The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 29, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
Soml-Wcekly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1844.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company.
Entered as second-class matter, at the postofllco. Honesdalo, Pa.
II. WIL80!J,
Our friends who favor us wit?, contributions, and desire to have the same rc
urned, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Office Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdalo, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of
making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only bn
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising, rates. Notice
of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purpose
where a fee is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
50 cents, memorial poetry nnd resolutions of respect will be charged for at
tho rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
Thf policy of the The Citizen is to print the local news in an interesting
manner, to summarize the news of the world at large, to fight for the right as this
paper sees the right, without fear or favor to the end that it may serve the best
interests of its readers and the welfare of the county.
Start 1912 right by subscribing for The Citizen,
tnent on second page of to-day's paper.
See special, induce-
The Citizen wishes Its many subscribers, correspondents and adver
tisers a prosperous and Happy New Year.
This Issue of The Citizen is tho last paper pf the sixty-ninth volume.
The seventieth volume will begin next week with Wednesday's Issue. We
aro trying to make The Citizen better and with your assistance we will ac
complish our desire. You can help by sending us news items.
Resolve to take The Citizen.
To' patronize its advertisers.
To help the poor.
To 'be ambitious.
To speak to everybody.
To be prompt in all things.
To take up one thing at a time and stick to It until accomplished.
The 'Republican National Committee at Its meeting in Washington
selected Chicago for the 1912 convention at which candidates for President
and Vice-President are to be named. The convention will meet on Juno
18. These officers were elected: Chairman, former Governor John F. Hill
of Maine for the interim till the nomination shall be made, when a new
chairman-campaign manager will be elected; secretary, Hayward of Ne
braska; committee on convention arrangements, Harry New of Indiana,
chairman; David Mulvane, 'Kansas; Franklin Murphy, INew Jersey; E. C.
Duncan, North Carolina; Ralph' E. Williams, Oregon; Arthur I. Vorye,
Ohio; Victor Rosewater, Nebraska. This committee will make all the ar
rangements for the convention and name the temporary officers.
Jonothan Swift gave it as his opinion that "whoever could make two
cars of corn, or two blades of grass to grow upon a spot of ground where
only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essen
tial service to his country, .than the whole race of politicians put together."
For over a century the world has accepted this as a truism, and by the
same logic Dan Rice who made an apple orchard to grow on the top of a
mountain in Perry county, where nothing but weeds and underbrush grew
before, has a rather largo claim to public esteem and gratitude.
Practical apple growers have known for a long time that the top of
mountains such as we have In Wayne county is a good place to .plant an
orchard. Nevertheless overy man who leads In a movement, who iblazes
a trail In a new country, as It were, must have a soul akin to that that In
spired Christopher Columbus, and we venture the assertion that Dan Rice
Is well worth knowing; a philosopher and a guide as well as an apple
grower, and a man that Perry county may well be proud of. His example
will lead to a material Increase in the wealth of the whole State and add
to the sum of happiness.
Years ago we used to think that the goods a grocer took out of his
store for his personal use didn't cost him anything, and that the wearing
apparel taken by the clothier out of his store was free. "We 'have since
learned our mistake.
No doubt a good many adults, not children, think that the publisher
of a newspaper gets his space free, but he is in the same catagory as the
grocer and the clothier of our childish fancy. The Munro, La., Star puts It
Every lino in a newspaper costs its publisher something. If It is to
benefit some individual, he may fairly expect it to say something. You
do not go into a grocery store and ask tho proprietor to hand you out ten
pounds of sugar for nothing, even though tho grocer may be a personal
friend and the gift might not be a largo one. If the beneficiary of adver
tising does not pay for it, the proprietor has to settle the bill. Neverthe
less, many people cannot seem to .learn that a newspaper pays Its expenses
by renting space and that It is Just as much entitled to collect ront for
every day that space is occupied as you are for the house you ront to a
The Citizen Publishing Com
pany assumes no measuro of re
sponsibility for any articles
which may appear In this col
iumn. '
Favors Homer Greene.
