The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 14, 1912, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    m CI TO UN, WUDNKSDAY, FKI1. U, 11)13.
i ,1.U,1
So far tho United States League u HliltlKK'S SALE OK valitahlk
in tlio East and tho ; X'alumblan n -HJ-7.U.
LeaRUo in tho Wert havo not set processioned out or the (ourl of
things ailame. i mnmou fleas or Wayne county, and
, , . State or Pennsylvania, arid to mc dl-'
Can t run baseball leagues without rolled And delivered, 1 liave lolled on
players, grounds or money. Hut bo- and will exnod tu buhli.-. kali., nt th
jing without thcs,c little Items doesn't lourt House in llonesdalc, on
seem 10 uouier I'romoicrs rowers, , ....... . , .. '
Wltman and tho others ( MtlllAY, MA!U:ii8,.AT a,l: Mm.-,
' All the defendant's right, title, arid
The bowline Uifttn AO tbtf- nine- !"turo".lu 11,0 lol.owlu,; described"
1 1 ha m ton clnh. defeated . the.. Green 1 Yn . f .. . , . .
'ittldKo chili five on-tho allnvB o!', the,, A11 dofeudanfs rlsht, title and In
1 I nif Dirii?.?.1 .'.W1 "iW'terwt In the lolfoWlUsr described land
f U'W JWliifcU , Hi iUlUiUttJ- f lllKIlL, ,.,i,. ...4 i.. -i i .
winning.., SMi, ZuZS
IblcagOj-rUcherG Heulbnch and The Aljianr club has announced
ntyre, vete'rnns "of the Chief) that It has nufchnscd the crandstand
tonal League tclilli. tare lateU to
19 tbo minors,. Wnlvprs on them
i'WtTbraHled by ail thd'NtttJA
(eagueieljibs, according -to an nn
lcement made recently by I'resl
Murphy ' 1 '
6nard V6qBrfWWef
enlisted rm"ert 4oVo
! inT !: , .i in iijw (j;
1'lratcs'. JM2 Itostcr.
iJ hiT
catchers Gibson, SIMbrt, K6Hcyrn "
ltcherstCaihnllfcNbl'i'Ferry, ot 1'37' 'rod's to Vest corner;
as lolioWjii. Uegmuiiig at a heap of
stones, tho casturn corner of Chas.
llogan'B laud; thence by satil land
n on-h- tiu-d csreewTTcst-1 t -rod wt o- a-
StOUCB ('!
irenion cmaioi tno Trl-Slatoi rat
! to :tei)ljvtp Uic? ,starid.' burned , Haley
adWRfcr PWK. 1 Thdu'TreBton vu
stand IsionRfriicted along tho ncs , Robinson,. Hendrtx.n Grbvcr. Adams, thence W4aud this1 'tfay' t'brivty
of the 6ac destroyed rat Chadulck i O'ToolCiQardnerij i i . , b 0 , i.Etiwftd', Walsi"'feouY& , rt'ii 'de
Park. Itwas- builtttf Trenton six InfloliIers-nt-IfilCcoliQ. .Keliher, eafef 1l Vods a1 pfast JOrncr: il
years ago7
elf to
That cpldphilq scare In Texas has
clubs moro
to admit. Fo
. Tit. I 1 .1 k t
5"Sfc,cIn2Vworrlcl thanUKayare
. ' .. cel llaB already; mdde plans to shift
Philippines to Japan, to conquer ' hls training' to ' Burmuda
, r ',,1 n juufnuio, uut. uirai spot,--Jt would be.
IilBMJUilUHllBie, u, " Ti
0i Wndljilq'.Ritcbl6,'1fJ lanii
And an
nodienttie Jersey City twlrlor,-
ound of a proposed twelve-( p,aera: Rr tbiBy6unsster.
Id fight In whlchj Schwartz jap-u
'A asr& suiistitiltar'foraJhiuKKoh-?
of ricvcLinQ. whrf failed to ful
lis engagement wljh Ritihio.l
hading -Attorney William Ab
Wltman retirrnerl from New
The ownWi 6t tfio JrimchlFc .! the
new Ieaguellh,;Clticlnhatl snysl'ic will
have a bainteam playing there next
May ' x
. wnere lie, at tented, a mccUngi.not talk of Arflitif Derlln's future,
e i o 'ou muipb isasepaii ueaguo; . except to sajtbi
ler'ared that there Waa nq foun
In In the report thatl .Readlnt;
Richmond wovld bt dropped
the league and that both cities
Istart tho season In good shape.
