The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 19, 1912, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    THE CITIZEN, FR11UV, JANUARY 11), 1012,
Semi-Weekly Founded 11)08; Weekly Founded 1811.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Cltlzon Publishing Company.
Entered as Becond-clnss mattor, at tlio po9tolllco. Honesdale, la.
II. DonrMKcir.n,
II. WII.80N,
E. t.. HAKtir.NnKIidll
Our friends cho favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re
urn at, should in every case enclose stamps for that put pose.
Romlt by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Ofllco Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments hold for the purposo ot
making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only bo
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice
of entertainments for the benellt of churches or for charitable purpose
whore a fee Is charged, will bo published at hnlf rates. Cards of thanks,
60 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at
the rato of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
The policy of the The Citizen is to print the local news in an interesting
manner, to summarize the. news of the world at large, to fight for the rtght as this
paper sees the rtght, without fear or favor to the end that ti may sent the lest
interests of its readers and the welfare of the county.
Kill DAY, .JANUARY 11), HUli.
it Is easy In the world to llvo after tho world's opinion. It Is easy
In solitude to llvo after our own, but tho great man Is ho who In tho
midst of tho crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the Independence of soli
tude. Emerson.
Tho last heard of tho man who prophesied an open winter ho was
wheeling another load of coal Into his cellar.
King George having left for homo, tho natlvo princes can now doff
tho gorgeous raiment which has featured his presence in India.
Of course thero is no significance in tho fact that tho Ualtimoro build
ing In which tho Democratic National convention Is to bo held was onco
used for prize flght exhibitions.
That billion dollar company said to have been formed to pay off tho
world's debts, seems to have annexed a wrong Idea If it should accomplish
;hat It has set out to do would not the world still bo In debt to tho company?
Day by day thousands of voters who temporarily left tho party or
stayed at homo on election day of 1910 aro regretting their actions and an
nouncing their return to their party. They will bo found supporting tho
candidate and platform of tho Chicago convention and when tho Demo
crats wake up on the morning of November Cth next they will find that the
rictory they are winning on paper now will' bo a stupendous defeat and that
old time Republican politics and principles have prevailed.
We now have facts from the Tariff Board regarding tho wool and wool
en industry and those facts are soon to bo followed by others concerning
cotton, steel and other industries. Tho Democrats, however, agree on one
thing. They propose to ignoro all facts and frame bills that carry no pro
tection whatever to our industries by which, to raise sufficient revenue, must
permit the importation of enough foreign made goods to cripple every In
dustry in tho land or force tho reduction of wages to the foreign level.
No matter who you are or where you aro employed, whether It Is in
an office, store or shop, be on time. If the watchman had been on tlmo
and at his post at Torresdalo on the Pennsylvania railroad six persons
would not have been killed a few days since. Did It pay? The railroad en
gineer's chief aim is to bo "O. T." on time. Wo all can profit by an
other's mistake, therefore, let us be on time and at our post when the un
expected passes by.
Farmers In rural districts are earnestly requested to feed quail in
their territory, if they are to bo saved through this cold winter.
Writing along this line, Erasmus Wilson, of Pittsburg, in his much
quoted circular, "Save Our Quail," says.
" Grain, screenings, ground feed, sunflower seed, chicken corn any
eort of grain, will make a. feast for him. At this season of the year the
same as you, he has a special liking for buckwheat. Can you 'blame him?
" Every boy who knows where thero Is a covey of quail should regard
it as a religious duty to seo that tho 'birds aro fed every day. Such boys
will bo all the better men for doing this.
This .HO was not on tho 'hill. Ho wns often In tho hands of Floyd
paid Swarts $1.92, nnd 50 cents for llortreo as lato as 0 o'clock In tho
which ho had no bill. morning; that Swarts had six or
Under cross-examination ho nd- : eight teams at tho grist mill. When
nilttcd buying tho stuff for a Mr. 'ho wns pressed In looking nftor tho
Samson. Ho loaded tho stuff on tho bollor and giving out supplies to men
wngon hlmsolf, and then called for hurrying hi m, this bag lay In tho
tho animal food. "1 was told," ho houso of Floyd Uortrco and ho had no
said, "to buy part of my stuff and means of making change Ho would
nurcliaso tho rest of my stuff nnd soil bo obliged to go to tho house nnd
If they kept a record of It. Uortrco ask llortreo to mnko tho change. Ho
told mo to do It." would glvo htm 55. get tho change,
M. J. Emory was recallod to tho unit S. C. llortreo would put tho big
stand, anil told of counting tho mon- bill In tho drawer of tho offlco.
ey, May 13, which was later given "Tho samo with Floyd llortreo. Ho
to Swarts In a bag. Ho saw tho bag would tako tho bill, put It In his
at night when Swarts returned it to pocket, and glvo him change. Wo
Miss tlllpln. Cashier Emory counted will show you that the young man,
tho monoy which corresponded with Howell, had free arcess to the hag
tho record within two or three cents, and took bills out of tho bag. Wo
His wife, Miss Gilpin, Mrs. Uortrco will show you, by dozens of tho best
nnd his sister wero present when tho men of Lako Ariel, tho work this
audit was made. man had to do, tho crowded condl-
'Floyd Uortrco was recalled to Hon of things nnd how thoso per-
identlfy the record of May 13. Thero sons would slip away without their
was no record ho said, to show tho checks. Tho mill was full of chocks
payment on that dato of that amount that pcoplo throw down and refused
to Swarts, and ho (Uortrco) never to carry homo.
received tho fifty cents. "Tho machine often failed to rcgls-
Mlss Elizabeth Gilpin was recalled tor for weeks on tho second and
and testified that sho saw Emory third carbon copy. We will show you
count tho money. that when Swarts went out to get
Mrs. George Miller, Avoy, testified chango early in tho morning ho
that sho bought and paid $2.40 for mado an honest report. On ono oc
200 meal at tho mill on May 10,'rnslon the bag was short $7 In bills,
1911. She got no bill for it. Swarts when It was opened. Later Floyd
put tho meal on her wagon. She ( Uortrco discovered his wife had tak
and several other witnesses were en It.
called by tho prosocutlon for tho pur-, "Often Floyd Uortreo would tako
poso of showing that similar of- tho bag. Customers would meet
fenses hnd been committed at about Swarts on tho street. Tho bag was
tho samo time. gone. Tho report went on next day's
Floyd Uortreo was recalled, and business. It was utterly impossible
testified that on tho records of May tho way they did business to raako
10. 1911. thero was no Item of any tho monoy and the record agree. Mr.
money paid over by 'Mrs. George Swarts comes hero with a character
Miller. ! sustained by the best people of that
S. C. llortreo was recalled and place. Wo will show that this case Is
swore that ho saw Mrs. Miller at tho devoid of any reason of any fw
mill, May 10, 1911. On cross-ex- devoid of any reason or substance as
amlnatlon ho admitted ho didn't see far as Swarts Is concerned."
her take any stuff away. IIo was Floyd Uortreo was recalled by At
taklng particular notlco to look after torney Klmblo for re-cross-oxamlna-thlngs
that day. I tlon. The witness stated that he
Geo. Chapman, who lives at East found out all of tho discrepancies in
Hamlin, three miles from Ariel, tho accounts almost Immediately, and
swore that ho wan at tho mill on all were found out prior to June 1.
May 0, and mado some purchases. 1 Swarts' Story.
Ho got a bill for some of It. For Gi w Swarts took tho stanii ln hls
some oi ii no uiun t. no uouKi i ; own behalf at 0:35 a m no testl.
tho stuff from Swarts who loaded it , fled that ho had ,lved ln Lako ArIel
in the wagon for him. Ho didn t for geven tnat he wag 3C year3
pay for part of the purchase. Ho of aB0 and married. At present ho is
admitted ho didn t glvo Swarts a clerking In a hardware store in
chance to glvo him a bill. As soon Scranton. IIo worked for S. C. Uor
as ho paid him he started right off. treo , the nillIIng business. They
Floyd Uortreo was recalled. He , 80,d a kinds of feeds condUion
said that there was no record of the , d fertilizers, etc., and handled
payment oy ueo. vnapman oi far implements and repairs. A cider
01V , iV, , ,i i aia k i I mill was attached to tho grist mill.
