THE CITIZEN", FRIDAY, JANUARY J2, 1012. FAGM 8 Brriiiwtfs FOR SALE. Cockerels. Alton strain. Call or ruo ai onco. u. a. jiuwiuuu, onesdnlc. Pa. wit ovijfci i iiiui i oiwwvjj Honcsdalo Footwear Co. at a sac- nce. Address uoncsuuiu. i Box 113. 3 Ct UIV O . 1 1 J I J .'V i JJ I vwv.v.-. Rhode Island Red and Roso Comb rnwn l,febnrn cocKrois. A. v. line. Orson. Pa. iimcohi SPRINGFIELD RIFLE AND A box of shells only J4 at Erk Bros, rare bargain. Come and inspect. OOoltf. MiSCUIiliAXKOUS. Ait 1 i-ilJ O.'KIXIJ aawuu w . - lowor floor rooms, must havo all 11.. 1,1 T 1 IirilVI'IIII'Il I n. LU11 LI Ulll 1ULULUU! " ulre at Citizen office. -.-.. nnf'.'f TIT I 'TT 1 TirTT'TT rpTn I". 1 I' III . IJ X1 UV 1 . AIIUU A 1 1 V Inches lone. Numbers 4 3 on lde. "Saro " only word roauauie. iwner can havo property by calling t office. VHEN IN NEED OF CARRIAGES and slelchs don't forget E. T. ho largest assortment In Wayno ounty to select from. 7Gtf ;ASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD AND silver by Sommer, Jeweler and )ptlclan. 9Gtf LOCAL NEWS NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. "Dec. II" on tlio label of your nn- icr means that your Subscription ex lires December 11111; "Jan. lii" We 1 1 nve sent expiration notices to -.1. ii. .....i if . i cited xi letter requesting renewal, do lot net offended it is only a re Hinder that your subscription needs The January grand jury cost tho o i o no Leap year balls and parties are Tho Delaware and Hudson rail- UUU K. KJIU mil uunu ii avu- i ...m j Inn at Olvnhnnt. Councilman John Erk, who has E. L. Parsons was appointed An TV ronsranie or tcnit mwnsu . Mrs. John Bollard spent hunaay n Rprnnton. Judge Alonzo T. Searlo leaves riuuv lor luwauun, uruuiuiu tuuu i i ...iii i i -i . . 11 n rrn vi n y w o 1 1 A marriage license was issued anuary iu. to scou j. ieuyaru, UUIUU LUYYUBUIU. UiiU OUiU J. . 44- -Tho Citizen publishes two ln- and another of the Wayno County Farmers .Mutual ire insurance to. On Tuesday, January 9, 1912, - . TA . . fl T ni.n XT CllnK. l i j ii ii in ii i i;. . iisa uuuiu uiiui - TiUUU, Ul xiuauiirs, i u., auu ucmu u . Jennings of Dunmore, i'a., were mar ried Rev James Leishman offi- i . . .i A temperance meeting will bo held at the m. k. cnuren or iiones dalo on Thursday evening. Rev. Philip Thomas. State Superintend ent of Scientific Instruction will epeak at the meeting. The following wero elected di rectors of the Honesdale National Bank on Tuesday: Henry Z. Russell, Edw'n F Torrey, Horace T. Menncr, Louis J Dor(1lnier, Andrew Thomp son Ilimor Greene, James C. Bird sall Edu.'nd II. Hardenbergh, Philip R Murray. The amount of money drawn by the old Hoard of County Commls p'oners in 1011 includes their ex pense ac'Ouius of 1910, which were as 1 1 s Commissioner .1. K. Horn beik $97Rk: Commissioner J. E. Mandenl'p $90. sn. and Commission er T ' Madden. $40.97. ! 1 vuu notico tho scoop The O'-zpo K 1 in its last issue, when it poijisbtd t'io exclusive news con cern -wr 'ho FTi'ltnblo Life Assur nn ci i.. vimc and Rev. Rlchoson be- irc '-!. fd to the electric chair? Son r be for The Citizen, only $1 00 per year in advance. rding to state reports tho rale o' a 'tomoblle licenses will be gre.vpr than ever before. There are a n rubor of new machines being Te"l 'ercd and tho atjgroirato total of li ! he received will not bo far from $100000, It Is claimed. Steps to bring about better con d'tKno in tho school houses In tho rural districts and better buildings, where ne fsary, will be taken by tho now State Hoard of Education's officers early in tho coming year. Dr Nathan C Sdiaoffer, tho Stato Superintendent of Public Instruc tion In hts recent report called