McGraw at the present time will
Arthur Derlln's future,
that he will remain with
it. ni . ' t '
llltt tll.llllU.
Kllng. tried to get Reulback from
the i ubs fpr his Boston team, offer
int: Pitcher Tylb'd, but John Ward
stepped In 1 and deHares 'that ho
would not tradoJiis youngster for the
veteran, under, any clrcumstanqes.,
Vean Gregg, star NnD t wirier, who
is holding out for a $5,000 salary,
de lared last week In 1 Lewiston,
Idaho, he was. about ready to close
negotiations. to play with an eastern
outlaw league. .
psy Hartsplv,th - njjw Toledo'
Meyer a right-hander, former-;
fth Whshingtou, and- William
lam, a southpaw, formerly with
it. Louis Anieritans, ;
Ithcre money In br.sabaU? Ob-
the carter of J. Garland Stahl.
Ileserted his. own )ank "to return
e diamond. It may be fairly
Imed that as with Ed lonetchy,
s not lus artlstl tera'
lied hiiii tb r'ofcuiji'e.-V'baEeball !" en 100 yards. This change in
jfT, ) itself is not vital, hut It is made in
order to Jiiake possible on small
I, old-time twjrler recounts the Kr,,u"d. an, extension of territory In
Ifhiit he twlrlod 86 ctinies '-one , whlcn the forward JJass may be used.
j, sw m nuien werttiJU , sue- - A.iuue oi, ien yarus wmifl 0e
Iucessloii now he would lot out
.. l.V',1. .- .171' "I.- 11
I. It nil 11 ituuiu liliiltU U bUU
dinnges 5lade In J'oot Hall Ittilcf.
1 The plaVlnc field, now 1lf)
yards' In lerig'th, will be shortened to
tscen, .ticaf.viy,, Janscn, ,f, Uyrne, , , po in uic warrantee name or
Vlox. A" " v' 5 -'i Jfebft ."IJurr'crvkV" nhd" ' lieniaintn i. - I'lil'W lWjitutJ4.X.ItjL.i.,; i-MiVt. .LrJ J- all?- J. . tin h i
un iiiuiiiurii i.cacn, V. are, irvillg, , ""n"u" buuwi iu uusiutD wuat ifi I
Hyatt, Booo. ro.ds to thq Place of beglrirflni&j'fcbn-
ntfnllinn'.ir"aH tainlHc, aYre8"ni6'r'tj,'6'r Ifisfe; also
lnflpMv ' sltiiatoartl'lH WLtcAWii-
nutn&T UM?AWri;T Bhljp.nnd nartly In Cherry , Ridge
Outnoldcr iiyotf e, nljibbll, towfehlp,- 'wafh'e Ptaii, Hfiunaad
. . ,
andljaegrrlbed: aB rollbws. ' IzV Be-
' . lrlnnlnir fit n' hhAn hf ltetnnVH (fin
Will Bo Rnnncr Year, Knjti .Tolirson. common torlier of I0(,' Nob', d7,
Chicago, FObj 1'2.' Prdsldo'hf'Ban U- a in the allottneht of tho Cad
.lohnson of the Anierfcari Lea'gue rind! wrtlader ''d'fo Crock' ti'act; thbnio
Charles A. Comiskey returned to , ljy land t'onvtyed by John -Torrey to
ChWago from their throe weeks' fish-1 William Walsh and Dennis iionavan,
ing trip to Florida, .iMr. Johnson 13, north -0 ' degree Sast 3B4 rods to
most optimistic over the outlook tor ! a stones corrier arid Uiertce by land of
the coining baseball season, and es-! David S. lluckley south no degrees
pecially reeardlng the prospect of .east 35 rods to a stones corner, and
the American League. j thencejpy. .saTd.ldtjNo "!07 (Scuth jio
"This year fn 'my opinion, will bp I degs." west liHIrilds tbJthOliUitoJof
tho banner J'ear In baseball," do-1 beginning, containing. 35 acres and
clared Mr. Johnson: "It fccrtalnlVi M0, nenhos. ho, tba .same. moie. or
An Offer That Involvn N Mrny
If You Aeotpt It
, We re jki podtive'Onr rwnrd. will
cotnplettljr rellere codstiUon, bo
rantter ho.w chronic It cm; be, tt tre
offer to furnUh It re of all cost If It
Conrtlrtloii I commonly oin by
T-eaVrcwi of tb nerr.w tmTr-.H
of 'he la Intestine.' To nitct it
rur xou raort therefore tone op n'd
ttrejgthen tWofie orcum wa rtrtorp'
tlierrt tohewlthler tctlriry.