ricu c.uw.wuD, uim, u.u "-! swal-ts said he was general man
ness with Swarts at the mill on May . al)0Ut tno mlll and had to tend tho
V11- "V pu'u. , "' engine and boiler, grind the grist,
CHOCK. bWariS COUlUll l IllUltO L'UUIIKU , ,t, .. ,!, nnlnnrllnrr nf lha I'r-lln
so ho took an extra 100. J11-,1.0 , and answer tho telephone. The mill
was the total amount paid. The slip, whJch has two st0rago floors above
was off tho machine when Swarts put tho ground floor is located very close
tho extra sale on it. I t0 tho resldenCes of S. C. and Floyd
Floyd Dortree was recalled and n t ..,n the morning." said
pn . hn nnnA nf MflV ' H I 1 1 Tl t CllflW ' .... . . . . ...
stwu n.c - . i Swarts, " 1 wouiu roceive a uag wun
any statement of the extra $1.20 pay- chanK0 in .Jt delivered to me by dif-
. ... . , i Jferent ones. It was their place to
John E. Uigart, Lako Ariel, sent, dellver tno bag t0 me. Tho bag was
a man by tho name of Osborno to the ,
mv nroLiit mnai nf tVin Unit until
mill for 50 pounds of chicken feed.
no paiu oa corns lur ii 10 owuria mu jQ ,nako change.
Howell Uortree was recalled and ' f, and S. C. Uortree or any of
said tho date was April 20. Ho kept , them would come and ask for money
. i. ,.. n,,n'at times. At the end of the days
till ciVJVJU U 11 L Ul 1L ll 1.1 1 oiv IT wauv "V ,, , , , . , . .
tako tho feed. 'Ho found no item of work I delivered tho bag to Floyd, S.
charco ac-iinst Uigart when he cc- c- Howell Uortree or some of tho
amined the record ' !adies at tho miU' and when no ono
am5.?.. ... . i,., ,i was thero I would tako it to tho
said ho also found no record of It was customary to deliver it
charge on that date against J. E. .""'j,, ,g nm steam. An
1 engine house Is attached to the build
who heard him' ask for ft.' f tsffm 1hanaleU
Eugene Mlgnery. Avoy Albert m. In aU Sgment. oftje 1U.
K,,! Anrii Eutono n-ifd brought their teams and wagons.
the stuff.
Floyd nortreo denied that in busy
iinn.nrn firrnnifi in u . nnnn n in i ..... niin.nnn. ... i . , ...t. . . t
from January 1 May 31, 1911. I tied, emphatically, In reply to the
m luoiiuuu nuu no iinow noin- iiuesiion: i' rom mo gonorni sneccn
n v. . ..uiinui.iuii niLH jiiiiiiil uii.fii lilt in nil n in .iihii nwi hi n wnni
.iiii id, uiui never unow tno man s is anil naa neon swarts' reputation
namo until tho hearing at Salom. 1 for honesty and Integrity beforo th
unui mo prosecution brought It Indictment was found?"
up," ho snld, "I didn't know ho was! "GOOD."
there on that day." others who testified that Swarts'
"On May 10 did you retain any of reputation was good wero George
tho monies taken In, for your own Franc, G. G. Collins, George Swingle.
Avoy; Geo. Mlllor, Avoy, County
"iSO. KIT. All till mmtlna I rrn t mi f'nm nilnolntinr tfnrl 1 nn r ti'ol 1 Mt.
May 10 wero placed in tho bag. I chant Harvey 'R. Sampson, Charles
Along May 17 or 18 I hoard there Fowlor, Wm. Swingle, II. I,. Uutlor.
wns a shortage on May 10. I noverlE. W. Ammerman, Rev A. F Van
hoard from them about It until Juno Sclver, pastor of tho M. E. church, E.
fi. I had my wagos as I wanted them, i Klmblo, C. F. Clark. S. D Curtis,
My arrangement with Floyd Uortreo I Friend Osgood, Fred Edwards, A. U.
was for $40 a month. Mr. Uortreo, Walker, Geo. Chapman, Merchant E.
loui mo any unng i wanted I should D. Keyes.
I.?.. "'I'1.. cl!arR 'n'5lf . He I Th0 defense rested at 4 08 p, m iuu u i-iiuuk ior iis.uu on Juno i o n,i bi..i i,.