at tention to tho need of making im provements to tho country schools and data that will enablo tho board to deal with tho problem and per haps to mako somo rocommendatlonB for State aid along that lino when tho Legislature meets will bo col lected This Investigation of con ditions In tho rural schools will ho nmong the first matters to bo taken up by tho new secretary of tho board, Professor J. George Ilecht, when ho arrives at Hnrrlsburg next week Dr. Schaeffor In IiIb ronort and In recent addresses has declared that something must bo done to hot ter conditions In the country If tho Btandard of education Is to bo maln- tained and tho health of tho pupils preserved. Tho teachers' Instltuto of Wayno county will bo hold in Starrucca on Saturday. A daughtor has boon 1)orn to Mr. nnd Mrs. Lowla Hoirrlch of Wil low avonuo. Allen, young son of Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, of Thlrtoonth stroot, Is qulto HI. Charols E. Luckes wa3 ap pointed supervisor of Storllng town ship In placo of Louis Butlor, ro slgnod. Francis Weeks, of East Hones dale, moved his family to Promp ton Monday whore ho will act as sawor for Frank Hollenback. Mrs. Salo Frledowald, Scranton, will glvo one of hor delightful In terpretative recitals Saturday after noon at 3:30 o'clock in Miss Brown's room at tho High School Auditor ium. Edwnrd Donoy was elected first lloutcnaut and Thomas Gallagher second lieutenant of Company E, 13th regiment, N. G. P., at tho arm ory, .Monday ovcnlng. Tho election was conducted by Major Conrad of Scranton Services will bo hold in St. John's Ev. Lutheran church next Sunday morning at 10:30. Subject of sermon, "Deldo Meino Loemlnor." In tho ovonlng at 7:30. "What Shall Wo Havo Therefore?" Servlcoa nt Whlto Mills, at 3 p. rn. II. Scott Salmon, cashier of tho Wayno County Savings bank, has startod the 41st year In tho employ of this Institution. Tho bank was Incorporated 40 years ago. This Is a remarkable record and one few men havo tho pleasure and honor of onjoying. Saturday night all tho electric lights in town wero extinguished for a period of 15 to 20 minutes caused by tho blowing out of tho fuso on tho main lino, causing great Incon venlenco to many stores that wero open that night that depended sole ly on olectrlclty for lighting pur poses. Lako Lodoro will bo tho sceno of much activity next week when 90 men will 'bo employed In harvest ing Ice for tho Lako Lodoro Improve ment company. Tho Ico Is 11 Inches thick. About 30,000 tons will 'bo harvested and during tho cutting sea son about 300 carloads will be ship ped by rail. Tho directors of tho Wayno County Agricultural Society met in tho Allen House last Tuesday morn ing and elected tho following olilcors for the ensuing year: President, W. L. Ferguson; vice-president, E. P. Jones; treasurer, V. P. Starnes; sec retary, E. W. Gammell. Tho fair next season will bo held the first week in October. Stato Lecturer, E. B. Dorsett, Mansfield, Pa., will glvo a lecture at the Union church, Calkins, Friday evening, January 19, 1912, under the auspices of Labor Grange. All are cordially Invited to attend. This is tho first of a series of lectures to bo given by this Grango and is not a money making scheme. A small ad mittance will bo charged in' order to partly defray expenses. The Wayno County Savings Bank elected directors Tuesday as follows: W. B. Holmes, A. T. Searle, H. S. Salmon, W. F. Suydani, F. P. Kimble, T. B. Clark, H. J. Conger, C J. Smith, J. W. Farley and E. W. Gammell. This bank Is starting In on its 41st year of business. Dur ing this period tho Wayno County Savings Bank has advanced to 38th position In tho United States and 10th in standing In