PAGE 4 THE CITIZEN, ..WA, DEO. 22, lfJll. THE CITIZEN .Semi-Weekly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1844. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter, at the postoluce. Honesdalo, Pa. E. B. HARDENBERGH : PRESIDENT J. M. SMELTZER ASSOCIATE EDITOR H. DORFLINOKB, M. B. ALLEN, directors: ii. wilson, E. fi. HARDENDEBniI W. W. WOOD Our friends who favor us tcith contributions, and desire to have the same re urntd, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose. TERMS: ONE YEAR J1.60 THREE MONTHS 38c BIX MONTHS 75 ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Offlce Order or Registered letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdale, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will ouly bn admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purpose1 whore a fee Is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks, 50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application. The policy of the the Citizen is to print the local news in an interesttnp , manner, to summarize the news of the world at large, to fight for the right as this paper sees the right, without fear or favor to the end that it may serve the best interests of its readers, and the welfare of the county. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1011. ONLY ONE PAVER NEXT WEEK. The next Issue of The Citizen will be dated Friday, December 28. Our yalued and esteemed correspondents are requested to. send their Interest ing letters to us as soon as possible after the publication of this paper, so that we may bo able to print all the news sent to us. THEN AND NOW. December 25, 1911 years ago, the angels on Judea's plains sang the message of peace and good-will tb men. And ever since, on Christmas eve, something of life's harsh and hostile strivings soften down for the moment. For the time being we cease to heave economic and competitive brickbats at each other and exchange jolly greetings of good fellowship, with an aValanche of gifts, the majority of them at least harmless. And yet, in spite of the merriment and friendliness of the season, with its message of peace and good will as the echo of the far-off angel song, for thousands and thousands of salespeople, the season is an agony of fret and strain. What a contrast from the sweet song of far Judaea, to the scene to bo enacted in a thousand department stores where, until the closing doors fairly push the shoppers into the street, the rnoTj will be storming the shelves and counters. iBehlnd the counter-are packed the fuming sales girls, Jammed so thickly that they are falling over each other knee deep In waste paper, so that every motion is Impeded, their tousled stock in an exhausting confusion and disarray, tho otherwise gentle girls nerved al most to the breaking point, with swollen and aching feet, tired backs, un strung nerves. And yet, in spite 'of Incessant pleading to "buy your Christmas gifts early," the majority of the public continues In the same old' thoughtless way. What selfish, Irresponsible people we are, after all! A CALL TO ORCHARDISTS. At its thirty-seventh annual session In Freehold, tho New Jersey State Horticultural Society called upon fruit men of tho entire East to rise and meet the competition of the Western fruit-growers. "What we must and will have," said one of tho speakers, "is a closer union between New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and New England orchardists to drive the line looking- but flat tasted, dry Western fruit from Eastern markets by educating the public to the superior quality of Eastern fruit particularly apples. The .fight will bo a stiff one, but it is suro to oome and thero cannot be any doubt as to who will be the victor." It was the concensus of opinion among tho delegates that the time to "go West, young man," has gone by and that comparing Investments dol lar for dollar, the West does not offer' anything like tho opportunities to the orchardist that the East does lo-day. By actual demonstration, it was proved that New Jersey apples were fully equal to Oregon and Washington apples in appearance, wherever they have received 50 per cent, of tho attention bestowed upon the Oregon product, and that the flavor was Infinitely superior. This has been proved with regard to Pennsylvania, apples time and galn. It holds true also, of peaches, pears and all other fruits which are grown in the East as well as in tho West. The superior flavor of Eastern fruit has always been admitted, but until comparatively recent years it was tho theory that in size, quantity and appearance, the West ern fruit would continue to excel. Scientific treatment of orchards here and there throughout the East has proved this theory to bo entirely wrong and it Is said that many Western orchardists are returning to tho East In order that they may raise better fruit on cheaper land and pay less to get thorn to larger markets In shorter time. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO AMj. Tho Citizen wishes all Its readers, co-workers, correspondents, adver tisers and -other supporters a Merry Christmas and a 'Happy New, Year. Be fore another issue of Tho Citizen goes to press tho 'gala day which chil dren and grown-ups have been eagerly looking forward to, will havo come and gone. Wo hope you will enjoy tho festivities that tho season affords. OHRISTJIAS GIVING. Christmas Is coming and thero will be a great deal of foolish giving of presents. If you can make some poor child happy by a Christmas gift, do It, and the moro poor children you thus make happy the better. If you ipend your money In this way Christmas will bo a day that you will re member for years and so will the poor children. There is no doubt that much of the Christmas giving isa poor and profitless observance of tho day. One thing is good to. remember that it is far better to pay a bill that you owe than to take tho same money and buy a Christmas present for some who don't need it. There Is a lot to be said about Christmas giving, and there Is no doubt that much of it were bettor not done. ROOSEVEIr ON MURDER. Theodore Roosevelt In last week's issue of "The Outlook" has an edi torial on "Murder is Murder." In his introduction the ex-Presldont calls attention to an article ho had previously written for "The Outlook" in which he set forth what he re garded as tho sufficiently obvious doctrine that heinous crime should he treated purely as crime, without Tegard to the political, social or business affiliations of tho criminal. The occasion for tho article as well as tho subsequent editorial was the HcNamara affair. Tho editorial In part follows: Tho murders committed by men like the McNamaras, al though nominally In the Interest of organized labor, differ not one whit In moral culpability from those committed by tho Black Hand, or by any band of mero cutthroats, and are fraught with an Infinitely heavier menace to society. Yet great though the menace is to the community, the .menace to the cause of honest or ganized labor Is still greater and no duty Is more imperatively laid on tho leaders of labor than the duty of affirmatively freeing themselves and their followers from the taint of responsibility for such criminals and such crimes. After attacking socialism as rep resented by Debs and his followers as out of harmony with the true sense of the name and referring to the role this type of socialists and labor leaders played In the trial of Moyer and 'Haywood, Mr. Roosevelt ends his editorial by saying: I believo with all my heart in tho American worklngraan; I be lieve with all my he'art In organiz ed labor, and therefore with all my strength I urge the American men and women who earn their livelihood as wage workers to see that their leaders stand for hon esty and obedience to the law., and to set their -faces like flint against any effort to Identify the cause of organized labor with any movement which benefits by the commission of crimes of lawless and murderous violence. ONE WAY WOMEN QUALIFY FOR JOB. Because It has been found that young women clerks can wrlto moro legibly than the male attaches and thus facilitate the handling of ad ditional matter during the Christmas rush, extra women clerks have been hired for tho Yuletlde season by tho express companies. "We've got four on duty now," said an official of one of tho big companies, "and we find that the new scheme works out admirably. As a rule a man will dash off some thing in his hurry to get a lot of stuff down and we've had trouble as a re sult. But the women seem to get out the work just as rapidly and somehow they're better writers," 1 PEOPLE'S FORUM. The Citizen Publishing Com pany assumes no measure of re sponsibility for any articles whloh may appear in this col umn) - Suffragetto Wnnts to Know Why. Editor Citizen: Tho commissioners in appointing Thomas Y. Boyd are to be com mended upon their wise selection, as Mr. Boyd is a man of sterling quali ties. Why does not Mr. Boyd re ceive the same salary as his prede cessor? To what purpose shall the S1U0 saved on Mr. Boyd's salary bo applied? A SUFFRAGETTE. "Much Ado About Nothing." Dear Editor: In glancing over the Issues of The Citizen December 8th and 15th In clusively I find that our oratorical contest held at Sterling, Pa., somo time ago