THE C1XI-K.V, Kill DAY, JANUARY 10, 1012. PAOK B LAS r 1 l . 7 X rh. Y FOR SALE. HEET MUSIC SALE 5 CENTS A copy. Friday and Saturday only. . A. .Tonkins' Music House. Lyric mlldlng. It OR SALE TWO BARRED HOCK Cockerels, Afton strain. Call or rlto at once. H. A. Rowland, lonosdalc, I'a. IV OA 1U - - 1 null " Honesilalo Footwear Co. at a sac- lure. Address Honcsdale, I'a., l. Box 113. Rhniin Islnnd Red aUd Rose Comb irown Leghorn uocKreis. y. line, Orson, Pa. 104eoI4t SPRINGFIELD RIFLE AND A box of shells only M at Erk Bros, rare bargain. Como and Inspect. DOoltf tal stock of tho Honcsdale Dime lanK Will U0 SOId juonuuy, juiiuui) a, lai-, at ii:su u tiutn m i'. -I .1 m.. 'C.ft.ia fncli I . .1 . llllllltlH lull. a v. ,, v....... w. 3t MISCELLANEOUS. lower lloor rooms, must have all mprovements, centrally locatod. ln- uire ai iuiiuii umtu. CEY FOUND FLAT, ABOUT TWO inches long. Numbers 4 3 on )wner can have property by calling .t Citizen office. ttr t-t7vt txt xtir,r P APT)! A (1P.R and slelchs don't forget b. T. ho lnrcost assortment in Wayne liVlU rUU KJllJ UUliU silver by Sommer, Jeweler and bv flrn of tho buildinc in which my Tt- 1 - .1 IInnn,nn Tlo have opened an office in the Coun- . ... 1 .11 !,.. nxtr it Wz - LOCAL NEWS NOTICE IX) SUBSCRIBERS. "Dec. 11" on tlio label of your pa- i I fh. 4t .... Ht i -. kt We have sent expiration notices to . it i te ...... I....... ... A . . . ..IVniiiliwI It lllllt' n Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold I h II 14 III 1111(3 .lllllt k-l 1111UU J a u uu - iialEoy Wells, of Beach Lake, M lllllt UlUUUUIUh U 1U11 11 U 4, IVliUI nea ana Drone nis leg. xio ia juj- - The directors of the Honesdale National uanK mei lor orguuizauuu v. nnsKP.i President, and Andrew The funeral of Mrs. John Mang took place Tuesday morning from nor it riiii nn -hi mm'iil hi v,ai uuii- dale and was attended by many friends and relatives. Interment was made in the St. Rose cemetery. Tho Honesdale Business Men's Assotiation are advocating a mer chants' haif-holiday for the coming summer At tho last meeting Presi dent S T Ham appointed a commit tee to unfer with Carbondalo rela the to bolding another joint picnic next summer John Ryan, of Mllanville, died on Sunday lai-t while on his way home iroin St hums church in Coihei'on N Y. Jlr. Ryan lived for many yearn on a farm situated about a milo from Milanulle. Ho was well known in that sei tion of tho county. Ho was a native of Ireland and was 8S years old. Ho leaves a widow. The twenty-eighth annual meet- v -ir Aqni 1.1 inn will lit linifl ill day afternoon. Jan. 25, at :30 oi uiK and will close with a ban (Het and amp-0ro in the evening. A (omii.mep from William H. Davles Pobt Orand Army of tho Republic, of aruondaie. has charge of tho ar range metj's and visitors aro assured a hearty well oino. John Nicholas Fey died at his home in White Mills Jan. 12, of a complication of diseases. Ho was born in Germany 40 years ago and has lned In Whito Mills since Aug. 18tl He had been employed as fireman for V. Dorllinger & Sons and had been a sufferer for tho past three years Tho funeral services wero held In St Mary Magdaleua's church at Honcsdale on Monday morning and Interment was made In tho Ger man Catholic cemotery. Ho Is sur vived by his wlfo and seven chil dren. William Frederick Crlcklor, a former resident of this place, died at his homo in Batavla. N. Y., on Fri day, Jan. 11, after several weeks' Ill ness. Ho was born In Pittsburg on March 17, 1SCG. and In 1870 came to Honesdale where ho took up tho trade of a glass-blower. In 1880 ho moved to Scranton where ho was em ployed with tho Scranton Glass Co. Ho was engaged In the bottling busi ness In Batavia. Ho Is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Sarah Free thy, of Honeadalo, also one son and one daughtor, both of Batavla. A eon was born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Donoy, Monday. Born, a daughter, to Mr. nnd Mrs. John Stranio, Bunnclltown, on Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Loo Coniptou, East Honesdale, a daugh ter, Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Comp