The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 10, 1912, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Spcial lo Tho Cltlztn.
Hamlin, Pa., Jan. 8.
Mrs. 11. P. Hamlin Is spending tho
ocasuil 111 OUI.IUIUU Us IIIO
est of lmr in rir ti e u nttiltn
Cedar avenue.
Dr. O. J Mullen has returned
y of Philadelphia.
Mrs. Milton Carruth, of Scranton,
spending a few days with her
rents. Mr nml Mrs A T. U'nef
Clalro Simons. Harley Curtis,
Alice Urooks has been enjoying
week's vacation.
Mrs, Docker has so far recovered
nil nor rrpnf nr ntic nnoa nts
able to resume her work In the
linn finirn
Ebcn Drown and sister, Miss
uiivja, ui muge. were en-
. . U1,..n M. (J -
t-r SliTnlnv Tri O.I
LiiiutMi imimrr Minn fon nnrco
Among nonuay visitors in tills
.Kuuuriiuou were ueorge reet,
iiusi vDanrann. bawrnnrn Air.
T i - .
ii4 u n i culu iii i iLii ii a i rs.
Vj-tt.-inn T T- - I
W H Alt's last week.
Rev 0. G. Russell held watch-
'ht mnoHniT It. T .......
w Year's eve
.urs. ii v.. reuon. who nas been
pr nc rrnm nn nttnnir n r 1.1. n(ln
ablo to be out.
lie mav nrespnipn in tin. 1 n n
hall on the evenlncs of Dee. 30
bu aiiu ine receipts gratllying.
e nlnv unc Imld iiTnlnp fli
co ui iuu upwurLii ...eague WHICH
ifrv :i!Qn nirn C hnrl Innnli fhnnn
ti uiLi. i kiii'm ;iiiii .iiiKm I nr.
ne McKeo were quietly married
Tuesday, December 2G. They
I rpsMn In TInu'l
wrence is employed. They havo
oest wisnes or the community.
Is ere lone.
Special to Tho Citizen.
Pleasant Mount, Pa., Jan. 8.
Willis Doming and wife visited
j ux'uuun f" v v.
- vwu. luciiUi 111 kJV.1 auiuii,
id hi I m ;i nv mioni x 4 ir nntrr. in
.1 ' v " . VUI O AU
Ulnnnhft U annof v mtiiinn,l
l ui Lilts u lis l w v s i nop
ii nirw pro
y iJieusuniiy entertained the
lirs 1 1 i no 'roohvtor an n rt ,1 Y,n
4Un,l.nA -1. . 1- . i
LiiuuioL cxiurcu on oaturaay even-
Mr. n nn ATra T V Tlff nn ,l
. j xi n.eiiueay ana iamny in
nr nt .MICC M nnnltn lnnn,l
i no iamuy or lion. J. D. Brennan
i nr Rrmns rncotnor nt thnir
v ;ir. u ; si nirrnn ii i Mn mmd
iniuiiigeiuiy anu entertainingly
his life and experiences at tho
in iiii r : nv vnnn r n an nr iiVinm
may wen ue proud.
A rnmnnni' ntio!c(lno' of
jw uj'vui- bliU
w Years day very happily with
. mm .ma . . j. ,iay: .Mr. ana
ii usiej- iieining una uaugnters,
Cf! anil I.llhn nnil tnn Clinnli..
ss Jessie Jay, Mr. and Mrs. Denj!
kerman Sranton; Mrs. David
'.ii.-a iuiuau uini, wrnun;
T Wll. nv nti.l rnmlli. r?...r r
IfOX and wife: Mr. nnil Mrs TI
Mumford and family. Earl Watts
1 Emma Watts, Pleasant Mount.
Mr and Mrs. J. E. Tiffany enter
nod Mr and Mrs. Samuel Fulkor-
i uuu .uiss twuuei r uiKerson. or
- - -' - ' . . . . ....... T 111. I J
tho wedding of Mrs. J. J. Fulker-
w . ... . .V. u , J, 1 ILtlUJ .
y sue 'no 10 see manv mnrn ns
uii3 HD llllB.
Wprk at tho high school was re-
lT society, oonnerted with the
wwi vav ten UUH'Ulfl il iujjaws;
KS III! Ilor nrncitflont Tlm-nM
ilderstein ice-president; Jennie
os O Hara Marshall, Margaret
Cabo Faustin D'VoIll nn.i ntnr.
rot O'Neill, executive committee,
social will be held in tho hleh
William Barnes, a highly respect
eltlzon of this township, died after
lingering Illness, on Monday.
nerui was noia on Wednesday. In-
iiiciiL jii i iniinr rnmntemxr
no I,'. """u"""
R W Mills Is building a now
cnen to nis nouse. n. F. Mum-
Special to Tne Cirlzen.
Dreher, Pa., Jan. 8.
Writo It 1912 Is tho order now.
Wo wore fortunate In having
ough snow for Christmas and now
JJllU how cur, uiuugu uui uuuugu
Hathor a mild wlntor to date, but
plenty of juolsturo. Ponds, brooks
and lakes aro well filled with water
and ico doalors aro growing anxious
about tho ico harvest.
Charles Carr, of Oswego, N. Y Is
spending a forced vacation at tho
resldenco of his slstor-In-law, Miss
Ella Nevin. Sometlmo ago Mr. Carr,
while at work at his placo of busi
ness in Oswego, fell somo distance
from a lumber dock, landing on his
back on somo -Iron, breaking ono of
his ribs looso from the back bono, a
very painful and rather serious In
Jury. Ho lias recovered sufficiently
to bo ablo to visit with relatives and
friends in Dreher and Sterling. His
wife, Mrs. Annie Carr, a sister of
Miss N'evln, Is with her other sister,
Mrs. Diak Gilpin, of Sterling. Mrs.
Carr has been in a sanitarium for
somo time and is not enjoying good
health. Two of their children,
Dennlo and Carl, are at tho Gilpin
home and the other two. Alberta and
Albert (twins) aro with Miss Novln.
J. H. Green nas sold ono of his
portablo saw mills, that is now lo
cated on a lumber tract In Pike
county, to Otis Smith of Dreher. It
will be moved to a tract of lumber
on lands of Ulysses Martin, recently
purchased by H. H. Robacker of
Sterling. Mr. Smith has another
saw mill In operation In Greenetown,
Piko county.
Mrs. Eber Akers has returned to
her home In Scranton after spend
ing a ten days' vacation in this lo
cality. A. E. Hause, South Bethlehem, is
spending his holiday vacation in
Leo Graser, son of C. W. Graser,
is in tho employ of the North Jersey
Ice plant at Gouldsboro, helping take
care of somo twenty-five horses.
A horse belonging to F. E. Bo
backer got away from him on tho
evening of January 1 and for a time
no ono could tell what became of It.
A call over the telephone notified Mr.
Robacker that tho animal was at the
residence of George Zelgler In Sterl
ing. It had only a bridle on and
was not injured In any way, but had
made a four-mile run in a very short
Rev. A. Rv Reichert is holding a
revival meeting at the Union church.
The out and incoming office-holders
aro 'being adjusted, we trust
amicably, and no doubt under tho
new order of things, we may expect
something to happen. fc
Sceclal to The Citizen.
Paupack, Pa., Jan. 8.
Tho Farmers' Institute -which was
held Monday and Tuesday was at
tended largely.
Miss Frances Klllam returned to
school after spending the holidays
with her parents.
Mrs. Isaac Ludwig and daughter,
Ruth, are visiting Ell Trivelpieco and
Miss Louise Vetterleln returned
Monday to Bloomsburg where she
Is going to school.
Mabel Pellett and Alma Vetterleln
also spent Xinas with their parents.
Miss Ruth Gumble, of New York,
spent some time at this place.
Mrs. N G. Kimble is on the sick
Mrs. A. Bennett is visiting her son
and daughter of New York.
Miss Annio Gumble returned to
Mllford on Wednesday of last week.
Harry Singer is employed at Glen
Christmas proved to bo too much
for somo of the people around here.
White school started Tuesday,
January 2, after a week vacation.
Edwin Gumble and Henry Fowler
are employed by Mr. Peck.
Miss Mabel Singer, Scranton,
spent Xmas with parents and friends
at Gumblos.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Phillips and
Mrs. Clark, of Hawley, attended tho
Farmers' Institute Tuesday afternoon
and evening.
Conrad Gumble, Jr., Is having his
liouso fitted with steam heat.
F. Gilpin, wifo and children spent
Xmas with C. E. Williams and fam
Special to The Cltlen.)
Indian Orchard, Pa., Jan. 8.
On Wednesday evening, tho 10th,
Indian Orchard Grango, No. 1020,
will Install tho following officers:
Master, Halsey Wells; overseer, W.
P. Downing; lecturer, E. E. Bun
nell; steward, Joseph G. Schmidt;
assistant stoward, Joseph Bucking
ham; chaplain, Mrs. II. H. Bunnell;
trensuror, Mrs. Charles Wagner;
1 secretary, Samuel Saunders; gate
keeper, Charles Wagner; pomona,
Stella Buckingham; flora, Mrs. W. H.
Dunn; ceres, Mrs. H. Wells, L. A.
Rev. Win. Seymour, pastor of the
Beachlako M. E. church, and wife,
were pleasantly entertained recently
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Richard Ham and nophew. Earl C.
Ham, aro hauling tho lumber from
tho W. H. Hall lot to Hollenbeck's
Mrs. 0. W. Taylor Is staying With
Irma t-u d Nottlo Ham at tho Red
Rock farm.
Jacob Swltzor and wifo spont Now
Yenr's day with friends at noadloys.
Elizaboth Swltzer, who has been
visiting her parents, lias returned
to her homo at Hawley.
Kathryn Gray was a visitor at
Honesdalo on Tuesday last.
Kathryn Wagner Is spending her
vacation with hor paronts hero.
Cora Weeks and Mabol Wagner,
who havo been visiting Carbondalo
friends, havo returned home.
Tho Ladles' Guild hold at Mrs.
Wagner's on Thursday last, was well
attended. This society wilt hold an
entertainment and bazaar on Thurs
day, tho 18th Inst. A good tlmo Is
Laura Ham of Scranton, spont tho
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Ham.
.1. I. Honahaw, a student at La
fayetto College, spent his vacation
with his parents at tho Twin Ash
W. C. Spry, of tho Old "Rock farm,
nindo a business trip to Laurolla last
ISlieciai to Tno Cltlzrn.J
East Beach Lake, Pa., Jan. S.
Mrs. Mlnnio Rhinlng la still suffer
ing with la grippe.
J. W. Van Wert Is suffering with
sciatic rheumatism. Dr. Plersall of
Narrowsburg, Is tho attending physi
cian. Tho L. A. S. will meet next Wed
nesday, Jan. 10, with Mrs. Jako HI1
ler. Tom Olver met with quite a seri
ous accident last week on ono of
those windy days. Ho was climbing
a ladder and ho felt It falling and
Jumped, thinking to help himself, and
struck the ifrozen ground with great
force. Dr. Gavitto was called. His
leg was broken abovo tho ankle and
the other badly sprained. The three
story addition to his houso is pro
gressing quite rapidly with Messrs.
J. Lozo, G. C. Olver and C. Bayly on
tho Job.
Grant Olver and Norman Day, who
have been spending their Christmas
vacation, will soon return to their
Fred Frey spent the holidays in
New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hall and son
of Brooklyn, who are spending somo
tlmo at Tuscarora cottage, spent Sun
day at Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Downing of
Lanesboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Will
DIrlam, Honesdale, spent Christmas
at W. P. Downing's.
Philip Knoll is not in very good
Special to Tho Citizen.
Tyler Hill, Pa., Jan. 8.
Tho holidays are over and there Is
an appreciable decrease in our popu
lation. Edward P. Griffith was a caller at
tho county seat last week.
Hon. C. Clark Jackson mado a trip
to Honesdale last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Holbert Monlngton,
Cold Springs, were visiting Ws broth
er, Charles Monlngton, of this placo
Rev. R. D. MInch preached at
Laokawaxen Sunday evening.
Frand Welsh severely Injured his
hand whlie engaged In hauling acid
wood tho other day.
C. D. Fortnam spent the week
end with friends in Wllkes-Barro.
Wo wonder If the Wilson boom
being Instigated by that sheet
known as tho Wayne County Herald
is obtaining serious foothold in
Wayne county. With T. R. as our
chief standard-bearer, Mr. Woodrow
Wilson would stand little show even
If he were nominated.
Miss Brown, teacher of the Tyler
Hill school, returned from Wolden,
N. Y., where she has spent her va
cation, on Monday afternoon, and
resumed school Tuesday.
Will somo ono kindly mention the
name of W. Morgan Shuster for the
presidency? Ho might run on a
stand-pat platform.
Former Sheriff Artemus Branning,
of Ashland, was in town recently,
circulating a petition to bo appoint
ed supervisor to take the placo of
Willis Tyler, removed. Wo hear
there aro other seekers after the Job
THE public schoolteacher
that does not read tho jm
pers fails in an important
particular to fit himself or herself
to instruct tho young.
Not only should teachers read
tho papers, but pupils should be
caused to 'do so. In tho caso of
tho children littlo persuasion is
needed. They aro so eagor to
learn that thoy read every papor
they get their hands on.
EVENTS. Tho pupils aro re
quired to tell or writo tho chief
happenings of tho day. It is an
invaluable training.
EVERY teacher should TAKE
this papor
but tho first ono out Will surely hnvo
tho bost chnnco of gottlng tho odlco.
Hon. Homer Qrcono doesn't scorn
to havo many enemies as ovoryouo
wants to sco him In Cdngross noxt
(Special to The Cltlzon.
Lakovlllo, Pa., Jan. 8.
Lincoln, tho youngest son of J. N.
Stephens, was sorlously Injured last
weok In tho lumber woods by a treo
which struck him on tho head nnd
rendered him unconscious. Dr. Whlto
of Ariel was hastily summoned and
tho boy is doing as wall ns can bo ex
pected. G. L. James and wifo cntertalnci
their 'family on Xmas day.
C. H. Pennell will tako up his posi
tion at Washlngtonvlllo, N. J. Miss
Wegglo, of Hawley, will llnlsh his
term of school.
Wo are glad to know Miss Sophia
Schrader is much Improved by hor
operation and Is able to bo homo at
Mrs. Augusta Koyes and daughter
lEmelyno, Hawley, recently visited
Mrs. A. Goble.
Anthony Kostlgo, Scranton, Is
spending tho holiday season with his
paronts here.
Mrs. A. Goble and Mrs. L. James,
Mrs. D. Smith, Sr., and daughter
Laura, were entertained by Dr. A.
Smith and wife at Ledgedalo on Sun
day last.
Arthur Ammorman, of Plttston, Is
visiting his sister, Mrs. Peter Dan
iels, hero.
Mrs. Hattle Williams, of Whlto
Mills, passed Xmas with her parents,
E. H. .alpha and wife.
J. Bishop and wifo entertained
Mr. and Mrs. A. De Groato, Mrs. C.
Rauslimeir, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Bishop, Jr., Honesdale, over Christ
mas. The proceeds from tho oyster sup
per held in the P. O. S. of A. hall on
December 23d were $12.
M. Welsh has put now windows In
his residence which much improves
tho appearance.
The Now Year's dance held In the
hall on January 1 was largely attend
ed. Alex Goldsmith Is with his grand
parents, L. James and wife for a few
Miss Fannie Spangenberg Is In
New York city visiting for a time.
Widow of Famoui Confederate General
Favors Loit Cause Pensions.
Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, widow of
the famous Confederate chieftain, af
fixed her signature to a petition ask
ing that an amendment be adopted to
tho Sherwood "dollar a day" pension
bill providing for pensions for Confed
erate veterans. Tho petition was
drawn by members of Mecklenburg
Camp of Veterans and the Daughters
of the Confederacy nnd Is being signed
by scores of prominent citizens. It
will bo sent to Congressman E. Y.
Webb of tho Ninth North Cnrollna dis
trict, who will probnbly place it in the
hands of tho North Carolina senators.
'iho petition recites that the Confed
erates "fought for a principle which
they believed to be right and since tho
war havo patiently and cheerfully con
tributed to pension tho federal soldiers,
and they respectfully submit that as
they help to pay this general pension
they should participate in its benefits."
Juror Overcomo Whenever Word Is
Spoken In His Presence.
Setting forth that the word "blood"'
or anything pertaining to it causes him
to faint nnd so upsets him that ho Is
unable to sleep or transact business.
Edward F Kellogg, a contractor, ask
ed Judge Swann In the New York
court of general sessions to excuso
him as a Juror and to strike his name
from tho panel.
Judge Swann said Kellogg's excuso
was a most extraordinary one, but in
nsmuch ns Kellogg put his application
in an nllldnvlt and he was supported
by his attorney In another nllldnvlt he
would do ns desired and see that the
contractor was called iu no more crim
inal cases.
Kellogg says he has a constitutional
aversion to any reference to the word
or the shedding of human blood.
While Judge Swann was clinri;ln.' a
Jury he used the word. Kellogg
promptly fainted.
r Dr. Whitehall's
For 15 years a Standard Remedy for
all forms of Rheumatism, lumbago,
gout, sore muscles, stiff or swollen
joints. It quickly relieves the severe
pains; rtducei the fever, and eliminates
ths polton from the system. 60 cents
a box at druggists.
Wrlio for a Free trial Bom
Dr. Whltohall Magrlmlno Co.
ICS 8. Lafayotte St. South Dand, Ind.
The Harrlsburg Patriot Is tho only
newspaper In Central Pennsylvania
that Is uncontrolled In politics by
party alliances or political advertis
ing. It Is a clean, bright, Independ
ent nnd newsy papor, carrying the
Associated Press roports and special
features which aro unmatched by any
paper In tho territory which It
reaches. It Is Issued evory weok day
In tho year and Is tho papor for tho
hmo. Tho Pntrlot Is tho only dally
nowspapor published nt Harrlsburg
which reaches Us mall and rural free
dollverey subscribers on tho same day
It Is Issued. 104 3t
Government le Going to Perpetuate
Him am a National Institution.
The busy, dnm building beavers of
the Yellowstone National park havo
proved so attractive to visitors there
that the irorernmont, desirous of mak
ing tho natlonnl parka as much as pos
sible tho "playgrounds of tho people,"
has about decided to place colonics of
beavers In other parks.
"Tho beaver de-icrves a placo lu the
history of tho country," ald an Inte
rior department official, "for ho was n
potent factor In tbs exploration of tho
Rocky mountain region, tho oarly trap
pers usually being In search of beuvcrs
when they penetrated and explored tho
fastness of tho mountains. The beaver
formerly abounded throughout north
ern Amerlcn, but Is now found only In
thinly settled regions and In parks
where thoy nre protected."
Tho Pope Again Sets It Apart as a
Holy Day.
As a result of n decree of the pope
issued in July In reference to holy
days St. Pntrick's day was struck off
the list of obligatory holy days on
which Cntholics aro called upon to
hour mass and abstain from unnecoi
snry work. On the request of the Irlih
Catholic hierarchy, however, the holy
see has just Issued another decree,
which Is most important to Irish poo
pie throughout the world.
According to this, tho feast of St.
Patrick will continue to bo n holy day,
without, however, being subject to the
aw of fastlnz or abstinence.
When you feel
vous, tired, worried or dtspondent it is a
sure sign you need MOTT'S NERVERINE
PILLS. They renew the normal vigor and
make life worth living. Bo suro aud ask for
Mott's Nerverine Pills
WILLIAMS MFC. CO.. Prop., Clavoland. Ohio
Arcliitect and Builder
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
1 get tho product of our mod
ern up-to-the-second equip
ment nnd organization. Get
tho printing having a Class,
Quality and Distinctiveness.
That's tho kind wo do. You
enn cet it at Tho Citizen of
fice. AVo havo added several
series of new faces of typo
to our largo nnd well-equip-ed
Job Department nnd nro
now in a position to execute
nil orders with promptness
nnd dispatch.
Now is tno time to order
your stationery for net year.
do not wait until your supply
is exhausted beforo ordering
but DO IT NOW.
Citizen Publishing Co.
Beg leave to wish their many patrons a
Happy and Prosperous New Year and sug
gest to them that they may help their friends
to have the same by buying some of their
pedal Sale
In Lonp: Pony, Near nnd Hudson S al Coats, (iouuino
Fox, Mink, and Wolf MuIIIims with Collars and Kinkpit'ti'S
to match.
Wo will close out a few
lample Ladies'
at remarkably low prices.
Long, Warm and Dressy Goats
For Ladies and Misses.
Separate Silk Waists and Wash Tailored ditto.
During January MENNER & CO., will hold
their Annual Closing Out, Made-up Goods, Sale
at Greatly Cut Prices.
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works jj
1036 MAIN ST.
Roll of
AtterMon is called to tne STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL Or
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $527,342.88
Total ASSETS, $2,951,048.26
Honesdale. re. December 1, 1910.
TrtADE Marks
Copyrights &c.
AnTone sending n sketch nnd decrlntlnn mny
qulcklf ascertain our opinion free whether au
Invention Is prohabir piuenlahlo. Commnnlcn.
lions utrlctlycoTUIJciitlal. HANDBOOK on Patents
lent free. Oldest acencr tor eccurin? patents.
I'atents taken tnroueh Munu & Co. receive
tpeeul notice, without charge, lu tho
Scientific Jfmeiican.
A tmndsomolr llln.tmted wpeklr. Tjirzest dr.
cnlalluti if any rrlenUUR Journal. Term., I I a
year: four months, (1. BoMbyull newsdealer..
MUNN & Go.36,Brodwa-New Ycrfc
llruuch unice. CJi F St.. Washington. 1. C.
Sample Furs
Tailored Suits