The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 20, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
AGE 2 THK CITIZEN, AVEDNESDAV, DEO. 20, 1011. OBWGDD ( Tho White Star llnor, "Oceanic" arrived in port In New York Thurs day morning from Southampton, Cherbourg and Queenstown. It broke all records as an .incoming Christmas ship. She carried 6.G1G sacks of mall,, and 230 bags of par cels post. This is the biggest batch of mall over 'brought to this country. Pennsylvania's registration of au tomobiles Is going to run over 45,000 this year according to the way the registration has been going on at the State Highway Department. So far 44,300 machines have 'been register ed. The best previous record was 1909 with 34,351. Pennsylvania's forest reserves will likely reach the million, acre mark before the next 'Legislature meets If the State can make favorable terms for a number of tracts of land offer ed. The total area of the reserves' Is now close to 962,991 acres and there are a large number of offers to bo considered. The Pine Grove Furn ace tract, which lias valuable mineral and ice rights has been formally tak en over. Dr. J. P. Butterfield, of Riverside, Cal., has Just sold his entire herd of twenty cows at $200 each. Dr. But terfield, 'when ho went from South Montrose last spring, shipped his fine herd of thoroughbred Ayrshires to his new 'home. He had started a certified imilk station, when a party came along and made an offer of ?200 a head for each of tho twenty cows. The doctor couldn't resist the figures, selling the herd outright. A number of young cattle also sold at prices near tho 200-mark. Tho State yesterday issued war rants for the payment of $70,000 to Sculptor Barnard as final payments for his groups and $G0,uu8.57 for the estate of Edwin A. Abbey, for his paintings at the Capitol. In all $116,000 has been paid the artist of his estate and -there remains near ly $100,000 for the payment of Miss Violet Oakley, who will complete the work outlined by Mr. Abbey. Burglars entered the home of W. L. Wolfe, Wllkes-Barre, Wednesday night and after ranksacklng the low er floors carried off a purse. The purse was an old one and in it were two pennies, one of which dropped to tho floor as the Intruder made his escape. A penny was all the bur glar received 'for his trouble. In his eagerness to get away with the purse, ho overlooked valuables to the amount of $1,000, which were stor ed in the sideboard that he ransack ed. The Pennsylvania Grand Lodge of Odd- Fellows is to raise $10,000 for the Austin flood sufferers. Tho next day after the flood the grand officers of the state turned over' $1000 In cash from the emergency fund. Now the Grand Lodge officers have taken upon themselves to raise $10,000 among the lodges of the state for use at Austin on flood sufferers. Fire late Sunday night complete ly destroyed the barn on the farm of E. D. Aylesworth in Auburn, entail ing a loss of $7,000 in grain, stored in the structure. The building It self was a large one valued at $3, 000 and Btored In it were all the year's crops. A herd of registered Holstein cattle two teams valued at $1,000 and all 'farming machinery were also destroyed. Tuesday of last week Officer Geo. ljafave of Fish's Eddy, who has had charge of the "'wet goods" seized by the sheriff several weeks ago at the residence of John Shaffer, 'Hancock, took the stuff out back of the court house at Delhi, and smashed the packages with a hammer, allowing tho contents to escape on the ground. There were 111 'bottles of beer, 7 quarts of whiskey and one jug of wine. The "stuff" was destroyed iby order of the court. Hancock Herald. 'Five thousand volunteers are sell ing Red Cross ChrlstrnaB Seals throughout the State. The number lis steadily Increasing and bv the time tho sale Is at Its height, the workers' will total nearly six thousand. A now white deer, of good size, was seen by parties at the Delaware Water Gap, Thursday, In company with two other fine specimens of tho fleet-footed game. Some say they, are going to get It regardless of fines. 