ton, East illoiicsdnlo, a daughter, on Sunday, Jan. 14. Mrs. Nolllo Durshlnier Is report ed very 111 at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Will 'Howe, at Adolla. Rev. W. 11. Cry den wise, former ly of Honesdale, will preach two ser mons In tho Methodist church next Sunday. Tho Citizen publishes President Taft's niessago to Congress In to day's Issue. It will bo found on page six. .Rowland, tho jeweler, has boon awarded tho contract to keep tho clocks In tho dlfforent offices In tho court house In repair. The Senior Loyal Tomporance Legion will meet at the homo of Mrs. Georgo Ross, Dyborry Place, on Thursday evening. Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho M. E. church held a business moot ing in tho parlors of tho church on Thursday afternoon. Tho Lako Lodoro lec company aro busy harvesting tho lco on Keen's lake and aro employing a large force of men. The lco Is from 12 to 13 inches in thickness. Among Honcsdale fanciers who attended the poultry show in Scran ton, Thursday, wero Fred Lord, F. W. Srhuorholz, Edward A. Lindsay, Henry Murrman and W. H. Kars lake. Two marriage licenses woro Is sued by the county clerk Tuesday. William Knoet of Poyntolle, and Julia M. Knapp, of same place. Frank Kelch, of Hawley, to Mablo Steezer, also of Hawley. The following letters remain un called for at tho Honosdale postof lico: Miss Edyth Gardner, Wayne county only; Mrs. B. LaRue, Mrs. John Buckler, Miss Edna Waklagee, Wayne county only. Say advertised. Tho Tyler Hill grange will hold a supper on Wednesday evening. It will be served 'by the Ladies' Aid so ciety. E. B. Dorrett, of Tioga coun ty, who is on the State staff of lect urers, will address tho Grange. Edward Temperton died In Preston, and was buried In Starruc ca January 7. Ho had been a resi dent of Preston for tho past twelve years. Ho was born In Preston on Oct. 2, 1S90. Morris Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, of Blandln, had his hand badly lacerated in a ma chine in the Gurney Electrical Ele vator Works, Thursday morning. Ho was taken to the office of Dr. H. B. Ely, who dressed the wounded hand. Grace Episcopal church, Sun day, Jan. 21, Holy Communion at 8 a. in.; Morning Prayer and sermon on theme "What ALL tho World's A-seeking," at 10:30; Evening Prayer and sermon, "A Strange Buying and Selling," at 7:30; Sun day school at 12 M. W. B. Lesher found a purse containing $G0 in the register's of lico on Tuesday. It was left lying on his desk by one of Wayne county's prosperous farmers. On examina tion a card bearing the name of W. M. Norton was found. Recorder Lesher communicated with Mr. Nor ton who has slnco called for his pocketbook. PERSONAL F. A. Jenkins spent Saturday at Hawley. Miss Mario Ward was a Scranton visitor Saturday. Fred Rickert passed a few days of last week In Scranton. R. M. Salmon spent Thursday last In Scranton on business. D. C. Osborne was a business call er in Scranton last week. W. .1. Katz has returned from a business trip to New York. Miss Marietta Russell Is a guest of friends in Susquehanna. Miss Dorothy Dcin Ib a guest of Scranton friends this -week. C. P. Searlo was a business caller in Scranton on Saturday last. Miss Ruth Ruppert has accepted a position at the Katz Bros. Inc. store. W. M. Whitney of Newton. Mass., is the guest of his mother on Church street. J. S. Brown returned Fridny evening from a business trip to To wanda. Miss Graco Vorhces of Ithaca, N. Y., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bullock. James O. Mumford has been con Jlned to his homo tho past few days with tho grippe. Mrs. S. Garrett, of Beach Lako, is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Floyd Bailey, hero. M. Leo Braman left Thursday for tho West, whero ho will purchase a consignment of horses. Clarence L. Wright has been ap pointed assistant cashier of tho Honesilalo Dimo Bank. Judson E. Tiffany, of Pleasant Mount, was a Honesdalo visitor on Tuesday and Wednesday. J. E. Tiffany and John Brennan, both of Pleasant Mt., woro recent business callers In Honesdalo. A number of Honesdale's poultry admirers will attend tho