THE CITIZEN1, FJRIDA1', DEO. 20, 1011. PAGE 8 APVEB A v 7T v FOll SALE. weighing about twelve hundred. SPRINGFIELD RIFLE AND A box of shells only ?4 at Erk Bros. 90oltf. street, a lot suitable for factory no: unon n. nornon or iol is a uuuu 1 T- A. .111 t,A 11 nltn I1TV Will I IM HIIIII HHIIil I ilLHl V Mill IV . . i i 1 ... motr. MISCELLANEOUS. h:y h'mi.NJi m at. ahuut twu inches long. Numbers "43" on t filMnti nfflcn. and sleighs don't forget E. T. ;niiiirv i.n hhihi:l num. iuli wirvn r i hiiii iiijif i.n i j i ii j silver by Soraracr, Jowelor and mn rent six nnnws and bath, on first floor, 1019 Court LOCAL NEWS NOTICE! to sunscmuEiis. "Dec. 11" on tho label of your im- iiit'N if ((, Mil ill;,' iiri I : .,jiii. .vnl...... .Ini.i.n..., IfHO Wo hnvo sent expiration notices to iur suuscriucrs mm u you navo re vival, imiivsilii luumwtl, I1U uinuur uiui your sunscriniion nceus A dance will take place at the ew fa.TR street 'Armorv h'r rlnv. llpn. 9. Admission, 50 cents. Ladles rpp. Are you looking for something? ilance vour ontlcs nn rhn RApnnri : i'H in i nn i .iiiTnn ir wi rn o iiiihv H tvnr inr vyiii. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Madden of LU 11 . ICLtllVtlll iL liIIIIN II IH II I I'S- i iuui, " ill uj . J uj lUiUICl 1U lilt? Two good games of basket "ball rn nssurnn nx rnn ir in ir nn m nnn v ftflrnnnn nnrl flVflnlnrf avJioti tha 3nc- uehanna Giants and the Rink Pivo The American Knitting Mill iuocu uuivu xiu r ijuaj mat, llr LWU t:v ub. ma uumyuuy uus oujuyeu a Sigmund Katz attended the tnns-Miinrnnnn WAflriincr in Sornntnn AUMUlUbW UUU tl UO J O 1 I VJ i U1CU n Hotel Casey, Scranton, by Rev. A. Anspacher, of the Madison Avenue euiuie. Michael Moran succeeds James nrirow ThnmnHnn. ATr Hnhlnonn ms ueen a suuerer irom rneumausm i h mi i f 1 1 iiri i ii i' nun n i f i nor. iirin ms rumps. The mud is so deen on the heir shoes to nrevent losinir thorn. in a vnnnc in n v nnfnrriinnfolv p-nr Mr. and Mrs. I. A. White and urn enne Ifnnnntli T.onnv nnrl Qomnol nllftV. nn Hinsr KYtonn nn atrnat nn miiiiim vi ii ih nnrflnro rnr rnn nni days. S. A. McMullen, Jr.. has been limn unnw 'no nor rnrinn una ounaeu, January 1, iuuu. it has de lared its first dividend amounting ih iiiii ii NKiiiiiinii uuiiv. The Sunday school scholars of ho PrAshvtnrinti rhumb liplrl n. hfi fihpnal on TiiAsdnv fivoninir. ;andy was afterwards distributed to iih Till ill ih ni inn Hf'iiuiii. The perennial drawing power of "niist m,1 UAmAdUnrl" let Inrl onuf- hln nnrl Ha Inni riippprh nnrl rnn- inuous nonularltv are due in no nconslderable measure to the fact nat u is a periect transcript 01 na ure; holding the mirror up to na uro as do few other nlavs of mod- rn LiniRS. it. wnn norn nnrfln n cnnii day twenty years aco. as far back io ioou, wiiua it xiuu im uiiuui pur- ormnncfl nr. tho Hnnrnn Thontrn nnrl on. Year after year since then it Ilia rBUtJilLtJtl LllilL HUI!I:Rnn. HUT IT fl IIH VHU 1111 IJ1UVHU W1L11 liITTIf I11VU UtJtlll U111111I1U.LKI1 II II I 1 1 ii nw nero is mure nuLurui wit ana numnr n the dialoirue and mnrn frannlnn uuuimn ui iiuiuua uiiu HHiiLirnnnr nuu uvur uuiuiu. in joanua wnit- .1 A ... i i itnlstrkrvi a a napfant raniiiDnntn(liv n ho hftfir. find brnndnat tvn nf nn- nanity, a prosperous, warm-hearted, leaco-lovlng, God-fearing Yankee urmer, 11 wni ue euen ul me rn rPhnnailnv aVAnlna rliui hould witness." ' " " Chicken-pox soems to be quite prevalent among tho young folks. Emerson W. Oammell has been elected a director In tho Wayne County Savings Bank. Zero weather is being enjoyed (?) in Colorado. The mercury reg istered 8 below on Wednesday. iHonesdalo's glass putting estab lishment are closed down for the usual holiday vacation. Tho wheels will revolve again January 2. "Myths, Mysteries and Mem ories of Merry Christmas," written by Frank P. Woodward, of this place, will be found on the third page of to-day's Citizen. Read It. Postmaster Dreber, of Strouds burg, took the part of Santa Claus for the children of that place on Christmas. He gave each boy and girl a box of candy that called at the postoflice between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock Christmas Day. Industrial Agent Ira H. Shoe maker, of the Delaware & Hudson system, with headquarters in Al bany, and Q. E. Bates, division freight and passenger agent of Scranton, were business callers in Honesdale on 'Wednesday. Charles Riley appeared be fore Justice of tho Peace R. A. Smith charged with obtaining money on false pretense from Patrick Mc Nally. Sentence was suspended for a week and Riley is held under bail of 5400 which was furnished by M. J. Hanlan and F. 'H. Crago. Two prominent business men of Honesdale, one of whom has been in business here for a long time, stated to tho writer that Saturday, Dec. 23, was the best business day he ever saw in this town. He stated that there were more people on the street and that they had more money to spend than usual even at Christmas time. At the last regular monthly meeting of the Business Men's as sociation the matter of Wednesday half holiday was discussed. In Car bondale and other places the mer chants' mldmeek 'half-holiday is ob served. The matter is being agitated by the Business Men's association of this place. It Is requested that every merchant and business man will give it a boost. The Christmas exercises of the Sunday school of the First Baptist church took place Tuesday evening' in the chapel, and were largely at tended. About twenty-five children took part in the services. Candy and oranges were given to the little folks, the oranges, a whole box of them, being a treat from some un known donor. The collection on Christmas Day at the First Baptist church amounted to ?40. E. C. Van Home, of Park street, who for the past eight years has been the local agent for the In ternational Harvesting company, has been transfered to Binghamton. ,He has been made manager of the BInghamion district which Includes Broome county, N. Y., Susquehanna and part of northern Wayne. H. R. Garrison, of Canisteo, N. Y., will succeed Mr. Van Horne In this dis trict. 'Squire Robert A. Smith heard argument Wednesday afternoon In tho case of the (Texas township i su pervisors against Contractor Ctias. C. Brown, Mayor ChaSi A. McCarty appearing for the prosecutors, and Attorney w. H. Lee representing the defendant. Brown is charged with stopping and filling up a ditch in the road in front of his property on Cliff street. The Justice reserved his decision. Francis Maloney was arrested on Thursday last by Detective 'N. B. Spencer. A warrant was Issued last May prefered against him by his wife, Bertha Cook Maloney, who is now in a sanitarium. "Maloney was charged with deserting his wife and year-old-son since October 10, 1910. He was taken before 'Robert A. Smith, Justice of the Peace, and af ter a hearing the 'Squire held Ma laney In 'ball of $200, and In default of same was committed to Jail. L. B. Schaffer, of Dunmore, a supervisor for the Erie Railroad com pany, has been awarded the first prize of ?200 for keeping his section of the road in better shape during the last year than any other on this division. His section extends from Nay Aug to PIttston and Includes the Jessup and Scranton branches. A prize of ?50 for the greatest im provement was divided among C. E. Barllght. Bertram Buckingham and George Emery, all of Elmhurst, A pretty wedding was solemn ized at the Lutheran parsonage on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock, when Miss Katie D. Drummer of Long Island was united In matri mony with Horace W. Cruse of Haw ley. Mr. Cruse is a glass cutter and Is employed by the Keystone Cut Glass Co. at 'Hawley where he Is well known. The couple was' at tended by the bride's mother and Mrs. Selberg of Hawley. The young couple will go to housekeeping in Hawley. Sheriff und'Mrs. M. Lee Braman left Wednesday for Philadelphia ac companied by Ella Simpson, the Or son domestic, who was sentenced to spend not less than two nor more than ten years In the Eastern Peni tentiary for the crime of burglary. Master William Burger, the youth ful offender, who pleaded guilty to stealing a shot gun from Graham Watts' store, was in the party, too. He will spend New Year's, perhaps several of them, at Glen Mills, Dela ware county. PERSONAL Milton 'Russell Is passing the holi days at his homo here. Miss Nellie Murtha of "vVilkes-Bar-ro, Is visiting friends In town. Daniel Petersen of Lehigh Univer sity. Is home for the holidays. Miss Annie Rellly 'has "returned from a visit to the metropolis. William Hall, of Wllkes-Barre, spent Christmas In tho Maple City. George Harris, Philadelphia, Is a guest of his parents on River street. Mrs. George Ort and son James, are visiting her mother at Strouds burg. Miss Minnie Bayley of Willow Ave nue is visiting rolatlyesjn. Wilkes-Bar're". Mr. and John T. Fuller returned on Thursday from a fow days in Now York. Fred Glehrer, tatlon agent at' Hoadleys, spent Sunday with his parents hero. Mrs. May Weaver, Scranton, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Weaver of East street. Editor Wafg of tho Hawley Times, made Tho Citizen ofllce a pleasant call last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Fritz spent Christmas with their daughter In Centervllle, N. Y. Wm. Dalles, Elmlra, N. Y., Is spending the week with Honesdale friends and relatives. Miss Mary Murtha of the I. C. S., Scranton, spent Christmas at her home on Erie street. Albert Krantz of the University of Pennsylvania, is passing his vacation with his parents here. Nelson Lambert of the Holbrook School at Osslnlng, N. Y., is homo for the Xmas vacation. Dr. Lldstone and wife spent the Xmas holiday with the Iatter'a par ents at Bloomsburg, Pa. Harold Van Keuren and wife of Bethlehem, spent Christmas with his parents on Court street. Mrs. Chas. E. Houck and two children, of Hawley, are spending tho week with Mrs. Leon Ross. Miss May Kelly of Hanklns, N. Y., Is making an extended visit with her aunt, Mrs. George P. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Jersey City, 'N. J., spent Christmas with relatives in Honesdale. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carroll, of Carbondale, were the guests of rela tives In town over Christmas. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Brown, Car bondale, arrived Christmas for a visit with Honesdale relatives. Walter Weaver, of Philadelphia, spend Sunday and Christmas with his mother on East Extension street. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Schoonover of Scranton, spent Christmas with tho former's parents on Court street. Mrs. A. T. Searlo returned Thurs day from an extended visit with New York City and Montclair friends. Frank and Fred Demer of Hall stead were guests this week at the home of their brother, Jacob Demer. Austin Lyons, Reuben Brown and Leon iHagarman of the University of Michigan, are 'home for the holidays. Isabel Harroun, a teacher In the public schools of Philadelphia, is spending the holidays with relatves here. Mr. and Mrs. William Heft and son William of Deposit, came to eat Christmas dinner with their parents here. ' William and Frank Donnelly of Philadelphia, are spending the holi days with their parents on .Erie street. Louis Menner, a printer of New York City, returned Wednesday after spending a few days in town with relatives. George B. Perham and wife and son Wayne, of Clinton, spent Christ mas with friends and relatives in Honesdale. Roy Griffiths and wife of Way mart, spent Christmas with the former's sister, Mrs. James Miller of East street. Misses Elizabeth and Emma Hess were recent visitors at the home of their sister, Mrs. Herman Meyers of Main street. Thomas Gallagher and wife, Pitts ton, spent Sunday and Xmas -at the- home of the formers mother' on Spring street. Mr. and Mrs. Oran Mills, of 'Port Jervls, spent Christmas with the former's mother, Mrs. Frank Mills of Delaware street. Mss Anna Reed returned to Bing hamton on Tuesday after spending Christmas with her father on East Extension street. Charles T. McKenna and Harold C. Yerkes, traveling salesmen for Kelly & Stelnman, are spending the holi days In Honesdale. George Lancaster, manufacturer of South Sterling, Is ill at Dr. Hannlck's sanitarium, this city. Scranton Tribune-Republican. Mrs. George List of West street, is entertaining her sons, John of Jean ette. Pa., and Fred of Binghamton, N. Y., over the liolidays. George O. Foster and wife of Clark's Summit, spent Christmas with the former's grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Osborne, of Court stret.-. William and Edward, of Hallstead, spent tho Christmasrholl days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bergman of Tryon street. C. W. Voigt, until Saturday mana ger at the Roller Rink, has resigned his position here and has accepted a similar position with 'tho rink at Towanda. Miss Estella Wicks, Miss Sarah Drlscoll and Mrs. John Buerketl, all of Scranton, are guests at tho home of Mr, and Mrs. John Loorcher, on Church street. Miss Grace A. Cory, of New York city, arrived Saturday evening to spend tho Xmas holidays with ther parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, Frank Cory of Court street. Howard Bentley returned from New York on Tuesday, where ho spent Christmas at the homo of his sister, Mrs. Lorlng R. Gale, of River-dale-on-the-Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. James Shanley and William Shanley, all of Chicago, are being entertained at tho homo of their father, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shanley on Church street. Edmund Flnerty, of Willlamsport, spent Christmas at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Flnerty. Miss Agnes Carr Is spending the week with New York relatives. W. W. Starbuck and sister, Miss Sadie Starbuck, of Jersey City Weights, spent the holidays in Honesdale. Tho former returned on Wednesday, but the latter will re main until New Year's. Lloyd C. Rosencrans, of Towanda, who underwent an operation for ap pendicitis at the Sayre Hospital about two weeks ago, Is getting along very nicely and hopes to bo able to make his parents here a visit soon. Elmer Taylor, assistant Instructor of chemistry at Lafayette College, Easton, arrived here on Friday last on his way to his homo at Cold Springs, where he will spend a two weeks' vacation. Mr. Taylor Is an other ono of our local High school men who is "making good," having graduated In 1905. He immediate ly went to Lafayette and graduated Jn 1910, and was retained in 1911 as a member of the faculty. Robert Pitman, of Tioga county, spent a few days In Honesdale, re cently. Fred Hlller of 'Reading, ipassed Xmas with his parents on Church street. Miss Ida Stelnman, of Deposit, N. Y., spent a few days in Honesdale, recently. Ray Thayer is sppndlng the week with his sister, Mrs. Conrad, of Scranton. Wm. and John Reagan of Hall stead are spending the holidays in this placo. Wlllard Penwarden, of Toronto, Canada, Is spending the holidays with his family. Mrs. W. B. Holmes returned from Brookllnc, Mass., Saturday where she had gone to spend the holidays, be- lng called here on account of the ac cident which befell Mr. Holmes. I Miss Etta G. Fuerth is in Wllkes Barre. i Frank Rosencrans of Brooklyn, N. ' Y., spent Christmas in town. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters spent Christmas with Scranton relatives. Horace Lyons of Olyphant, spent , Christmas with his parents on Park . street. I Coo Lemenltzer Is spending the ' week with his parents on West street. Mrs. L. Palmer of Delaware street, I Is visiting her daughter in Port ! Jervls. W. K. Suydam, Sr., of Paterson, N. J., is spending the holidays in Honesdale. Austin Lyons and Leo Osborno of Chattanooga, Tenn., are spending a few days In town. Mrs. Alex. Messenger, of Carbon dale, visited friends In town the lat ter part of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, of High street, are spending a week with Scranton relatives. Miss Clara Eck returned to Now 'York on Thursday morning after spending Christmas with her par ents hero. iMisses Elizabeth Schuerholz ah,d Kathryn Deltzer are spending a week in New York city. Before returning they will visit relatives in Nutley, N. J. Mrs. Mary Donnelly, of Erie street, 'is spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. John Gaffney at Port Richmond and will spend some time with her son, John Donnelly, who Is employed In New York city. 'Mr. and Mrs. Edson Kreitner, of Scranton, spent Xmas with the form er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kreit ner of West street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oehlert spent Christmas with the latter's parents at Bloomsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Evans of Fifteenth street, went to Wllkes-Barre on Saturday for several days' Visit with relatives. Angus M. Lawyer, New York city, spent Xmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawyer, of Thirteenth street. 'Mrs. Richard Hartnet is spending some time with her parents on Ridge street. ( Walter Campbell of Scranton spent .Christmas at his Ihome here, j Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Kelleher and daughter, of Towanda, spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Roegnor and family. Miss Florence 'Relfler of Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa., is spend ng the week with her mother on lorth Main street. 'Miss Anna Corbett, of Seelyvllle, Is spending a few days with her broth er at Avoca, Pa. George Harris, of Philadelphia, is spending a fow days In town. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Reury of Easton Is spending some time with the form er's parents on Spring street. Roy Smith, Scranton, spent Xmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith of West street. Mrs. Bessie Wooden and daughter, Pearl, of Rochester, N. Y., arrived Sunaay to make an extended visit with friends and relatives here. Florence Bunnell spent Sunday with carbondale friends. Grace Rottew of Carbondale, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rettew of Main street. Charles Hilton spent Sunday with friends at Keene's Lake. Miss Tillie Harder, Corning, N. Y., spent Christmas with her family at Cherry Ridge. George Rettew, of Newark, N. J., spent Xmas with Honesdale relatives. Bernard Rehbein, of Philadelphia, spent Xmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Rehbein, of East street. Mrs. Robert J. Horton, who has been spending the past month In Philadelphia, returned to her home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Starnes and children of Carbondale, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Noyes on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Starnes of Bethany, spent Christmas day with Honesdale relatives. Eugeno Barnes, of Philadelphia, visited 'his mother, Mrs. Peter Barnes of Court street this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van Keuren of Pittsburg, spent Christmas .with his parents on Court street. Miss Mabel Dexter Is spending her vacation with her parents on High street. 'Rov. E. H. Burke spent Sunday at his home in Carbondale. Rev. T. M. -Hanloy, 'Who has been in Scranton for several weeks, re turned on Friday much improved in health. Rev. Father Dunn, who has been hero during Father Hanloy's absence, returned last Saturday. Miss Sadie Spettigue was a guest of Carbondale relatives and friends over Christmas. Cashier and Mrs. C. A. Emory spent Christmas in Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mathey of Boston, Mass., and William Mathey of Scranton, spent Christmas with their mother on RIdgo street. Andrew A. Coyle, engineer, who Is employed at the Gurney Eloctrio Elevator Works, spent the Christmas vacation with his family In New York City. CASTOR I A For Infants ana Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Mr. and Mrs. George G. Johns, of New York City, were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Chambers, over Christmas. Sloan Truscott, who Is employed at Ithaca, 'N. Y., Is' spending the week with his brothers here. Miss Ruth Lord spent Christmas with her sister In Port Jervls. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Rogers, of New York City, were guests the past few days of Mrs. Coe Durland. Miss Edna P. Dlmock, of New York city, Is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. A. Pennlman. F. S. Merrltt left on Friday to Join Mrs. Morrltt In Boston where they will spend the holidays with rela tives. William H. Lee, wife and daugh ter spent Christmas day In Wllkes Barre with relatives of Mrs. Leo. Mrs. Miles Fitch, who has been a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters on 'River street, has re turned home. Edward Katz was a visitor in Car bondale Tuesday evening. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The annual meeting of the stock holders of Milanville Bridge com pany, for election of directors, and the transaction of any other business brought before the meeting, will be held at the office of T. J. Fromor on Monday, January 1, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. CHAS. E. BEACH, Secretary. Milanville, Pa., Dec. 23, 1911. It 0. E. WEE PRESENTS THE COUNTY SHERIFF" A Thrilling Story of Life in the Great North West ! A Powerful Western Romance Strong In Emotion, Beautiful in Sentiment ! PRICES ; 15-25-35 and 50c For Both Performances. 8ST" Seats on Sale at 9:00 a. in., Saturday, December 30th. THE Farmers & Mechanics BANK Wishes its Hundreds of Patrons a Happy and Prosperous Mem rnrmnrn 0. MonUnn'mn Dnnl M. E. SIMONS, President ramicio gci mcuiiauiuo uaun c. a"d Tuesday, JAN. 2 SEVENTEENTH GRAND TOUR. j The Famous Scottish-Canadian Band J CHOIR, PIPERS, I Direct Z Triumphal Twice Commanded by Hi8 Tiir Pfifne BAHOA IN MATINKE-AllMalnVloor.BOc: All Balcony, 23c. r-riCOS. KVENINQ.25-S0-75 and 1X0. SKAT BALE for both perform- uiivco, av p a uiM ouiuruujr, lycvcmuci win Earle Gager of Scranton spent the holidays In Honesdale. Remember The Sunday Dinner and New Year's Din ner at HOTEL WAYNE. 167 Dinners can be had for 25 cents on nil days excepting Sundays and Holidays. HappyNewYear to Everybody. ROWLAND, Jeweler. Monday JAN. 1 NEW YEAR'S DAY Afternoon at 2:30 Evening at 8:15 THE STIRRING MELO-DRAMA A. EMERY, Cashier BENJ.H. DITTRICH, Lessee I Mgr. J Afternoon at 2:30 X Evening at 8:15 T. P. J. POWER PRESENTS " t with All their Special Features MALE J DANCERS, ETC. T Tour Around the World !$ L,nto Majesty King Edwnrd VII KITES