THK CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1012. PAGE 3 PEACE CcH7EN7ti7f WiLL BE WIDELY OBSERVED. Celebration Planned For 1919 In All English Qpoaking Countries. Mayor Gnynor, nt tho request of tb national comnilttpo for tlio celebration In 1014-1015 of the ono hundredth an niversary of peace nmonp Engl BpealtliiR peoples, linmod n comml.t v to arnuiRo for the celebration In N" York city. The list comprises 130 New York citizens. Tho national committee has been organized in conjunction with slmilit movements in Great Rrltnin. Canada and other parts of the EiikIIsIi spenh Iiir world. The committee plans to commemorato tho peace nnnlvursti by the erection of permanent inoinuri ols rather than by street pageantry For this reason It has been ncunrj to organize far In ndvance of the ce bratlon, which will extend from I'eb IT, 1015, until some time In the sum tner, coming to n close with ceremonial exercises In San Francisco. Senator Ellhu Hoot has suggested to the committee that for a given five minutes on Feb. 1", 1915, tho aunt vcrsary of tho ratification by 1 1 1 American and British governments of the treaty signed nt Ghent, nil human activities, so far as possible, shall o! Foiuteiy cease and mat tho l.0,O0O.n ' i English speaking people throughout the world shall engage In silent prayer nnd contemplation. A number of suggestions have beet made regarding the nature of the per inanent memorials. Ono propose n monument In the form of a water gati to be erected on the Canadian irid American sides of tho Detroit river at Detroit, Mich., and Windsor. Ont.. and another that an arch be placed on tl. Canadian frontier over the New Yr to Montreal highway, now being built Still another Is that boundary monu ments of artistic design be erected at local points along the American Canadian frontier. It has been advocated also that a building be erected nt New York to b dedicated to the caue of peaceful prog ress, In which International congroci and public meetings can be held. IN FAVOR OF ROWING. Oarsmen Are Said to Live Longer Than Other Athletes. Dr Dudley A. Sargent, Harvard's fa mous physical director, says that of all athletes those who take up crew work live longer, marry younger nnd have more children, and that 05 per cent pur ine college. Kootball and basket ball. in i 1 1 iiMiii-r rt'i n rnn nr ntii rifi iALILF Ul UfLilllN llIIltJIILT IHtrK Tl I II HT fN V or iijiil i rni rn nr Knnrr Dr. "William G. Anderson of Ya!r. lUU tULTiaiU DL11UUI 11 LI Fill 1 Lilt' III If I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.i t 1 1 1 'M iirt'tTir inn uininin na n imi . "I would much rather Fee 22,000 sir 1I1II L 1 I'll L I V II 11131 I l"I "We at Yale hope to bring about n nn flit Inn wlinrotir nnnrta ttIII lin in oyed by the masses and not bv a corn- juitiuvu iv . 100 POINTS TO PERFECT BABY osion oicrnvman tiata un standard For Judging Infants. The Rev. Dr. Thomas Van Ness, a rn nv w n i rn 111 i'n n nnmr urn s his 100 linlnt Kpfilp- icisu ui luutii .. ij nair ii iiiitsu ui lusie iu leein l 'onditlon 10 Total too Icahli. . 10 Dr Van Ness says: "A perfe t bul-y must be good looh ng It uiust show signs of a good ii osltiun It must have a ready smile t must have good hair, and its teeth aust come through fairly early. It uust be well nourished, and that. In leed, is the secret of perfection, foi tniess a baby assimilates its food pro-i fly It can't be expected to vie wit I ther babies that do." Finner Nail Pens. TVTien a Japuwe maiden desires Jo how marked attention to her lover she :ses the shurpeued point of one of her "hV.UUiin ill Itilllll LU UI1U. Creased Clothing. Clothes pa. lied away nre often verj reased To remove the creases hang he artu les on a clothesline In the lathrooin, shut door and window, turn n the hot water tap to (111 tho room vlth steam and leave the clothes for nrrni'iKiIlLi 1. i.... ilm n Hour or two. Allerwiiril lrv In Hip pen ulr If possible. Thirsty Camels. A camel when In want of watei noans continuously. Dentistry. Works written In the second eontun ty Claudius Galen, a physician of an lquity. born In Asia Minor, ooutalu he earllest treatise upon the subject if dentistry. Jonny Llnd Rock. Tho Ohio river claims among a reasures the Jenny I.lnd rock. The fiwrrtt ina ttnocnttn-nr in n oinntnni vhlch struck on a sandbar near the UL'U, UUU Hill? WlUllUb lut lliu UUill IU e floated Miss Llnd had boatmen row icr out to the rock, where she stood Innn unrl anni. MRS. T. ROOSEVELT. Who Is Recovering From In Juries of Two Months Ago Copyright by Schloss. Oyster Hay. N. Y.. Jan. 0. - Mrs. Koosevelt litis been seriously ill. Two months ago she was injured by a fall from her horse while out riding with the colonel. In the midst of political stress Colo nel Roosevelt has been playing tho pnrt of nurse at his wife's bedside for the Inst few days. Dr. G. V. Faller of this town, one of tho physicians In attendance upon Mrs. Hoosevelt, said: "It is true that Mrs. Hoosevelt has been seriously ill. She had a relapse, but is better, and I hope she will be all right In a few days." The Crystal Palace. If the glass panes in London's Crys- j tal palace were placed end to end they would extend to a distance of 242 miles. Carrier Pigeons. Carrier pigeons never take food while traveling. Cordovan Leather. Cordovan Is n Spanish leather, and for centuries the Spaniards have been fa mous tanners. This leather Is from the horse, but now many split leathers masquerade under that name. A Land Pish. A fish that travels overland is well known In China. Sometimes it trav els n mile on Its way from one stream to another. Length of Day and Night. A simple rule by which the length of the day and night nt any time of the year may be ascertained: It Is done by simply doubling the time of the sun's rising, which will give the length of the night, and doubling the time of setting will give the length of the day An Emergency Wrench. If two nuts are run on a bolt so mat the square sides face each other they will serve as a wrench in an emergen cy. Honey Poisoning. Instances of poisoning duo to honey have been observed from the remotr't antiquity. Xenophon relates that h' soldiers suffered from poisoning by honey. Among the symptoms he re fers to vomiting, to pains and de lirium. Clusters of Eyes. In spiders nnd scorpions there an' usually eight or ten eyes in one or more clusters on the back and top of the head. Fighting an Eclipse. At the time of an eclipse the Chi nese villagers deploy into the open with drums and every other Instru ment that will stand pounding nnd make an incessant noise, which is In tended to frighten the earth dragon from eating up the Celestial man In the sun. It Is very Important to frighten the dragon back to his lair, because his quiescence means peace on earth uud prosperity for the Indi vidual. Cattle .In New Zealand. In New Zealand It is not custom ary for stock to bo housed even In winter. Canvas covers are used on horses and cows in cold weather, es pecially nt night. Indians and Canoes. No white mini, uo matter how ex pert, can ever quito equal nn Indlnn in following a trail or in handling a canoe. The Indians seem to possess nn nptltudo in the handling of these frail craft which has come down to them through a long lino of forbears. Geographical Maps. Tho inveutor of geographical maps has never been definitely Identified, but Anaxlrannder of Miletus is gener ally assumed to be thy man. A SUMMER BOOM By M QUAD Coryrlfiht. lni. hy Assoclntcd Lit eral I'rcMi It was Deacon Spooner who started It. Tho doctor sent him off to a sum tner resort for two weeks to get n.i I of fever, nnd when ho came home tie had tho biggest kind of nn Idea In Ins head, lie got down to tho poutollhe i that same evening nnd snld to th crowd: "What wo want to do Is to turn in ' nnd make Digit II ill a summer resort. She's got everything the heart could wish for, and If we don't see lu.OUO people here next summer it will be our own fault. I'm primed with facta and statistics, and I inovo wo call a public meeting for next Tuesday evuu lng." Tho idea met with favor, and Hip meeting wns called, and during the interval the price of butter and eggs wpnt up 30 per cent. Most of the families In town decided on taking boarders, und they decided that $lu per week would bo a fair charge. There was a large turnout nt the meeting, and Deacon Spooner went right to business by calling for order and saying: "The idea is to turn nigh mil Into a summer resort nnd welcome thou sands to her gates. To get n boom under way our motto must be 'l'ro Bono Publico." There must be no hanging out, no examples of individ ual selfishness. I'm one who is will ing to turn my house into a hotel for the summer to accommodate the strangers who will come here, nnd I'll also make the price of board its roasonnblo as possible." "Deacon, about what would be your i price for board?" asked Truelove White from the nudience. "From $10 to S12 a week. 1 guess.' was the reply. "And what would you fodder the people on?" ' "Mostly on meat nnd taters. but of course apple snss and custards would come in pretty frequent." i "Then I move that the price of board 1 be fixed nt $11 per week all round, witb extra for wa.slibowls nnd lookln i glasses." I The deacon put the motion to the meeting, and it was carried, and he then said: j "There will bo hundreds come here i who will want in hnv lnnrl nnrt hnllil I cottages. I've got twenty village lots.J and in order to start the ball rolling I'll put 'em in nt a low value. I hope others will follow my example." What would you call a low value. deacon?" asked Moses Turner as he rose up. "Well, I might say 5400 apiece. I presume they'd bring twice that, but we don't want to rob nnybody." Then came the question of hauling the people to and from the railroad Nothing so discourages a person as to meet with extortion on the start He had thought the matter over, and It wns his idea that the charge should he $2 per capita In each direction. In ! case any one started a livery stable in town and three or four such instltu-1 tlons would be sure to rise up the tlxed rate should not be above $5 an hour J for a horse and buchboard. When he was at a summer resort he had long- od for pumpkin pie, nnd it was not to be had. People who came to High Hill would long. The pumpkin pie would be ready, but there must bo no extor- tion. Every pie. no matter whether . round or square, should bo cut into j four pieces and the price per piece should be 'Jfi cents. There was one thing more, and the deacon proceeded to state it. The people should turn out to welcome every new arrival and make him feel to home, tint for every such turnout j there should he n fixed charge of ".() cents, and the same should be collect- 1 ed with the hoard bill. The meeting adjourned timid great enthusiasm, and . Feveral of the houses were lllutnlnnt ed in honor of the occasion, nnd every body went to bed hnppy. They were still rejoicing next day when a tin peddler came along, lie heard what had happened, nnd then he shook hla bead nnd mournfully replied: "I'm sorry, but you people "will bo disappointed.' "But how?" was asked. "Why. Halifax is offering all that you nre und is going to throw In two mudholes nnd the brickyard for noth ing, nnd the crowd will nil go that way." "Then we've got to have n cave?" Bald one of the boomers. "Everybody coming to a summer resort expects to see n enve and is willing to pay f0 cents to wnnder around In it." "But Halifax has got ono, nnd the admission Is only 10 cents." "But wo can advertise spelling schools every evening in the summer." "They've thought of that over there " "Then we'll have a camp meeting. That'll he a novelty worth a dollar a head to sinners from the city." "nnllfnx Is already ndvertising that very thing." "Look a here," said tho boomer in Ills desperation, "wo can't bo beat We've two pairs of twins to show in this town, und tho prico won't bo over 10 cents." "And Hnllfax is going to show trip lets for a nickel," nnswered tho ped dler as he turned away. Only one summer rcsorter appeared at nigh Hill that 6eason, and be slept In a fence corner and ttlolo apples fot his breakfast AND sue? SURE, YES IT win all because ho didn't rend tlio papers. Every body has hoard of old Hiram Gink, who went to the big city and bought a gold brick. That was twenty years ago, but ho is still tho saino old Hi. His boast then wns that he didn't road the papers, and ho makes the same brag now. IF HE HAD INVESTED $1 A YEAR WITH THE NEAR EST EDITOR IT WOULD HAVE SAVED HIM $200. But he stiid his old dad had never paid out good money for "any of them measly sheets, and, by gum, I won't nuther !"' So ho has been EASY MOXEY FOR THE COX. !MEX. It is the men who do not read tho papers on whom this gentry live. TAKE THE HOME PAPER. si'HSCHim: for the citizen. Ml" mai r Dr. Whitehall's RHEUEHATIG it For 15 ycari a Standard Remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, lumbago, gout, sore muscles, stiff or swollen joints. It quickly relieves the severe pains; reduces the fever, and eliminates the poison from the system. 60 cents a box at druggists. VJrlio for a Freo irlat Bote Dr. Whitehall Msgrlmlno Co. 188 8. Lafayetta 3t. South Dartd, Ind. T Acfhrna f Actlima ? frr7 . " ' AjU,IIia' POPHAM S ASTHMA REMEDY f Vii " l" i 4 anT,aoso'? cur5 ' Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on receipt ot price 51.00. Trial Parkace by mall 10 cents. WILLIAMS MFC. CO..Propi., Cleveland, Ohio van SALE BY C. C. JAJiWIX. H. F. Weaver hi Plans & Estimates Furnished Residence, 1302 EastSt. WHEN YOU NEED get tlio product of our mod. ei-n up-to-tlic-secoml equip, incut mid organization. Oct the printing having a Class, Quality mill Distinctiveness. That's tlio kind we do. You can get it nt Tho Citicn of fice. Wo linvo added hci'crnl scries of new faces of typo to our largo nnd well-equip, ed Job Department nnd nre now in n position to evecuto nil orders with promptness and dispatch. Now is tno timo to order your stationery for next year. Do not wait until your supply is exhausted beforo ordering but DO IT NOW. Citizen Publishing Co. IIOXKSDALE, l'A. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Ofllce: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over O, O. Jadwiu'e drug store Ilonsdale, DlLNr'RBBl nncu "Nl Arch and Guilder 8 f ?0 LEE BRAMAN'S -Kon- Fine Draught Teams and Driving horses. FARM MARES A SPECIALTY. All liorsos sold as represented by n reliable m in. FIRST CLASS LIVERY, Coaches for weddings und funerals. HUS CALLS pruniptly itnswered both 'phones. Farmers always welcome. In order to make room for a ship ment of Western horses, several bar gains are offered for sale at Bra man's Livery. Interested "parties are Invited to call and look them over Allen Mouse Stable. M. LEE BRAMAN. The Ideal pal and accrued income FOR RELIABLE HEATING IPLUMBING CONSULT I :: 12th and Kimble St. COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE FOR "CAPITOL" Boilers and Radiators. 1 "LKAUEIl" Air pressure water systems. "GOULD" Pumps. "STAR" Windmill. Tho above goods represent the best products In the market. Tho use of them coupled with our 2G years' practical experience at the j business insures you a lasting $ Correspondence Solicited. yaa-fa-faa-fa-t.aaaa-faaa.fa'fa-fa-fa-fa-faaaa-fa-ftt-faTt ABSOLUTE Wayne County Savings Bank HONESDALE, PA., THE LEADING INTEREST PAID month on deposits TENTH of the month. S-fiS Wayne OFFICERS : W. I). HOLMES, PRESIDENT. II. S. SALMON', Cashier. HON. A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President. W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS : A. T. SEARLE, T. R. CLARK, J. W. PARLEY, W. D. HOLMES, W. P. SUYDAM, P. P. KIMBLE, W. C. SPRY BEAOIIIiAKE. AUCTIONEER HOLDS SAMJS ANYWIIKIIK IN STATE. t?n:i:r;.t::j::jn:::::n::mtt::::::::::tmti MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HQNESDALE, PA. 1 , munmmttintmtnsttnaunnummnnxi Guardian t: of the estates of your minor chil dren. It has the very best facilities for the p'ofitable and wise invest ment ard re investment of the princi -The Scranton Trust Co. 510 Spruco Street. a n r: a a n a a a - a a a orrasoii HONESDALE, PA. and satisfactory job. Uoth 'Phones. SECURITY. Financial Institution of Wayne County has been designated by the United States Government, Depository Number 2115, for Pos tal Savings Funds and is entitled to receive 58 per cent. of the total POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS to be deposited in the Honesdale Banks. from the FIRST of any made on or before the CounlySavings Bank H. J. CONGER, C. J. SMITH, H. S. SALMON. -- :: u