has caused a great deal of dissatisfaction particularly to the ones that received that "knockout blow." It seems to me that a whole lot of quibbling about absolutely nothing is fruitless. I can say hon estly tho rest of the Judges concur ring that we sought to bo fair in our decisions and whllo thoro was an unintentional mistake on the part of Sterling selecting one of their direc tors as a Judge, nevertheless I be lieve every one of us sought to be fair and give each contestant his or her share of credit. The question might be asked, What is Defeat? Nothing ,but educa tion: nothing but the first steps In something better. The man or wom an who today or yesterday has met defeat is not always defeated; be cause ir that particular person or persons, has any ambition at all they will make that defeat the next time a telling victory. Suppose for In stance we are a part of that great throng of Romans who were assem bled In the Co'lisseum to see tho hated Christians struggle for tho lives with the wild beasts of their amphitheatre. The grand spectacle Is preceded by a duel between two rival gladiators, trained to fight to the death to amuse the populace. When a gladiator hits his adversary in such contests he would say "hoc habet" (he has it), and look up to see whether he should kill or spare. If the people held their thumbs up, tho victim would be left to recover (and what a hard time some people have in recovering); they have in tellectual dyspepsia in a chronic form and the only resource they can find to remedy their condition is through the columns of a local news paper) if down he was to die. If he showed the least reluctance in prer sentlng his thrust for the deatn blow, there would rise a wonderful shout: 'Recipe ferrum" (receive the steel). Prominent persons would sometimes go into the arena and watch the death agonfes of tho van quished, or taste the blood of the hero. The two rival gladiators as they entered would shout to the em peror "Ave, Caesar, morlturi te salu tant" (Hail Caesar, those about to dlo salute thee). Then In ,mortal strife they fought long and desper ately, these faces wet with perspira tion and dirty with the dust of the arena. Suddenly an aged stranger In the audience leaps over the rail ing and standing bareheaded and .barefooted between the contestants. oias tnem stay tneir hands. A humming sound comes from the vast audience, like that of steam Issuing from a geyser, followed by cries of "Back, 'Back, old man." But the gray-haired hermit stands like a statue. "Cut him down, cut him down," roar the spectators, and the gladiator's statue, the would-be peacemaker to earth, and fight over nis dead body. 'But what of It? What Is the life or a poor old hermit comDared with the thousands who have met their deaths in that vast arena? The un known man died, but his death brought Rome to tfbr senses, and no moro gladiatorial contests diseraced tho Colisseum, while In every prov ince or me empire tho custom was utterly abolished, to ho revived no more. iua vase ruin sianus to-day a monument to the victory In tho her mit s defeat. No man fails who does nis best for If the critical world ic noro him and use the gloves on him his labor Is weighed in the scales of Omniscient Justice. As there is no effect without cause, no loss of enor gy In tho world, so conscientious persistence and grinding canno't Ian of its ultimate reward. One of the first lessons of life Is to learn how to get victory out of de- leai. ii seems to me that if our friend Prof. Slpo who has made so much talk about nothinc would slmn ly educate his energies towards that which is something ho might be able to give the knock-out blow If he works hard enough. But ho has got to hustle before ho can do up the Ariel boys. Now SIpe, turn some of that hone of yours Into flint, and grls tie into muscle, that makes -inert In vincible and formed ascendency in the world. Do not then, Slpe, be afraid of defeat. You are never so near to victory, as when defeated in a good cause. Failure becomes the final test of persistence and of an Iron will. It either crushes a life, or solidifies it. The wounded oyster mends his sneu witn pearl. -He who never railed has never half-succeeded. The defeat at Bull Run was really the greatest victory of the civil war, for it sent the cowards to the rear, and .the politicians home. It was the 'lightning flash in the dark night of our nation's pern which gave us glimpses of the weaker places in our army, it was the mirror Which showed us the faces of the political aspirants. All the great works of the world has been accomplished by courage, and the world's greatest victories have