'We -rnr7uttU.rxJlexll 6rdrTllM.
on tmr , (rujntee. 1utj tre cRienJlk
rr.nfljrV Bnd"nr"parttrulfl.T" ccd tor
thllflrra. They wein'tft ict dWtlj oh
Utt britm and inuocle of the bo!ch.
'Jrj.iiprsrTjjlly i , . Jtrl action
a Vit olhrr ores do. Try do cot '
purpeor cr.usolbcr lnronTikace. WeJ
rlll refuhd yolir' taciney If' they in not I
oTffcoiflf Wrotfle Jif hablttirfl'corifrtlpv I
tiori nd thui id"to relierethe myriad !
of. afcsqylate or dependent chronic lt-1
nientn. Try llex),Orderl'eat,our rtlc,
Three ulses, 10c 2.V.. and oQc, , Bo'd 1
only nt our tore Tho Beiall Store
will bo for the American 'League.
which 1 bellevo Is going to havo tlfe
'irettlest and closest race In Its. his
tory. I think thnt nt least six of
our ch'bs will be u In the.flcht for
,the flag unfll the last few weeks of
tne season, and then I look for a
GarrIon finish between thb three
less, uid
wnicn James .Mctartv iiied. so 2ftii
and,. of. vliojn1'!de(cndaijtf; Is' a son! and
helr'ht law'.ViVJiig, yjrjstod .iktillh his
said heir a 'one-eighth undivided In
terest in salt! land: 'Ufton the first
nanied premises Is1, a 'frame house,
bar'ns and outbullfllnga and nearly all
the larid fs improved; Upon the sec
ond piece there are no improvements.
Seized and t.ikert In cxeruton as
the property of D. 0. McCarty at the
suit of Margaret McCarty. March
Term, 1909. Judgment, 1259.02.
Attorney, McCarty. '
. AI.SO , j
By virtue of the annexed writ of fl.
In T, Powers, who. Is bu"sy get
Tin ,1, n Hin. I F ft v.. 1 7. . VflTlff T tl b rmi I lit.n f r. nhlnkll.!...!
,UUUO ll,Vl. 11 ,t 111UJU1 vy lilies 113 Cfi l.l U 1 1 S 11 1,'U.
Tlltiffer had to portor'n'i U'wice , purpose of this Is td provide ample
spate for execution of the 'forward
pass, and scoring on a pass mado
across the goal line into this zone is
permitted.- ,
3t The .ruimboc of ."downs". , to
lis plans for the nronosed'-'Cb- caln ten ,yar;is. is increased by one. ,
an league h.eforjos (th'cl -people, i 4t The. on.-slde kick is eliminated,
t doesn t matter much whether 0 The value of n tnnch.inun
he does get clubs In Cincinnati I increased from live points to six
levelaud From the .present , points, tho goal' from touchdown
k those cities are Hot caring and other scores-standing as at pres
er he does or npt. -; , ;j: j ent. '
C .The twenty-yards znnn. In Hugglns has come to terms which, the present .rules now provldo
.Manager Hresnahan and will,, restrictions to Interference with tho
to the Sir Rajah caravan next1, forwar pass. Is eliminated so that
Haggins has been playing the restrictions win apply now to any
Ireatest game or his sweet part of the Held,
iife-in .fat. Louis.and pays thati 7 After a toiichbaek tho ball will
ofiis'to make all'revfous-rec-'bo put in play from the' twentv-vard
look very lli next season. .. I Une instead of the twentv-tlvo vard
' ! , ' . - line.
r read'ng Hprai;e FogersjstateY S On a kick off tho ball, instead
that Gro or Aie.xando;,wHi" be, of being put in play in the centrq of
lighest-saianed s'econd-year the field will be put In play from the
r in, major league, histj;, a forty-yard line of the team kicking
ir of the Pittsburg team' says off. Taking into consideration the
wimng 10 wager-. mat -.jkuirty snortenmg or the field and tnis
lulu Kt-qnlract tdiowe . more Pchange in the. rules; the, "kick-off dis-
it ci. ...i , iii v j, ua.
