b HtJ I .2Hii.it i l I . 1 i.i , .,11 , ,, J'.U!iJ&'jX?'Ki WKDNKHDAV, I K 11. 1 lL 1I2. ijT IT 'I In , n ; - t T V f J ", i. ."tn..t, .1 '"T77 ""iTT" 1' Biff i 1 iii fliSH 1 sia?i. t. -7' I I i JL. i - o Local itlHi , 'WAYNE COUN;W I tUc'i'iuM of ,v'Wtovah' "in "uVt tlie' co 'fht-V 'ref'!Ah:.l ; " tlie" lumno. lmh uirc.igfil hrollVniu(ht' t6 ttoth'ln'g. N'ow lir" U hot, and!, potting U In- 'order' fri nihkq' ,mrb.''itibhoy, on, their 4 i I? in i Ju, tlu j(oli)ry hpnse ,a,htl'(j(iioi( titer . The off tn.ti cues of jvmUovash' in "duct tu Mio poultry huutiw iy muj: u 4u.9ru.wcd ,hrol? by ai iiLvina it hot. anil! cutting 'lt'hl- iirrl'tlr' to tras ail-(:ornou,.,Vl)Yny,,aia ;iq;?',iir6 hVAi'JV', , A uj'C cl t)i l' ;gcir' 'ft f'V" i ,,, I ,' i i , umi,u. ur, ui'jr, uroiiut v or prouiue i. iu a .pumpkin. lp,)iqjr,aud jjul. It,, hftf, ypn dd, aT n, , tower t'OAt. The iro nftt js'ini)ft,8iDi6,, rat the: murker r timet" .in po; uoiniiig uui tna nun ton. will not stand for it, so tiro J'luciy i hooped Hindus also nialiu nn is forked 'to ta,Ko f tf '. ttlifeV- AltcY la extent thanpe of. djet.,;, , '... Hfvfe, ...tittm HUb MiM mtlu uuijoruiuy .anion,);. pq, o,Wii5 ,on .UdflBy brgetflUJ letter 'rtrilmiW and tho farm. In u,..it as ioShabW..as' faeMl 'WW il lrfririW f 'fsitto'A." OdcvviiBro. XtiLhilirr Is w) i.omlucivo '' '' . "' .. . ' V '' -NoLiun is m) i.ou to uniformity as the keeping pf only'' one iiroeu, lor i,i,.morp. man ono Is kept, they boLOiuo mixed". and rapfdly io. e t heir imln lduality and prize t 'Winning poinrr An V.'"' Wilhlii mi Hmfi'' Vtflia'hJ 'a. fmntX'tlid w&f-knowii fi' of .Sow ion;'1 ..). '"is ''tim llwher til ."lV l!fW 1 he).' ' nf rlKJmH:.fi h hejte; 6f'TwrhUh Ho"tintt' Airs. lttjtr. I,. T..,... 1.' Itr.l.V... 'M.A'-kt .'l-r I IIIUI lUlf.MU, i UWUI U l'rIU V IIIU,1(( illlU Ol WHICH 'an 'ounco of i)r entlon la. vtSK 6i1p?tbd &V6lt 'thltife's. ''Nor th a pounJ of cure" is' Just asi-'r0 W? .''IsftiU'bintcd. Sunday o iu regard to proU'i-tlnz trees, morjiini lat dlic of (he hbna raltl air the ravages of rabbits In win-- -'& Ibo'S. wjii.fh was Buniitoied About I'ouKry.. A. traspoonful ofi rar.bolicjadld 'ln. 1 That woi tru from tor, when snow is on the cround. and, tl b.e Jst a coiuinon .do.iblo those animals aie fbort or f(trao, as was bcinit Pr6iiar6il lftr Mr.' is th uaac in regard to many otli- Uoach'fi mldilay meai, whyn to her cr matters to whkh it, U applied. suriiKse.' Mrs. UqaVh dis( orcrcd tlial' v If the law wit! not lieftnlf (W6"K!11-. Within it there as, a full sizotl egg , Jn,- of. rabbits after the close of tho "oi P'orfect, as. thatuf nn Et.ison,-prerrtiitntive -methods can'-at. S Ordinarily iltjVelrtpija,, . 'Mr. 'and lt.nr hn nshrt lntuiv'A' f.u Mr.f!. JJoai h anil hll tliMf nHte'lihnra troei from.destwtipu. - f,- , agree 'In saying jjidt , tlicy "rioAer saw nia. near, the 'Maryiiind Ii)lio; 'W.hose tno r nt b0 considered' rt troos have lieen creatlv ilainmrmi Mils. hlJ'tli the. osk is on OXhib'ltlori'ai' this t ntor.-. wrote 'to IVof. i). LL' Surface,' 0),,(or .,as. )S d)sP, the' shell df (be' S ,i-e Zoologist, IlarrisburK, for !ad-i,I"rPOr fe'f? )h VWch 'it .Wg oiJeJbSbd. in p. and received tlfo' following -re-, ;-'NVewton cralt., , ,'' ,' '' !". I "Xiboib thins; ,to do .0wltb tho rnhbifs Is 'to kill them. espoJ Inllv.as ?7 ?llit?,t,'3 Vyy enpw-,a eaUon of water Klvan-resuln'rJy tor l V. I 'teir JU1! tnl1 0f Wo. They a few days will aid .materially in , ,ii .i . niiuw. iireentuiig UlseaBfes. uuin nnuk H.is iiecii. on mo . . . ,. j r i ' Make li rkcy I1i!iiik Seems T'i ofitjibk'. and Tho l-oart. of the lianao. who foots through slats. th bill for .the aunual' Ohristmas din Kmereiuius arisp n fho poultry nor. -boiild beer ,up for "the worst is businurfs' at all seasons of tho year yto coie. The prci-ignt prohlbitiVQ,,".1!1,0 W?.e.w,,H..,n,a.sKers,llfi"1 13 pi. i e of turkeys has 'already put that tho ,06? .wHrf .gives 110 biinofes'ba're rroiiovs fow beyond tho rwioh of tu' study. , " ' many and-we we 'told 'li'v.tho Census : CCtoi'deiy yround bones tind'oster l:-roau that Uirkov cultiire riorlinod ' s,lolls 5s tl10 n,ost 'Useful fornf in nearly ."ill per pent, from ll'OO to' which to (jive. Utile to 'hulls. ' Raw IUI11. There -vvoro b,r,4i(3!),r) turkeys 'bl,nt-' 'barseiy gbrund U 'rpatllly de on tho-Amerk-an. farias InJ,Ouii and voured bv the biddies. only 3,iiSS,70S in 1 1) 1 0. ' 1 Tho' mini-J A th'hk to reniemUerUn selecting 1t or dm.ks ilei rQ.'ieil .with almost effRs '0l haubing is that 'okl hens .r.'Mlpr snood. In UOO there were llol; Only lay larger eggs than pullets, H"M,li'lnvin1) onlv S,pn'fi,.-,26. o lmt thy w111 hitwh' orif moro Mg'or f'at .there, remains .not qven '.the ! oufe -lilfkfns. ' ' ' p-ospert p( duck for w substitute.! ' : : fiMo,-niwer Pltlfn'l, are ' liqlding !, Ti.o Anti.Saloon Campaign.'. P.?sra'n7 ? " -"tury tbe people 131ft. Wttii' nhuv-e .rtn.,. ,u" uuuevo mat ine trauit; in mtox- efory wpj- pouJtr . . ' .. v ' lab it laHogoUber, Mucih liai ,been. ac i. .... 1, li' V-' rCJ . V ' L'ompusiieu. by the -arious temper- li.io I!rtl l,otvLs fay. l ather Best. . ante aseuuies iu the way of . develop-! Tho farmer hat.' awakened toitbd i'i attti-Haluon sontiuiuiit. ' illut U10 tfa. t that 'by-keeping iittrfbrcd ffiwW time has como when, , tliis, sentiment' ,ln-to.id of the mongrels he formerly ' neeUH to be 1 ryatailssed and expiess k, t he baH'hqort rrSpni'il) nbt'ony by en in unolligent and offeollver acJ lUiji'y additional dolhus to his annual tion. . ' in'fbmii.JbHtJ,bywa..tejilthtt,,o1,uriatti re. "JL lie first thing to bo done is. to eultini?. .iroinsthofcaooniRltlontofKim- uecaru a ioglalaturo tUioso majority proved stofk. Formerly ponltry-on is-not sntreervient to-tiie-orgttniKeil tho farm .was .tonuidfrd -meiwly a . Hk.uor truliiu .of .tUQ.-Stata. . iuiho' pnt nf that innitutim and little or last three kegi.latures, and perhais'' nn attention, was paid toitlie wolfnre more, tlvflj.majority.-lius been cijn- o. ttiat emi oiio D.isjiffisf Tho ihtm-volled iR 511 a-mpiirento and liquor Washington's Career. ' .!: , 7..siIpkMUmWhh bprn Fob, -2.)(li73!i'. .iniiU''rtiiirel.iiml. couniy. V i Ills fat her. AugtHtlne Vfiitjli WM 'ii iWMvki'r.iA'ffa 'U-i.wlilt,... iv1itrt"'i(i y(bofil''tliit1l h'H''w'M kill.,,., 1 Wfi"''lv. Mi! ,,l'.'t'"y,,!,i" fj,r''r ,'1' ,thkj.tlt of,pVul'(oyi'lip 'w&s "pi,l;ti. '.,,; . taut of Vit'Klnlii troops, .f.w, -ilnltT litMviis ui;nlii(imiiiiiiiiUi'r 'if n 'n- IrmydlHtrlet uCiVdtxWhiillliiiifniUk k ' lug .vear be was soul on 11 .mlw,tin t !, WiPVrMbV fi'ejiitfd1 thi.-.MU'Kiiiv 'in . 1 ' lls 'rtrJf !i!int.i Was fwKli thJ I'Vl'it '!.' fiMnrfVleufvmm; .,i,.(,rl ar WlM Utile, ii!ij'klpf;p1li',d I'.oi'tJNi iiNi.ii ' lie was In the linttlo itif.li'iiiii'lu.ilipi ill' :1T.V), mini. iimmnuaiiliil ,tt Ma',;(im!. Her' till linTti.'ltlL .IniiUnry. ' 1, married Martha Cuslls' ilnd' ntl'inl u' ji!iif(pi;'iit 'MonHl';V(Tn'iM Tti'- . , 'iiiVioiAied ('oiiili(iuiler ,lii' ,'ril'ef; ..f -CoivtlliiP!)ita1l,fi)ryj iui,l'.,! ti, '. rwv'i! cmiiiirijfRn-"."ui -i pmi,' , polled the ovii ualli)ii. C l!o-ti)ii M,t ' 17i'177(l:. ln tb'warr.'or.ilu' Ijc Hon1, he was' flereilted 't I.mvi 'l.-,ii!. at yblte Plaint' ill' f'.i'Aml.vWInp 1, (TerifiilntvYi. - He ;fli:iMrfiitN vi, ;, rte- at Tn-iiton,, lvricptoii, Mun(nin ;i;id, Yorkto.wu., CorViwa1!; riMidoii-rt Ue was Inaiimiriitod (;- president of the.