Pennsylvania. Neal Hiller, cashier at the Dela ware and Hudson freight depot at this place, has been promoted to agent at Green Rldgo, where ha will havo charge of tho company's sta tion. Neal has worked in all branches under Local Agent C. J. Dibble and is fully qualified to per form his new duties. His position will be filled hero by Jacob Dalles, who Is now registering clerk. Ray Dibblo will succeed Mr. Balles as registering clerk and Herbert Male, who has been on the platform will tako Ray's place. Neal is a son of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Hiller and is an exemplary young man. Ho loaves Monday for Green Rldgo. His many Honesdalo friends wish him unbound ed success in his new field of labor. Tho name "Mason and Dixon's Lino" has been popularly applied to tho whole dhisory line between free and slave soil, but properly It be longs only to tho south boundary of Pennsylvania, surveyed by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, 17C3-G7. For over 100 years this lino was a " bono of contention," and England finally sent Mason and Dixon to tho colonies to mako an olik-lal survey which was to bo final. At the end of every llfth mile of this lino a stone, brought from England, was placed, engraved on ono sldo with tho coat of arms of Lord Baltimore, and on tho other with those of the I'enns; while tho intermediate miles wero marked by smaller stones, 10 Inches squaro and IS Indies high, bearing a largo letter M on ono sldo and P on tho other. Tho lino is 280 miles long. PIANO Tl'M.N'fi. W. R. Luis, expert piano tuner, Is In town. First-class local references. Leavo orders at Cole's drug storo. PERSONAL Mr3. R. N. Torrey Is visiting rela tives in Now York City. Mrs. Frank Bruco, of Carbondalo, called on friends in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Katz, of Thirteenth street, aro in New York. William RItter of Aldenvllle, a glnBs-cuttor, has accepted a position hero; Mrs. Barbara Rolf la improving, having been confined to her bed since Christmas. Miss Josophino McKenna Is a guost of hor slKter, Mrs. M, J. Kolly at Deposit, N. Y. Mesdame3 G. S. Purdy, C. M. Botz, Charles Mills and Isaac TIbbits aro in Now York City. Nelson Lambert returned to Os- slng. N. Y.. Thursday morning after I spending tho holiday vacation at his I home hore t Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fow'Ior Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gaorgo S. Thompson In Hawloy. Mrs. G. Wilson and daughtor, Miss Mablo, of Wllkes-Barro, woro Sun day visitors In Honcsdalo. C. W. Bartrum, of Nowburg, N. Y., attended tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. Sarah WllBca on Tuesday. Miss Helen Grant, who had boon visiting frionds horo, returned to her homo in Hawloy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. William Soli aro spending the weok's ond In Now York city and Mountclalr, N. J. Mrs. Loo Hahn, of Provldonco, R. 1., arrived Saturday to spend sov oral days with relatives In town. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. B. Hokon, who havo been visiting in Wllkes-Barro for somo tlmo, havo roturncd homo. Jeffrey Freoman, of Court strcot, has accepted a position with an In dependent coal company at Scran ton. 'Miss Floronco Hiller, who had been spending a few weoks with rel atives in Scrauton, roturncd homo on uMonday. Mrs. A. D. Van Drloson and fam ily, who havo boon spending tho holidays in Wilkes-Brrro, havo ro turncd homo. Mrs. Niemoyer and daughtor, Miss Josophino, of Whlto Mills, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Foreman on Cottago street. Mrs. C. Schromsor, who had boon spending somo tlmo nt tho homo of Mrs. W. S. dlennig in Wllkos-Barro, has returned home. Miss Susie McGraw, who is teach ing in Starrucca, returned to her duties after spending several days with relatives hero. Chas. P. Schullor, buyer for Bando and Hotter, commission -merchants, of New York city, spent several days In town this week. Miss Leah Jenkins, who has been spending a fow weeks with her cous in, Miss Nellie Hulslzer, here, has re turned to her home. 