liini irtulr.r--t 8- Held. ludgo.Jfi olimlffated
lik a rp;il .haJUplayer or a fu-
Itar hwause he happens to be
badly -at ItHoi time hb" Js'tobserv-
discards wbo are ilu njra-
r.iJflaiM&uLboundin5 ball MnnAafiore ajSiiltl
herscieril rellasid by De- t , , ? -' '
Thofrfa ffrom tire Yanps). i . "n'ervai oeiween inwgrst
yu secuuo ana me tnira ana rourtn
n.fiPerl0(ls is reduced Jrom two niiriiites
WTrvlfiff- fito one minute. f
r- t v i'-wju
( released by
wauujj umo ana DO JUUgOTOl OU-SUle
plays in the -line or'scrlmmJijfo'jlf'i
B 10 The number of mon'i'nfiowe'd
k bji.Yaifi&Msii;
jplt), Keefe
'IMse Daubert (released br
lff3"'I,fJ,"w,tf""'En'lr "'' - 1 '
IndBase .'al Ball (released
1 ' " ' ' ' I I
d Base Mo.wrey .(cut adrift
teld Jpekson (turned back by
Athletics Are All Sinned.
Philadelphia. Chuenie d better
known In base ball circles as "Lefty"
Russell, last week signed a contract
to pitch for tho Philadelphia Ameri
can league club -next Season.-. i Rus
sell, who was Secured by Connie
r Dr. Whitehall's "N
For 15 jtn a SnCrd Rcmdr for
all form of RlxrutzMitlim, lumbsco,
gout, ion ntrvifa, itiff or inolltn
joinn. It qidly rtlirrn lb mtr
pint; rcdocni xh ftrer, nd (Ilmlnattt
the poim from tho lyttca. 60 ccati
m. box at dmjiptti,
for 4 Fr tria) Bex
Dr. Whltoltall Mrlmlno Co.
1S3 B. Lafyato Bl. auth Bend, Intl.
Mn,.l.- tm ,V. T)l ..I..u - Tl
rh7n Eap 'orn 1p'J f this day levied upon and
in t - " jx.ikij
was in poor shape last season and
only took part in fi few games,
With thd 'signing of Rusclllni the
players on' the "Athletic" team' hab
signed contracts' aiid-aro ready for
Spring practice; which will be held at
San Antonio. It. was, feared by Man
ager Mack that the .outbreak of meningitis-
in Texas would interfere with
his plans, but inestigation prpved
this to bd groundless.
Fir&t VBed States League Itullctin
Reading, Pa., Feb. 13 According
to the first official bulletin, Issued by
William Abbot Wltman, of this city,
president of the United States league
of baseball clubs, the "slavery" of
ball players will bo abolished In the1
new league.
Contracts will be mado with play
ers for from one. to, three years at
the players' option. There will be
no reserve clause and at the explra-.
tion of their contracts the men will
bo free.
George Mullln. of the Detroit Ti
gers, is 'the first big leaguer to be
gin practice nt Hot Springs for the'
1912 season..
on the side lines, now threewUnbo
reduced to ono for each teamras-&'
Ji Provision will be made-tha
Jimmy Clabby is having rather an
easy time of it in Australia. His
latest victim was a middleweight
named Jack Howard.
If Danny Morgan thinks K. o.
Brown is such a wonder he can make
a ton of money by boxing Onq-Round
The Harvard 'football schedule for
1912 shows that the Crimson has
dropped Bates-and Carlisle Indians.
The University, pf Maine and Vander
bilt eleven, of Nashville, Tonn., are
taken on insteau,
Frank Chance, it 'was leajned in
Chicago recently, w.lli fy'6ut three
southpaw'H' this1 srirlng."' They are
Harrington, whom he purchaSfed 'from f
louisviue; Jimmy jsagel and Leo
Dresen. Naelo Is-ai-Briduato of the
State .league. - . , , ,
los.)., Cree Uurned hack by. Do- Hogan on the coast, winner take all! i " B"00? OIB"n'e or "r- "u 1 K '
i Lord Uurncd back, -by Phlla- Forfeits have hpnn rnroivmi. Vm ln nlR longevity ooctrine. He mad
auu l leveiaHU. , i ooth Packey McFarland and Young
- , 1 i.-rno ror their annearanco ln tho rlne
lews dispat hes last week con- at tho National Club. Phlladolnhla.
w . . , r i ... ta i .i . ,. i. . . i . '
ic icjuii ui iiutt rviiwuru Aba- ukai wuuk.
onf pf, the bMSt kuovvn fpjnarj Joe Coster Is giving away many1
bivse hfill ujanagtjfs ,)n the! pounds ln weight when ho signed up i
, and at one time manager of to mcet?Knockout Brown tho lattori
ranton team in the New York part of February,
liO'ue had been committed to
lu&e ward of a detcntlonal In-
Dr. Wiley Say Adeptren"- T HytHnlf
McitiJrti Will Bring' Them.