been borne of defeat. Every blessing tnat we enjoy, personal, se curlty, Individual liberty, and con stltutlonal freedom, has been obtain' ed through long apprenticeships of evil. The right or existing as a na tion has only been accomplished through ages of wars and horrors. It required four centuries of martyr dom to establish Christianity and a century of Civil wars to introduce tho Reformation. Amidst all that humbles and scathes amidst all that shatters from their life Its verdue Invites to the dust tho pTrmp and summit of their pride, and in tho very heart of existence wrltoth a sudden and strango departure, they stand erect, riven, not uprooted, a monument less of pity than of awe! Thero are some who pass through the lazar homo of misery with a step more august than a Caesar's in his hall. The very things, which seen alone, are despic able and vile, associated with then become almost venerable and divine; and one ray however dim and feeble, of that intense Holiness which In tho Infant God. shed maj esty over the manger and the straw,. not denied to those who, in the depth of affliction, cherished his patient image, flings over the meanest localities of earth an emanation from tho glory of heav en. Even from the dreary waste and desolation of his bereavement at Fordhaim, tho stricken soul of Edgar A. Poe. blossomed lrj, those match less iiowers or mncrai song, tno delicate ethereal dirges, "Vlalume" and "Annabel Lee" which alone would immortalize their author. What wo want is nerve, grit, en durance in our, conceptions of defeat. Indeed I am much disposed to think that endurance is the most valuable quality of all. No defeat has (be come a victory unless It is won by honest Industry and brave breasting of the waves of fortune. Now, Slpo, stick to the thing and carry It through. Believe you were made for the place you fill, and that no one else can fill it as well. Put forth your whole energies. Bo awake, electrify yourself; go forth to the task. Only once learn to carry a thing through in all its com pleteness and proportion, and you will become a hero. You will think better of yourself; others will think better of you. The world in its very heart admires the stern, determined doer. I like the man who faces what he must. With step triumphant and a heart of cheer, Who fights the dally battle without fear; That God Is God; that somewhere true and just His plans work out for mortals not a tear Is shed with fortune which the world holds dear, Falls from his grasp; better with love a crust Than living In dishonor; envies not Nor loves faith In man but does his best Nor even murmurs at .bis humbler lot; But with a smile and words of hope, Gives zest to every toiler, he alone Is great. Who by a life heroic conquers fate. REV. MORRISON. South Canaan, 'Fa. Mb. Greene tho Man. Editor Citizen: Having read in to-day's issue of The Citizen some letters in regard to the appointment of 'Commissioners' Attorney, I' would like to add this in favor of Mr. Greene. Mr. Greene was born and raised at Ariel and is better known in this section than any other attorney in tho county. rThere is no question as to' his' ability as a lawyer or his integrity as a- man. That he has always been a strong (Republican is a well known fact. Having heard that there was some question as to who would be the next attorney, I made inquiry among many voters of both parties In this section, and found that the Commls sloners could do nothing that would please the people here more than to appoint Mr. Greene as their attor ney. Very truly yours, REPUBLICAN VOTER. Hamlin, Pa. They Should Not Fall To Do It. Editor Citizen, Dear Sir: I was much surprised to see an announcement in the papers that the new commissioners had failed at their last meeting to elect an attor ney. With two Republican members on the board It is Incomprehensible how there could be any question of who should receive the appointment. Homer Greene Is the one and only Republican attorney who should be Tor a moment considered in this connection. The appointment of any other attorney would be flying di rectly in the face of a most pro nounced public sentiment which de mands the appointment of Mr, Greene. With all duo respect to tho pres ent incumbent U is genorally con ceded that ho has hold the offlco for a sufficient series of terms and that ho should now. allow someone else to replaco him. Ono of the cardinal principles of elective officers in this county has 'been that two or at most three terms of office Is all that a man should ask for or expect. If tho new board of Commissioners fall to take this fact! into consideration they will bo guilty of grossly violating the traditions of their offlco and of insulting the loy alty of tho people who elected them to that ollice. Homer Greene Is tho only loeical candidate and in choosing him as counsel tho Commissioners will start in omce with tho appreciation and good wishes of their constituents. FAIR PLAY. Kitchen Cabinet. Sfi.00 nf. Tlrnwn'n Furniture store. 