'Wednesday afternoon last was the date fixed 'for the hearing of tho charges of selling liquor on Sunday against Associate J.udge Englehart, of 'Matamoras, Pike county. Judge wearle, or Wayne, was on the bench The case was continued until the x9th of this month, without the hear ing of any Witnesses. East Strouds- Durg I'ress. In an attempt to duplicate the feat of a friend In a hotel at WInton, near Bcranton, who had Just drunk Bchooner of beer without moving a $20 gold-piece which had been de posited in the bottom, Joseph Man' gella swallowed tho coin and narrow ly escaped choking to death last week, Mengellls was operated on In the State Hospital the next day' and u is tnougnt that he will recover. A lady in an adjoining town snled what she supposed to be her pet kit ten in the cistern making a terrible ado, Her love for the pet made her determined to rescue it at all haz ards. She applied a rake but all to no use, so In she jumped when the I u mi water came up to. her neck. Shortly after, her husband arrived, fished her out and discovered the kitten on the roof while Its shadow was reflected In the water. A loquacious parrot, the property of Mrs. George Wheeling, of Lans downe, caused her to pay, $2 for a load of wood which shs did not want. Two wood peddlers went through the borough and as they were oposite the Wheeling ihome they heard some one call from the doorway, "Put It in the cellar." The two men dumped the wood and pre sented their bill. Mrs. Wheeling de nied ordering the wood and refused to pay. Just then they heard tho same voice say, "Put it In the cel lar. It was the parrot, and Mrs. Wheeling paid tho hill. W. G. Tiffany, of Deposit, 'has ac cepted the management of the Star light Dairy Company's store, at Star light, Pa. Hancock Herald. The following bankruptcy petition was filed In the United States District court, Wednesday: Frederick Hubert, of Calllcoon, Sullivan county, volun tary. Liabilities, $1,585, and nomi nal assets, $150. Deposit Courier- Journal. A six inch trout swimming round in a can a! milk was the strange sight which greeted the eyes of an employee of the milk station In Gro ton, when he started to empty one of the cans brought to the station by a farmer. An interesting fact connected with Now York's new water supply in the Catskll'ls is that It will take four days or more 'for a drop of water to pass from the valley of Esopus through the aqueduct and pipe till it Teaches a faucet in New York. Tho firm of Kinnie & Sohneider, or 'Narrowsburgh, will dissolve part nership on January 1. Mr. Kinnie will go to Montlcello to take up his duties as sheriff of the county, to which office he was elected in No vember. The Schneider brothers, Lewis and Paul, will conduct the business. The firm of Kinnie & Schneider has been doing business for the past 16 years and It has made a successful business record. A. Waldler of 'Winterdale offers a reward of $25 for evdence that will lead to the conviction of the party who smashed the glass in the front doors of his residence last Monday night. FARMERS' WEEK. Farmers' Week at The Pennsylva nia State College has become one of the established features of work In that practical institution. Many hundreds of the more progressive farmers of the state gather at State College during that week to listen to discussions of various phases of farming. This year the lectures will begin Wednesday, December 27th, and will close Wednesday, January 3. One hundred and ten lectures will be given by fifty-two scientists and practical men. Some or the most widely-known authorities in agricul ture are on the 'program whicn is ex ceptionally good this year. Our readers should write to "School of Agriculture, State College, Pa." for programs that will inform them re garding the lectures and their sub jects. Anyone who has ever attend ed one of these 'Farmers week 'meet ings knows their value to practical men, but there are other thousands of farmers who should avail themselves of this opportunity 'for meeting with the leaders In the best agricultural practices. This conference of farm ers is divided into sections so that horticulturists, dairymen, anlmal husbandrymen, general farmers, etc., may give all their time during the week to the particular line of sub jects that interests them. Send for program and go to State college ror this Farmers' Week. Dynamiting Subsoil. Much is being written at this time on tho subject of "blasting the soli at the point