Every 'clt'iten 'HhJuld bare 'an-expec
tatlon of nlnoty-thre yearn of healthy
happy life, according1 W Dr. Harvey W.
WllevJ ctile'f'of the ehemfatrv bureau.
Vho In a recent nddrehs' came out ai !i
. . .. . ... , .
u sirong oiscipie or ir. vu 'i mg r anj
e a
plea for state und national control ol
the public Health.
"By preventing contagious and pre
rentable dlse'unt'H. (partitmlarly atudns
Infants under orie year'if age." be nrtld,
"we can rulsg the average expectation
of life from the lilcrfent thlrty-thrci
taken in execution tlio two following'
described pieces or parcels of land,
situate lh tho townshlns of Mount
Pleasant and Clinton, the first bound
ed and described as fblldws: Begin
ning at post and stones, the north
east corner or the John Shoe war
rant; thence by the same south elgh-ty-Iivo
degrees west one hundred
seventy-one and one-half perches
to stones corrier,- thence north lho
degrees west seventy-four and one-1
half perches to stones corner; thenCo
north eighty-five degrees east one
hundred forty-two and three-fourths
perches to post rind stones corner;
thence by the Elias Dawson warrant
south twenty-six degrees east seventy-nine
mid three-fourths perches to
the place of beginning, containing
seventy-three acres and twenty-four
perches, be tho same more or less.
Upon the above Stated 'premises is a
frame story and ohe-half house,
rrame barn and Other' out buildings,
apple orchard and other fruit trees,
and sugar ihaple Orchard and largely
improved land. The Second: Be
ginning at a heap of 'stones in the
west line of the Elias Dawson war
rant; thence along said line north
twenty-five degrees west forty-four
rods to stones corner; thence south
olghfy-two' degrees east forty-six
perches to a corner In the Laoka
waxen Turnpike; thencfe southerly
along the said Turnpike about thirty
nine rods to a post; thence south
eighty-six degrees vest forty perches
to the place of beginning, containing1
eleven acres' and 'twenty-four per-h
ches, be tho same- more or le"3s. All 1
improved rand. For title tb tho first i
piece See Deed B'odk No. G. at page
i2S3, arid fhe'sooorid piece' No 20, at
page' 79i-Conveying1 these lands to'
Aar'On Loornls;1 'also Will Book No. j
3, at'pag6T4!). Seized arid taken in I
oxt'eution nS the 'iropbrty of! A'ug'us-
tu& LooirtlB tit lhe'sult or Vnli 'L.'
FeYgusoh.' JUdgniehti'l$2,43&. ' Mchv'
Tdrtn, 1010. Attorney, Lee.
TA'KE 'NOTICE. AH bfds'a'nd dosfs
milst b'e' p'ald on day Ofalfe 6r'ds'
wli; not bb at'khbwledged. " "
, -'FRANK C,'. KJMBLE. Sheriff.
Jlonepdale. Pa., Fb. 9,; J02.
rtrt Trt" t"- ' 1 '
i H
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Wells? tbe-bjg hunk of TOars ven a Hip' mortalit.v table ADTTCTTftl-
wants'ltn'smalKfo?- o fifty-three. Personal hygiene Und .vftM Jlvtl"ll , 'St,
tune to meet ion American. uwho xls care vill glV us the balance. ' : i pi iT.j i' 1 i
',ni ! "Hint It can he ilnrte 1s Klinn-n hr tht . ..f . . f . '
English cheese
nothing but a.-orellminnrv boxnrlSt . . "TW i
York fans express tho honofbest. ,. . . ..u.j, .,... ti' .....
rthur Buss, secured by the! Abe AUeU bas decided to -remain' Iv 2
from Seattle, can keep up in I In the wast for at least slxmohths. ,,e' UM or ,ncls r nia"',. ability
ieag es tno work he did qn When the aroma of his.last bout in """'.' i ' h
He played ln 1C2 games and New York passes away iio will most "lst'!'t-o- We made the zone sanltarj j
league wun a percentage or llKely return. Hut tho chamn on oeiore worK was xinneu, mm now I'au n
should reniomjiqr that tho fans, aro ama Is a health rtiioft. The death rdU
iuiik uii uiuiiiury. ih almost not i nt.
