THIS OITIZUX, riUDAY, JANUAKY 20, 1012. 1'AGH 8 SECBETSSACREST But Steel Trust Concedes to House Probers. STANLEY DEMANDS ALL COOKS President Farrell of United States Steel Corporation Would Create Board to Give Publicity to Corporation Affairs With Power to Forbid Unreasonable Price Making. Washington, Jnn. 23. A threat thnt tlie special committee of the house would force the United States Steel corporation, If necessary, to yield cer tain records bearing on the cost of producing Iron uud steel products was the feature of Chairman Stanley's ex aiulnatlon of James J. Karrell, presl dent of the corporation, who appeared as a witness liefore the steel invest i Cntlng committee. Mr Stanley's threat enme at the con elusion of a long wrangle over the cost sheets of the steel corporation. Presi nt Karrell repeatedly Insisting that uie general puoucauon or wnni ne "We will jiet these records." declared Vlllllt IHtlll .uuiiiui it. .ill. I IIIIL'II, 11 there Is any power left In the govern mem in iimnri Kuril nn nnn ' I.Ike all the witnesses of the steel nulllrv Prnclrti.nt Pnt-rnll tt'ttu li.l Int.. in iif.iti ni KimrumTinn linn .im ifirn r.t Tin wns IlTl:l 1 1 v invlTnrt In rrlvo Ml. ie s iis iv wimi iiiavs mm ueeii nnsseu correct alleged evils In corporate n mi I'lininnr The upshot of the proceedings was n nirreplllnnt thnt Mm fttpt! pnmnrn. nil wntllfl Nllhmlt tn fh, MTnTiiltt. ampliations showing general average iiiv ii inr.t: .uuit iiu tiutin fi e in nut:. President Fnrrell took issue with oth- min. ma ni!ttr(ikii ivirn r in vw.Tr rT llriiT( (inrv Aiif rw f'nrnnrHn nml nth. riffxi i hi i nil liHi n n i rnnnnrnfl nn dihm ho PinrrlKt of Riioh n nnirnr nrniiirl amended the creation of a bonrd that uuiu kite liu uiiLiir m uie uuuim ui hoard should have the power of for- eiLure 11 11 were Biiown mini nn innus- ril rornnrnttnn unM nt iinrpnsnnahlT ifn rnrpa ONE WAY TO CURB TRUST. Report on Steel Prices. Washington, Jan. 23. The segrega- mi n fri'iii riinwjiv mini in if irtim i in arporatlon Itself is the radical recom- onniiTinn i ririiivii niir v unrnnrr hiiih. in in Kprniui insiiiiimonr nr ins L'l'tji i iv uic iit,"'iuaii uu iuu DLtrui iu iiwTrv nr rim funntrv The report contains material of & nr villi i ih'm run' mi inn n i uniiir inn in i ii sr i in RTitm t ni-ar i nn n nut rnrtirr IIIV II 41i I . kllllllU IUI4VI V. IIUUI1L dL I UIUI iths ago This second report deals iii'(iii.'-'UM. 1 ui v til fui (1 iiifii.i iiifiua hat the United States Steel corpora Ion Is iniiktiiL- ii dceldetllv excessive IllMIL itlllUMl lilt lIlTLItr lllll'l t'Mri lUlll iiu il l itrp rn it ik. I ntsf iiicph- It... I.I..IIL t... ....... ...I....!........ ...111.. Jilll jilll lilt utui tutu Mt'fl IIJIUHCl til lie couDirv on an minimi cost atiti line tmi. iu tut iMiiuutiie uisituaii- .1 Li' til tut t-f uitiiiiitr. 'This situation." says Commissioner .hcther the Interests of the public till 1 lllH il'Ullllt tilt ML I I'L: .1 I 1III1 III nose rnnroati properties rrorn t lie steel sunt ft spirreiriilliiTi U'lillltl Klmn v mmm tliat the control of these railroads would remain In the hands of the In erests wno noniinate tlie policy or the ill-l-l i til iil 11 i llllj. Olil lf 7l'l t'Klllltlll. However, at least would prevent tlie transfer of the profits from these rail roads to the treasury of the steel cor poration It would thus stop what is inquestlonnhly nn evil, and that Is tlie mrmsiiinii nr tit..i. ... u . tnrtt' Khlimuintu ti'til..h ....... ... time forcing them, tiy reason of this very fact, to contribute unduly to the profits of the steel corporation on trans portation. If the connection between these railroads nnd the steel corpora tion were dissolved there would lie no Inducement to the steel corporation as such to make unreasonable rates. On the contrnry. there would he nn Induce ment to keep thee rates nt a reason able level. Tinier this arrangement, moreover, the iron and steel making concerns using these railroads would he substantially on nn! basis B0 far as transportation is concerned." Weather Probabilities. Cloudy on the coast; local rains or snow In the Interior today; Wednesday fulr. DR. HAIIVEY W. WILEY. ( ) Exoneratic' on