Editor Tho Citizen:
Having read in your recent issue
relative to having Homer Greeno ap
pointed Commissioners' Attorney, I
would like to add my approval to this
appointment. Mr. Greene is well
thought of- In this township and the
commissioners will make no mistake
in having him for counsel.
Ariel, Pa.
They Should Piny Fair.
Editor Tho Citizen:
I wish to add a word in behalf of
the appointment of Homer Greene as
Commissioners' Attorney. Wo feel
that Lebanon loyally supported both
Republican commissioners in tho Te-
cent campaign and that they should
pay some little attention to their ad-
herants. We are sure or one thing
and that Is that neither Republican
commissioner need over expect an
other county office of any description
unless they play fair with their con
stituents and cIVo us the man we
want or they will see tho folly of
trying to force upon us a man that
wo most emphatically dor not want
ror ono minute.
LT ITH the closo of 1911 tho manufacturers and business men in gener
Y al have experienced a very prosperous and successful twelve
months. As a whole business has been good notwithstanding the depress
ed condition of affairs In general. Industrially Honesdale's future is
'bright. The different shops that are closed for the usual holiday season
will reopen January 2 with prospects of working steadily the rest of the
Nothing could speak in words louder for the prosperity of Honesdale
and Wayne county thnn tho growing and healthy condition of its banks.
During tho year Just passed there has been about a quarter of a million
of dollars deposited In the Wayne County Savings, Honesdale Dime,
Farmers and Mechanics and First National Bank of 'Honesdale.
The future of Honesdale's financial institutions is Indeed bright. Good
banks attract Investors to any city or town, because these Institutions are
the best criterion by which to Judge of the condition of a municipality.
Tho attraction of investors means more money for tho prosecution of new
enterprises, now enterprises entail new commercial plants, which necessi
tate increase in workmen, which means increase In population and an
Immense stride toward the realization of Greater Honesdale.
That articles made in Honesdale aro good and. have wearing qualities
1b demonstrated In tho following. Michael Horrman; wagon maker, of this
place, has manufactured vehicles toy hand over fortyt years. Mr. Herrman
recently told the writer that many wagons made by him several years ago
are running to-day. He told an instance in which a wagon was made in
1868 for Messrs. Krantz & Hartung, when they started In business In
Honesdale. It is in use to-day and stated that he Just placed the 29th
set of tiros on the original wheels. This speaks good for a home industry.
What is true concerning Mr. Herrman's business Is also true of other I
In A liofr rlao tnAatail In TT.... ..-.I t .. i I ! 1 1 mi . ... - . '
iu jiuuuBuuiu uuu viLHuvj'. lug opportunities anoraea
here aro manifold and should attract many people to our beautiful and
neauniui town, uomo to Honesdale we'll show you how
Another Voto for Homer Greene.
Editor Tho Citizen:
I notice with a. great deal of pleas
ure tho effort being made through
the columns of The Citizen by voters
of various townships to secure the
appointment of Homer Greene as at
torney for the county commissioners.
It certainly appears reasonable that
If ono lawyer has held the position
or attorney for the county for ten
years that another lawyer should be
given the office If he wants It and is
capa'blo of filling the position. There
is certainly no question as to the abil
ity of .Homer Greene to take care of
the duties of the position and if he
wants it he should have It. He is
certainly a good, straightforward at
torney who has shown .his interest
dn the welfare of the county in vari
ous ways, and the least the county
commissioners could do would be to
give him the office In question, and
I trust the effort made by citizens
from various sections of the county
to secure for him t'ho attorneyship
for the county will be successful.
Sterling AVants Greeno.
Editor The Citizen:
In regard to the appointing of a
Commissioners' Attorney by the
commissioners, we would like to say
that so far as Sterling is concerned
nothing would please us better than
to 'honor the office by appointing
Homer Greene, and we will all say
Special Correspondent.
President Taft's annual message
was approved from one end ot the
country to the, other. The Idea of
dealing mainly with one subject- em
phasized the matter far more than.'if
the message had been ten times as
long dealing with a score of sub
jects. The message has been follow
ed by others whldh In turn will be
followed by more from time to time
during the session.
But the messages of President
Taft will have scant recognition by
the House majority which seems
bound to Inaugurate legislation re
gardless of the recommendations of
the Chief Executive. In the matter
of appropriations and tariff legisla
tion the bills presented will toe Demo
cratic 'bills regardless of the best In
terests of the country. These can of
course bo amended in the Senate or
vetoed by t)he President should they
ever reach him. It Is not likely then
that any destructive legislation can
be enacted at this session of Con
gress. 'Democratic economy has most em
phatically been changed to Demo
cratic profligacy and waste. The
Coming appropriation bill will, It is
expected, carry a much larger sum
than ever before in our history. The
raid on the Treasury has already be
gun and there Is no telling whero It
would end were there not a Repub
lican Senate and President to check
the reckless onslaught.
A score or more of so-called inves
tigating committees have been pro
vided for by the Democratic House.
These committees are costing tho
Government thousands of dollars a
week and In the end tho cost will
be enormous for Junketing trips, for
extra stenographers, for printing and
In mnny other ways, without any re
sult beneficial to the country. So far
nothing has been found to Justify
these great expenditures and It Is not
expected that anything will be dis
covered. The Tesult of Democratic legisla
tion so far has toeen void, except the
prominence given to certain members
who could have attained publicity In
no other way. This obviously Is for
tho purpose of securing re-election
but when the people learn the truth
there is liable to be many surprises
when the votes are counted next No
vember. Tho tariff question will soon bo
well defined and will no doubt bo the
issue of the .coming campaign. It i
will be a clear cut Issue, between ade
quate Protection and a tariff for rev
enue only. Speaker Clark and Chair
man Underwood have put the Demo
crats on record as opposed any pro
tection whatever to American labor
and industry but favor such duties as
will allow of vastly Increased im
portations which must displace our
homo productions or compel wages
to be reduced to the foreign level.
The Republican policy will con
tinue to be a plea for such duties,
and such duties only, as will equal
the difference in the cost of produc
tion here and abroad, with a reason
able profit for our farmers, miners
md manufacturers. This should
overshadow every other question in
uio coming campaign and there Is
not the slightest doubt that Protec-
will be To-olected and with him a
Republican House of Representatives
to work with a Republican Senate.
The present Protective Tariff per
mits tho largest Importations ever
known more than ?1, 500, 000, 000.
It also produces more revenue than
any other tariff In our history.
Labor's share in tariff benefits Is, to
be found In wages from two to twen
ty times higher than in other parts
of tho world; also In t'ho certainty of
employment. Labor's share Is rep
resented in the higher standard of
living and in tho nearly ?5,000,000,
000 of deposits In American savings
banks, and as much more In build
ing and loan associations, life Insur
ance, etc.
Tho percentage of latoor cost is al
ways underrated by Free-Traders.
Cost of production in clothing goes
far back of tlhe single Item of wages
paid for weaving the cloth. Labor
cost is all along the line, from the
foaling of the lamb to the fabric,
while back of that Is the labor cost
which began with the first shovel 'of
dirt In digging for the .foundation of
the factory, and continued until tho
wheels began to turn. Labor cost
and production cost aro practically
synonymous terms.
Mrs. Isaac Tlbbltts died at her
home on Main street Saturday morn
ing after a lingering illness, death
being the direct result of a stroke of
paralysis. Mrs. Tlbbltts, whoso
maiden name was Mary M. Spencer,
was thrice married. She was 87
years of age and was born In Unadll
la, N. Y. Mrs. Tlbbltts Is survived
by two daughters, namely, Mrs. Ed
ward Stone, of this place, and Mrs.
W. E. Greely, of Los Angeles, Cal.
The funeral was 'held from her late
home Tuesday afternoon, Rev. G. S.
