Weather Forecast: Northerly Winds. "Weather Forecast: Northerly Winds. THE CITIZEN curried 1200 In- VOUIt PRINTING In our hands ches of Advertising In its number. Xmns will put business In yo prioeS'jents HONBSDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1911. t n v h : ii i-f ii i 1 1 1 1 lU JU I 111 I U . J-1 W .LVA 1 . Jff-: MILLS IL nll Rnrl Rnv vtn1p A UIU) UUU) UJ UVV1V 1JL Big Gun AWAI AHAI, lllii lium llliinu IK) IT. NO MORE I "SURE, AND AIN'T IT THE WICKED WORLD?" "I was going to hunt. They II I Mil HIM. IMKIHilll III IIIH UUUL1UU hlilta." That was tho only excuse William offer Friday afternoon in court, n1n a trim from Oraham Watts nrn 111 ni Kn imviimiL. "You are charged," said District ttnrnnv iimons to tn vniitnmi 01- II HLH.LHIIll IL 11111. Ulll Vtlll 11(1 1LI "Yes, sir," promptly owned up aster William. "Did you ever take anything bo" niipstlnnpfl Mr. Simons. Not as I know of," replied tho Clad In overalls, collarlcss, with i i i t ii Hinli KHIMIll. I1I1II'. II H 11H WH. WIIIIILIll ntffo mittn nrnn flirt ovmnnthv f I In tho nnrf. room, ns hft rpnltfin response to many questions, the ps and downs in his checkered ca- "I was fourteen years old, he niuii. ill i-h. vviiiiii wrfiiH null : nkpi V IIlllIIIfr I1IIW fllll 1 W II H 11IIII KIIH r tun li'itrsmire Home. "My mother is living, ahe's In LLIlHr IliirLf'Il. '1 WHS LHI1 VHIirH 111U UCU uuuu luua uic uut U 1 IH nill IH. 1 HL 1VK 1 . H1H I.WI, ll n nnir vnnra "It must have been six or seven ears ago when, I -went to the Pitts- la I was. jsveryooay says I'm oia- than fourteen, but I don't think am. "Oliver Wood, of Damascus, got A (iii7 ni inn r 1 ( i m i m fin iiiin Til crn nanors tnnt He'd hoard rnie anrt eep me until l was twenty-one, fA T 1nf 4tirvm T i.-nH f fnn lenrv uummoe. doincr cnores ana IIIIII Ll, Hi;ilflLII. WIIIKI'll II1HI. PUII i a-. i t i. , i l nd Winter for Frea Cottle of Ber- " I don't believe I set a trap In iv- liffi. Yon. T Htnokft nlirnrftttAS. I illl U. IlllltJ. (JUL IL LML UIUKU1I W 11 till jt a...i. t l .i H V Mfltl IIIH Till KK . Ill l.llfl 11111 IIIH stone, at Fred Cottle s. " I came down from Wood's to 11. 1 I1M.I1 111 I 111 lllir.V. tV UUU H 111(111 L Ullt. UIC, X 1C1L L11LU1 UtU UUU nlf vpjirs ncrrv T rilrln'f trat hnf JK month this Summer. Icould mow. 11 K ILIIII HVHrV III I 1 1 Ll 11 II Vl)l III V Willi I MM h T.n nn. i tvhr cninir in mint. uuy uuuiuu nit: iuoluuu ux mu uuui- 11 TiiirinrH. It was a pitiful story he told the nwRnnnnrmon nnrl pntintv nfTlMnln. 11 U UllCllOU 1U1 W H1VJ11 lit) YVUB itll tJtlL- n.T.tnnUU InVnn .Unfvn 11711. I TT TTh .l V. Jti.XnJ 1,1- i u. in ii. xiuiii. w um o iin uuuulldu uio "I can pretty near sympathize with hoy vho wants a gun to hunt llUi DttlU U UUAI UCUllDi UDIUIO DCU' h nr. in ir liih uriHiiiitir. uul ul liih mm lu nt; ii vi i uu lu u icu. luiiia. ucr iware uuuulv. a uul b u kuuu uuiuu Or U UUV. VY LiUdL luul wuuu uu One of tho county officials Inform- 3d tne uourt tnat Airs, wooa una 1 1 111 ' v iiiiaiii 'y tto mm i uwj rVlnfi-hnv nf him. But William was II MI. N H 111111 11131 UUnu LU UlUiiU tV . t - - .t 1 A. AmnnH nn iov couldn't do anything -with him IV i. . 1 u TT. On n wnnifin o. Lruu. no was uuuuu lu Lackinc the money to buy m. iin ni in n il. i i. 1 - ii "Well this is getting to db wick- ilWVIir III IL 1 1 1.1Z.C11 1UUU UlLOl UUU1 t nn nnlnnrTiAn. It always was; it always is; ana it IX)OATj INSTITUTE AT ARIEL, Tho local institute of Lake and Salem townships was held In the Ariel High school building, Satur day, Dc.ember 9, Twelve teachers were present, two being 'from Salem townshln. During the morning session a talic was Klven on "Primary Heading- and was discussed by the teachers and Supt. J. J. Koehlor. The morn lnc session then closed with a well written paper on "Value and Method in Teaching History," read by Philip Nolan of Canaan township, after which several discussions followed The afternoon session opened by a very interesting talk on "Hanking' hv M. J. Emery, cashier of Ariel Na tlonal Dank. After this instructive talk by Mr. Emery. Principal J. D Storm then read a very good paper on "How We May improve tno Eng lish in Our Schools," Plans for the county spelling contest were dis cussed by the superintendent and teachers alter which the Institute adjourned. wra LIAM juDGESEARLEPREsiDEsipROMINENT SPEAKERS ADDRESS He Will Pass On Question Of Oon- trol Of liackawamm County Jail. (Special to the Citizen.) Scrtnton, Pa., Dec. 18. The right of the sheriff to take over the control of tho county Jail was argued in tho superior coUTt room Saturday Tiefore Judge Searle, President Judge of Wayne county. Ho was called in 'becauso the local judges are members of the prison board which will be affected by the decision, which ever way it goes. E. C. Amerman, Esq., solicitor for Sheriff Connor, made the argument in favor of surrendering the Jail to the sheriff; and Judge Carpenter, solicitor for County Controler Sav age, took the opposite view. County Solicitor Toohey was asso ciated with Judge Carpenter in searching tho law books for their brief. , Judge Searle said ho would dispose of the case before the first of the year, probably. The facts are not in dispute. They are: 1 No general statute exists providing for a prison board, except in counties between one hundred and fifty thousand and two hundred thousand in population; 2 This county is not in that class, since the 1910 census was announced last December, but It was in that class under tho prior census; 3 Before the prison board was created the sheriff had charge of the jail. ii AT L Mrs. Friedewald Recites Synge's Drama FASHION ARLE AUDIENCE ENJOY ED INTERPRETATIVE RECITAL OF HIS GREAT PLAY AND "THE LAND OF HEARTS' DE SIRE," FAVORITE PLAY OF THE IRISH. Mrs. Salo Friedewald, of Scranton, delighted a fashionable audience In Miss Brown's room at the Hones dale High school last Saturday af ternoon by her splendid Interpreta tive recitals of J. M. Synge's drama "The Playboy of tho Western World" and of' William Butler Yeats' play. The Lana . oi Hearts uesire. ""I would "like to begin rlthTthe 'Playboy," said Mrs. Friedewald, radiant in a fetching and becoming gown, by way of Introduction, "that one play that 'has made so much of a etir in New York City. Then I'll give you 'The Land of 'Hearts De sire.' Bernard Shaw says it's just as bad to get too much as too little for your money. You may have a two or three minutes whispering recess between the plays. The Playboy" is one of the most beautiful things. It is a play of the late J. M. Synge, a playwright, and to some degree an artist who died at 34 in the midst of a career which lio 'had planned for himself. "This feeling many of the schol ars of Ireland had, that unless they kept up their language and stories, they would lose their race solidarity. and be forced to teach EngliBh in their schools. William Butler Yeats, Douglass Hyne, J. M. Synge and Lady Gregory thought the drama was the way to put these things be fore the people to make the greatest Impression on the people. 'This year Lady Gregory brought these Irish players to New York from the Dublin Theatre to present Irish plays in this country. They opened four or Ave week3 ago at Maxlne El liott's Theatre. "This drama, "The Playboy," was given at first with mild protest by the Irish who went. Finally the Irish indignation at having the Irish represented by such a hero culmin ated one night In a row, when all sorts of dreadful things 'happened. "They have now taken it off. This is a perfectly delightful little play. I don't see how any one can object to it. It's so poetic. Withal the fiery imagination of the Irisli is promi nent. Dernard Shaw says there is a great difference between the Irish and the Irish-Americans, and thinks it is In no way representative of the spirit of the Irisn. Synge says he didn't use a single expression which he himself hadn't hoard the Irish use. "The Playboy of the