I ll I n Ifnln n .i .1 r . 1 .
offlco. Juno 24. W m"," - "i n,trc inrebtmal. Said Uortreo
iuiu uiui i u kul iiih prmr nn,i unmn' . . . . . , . . .. .
i, . . ... . siuii to nimseii aim ciiarging u 10
over to see htm. Ho said "I haven't, ti , nt
wall l.n flnnnn r, ll. m,,fht.,M , W 'a-" Tll lat0 of HB MCOnd
-o l, b?..d.fno "ra a3 ly .He lis- last settlement with Swarts was on
uroii ui h b oooks. -Tnero's some September 13. 1909
? .',,BM,a ?..n.ot " th0. 1)00' he r Kgui1; . and Mrs. Floyd Bortre
(Continued From Page One)
was very seldom any ono thero but
myself. Tho entire work of the mill
times money was paid to Swarts, and , waon my hands
"weIl, i8 "'Jl'on l,CUVurgrap?,.caReg0.fstehr" and
had no difficulty concerning my con
duet of the business. Ho didn't call
mo a crook.
Court adjourned at noon.
When Court opened in tho after
noon, Floyd Uortree was recalled to
tho stand. He said if Swarts took
tho $2.70 out of 'his bag on May 10
for the purpose of paying freight or
for any other purpose it was his duty
to make a record of It. According
to Uortree. Swarts never accounted
for tho $2.70. Uortree said that
while the roll and money sometimes
disagreed, such was not the case dur
ing tho last two or three months
Swarts worked there. Prior to this
time, Uortreo admitted that ho con
stantly found more money in tho
liag than tho records showed. IIo
didn't call Swarts' attention to tho
discrepancy of tho roll and money,
on May 11, because the money and
the roll corresponded, and thero was
no reason to call his attention to it.
Uortreo claimed that thero was no
record of sales to Alpha In that
month. Swarts, ho declared, had no
right to pay a bill without his con
sent. About tho middle of February
when tho monoy did not correspond
with tho roll, Swarts was told that
ho could keep It correct or quit his
Job. After that, said Uortreo, his
record corresponded almost to a
S. C. Uortreo was tho fourth wit-
On cross-examination, she stated
that sho counted $20.10 In tho bag
in tho morning. Some was ln bills
and samo ln chango.
Mrs. Uortree, the seventh witness,
and wife of Floyd Uortrco, sworo to
receiving tho money, May 10, from
Swarts, and seeing It counted. There
was no cross-examination.
Earl Savits. the eighth witness,
swore that ho lived six miles from
Ariel, and had dealing at Uortree's
mill. IIo dealt with Swarts at times.
'Ho was at tho mill, May 12. He
had dealings with Swarts that day.
Swarts gave him a statement, which
ho took home and gavo to his fath
er. Thero was a mistake of 40 cents
In his favor, and ho went back and
paid Swarts.
On cross-examination ho told of
buying on May 12, 1000 corn, 2 Vj
bu. oats, 300 middlings and 300
bran. IIo paid Swarts for that.
Swarts charged him 4 0 cents less
than ho ought to have done. Tho
next day ho went back and paid him
tho fortv cents.
Floyd Uortreo was recalled to the
stand. Ho Identified Exhibit v snow
ing tho amount of business transact
ed on May 12. 1911. Tho Tecord
showed Savits paid $20. OS out that
day. Tho slip Savits had showed
M. J. Kmery, cnshler of tho Ariel
National Dank, wns tjio next witness
ness called. Ho was homo on May 'Ho counted tho money, May 12, and
10, and saw Alpha drive up to tho
mill and get some feed. Things wore
not running to suit him, so ho was
watching things. IIo sent Floyd out
to find out what Alpha got. Thero
was no cross-examination.
Charles I,utz, tho fifth witness, tes
tified to working for S. C. Uortreo &
Son a part of last May. Ho saw Al
pha thoro on May 10, botween 10 and
11 o'clock, and Identified Alpha ln
tho court room. Tho witness wiib not
Miss Elizabeth Gilpin, was tho
sixth witness, and told of being nt
Floyd Uortreo's, May 10, and count
ing -ho money returned by Swarts
that night and making a record of It.