annual poultry show at tho Town Hall, In Scranton, this week. E. A. Wright, of Pleasant Mt., was n recent guest at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. N. J. Spencer, on Eleventh street. Miss Charlotte A. Mulr, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. F. M. Spencer, returned to her homo in Kingston, N. Y., on Monday. MlssRena M. Swlnton, who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Gelbert, roturnod to her homo in Scranton tho Ilrst of tho week. Adam Spitzor, ono of Scranton's leading capitalists, and a formor Honesdalo boy, attended tho funeral of Mrs. Jacob Dalles on Wednesday. Miss Mabel Slcczor and Frank Kelch, both of Hnwloy, woro united In tuarrliigo by Rov. W. H. Hlllor, January 17, at tho Methodist parson age. Fred C. Relclicnbakor has an nounced himself as a candidate for Representative for tho Houbo of Gen eral Assembly, subject to tho Repub lican primaries held In April. Mrs. E. B. Gnvltte, Whlto Mills, and Mrs. Charles Wood, of Pittsburg have returned from a trip Including Scranton, Wllkes-Barro and Hazlo- ton. Mrs. Wood, buyer for RonwicK Bros., milliners, Pittsburg, loft for that city via Now York, Thursday morning. S. .1. Cnstles, exalted ruler of Scranton Lodgo of Elks, and several other members of the same order, woro In Honesdalo, Wednesday. They attended tho funeral of John Thomp son, Into of Jorniyn, who was burled near Fortenla on the Honesdalo branch of tho D. & II. Miss Sarali Philips Thomas, who is touring Wayne county In tho Inter est of the W. C. T. U., spoko for an hour In the High school Wednesday morning on "Scientific Temperance." She afterwards spoko In tho primary grades, and had previously spoken to the grammar grades. Miss Flor ence Steelman rendered "Lovo's Own Sweet Song." She was accompanied by Mrs. N. J. Spencer. Another visitor at tho High school Wednesday morning was E. A. Wright, of Pleasant Mount. There will be a game of basket ball between the High school team and tho Damascus High school live Friday of this week In tho basement of tho High school. Game called at 8:30. The midyear entertainment will bo hold Friday evening, January 20, In tho school auditorium. Ono of tho features of tho entertainment will be a chorus of over 250 children who will take part. Another will be a contest in music. In which two choruses will participate. Admis sion iu cents and 2u cents. Entiro proceeds will go to the school li brary. Miss Anna Seaman, a teacher, in tho Honesdalo school, was out Wed nesday owing to the illness of her nephew, O. M. Spottlgue. Jr. The second term of tho school will open January 20. All children who will be six years of ago on or before June 13 and deslro to enter school this year must enter tho first week of tho winter or second term. New classes will bo formed at that time. The midyear examination in the Honesdalo High school will com mence on Thursday, January 25, for three sessions. Thursday morning, physical geography, United States history; afternoon, Greek and Rom an history; Friday morning, algebra and commercial geography. Mrs. G. P. Ross visited the school on Tuesday and Thursday. I). & II. OillciaN Pleased With Car Test. Officials of tho Delaware and Hud son aro enthusiastic over tho recent test of a new gasoline car In a trial run from Albany to Fort Edward by way of Saratoga, when an average speed of forty-four miles per hour was maintained and a maximum speed of llfty-six miles an hour at tained. On the car in tho trial run wero C. E. McKlni, general superintend ent of transportation; A. A. Heard, general passenger agent, and A. Elstroin, consulting electrical engi neer of the company. Some few minor changes will bo made to make tho car conform to D. & II. standards, nnd It Is expected will bo placed in service in tho course of a couple of weeks. Tho car, which was built In Springfield, Mass., and was equipped at Schenectady, N. Y., has a 200 horso power gasolino engine and motor. TYLER HILL. Ifijieclal to The Citizen. lilTyler Hill, Pa., Jan. 17. Tho extremo cold spell reached Its climax on Sunday mornlug, tho thermometer registering thirty-two degrees