'Miss Loulso Keefor returned to hor homo in Scranton after being tho guest of Misses Edgott and Allco Gregory for a fow days. Wilson Decker and daughter, Mrs. Andrew Brydon, of Dunmoro, attend ed tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. Sarah Wilsea on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gaylord loft Thursday morning for a visit with thoir son, Albert B. Gaylord, and family, at Philadelphia. Albert J. French, John R. French, and Frank Martin of this placo left for Toronto, Canada, on Monday where they aro Interested in cut glass works. Dr. C. R. Brady, W. G. Blakney and Thomas Fuller leavo Friday morning to attend tho automobile snow at Madison Square Garden, New York City. William Welsh, Augustivo Kuph er, Frank Rosencranz and W. Wlsst, of Brooklyn, who have been spend ing tho past week with relatives in town returned Sunday. ' G. E. Bates, district passenger and freight agent, and T. J. MacNamara, traveling passenger and froight agent of the Delaware and Hudson system, headquarters In Scranton, and H. H. Ashley of tho Jersey Central rail road, wero business callers hero Thursday. Esquire E. B. Hollister, of Hollls- tervlllo, was a business caller in Honesdale on Thursday. Mr. Hollis ter informs us that his son, Grove, recently received the appointment of private secretary to Congressman C. C. Bowman, of tho Luzerno district Grove attended tho High school here six years and his many Honosdalo classmates and friends rojoico with him In his appointment. Denth of Dover Bennett. Dover Bennett died at his homo at Honesdale, Jan. 9, 1912. Ho had been a sufferer from heart trouble for many years but had been con fined to bed only a few days before his death. Deceased was born April 2, 1855, in Pleasant Mount township whero he spent most of his life with the exception of a few years in tho south and tho last six years at Hones dale. On Nov. 27, 18S3, ho was united in marriage to Harriet A. Peck by whom he Is survived; also by the following children: Mrs. Jacob A. Rolf, of 'Honesdale, Miss Mary Bennett, teacher of Hampton, N. J., Grace, Pearl, Robert and Wilhimina at home. Deceased Is survived by his mother, Mrs. Catherine R. Ben nett, ono brother, Arnott Bennett of Scranton, and one sister, Mrs. M. T. Varus of Maple Grove. Tho funeral services wero conducted at his lato homo Thursday afternoon by Rev. James Rainey of Aldemille. Inter ment In Glen Dyberry. The pall bearers woro J. J. Porham, W. J. Forber, Frank Shilling, Goorgo Blako and William 11. Karslako. Death of Racliael Saiindeis. Rachael Saunders, widow of tho lato James W. Hayward, of Hones dale, died suddenly Wednesday ovon lng of paralysis, after two hours' Ill ness. Mrs. Hayward, who is in her 92d year, was in her usual stato of health during tho day until 9 o'clock In the evening when sho was strick en. Death rolloved her sufferings at 11:10 tho sanio night. Mrs. Hnywood had mado hor homo Hill, since tho death of her husband, eighteen years ago. Tho death of William Hill, tho hero of Montoroy, Cal., last Friday, was a sovore shock to Mrs. Hayward and resulted In hor death. Tho deceased was born at Lacka waxen, PIko county, Juno 2, 1820, and with her husband, tho lato J. W. Hayward, lived In different places In New York and Pennsylvania. Sho was tho mother of tho following chil dren by whom sho Is survived: Mrs. William Hill. Honesdalo; Mrs. W. H. MacElroy .Arlington, N. J.; Mrs. C. W. Hobbs, Mlddlotown, N. Y.; John, of Stnnhopo, N. J., and Edward, of Hackonsack, N. J. Mrs. Hayward was a mombor of tho Honesdalo Contral Methodist Episcopal church. Tho funeral will bo hold Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from hor lato home at Blan dln, Rov. W. II. Hiller officiating. Interment In Glon Dyberry corue-tery. Wcok of Prayer Is being observ ed In tho Preshytorlan and Mothodlst churches of Honosdalo. Next Sundny night at 7:30 o'clock tho Holy Name Socioty will havo a public colobratlon at St. John's Catholic church. Next Sun day Is tho feast of tho Holy Name of Jesus. Father John O'Toolo will preach a special sermon. Tho cantata given at tho Enls- copal church on Dec. 28 will bo re peated on Friday night In tho parish rooms or the church. Tho cantata is ontltled "Santa Clans In Janan" and It was so well rendered and ap preciated that it will bo given again under tho direction of Miss Dorothy Mennor. In addition to this thero will bo vocal and Instrumental mu- Ic. Graco Episcopal church, Sun day, Jan. 14. At tho 10:30 a. ra. service tho sermon-subject will bo lho Strength of Jesus." At tho 7:30 p. m. sorvlco tho thomo will bo "Tho Guiding Star." At this ser vice tho music will bo furnished by members of tho Sunday school In cluding soprano and violin solos. All over tho land on this Second Sunday after Epiphany It Is tho custom In Oio Episcopal church to havo such a Sunday service. Tho regular ses sion of tho Sunday school will bo hold as usual at 12 M. Berlin township Is well represent ed in tho Honesdale High school. Threo now pupils recently register ed, tho last two being Dill and Avery. A Wayno county basket ball league Is being formulated. It will constitute tho school teams of Haw ley, White Mills, Honesdalo and possibly Damascus. About 70 boys, whose ages range from 12 to 15 years, aro receiving special training under Prof. H. A. Oday and E. G. Jenkins in the gym nasium every Tuesday and Thurs day evenings. In addition to pupils of the school there are about 25 boys outsido of tho school who at tend tho training classes. Tho Honesdalo district teachers' institute, comprising Honesdale, Seelyville, Prompton, Cherry Ridge, Texas, Dyberry, Bethany and Leban on, will be held in Honesdale Febru ary 3. The committee In charge Is composed of Prof. H. A. Oday. Miss Vera Murray, Miss Graco Jadwin and Joseph McCluskey. Tho Freshman class (of the High school is studvlnir tho "Autohlocra- ,phy of Benjamin Franklin. A spec ial program, reproduced below, will bo rendered on Friday tfternoon of this week at 3 o'clock In the High school auditorium: "Franklin's Par ontago and Boyhood," Raymond Reirdon; "Seeking His Fortune." Robert Williams; "Advontures In London," Philip Sommer; "Return to Philadelphia," Eda Krantz; "In Business for Himself," Jeanetto Pohle; "Self Education," Charles Kreitner; "George Whltefield and Beginning of Public Life," Helen Brown; "Public-spirited Gentleman," Mary Howley; "In Service of tho King," Miss Lambert; "Franklin tho Philosopher," Harriet Carroll; "Sketch of Later Life," Annio Lam bert H wnpiK vi vn tup -J I I Vf V W U VS 4. 4 1-4 j j g JjfcLLlINO JUIN 1 to 1 I ft ni: tii i? 1 it ... . i Wayne County ocliooi. :n::m::::t::::::::: LESSON II.. syllable together tiny until umbrella valuable veteran walnut wafer yield youthful zinc mention necessary noisy obllgo occasion possess pralrlo quarrel quite raisin relievo scholar separato Denth of If. I. Kcllnm. Captain Henry P. Kellam, a promi nent resident of Equluunk, died last Friday and tho funeral was hold on Wednesday. Mr. Kellam was born In Llttlo Equlnunk, December 15, 1835, nnd has been one of tho most progres sive citizens In tho county. Ho has been Identified with tho commercial Interests of his -community and for many years had been postmaster of Llttlo Equlnunk. Ho was a veteran of tho Civil War and when ho was mustorod out held tho tltlo of captain. ItKWAIMC OF OIXT.M i:TS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MER CURY, ns mercury will purely destroy the senso of smell and completely de rnngo tho whole system when enter ing It through the mucous surfaces, except on prescriptions from reput nble physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to tho good you can possibly derive from them Unit's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To'edo. O., contains no mercury, nnd :s taken Internally, acting dlre-'tly upon tho biood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Cntnrrh Cure bo euro you get tho genuine. It Is taken In ternnlly nnd mnde In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c. per bottle. . Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. STATEMENT OF HONESDALE BOROUGH ACCOUNTS i For tho (lscnl yenr ending Dec. 31, 1011 GKOHOK W. I'KNWAUDKN.Tninurpr, In nccounl with tho Iloroueli ot llonesdnlo. 1)11. To cmh from (1. M. OunutiR, Treni J 1102 i KreltniT for hcwit connection . 40 ) Nlckulcttn lU'unne B to John Torrpj put. ctinnlna wnlki in On 11, Hciillrrliolz, on tnxes 11) 0 WO 00 Ooumy Trt'nurur,Jlrjuor llcume 21CO 10 II. II. IllttrU-li. llccn.uto Duel. 12 (I) .l..!.('anlvnn. Uotf Ux Will Hliow Hcpiiu's 12 oo Not proceeds Kntlonnl Itnnk noto 7R Fred HhuikIitv com on llccmoi CO m Net proceeds Nntloiml Hunk notu H'Ji 71) Fines find llecnnei is Ul It. Scliuurliolz, tnx col., 1611 tax . euiuil Forstono 7 V) Htiitn Trom. Kon lull Flro Ins. Oo, 807 Ann:i Keen, port pnj metiton newer It) JUwa 17 CK. l!j disbursements ns follows: I,nbor A tenm work on sts A pnrks t VAX 44 llonesdnlo Klectrlc I,., II. A 1". Uo. SK7 Vt llonesdnlo (Jon. nler Oo Bit to 1'ollco service, Dement & Hi Police service, Onnlvnn M on Krnft A donuer, conl nnd cnnliut. 17n 91 UotiiolldntcdTclcplionoCoinpnuy iao ) Hell Tel Oo. to Dee. 1. 1UI1 :)1 00 (1. J. Mueller, tremstnte Ins rcl fund 307 2U Kreitner Ilrcis. for lumber . . IS S!fi OnnlvnuA McGlnnls St 1ft J. II. Howeii, stono 72 ffl M.J. Hnnliin, recording petitions A fto Interest on notes nnd bonds ... 41 ro llonesdnlo Nntlonnl llnnk noto. . .'XI (II llonendnlu National Hnnk noto. . ICOo no llonesdnlo Nnt'ul Hnnk note, Int. C U) Hciiiiiiin. Irwin A Hreiiuniiinn.uso of roller 2670 63 Wnyne Oo operntlvo Ass., mil sodn 15 O. M. aenune, for incidentals . 3 8 J. it. Koblnsnn, lnstirnncu SI III I.. S Collins, survejinit . . .. Vim Premium on Treasurer's bond.. 12 on SeoIlK for dmnpliiK ground V7 hi Hecoidl ft deed ot ground 2 25 Texns township tor use of crusher SSn 5.H (4. P Hss. ninklUK dupllcitto. . . 6 H) vv. U. Holme-, e.ds B w Flro Depnrlinont expenses: KepnlrlllK Hose Truck 11 75 Work on iioso Uortrlulit lire S (O Vork on hoso Knoll flro 2 nt Murrny.i Oo. Nozzle, 8 75 Hlttenbender Oo. rcpnlrsil 66 XI 16 J. M. Lyons, snlnry chief en gineer to Jnn. 1 76 U) John Onrrjll. snlnry nsslst- nnt engineer to .Inn 1... . 37 60 Ohns. Truscott, snlnry stoker to Jim. 1 18 76 Advertising nnd printing 70 w, Hook for script -'175 J. T. Hrndy. pole for ting 60 Oortrlght A on, street sprinkler 7 Ml ('. V. McOnrty, nt'y. snl.. Jim. 1.H4 50 IK) W.J. Humes, post for dumping ground 8 66 Repair-on City Unit 7 W t'hns. Hullock. dynnmlte 12 10 Mrs. W.J. VanKeuren, work on script ... 110 i J. M. Lynns, norkon plugs 4 60 Auditor Beneriilstnto tnx . .. 45 32 H. I'lirtung.snnd 6 Hi Thomns Fuller, auditor 4 Hi T. F. Ilnin, nudltor 4 Hi Frnnk Tiuscott. nudltor 4 ( Krk Hros., sundries 11 M Donntloil to O. A. It 25 HI Donation to VII. Imp. Ass. for trees 25 (W Snmuel Morrison, sundi les 85 Horses for Klro Di'Din tment. . 160 I" Secretary's Milnry to .Inn. 1, IMS . . 62 1:1 Treasurer's snlnry tojnn. 1.W12 to Hi Salary of Sec. of Hoard of Health 60 Grnhnm Wntts, sundries 8 85 Hinuian, bonrd for trnmpj 7 6" Kxpre-s 65 Atlantic ReflnlngOoinpiiny for oil 18 01 Wm, I'euwurdun estate, lumber 41 76 S 13920 .'II Cash on band Dec. 31.. 1; W tl49M 41 HONEST VALUES IN Winter Clothing ! REDUCTION on all Suits and Overcoats RCKERTS Although the last bank to start in Honesdale it has more stockholders than any other bank in Wayne County and shows a steady increase in deposits, having up to January 1 reached the S3003000.00 mark. q EVERYBODY welcome at THIS bank. H We earnestly solicit the business of all classes and welcome you to join us by opening an account of $1 or more. OFFICERS: M. E. SIMONS, President C. A. EMERY, Cashier DIRECTORS : M. B. Allen, Georco C. Abraham, J. Sam Brown, Oscar E. Bnnnoll, Wra. II. Dunn, W. M. Fowler, W. B. Gulnnlp. John R. Krnntz, Fred W. Kreltnor, John Weaver. nOIlOUOH INtlBUTKDNKBS T. A.I. Flnncrty. noto dated Feb 10 1WW, nt6 per cent.. . ..... .... John 1'ngo Kstnte, note nt.4,4 per o. J. M. Lyons, note dated Aug. 12. 18V2 11600 09 iao oo nt b per cunt. tm oo HON PR AT 4 VElt 0F.NT. Nnthnn Hotick Kstnto. . . S 2Wi (fl John Wntts ' John I,. Miller lOTMio Wm. Watts I") "i John M. Lyons 6H ") . .. . Ml 11 .... f) 01) ... Mint .... Mm hi ... wo () . . rim u Win. T.emnltzer . . .. Geo. W. l'onwarden J. D. Hotick 1110 00 John L. Millar ivmw lw 00 S12060 00 HTATKMKT OF HOHOUOH TAX. 1909. lint, due from II. Hchucrholr. sub ject to Mionctntloiis, commis sions, etc., March 1, 1D1I J Wl (0 1810. Hal. duo March 1, 1910 18M 60 April nth, reo'd I 600 CO Deo. 19th, " 4U1( JfldOOO Hal. due less exonerations, com missions, etc I WS0 60 1911. Duplicate t 9SSJ 81 Less ensh pnld Sept. 8th t inn 00 Oct. Bth ) (O Nov. 3rd !SX 00 8000 00 Bnl, due subject to exonerations, commissions, etc. . . t 18IH 82 I hereby certify that the foreKOiim Is n true and correct account of tho receipts nnd expenditures for the lKjrouKb of Honesdale, for the year endum Dec 31. 1911: nboof tho liabilities nnd Isilnnces due from tnx collec tors ns per statement lieicwltli. Ueoiku: W. I'knwaudkn, Trcns. We. thn undersigned, midltors of the Iwro of llonesdnle.bavo e.tntnlned tlieaccouiits of G. W. I'euwnrdeii. treat., nnd llnd the snmo to bo cortect nccordtiiK to statement show Inn ensb Hi the hands of the treasurer to bo I1079.2S. T. Frank Ham, ) Fkaj. K TitfhC'oTT, Auditors. TlIOM. M. KULLKU. ) B7w2 Detailed cot of re-'bulldiim streets, viz: Mnln Street, 40 ft. wide. B In, thick 4KB ft. I'nrkKtreet wii ft. Uourt Htreet S8l ft. Terrnce Htreet ... . sunt. HW9 ft. I2.MH IS WW (O . Hi:i 00 .1i7A IS 2T03 tons crushed stone . For stenni roller Labor FOR SAIJS. Tho undersigned will sell at pub lic sale, at tho Grand Jury Room in Court House in Honesdale, on Saturday, January 20, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. 24 shares of tho Capital stock of American Knitting Company, (Par $50). Terms of sale, cash. WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK January S, 1012. 3 4eoi. J. E. HALEY. AUCTIONEER ! Have me and save money. Will attend sales anywhere in Mate; Address. 'Waymaiit Vjl., (It. 1). H.) Gome Here and Save Money O. Wm. Sell, M. B. Simons, Fred Stephens, George W. Tlsdoll, J. E. Tiffany. WATCH US W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers