The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 22, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Tim citizen; phidai, duo. 22, 1011.
Special to The Citizen.
Kellam and Braman, Dec. 20.
A very pleasant day was spent at
Mrs. Schnackcnburg's last Thursday
at the L. A. S. There was twenty
flvo present and the proceeds were
$G.90, and Ave new members added
to the small band. The visitors
were: Mr. and Mrs. 'E. Teeplo, Itov.
P. Bowen, Mrs. John Hillj Lookout;
Mr. and Mrs. John Price, Mrs. Geo.
Lott and son, Mr. and Mrs. Heenan
Colo, Mrs. Lydla Cole, Mrs. George
Blum and children, Mrs. T. Gallery
and Mrs. Frank Cole from Braman.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Keys, of
Cochecton, visited his parents last
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kellam, Port
Jervls, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. John
Skinner and other relatives recently.
Emma Stalker attended the fair In
the M. E. church at Long Eddy last
Wednesday and Thursday.
Prank Lawson and Mrs. Harry
Cole are sick and called 'the doctor
last Saturday.
MrfijkiJurllcover returned home
last Ft .y evening, having spent
severail eks In New York city.
Last "Saturday night being very
rainy the entertainment by the Sun
shine Circle was postponed until
Tuesday evening. We wish them
success as it may bring sunshine In
to the lives of many as It Is for the
benefit of the poor and sick.
Prank Rauner, of Susquehanna,
visited his parents last Tuesday.
Mrs. Amanda Kellam has moved
onto Dr. Frls.ble's farm.
Maurice Kellam and Miss Edith
Beach were married last Sunday by
Mr. Cordman.. There is a rumor 'of
more wedding bells soon.
tpeclal to The Citizen.;
Lake Como, Pa., Dec. 20.
On Tuesday, December 12, at a
quarter of twelve, noon, Rufus E.
NI1C3 and Ina B. Stanton, were unit
ed In marriage by the Rev. William
S. German, at the bride's residence
near Preston Park, 'Pa. The groom
Is a young man well-known In Wln-
wnnd and has manv friends there.
He Is employed at the creamery, and
will make his future home in that I
village. Tho bride Is the oldest
daughter of Oscar Stanton. The
wedding was a quiet though pleasant
affair, no one being nresent excent
the bride's family and Mr. Simpson
of Winwood. now and some cannot attend ai-
The Rev. William S. German has , though it Is a pity to let the oppor
begun a series of special sermons en-, tunlty pass and not receive tho bene
titled "Nature's Wonders," the first' At derived from those Institutions.
of which wan dollvorort last! ElWOOd Ives went to Endlcott, N,
evening in the M. E. church at Win-1
-wood, entitled "The Heights of Life.
A large and attentive audience was
present. The second of the series
will be given on December 24th.
John 'Randall Is reported as hav
ing a fine time on his Western trip.
Ho is at present at Corning,
Call- i
The new pastor of the Lake Como
M. E. church was the recipient of a
very valuable present in tho shape
of a fur driving coat and cap, from
the people of the church.
Special to The Citizen.!
Centervilfe, Pa., Dec. 20
Mrs. James Collins, Scranton,
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rohort Marshall. Her mother ex
pects to accompany her to her homo
in Scranton on Tuesday.
Fred McKelgney, Scranton, called
on friends hero on Sunday.
William Marshall of Rochester, N.
Y., returned to his home here one.
day last week.
Thomas Garrlty, Sr., spent a few
days in Scranton recently.
Friend Walker, Hub, called on
friends in Centervlllo on Sunday.
(Deer) season is over now, but
never mind girls it will soon be leap
Special to The Citizen.
Lakeville, Pa., Dec. 20.
The P. O. S. of A. of this place
will sorve an oyster supper in their
hall here on Saturday evening, Dec.
23, 1911. Everybody invited.
Tho Christmas tree and services
will be held on Christmas ove, Dec.
24, at tho M. E. church here. Come
out and it will encourage the chil
Special to The Citizen.
Fallsdalo, Pa Dec. 18.
About twenty members from Labor
Grange at Calkins attended State
Grange at Scranton last week and all
roport a profitable time spent with
their brother and sister grangers.
Farmers' Institute to be held here
this week Is looked forward to with
much interest and a good attendance
Ib expected. We have looked the
program through but failed to And
a single topic on poultry culture.