Wendell officiating. Interment In
RIverdalo cemetery.
Tho funeral of Mrs. James Nollan
occurring at Canaan on Tuesday was
the largest held In the country in
many years, Rev. E. H. Burke, as
sistant to Rev. T. M. 'Hanley, of St.
John's Roman Catholic church,
Honesdale, officiating. Airs. Nollan
lived In Cherry Ridge and was 50
years old. She is survived by a
husband, several children and three
sisters, namely, Mrs. James Moran,
Scranton; Mrs. 'Patrick Skelly, East
Honesdale; Mrs. Nollan, Canaan.
Special to Tho Cltlien.)
Gouldsboro, Pa., Dec. 26.
The M. E. Sunday school held Its
Christmas festival on Christmas eve.
The church was filled so that many
could not find standing room and
were obliged to return home. The
following program was rendered:
'Processional, school; song by the
school, "Come Forth, Behold 'Him";
prayer, Rev. J. F. Stohle; responsive
reading; exercise, "Merry Christmas"
by four girls; Tecltatlon, "A Tele
phono Message," Mary Edwards;
"Thoughts of Home," two boys;
recitation, Alberta Adams; recita
tion, Mary Bender; exercise, class of
girls; song toy choir; recitation,
Matheldta 'Flower; exorcise, "Titles
of the King," class of girls; recita
tion, Wlllard Gress and Claude
Ha"rk; recitation, Hattie Major; ex
orcise, .'Promise of the Christ," class
or uoys; recitation, Ross Simons;
song, Christmas Bay"; exercise, "A
Strange Christmas," class of girls;
recitation, Clement Gress; vocal so
lo, Helen Crooks; address, Rev. J. J.
Stoltz; selection, male quartette;
address by the pastor, Rev. P. S.
Lehman; presentation of gifts; song,
"Joy to tho World"; benediction,
Rev. Staltz.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fisher recently
entertained Mr. Carrlgan, of Texas,
assistant grand chief of the Brother
hood of 'Locomotive Engineers.
Miss Jessie Mathews is spending
several weeks with relatives In New
Last week Frank Newell under
went an operation for a tumor. The
growth was on his 'back under his
shoulder and gave him considerable
Ida, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Fritz, who has been hav
ing considerable throat trouble, has
had her tonsils and adnoids remov
ed. The four-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Duttar, of Thornhurst,
was operated on for appendicitis on
Wednesday. Dr. Kerllng performed
the operation.
Miss Blanche Phillips, of Philadel
phia, who has been visiting her sis
ters, Mrs. Burton Crooks and Mrs.
Reuben Beesecker, has returned
Mrs. George Johnson, Sr., is spend
ing tho holidays with 'her son, Aman
das' Johnson, at Bangor.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wardell, of
Scranton, spent Christmas with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moore.
All the world looks gloomy to -the
man with the upset stomach. Ho sees
the world through smoked glasses
and never tries to rub off the smoke.
Cheer up, Mr. Dyspeptic, there's
bright days ahead of you. Go to G.
W. Pell's this very day and say I
want a box of MI-O-NA tablets. Take
them as directed and if the misery
doesn't leave your stomach and bring
a sunny smile to your gloomy count
enance, go and get your 50 cents
MI-O-NA stomach tablets will
promptly end the distress of Indiges
tion, will stop nervousness, dizziness,
biliousness, sick headache and sleep
lessness. Fifty cents buys a largo
box at G. W. Pell's and druggists
J10? wIjl. wln;NthatvPresident Taft
Wayne Gouunty Savings Bank
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Wayne County Sav
ings Bank for the election of direc
tors, will be held at the Bankinir
office on
TUESDAY, JAN. O, 1012,
between the hours of three and four
o'clock p. m.
H. S. S.ALMON, Qashler..
Honesdale, Pa.,' Dec. J 9, 1911,'
Misses J. Emma, Jennie and Net
tie Eschonbach were home from
Scranton to spend Christmas with
their parontB, Mr. and Mrs. James
Catterson. '
Mr. and Mrs. James Catterson and
Miss Sue Catterson spent Christmas
In .Scranton as tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Dixon.