Western World" is as clever as it can be. I don't see how any one can take ex- cetlon to it. In brief, the story of tho "Pay- boy" is as follows: Story of "The Playboy." Tho scene of "The Playboy" is laid on the wild coast of Male. Act I opens in a village inn on a dark win try night, l'eguine's lover ecnawm, comes in, and asks where her latn er is. Going down to a wake, she tells him. Pesuine. all alone, with liquor about, is afraid and thinks she ought to have a pot-boy to look after the place. She invites her lov er to stay with her. Indeed, he won't stay. He's afraid of scandal, tie got a special dispensation from the nrlest to marry Pegulne. who Is his cousin. Peguine is disgusted at his fears. Just then the door opens and a delicate blonde-haired boy, Christie Male, the hero of the Play, comes in He appears to be very much scared, and askti for rofuce. saying he had committed a crime. Immediately all are interested. "What did you do?" they ask. "Were you a counterfeit er?"- "Did you marry three wives!" HIGH SC (Continued on Page Eight.) WAY E COUNTY "The Farmer's Chiefest Business Is To Learn To Produce More," Says Mr. Kester COUNTY OIIAIRSIAN W. K. PKUHAM, PLUASANT MOUNT, PRESIDES LARGE NUM1JER OF MEN ATTEND AliL-DAY CONVENTION IN COURT HOUSE, JjAST SATURDAY STATE AGRICULTURAL EX PERTS MAKE ADDRESSES MAYOIC McOARTY EXTENDS WELCOME. Declaring that the object of the Wayne County Farmers' Institute at tho Court House last Saturday, wasi for the advancement of tho greatest business in Pennsylvania, Chairman R. P. Kester said that he and his fellow lecturers were here in tho guise of teachers of Agriculture, and that It was" to the farmer's advantag6 to learn to produce more and to eli minate the obnoxious middleman who is responsible for the higher cost of living. Probably 100 farmers were present Saturday morning, when County In stitute Chairman W. E. Perham, f rmally opened the convention, shortly after 10 o'clock, by calling upon 'Mayor McCarty to deliver the address of welcome. Responding Mr.. McCarty said: Mnyor McCnrty's Address of Welcome; "Ladles and Gentlemen: There are many unpleasant things and many unpleasant duties which tho execu tive head of a borough is obliged to perform. There are, however, so many pleasant and agreeable things to do that tho unpleasantness is wip ed away. This Is according to the law of compensation. This occasion is a compensation for all the un pleasant things that might occur dur ing my administrative life. "You are the representatives of the greatest interests in the county. It is conceded that the agricultural in terests is the basis of all Individual and national 'wealth. If you read the daily papers you will find quota tions of the government on the cot ton crop in the south and on tho corn crop in the west'. And the quotations on Wall street are based on the crop reports as given by the Department of Agriculture. You ladies and gentlemen represent this great interest and you are' here as representatives of that great interest. "We also ask you to be here. The people of (his town have always. boon I vain enough to assume they nave, a certain hospitality which is un paralleled by any town in Pennsylva nia. I would like to extend you as an individual, a welcome to our town. My office is to extend you a welcome in the name of the people and citizens of Honesdale 'whose guests you are. While you are in our town see our town more thor oughly. See our schools, industries and all the historic places which we claim we have. , "The first locomotive that evpr turned a wheel on the continent has immortalized 'Honesdale, as the scene' of that Important and ever-to-be remembered occasion. We also, until a few years ago, had the great est coal-dumping station in America. We have tho great Cliff 'back here as sociated with Irving whose writings have delighted millions of English speaking readers for a hundred years. "There are other associations which are not quite so historic. Our streams are associated -with memo ries not so historic. Right back on the Brook Road ono of the Presidents of the United States wooed and won his wife, and later selected another wife from Wayne county who is still living as the widow of 'Benjamin Harrison. ' You also may receive inspiration from tho muses of this place that has Inspired poetry that wo believe will be immortal. We trust you will garner for yourselves a store of use ful knowledge and WHEN YOU GO BACK TO YOUR TARMS MAKE TWO BLADES OF GRASS GROW WHERE ONE GREW BEFORE and thus become useful factors in our na tional life." Applause. Tho Farmer's Chiefest Business. R. P. Kester, of Grampian, Clear field county, whoso lines of talk are soil -fertilization, horticulture and dairying, and who has made good in improving worn-out land, responded briefly to Mayor Mccarty's speech of welcome, which he characterized as an earnest, interesting and heartfelt address." m part he said: "We are able to see in our imagin ation what your beautiful town would bo like when clothed in robes of living green. This is one of the beautiful spots of Pennsylvania es pecially during the summer season. We come to you In the name and in tho guise of teachers of Agriculture. Wo don't feel ourselves as knowing all there is to know. We appreciate our limitations. We are hero to converse with you for our mutual benefit, to "help in the advancement of the greatest business in Pennsyl vania. Agriculture is still the big gest thing in it. It gives employ ment to more people, and its pro ducts are worth more than any other three Interests. "THE FARMER'S CHIEFEST BUSINESS IS TO LEARN TO PRO DUCE MORE. We must appreciate our duty to ourselves, our families, and the nation, to come into touch with the commerce of the nation, to get all that belongs to us out of our produce; that the high cost of living may be reduced and at the same time you and I get more; that we get rid of some of those fellows wh ) are do tween us and the fellow who eats in the city, and who are simply acting FARMERS INSTITUTE as parasites on the business life of the 'world. "There are five Institutes going on simultaneously in five sections of the State. Thirteen counties of North eastern Pennsylvania make up what is known as tho Fifth Section. I am section leader of this district. My business mainly is to look after the other fellow and to add some dignity to the occasion. Applause. Following Mr. Kester's remarks, County Chairman V. E. Perham, Pleasant Mount, Invited the audience to "move up front, as the room Is a little hard of hearing," and intro duced tho first speaker, Dr. M. E. Conrad, of Westgrove, Westmoreland county, who spoke on "Some of the Common Causes of Lameness and How They May ibe Prevented." Dr. Conrad is a practical and learned veterinarian, has studied the diseases of the farm, and practised their cure. Ho knows what is sani tary and how it can 'be attained, Doctor Conrad's Address. Doctor Conrad opened his address by remarking that It 'was more im portant to prevent lameness in stock ' than to cure it. "What do you pay," he asked "for a 1200-pound business chunk (horse)?" "We pay ?200 and $250," some one answered. "An ideal farm horse," continued Doctor Conrad, "will cost you 16 2-3 cents a pound. Thero's nothing you sell on the farm for more than that except the Christmas turkey. 'Which place could you' most economically put on a pound of flesh; on a yearl ing colt or on a growing steer? It's much more profitable to put the weight on a horse and sell it for 1G 2-3 cents a pound, than on a steer and have to sell it for 7 cents a pound. There's no reason why we shouldn't produce horses at home in stead of paying vast sums that go out west for horses. "We want to select our breeding stock. so that their progeny will not inherjt" physical defects. If you are selling a'liorsa to a city man, you'll scarcely see him notice the body. He spends his' time looking at the feet