;ttlng- 27 borne runs. Al
ho is i third baseman. Mc-
ill use him In the outfield.
When Packey, McFarJand, of Chi
cago, announced his Intention of bat
tling In tho-welterweight 'class In the
future, be tpok on an immedlnle oci
BJnghnmtnn, BanebaU assocla
i decided to sell tho Blnghnm-
ichlso becanso of the Inability cupatlou, for t.qw Bay Brpnson,,of'
iHsopmiun to meei us oynga-, Jwiianapolls. who recently dm
Leershirea Suburb of Blng-.serteil tlie llghtwelglu fold to clas?j
Itnu tunrlA '-. ti r ( f n w fr. 1 1. .. ,. .. . . 1 . . 1 .... . .. ..
, m ,., vi." "i mo wuiiorwoiKiu, iinu wno viaiius
e, and It Is expected that it tho world's title In that class, comes
purchased by George F, John-! forth with a defy ror tho "Stotk
yaltby ?hoo manufacturer. yards Hoy" and offers to wager
io reported that Mr Johnson 000 thnt he can make good tha'de-
putiing, a igp-nass. lenfli in ronse gf hig claim to tho stopmotch
iJrft tindflr the direction o In tho welter division. ,
Little Jphnny Cgulon will finq a
now stumbling block, in the way of
Ills' trlu'mjili march to tho bantam
weight championship, when ho1 is'
asked to defend tho title ugalnst
Chick Hayost ofi Indianapolis, i who
has Just nlncd, the, bettor ,of ten-,
-0Unl.a';6u.iflqnt.:wib,ontq AtftH W,
a shade.
jumloy, tho present Bingham-
liager. :Trpy'Trmp9,
Idefonslvo airopofiltlon there Is
I lacking about the Brooklyn
hich, usually ranKp among, th6
reo tn club, noidingj nut tho
g' piitnt hafn't .hit? woVth'1 &
cuss for years. and years.
"It has been the same way In the
urmy. j.Tpiin lotii-'hl the' world' n le ' "
sou. In previous coniUctH many lnort
men died of disease than from lluMe'ts. H
"Mncl ,i'r.. 1,1.. 1, 1A .1,.
.,.-. v i.-v .. ,i m- 11 , . hiiii uw. Ill UIC
near future all of them wll1 be
prophesy that In twi'hty-llve years wt
will be ajile to ight ciincer, as Ifiielll
piMitly ih We now fight fever. In' llle
men i) time we 'Wlli'top the Infant mur
tnllly. wlih li Is uhiinst Invarlablv tine
to Millie form of iiiiiliiutrMlou when the
babe depiiviil uf unturiil food."
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST,
1,3 OQ Sailor Learn to Swim,
Rear A dun nil Oterjiuu, (ommand
er lp chief of the Atlantic .fleet, now
at Guautaiamo. Cuba, . reports that
-Worn "J M'W'fi1
wim since iney left
Geriiian-flinerican Komp
fuUd, U.rrlir.t or ll.kl.." Ill, lU.'i'l.Jt. ill tllki
filllfllr HcltBtllle'lwaliUtlUa AcUtUd lbld !
. BOJ'i DilMul llru... I. ..II ...k A ..... l.fl.H.