Conspiracy ( Chargo by House Probers. ( WILL VISIT TUFT. Duke of onnmight to Pa Respects to President. GOES TO CAPITAL THURSDAY. DR. RUPERT BLUE, New Surgeon General of Public Health nnrl Mnrlnn Hncmtjl ( Governor General of Canada Finds New York of Today Radically Different From City He Saw Nearly Fifty Years Ago When as Prince Arthur Ho Visited America. Washington. Jan. 23,- lr Harvey Wiley Is held "not guilty" of conspir ncy to evade the law in a report tiled with the house by tlie committee which conducted an investigation last August Into the charges upon which President Taft was asked to dismiss him. The Wiley investigation arose from the charges made in the agricultural department that Dr. Wiley. Dr. W. I) P.igelow nnd Dr L. l Kehler, all of the bureau of chemistry, laid secretly arranged witli Dr. Uuslty so that tlie latter need work only eight days in the year for an annual salary of Sl.tiOO This was declared to be a deliberate evasion of the established limit of $! per diem. WOULD RECALL JUDGES. by La Follette Opposes "Legislation Supreme Court." New York. Jan. 23. Senator Hobcrt M. La Follette. the progressive Hepub llcan car.dldate for the nomination for the presidency, made his maiden speech In New York ns the guest of the Insurgents' club at Carnegie hall. He deligWed nn audience, which seemed to comprise many Socialists, by declaring that the recall of Judges, which he advocated, should apply to the supreme court of the United States ns well as to other courts. He did not make this as an admis sion. He boomed It out In reply to a question from the gallery and said that when the federal supreme court "attempted to read Into the Sherman law words that congress Itself had refused to put Into the law the su preme court there departed from its province ns a court nnd attempted legislation." He said that It was to protect the courts against such tran scending of bounds that the recall of the Judges was designed. "I would see the Judiciary kept so clean," the senator continued, "that never a breath of suspicion could bo cast upon It. Deny the people the right to apply the recall to the Ju diciary and you confirm their sus picious against the Judiciary." , KNOX KEEPS STATE SECRETS. Refuses to Tell What He Did With $20,000 Fund. Washington. Jan. 23. Secretary of State Knox appeared liefore tlie house committee on expenditures In the state department. In which Itepresentatlve Hamlin of Missouri Is chairman, and refused all Information concerning the expenditure of $2(1.000 appropriated by congress for the Lake Champlalu cen tennial celebration In 10 10. This fund was expended under the direction of the state department. Mr Knox based his refusal on the ex ecutive order Issued by President Taft last summer, when tlie committee was probing tlie Day portrait mystery. This order prohibits ollicials of tlie state department from giving Informa tion to anybody about expenditures certified by the secretary of state as "secret." New York, Jan. 23. ltcvlsltlng New York after nearly half a centur. the Duke of Connauglit. Canada's govei general and the uncle of Knglands king, finds tlie city changed auiiuiiiny sliue. As young Prince Arthur lie was shown about by W'lllum Hutler Dun can. No sightseer ever accepted lm presslons mote eagerly than the duue lie mingled with the throngs in Fifth avenue, taking a long walk accotni .i nied only by his aid-de-eaiup. His stay In tills country will Include after all, a visit to Pre-sldent Taft on Thursday. Tlie announcement of the change of plans was made somewhat unexpectedly, after the duke luid as certained that the president would be In the Willie House next Thursday af ternoon and that tlie visit would not upset any of the president's arrange luents. The governor general was solicitous as to that. At the time he accepted Ambassador Keld's Invitation to come here informal the duke had in mind niso the possibility of a call on the president of the United States, but. be ing familiar with the unelastlc pro grams of chief executives and having In mind especially President Tnft's fre quent absences from Washington, the duke did not desire to tie the president to the White House if tlie president had made other arrangements for any particular day. On arriving he learned from Ambas sador Held, however, that the presi dent would be free to receive him on Thursday nnd that the president had expressed an earnest wish that he find it convenient to extend his visit to Washington. So Colonel H. C. Low ther. the Duke of Connnught's mili tary secretary, arranged tlie details, acting through Courtenay W. Bennett, the British consul general. At the same time the colonial olliee In London was notiiied that the governor general would cnll on the president. Accompanied by Colonel Lowther. the duke will leave New York on Thursday for Washington. Tlie British ambassador, James Bryce. will be the duke's host at dinner thnt evening. The duke and Colonel Lowther will leave Washington for New York on the midnight train. The visit to the presi dent lengthens by one day the duke's stay in this country. He will start for Ottawa Friday evening. Those acting for the duke in nrrnng ing the visit to the president dismissed as absurd any comment that the change of plan was caused by any feeling iu Washington thnt the duke should not leave the United States without calling on the president, or thnt there had been n suggestion from London thnt a call on the president would be advis able. The reason was simply as stated that the duke learned that the presi dent would not lie Inconvenienced In the slightest degree. JOSEPH N. WELCH Snsuranct The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Oflice: second floor Manomc llui.o ing, over 0. C. Jadwin'f drnt? stom Mnnodnle. RHEUMATISM r Dr. Whitohall'a "N EUEUTIO RE W. C. SPRY I WC A CH LA UK. AUCTIONEER HOLDS SAIjKS AN VWIIKWB IN STATIC. AVIATOR PAGE KILLED. Falls to Death Before Crowd at Los Anoeles Meet. Los Angeles. Jan. 23. Aviator Hutli crford Page fell from a height of 150 feet nnd was fatally injured at Do- , mlngiicz field. I Page landed within n few hundred feet of the hangars in full sight of the I horror stricken spectators In the stand. He was taken to the field hos pital, but died Just as he arrived there Page was twenty-live years of age. He was given his pilot's license at I Dayton. 0 less than a month ago I Page had left his hangar to r.scend for nn altitude flight. He had ascend- ed but 300 feet when It became evi i dent that he had lost control uf his j machine. Suddenly the craft turned I turtle. At an elevation of l.'O feet It I seemed to stop and hover, then It shot down to the ground at a slekciilns. speed. MORE EXPLOSION EVIDENCE. For 15 yrart a. Standard Remedy for all forms of Rhtumxtiim, lumbtro, pout, sora muiclss, itiff or iwollon joints. It quickly relier th stTtro painij reduces the fever, and sliminitoi the potion from ths syittm. CO cents a box at drucgitts. Wiiio ii1 a Frao trial Box Dr. WMtahnll Msgrlmlno Co, 100 8. Lnryalt EC South Oaiid, Ind. MARTIN CAUPIELD I Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works J 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. I ttua:tKtn:n:i::::t::t:n::Kt:mjti ft -C3 3T tlr "i T. -ii i, ABSOLUTE SECURITY. f MWi-iimiiiiiUMnii'i'in'iii'i rii i inm Wayree County Savings Bank HONE5DALE, PA., DON'T FEAR B0YC0TTERS. CENSURE FRENCH OFFICIAL. Price of Butter Still High Despite Ef forts of Mrs. Heath. New York, .Inn. 'J.!. The projected mass meeting of the butter boycotters. under the direction of Mrs. Julian Heath's League of Housewives, lias not as yet appreciably terrorized local dealers. Tlie price of butter has not dropped, and retail grocers smile it tit I shrug their shoulders when the boy cott Is mentioned. Mrs. Heath lias received more than 300 letters from persons pho piedg' d themselves to eat dry bread until hut ter cheapens. "These people who think they can defy an organized movement of New York women will see what they will see." she said. "We wouldn't have a bit of trouble disciplining them if tlie farmers within a radius of fifty miles were only more enterprising." Federal Grand Jury Hears Woman Who Boarded Dynamiters. Indinnnpolls. Ind., Jan. 23. Mrs. Alia Hawkins, at whose house the dynamiters who wrecked the Von Spreckeison buildings In this city boarded for several days, and Ernest Basey, the walking delegate of the Ironworkers who was In frequent con ferenco with the dynamiters, were be fore the federal Jury. Patrick Fltz patrlck, a former member of the Iron workers nnd living here, but who has been away for more than a year, was another witness -whose presence excit ed much Interest. According to Mrs. Hawkins' story, he left her house on the night of the Von Spreckeison explosion in company with three strangers in an automobile. Returning, she says, he told her she would hear big noise that night. According to John Hnlfman, a sa loonkeeper. Basey Is the man who paid the rent nnd made all arrangements for two strangers, who kept in seclu sion above the saloon for three weeks prior to the explosion. Halfman was one of the witnesses before the grand Jury. See that misty blun gray tiazeT Fall. Kotlco wo have shnrtur days? Fall. ' Sen the enrpets on ih lino? Hoar tho chestnut vcntlnr's whlneT See tho red leaves on the vine? Fall. See the busy mnvlnu van? Fall Hear tlio hot tamalx rtianT Fall FopI In need of romih nnnd plHT Sro tho litilils tif viiiiflevlllft? Notlro o titers nn lh Mil' Full -Kansas i'ltv Inurnal. Financial Institution of Wayne County has been designated by the United States Government, Depository Number 2115, for Pos tal Savings Funds and is entitled to receive 58 per cent, of the total POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS to be deposited in the Honesdale Banks. INTEREST PAID from the FIRST of any month on deposits made on or before the TENTH of the month. Do Your Banking WITH Til K Always Reliable Wayne County Savings Bank OFFICERS : W. H. nOLMRS. l'HESIDKXT. HON". A. T. SKAHLU, Vice-President. II. S. S AMI OX, Cashier. W. J. WAK1), Asst. Cashier W. 1J. HOMIES, V. P. SUYDAM, P. P. KIMBLE, DIRECTORS A. T. SEA RLE, T. B. CLARK, J. W. FARLEY, II. J. CON'GER, C. J. SMITH. II. S. SALMON. President of Chamber of Deputies and Greak In Near Fight. Constantinople. .Ian. 'J.I. Before the closing of the chamber of deputies the president, who became angry at tlie interruptions of u Creek, Busslos, during tlie reading of tlie conscript law, threatened to throw him out of the chamber. Busslos threatened to retaliate If any such action was taken against him. Tlie dispute was settled before nny thlug happened, but the opposition passed a vote of censure on the presi dent fur his actions. WILLIAM W. SHERMAN DIES. Father of Lady Camoys Had Been III Several Months. New York. .Ian. 'J:t. Wllllu m Watt" Rhenium, whose daughter. Miss Mil dred Sherman, been me the bride of Lord Catuoys last November and wlm hud been III several months. Is dead at Ills home on Fifth avenue. Ills family. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gillespie. Mrs. Norrle Xelhir and Mr Harold Ilrown were at the bedside. MRS. ELMA I. WILSON DIES. Mother of Ambassador to Mexico Stricken With Paralysis Last Fall. C'riiwfoids Hie. I ml. Jan. ,lin. Elinu Lane Wilson, mother of Henry Lane Wilson, ambassador to Mexico, and John J. Wilson, former United Statin senator from the state of Wash lugtou. is dead at tier home here nt tlie age of elglity-one. Mrs. Wilson was stricken with paral ysls last fall, since which time site tiua -feeeu couilued to her bed. TALE OF THE WEATHER. Observations of the United States weather bureau taken at S p. tn. yesterday follow: Temp. Weather. New York !I7 Cloud v Albany iH Cloudy Atlantic City . . nil Clear Huston lid Cloud ItulTalo LM Cloudy ('hitag Iltl Cloudy St. Louis fin Clear New (Uleiins .. M Cloudy WashlajTion ... 1(1 Clear lOsOOO People Crowded Around the Valspar Booth at the National Archi tects and Builders Show in New York City to see Proof of -Klspar Quality Interesting, Simple and Convincing. This Demon stration Can NOW be Seen IN THIS TOWN In Onir Window It proves that Valspar is the best Varnish for your use, and no other Varnish can take its place. Even if you are not ready to use Varnish SEE THE TEST NOW OF THE ONLY WATERPROOF VARNISH IN THE WORLD, THEN YOU WILL KNOW WHAT TO USE SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY C. C. Jadwi Uli Honesdale, Pa,