Now, as every farmer here Is more
or less a hen man there will have to
bo a change in that program and a
hen specialist produced or tho Insti
tute will fall Aat. Of course we have
horsemen and dairymen but the hen
men are the ones on the front seat
when eggs are selling around 50 and
60 cents per dozen. 'So by all means
send along a hen professor who can
tell the Ins and outs of tjia poultry
business-; thqn tho "meeting will be
something worth wplle.
Christmas is coming and so Is
Santa Claus and our 'big Sunday
school Christmas tree will be nice,
Tho weather lias 'been very unfavor
able for practice 'but our little folks
'have never disappointed ub yet and
we look forward to a good time. Our
Sunday school superintendent, Miss
Carrie Clark, Is one who never says
fall and she Is backed by a school
of a hundred or more who can do
A. E. Sheard attended the Dairy
men's League convention at Albany,
N. Y last week, returning via. Scran
ton j he also attended tho State
L. S. Lybolt visited rrlends In York
state last week.
Tho North Branch school will give
a Christmas entertainment in the
school room Prlday afternoon. Mr.
Newcomb, the teacher, has the good
will of 'both and parents and every
thing goes well.
Special to Tno Citizen.
Waymart, Dec. 20.
People will be surprised to hear
of tho lato marriage of 'Rush Romlch
of this place and Mrs. Lloyd Oliver,
of Carbondale.
Mrs. in. J. Lang and sons have gone
to Endlcott, N. Y., to spend the holi
Darius Swingle of South Canaan,
died Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
The deceased 'has been an invalid for
years. ,He leaves a wife and chil
dren. The funeral will be held this
Priday morning at 10 o'clock at the
house, and at tho M. P. church, South
Canaan at 11 o'clock.
Walter Todman and James Miner
were visiting friends In Scranton
over Sunday.
Misses Ruth Wittig and Mabel
Rice were in Carbondale on Thurs
day. Percy Miner Is ill with the grippe.
Special to-tt'ho Cltl'en.)
Beachlake, Pa., Dec. 20.
Only a few more days to add to
our 1011 calendar. How quickly
the years go by.
Some are afraid the supply of ice
will be scare, but do, they realize win
ter does not begin until Dec. 21? I
think It useless to worry on that ac
count. Time enough for plenty win-
tpr wpnthor and there will bo more
Ice than will ever be gathered,
Christmas exercises and a tree at
the M. E. church Saturday evening,
Farmers' Institute on the 22d and
23d Inst. We would rather It had
been dated for January as it Is a busy
tline preparing for Christmas just
Y., Saturday where he expects to
spend tho winter.
Mrs. Alexander Crosby has an aunt
spending tho winter with her.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Budd are con
.emulating a trip to California.
W. J. Barnes Is to leave for Hones-
dale In a few days but tho family
may not go for some months.
Mrs. Eberspacher's neaitn is not
good this winter,
Mrs. W. P. Budd entertained the
L. A. S. Wednesday. She served
an eaborato lunch' to about forty,
Teachers and nunlls away from
homo are expected homo for Christ
Spring ploughing going on and
Xmas one week away. It seems to
ibe a reversal of weather conditions.
We think it will tax the memory, of
the oldest residents to parallel. We
have seen green Chrlstmases more
than once but never knew it so warm
In December nor do wo learn that
any of the weather prophets can of
fer any explanation. Possibly 'Hal-
ley's comet of last year had some
thing to do with it.
Christmas exercises will be at the
M. E. church Saturday evening and
at tho Free Methodist church on
Mrs. Frank Wellp Is entertaining
her sister from Indiana, and Ellc
Croshy's aunt from Lake 'Hunting
ton is being entertained at his home
in this placo.
Iva Mitchel Is expected homo to
spend the holidays; likewise May
The last word from Mrs. L. Wood
ley, who was so seriously hurt by
falling down stairs, is yet too weak
for anyone to see her and Is still In
a very precarious condition but the
doctor gives them hopes of at least
a partial recovery.
Mrs. W. J. Barnes, Mrs. Henry
Bradbury and William A. Davey at
tended the Sunday school convention
last week held at Torrey. They re
port a proAtable and pleasant time.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Olvor are
grandparents to a little girl residing
In St. Louis.
, Now, wishing tho officers and all
tho readers of this paper a Merry
Xmas and a Happy New Year, I drop
my pen for i911.
. Special to The Citizen.
Hamlin, Pa Dec. 21.
Mrs. C. M. Loring Is at the present
writing recovering from an attack
of lagrlppe. t
Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Glllott return
ed to-day from Scranton.
Miss D. P. Hamlin left on Tuesday
last for Hackettstoyn, N. J., where
she will spend the holiday season
with Mr. and Mrs. George Clearwa
ter. H. F. Nicholson spent Wodnesday
and Thursday of this week In Scran
ton, The W. C, T. U. will meet next
Priday, Dec. 22, .Avlth Mrs. C. R.
Tho Keystone Dramatic Club Is
preparing a play which -they expect
to produce during the holiday season.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams and
son Robert, Scranton, spent Sunday
17,665,111 People In The
Keystone btate
Washington, D. C, Dec. 18. In
teresting details not heretofore pub
lished as to the population of Penn
sylvania and Its distribution are giv
en In a bulletin of the thirteenth
census, just lssuod by the census
In this bulletin the official figures
of the total population of the state
is given as 7,6G5,111. Compared
with a population of 6,302,115 in
1D00, this represents an Increase
during the last decade of 1,362,996,
or 21.6 per cent., a slightly higher
percentage of Increase than that
shown for the preceding decade.
During the same period tho total
population of continental United
States Increased 21 per cent. The
relative decennial Increase In tho
population of the state has varied
little during the laBt Ave decades.
The population of the state, by
decades, since 1790, ihas been as fol
lows: 1790, 434,373; 1800, 602,365;,
1810, 810,091; 1820, 1,049,458;
1830, 1,348,233; 1840, 1,724,033;
1850, 2,311,786; 1860, 2,906,215;
1870, 3,521,951; 1880, 4,282,891;
1890, 5,258,113; 1900, 6,302,115;
1910, 7,065, in.
Of tho 29 cities In Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Scran
ton, the Arst, second and third cit
ies in the state, nave i,t4a,uu,
533,905 and 129,867 Inhabitants, re-
snectivelv. Of the remaining cities,
seven have each a population Tang
ing from 50,000 to 100,000, eight
from 25.000 to 60,uuu, six irom
10.000 to 25,000 and Ave from 5,-
000 to 10,000 inhabitants. The ag
gregate population in 1910 of the 29
cities was 3,096,701, or 40.4 per
cent, of the total population of the
state. Pennsylvania has 67 counties.
Philadelphia city Is coextensive witn
Philadelphia county. The popula
tion of these counties ranges from
7.644 In Cameron coUnty to 51,549,
008 in Philadelphia county. The
second and third largest counties in
nnnulatlon are Allegheny and Lu-
zorne. resnectfullyi
Lvcomlng county, witn
square miles, has the largest area
and Montour county, witn idu square
miles, lias the smallest area. Phil
adelphia county, coextensive with
Philadelphia city, has the highest
rinnsltv of any county, namely, 11,
646.7 persons per square mile, while
Pike county, with 14.8 persons per
square mile, has tno lowest density
Allecheny county, which contains
the city of Pittsburg, has 1,404,8
persons per square mile. Delaware
county, tho third in density In the
state, has 637.3 persons per square
A comparison of the total popula
tion in 1910 of places having a pop
ulation of not less than 2,500 each
with the ' total population of the
same nlaces in 1900 shows an In
crease of 28.9 per cent. This repre
sents tho rate of growth of ufban
communities as thus deAned. Dur
ing the same period the rural popu
lnMnn. comnrlslnc that of the r&
mainder of tho state, Increased i2
nor cent. The nonulatlon of the ur
ban areas thus Increased .more than
twice as rapidly as that of the Tural
territory. 'For continental United
states as a whole, urban population
increased 34.9 per cent. In the last
rtfnnrto. an d rural nonulatlon 11.2
per cent. There, were 25 counties in
which the population living In rural
tfirrltorv decreased and only 2 in
which there was a decrease in urban
The population of places having
from 2,500 to 25,000 Inhabitants in
creased more than one-half as fast as
the population of the state as a
Of the increase In tho total pop
ulation of the state during the de
cade, namely, 1,362,996, nearly one
Afth was contributed by the city of
Philadelnhla and considerably more
than one-third by tho group of
places having from 2,500 to 25.00U
Pacts About Wavno County.