100t3 Carpet Swoeners. Si. 50 nt Ttrnwn'u Furnlturo store. 100t3 Brass UOStumom. SS.KO nt TlrnTOn'ti Furniture store. 100t3 Hall Racks. S3. (Ill nt. TlrnTim'n 1?,ir. nlture store. 100t3 HOLLISTERVILLE. Rev. A. H. Rplnhnrt n.u nntlfloH of the death of his grandfather, John Rltz, aged 91 years at Reading, Pa. He received tho news too late to be able to attend the funeral which was held on Wednesday. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, SS.: -Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and. State aforesaid, and that Bald firr will pay the sum of ONE HUNDREL DOLLARS for each and every case o Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use' of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence, this 6th day ot December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) a. W. GLEASON. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by ail Druggists, 75c. Tke Hall's Family Pills for constipation. If you want to buy a seasonable girt ror a lady, you can find at Men ner & Co. genuine furs In Muffs and Collars, Hats and handsome coats 98w3 Music Cabinets. $4.50 at Brown's furniture store. lOOta AND OTHER 8KIN AFFECTION When Zeuio mid Zcmo Used. The A. M.. Lelne drne ntnrn rniv "We are so confldent that ZEMO at ZEMO SOAP used together will r LUU D IV 111 Ut Ul llUUUt Ui U1U nersnn or kim. iiihja. u jAUkhwa BITES or any form of itching, in tated, disfiguring skin or eca trouDie, mat we uo not nesitate quick reliof and a cure from ai form of aggravated skin or scam IKULlUlli UlLDULlUlCa Jilt) UIILLItl il caso of skin trouble. nil Li juiuu iii (in ii nti i ii uiiu nniiL i uo ui lo. i iiii win i mence to use them. You will fe like a new person. u;mu ana suai' can do o talned from one leading druggist every city or town In America and tt t ' i - r t - -1 J store. Umbrella Racks, SI. 50 at Brown Furniture store. 1001 Menner as uo. always show fine line of dress goods and trln I ti.i-i e -ii t -l ents. Quality the best. l if r I II 1 1 1 1 1 I A MM B I II 1 I I I I I V IIII fllllll j o CANDIES, fresh from the factory. U1UIJ Ul UIIU UtJSL L11UL II1UI1 can buy. 1 ,! f r r i i We oive Tradinc Stamps. m 1 f rt i rinnT-ni tmn iry u buck ui j. jjnjvji.o ucs T'T TTT1 .1 ; 1. .11. riiuun inure ib ho uuiiur. mi i' . i ii ... i i 1 1 town Dridge. C. A. BROOKS. Election Notice ! TVTooMtKT ff flirt of TjVi nlilnun nf Vi .nunesuiue iNuuomu uanK will u ivaruu LuniJLV. i t... i iinwiiiiv. .mil ary 9, 1912, between tho hours of uuu u. ui. iui liiu uuruusu ul uiuu ine directors and transacting an other business that may be brough beforo the stockholders. L. A. HOWELL, 100w4 . Cashier. HOLIDAY GIFTS Christmas Goods for Old and Young at J. B. NIELSEN'S. Hflmn nnH fiPA Snntn Pinna 4n mi y winAnm nnA Vi - otnn Inntrln. In spect our large slock ana get prices. What Mis You? MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets are guaranteed by G. W. Pell to end in digestion or any stomach distress, or money back. They relievo upset stomach in Ave minutes. MI-O-NA for belching of gas. MI-O-NA for distress after eating. MI-O-NA for foul breath. MI-O-NA for biliousness. MI-O-NA to wake up tho liver. MI-O-NA for heartburn. MI-O-NA for sick headache. MI-O-NA for nervous dyspepsia. MI-O-NA for night sweats. MI-O-NA for sleeplessness. MI-O-NA for bad dreams. MI-O-NA for sea sickness. MI-O-NA after a banquet. MI-O-NA for vomiting of preg nancy. Makes rich, pure blood puts gin ger, vigor, vim, vitality into tho whole body. Fifty cents a large box at O. W. Pell's and druggists everywhere. Your husband would be pleas ed with a Bath Robe, Pajamas, Night Gown, Rain Coat, Ties and Socks, at Menner & Co., for Christmas, 98t3 Shirt Waist Boxes, 2.25 at Brown's Furniture store. . 100t3 n 1 . - H. HOLIDAY GREETING FROM HONESDALEfDIME BANK HONESDAIHPA. Prompt, Reliable, Accommodating A Growing Bank Do Your Banking Business With Us Bank Books and Family Safes for Ghristmas Gifts. . s fttttftf KaHHPH -" uit I HiiiH, Lessee m Mgr. I Performance Only! lff DECEMBER 25 I THE DIXIE CHORUS!"! (ALL NEGROS) SCENES ( In the Ju - -I In the Ci I In the "f In the Jungle Camp Meeting 'Service" In the Cotton Field In the cabin Under the war cloud t A. SPECIAL HOLIDAY ATTRACTION Prices, 15-25-35 and 50 cents, AT POPULAR PRICES ?: Se' 8s'? pfns & h t sjn '