and legs of .a horse. The horse is simply a motor. He pulls a load in motion at greater or less speed. "Nine-tenths of the lameness In tho ifront feet ,1s -below the fetlock joints and three-fourths of all the lameness in the hind feet is below the hock Joints." Applause. Dr. Conrad's lecture was Illustrat ed with charts showing the common forms of lameness in horses, and ex plaining how they may be prevent ed. Dr. J. H. Funk, of Boyertown, Berks county, Pa who has made a practical success of horticulture, a raiser, of fine apples and peaches, spoke on "Insects." -Among other things he said: Doctor Funk's Address, "There's very few people have any idea of the loss due to insect de predations. It amounts . to from ?300,KU0,0U0, to $500,000,000 a year. Three-fourths of this could be avoided by Judicious spraying, We have 200,000,000 bearing apple trees in the United States. In 1895 we produced Gp.000,000 millions barrels of apples. Last year we dropped to 28,000,000 barrels Pennsylvania has lost $50,000,000 by tho San Jose Scale." Dr. Funk then enumerated the names of the Insects pertaining dl rectly to orchards. San Jose scale was the first one he mentioned. "Have you got many of them hero?" he asked. "Some," answered State 'Horticultural Inspector W. H. Bul lock. "Very little," replied Chair man 'Perham. "That's a foreigner you want to be acquainted with. cautioned the speaker. "Many of you have it and -don't know it. "All oils are injurious to all veg etable tissues. Adhere to lime and sulfur sprays. The Scurfy scale, which sucks the juices from the tree, has only one progeny a year, The Oyster Shell Louse Is found on lilac bushes and apple trees. The round-headed borer Are there any in your apples?" "They're very liad here," answered Inspector Bullock, "Keep your trunks perfectly clean and nicely sprayed. Then you can easily detect their presence by the saw dust and go after them with a knife. Or you can take sulphide of carbon and put that in tho openings and clog up the openings with cot ton waste. Don t open it in a room where thero's fire. It s very expio slve. "The peach-borer is a beautiful steel-blue insect. 'Heap up the ground six inches high around the trees. About September 11 take the ground away. Leave the trees for a month and then go over them again, You can easily tell it by the saw dust. (Continued in Friday's Issue.) F. C. Keene attended the quarterly convention of the Associated Coun ells, Royal Arcanum of Northeastern Pennsylvania held Monday ntaht in the headquarters of Electric City Counc 1. No. 1541. in Storra Hall South Scranton, as the representative of Honesdale Council, No. 935. LOST, STRAYED OR-? WHERE IS LAWYER HESTER A. ARTHUR? For Hester A. Arthur, Atty-at-Law, there is waiting in the Honesdale Postofllce a letter. A careful scrutiny of the telephone directory of Northeastern Pennsylva nia discloses the name of no such barrister. And It's Christmas time, too. Maybe there's a check for J100, in the letter. Perhaps it's a love let ter. Who knows? Anyway hore's hoping H. A. Arthur, Atty-at-Law, may see this notice and speedily come and claim his epistle. Homer Greeno for Congress. A boom has been started. to nomi nate Homer Greene, of Honesdale, Wayne county, as one of the con-gressmen-at-large from this state. We believe that in thus honoring Mr. Greeno that 'Pennsylvania would be doing a greater honor to herself. Poet, scholar and lawyer, a gentle man In every sense of the word. Mr. Greeno should be given his pro per place among the law makers of the nation. Canton Sentinel. .C.B STIRS THIS UP In Texas Township and Gets Arrested SUPERVISORS ALLEGE THAT CONTRACTOR BROWN CUT WA TER ItARS, BLOCKED WATER IN DITCH, AND LET WATER RUN FULL LENGTH OF ROAD HEARING HELD, Contractor Charles C. Brown, of Cliff street, Texas township, was ar- Tested Friday afternoon by Constable Philip F. Mang, on complaint of the sunervlsors of Texas township who charged him with " stopping, flljlng