The land area of Wayne county Is
739 square miles, with a population
of 39.6 per square mile and a rural
population of 35.6 per square mile.
The urban territory of the state In
1910 that is, the Incorporated
places of 2,500 Inhabitants or more
rnntalnod 4.630.669 Inhabitants,
or 6U.4 per cent, of the total popula
tion, while 3,034,44a innaDitants, or
39.6 per cent., lived In rural terri
tory. Tne urban territory as It exist
ml in 1900 that Is. the Incorporated
places then having 2,500 inhabitants
or more contained j,448,oxu ju
habltants, or 45.3 per cent., lived In
rural territory. Thero has thus
been a considerable Increase In tho
proportion of urhan population. For
continental United States as a whole,
tho urban population constituted
46.3 per cent, of the total population
in 19x0 and 40.5 per cent, of the to
al population In 1900.
In urban territory In Wayne coun
ty in 1910 there were 2,945 people,
whilo in 1900 tho number "was only
2,864, an Increase of 2.8 per cent.
In Tural territory In Wayne county
In 1910 the population was 26,291,
while in 1900 it was 27,307, an in
crease of 3.7 per cent. Thus there
are 10.1 per cent, of Wayne's popu
lation In the town and 89.9 per cent,
in places of less than 2,500.
last at C. L. Simons'.
Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Simons took a
trip to Scranton on Thursday.
Mrs. J. T. 'Stocker and Miss Mae
Walker have gone to Netcong, N. J.,
where they will spend the holiday
season with Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
iWhy, not please your wife by
buying a new rug, carpet, portieres.
lace curtains or carpet sweeper, at
Meaner & uo. 9w3
Under Instructions from tho state'
water supply commission, of which
General Frederick W. Pleltz, of
Scranton, is chairman, the officials of
tho Lake Lodore. Improvement com
pany have begun draining a part of
Lako Lodore. The water commis
sion Issued the order following com
plaint from residents of Prompton,
Seelyvllle, and Honesdalo, which
villages lie below tno tiam wnicn
ibacks up the water to form the
Years aco an old mud dam was
built to hold the water in position
and two years ago the present own
ers built a concrete dam some dis
tance below tho mud dam.
According to Richard P. Jordan,
one. of the officers and principal
stockholders of tho Improvement
company, the concrete dam is two
feet higher than tho mud dam and
the work now between the two dams
so that the one built of concrete may
be thoroughly examined by the water
supply commission s engineers.
If it is found to do sare, tne com
nanv will be allowed to fill the lake
acaln. and If It needs repairing, the
water commission win prooamy or
der the work done. If such repairs
can be made without draining off the
water behind the mud dam, the ex
penses to tho company will be com
paratively little, but If the state en
gineers insist on draining tne wnoie
body of water it will be a severe
blow to the owners.
Tho stream that drains the lake
runs directly through Prompton,
Seelyvllle, and 'Honesdale and Its
course is through a narrow valley
that has no outlet, except that fol
lowed by the stream.
Ever since the (breaking or tne Dig
dam at Austin last summer, resi
dents of towns lying below dams
and lakes have Importuned tho water
supply commission to inspect such
dams and the commission has been
working early and late to comply, as
far as possible, with the numerous
demands made upon it.
John H. Jordan, president of the
Lake Lodore Improvement company,
made the following statement:
"Wo gladly Invite the most criti
cal Inspection pf the two walls and
are now drawing the water off be
tween them so that the state water
supply commission shall 'be able to
make the fullest examination.,
"I am conAdent that when they
have done so, that the report will
be In our favor. The Inside wall,
built 'by the D. & H. over sixty years
ago, is reported to be strong enough
for all time, you might say. The
new wall we built a few years ago,
Is stronger, and the two together
surely ought to answer the purpose.
" Although tne laite is a large ooay
of water, It Is so winding In Its
shore line that tho real pressure
against the walls is exerted by a com
paratively small section near tne
outlet, as tho pressure Is broken
against the shore line by numerous
indentations farther up.
HAT would be thought of
a public official who did
not read tho papers?
Even the criticisms of him are val
uable pointers as to how ho may
render better service.
The paper is a help to every
alass. The workingman may find
through it a chance to better his
situation. It is an invaluable aid
to the housewife in her shopping.