Harold Edwards, ot Bucknell Uni
versity, Is spending the holidays with
his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles
Miss Emma Bates,, Is spending tho
Christmas vacation with her parents
at South Sterling.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mathews en
tertained on Christmas Mr. and Mrs.
William Mathews and daughter Mar
garet. Tho Fayette school at Clifton gave
an entertainment on Friday. The
programme was very good and the
school room beautifully trimmed.
The scholars from Lehigh Glen
school attended and a large number
from Clifton.
Miss Lila Flower cut her hand
badly on Christmas morning with
broken glass.
Misses Geraldlno Kollcy and Grace
Crooks, students at the Stroudsburg
State Normal, are homo for tho 'holl
days. Mr. Krank, Scranton, spent Christ
mas day with Mr. and Mrs, F. C
Flower and family.
Mrs. Hober Cross, of Denver, Col.,
who recently underwent an opera
tion for appendicitis, is now out of
danger. Mrs. 'Cross has many rela
tives and friends in this section. She
spent 'last summer "here.
Vagrant ForelRiier With Voracious
Appetite Leaves tho Town.
Michael Schlinkz, who was arrest
ed December 5, upon complaint of E.
W. Llllle, Clinton township, and tak
en 'before 'Squire S. J. Stanton,
charged with vagrancy, in that he
was found on Snedeker's road, walk
ing back and forth Without sufficient
clothing and very hungry, .who was
committed to Wayne county Jail,
Dec. 5, Constable I. W. Cowperth
waite escorting him to the bastile.
was discharged December 27 on an
order of the Court which declared
that "In view of the fact that there
Is no provision In the 'Wayne county
Jail furnishing labor, and that the
defendant cannot carry out the sent
ence which should be Imposed under
the act of May 8, 1878, and there
being no authority for Imprisonment
In jail without labor."
At the hearing, Michael said he
wanted a Job, but told conflicting
stories. Poormaster E. 'W. Llllle and
I. W. Cowperthwaite testified as to
the facts .In the case. When ad
mitted to Jail, Schlinkz displayed a
voracious appetite, and for a time
threatened to eat Sheriff Braman out
of house and home. If -nro. t 1 .l... IL
uwvw u 11 UUU LUUL IL WHS II
tho only mark ori his neraon.
Ti VTn m nrna n t rn i
He is survived by four daughter
Mrs. VV. Tuthlll, Hawley; Irma, Be
tha and Jeannette, at home; also 1
four sisters and twp torothors.
Thfi fnnornl wno hlrl fw.m j
ceascd's late home on Wednesda
ntormpnt n r inrifnn
"Steenle-Jnck" Ilnvrl.- Knimi
Wilkes-fljirrn. Pn.. Don 97
Inn 1 Tri V. . n ...... P . ... T .
church, at Kingston, the steepl
which he painted a year aco. Ei
ward J. 'Huyck, aged thlrtv-sl
years, a "steeplejack," of Doposl
tM V KAKnltrn I ., 1 ..!
utes after 9 o'clock this mornln
that caused his death three houi
.vs v waw UVOU1LU1. n
father was .working with him at th
Hmp flTIrl an W Mm fo ol nnnl.i.
Both father and son are well know
In Honesdale having been calle
llnrn iannntnr1ttF 4n n1.n 1
w w . VUWMVUUa.T 1 J lUHO 1.1WLJ 11 9
difficult and hazardous building 01
erations. The son went up once to
often. They tall do. Only his tur
uuuie eariy in me.
fX oT YTTr!IITT TXT rfT7lT,tnr t
.... vu v w u Lb 1 11 vTl. 1 11
n HnMA.n T -ir
W. IT HlkVJ u. u uuuil 111. Hi U IJI 1 II II I I I 1
of Rock Lake, Wayne county, an
B" VI UDlGll Ul 1J IJ 11 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hoi
onnilAn ! 1 T II r-vi i .
house Sunday, Dec. 31. at 2:30.
The ChrJntmnH mnaln wtll ,Vi .-
flOYf Aimdnv mnrnln r rpt, . 1 1-.
" " J AuukAmiM. Alio 111LTL1V
..... buuv j i. niu in ob auuua
wi.iiDtuiuo anu Lilo iasl 'Utiy )
the secular year. At the 10:30 a
Tn Onrvtna rnmni l..l 111 t
. uuilltuu kCAL Will II
"Thnt tYtnan. Hiln ...1. 1 -
"' wwjv nuugo WJilUU ill U JIO
shaken may remain." The theme o
Tin Pntn -r n Vin T 1 A f
will be "Belief in Christ as an ele
ment in cnaracter."
At 11:30 the Now Year's eve ser
.,ln f!11 nnm7UA T. -.Ill ,
t.u nti. vuunucilto, 11 will UUUHltt
of Holy Communion and sermon
my Father's business?" Tho order o
Pmvor. f!n1lnrf frtr Pllrltv TrtM rift..
mandments, Epistle, Gospel, Address
fnllnmnJ V... A. . I 1 r
vi l.n tn.. C ,.....!,. 1. I . 1 1 1 1
Minnlltilnrl nKn.. 1 M . I T IT
nnwrllnllt, 4 .... I .... 1 1 1. 1 .. 1 . .
lit an cuese services.
An exceedingly sad accident oc
curred in Berlin tnwnahln nn tv,o
eve of Christmas which resulted In I
tne death or Thomas J. Ham, a
farmer living near Beachlake.
Mr. Ham was returning home and
It Is presumed that he became ill
and fell from his wagon, as his un
conscious body was found lying along
the road a short distance from his
Dr. E, D. Gavitte, of White .Mills,
was summoned, but Mr. 'Ham died be
fore he arrived. It was first pre
sumed that his neck was broken, but
after an examination made by the
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas" County, SS.:
Frank J. Cheney mattes oath that
he is senior partner of the firm of
F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business
In the City of -Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said flrr
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDREL
DOLLARS for each and every case o
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed in my presence, this 6th day ot
December, A. D. 1886.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON.
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of t.hp
system. Send for testimonials free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by ail Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Zemo Makes Astonishing
eczema tures
liivery aay ZiUMU Elves relief and
cures men, women and children In
KVflfV lfv ntlH tnnm It. Amnwlnn
whose skins are on fire with tortur-
dner KfiZRMA rnRlins nnrt ntlinr ItnVi-
iug, uuruiug, Bcuiy, anu crustea siun
and scalp humors.
SOAP, two refined preparations will
give you such quick relief that you
win reel HKe a new nerson.
We give you three reasons why we
recommend and endorse ZEMO and
ouAr ior an SKin ana scalp
1st. They are clean, scientific
DreDarations that clvn
isfaction and are pleasant and agree-
aoio to use at all times.
2nd. They are not experiments,
but are proven cures for every form
of skin or scalp affections whether
on infants or grown persons.
3rd. They work on a new princi
ple. They do not glaze over the sur
face, but they penetrate to tho seat
of the trouble and draw the germ
life from underneath the skin and
destroy it. In this way a complete
cure Is effected in any case of SKIN
Endorsed and sold in Honesdalo
by the A. M. Lelne drug store.
Election Notice!
Meeting of the stockholders of tho
.Honesdale National Bank will bo
held at the banking house of the said
bank In the borough of Honesdale,
Wayne county, Pa., Tuesday, Janu
ary 9, 1912, between the hours of 2
and 4 p. m. for the purpose of elect
ing directors and transacting any
other business that may bo brought
before tho stockholders.
100w4 Cashier.
Prompt, Reliable, Accommodating
g Bank
Do Your Banking Business
,. With Us
Bank Books and Family Safes
. for Gifts.