Ho returned $139.67 that night. Sho
didn't find any record of $2.70 bill
sold to Alpha that day. Howell and
lira. Dortreo wore present when sho
counted tho money.
nut It In a bag. Uortreo motored
him to ho mill and gavo Swarts the
bag In his presence. Tho bag was
tied, and In his sight nil tho whilo
Tho samo night at Uortree's request,
ho counted tho monoy after It was
returnod to Swarts. It agreed with
in threo cents of tho record of tho
Floyd Uortrco was recalled to tho
stand, and told of seeing Emory
count tho monoy on tho morning of
May 12, when $18.32 wns given to
Ellwood Ammerman, now living at
Gravity, but who resided nt Ariel on
May 13, told tho Jury of being at tho
mill on that date. Ho bought some
thing of Swarts on thnt dato at 5 p.
pulled out two slips. Ono went to tho
try. IIo also denied ever
swans ior um iiiuhuj ""K- ... n, ni ,i tho
At 4:4S n. m. the Commonwealth i '""T "X.,""?
rested, and Court adjourned.
Wednesday Morning.
The injection of R. II. Holgato,
Esq., Scranton's militant lawyer, into
! third was left In tho machine
When asked about tho caro and
custody of tho bag, Swarts said:
"On one occasion 1 wont out and
gavo It to S. C. Uortree. I went into
tho case of tho Commonwealth vs. I his residence the next morning and
G. W. Swarts, as associato counsel 1 asked where the bag was. Ho said
for the defendant, added additional ho didn't know. I told him I gavo It
interest to the celebrated Lako Ariel to him tho night before. IIo told me
grist mill case, and tho seats in tho to go into the barn and look ln tho
Court Houso were well tilled when hay loft. 'I think,' he said, 'you'll
Court was opened at 9 o'clock, Wed- And it there.' I went thero and
ncsday morning. found tho bag.
For tho defense Attorney iranK r. -on another occasion I gavo It to
Klmblo outlined his case to the Jury a. C. Uortreo. Ho nut it in his knit
In a masterly opening address. Ho jacket. I hunted for tho bag next
spoke ln part as follows: 1 morning. Ho said he didn't havo It.
" Gontlomen of tho Jury: wo now j said -there It is in your pocket now.'
propose to show you tho defense. It And he found it in the pocket of his
is not a one-sided case. Wo will i;ukot.
show you that tho defendant, G. W. , ! would deliver tho bag to Floyd
that was settled. Then ho askml mn
about somo hardware I bought at
a Scranton store. 'Is that all?' I
said. 'That's all I know of,' ho said.
'According to my account that's all
I now of.' "
"I asked him If that was a settle
ment for everything. Ho said It was.
I told him 'Mr. Holgato Is my attor
ney. Floyd asked 'Do you want this
check?' Mr. Holgate said 'We'll take
that check as a settlement': took the
check and gavo it to me.
I remember Savits bolnir at tho
mill on May 12. IIo camo there to
buy feed. He showed mo I had made
a mistako In a previous day's pur-
chaso of 40 cents. I put the 40 cents
In the bag. The correction would not
appear on tho carbon copy. I was ln
tho fire room. Ho had tho slip in his
nanus i gavo mm tho day before
showing the mistake of 40 cents. I
added it to his bill. He took it with
him. Many of them threw the slins
on tho floor. Somo took them along.
"urn you over tako any money of
theirs u.e. Uortreo & Son's) and
convert It to your own use?"
No, sir.
Swarts then went on to give some
Idea of tho nature and character of
his duties at tho mill, whero he was
employed 7 years, 8 months and 20
"It was impossible to keep records
ln the rush. When I was down in the
fire room, they would come down and
ask for money. Quito frequently
thero was no record mado of it. It
was tho practico of tho houso to call
my attention to shortage. My trans
actions expired at night. I never
knew but four days when I knew
how much money was in tho bag in
tho morning or evening. For the
last month or two nothing of any
discrepancy was reported to me. I
told S. C. Uortree when told about a
shortage 'you know there is too much
business for ono man to keep
straight.' "
It was twenty-five minutes past 11
o'clock, when Lawyer John T. Scragg
took tho witness In hand for cross
examination. Despite a merciless
grilling ho could not shako the wit
ness' story In the east. About all
Mr. Scragg could get out of him was
that ho was the "Ariel Poultryman,"
who kept chickens for commercial
purposes, tended his poultry by
lanternlight in the morning and had
his son feed them at night. Swarts
insisted that if Alpha paid him any
money ho put it in, the bag. Court
aajourneu at noon.
Wednesday Afternoon
Following the opening of Court at
1:30 p. m., Attorney Scragg kept
Swarts on the rack for a full hour,
firing a volley of questions at him.
IIo succeeded ln bringing out several
points favorable to tho defendant.
"What record," said Swarts, "have
I to show that I ever turned any
monoy over? I never got a receipt at
night." The defendant denied ever
being told by Floyd Uortreo that he
would have to quit his job, if he
didn't keep his accounts better.
Swarts Insisted that tho check of
lust Juno was given to him as a
settlement for everything he owed
Floyd Uortree. Uortreo told him
there was a balance duo him of $73.
07. "That settlement," declared the
witness, "Included everything I owed
him." Swarts left tho stand at 2:30
p. in.
F. H. Curtis, Lako Ariel, testified to
being at tho mill a year ago when
Swarts was waiting on somo people.
S. C. Uortree camo out of tho otllco
and asked him tor some money.
Swarts pulled the bag out of his
pocket, gavo It to S. C. Uortreo who
took it to tho office. Tho bag was
not returned while tho witness was
Isaac Schaeffer, Gravity, told of
getting a check cashed at tho mill
r it fiiiiiwi r r rnrrni iirnin I mvri
stntement that he told Swarts In
t.'l. ....,.... tf 1. nnl,ln'l .1a nr.
i n ...tin nr.. .1.1 Tl,. Pnmnn a "Antrt
..J V. U U 1 . . ..V. ......V..I . . W
nrnnmr itoirisrnr w:ih iiiniiiiri'ii iiil
...... i . t ..... AK..,n1 TU ...If
il.iv ninrnlnc llxml for nrcumnnt o
in liii: uirvH uuiitiH Lii'ium i urauu
Thursday Morning.
Following the opening of Court
Thursday morning, Floyd Uortrei
was recalled by Attorney J T
wroueiuiiy iukcu uy uiu uuieuuuu
(I.e., the alleged collections fron
AlnVin nf 7fl nf ftftn frnm Am
. .. if! nnn,r. P r. ... C r, .. ( .
were ineiuueu in tne settlement
(mado with Swarts and his attorney
R. H. Holgato on Juno 24, 1911)"
"They were not," answered Hor
(Continued on Page Five )
-f-t--f -t- -- -t----f -t-
Corrected Every Thursday
J. II. Stegner & Sons.
Lettuce, head lu
Lettuce, curly 10
Celery, California stalk ... 15
Sweot potatoes, quart 10
Spinish, Vi pk 20
aiuuhi.i o-aw
Carrots, quart
Ueets, quart
Parsnips, quart
Green onions, bunch . .
Urussell Sprouts, qt
Potatoes, peck 30
Endive, head
I'uiuiues, iiujuu tu., ou
Turnips, pk 15
. Ll U . U, 11 H - J . uuc. " " ' "
"Plnrirln flmnPAd iln7 30-40
Uananas, doz 15-25
Codfish, steak per lb 20
Haddock, with head 12
Trout, dressed 20
ivuiiuiiau, uicoavu -v
Halibut, steak 22
o fti ill a u ' i c . 4V i ci
Smelts IS
Pickerel 10
Snn Rpnllnns nor nf. 75
Oysters, qt 35-C0
Clams, doz 20
jj Wayne County School.
enterprise mahogany
Swarts. entered tho employ of theso1 nortreo at times, to Howoll at times.
peopio eight years ago; mat uo con- anil quito frequently I would leavo It ono day by Floyd Uortree. Tho next
tinned in their employ for nearly at his residence. His little boy, 4 day ho met Uortreo, nnd told him ho
eight years. Wo will show you tho years old, would meet mo sometimes j Kavo tho witness $9 too much. Said
duties ho had to perform. Not only ad say Til tako tho bag.' Ills i Uortreo to Schaeffer: "You could
was ho fireman, engineer, but ho had nm0 7-yoar-old girl would tako It I havo kept tho money, and I never
to tend tho telephone, seo to tho other times. I'd sivo it to Mrs.
grinding, tend to tho sales depart- Floyd Uortrco or Miss Gilpin or put
inent nnd look after tho customors. ' u on tho tablo In tho house, somo
Wo will show you that his particular times.
duties and obligations received from, "in the morning I. came to the
tho owners of tho mill wero to stay mm. The tlrst thing I had to do was
at the mill nt all times. Wo will to tlx my tires. If a customor camo,
show you that ho was furnished with j'd go up and wait on him. I'd havo
tho monoy bag each morning. Ho ' to look for chango. I would go Into
was to carry on all tho duties dovolv-1 uortreo's for chango. I went to S.