below zero at several places In tills vicinity. Andrew Swendson had nineteen grandchildren up to last Sunday af ternoon when the twentieth was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welsh a baby girl. Jacob Welsh, tho parental grandfather, has 14 grandchildren. Mrs. L. I). Tyler, who is spending tho winter In Whlto Lako, N. Y., Is homo for a few days. K. P. Johnston mado a trip to Honesdale last week. Wo wero Informed of tho death on Sunday last of John Ryan of Cochec ton, N. Y., a formor Wayno countoan, and a man well known in this sec tion. Mr. Ryan was a natlvo of Iroland and rovlslted "tho old coun try" several years ago. Ho was about 88 years old. Jeromlah Doylo, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Charles Selpp, of this placo, recently died at his lata homo at Whlto Lako. N. Y. People aro beginning to cut lco In earnest, especially on tho river. Wo will closo, hoping for warmer weather this week. CASTOR I A Tor Infants anu Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ARIEL MILL CASE ; (Continued from Page Four). In response to a question put to him by Attorney llolgatc, Floyd i Bortrco snld tho dally volume of, business done by tho llrm of S. C. i Bortrco & Son in 1911, ran any-! whoro from $30 to $150 a day. ! Ono of tho jurymen wanted to know whether nil tho data was there when tho settlement was made. Ho was Informed that Floyd Bortrco testified It did not Include any of tho Items which It is alleged Swarts Improperly took. Tho thrco Items which It Is alleged woro embezzled, aro as follows: M. Alpha, May 10,' $2.70; E. Savits, May 12, 40c; E. Ammcrmaun, May 13, 50c. At "J: 30 a. m. Attorney Scragg began his argument to the Jury, for the prosecution. For one hour and seven minutes ho hnnimered nway at tho twelve good men nnd true in an effort to make them bcllove that Swarts was guilty of the offenses charged in tho Indictment. "A man," ho said, "is a crook, who pil fers money. I don't caro whether It's In tho wilds of Wayno county or in tho metropolis of New iork! In speaking of tho threo offenses which Swarts Is alleged to have com mitted, Mr. Scragg said: "If a thing happens onco in a while, It's an ac cident; if a thing happens twice, It's a coincident; if a thing happens three times It becomes a habit." Following a live minute recess At torney F. P. Kimble mado the open ing argument to the Jury for. the de fense. Interest continued unabated In tho celebrated trial, and the court house benches were well lilled with nn eager crowd who were drawn there to hear tho brilliant closing argu ments of the celebrated Scranton lawyers. All through the trial, Mrs. Swarts, tho defendant's loyal and energetic wife, who has been successfully con ducting her husband's poultry busi ness at Lake Ariel, while ho Is em ployed In a Scranton store, occupied a front scat in the court room di rectly behind her husband. Wist fully she watched tho progress of the trial. Once in a while a twitching lip, and rapidly-closing eyes bertayed tho close Interest she took In the trial whore her husband's entire fu ture is at stake. She was neatly at tired in a brown tailor-made gown and woro a stylish black hat. Following tho calling of the dock et by Judge Henry Wilson and the confirmation of the accounts and the widows' appraisements by the court Thursday afternoon. Attorney R. H. llolgate of Scranton, began his clos ing plea to tho jury. It was an im passioned and eloquent appeal ho mado to free his client and was lis tened to with 'closest attention by all In tho court room. For tho pros ecution District Attorney Simons summed up tho case in a masterly argument. Judge Searle charged the jury and the fato of Poultryraan Swarts was given into the hands of tho twelve good men and true. COURT NOTES. The case of Tellep versus Chap lak, listed for trial at this term of court, has been settled. In the matter of E. R. Hempstead vs. C. A. Cortright & Son. Prothon otary ordered to striko appeal from tho record unless satisfactory ball bo entered on or before Jan. 20, 1912, at 10 a. m. or show cause why bail Is not sufficient. In the caso of Martha A. Surplice vs. Win. H. Surplice, Jan. 15, F. C Kimble, sheriff, ordered to execute deed to Martha A. Surplice. In the case of Martin Hermann vs. C. A. Cortright & Son, Jan. 1C, rule granted on defendant to show cause why certiorari should not bo strick en from tho record or tho fall per fected. Attorney C. P. Searlo apprised tho Court, Wednesday morning, of the gift made to tho Bar association by H. G. Rowland of a crayon portrait of his father, the lato lamented Hon. O. L. Rowland. In accepting tho picture, Judge Searlo said: "Wo are glad to receive tho picture. Tell him tho Bar Is thankful they have tho likeness of his father. Wo de slro to have it hung in the bar of fice." Wednesday morning, Judgo Searle appointed Nathaniel Wood supervis or of Damascus township. Four pe titions were presented to the Court asking for tho appointment. Mr. Wood received tho appointment be cause ills petition coutained the sig natures of 95 electors of that town ship, while the total number of names on tho other three petitions only readied 85. Accounts that wero confirmed nisi Monday were confirmed abso lutely Thursday by the court. The? Rov. W. II. Swift, D. D., past or of tho First Presbyterian church, Honcsdale, occupied a seat on the bench with Judge Alonzo T. Searlo, Wednesday afternoon, and was an Intorested spectator of tho proceed ings In the caso of S. C. Bortrco and Son against G. W. Swarts. Tho only caso loft over on the civil list for January term Is tho caso of Miss Emma Conley vs. Miss Kate McKanna, which will probably bo called for trial, Friday. Thoro is only ono Commonwealth caso left to bo tried at tills term of Court, tho caso of tho Common wealth versus William Marks. Senator McDonald, Scranton, and F. M. Gardner, Esq., Forest City, woro Interested spectators Wednes day, of tho trial of G. W. Swarts for alloged larceny for his employers, S. C. Bortree & Son, tho Lako Arlal millers. Tlio Anita Orchestra. Tho Anita Ladles' Orchestra who nro to nppear at the Lyric Tuesday, January 23, will presont a varied and extremely Interesting program. Tho porsonnel is mado up of artists of unquestioned standing and ability. Mrs. Ralph Dunbar Is tho roador; Miss Parker, violinist; Miss Mc Ateor, soprano; Miss Haush, flutist; Miss Dohno, contralto; and Miss Boaudafolt, pianist. Thoro will bo songs with nctlons for tho qulntetto and for a serious number they will sing "Tho Barcar ole" from "Tho Tales of Hoffman" nnd the "Slato Song" from "Babes In Toyland," "Keop on Trying" and "When My Prayers aro Said" which aro oxtromoly clever numbers and havo dollghted their audiences since this company first started out. BEACH LAKE. IHucvlil to Tito Citizen. 1 Ucach Lako, Pa Jnn. 17. Lovers of cold weather, how does this suit you? I would bo very much better suited to 'linvo It at least 25 degrees warmer, but wo havo ono consolation, wo havo warm homes and plenty of fuel and can keop warm as long as wo can remain In our homes and wo truly hope every ono eiso aro as fortunate. Wo aro also thinking of tho poor family, Howards, Mr. Crosby was speaking about. 1 would not like to havo you understand that wo Beachlakc peoplo closo our eyes and stop our ears to tho cries of tho distressed, for It is Just the reverse. I think tho Ilrst that any one learned they were needy was on Sunday and 1 think, Monday, C. A. Budd, accom panied by Mr. Crosby, collected from the neighbors clothing of all de scription. A little Robin came to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Robins Tues day morning. It certainly was a very cold day for so young a bird but they put It in a warm cage and hope to raise It to a full grown Robin. Halsoy Wells came from Narrows burg with a load of feed. While un loading he slipped nnd fell and broke his leg, henco wo now 'have two men In our midst with broken limbs. You will remember Thomas Olver broke hlB leg Jumping from a ladder some two weeks ago. ('. A., Budd JiiBt returned from a business trip to New York. Filling Ice houses Is the present past time, but there Is considerable more hard work about It than fun Mrs. S. Gairett is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. Floyd Bailey, In Honesdale. Mrs. Emma Pomeroy. who has been In poor health for some time, slipped and fell recently. It gave her such a shaking up that she Is now in a helpless condition. Herman Bunting is drawing ex celsior wood from his place to White Mills. He Informed us when pass ing yesterday that his son, John had Just lost a horse. Thoy have been very unfortunato with horses lately. It grieves us to see peoplo who try so hard and are so ambiti ous to bo so unfortunate.. Mrs. Jacob Hlller entertained tho largest Ladies' Aid last week that wo have had In a long time. PRESTON. to The Citizen. Preston, Pa., Jan. 17. The last meeting of the South Preston Grange was held Jan. C. Tho new candidate, Georgo O'Neil, re ceived tho first and second degrees of the order. Worthy Master S. B. Doyle Installed the new officers. Af ter the mooting tho ladies served an oyster stew, which was relished by all. A leap year party and dance was held in the Grange hall Friday even ing last. Although It was very cold, a larw crowd attended and all re- ANITAS AT Quickly Wears Away People sometimes dread to enter a bank Ltll this is because tln arc nut I'miiiliar with mir lneUunN Wo want eerv .ntruii ti fee! i acil at ('ourtcv to all ulil.e. i BEKJ. 1 HI Ees Uiffh PIdqq Orchestra Music, Choruses, Read nill Ulcloo mgs, Instrumental and Vocal Solos, Duets, Trios and Quartets.: PRICES :--Orchestra, 50c ; Dress Circle, 35c ; Balcony, first two rows, 35c, remainder, 25c; Gallery I5c. 4 S- Scat Salu opens at tho box office t 9 a. m..rn Monil ly. January 22, ported a fino time. Tho girls proved to bo real sports when It camo to asking tho boys to (lance. But It was noticed tlint several lonesomo fellows went homo all alone, your scribe boing ono of them. Miss Clara Doylo spent part of last week with friends at Starlight. Jack Frost Is up to Ills old tricks again of freezing water pipes. Sev eral of tho neighbors nro complaining of having tholr homes flooded Sat urday morning the mercury reglstor ed 25 degrees below zero. MILANVILLE. ISpecIal to Th Citizen. Mllanville, Pa Jan. 17. Porter Ross, Tyler 'Hill, has finish ed papering tho church. Tho decor ating is very pretty and when tho memorial windows aro added will bo a very attractlvo building. Miss LIbblo Shcrer had tho mis fortune to fall and hurt hor anklo badly. John 'Dexter, who cut his foot some, threo weeks ago, Is able to bo about again. Mrs. D. II. Beach, who has been spending the winter thus far in Now York city, will soon leave for Hart ford, Conn. Intense cold weather tho past week is something unusual for this country. At 7:30 Sunday morning at tho Mllanville toll house tho ther mometer registered twenty-six de grees and at Damascus twenty-eight. Everyono has their Ice houses lilled from the factory pond, tho Ice being from twelve to sixteen Inches in thickness. The Creamery company began cutting this week on the river Miss Minnie Gay writes from Kan sas: Give mo Mllanville and my good coal fire." It has been tho cold est weather they havo known In twenty years and no fuel but gas which is better for lighting and cooking than heat. Letters from Washington, D. C, tell of extremo cold and snow and from New York they were compelled to use candles, the gas being frozen. Paul lllnian, formerly of this place, has bought a homo at Syra cuse, N. Y. Mrs. Jean Carthuser was recently called to South Cochecton to care for her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Archio Taylor, who has been seriously sick. John Ryan died on Sunday last while on his way home from St. Lu cus church, C'oehe'-ton. Mr. Ryan for many years lived on a farm situated about a mile and a half from this village. The deceased leaes a wid ow. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for tho office of Representative in the Logls alture from this district, subject to tho decision of the Republican voters at the April primaries. THEODORE KLEIN. 5tf Ariel. Pa. THE LYRIC TUESDAY. HONESDALE DIME BANK II. OITTRICII, LESSEE and MANACER Tuesday Evening M
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