-l'nllnil Hlatt'i .n 31). 17W.4-1 tloiwns riieli'c'li'il In' IT.i rtnd Served until' ITl)";- lie tiled .1 Mount Ver'nbti' Dec. 'il.'l7!tf). "' ' Chi'rTrih of. CoTif.Hitt'i ffMu-W n7 Wtt-M-' '&'il ' 'Bill, t'-.. .J,. , i;,iT , , . . 1 If .. I II .Tt..,.w. ,. ... . .. 1JL iiuuiuiii 1 1 cciiii iciii ru LfUiiuur. 1 nn fi. m hti.i h... .-. r. ii Loudon tJrHpblc says thai a salsfac- ii'M II I H tqry rcUt bus co.me to light regarding V 'att'okVi4 wjki.oh.at-i .th.e trviilnieut.iif-fHmer by. ( m riuUuui 'iinicovcVoVfrttlCf. t ,, ,' ,111.)10)1 nt,,liK-rUWHe boHlit ah' ' a- -""1"'" ' """"-" HouemlMie. Pa. large earner growth bad HV lit ;W MS; Willi. All. ru..ir 1 1,. iin.,.t...,jt t... ,1 1 If ' '.' ' . r. ' ",' " . r "ti jui mi) nr..t(jij, .AIUUNICV A COINf-eUllw-ilr. luvcuiponturousdj.lmi lb'A.eanvec1jt!tMrni...)if'hit- lln v.ftuu .. vj,,,t , ...i ..j . .. . . lrSt'Tin if (r.o.iriw in. - v'v' 1 Wlk.Ml.N il vith i'lnvcd 'Virulence. i-;.i V rituu 1 ,iM r; "Inl!!.! IT Mk mm oiuer irenunentH mtb tllei tried ...n I it f.'K Uni't'W Li. .in. ..-.a i.,. .. .. .. . vj, 'I'Hiiiiiiiii sumMviiim nuai'y.CiU uillll. 1JL i Sen VkM. ?TC i ; grifin.s or purk iMilluinnronihle .Wire- JJiike m j-oatutii. uui.ciujie 'iippHM ''for' tWI'rtty-roljK liJ.uW'. Thep" I. . t.rWl ''"" tubes were so arrante'd' fbaf ' thVtilH- 1 ',!f-w,ui, Ict Aln . 'da!.Cl;irjs:'Wpye -inntWl'lfc' n rwn'HiTecUl wffimu 'Kim: lT lftr..W-tyitli-p- of 'the L'n'hiVft-e A: h'n.L'IT.-! u?. ,iVit W " tiki applfelulnn' wH reio.l '. .V nut v. """iIhIp. IV. As a,resiilt,of t he treatmoyt Jt; staled K. SIMONS, Hint. Mill), UUlcklV rrtmiPil nn.l ha II o r. ir .( i J I Mo-kMhraphMy br;ii)U,.iip.s( tjint. at -Ibca in the Court H..uu. Honesd f tht- cud ,tf ill vo wxiiUs ltrt'baiUll'VjipK'iir-: I'ii." oil. A. din tor iiijlescflblug (be ciHg " "" " 1 " my tltm, fr.this'.result'ciip be rWateil ,','ljCTHH H."II.K, md tho.teebntnuH nf. liw'.r. ,;.,' " ' AtfOlsSKV i i'01'N SSKJ OR'AT-t ,Bi;GT STEEI Bill HEAfelK'aS. ' ' " .v" ,Jiy .I'f.iiMii jiv iKii..., i m ... . ..... .. . impioypiittiat ttvot) ileep Htfutfd.'tumors -'mimim--, u.i, t, ' i ItiMuwlfe flnlre will llo Vefly good rea- u ''l ;,SA bMl . sun for supposing thut thb long imped ' , ,irr !',Kf,KYS 4 " rtK,0H'AtM, I , . f . . . . ( . ... 1 I lUiLOH l.ltf-lv in ( llt.1l.fl -,v .I..-I w v., I " bunu. "' :! (f l'lirr i;"a' . iAh is 7' ''" ' ''' ',V vlTOV J. Ipt SnJ-Joh-AT'-, lin For Gambling. liQHf arihia to PotW. H- iicia ' A Polls't Pan Tlle'ttflnl'nt Crow.of I'oUfli', ndU' .jIpjnteiaiaciiiMijinrKid. ybu lias come UcntUts. 1 Seriate. Committca' Ex'ptots to Finish (o grief tbrtiUHfi, KUmbliiiK.. h:S 'beeil.:ii I .'!,.! r ' I- 1 "Work In Three Veaks. Nhp ocrr.sion of some curious revela-'l I ) A!' .HKt , Washington. Feb. S. - The selmte,; f.llpns aU , the hohl htch' thfs vce r'',v.I?Jr4f j.,,'-,, 'cKmlnlUee till llmmce has begun a se- ' .has.cm J'nPSi men iu Aurtrlap Vo''.'t"l". l -i-fe's' ol 'hearings' iki tllb' hmtse steel , land. ,ttM ..i.i-. ..... .. ,4 iv nviink-Hi s wue in nier eu- A Wpfhipgton, Parity., Aipatriotle party fur tlu yvjupg fo" nifty 1? ni.Kki ven- kltenyting. r r orate tlie.-liimse anil' tnble with i'.. w'liite itti'd 'Mm' "rind place iikii-i (Ji'orge. and M.'i'rihii AVsislrtnirtc-n'wIil'. all.f-e-them. To'encli guest g'ive markeii, too tlrst.real work In, tin? sen- when he. went to hi olllcei .The law n'lltthi ixmpl anil ''a bail of" piiiry t "i the tariff question at thls.se.s-iJiyer Jht-n Imnde a practice Of going to I'nougb to btk woriied'iwith ,lns(rui;tjii'i '""111'1 wf 'ngreis. . , . , t bed bai'ly -(trid riIPsr at 4'1n' the ihnrn- Hint the .busts of (leorge ti'ml Mtirf- 1 Xo Htkimpt has .been . made .to-'limit (, inp .before, Uts, wife was pwnKo In or Wahlmrion 'lire' to tie "modeled I'n.i bearings, but ( 'Suiirmiui I'Cimo-e-t dar to. hurry olT to the Ho called tlio pUtfy In ; itwn tlmw' UMumi r -,1UM iuiivu wiai me ccmiiinnotf nuiy uinnM c'ni'Jo :it fnicnlv. wlilrh ho L'S f.JiFl' III yhlr1!!!' rLU-.ISMii'bUl,' Which1 'H'tiulil Uiake deavori tb keep her husband out'. n$ , I J H;,L- Jf' A!I,A" '. . an average ryduc(lun or Sr. per f-eht in l,empt.itioii , tried . the plan of never, ni.Nuni, miM!(siM)El ,Uie present;., tariff, Jaw. U'liu heai'ing ioavlns ' )ihi out of. her sight, , even ' lul1 MAIN fT. TA. Cltieii' I'liMi.e i .Physlcllins. p ,,li. J'UTKli.MfN, M l. 1. .. 1 ltlll M A I V u I K t I. r 1 j.. v. i. . . i t. , , I v.. - . .. . - 'r UeionuiUe m kbkkens are 'often ! Wjjie'-N np the im'tty'pnr'trai fn Ml' lA Ul"sta ' I'nn-s In aWmfl'Tk-oufd ilKd' still in Mil swln? at that S'.! fnir.t, 1 " 'U iiM-d by lmprojieily mado i,oops,. nnmbereil aud placqd on exh'.bttl' n iMH-'V weeks and then proceed to o)ii-" hour. When staying at hotels during, iri? -fm iko them KO.ttie clikks can get In and the guests .vote on tluj be.-.t- o'ae I'ihlor the bill iii executive ossiiio and the. summer he would arrange meet- Llvorv. d out easily, without squeezing the number receiving the larsi st nifi "JUke prompt icjiort. o,, the senate. In;;.? with 'other card players In the" - 1st different.. In ,i!ino there "l'uu P uevcrago , jur- e 3S:r,Of5,0'-l ncfntclhnffver.tlm 1 . as . ,l- 10 lurrlu on. m -I'enn- an an the nanibnrNnerViiit SJ 11 " 11 l:ur6e' oeen; seeK- ?V , ,MvCr "casing iI1K. ,u r(.Hlci( t, tbocralllo, .., to, j.ool- IToiinr itiivviI Trtl leri'ojisHnndroiHo to the RfRltlk.e iii so of toni- i. resardeda a A a heWSarv hiiii, IdfclMutiotifby iUS li ' F-.iwo on evrfiy .tnrfiifl feed fe-na tlie miKfe genoiis tbronn to the-; ll& kltWiCe la dav.Lthe' jdyuiKemeitg pffltli i i.n.itj uf i-usi oi same neing a peiamu now. it is uniair, uei aifhe' matter of nn Arrorn. Her TUTnluet - tiro majority of the -people in i'ei(n-' tt.is nmrkoted, ImiI; tliire WftsLnoac-1 yivanfiiaa not .biecers imtho la-i' rofnt kept o.M at. .the QtiiLbf; a lpun. 7t Is, one 'of tho rriftmm wly yeor wheiher oH-not'uhe had been a lleunsf lfaniaolitle's'hiiH tlib'rreputa-: rrolitable adjlfpf J jtocitlm.fajm?' 'Tho tion it has throughout thoeeounty . !.r'r',r ls, :as! learning that a pure- u mi tho -voters who profess to lid1 ,n.. n ', ' 1 . , SIIy r!Use(J as oppoed to the saloon should sup- Iii!ri,t)'loir protesjlonpby intelligent, 'felVk' aii)vty:luring tho l&rJ! any other of his stock. it...,'. i.-nrt. i. . ... .. w:.'i.y . -vy 't' ....... n iv ili;iiui i-rjces, isaiso i-.ggs ismiive campaigns oi tins year, tne Vonr.cU.' 5- p - i nijijoriLj'-o. lie,iuetubors"iirUie mjxt Oon't scream "abon't "tho high price' ' legiblatuVo would' bo independent 'of of ega if yoj are in u.-p'osltion to tlu" li'iuor . lobby. It is not. simply k -cp ten or a dozoh heiu4aud- dourt that we may Eecnro n Ig'cal ojitlfm do it. The waste from the table, ll'w or other advanced temperance o.or. where tlie affatiti of the house-; leKlalution, but that wo may protect fc'i.d aro run e. onomii ally, will meet ourselves from vklous liquor logjs-, fr im .10 to 7.1 per cent, of thp feed huion sm b as was introduced in tjio r-, ireimwitg .fori tllat number of last .Legislature, and snch as woifid b "s Moreover, n Hock of that tgle li0 "ur haniUJor yoarrt.to come. w,,i ;.rrdO(!o far better prjoportlpnate- , We. th'erotoro, appeal to all vot Ik ban one five times as large. "your ers of all narlles wlm 'rosnnt tlu ber of votes to determine tlte ipst-:.-winner. ' The boys' arc then giver sticks- of wood and: JaekkiiivM fro-; wfiich. to ' whittle tii t l:lteh'eis.,. Tin' plrts aije given black, tiaji.er sinlj si ,s hoy's,, from', whlh,' to. cut, .sKhotjotl" Of Miiltha WHsliiiigton, l.a,ter' the sil NO TROUBLE IN BELFAST. Irish; Unionists. 'Wll'j Let . .Cbiirihill . , , Spsak For, Horns Rule, ,. i Ifqlfirst, Irohini, Feb. S.-If the con ditions 'today are any indication of bathroom " ami play 'lure for hours, I IVhlO . t-n u. . white' he, told bis , wife ' that he was " tn.Jved bu. !ii-i- i I. h.iro tvas eMabiicniiieni f Inl.-lnir n n..l,l .,il,i. nn.. I I H IlUr VJI1 II .'Oil M I fPt 1 1 . Vk I ,1 m. .1 Si .- , ' IfUIIUUll . ..... t. . , Standard.' ,;.. ' Ai.I. CaI l lintiftteHi of Mnithii iWasbluctou ni"- 'wlmt1 may be ectiieotod tonight tin jbo. Posr Wr Correspondent. i '-'Hps thy, war correspondent nnya friend fn this unhappy world of joal- piioMi'Ti.Y rri n t. 'IT Its'!' CI.A'--' i I TUTS aiiciu'iico on in iiio imys, ami eucn Ji'iy great niiine 'niie demonstration ju ( el-' """' mm k- r.. .miuiciiii- -. ,. j tntfaj'to suppcr'tlie girl iWtni .mitde 111.- lie ,piirl;, " wliere' .'nr.ton tTiurelilll, "anion, war correspondent, now In,. I kt.rkf,.. krl,.l, (.,-.. in, .1.1,11. I... 14. 1'l.. '' lAk.i. Ii.t.1.,..rt ij...i .klJ..-J .. ' .. .'-1 frMttnl! trk-HlMir III iKn 'T l..,.M' A..,.ln-' ...in i ii. i . iy-iiitisi"ii' - iiii.il ii- UI .i: ,1MIL ikt'lflfllklO il.UU OlHOrS UTe 10 .'Id- V, ....... ... ..ii ...r.iviwu .lima-: f. lie' presents his' wooden h'nrehPt' to uU' dress ti great I.ilmi'nl nHTling. will i;k--s',' niJ A4 a '.general rule,' he says, hli 1- . v... .vm, ..i.umi,MHI.uii. 11111,11,1, r . . , ' supper partner. The stiiiper tnblp'hi'i'i ..utCwIthout, tlie,exnoctijd dinirbaiic. .', I'afer bates tirni bdeause he' Is nn be dccoriitu'd, with pat.i'fqti edlors. ( ;,T lit .streets are -rwUpil,..ltut every i nuprtuou-s. expwisi; and , the return oC '; ' imp appears to be In the besti of burner n, his .outlay, .is very uncertain, .Onjhe't Etiquette of Washington; '"'' he UnlnnisW have made, no ntteinpl l "Wir hiiud. . he cannot be dlfiieUM-d 'Short not 'yourt-elf gliul'itt tbdmii. to revive their s.'hetfle for 'a cotnltcr ' wl,' IIis comrades on the staff aro fdltniies of .mother, though bo Wero 'iIemoiWlriitlon in UNter ball.' the tin H'nvious or tunv nud wheni lie ;arrives your enemy. , Tbey.utlwt are. In dignity or, hnve jlu, iU phicei' pf,ef;edeuey. wlulo i thov, i nn vnunir tlioAL iiiiiHit .!,...- .i,. .i,..i- !.--!.. 'I'liriiiii-li rim tr.i!-u.,ifl wlnirin ninii-Mii. i .tloncd. as so mariV hocus eofrisliii'iltl- I uiu-f HUH .lit- IIU'II IIIJII.LII Ull . -r--rr'n-i .1-- '-i ... -i. (ji ' ' r. r J, . ' ri I, Vi'.V '" -Mini"or other Nluitlltlek, tliiiugb 'they HI and: iiidltHerauo, to .tliei feelings of cuts are attracted ;, like ,,vu;Uure,-f ,.to Imve'tlb tfnulk' cli':tt:Re. ''''' ' ' ,f "o l-iili)lllsw. the riinernls 'garo bp r, f ne ,;romtll it ,s, pr,ten -uiu yultj to ills- i .ilVll...i.i ...dl.C.I.X.'.i. .1.- '.tlx....! ! Iliillk-'lililwiiltir I llul ..K lli l) A rtllr hti.,i,l crimill.lte -Iwlt WOPI1 tlmSM ivhn n m. nvi I. U'.ther to rcpruFotit. paimwiand tboef' v avhoiariv there merely to .satisfy) their' "jlius'atlabll''lov0 of Htlveilture: I ''' I I '- SPENCER The Jtweler ...... : ii i. tuu nil ill ill? inirk lonisi 'couiu'll .lirtvinir ftha'ptkiucd this llt lbe headquarters of-the army bo or , efn've ' proje'ft bo''ausv"rir 'the fe-.ir. 'tlclv it,' ,H nt ,im' regatNled with great. itttRpl- ' for' ' icy.,'- but "hiigii'I lead to trouble uKm' VpuJuVbe .'f'n hy those wlmm he has cohle to;'",i 1 mailt, to jlTryvjAy tcvJe fa thwrqrgniia'Uon. ypimprtaHzp. nis credentials' are '.pes-;,,t 1 nr.n.P V 1 T 'H ousilavtlli .T)roPKl,thoetrort:oC,wtnoiiOhiii-i!li-A1?,,Pd'i a$ wan bogus iWrtli'o'ild-. .,t-JJJ , .1 ' 1. 1 1, H- L f it i. j;uuu iiiiimiuirt iu iiruiur iiiul' r in Uv . f t wv hi ii uivn in-iv t i. . .inu uiu irs. who nro sfii ii ,to nuin nor hii, no wrt iKhouW we.tukuithcWr1 f-J''i rcipaip in l,her b.araohs. r 1 1-"i "n , i ,. . AlPiSHIP- TO KILL WHALES. to whom lead. .jfo. -i." " Let 'j'Our diftCoutWwlth i hen ofbusl nes oo' snort ami compvenentiive.' TAVt"r AS '"In Wi'Itlhg or Hfibldtltt frive to vin-y Coast V.trSn Uc"ew Method Iri jne..fi)s, (Ifie.tltlp. acm-ilin'to' iu"d.- ;ili' ,( old YlmeMWd'ait.' "' groe umj the v,Uftiiu pCtJie jOaije., . , f qyiitlpg.-jvl. .wjlh,, bf.-drjwlnnen. ,Strivo not. witiwyopr s.iipei;b?ri in ar frnm' whfch nir whalers ivll! slmnf gument. but iilwiiyst'tnibiijiL.yoiir juds I 'da'li'' i'ar:lJ.'"p,'iifnU.s ttyVevolnftbn'Ke' ureiiT ioioinei- wini'moiipscy. - - i. ,i. .,nii,.t i,i,..imi.i,. ,.,,,1 i r.. It suoieVd riot "well,, bid nib iipt1 hlm-...itmMi (w iiinrlhi'.k.Vniri itniiir.:t n i.ii -ii. i . ' - . ,i Loi.p. a Pacllle c:jsj ylihvif 'etl'mn. .,, ... i ! who Is at the liead 'of a coiu'pmiv, whkh rltl liTclrde In Its Hist arctic. er; ekUMnjrj Q'p7ir2(rd a h 'dro- C2?s would cost from 5 toJ.0 cents domination of the liquor power fin the dozen and thero wfufll bo no ; our I.i3fe3lature. to bestir themselves t i! to i oiiM) It a reiord of vital at om o and pkuo in nomination 6ir m.i-tifg to learjj J.hftirse,,, tUg Hjiuso of Jtejirosentatives alid . f ,.benato. onjy ...men vwio (tinbo rolled I'ut a Pew Mens to Work. ' unon t0 stand against tho aggres- ':"?.j?:p;''h '..?. s'''Vur,irk"kJnramc iind 1,1 T vorxen to gao'dn rpully ffedi ones rE,TAT..T ..i i i Washington's Toast. . , Washington's consideration : for. the IVellpirs '6 6-theH'ls well' Hh'ownln the IVjllirrt-lnp stoi-: '''' ' ' . ' It vas (,ii;, 'jit'er tilb' 'siirrpiider ;of (irnwallls jit, 'iprktowii.'aiul'fhe'.lni; lifh gk'ucrul, ii . cuippany jvlth' the French 'commander.1 liocbuiubeati,. was dining .with (;eii(ir:Ui'Wiishlli)jkiiu. ' Accjirtling to custom. Ijoeliantboau wtis jiskcd f.r n toast'."and iu aliswer Tim Cuit,(,'(l, States.",, . To which U'asbington respouije.d! . "fl'lipi Uitlgt of-Franco.',',' ." -r,r " Wlniii' It ciime the ru'r'n ofiCornwal lis dipt geiirleinilii sitld 'sinVpiyt v ' "The king.1" 1 ' 1 ! . "Uf. Liig!ahl," 'Vthliitoii' ,ndde. phiue lnvenfedUAi-i.oop. He believer ifhmiiunv. iiic.'.htKl ,fi hunting; tlit b'g ivimmal of the seas wllh Kinniuvlegnio 'k!d'ltn(l s'MfeIM til oblivion. f'anhiln J.-iop, who IptV lieen''eVpkri 'ientf'W'ntri'mV' aertijil.tre .lh nhi -m hiintlng by tl vttir ,bis pwii'.inuqhft)!'. tCQElLLS FpR HIS GUESTS. itAVrapptdLArpund tlu d'oorp .at Atlan-i tic City. f,5;an'.3 Dinner. i 'Pile fiiiirkmn jrwts wlm wore I in It- e,l tu a d'ntiei' to ciimhiemor'lti- tlu Rl've'iV'-eb:lith iipiilv-erstry oV flit birth With a ,smile ,'; I '"c i 1 1 iV I jc i-( t i a i n I I ' $ f'Wf Wf ',y. win U.1nu bitnp, full bumper." aud "l r' mi lug this, he tilled. his filas.s toovfr , " ;!'";"', ' h '" l , " M,-'.v,fr,""T ,.;,,, ,, ,, ,i'. i'! t!ie.i-iijt,.t1Hii)u,-,of .the dinner. . tl :t many! i vviioo nair, torn 'clotlil he and br. i-es. If you would oscaoo vio- ' e. ad aft jyusfslyo outlay for will be promptly s.ipplied. Don't jle-.- lay. , tub 'time is short. Nomina f-htWhc;: wo; if ?'?. jx!!tlj?? in .j ir own baik yard. Non-Uijliifi roullry. ' , " Don't, hewitijkv Iiit'patlimt. it: :yo'ur H ) lH limn Ti.k uln.n,l tn..n Itrorghout thls fwctlon Jinllotfen. t t rally huto (been Hliiw .tniaief. Mn ,tl. ol April.." 't'Jie liquor men are busy. .ov.- lrthoopportunity for tlio toni' paranco paoplo to count. , illy htiTo (been Hh.wtoetn.flc-J FLAGS POR NEW ClTIZEW. i' ... uiuMi Limi nan inuuiieu to no- rpcrSfe,?I,rS -CWect a' ' to wnlt more favorabio woathor. 'In Patriotism. - k, ; ' us, on the other hand, chagrined A" Amerlcnn ling s by r feet pis, . 'Me default of'tbelr offspring, have bem hung b.i.I; nf .lud.'e Wllklu-' de-l; , nwdo j;eodi Uie hw.,, j ,. ,).ln th.7 diwrtet' tnurt iwt'infkn H :itf ti, ' "' lU'ii.d-oi.f. uVm'ii ,(5.(lHit!u.L.S1li , , r,-n,ery Alea Jlear Son,,, Interest- .tNm lo freig..crs upphluir f..r i.nt- I ' V, ,h ''T ' , urall,a.i.,. .lu.lge Wiil.lns bo,,,.)',., , t.,e&iaif! rramerv lfekf 'SatliaV Irf WyYiUor-J '",r,,'-,'"-v'lu-,f'ire Ibeui pi.tlffuiu.rs tor i I'ntie, Paul Wblt-bread. secretary 'lti;','l!,bP will bav a better umler ai il treasurer oftbo loiniianv. inado bli nding of what the Hag means, r a 1110 roiiowinn tifat(onmit':, liAiVnrd-r. kif'j-i lttr i-rulci- WIIUIus will iiVe- I I.11IHJJ1 v nit- 10 iiKnros compIIMI at the cfCam- fPtlt WIUH crieh IlOHlllg. , ' . ' . rr. r- : ; , i ,1 ' 1 yyashfnijtpn's Hor-ses. Oepern'I W;Uli'uiiiiti wii.J, ri'snltm'dld Imrsiiipau. , 7!lnjr'e'' vps no aili)al. he. could nut master, mid; he never lot, his Neat tu the.siiddliv. Fox. hunting' wns Mine' or lilc favorite nmusrimohts. iind :tn tbtn'('et few nf his friends or neMi b"rs were better inoimieil t,hau. he. lie n'siinlly 'ode fi, 1,'ijg", lierv ifiln'ml ,pf great enilini'ico,cailcd,Hii'i'k'li The iwiiiev f soimi of I if- other Injr-es wjiro ii'liluhllng. Viilhcitt. AJas aml'.Miiguit la Tile mi hum. of bH luuititig dugs wen- Vdl' irii; RltcwUlid. Slligei''.1' Trlb'likVe.' i. JTlut old aiim gsivo ml.' liidli:ntIou of 1 be surpriei'bl' -lid Mn1 More fni" bis l'UWlf ' '1'he (J-.ni)' tlle' reH'lVed it t-Ue 11'u1 ifltiiufr 'ttfnf 'lied 'tvltlr Hi:i'i!JjjH)'IvJ''(liwL apii iii of ,the i''l't,lmfivAl m r -1 1 , w iv 1 p 1 ( r, , , 'in 1 . wrtkVtmritnrurtl nut tiilniia urispiifiua. biil.c ' o i'i l; ' titkl Ms.xjeii's 'GcHo'ols;' ' ,Wuv,bif :,u,tj ijt rya.;. ioOf), out Pf.,'c' "WA W'llHf Wil'tvl iisiV" More t!iaii,1.i:i1), Ii,'Uct'rs.wev eiuploycd In .,.,.. 1 'i.'.' ' 7, i" ,. eieiiwutary -Uools and the, V'i'fi , Udrhjg the tsyn ( tit- lllijpil 1 1,1 ,1.1 n'T i,n,, lVii pi-ihree t iijes.a wi eli.," ills lilis v l " '- 1 Mil iJi.i'.ii.JU.l' . 1 1 liip.wj,.,,! thtMlud. but ihtfttuiui.J.ii1 J-rot'i 'miUY liiiil 'Ift.it 'lihlVdlth'ent In ,h ndiBlth in him dlury Hint 'tint .foxes ' fX, l'rtth'rr"'im!onre!iicnt at I. 1 . . . . . v 1, II ,1 I V. Ill,, !' CLOCKS, : , l)r,M()M)S, AM) M) Hi;ilI:S :nn:::::n:i:j::::::;nKann:Ksn: n ijWHEN THERE IS ILLNESS .; ) 1 , Sp:ed of fatarj. 1 , Proressor (i. I-orbcH .ays Ibft.np- narout motions nf n lnrio niimlmr nf 0 .' 1 Ji 'j r , - " r7 .-.-t - . ,sl,ar.s Jndigne the e.lstepce of,two' largo K.troams moving fn 9HP0r"y. di rection!. ,n rttnte of mattws k which' attention Wuhi tlrst directed'. 11 few years ago 'by ' Professor 1 Kante'n. ''l liere' is ';tlij 'n Third' group of stars djstlilciVoni tie "orjiers 'Svhlc'li tuts a ' slow 'and common 'movement In an other 'direction. ' This group cnnsUts of , what are genentHy ' termed tho r.Lt...? ,.'.'i...i. .... iL ... ! .',...1. ..... p "1 ' i.i ' v "il ' ' ?v"iv ,"'eu inn- ,titii(1a liue atuo,u;i ot.lmiip.m, TUeso . ,ts'tpp Uvifts ,hu,ve rpveiilkkd that lu gen- ,i oral the.'Hpced with wh'ch a t?Utr la j' .i.iu.inimiKii.hpucoiis greamr urn , in v011r ,... , .., . , ; '.' . 1 a icJiiiblc.jilo'sikniii, I'liito. ) Ups and Dowps. t; , I'"1 UP a a rt lml W j l v, , Governor ,'Ktntueft' O'NVil .of, Ala- a , )M'H if 11,1s a Intl.- f.kr' er m hpmajyet "Pnyate, Jcjhh" .Ilen In u- V"t)r1,,"W1'-'" '"-m Xcw OrkunSi . 1 tlLftin bno n r -. .siuie J.-btu" mhl lhn-governnr1"lhi.mcot. lH '";,,,B,,"in"' H " h ton market looks rbrht good to me. I. . j ft X"', tlilttk F!l Kiir n'litt b tlds' ihnrn nir and 5 ,1.. ..,. 1 . , , . . - t ...in "-1 1 n 1 tnrtkf4 xony. money," , ' i t iw, bn.uiil.t I.CK-. ci.. r inglit ".ltnmett." caiittonM Ailon. "doh'tdo ,i or ia, in t ! .1 !. ,md rt, Jt'ii hi;irdvus.i! Wbepe,vr I buy H acciuiiicl c.m....n.i1 .1 , a npy Ci-JIOUil nlWH.vj,ro.o$ J dill w.uctl '"'"I""'" "K""'" K" '"I I was in tho army chusltur- (he YjnwJifW I thuiiglit wo j. surely Hlmilld hiini'ltt Now Vork or ; O. T. CHAMBERS. 411.(11.. .1 .l.vl. I . ....... . .. ... .. . ' ' j-iiiiiiiiciiiuuk ' 11m .1 wiinii' 'iiioy "were c'jcHllig Us 1 wit shre'd'iey wtui'lil run u,hjt(i the gulf of M6xic'o." Saturday enriig Post . , , f , , older the' star. u 1 .1 When kr worn 11 """ V" ' "'" "c ,r' i! I l'MAPMAv.M . I' ,. . T It ..... I 1 ..... ... A ,PWfioned: Tramp. 1. WflUniii n..'IJ.iViiii. recently placed oh' Knglnufl'n "civil ponsiwi INt wttb 11 I'en-tkm 'f, fSd' a yeiir. Is' prohatitx' the first' nct'mr,! triithtOh the.' hitnry of1 that,c,wnn(ry to' b'p.sy b.ninred. Davles Is a Wo'shnian by b'rih and a trnmp ,by, i..vej;cr.'ice,,havhig. lived the life. ttr'! 1 for many yens, In tiU country and. i&,?&XJtit'i2!T&h iifngiumu- iji' in iiniuvti'n root, i.uei r- r".W,,"'VV".V isiilt of a Hto'ea train Tlib-i Atli'r yehr "r-'ii iiiik. , ik.t:-t n, ui I, I..L.I. I... I..-....7 I.I.. . . I -. OJ,P.. . 111 ii n:i 1,11111 .1 ill- iiiinvii nir. iiiii-ii- ' I riearlyluhvnyH.'esonpiKl. but tini' im'tm' u,," Air " Jjdj'iuf'-' ' " '' "" : ' end in view excitement and recValMn ';, .0 MHn'liW'' ,',11(110 bad been itclileiiHl. i,.pi'iniMiW! i,SktiijpivrhgiiS(' m-inlnc. niorV evlum- JhiUU iiclitini'MiWi! ifnyiuiuvriMKiiSj m-mine, WlUlt lu y-,yUC4-r!a'l 1. ; , Weil, really. Mr. llarnen, I am. not i r, ' in 1 if 1 nc to liei.ros compllod ai th6 cttum- Wh? Will enfli llaliinill.iitlnii a snmll L ,9"' 'Vi.'H1 WlilrV Wi-'M fVi'k'M,,&,1T3 mmmi Tjmmmm W,t-.S cow would thoreforn bn snr. Rn n. : ,unc'' r rSm- fti. m4lt ? itS-J 4' i'iyaiv'Uilrt 'I1 havk'niiy:'" ' ' I 1 s.uifl.)iL,tn,? , . Am) f,iiJ'rftrriy'-ldni-"t6aJ Vvl cow would thereforo bo fC5.89. Do AVil,Bbu! Vvlth your' awm 10 .100,1,8 bio-,-J r - Mllli,1 ".V.lJ''0 (illlillt ')J )a Il'ivim, n lnVf'Jtl.'tbatJs jMOtjr. U PpmUlHy;, mo'd p-people u-iwoituv.titeasiiwii.1.' 111 i mi. 1 urn. ri nn. vj 1 1 iir sr. 1 1 IU !ir.ux t-i-Jt 11 ft J Iii . Pu U SP.t .' rm""i t4 fl? 1.11.. ill lii...MiM.J (., rwun 1 1-. 111, l. II r..l ,l.ollM. :.k .Ull.VM htteutl X I'uli... h..pvii 1. I III if r rrk'tir,, n Jk V II. Iliui...i.il, lb. Ir I ta, .1, Urli!! u. MH. Uua 0 vagaboni'aL'l' be lurnd hU 11 ttnu- tlm; to llte'iituiJel and' follilw'iil," mnn,4 ' llitior l:.iaipotntihcpts "in'rhil." 'jle,'; ' )xis written ,bolh Ye .iipd , .',,, 'L HOTEL 1 (.1 ..ilSpAOWA :,i - , ,,' - " -r- ' - . 1 -' Misi iHaiard'i Home. "" 1 - M M-rarnllne 'llUBiirA. WilllfWv' i A 1: 1 fdnii,pr 'rAld'ent'. has estn'hlWit'd lil-r-'1' ''M''1""1' 'ej'f pprmiinV'titly. ilt .iVpcedale,' It.'l.,'" ! '''--LtL.-r .-. - AvIiU'Ji.lms been Jo h'W family f,pr rk',n k,,' , , 'i',7 v; - T' ' .'' kfl 1 n.I rM.i iiT, yjarsi in nur new nmo Miie 11ms re. ,-,x -proddoed "Wltli ix-iKHrkalrfe 'exmitiinsin 1.1 the sudv'lshelocimiifk'd 'sW mlinv1 vi'ars rf t !, fit Welb siey. i'in',Sc1iifAi,f?iirtrft,'iiiij'i'r ':! .'' uukkac uubiuu i"muiiii Up rt k ' k i.1srAt&tAatSr'giyyav