m i. iM..ltli lk Onlf, Oura, Billtr fcutMr
w .u mr
n UVJiL EyTATE.-llvvirtu.'of prwew
Issned out of the Court of Tommon
Pleas of Wayne county, and State of
Pennsylvania, and to me director1
and delivered, I have levied on ano
will expose to public sale, at the
Court House In Honesdale. on
FRIDAY, FEB. 10, AT 2 1. M.,
All the defendant's right, title
and interest in ,the. following de
scribed pioberty- vizi
All the right, title and Interest of
Henry Cole during his lifetime and
the estate of said Henry Cole, de
ceaiied, in and to all those certain
pieces, parcels or tracts of farm and
timber land, situate in Clinton town
ship, county of Wayne and State of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described
west line of the Elk Forest tract and
is the southwest corner of land con
veyed to Lorenzo L. Sweet; thence
along the said line of Elk Forest
south ten (10) degrees east to a post
and stones the northwp'st corner of
land 6ifrveyed to Philander Beattys;
thence by the land last mentioned
north eighty-eight and one-half
(&!) degrees east sixty-eight and
four-tenths (6S.4) rods to the south
west comer of land bargained by
Samuel Stone to, Thomas Clark;
thence by laud last mentioned north
ten (101 degrees west one hundred
and eighteen and one-half (llS1)
rods to a corner in the south line of
the aforesaid land surveyed for
Philander Beattys; thence along the
lino last mentioned south eighty
nine (SO) degrees west slxty-eisht
and one-half (0814)' rods to plate of
beginning. Containlnc fifty (50)
stones corner of Benjamin Simp
son's Jand; thence by the Elk Forest
Tr.act south nineteen (19) degrees
east one, .hundred and sixty-nine
(109), perches to an sh stump south
twenty (,20 degrees est ninety-six
(9G) perches to a stones corner;
thence south seventy (70) decrew
west nine &nd six-tenths (l,S) por
ches fo a atone; thence by Und, ot
James Chapman north, fjrty-fpur. and
on;e-ha,f K4V4,X degrees west ono
hundred and efgbty-fqnr and one-,
half (,'18't)" perches to,, .'.stone;
thenpe by vfant,land north tea ,(1,0)
degrees ,wejt two hundred sad for't'y
slx l2id) peche to ito,nes; liitinc
soh, fortyrsix and pne-jialf (it?A)
degrees eas't, one hundred. nd sixty
four '(1C4) perches to plsce of be
ginning., Containlnc on kuadrei
andj fprty-eiqpt (.14 S) nqres nd eix-ty-rnine.
(91 aerches.
Excepting therefrom the land co
veyed. to Asa Stanton,. ta wlw .bdat
forty-;rour (.44) acres moro or less,
and- excepting- thererrom the ltnd
conveyed to Thomas Howell, to wit,
about thirteen 13) acres more tr
less, as appears of record In the Re
corder's office of said Wayne county.
.All Improved farm land, except
ing about thirty (30) seres of good
standing timber (the ncreage not
guaranteed) together with a two
story frame dwelling .house wlth. sn
addition or E1L attached and two
good sized ..barns and outbuildings
thereon, and there being a good or
chard on iald farm.
And being the same property con
veyed to tho said Henry Cole by R.
Milton Salmon by doed dated March
9, 1WU3, and recorded In the Re
corder's ofll(,e of said. Wayne county,
in Deed Book No, SO, at page 121.
tt. SCQ.
Seized and taken In execution at
the suit of Jnmce UcPhcrson, assign
ed Mo George 1Colci . assigned t
John B. Jonwi, versus Annie Cole,
administratrix of the estate of Henry
Colo, deceatcd, No. 174, October
Term, 1911, In the Court of Commoa
Pleas of Wayn'o tounty, Pennsylva
nia. Debt $330.20. Interest Oct.
20, 1911. The sheriff to collect rull
amount of debt, Interest and costs
on this Judgment. Fl. Fa. to Jdarc
Term, 191J.
Seized and taken ln execution at
the suit of James McPhcrson, ae George I. Cole, assigned te
John R. Jones. TTersus Anne Cole,
dmlnlstrair'tx-WfithJo)Atbf; Henry
Cole, dfieafed, .No. J70. October
Terra, 19,11, In the Court of Commoa
Plea of istid, Wayne bounty. Debt
395'.00. Interest October 20, 1911.
The sheriff to collect full amount ot
debt. Jntbrst and costs' ot this Judg
ment, Fi. Ta. to Watch Tcrnv
Seized and tanen in execution at
the suit ol Barnes McPhersom assign
ed to , George I. Qole, assigned to
Jokn R. Jones, versus Annie Cola,
adtuinlstrat.lx of tho estate of Henry
Cple, deceased,, No. 17Q, Octobef
Term, 1911, In the Court of Com
mon 1'ieas or said Wayne county.
Debt 5473.15. Interest October 20,
1911. The sheriff to collect full
amount of debt. Interest and costs
in this Judgment. Fl. Fa. to, March.
Term, 1912.
TAKE NOTICE All bills and costs
must be paid on day of sale or deeds
will not be aekpriwlodged.
Honesdale. Pa.. Jan. 17, 1912.
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