where young trees are to be set. Prof. Surface, State Zoolo gist, comments upon the use of ox plosives preparatory to planting, in a letter to a recent inquirer as 'fol lows: "Replying to your letter asking if you should use dynamite to mane holes ifor your apple trees, I beg to say that this depends entirely upon the conditions. If there is imper vious hardpan beneath your soil, or if there 1b a layer of rock, or any thing that will prevent the penetra tion by the roots, or the proper aa cumulation and retention of mols ture, it would be a good plan to shat ter the hardpan or bed rock by the use of dynamite. If the subsoil is loose, and there is no impervious or Impenetrable rock immediately be neath it, as is found in the strata bo low shale soil and gravel soil, and certain other conditions, it is not at all necesasry to use dynamite, and this may even result in some Injury 'Instead or henent. I believe it possible to make the subdrainage too complete for the good of the trees under certain cir cumstances. On the other hand, in cases where it is needed, it is desir able. 'Experiments are being con ducted now in several places to learn more about this. At the present time I would not advise our friends to rush tashly into the dynamiting process. It is "best to try it only on a few tree places, and watoh the results." TIMELY BREVITII In nil Jnpnn there are only half a dozen passenger or grain elevators. More than UU per cent of our farms are reported "owned free of debt." The apple crop for 11)11 Is placed at HO.OOO.OOO barrels, or 20 per cent above 1010. Tho scmlbnrbarous tribes of Austra lia make use of telephones connecting their enenmpments. The present demand for French champagne amounts to nearly 40,000, 00O quart bottles a year. From seven in 1823 the number of stockbrokers on tho Brussels bourse has risen to nearly 1,500. There is being manufactured in Liv erpool, England, a water finding device designed to supplant the hazel twig. Canada has completed its census and finds that the population is a little more than 7.000,000, not tho hoped for i 8,000.000. I A tower that will be the highest I structure In America is to be one of the features of the Panama exposition In San Francisco. Mrs. John Alexander Dowle recently ' started n new Dowle movement in Chi- ' sago. It is reported that she" will es- tabllsh a new Zion City. An artificial cliff has been built at Niagara Falls to hide from view the group of power plants which have dis figured the beauty of the spot. A Brazilian railroad which found it could not use wooden telegraph poles because of attacks by insects is utiliz ing old rails, erected in pairs, to hold the wires. There is now a noxious weed act in New Zealand which imposes fines up to $100 on any persons who knowing ly sow, sell or offer for sale any nox ious seeds. From Peking it is announced that tho Chinese government is about to drop the troublesome moon from its cnlendar and follow the practice of western nations In using only the sun. According to a report to the French Academy of Sciences, all canned fish contain ptomaines, which, however, do not begin to increase appreciably until two days after a can has been opened. Discoverers of an Egyptian worm that will eat the cotton boll weevil hnv0 been discouraged by learning that li is cannibalistic in its tendencies and will eat its companions as readily as weevils. The couch of Louis XIV.. which Is exhibited in a gorgeous room In Ver sailles, Is found to be not genuine. Only the cover and the canopy are gen uine. The rest dates from the time of Louis Philippe. American consulates in China con tinue to caution young men in search of employment from going to that country unless they have a good con tract with a reliable firm already sign ed before leaving homo. According to a French physician, c short period of rest is sufficient to pre pare a person for new exertion after heavy but not protracted work, while longer rest Is necessary after continu ous work of lighter nature. There are 500 miles of automobile roads on Vancouver island. British Co lumbia. The government has built a seventy-five mile trunk road from Vic toria to Albemi and a sixty mile scenic drive along the Saanich peninsula. Mexicans know a good show from a bad one. On the opening night of a well advertised entertainment at Vera Cruz not long ago over a thousand per sons attended. The following night there were only six persons in the the ater. Despite the great acreage devoted to apples in the United States, the crop seems insufficient to meet demands. Hobart, Tasmania, shipped over J50,- 000 worth of the fruit to this country during the first four months of the present year. A Will conveying what is said to be the smallest estate ever recorded In the surrogate's office in New York city was filed there recently. It Is the will of James L. Doyle, and under its terms his estnte. valued at $5.10, goes to his two daughters. Tho clock in the tower of Trinity church, New York, is 100 years old. Rust and age have played havoc with It. It Is to be replaced by one of mod ern make, having four dials, each six' feet in diameter, with numerals In scribed In stone. One farm exclusively for opossums has been started In Glppslnnd. Vic toria, which comprises 2,000 acres of eucalyptus bush land. Another farm comprising COO acres has been started In southern Tasmania nnd another of 150 acres In New South Wales. The Levant Trade Review expresses the opinion that American soda foun tains would do a rushing business In Turkish cities. So far as known, there is not a single fountain in operation anywhere in the Ottomnn dominions, although soft drinks are exceptionally popular in those parts. The secret of Anna Gould Castel lane's (Duchess de Talleyrand's) pur chase of the famous royal grapes of Fontnlnebleau came.out when she was found feeding them to her two-year-old prince. The duchess bought many bunches at $24 a bunch, and all are for the baby prince, who has been or dered grapes by the family physician. A thunderstorm observatory has Deen established in Spain, in which at mospheric discharges, both local and dlstnnt, are detected graphically and acoustically. A wireless telegraph in strument is used for this purpose, be cause each lightning discharge is ac companied by electromagnetic waves similar to those used in wireless tel- oTanhv. Daily Christmas F)int Gifti a Man May Give HU Fiancee or Wife OOQ OOLIiAliS FOR PRETTY NECKS. The man who has n pretty fiancee, wife or daughter will do well to exam ine the three necklaces photographed here. These, fashion experts assure us. are the very latest wrinkles in neck ornaments. If the one for whom it is intended has a plump, pretty neck the narrow turquoise mounted collar will be ac ceptable. It is mounted in old silver. Trinkets of any sort are liked by pretty women. These collnrs. if mount ed with semiprecious stones, are not out of the reach of ordinary pocket books. Daily Christmas Fint A Waih Doll For the Little Girl You Love WASHABLE DOLL. To make this 'doll take No. 4 knitting cotton. Wind thirty-two times around a nineteen inch book for arms. Tie at ends with baby ribbon, leaving one end for hands. For the body wind the cotton around a twenty-two inch book. Wind It close nt one end, where it is knotted with baby ribbon. Cut sixty strands of the cotton about halfway down. Make of this two plaits. Cut the other end of cotton to form skirt. On taking from book tie in two Inches from top to form head. Slip In the arms. Add baby ribbon and bells to suit fancy. Paint the features. Daily Christmas f)int Handmade Lingerie Addi to the At tractiveness of Any Wardrobe DAINTY CORSET COVER. Handmade lingerie is expensive, and if In doubt what to givo some femi nine member of her family or inti mate friend a woman might do worso thnn copy the fetching design for n corset cover pictured here. By a little maneuvering she may discover the size of the one for whom the gift is to be made. After that the task is easy, for this pattern fa so simple that it takes little time or patience to follow it out. The body is made of flouncing in the usual way, but an extension piece in yoke shape is 'added at the top and gives a more finished appearance. This yoke may be omitted (if desired, but the usual objection to corset covers of this description has been that they are so low cut that they do not af ford sufficient protection. Embroider ed flouncing thirteen Inches wide was used for this garment REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE Farmers and Me chanics Bank, OF HONESDALE, WAYNE COUNTY. PA at tho close of business. Nov. C. 1811. RESOCllCES. Reserve fund , $ Cash, specie and notes. $11,765 20 Due from approved re- , serve agents.. $32,G01 C7--J7.3C6 87 Nickels, cents and fractional currency 303 68 Checks and other cash items 681 15 Duo. from banks nnd trust coin panics not reserve Hills discounted, 94,766 50 Time loans with collateral 2C.055 00 XiOans on call with collateral ,. 29,833 40 Loans on call upon two or more r names ....... 29,573 60 Loans secured by bonds and mort gages.. 9,011 00 Investment securities owned exclu sive of reserve bonds, viz Stocks, bonds, etc 63.611 08 Mortgages and Judg- m nientspt record 61.126 60 Ofuce 1 Building and Lot 18.81)9 5-5 Furniture and fixtures 1,804 41 Overdrafts 105 08 Miscellaneous assets 7,032 45 $ 391.476 17 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid- In J 75,000 00 Surplus Fund.... 15.000 00 Undivided l'rolits, less expenses and taxes paid 4,811 60 Deposits, subject to check $69,831 78 Lusiilor's checks outstand'g 35 Deposits, special 226,796 99-296,632 12 $391,476 17 State ot Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss: I. C. A. Emery, Cashier of the above named company, do solemnly swear that the nbove statement Is true to tho best ot my knowledge and belief, C, A. EMERY,- Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before e this 13th day of Nov., 1911. My commission expire Jan. 19, 1911. Hena S. Edqett. N, 1. Correct attest: M. E. Simons, ) G. Wm. Sell. -Directors. F. W. Kreitner. 1 giw6 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK SONESDALE, WAYHK CO., PA., at the close of business, Nov. 6, 1911. resources lteserve fund Cash, specie and notes, $42,421 60 Duo from approved re serve agents 103,188 96 Legal securities at par... 45000 00-190,613 66 NIckclsand cents 18180 Checks and cash Items 2,441 14 Due from Hanks and Trust Co's, not reserve agents 5.935 22 Bills discounted : Upun 0110 name $ 2.583 68 Upon two or more names 173,733 74-176,317 42 Timeloaus with collateral 65,060 00 Loanson call with collateral 216,089 58 Loans on call upon two ,or more names 58,057 29 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 21.200 00 Bonds. Stocks, etc.. Schedule D.... 1,831,366 94 Mortgages and Judgments ot rec- i ord, Schedule D-2 '330,673.36 Office Building and Lot 27,000 00 Other Iteal Estnte 6,000 00 Furniture nnd Fixtures 2,000 00 Overdrafts 31 86 Miscellaneous Assets 400 30 $2,936,991 17 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, paid m $ 100,000 00 Surplus Fund 400,000 00 Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 60,147 51 Individual deposits sub ject to check $176,001 63 Indlvldal Deposit, Tlmo.2.182,778 76 Time certificates ot de posit 238 78 Deposits, Common wealth of Pennsylva'a 25,000 00 Certitied Checks 32 80 Cashier's check outst'g 1.951 80-2,383,066 67 Due 10 nanus ana xrust uos. not re serve agents 779 99 $2,936,994 17 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss: I, H. Scott Salmon. Cashier of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. laigneaj 11. o. salmuii , casmer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of Nov., 1911. (Signed) KOBEKT A. SMITH. N, P. Notarial Seal I Correct Attest: AlonzoT. Searlb, 1 C. J. Smith, Directors. J. W. Farley. J REPOKT OF THE CONDITION or THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At the close ot business, Deo. 5, 1911, resources. Loans and Discounts $ 246,517 38 Overdrafts.secured and unsecured 41 75 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. 55,000 00 Bonds to secure Postal Savings 6.196 82 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 1,900 00 Bonds, securities, etc 1,234,017 91 Banking-house, furniture nnd fix tures ,. 40,000 00 Due from National Banks (not lteserve Agents) 4,296 17 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers. Trust Companies, and Savings Banks 432 27 Due, from approved reserve agents 148 011 73 Checks and other cash Items ... 5.697 46 Notes of other National Banks.. 14,930 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents.... 370 83 Lawful Money lteserve In Bank, Viz: Specie $82.937 50 Legal tender notes 6,310 00- 89,247 60 Redemption' fund with U. S. Treasurer, (5 per cent, of circu lation) 2,750 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer 900 00 Total $1,818,212 82 liabilities. Capital Stock paid In $ 160,000 00 Surplus fund 150,000 00 Undivided prollts, less expenses and taxes paid 67.331 62 National Bank notes outstanding 63.90U 00 Due to other National Banks 2,650 76 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers 130 27 Individual deposits subject to check $1,412.902 28 Demand certificates of deposit 20,680 00 Certified checks 55 00 Cashier's checks out standing 559 89-$ 1,431,197 17 Bonds borrowed None Notes and bills redlscounted .... None Bills payable. Including certifi cates ot deposit for money bor rowed None Liabilities other than those above stated None Total $1,818,212 82 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I, Lewis A. Howell, Cashier, of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best ot my knowledge and belief. Lewis A. Howell, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7thdayotDec..l9U. SMITH, N. P, Correct attest: H. Z. KUSSELL, ) nt L Homer Gbeene. -Directors K. B. Habdinbeboh. J -Buy a few Red Cross Seals. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorncva-at-Lnw. tr wilson. J-A. Aliraillil a UUUNBKLOH-AT-I.ATC. Office adjacent to Post Office in Dlmmlck uiului iiuiirij'iuiCi J. u, H. LEE. VV ATTORNEY A COUNSELOll-AT-LAW. Hfllrin nvat nndt n(T1n,i All 1 1 1 1 . . utuvw w w ijud viuvci aii iKui uusines lyiuuipm ihicuucu iu, -iiuuuBuaie, Jt a. 71 O. MUMFORD, JLi. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW TTOMER GREENE. XL ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office over Reil's store. Honesdale Pa. riHARLES A. McOARTY. J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- IT-LAW. Special and prompt attention given to tht collection ot claims. Offlce"over Kelt's new aiuio xiuucsuuic, ra. O P. KIMBLE. ' . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW umceover me post omce Honesdale. Pa. E. SIMONS, A TTrtDMPV Jl nnnTorr An am . viino x ot vuun Oluyj LX'A X." L1A.YI t Office in the Court HouBe, Honesdale ra. TTkETER H. H-OHF. -- AIIUUSKI A UUUHSELOR-AT-LAWi Office-Second floor old Savings Brit uuuuuitf, xiiuiusiiuie ra. HEARLE & HA LlfON. YD ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW. muuea lately occupiea Dy judge Searle' n HESTER A. GARRATT. J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Office adjacent to Post Office, Honesdale. Pa Dentists. tkR. e. t. brown, U DENTIST. nifl., T3li (1 i 1 r. , . . ... j.- in, iiuui, urn savings isanK DUlld- iiik, xxuiicouuie. ra. 1) ,R. C. R. BRADY, DENTIST, HONESDALE, PA. -1011 MAIN ST. Citizens' Phone. Physicians. T B. PETERSON. M. D. X . 1126 MAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA, ase una iiar a specialty. The fitting of glass es given careful attention. Livery. T I VERY. ired. li. Rir.knrrl hno . Xi moved his livery establishment from corner Church street to Whitney's Stone uuru ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 75yl j H M t t t M M T ft H H M t tt SPENCER j The Jeweler X Miwould Hke to see you If I you are in the market for t JEWELRY, SILVER4 I WARE, WATCHESj A CLOCKS, I . DIAMONDS, ii AND NOVELTIES !i "Guaranteed articles only sold." i iiJ5nujnm:j::::;:u:ij:j!ij::j:m::::nz:na WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that; have his prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible for more care to be taken m the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night or day, .will be promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. & H. Station. Honesdale. Pa. :m::i::nn:::nK:::n::n German-American Home Y I M. Men Women, you nor A nld. 1 reaimenii h .wr ? c;?. The GERMAN 6000 D I Unit Mil utk axrj lltld.d Ca, 1 po.ltli.lf U Only Cure. lattler .biuimr your 11 Imnt or DWuu n, b, can, rltU, mttut who failed. Writ, flat yaar Caia In atrial caalldaaaa. AOureliriAlIANTKED. idr...QLD CERMAM DOCTOR. ' Uox esse. lldiiDtiiVPi. HOTEL 'ST. DENIS9 BROADWAY and 11th ST. MEW YORK CITY Within Bceeta of ovcry point of in tcreat. Half blotlt from Wnmlter', NOTED. ORt Excellence of lOtmortable appointment!, courte acrvice and homcliko surroundings, Rooms SI. 09 par day zni With privltoQo ol Bath SI. GO per da -and up EUROPEAN PLAN a - - - wwv