The boy who reads tho papers
may go some day to tho state sen
ate or to congress. The one who
does not will vegetate.
Festus J. Wade, a banker of St,
Louis, Missouri, and many othor
Cathollos In the West have announc
ed their approval of the Boy Scouls
of America. 'Wado has written a
letter analyzing the manual of the
Boy Scouts of America and pointing
out that the play and tho work which
it prescribes for Boy Scouts is aim
lng to help them In every way possi
ble. He says, that Catholic Sunday
Schools and Clubs should organize
Scout troops if they wish to keep to
tho front In the development of a
boy. Wade's statement is approved
In an editorial in "The Sunday
watenman, leading Catholic Journal
of the Middle West.
Such commendation of tho Scout
Movement, which also has been made
by Monsignior Thomas J. Shahan, D.
D., President of tho Catholic Uni
versity of Washington and by the Rt.
Rev. George A. Dougherty, Vice
Rector of that institution, is import
ant because Catholics In various
parts of the country at first were In
clined to oppose the Scout Move
ment, holding that It was a Protest
ant Propaganda. Study of the Scout
Manual and of the work of the scout
showed Catholic investigators, how
ever, that Boy Scout troops may be
organized as a supplement to the
work of any club or church, and that
the boys are taught to cling to the
religion which they get at nome. In
other words, the Scout Movement
liolps to strengthen the church and
not to tear it down. As this fact is
appreciated by the Catholics, they
are urging the organization of Boy
Scout troops, and 'the commendation
of Catholics in ttjo Middle West un
doubtedly will give still greater stim
ulus to the work of the Boy Scouts
of America.
Death Of Gcorgo W. Holdridge.
The 'many friends of George W.
Holdriage will regret to learn of his
sudden death at his home, 472 Grand
Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y Mondrfy
night a week ago. Mr. and Mrs.
Holdridge spent many happy days in
Honesdale. Tho Cltizon is indebted
to Its Now York correspondent for
the following detailed account of
his doath, as well as for a brief
sketch of his life:
George W. Holdridge, for the -past
four years employed as compositor
In the Register office, died very sud
denly at his home, 472 Gcand Ave
nue, Brooklyn, on Monday night. The
deceased always enjoyed good
health, but bofore rising Saturday
morning told his wife he dreamed
he was helpless. Ho arose and
while dressing ibecamo blind and
dizzy, with the remark "I am dying"
fell back unconscious.' In a few
moments he regained consciousness
and spoke only to relapse again.
When the doctor arrived ho pro
nounced it apoplexy and gave no
George W. Holdridge was tho son
of Ira and Martha 'Holdridge and
was "born on 'a farm near Fort Mil
ler, Washington county, N. Y., July
26, 1839, and remained thero until
1845, when his parents emigrated to
the West and settled at Little Fork
(now called Wauhagon) Illinois.
One brother Is still living at that
place. In 1859 he came to New
York city and In '61 enlisted with
the Twelfth New York Militia to
Washington, serving three months.
He then returned to New York City
and after several months' stay there
went to Erie, 'Pa., and then to West
Aeld, N. Y., where he stayed until
1859. Ho then went to Honesdale,
Pa., whore he was In 'business for
three years with his uncle, David
Hoyt, who was one of the older
Honesdale merchants. He then
came to 'Brooklyn and for thirty
odd years was a trusted and capable
employe of the Standard Union. On
Jan. 8, 1889, Mr. Holdridge was
united in marriage with Miss Alice
Frame of Brooklyn, 'but who spent
her girlhood days in Honesdale.
The marriage of nearly twenty
three years was one of happiness;
the relationship and home atmos
phere were Ideal and the InAuence
has been felt by all their young
friends who were always made so
welcome. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hold
ridge wore of a hospitable nature;
tho former was a gentleman of the
older type who still regarded women
as superior and his courteous, kind
treatment gave mm tne respect oi
all who knew him and now miss and
mourn him. Mis wife, sympathetic
and unselAsh even in her many sor
rows, made the homo a true home
where kind words and affection
reigned and cross words never cross
ed the threshold. Truly lives like
these have not been lived in vain
when their impression is graven so
deeply on those who knew them best.
The widow who is in very poor
health, is alone with the exception
of one Bister, Mrs. Mary Evans, who
has been a mute since childhood and
for some years has made her home
with Mrs. Moldrldge whore she Is
tenderly cared for.
The funeral services were hold at
his lato home on Wednesday evening
and were conducted by the Rev. Dr.
Chamberlain of St. Ann's church,
Now York, and in deferance to tho
number of deaf mutes present Dr.
Chamberlain repeated the services in
the sign language. The Interment
was at Forest Hill cemetery, Scran
ton, and was In charge of Rev,
Walker, pastor of the First Baptist
church of that city. From the
Milanvllle correspondent. Will the
Scranton papers kindly copy.
Now that the Governors have come
and gone and the whole stirring in
cldent 'has become a pleasant mem
ory, the Telegraph wishes to touch
briefly upon a few phases of tho visit.
First, it is gratifying to know that
the number of persons who showed
their friendliness toward tho Gov
ernors by visiting their exhibition
cars was larger In Marrlsburg than It
was In any other city visited, includ
ing 'New York and 'Philadelphia.
Second, the Governors appreciat
ed the popular phase of their recep
tion in the Capital City, as well as
the extraordinary smoothness with
which the formal program was car
ried out.
Third, they were tremendously Im
pressed with Marrlsburg and Harris
burg's hospitality. They thought our
parks wonderful; our streets mod
els; our river front exquisite.
'Fourth, they stood in open-mouthed
amazement before the State Capi
tol. They could not And words suit
able to describe Its grandeurs, and
they were the more dumbfounded
because they had rarely, If ever,
heard of our Capitol except In terms
of reproach. They had supposed It
was tinsel and papier mache a
clieap Imitation and they found it
one of the ardhitectual marvels of
Wo may choose to attach a repu
tation for "graft" to our Capitol, or
we may choose to laud It for Its
true worth. Which, do you think,
would be tho better for you, for Har
rlsburg and for Pennsylvania? Har
rlsburg Telegraph.
VANIA. John J. Bauman v. Honesdalo Shoe
Company. No, 109 February
Term, 1911.
To the Creditors and Stockholders of
the Honesdalo Shoo Company and
all others Concerned:
Notice is hereby given that the
Circuit Court of tho United States
for tho Middle District of Pennsylva
nia has ordered as follows:
"NOW. 18th day of December,
1911, It appearing to tho Court that
the Receiver In the above entitled
action lias Aled an account showing
a balance for distribution and that
there are outstanding claims remain
11 iv spring uaranMierrijru n. ota
i BU, Phil., Pft.) DUktrArti,0l7titrM
I MptUIUt. Tb German Treatment, lh ly
unrta vrm ir pcmt wd roiMa outre
u't Cart all Htrcvrr A vera ua
Ik DImu lUell. Itf a tirM 1 huauUr. all
8Ua rVitttt PlMtMi. K 1 , both mi, Abam, Hk
. KtriiM DvbMIr, Lt Maaodt Vralaa, aU-tpkj,
lilt, Lmhi, Tarlol Uytfrettlt ttpUi A gtrttUr,
a nltUr, Kldtj,bU4itrp 40 yr practUe t yn. Hoip.
Ksp la titrataar cfeak ! mIU H aipAtiat Vmiaii
til A Couatrr A4trUala Vrandi Hit. tM( C-B flaa. -.
Receiver, it Is ordered that every pe
nnn 1 , n t .1 rT ti nlnlm nrrntnnl 1
M IIII KHI1 U1U ilUU ! jtilll I1UI1 V II TI n I!
CrtMntnn fTrilof nimtthtiw T) nrtn xf.
thereof, or either of thorn, nhn
or otherwise, to said Receiver at 51
nilllllll KLIL'HL. OUlUllLUlLi 1U.. IL HWII
statement of his claim; and It
rnrtnnr ordered mat .lamps n iin
Master Is hereby Axed for 18th di
of January, 1912, at ten A. M
lng at Scranton, Pennsylvania."
Scranton Trust Company,
Warren, Knnpp & O Malley,
O'Brien & Kelly,
tlnnl account of the guardian above nam
will be presented to the Court of Corutn
Pleas of Wayne Co. for Confrnmatlon nl
iiuru .uuiiuuy ui jiiiiuur.v mill win ue ui
Armed absolutely by said Court (Ree re
nu -jnursutiy, .Muruu 14. jmz, umuss exec
tlons are previously lined.
ni. 1 . n r
herein named bave settled their resneeti
accounts In the otllee of the Keelster of Wl
Mnnitfn.iuinll.mnltAi, n ll,n lln,
in iionesaaic. on tne tnira .M0nn.1v
January next viz:
TIM at nnil flnnl nnnn,inl nf tn 1
w. 'Knhrnripr. nrtm ninrrntnr nr t
estate or ivreu l. senrauer, Jers
City, New Jersey.
First and Anal account of M.
of Annie McGuIre, New Jersey.
Second and partial account
P.hnrlpq. A. MnnrLprn. nnMtipr nTianiil
First and Anal account of John
nr mo eatam nr .lames natron. lunn
ii irsi. mid 1111.LI 11 1:1:1111 11 r. 111 n rn
.T. ATovorn OTdcntnr nf Mia ootnta
Theodore Gehrer, Honesdale.
First and partial account of Jo
Tompkins, executor of the eqtate
Reuben W. Redmond, Bucklngha
First and partial account of W.
of Frederick DIerolf, Lehigh.
First and Anal account of A.
Stevens, M. D., executor of the
tate of Darius Proper, Lake.
R. Jaycox, executrix of the estate
Andrew C. Jaycox, Bucklngnam.
First and Anal account of L.
C. Campbell, Starrucca.
First and Anal account of A.
Searle, executor of the estate
John H. varcoe, Damascus.
First and Anal account of Char
nf TVTnrp'nrot Wnrto into nf fVin tnr
ship of Texas.
riraL uiiu iiuui iirrn mr nr .in
i'l. i T T T-1 ! L , I
r usi uuu iiiuu account 01 ail
A. Weaver; administratrix of
ahI-aIa ( rt T 1XT TT .1 .
First and linal account, of .Torn
A. Kane, executor of the estate
Hugh Kane, Preston.
First and Anal account of Carl
Prosh, executor of the estate
Kungunda Wick, Texas.
E. W. GAMMELL. Register
Register's Office, Honesdale, Dec.
By virtue of an order of tho
tno undersigned, administratrix
An 11 r. i I . .1 t 1 .. B T. ,
deceased, will sell at nubile outcry
the court house In Honesdale, on
luuiiAi, dim. -i.i, i-.
tho following property, viz:
All thoso certain lots, pieces
imivc.a ui mim DiLUUlCU ill L11B LU
1aI.. nf T J i 1 T . nr..
and described as follows, to wit:
at a post ana stones corner in
road leading from Bethany
DIngman's choice turnnlko to
Bu.w mm on owamn isrooK Known
Brink's Mill; thence by land
tti ,yi i. j t
north slxty-nlno and one-half
grees West one hundred and thli
Cbllb IUUO lu a Biunca VUlllUl lllc
UI UI dCafitl VjfJIlUUl UIlll ULI
uuriu biAi y-Buvun ueKrees n.ast i'
lands of Russel P. Lord and T.
R. Tracy, south seventy degrees
twenty-two rods to a post
stones corner and south twenty
grees east one hundred and one r
lu iua uhuuiu ui tuo iiiuresaia ro
and thence along said road so
ina uiuLD vj i ucKiuiiiiit:. iiiimiiri
l,oi ino. zz in tne allotment of
miiud kj l onuiuu iirooK, DGlon
formerly to said Lord and Traev
containing elgMy-Ave acres and
mu . I. j i , . - . . .
Ai.o uumi duiu jul ui iana Dei
ning at a neap or stones, being
eu to Jermima Jane Stlnnard.
nlnir thpnnn -hv tho anmr aniM
urea ana ten rods to a post
Btones corner; thence by lands
of Jesse Collum. north sixteen
one-half degrees west, twenty-se
and thrnn nnnrtor rnria ir, n .
rnfnnr nnrMi olvl.Atnl.i 1
nan degrees east one aundred
twenty ana three-quarter rods
a stones corner; and thence by
Lord and Tracy lands south four
- , i . V. I . .
taming twenty acres morn nr i
-" 1 . ww w . wvhiuuiui:. I
Together with imnrovemr
U1C1 ouu.
Admx. of estate of Anna M.S
uuiu, mio m raimyra.
Searle & Salmon, Attys,