ing upon tho owners in their nb-,( and Floyd Uortreo at times and
sence. This monoy bag was to bo gavo them a bill, and that money
handed to S. C. Uortreo or to Floyd never went Into tho bag. I'd glvo
Uortreo or to Howell, and not to bo him a bill and ho would count tho
delivered to the house. Ho wns not chango, and tho monoy never got In
to leavo tho mill. Mr. S. C. Uortreo to tho bag.
was away a good deal. IIo had ro- "Tho bag was delivered to mo from
contly purchased a horse, a colobrat-t 7:30 to 10 o'clock In tho morning,
ed stallion, on which ho had fixed, 1 had to use my own chnnge, of ton.
if not his affections, at least his ad-, Floyd delivered tho bag to mo ono
miration. Ho spent a great deal of morning, w.hon I went for chango. I
tlmo away from homo. I opened tho bag, but found no bills.
"Wo will show you that tho young As soon as I got through with tho
man was an automoblllst, carrlod , customor I throw tho bag on tho
away with pleasure IIo was away desk. Ho counted it out. Ho said
nleht nnd day. and his duties wero , that ho put $7 in bills there. IIo
(quotent) quotient
would havo known It." Tho witness
saw Swarts cash checks.
Charles Lutz, who worked for
Uortree's last spring, said ho heard
Floyd ask Swarts for money at
John Uigart, who works at tho
imnosod on Swarts
"Wo will show you that Instead of
taking tho bag homo nnd counting It,
looked ln his pocket, and found It
was not so.
I gavo Howell $D to go to tho
1. In C i Dny.nn'o nnnlfah I linnlf fl Tl ll fnt PIlflTltm. Jin llllltl1! Plvn
. 1 1 .. . . I I, ri ...n nt nil ATinllini. Mnm T cni'n '
tnat tno huh my 111 wm uuiii uvm ii m ii.u mi. ..... Ht.iv,
night, and through his carelossnoss Floyd $20 to go to tho hank and
was not found until lato next morn-1 got chango. Ho gavo mo $2 and kept
1 1. Ihhh vi v 1 nn r it nn r rt k yrt 1 1 n rwi maun
m. Swarts gavo him a statement ot ing; mat on imuiy uk-iuu i-iuyu '"-"m vy J",""
what ho bought. On tho samo day Uortreo camo and took tho bag from a memorandum of It. It wasnt far
and nt tho some tlmo ho bought anl- Swarts to mako chango for checks. from Juno 1 of last year,
mal food from Swarts for CO cents. "Wo will show you that tho bag For tho purpose of showing tholr
CURY. ns mercury will surely destroy the
senso of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing It through the mucous surfaces,
except on prescriptions from reput
ablo physicians, ns the damngo they
will do Is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from thorn Hnll's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., To'edo. O.. contains no
mercury, find .s taken Internally,
nctlng dlrctly upon tho biood and
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buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure
you get the genuine. It Is taken In
tornnlly and made ln Toledo, Ohio,
by F. J. Chenoy & Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists. Price 75c. per
Take Hnll's Family Pills for con-stinntlon.
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Often Do we Head This Heading
in Our Dully Pnpor.
n .....).... tf -, . f fnn,l . I ,-1 T. 1
Atitnt iirnttafU' l,ti t CfflVO In Vfll
emm , fit itKi ti inn,
(Inn. vnn urn tho ono that shoul
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Two little MI-O-NA tablets take
at tho tlrst sign of distress woul
have kept many a death notlco 01
of tho papers.
11 you iuiyo stomacu trouuio
anv kiiui. start to cet nil 01 it loua
Ono 50 cent box ot MI-O-NA ston
,n1.1n, ...til fnl 111
a new man. Two week's troatmei
win nuiKO any auuseu, out 01 orui
stomach strong and vigorous.
tlon. dizziness, biliousness, bo
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r. n nnnta o n 7 T ) ,1 1 1 ' m Ti ,1 . 1 1- 1
gists everywhere
The following clubbing rates wl
ho In fnrpn fnr n lllllirnn tlmo on
and during this tlnfo you will 1
ablo to get tho Citizen and ono
tho, following Scranton uaiuos at
reasonablo nrlco:
Times $4 00 per yes
Tribune-Ropubllcan ..$3 50 per ye;
Truth $3 50 per yei
1 year.