1912, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
PAGE a THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, FEllRUAKY 10, 1012. x r FOULKE E. BRANDT. 5 Convict Whose Long Sentence ( Starti Floht te Fret Him. K 1912 ny American 1'reaii Amocl.nloti WILSON IN ILLINOIS. Open Campaign In That Stat at Ol.i cago Banquet. CliicnRO, Full lit. Governor WINrm of New .Jersey fired the opcnlnc cn; In Ills carupalcn fnr the Deinorrntl' presidential nnnilnnt inn In Illinois In nn addrcs rtollvnrcil bnfore th Ir quois Huh. "I bellove in the initiative and the referendum ppc.hirb tlioy will kIvc the peonlp real rpprosnntnttve coven wont," snld Governor Wilson. "Tlic. are Ktnto and local nucftlons and air designed to pivp the people the pori in localities where special intercst liavo obtained control of public af fnirs. I have never beard them su? KCstfd as a substitute for representa tive covernment. In fact, they will safeguard the people in preserving representative Rovcrnmcnt wherevei and whenever it is necessary. "I have never favored the recall of Judses because they are not admim-. trntlve ollirers of the covernment They simply Interpret and enforce the law. To urso the recall of judges is to treat a symptom rather than Hit disease. My Idea is to abolish the hi that make it possible for special iu tcrest to control the Judiciary." MORRIS WINS A FIGHT. Oklahoma Giant Outpoints Jim Stewar In Brooklyn, Now YorU, Feb. lS.-By forcing the Issue from start to finish. Carl Morrin the Oklahoma triant. outpointed Jim Stewart, the local heavyweight, in n hot ten round battle at the Carlyle A. C. in Ilrooklyn. Morris showed a bid improvement in ekill In spite of Stewart's cleverness Tie managed to outbox him and outlut him In such a manner that there was no doubt as to his superiority. Morris might have won more decisively if Stewart hadn't held In clinches and sprinted on many occasions when un der a hot fire. There was no blood apllled in spite of much hard hitting TO BE BIGGEST COAL PIER TAFT MT T. R President Defends Policies at New York Banquet. UPHOLDS PROPERTY RIGHTS. Oafera Republican Club Mr. Taft Da. alared Hia Party Waa Only Pro gressive Party and Denounced the Insurgents as Depending Upon Passions of People, New Tort, Feb. 13.-Presidnt Tafl outlined the policies and performance- of his party and defended thetn before the Republican club at Its annual I. In coin dinner at the Waldorf. II didn't mention Colonel Hooncrelt's candidal nor the colonel himself directly, but the club members and their cuesti fig tired that he had been rending the coin nrl's recent quotation from a Lincoln letter to the effect that "gold la good in Its place, but living patriotic men nr better." and there was a roar of m prnval when Mr. Tnft said: "It has been said and it is n rommoti platform expression that It Is well to prefer the man above the dollar, as if the preservation of property rights had some other purpose than tho assistant" to and the uplifting of human rights When therefore the demagogue mount the platform and announces that h prefers the man above tho dollar he ought to be Intcn-'iirntcd ns to what lie means thereby, whether he Is in fiiMr of abolishing the ri-.'iit of the Institn thin of private property and of tahliii! away from the poor man the opportn nity to become wealthy by the ni" nf the abilities God has given him." Tlie president was speaking at th first of thren dinners he was to attend those of the Graduates' club and tb National Retail Dry Goods assoelatl" ! Ix'ing the others, but he did not np-iri-his voice as he wont on to deolnre tb i: the "old" Republican party Is the onl truly "progressive" party and denotim ed the Kind of progressives who delr "to make the selection of Candida) . the enactment of legislation and the ii elsion of courts to depend upon tin momentary passions of the people." The ballroom at the Waldorf wa rrowded with the club members .nut their guests when the president rived. In the Astor gallery were I' -wives of the club members and thei guests. who filled the boxes In the halt room when tho speaking began. It w." the club's twentv-sixth annual I.inco. dinner. Just before President Taft came i -he was informed by his secretary tli:; r dispatches bad been received sr.ylnc that the Colorado state central conn.iit toe bad voted 105 to 10 to send TaT delegates to (he national convention that the Republicans In Alaska hm" taken similar action and that tin Kighth Virginia district, that of Alex andria, had voted to instruct Its tvr delecnte. for Taft. The news served t put Mr. Tnft into a very pleasant humor. If nnythlng was needed to '! so. and the Tnft smile was very much In evidence when he posed with Mr Rannard for the flashlight picture Norfolk and Western Also Plans Many Other Improvements. Norfolk. Va.. Feb. 13. K. M. Gra ham, general agent at Norfolk for the Norfolk and Western railway, says that the company will shortly begin construction at Lamberts point of what is expected will be the greatest coal pier in the world. Coincident!.' the yard trackage will be Increas-d about twenty miles, and a new rour-.d house, shops and freight warehouse-- will be built. This work, the improve ment of terminals at Columbus, O.. and double tracking between Norfolk nnd Lvn hburg. w.ll bo paid for out of the contemplated $14,000,000 bond it ue ARIZONA A STATE TOMORROW GOVERNOR BASS. ?! CROCKERS' ORIENTAL BALL MAINE WRECK FLOATS. Water Let Into the Cofferdam and Re mains of the Battleship Rise. Havana, Feb. 13.--The wreck of the Maine flonted free of the mud when water was turned Into the, dnm sur rounding It. The water Is up to thfr harbor level. leaving nothing morn to be done ex cept to break tho dnm- and float out the ship, but she will' remain within the dam until an order comes from Washington to float her out Water was forced Into the dnm through n system of pipes on the ship's bottom by a pump recovered from the wreck The ship began to rise almost Immediately. New Hampshire Executive Issues Statement Favoring Roosevelt. 3 Half a Million Dollars Waa Represent ed In the Decorations, Mr. and Mrs. ChiirlcA Totnpleton Crocker gave un oriental ball at the St. Fruncis hotel, San Francisco, that eclipsed nnythlng ever seen in the west for magnificence uud display. The uumber of guests was restricted to 200. The costumes of the giiesta and the setting of the ball were strict ly oriental that is, Persian, Turkish, Egyptian und East Indian. In fact, everything oriental was represented except China und Japan. The colonial ballroom of the big ho tel wan converted into the court of an oriental palace, with priceless hang ings, magnificent fountain and palms, orchids und rare plants from the con servatory and gardens about the bay. Hundreds of square feet of lawn were transplanted from the Crocker country 1 home to their garden. In the foliage of this garden were scattered canaries and other rolored I songsters, nnd there were many parti colored parrots among tho palms. The entire celling of the ballroom was cov ; cred with tapestries, and everywhere tJirougnout me rooms were magnifi cent rugs. It Is estimated that the hangings and decorations of the ball It. 1'. room nlnne renresented half a million nas or r.ew iiampsnirc, one or me ,0mrs. The guests nil nssumed orlen governors who attended the meeting ta) characters, nnd their gowns were of the Roosevelt Isomers her, re most elaborate. The display of Jew turned home, nnd before he left he cjH wn8 (ia2zunK. issued tho following statement: "Popular opinion In New Hampshire .. does not differ from that throughout WOMAN U. S. COMMISSIONER. tlie rest of the conntry In demanding ' the nomination and election of Theo j Mrs. Bell Gets Her Boys Off to School, dore Roosevelt We ore confronted Then Hears Her Cases. by one of the most remarkable x Attired in n shirt waist and skirt. Iltlcal periods In our history, for the Mrs. Mabel Van Dyke Hell performs great mass of the people tnrnlng tt her duties as United States commls- one man to force hi in Into tho high : sloner in Covington. Ky. est office In the lond Is certainly tr Her first case was that of Frank new experience in present day politics Streine. ehnrged with nilsuM of the "The meeting of the governors -was 1 mails. After hearing the evidence she put the defendant under $500 bond for the April grand jury. Mrs. Hell Is said to be the first wo man United States commissioner. Before she went to court for her Drst trial Judge Hell saw her two boya. Tommy and Da-id. off to school. CopyrLcht by Kimball Hnai Chicago, Feb. 13. Governor only nn effort on their part to give tvr presslnn to this public sentlmpnt." "MOTION PICTURES IN AIR. Coffvn and Duff Circle Misa Libit With Reel Going. New York, Feb. 13. Frank Cofrym in his marine biplane played hide and' seek with the sps gulls and flirted j Foreign Affairs with Miss Liberty, while A. C. Duff. ' The- six-year-old emperor of China nn American Press Association pho j has temporarily, ceased his studies, tographer, took moving pictures from Tbcy are making history so fast over above. CofTyn was up 14 minute- there just now that the little fellow 37 3-5 seconds, during which time he can't keep np with It. Hinghamton circled the bronze goddess, flew t' Ellis Island and mndp two calls r; Hoverriors Island Hoth Coffyn and' Duff were well chilled when they landed and drnnl' considerable hot coffee. Eagerly wait Ing nt the pier were Mr. nnd Mrs George Coffyn, parents of the ariafni and his sister, Miss Harriet CofTyr Mrs. Coffyn explained that Coffyn w:w upelled with an "I," but Frank prefer red spelling It with n "y." 'It was the first time Mr. and Mrs. CofTyn h:: seen their son fly, and their eyes nevei left him for an Instant This Is th- first time that morlii; pictures have brn taken of Miss Lib erty from nn aeroplane, and In the torch of the statue was another mo tlon picture camera hiking pictures of the aeroplane. The Tiattery wall was crowded with spectators. OBJECT TO GONZALES' NOTE I'TCSS. Germany Is making provision for two additional nrmy corps. Thus facts de velop wlrile the discussion of arbitra tion treaties goes on. St. Lonls Globe Dcnioerat. Railways in the Holy Land are an old story now, but there Is a certain novelty In the announcement that the Dead sen Is at last navigated by a luotorboat. New York Sun. Tales of Cities. MALE SUFFRAGETTE INSANE. Ambassador Wilson Will Complain In Mexican President Washington, Feb. 13. Ambassador Wilson, at tho City of Mexico, Is in structcd to Inform, the Madero govern ment that this country Is much dis pleased with the inflammatory anti American proclamation Issued by the governor of Chlhnnhua and telegraphed to every town in- that state. The proclamation brought the great est amazement to officials at the state department here. It Is believed the in tentlon of Gonzales, was merely to unlta the people of his state and pre vent them breaking up into, revolution Hry bands which wuld start an lnsur rection against tho home- government If this was bis intention It Is though' It will be successful, but the ultimate effect may be worse than the evb sought to. be nvoided Of ever1 750 persons in New York city one Is a Chinese. The Intest police census of London shows 10,470 boys under fourteen en gaged In street trades, of whom 4,031 are newsboys. Montreal, Canada, has adopted by laws by which such buildings as the aters, orphanges, schools with dormi tories, hotels, nsylums, hospitals and department stores must In future be constructed of materials that are fireproof- . Governor Hunt Will Bo Inaugurated at Phoenix, Plioo".!-;, Ariz., Kob. 13. Plans for the liii.n juration ot Governor Klect George X. P. Hunt and for Arizona's debut as a full fledged state tomorrow have been completed. The lelay has heeu due to President Taft's absence from Washington. It had been hoped that Arizona would be come a state on Llucoln's birthday, as It was Lincoln who signed the procla mation creating a territory of Arizona The oath will he administered by tihlef Justice Kdward Kent of the ter ritorial supreme court. In. Jail For Smashing Windows, K Refused to Eat London, Feb. 13. The militant sut frageltes became very much agitated on learning that William P.alL one of tlu-lr male adherents, who was sen tenced to two months' Imprisonment for window smashing during the mif fnigette riot In December, had gone in pane while In prison nnd had been sent to an asylum. Rail followed the tactics of the suffragettes and refused to eat and the prison authorities had to nst force. Ills wife nscrlhes his Insanity to this treatment. The suffragettes demand an Inquiry into tho caso. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance MQEE PLANES FOR AEMTf. Nev The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Ruild rng, over 0. C. Jadwin'a drug store Honsdsle, Dig Canal Ousts Railroad, Washlugtou, Feb. 13.-Vork on the Panama canal has advnnced so far that the Panama railroad ti being worked out of its old right of way. On Feb. 1.1 the railroad will begin using the see tlon of the relocated track between Gorgona and Gatun, and by April 1 thf nectlon of old track will be entirely re moved Weather Probabilities. Fair, continued cold today and to morrow; moderate northerly winds. "IMMORTAL" DIES AT 73 General Hippolyte Langlols Was French Senator and Military Expert. Poris, Feb 13.-General Hippolyte Langlols, senator from tho department of Mcurlhe-et-Moselle and member of the French academy, Is dead. Ho was tleeted one of the forty "Immortals" n Feb. tt. 1011, In Hueiesslon to Costa de Heauregnrd. He way nn authority on military strategy and tactics, and his works on modern warfare are widely known. He was born in 18110 and was a grand ofll ccr of the Legion of Honor. Colonel W. M. Bunting Dead. Boston, Feb. 13. C'olonul Willluin M nuntlnw. a leading figure In life Insur ance circles lu New England, died sud deuly. Signal Corps to Purchase Five Aeroplanes. Washington, Feb. 13. Ilrigadier Gwu eral James Allen, thief of the nigral corps, will order five more aeroplanes for the army In a few days. Three of the i.iaehlncs will be Wright biplanes with u seating capacity of two and ad ditional weight lifting power; one will be an exceptionally fast Wright hi ploue, and the tlfth will be a Uurgcw Wright blplano. These machiues lire to be delivered at the army aerodrome at College Park. Md In May. The army aviators, six In number, are now nt Augusta, Gu where they are working with the five aeroplane previously purchased. They will re turn to College Park In tho spring. RHEUMATISM r Dr. Whitehall's "N BEOiATlG REMEDY For 15 years a Standard Remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, lumbago, gout, sore mutclrt, stiff or swollen joints. It quickly relieves the severs pains; reduces the fever, and eliminates the poison from the system. 60 cents a box at druggists. Wrlto for a Free irtal Bom Dr. Whitehall Mcrlmlne Co. 188 8. Lafayetta St. South Band, Ind. 11-JIlIlL 1 iHi H,f f I ALCOHOL 3 PER CKNT MM $ AVcgelaWePrcparallonlorAs Isiw H' stailallngihEFoodantlRcduli mm. fen Ecu to, V 1 Promote s Dicslionhterfur rtcss and Restlontalns rdthcr OpiuntMorphlnc norHiocraL WOT WAR C OTIC. MmftifOliDeSlMJlimrm yinpfa; Stti" jlbLSmmx jtiiutted IthrmSrrd nantlrd Sugrr ItbiiOrytm finer. Anerfect Remedv forConsftJJ Hon , Sour Stoitiach.niarrtaa Worras.ComTilsions.roTnsii- ncss midLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signalure of NEW YORK. UHO I U11IH For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tlie Signature of cFocdwi Guaranteed, under ill Exact Copy of Wrapper. AAlf AjjK Use J ror uve Thirty Years Pf.TREHA imu B UI1IH HOT WITH BOASTING OR SELF-LAUDATION BUT WITH THANKFULNESS AND PRIDE The Honesdale ational Bank makes the following statement of easily verified N FACTS FIRST : It is the oldest bank in Honcpdnle nnd has had SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE. SECOND : -In its vaults on December 5th, 1911, it had in CASH $104,548.33 and lias more in quick as sets. Government and High Grade Railroad Bonds, with approved Reserve Agents, etc., than its total DEPOSIT liability. THIRD : It was chartered for the purpose cf taking care of the banking needs of this communit) and is PREPARED to do it, paving three per cent, in terest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. FOURTH : Its Board of Directors comprises men of tho highest standing, willing at all times to extend liberal accommodation upon satisfactory security. TALE OF THE WEATHER. Observations of the United States weiither bureau taken nt 3 p. m. yesterday follow: Temp. Weather. New York 17 Cloudy Albany 0 Clear Atlantic City . . 22 Clear Boston 22 Clear llulTnlo 12 Clear ChlcnKo 10 Clear St. Louis 20 Clear N'ew Orleans .. G2 Cloudy Wnshlncton ... 20 Snow j OVER 05 YEARS' EXPERIENCE .msssssssssssssssssssssssssssssbr HHsLsssssssssssssM' OFFICERS : HENRY Z. RUSSELL, President ANDREW THOMPSON, Vice President LEWIS A. HOWELL, Cashier ALBERT C. LINDSAY, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS : Henry Z. Russell Andrew Thompson Edwin F. Torrey Homer Greene Horace T. Menner James C. Birdsall Louis J. Dorfllngcr E. B. Hardcnbergh Philip R. Murray One dollar will start an account, and you can send it by mail, and we will issue the book as you direct. Anrnn senrtlnff R aktlrh nd (Ipicrtntlnn ninf nl..klv lucflrtutll ftitr tii.iiilnii fmti whether an tiiTeimnn li pnihnlilf r"le"i,'";nruniimi!itrrt. ulll ires, umcii aitrnrr jur aecuruiir paionm. 1'iileiita taken tbroiu'li llunn A Co. tetolra tfieiat noflc, without charge, lutua Scientific Jltneilcntn A hftndiome.r llliiptmlM WMklf. TJirtreit dr culutliHi of uny cluntliio i'lurnut, O'emit, f 3 m fpnrt fnnr rnonlb, L SoM byjUl ntwadeulurft, mUNN &Co.3jBd-r-r.ew Ycrlt Truce Marks jHH Dcaiona uuriniuria uu lULnch onice. 626 r BU WatblDgton, I, THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MILWAUKEE. WIS. AKency at Honesdale, Wayne Co., Ta. ritOU TUB IM ANNUAL. REPORT. ...t r73.8ix.ofa. ... 1X,4!I1 lit 7vi im 1171 per cent Total admitted assets Total Iimunince In force Total numl)r policy-holders.... ................ New Insurance Reported and paid tor In 1910 Increase In Insurance In force orer V0i Total Income for 1910 Total payment to Policy-holders Itatlo of expense and taxes to Income vnll wil l NO UISTAKIE IT TOU INKllnF. WITH ' w M. JL. TINOL.KT, Assnt. llONKSDALE, FA.