up and injuring certain drains or ditches and diverting and changing the course of the water in such ditches made by tho Supervisors to drain the public road or Tiighway in Texas township, and taken before Squire Robert A. Smith lor a pre liminary hearing. Tho suit was Instituted by the Board of Supervisors of Texas town ship, "consisting of Messrs. Lawrence Weidner, George . Erk and Ray Brown, who re-organized last Mon day night by electing Street Com missioner Lawrence Weidner, Presi dent, when they -decided to com mence proceedings against Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown, it appears, has built a new house, and it is alleged that he turned the water off on the main road. Supervisor Weidner told a Citizen man that Mr. Brown cut four water bars, blocking the water and letting the water run down the full length of tho road. Attorney William H. Lee, who ap peared for the -defendant, opened tho hearing by asking Mayor Chas A. McCarty, solicitor for tho Board of Supervisors of Texas township, who represented the prosecutor: Now, Mr. .McCarty, will you pro duce the Act of 1836 under which this charge is ibroug'ht?" 'Sdulre Smith remarked that that act was beyond his jurisdiction, and Mayor McCarty stated that the Act in question could be -found in the Pamphlet Laws of 1836 at page 5G5. Attorney Lee wanted to know whether the Act provided for the re covery of penalties for stopping filling up or injuring any -ditch as claimed by the supervisors of Texas township. The Act was a very an cient one, and Attorney Lee had to mako two trips to the Law Library before he succeeded in finding the slum'bering statute on the pages of a musty sheep-bound hook. This is the Act: Act of Juno 115, 1830. " If any person shall stop. All up or injure any drain or ditch, made by any supervisors for the purpose of draining the water from any public road or highway, or shall divert or change the course thereof with out tne authority of tho super visors for the time being, such person shall for every such of fense forfeit and pay a sum not less than $4 nor more than $20;" Mr. McCarty wanted to know whether Mr. Brown filled 'up the ditches so they couldn't -drain the road. " ies, sir," emphatically replied Mr. Brown, " I shut them, up be tween the main part of the road and my lino wall." The penalty according to Mr. Mc Carty for any such offense is not less than $4 nor more than $20. " Well, I'll be satisfied to go right Into court, exclaimed Mr. Brown. " Isn't your proper action a suit?" asked Lawyer Lee. " It's partly a criminal offense," replied Mayor Mccarty. "Mr. Justice," said Mr. Lee. "I'd like an opportunity to examine the Law on the subject." " I drained the ditch to keep the water out of my cellar," broke in Mr. Brown. " I think we have a right to be heard now," persisted Mr. McCarty. who objected to Mr. Lee's drawing a picture of the local situation, show ing the road,, line wall and offend ing- ditch. Ill E M SENT TO STATE'S PRISON Orson Domestic Gets In definite Sentence WILL SPEND FROM' TWO TO TEN YEARS IN PENITENTIARY BROKE HER PAROLE AND FLED--SHERlFF BRAMAN CAP TURES HER AFTER LONG CHASE. " It's a hard thing to send a woman to tho Penitentiary but, at the same tlmo we seo no other way. When you were paroled last Fall In the care of Mr. Simpson, a' good citi zen of Preston, we told you wo would do so if you dldn t keep your parole. You promised the Court to go there and behave yourself properly. In stead of staying there yqu Jumped out of tho window and went to York state. You came hack and have been as bad as you could be. While we feel sorry you did these things wo must make an example of you. We gave you a fair trial and hoped you would profit by it, and stay with Mr. Simpson and become a good citizen of that community. We propose to sentence you to tho Penitentiary. The sentence of tho Court Is that you pay the costs of prosecution; a fine of $100; and undergo an indefi nite Imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary of not less than two nor more than ten years at separate and solitary confinement." It was an erring woman that fac ed Judge Alonzo T. Searle Friday afternoon, and learned to her sorrow, that the way of tho transgressor is hard. More sinned against than sinning is Ella Simpson, the 20-year-old domestic of Orson, who will have time to repent of her misdeeds in the solitary confine's of the State Prison, where she will shortly be taken to join her former companion and chum In the county jail, Mrs. Leona Lord. When tho Court asked Ella what sho bad to say for herself she an swered not a word, but hung her head in shame; toyed with her hand kerchief, and looked like the woman taken before her accusers in the days when the Savior of mankind trod the earth. Tears trickled down her cheeks. Only by a strong effort did she keep herself from giving way to strong crying and tears. Ella is a woman with a shady past. By her own confession there aro dark passages in her life's history. Burglary waBthere, and fornication too, and both, again and again. Miss Simpson, It will be remem bered, pleaded guilty September 24, 1910, to the crime of burglary. Tho Judge suspended sentence and per mitted her to go on parole, condi tioned on her good -behavior. Sho did not conduct herself as a good woman should, and upon the com plaint of her parole officer, the dis trict attorney was 'forced to issue fi capias for her recommitment to the nnt loll ' county jail. Sheriff M. Lee Braman was sent to take her last Thursday morning, and she led him a merry dance be fore he finally captured her. When the Sheriff got to Orson he found the fair culprit had three days' start of him, some one having told her that the officers of the law were after her. She got up at 4 o'clock one morn ing and left Sllsby's hotel, where she was employed. The sheriff learned that she had gone to tho home of her father, John Simpson, who lives '2 miles out of Orson. Hiring a livery team, he and another man started out in pursuit. When they came to her father's house, they found every -door in the building locked. Even the windows were nailed down, and there were no signs of life to be seen anywhere about the premises. Going to the front door, which was padlocked, the sheriff worked with the staple, until he finally effected an entrance. Three times he searched the house from garret to cellar. An unearthly stillness 'brooded about Che place. Almost discouraged, the Sheriff final ly found a light. Down into the cel lar he went again. Under the cellar door he saw a dark object. Reach ing over his hand came In contact with a warm body, and lo, his quarry was treed. The Sheriff pulled Ella from her hiding-place and forced her to go along with him back to Sllsby's hotel where they had dinner. When asked what she was doing in the deserted house she replied that she was trying to clean up the house. Past the age of sixteen, when women are no longer admittod to the Reformatory, the Judge was forced, reluctantly, to send her to State's Prison. Praise Is for them that do well, but for the evil-doers, thejr re ward, in this life, and maybe in the next, is punishment. " We'd like to have an adjourn ment," insisted Mr, Lee. " This man," cried out Mr. Mc Carty, pointing at Contractor Brown, "all last Summer was harassing the supervisors. You said you'd shoot this man if he Interfered, didn't you?" indicating one of -the wit nesses present at the hearing. Contractor Brown denied having made that statement but admitted that ho said he'd "drop him if he Interfered." Mr. Brown also averred that there were "different wayB of dropping a man!" Claiming that they ought to have the privilege of getting their wit nesses, Attorney Leo finally secured an adjournment of tho case until Fri day afternoon, December 22, at S o'clock, meanwhile going his client's security. RRING x
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers