The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 29, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    I'AGB a
D. & II. Pays $5,500.
After negotiations that had extend
ed over a period of fifteen years, the
Dolawaro and Hudson company has
purchased tho William McDonnell
proporty, Lackawanna Htroet, Oly
phant, that overlaps tho company's
right of wy by four feet, for $5,500.
Hancock parties are tending to
promote a company to build an elec
trie trolley line between Hancock and
Congressman W. D. B. Alnoy, who
represents the district that sent Da
vid Wllmot, author of the Wllmot
Proviso, and Galusha A. Grow to
Congress, has Introduced bills appro
priating ?30,000 for the erection of
monuments to the memory of the two
statesmen, the one to Wllmot in To-
wanda, and the one to Grow, In
Messrs. Kelly & Stelnman gavo a
turkey supper at the Moran !House
Tuesday evening to their salesmen,
foremen and olllce force. After en
joying the sumptuous repast there
wero speeches, and a very pleasant
evening was spent by all present. It
Is the custom of Messrs. Kelly &
Stelnman to give these banquets an
nually. Deposit Courier.
Sixty-five routes, including 2,755
miles of road have been surveyed by
the engineering corps of the State
Highway Department, according to
reports made by Chief Engineer Por
eter to Highway Commissioner Blge
low. Of the surveys made 620 miles
of the highways have been plotted
and work on them -will foe started in
the spring.
Mrs. G. H. Belknap, who resides on
the Pennsylvania side of the river
near the suspension bridge, has an
addition to her flock of chickens
which she neither raised nor purchas
ed. It is a male English pheasant,
which came to her premises about a
month ago. For a time It was very
timid, but now it enters the poultry
house and goes to roost nightly with
the chickens. Hancock iHerald.
Monday last Wm. F. Hornbeck of
this village of the Arm of J. K. Horn
beck & Son, excelsior manufactur
ers, bought a now 40-horse power
White Steamer. Ho has sold his 25
horse power White steamer to Con
stablo B. C. Anderson. Lawbreakers
will now have little chance of getting
away from him unless they take to
the woods. Hancock Herald.
Pooplo who live along the Dela
ware will 'be Interested In the recent
ly published novel, "A Fast Game,"
by Kirk Parson, (Rev. L. E. San
ford, of Tunkhannock, Pa., former
ly of Wayne county,) ,the author of
various short stories, Including "On
the Mountain Division," which Is a
story of railroad life on the Scranton
Division of the O. & W. railroad.
The books are published by Eaton &
Mains. His new book, "A Fast
Game," Is the game of life, and a
fast and lively game It is.
New York is asked to pay. Pretty
dear treatment that.
Doing Down tlio State.
Double hog killing and match, with
two largo hogs, on New Year's Day,
January 1, 1912, at t!ho 'Heynomsvlllo
Hotel, Wilson Acker, proprietor.
One hog weighs over 700 pounds live
weight, and tho other weighs 1000
pounds live weight. Come and join
In the sport. Music by Kramllch's
orchestra. A sociable will be 'held
In tho evening, By order of tho
No Politics Hero.
Judge Searle, of Wayne county,
has appointed 'Hon. C. A. McCarty
Chief Burgess of Honesdale to suc
ceed Hon. John Kuhbach, deceased.
Mr. McCarty has been Democratic
County Chairman for a number of
years. The petition asking for his
appointment was presented to court
1)y Hon. Homer Greene, one of the
leading Republicans of tho county.
And, It can be said with all candor
no mistake has been made in the
selection. Monroe Record.
Several men who were formerly
employed by the Herbeck-Demer Co.,
in Hallstead, havo opened a cut glass
factory in A. L. Recnnow's vacant
store on Main street, and commenced
business last Monday morning. They
havo a number of orders on hand
and are busily engaged tilling tho
same. Great Bend Plaindealer.
Farmers' Insurance Companies Char
tered. Harrisburg. State charters were
granted to-day as follows:
Lackawanna Mutual Fire Insur
ance Company, Clark's Summit.
Prudential Mutual Fire Insurance
Company, Clark's Summit.
Large car shops for tho Lackawan
na railroad will be built at East
The Erie " Flyer " will he replaced
on that line. The train will run be
tween Blnghamton and Carbondalo
on the Jefferson division of tho Erie.
Old Soldier's Burial.
It Is now settled that when an old
soldier or his widow dies leaving
$150 or less of money and no other
property except the few specific ar
ticles given to the survivor by stat
ute, his or her funeral expenses to
the extent of fifty dollars must be
paid by the county of his or her
logal residence, and cannot or need
not be paid out of tho money and
property so left.
, Creosotcd Tics Used by Lackawanna.
I By the end of this year tho Lack
I awanna Railroad company will have
placed 493, 50G creosote railroad ties.
nvito uo muiiy no piaies una iour
times as many screw spikes on its
system. The road claims'that labor
atory and field tests have shown that
screw spikes in an oak tie treated
with creosote has an excess holding
power over the nail spike of 88.1
per cent. Tho holes are first hored
in tho ties at the proper spacing to
receive the spikes and the former
are then sent to treating retorts
where creosote oil Is forced into tho
ceils of tho wood under pressure of
17b to zvv pounds to the sauare
Last week Jeweler T. J. McCon
nell, who is also In the chicken busi
ness, .his specialty being white Wyan
dotts, sold two pullets to A. J. Gies
of Delmar, auditor for the D. & H.
Itailroad company, for $14:50. Sat
urday he received an order from
King of Prussia, a village In Penn
sylvania, for 800 eggs for hatching
purposes, and on Sunday he received
an inquiry from Los Angeles, Cal.,
for two cockerels. His chickens,
which are the Fnest In this sectlon.of
that strain, are from Madison Square
blue ribbon winners, he having paid
150 per 100 for the eggs. He also
paid $25 for a roostor last spring.
In tho egg laying contest now be
ing conducted by tho Dally North
American of Philadelphia he has six
pullets entered. Hancock 'Herald.
500,000 Given to Employees.
Chicago. Five hundred thousand
dollars was appropriated by the exe
cutive officers of tho International
Harvester Co. for Christmas dis
tribution among 2000 employes of
the company.
The officials said that tho gift "is
In no sense a Christmas present
merely a sharing of the year's profits
of the organization among worthy
"Length of service or position will
not entitle employes to participate,"
said George A. Itanney, assistant
treasurer. "Special merit Is the solo
oasis lor recognition."
Dr. O. H. Jlockwell, the defeated
candidate for Congress, has filed his
statement of expenses, which shows
that he paid out $1,682.20 during
tne Tocent campaign.
Charge Against Judge Dismissed.
The charge of selling liquor with
out a license brought against Asso
ciate Judge Englehardt, of Mata
moras, Pike county, waB dismissed
iby Judgo Searle, on Tuesday of last
week, and tho license for his 'hotel
Whero Would the Ordinary Man Bo?
Had It been an ordinary individual
instead of Mayor Gaynor, of New
York, who was shot at Hoboken. N,
J., he would have had to die. if tho
size of the doctor's bill had anything
to do with It. The first bills total
ed up $26,100, hut they have been
To Mcgaphono From tho Towers.
Megaphones aro ibelng distributed
to the men in charge of tho various
Interlocking towers along tho Sus
quehanna division of the Erie railroad.
The megaphones are to be used to
communicate orders from the towers
to the conductors and engineers of
passing trains.
This is an innovation In railroad
work and It will be given a thorough
trial on tho Susquehanna division. If
It operates as well as expected the
plan will bo adopted on all branches
of the road.
What Central Expects to Pay for O.
& W.
Tho Now York Central system ex
pects to pay for tho New Haven $29,-
luu.uoo common and $2,200 pre
ferred stock of the Ontario & West
ern with $13,108,397 in 4 per
cent, (fifty year debenture 'bonds,
which means about 45 for Ontario
& Western stock.
Now AVlilstles For Erie.
The Erie Railroad Company an
nounced recently that each passen
ger englno in the Erie's suburban
service is getting equippod with ex
tra low-tono whistle, which 1b to be
used on every occasion except when
the louder whistle Is required for
emergency use, such as calling In a
flag when the tralnhand has gone
out too far to 'hear tho low-tone
whistle, or for dangerous road cross
ings in a storm or fog.
The "whispering whistle" 1b ex
pected to add greatly to the comforts
of life in the suburbs. The wild
shriek of the early trains has proved
disturbing to commuters who aro not
compelled to arise early In tho morning.
LackuwaniiH Makes Christinas Gifts.
Christmas money to the amount of
$3,500 was distributed by tho Lacka
wanna railroad to-day among its
track foremen in this state, New Jer
sey and New York.
Two thousand dollars goes to
trackforeman who remained at work
during tho strike of the Trackmen's
union, several months ago, each
trackman gottlng a check for $20
as a Christmas gift.
Tho other $1,500 went to twenty
track foremen for their skill In keep
ing tne roaubea in condition. Ten
get $100 apiece and ten $50 apiece.
Gravity I load Builder Dies at Scran
ton. Scranton. John Nichols, aged
eighty-three years, of West Drinker
street, Dunmore, is dead after an Ill
ness of less than a week's duration.
Mr. Nichols was probably the old
est resident of this section of the
state, having moved to Scranton with
his parents in 1832, when he was
four years of age.
For fifty-two years Mr. Niahols was
continuously in the employ of the
Pennsylvania Coal company, most of
which time he was in charge of the
stono work of tho company. Practi
cally all the stonework on tho line of
the old "Gravity" as well as that on
tho present Wyoming division of the
Erie, was built under his direction.
The work of erecting the present of
fice of the Erie company was also In
his charge.
Will Shorten Time.
A new time card will go into ef
fect on the Erie on Tuesday, Janu
ary 2. The only change made is In
No. 9, the Wells-Fargo express from
Chicago to New York which will be
given a running time over the Sus
quehanna division of three hours and
eight minutes as against three hours
and twenty-five minutes under the
present schedule.
The Wells-Fargo express train will
now bo the fastest train on tho Sus
quehanna division. Only one Inter
mediate stop Is made, that being at
Elmlra for water. To cover the Sus
quehanna division, a dlstanco of 140
miles means that the train must av
erage close to 54 miles an hour for
the entire distance and that at times
the engineer must make GO and G5
miles an hour to make up for slow
downs through villages and cities.
Susquehanna Ledger.
Hooks in Many Languages.
The Erie has just Issued a new
book of rules for employees on and
about the tracks, that Is printed in
nine different languages. On ac
count of the large number of foreign
ers at work on the tracks it was
necessary to not only print tho rules
in English but also in German,
Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuan
ian, Polish. Slovak and Swedish.
The new rules became effectlvo on
Uec. 15.
Erie Brings Suit.
Although there aro several cases
pending against the Pennsylvania
State Railroad Commission to test
tho legality of the "Full Crew Bill,"
one of the acts of the last legislature,
another was filed at the olllce of the
Prothonotary at 'Harrisburg Wednes
day. It was by the Erie Railroad
company. The papers wero present
ed by "William S. Snyder and George
F. 'Brownawell, counsel for the com
pany. Service has been accepted by
the Railroad Commission.
Norwich On Anxious Seat.
Norwich. Gossip runs high In
Norwich regarding the attempt of
the New York Central railroad to
huy the stock of the New York. New
iaven & Hartford railroad company
controlling the O. & W. Everyone
1b on the anxious seat here awaiting
the outcome or the bearing before
the Public Service commission.
In case the New York Central rail
road company obtains control of the
O. & W. It will mean a severe loss
to Norwich, financially and other
The 'following tribute of the late
Eugene Field was deeply Tegardod
by Denman Thompson. As "Tho
Old 'Homestead" comes to the Lyric
on Thursday, Doc. 28, we are pleased
to publish same at this time:
Jest as atween. the awk'ard lines a
band we love has penn'd
Appears a meanin' hid from other
So, In your simple, homespun art, old
honest Yankee friend,
A power o' tearful, sweet sugges
tion lies.
Wo see It all the picture that your
mem'ries hold so dear
The homestead in New England
far away;
And the vision is so nat'ral-llko we
almost seem to hear
The voices that wero hoshed but
Ah! whd'd ha' thought the music of
that distant childhood time
Would sleep through all tho
changeful, bitter years
To waken into melodies like Christ
mas bells a-chlme,
An' to claim the ready tribute of
our tears!
Why, tho robins In tho maples an'
the blackbirds 'round the
The crlcketB an' the locusts In the
The brook that chased the trout
adown the hillside jest beyond,
An' the swallers in their nests be
neath tho oaves
They all come troopln' back with
you, dear uncle Josh, to-day,
An, they seem to sing with all the
joyous zest
Of tho days when we were Ynnkee
hoys an' Yankee girls at play.
With nary thought of 'llvln' way
out West!
With this 'music an' these memor
ies o' youth
God 'bless ye, Denman Thompson, for
the good y do our hearts
God bless ye for the faculty that tops
all human arts.
The good ol' Yankee faculty of
Eugene Field.
While oiling for a run the other
day a Troy man poured halt a can
of maple syrup Into the oil cup of
his automobile, by mistake -of
course. He started for Elmlra, the
syrun got hot. and sugared on, and
tho man had a sweet time of It bo-
to pay your subscription to THE CRTRZEH.
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P. S. Our Job Department is equipped for executing any
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reduced to $19,500, and tho City of
fore he got back home.