WEATHER FORECAST: COLDER. WEJATjflEU FORECAST: COLDER, READ THE CITIZEN SAFE, SAWS. ST'Rttf READ THE CITIZEN 8SK SANE, SURE. th YEAE.-NO. 100 HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1011. ' PRICE 2 CENTS c 7-1 1, 1912 T I i re . . CLOSE AT BIBLE ONLY! $3, WILL BE BUSY ONE MEM DON READ MAKE HONESDALE CORTR GH DIRECTORS OA TERM HAND GROW SLOGAN DAMAGES NAMECOMMITTEES s Leap Year Too, Oh, Joy! VY BE YEAH OP "GREAT EX- IPECTATIONS " FOU WOMEN FOLK OF SINGLE BLESSED NESS HOLIDAY SCHEDULE. In less than throe weoks, to bo ex- two weeks from next Sunday at Idnlght, tho year 1911 will give pe ito 1912. The advent of the now Is already looked forward to no little Interest by a portion the feminine population as It Is Ip year, a period that Is supposed I bestow particular 'privileges on all I married women folk. During the coming year some Ienty hours that have been lost ring the past four years will be kde up by the addition of a day to Ibruary and the calendar year icerorth will conform more closely th the solar year. As Is well lown the common years according the calendar consist of 365 days. bwever, the solar year consists of 15 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 1.7 seconds, so that each year the lendar is 5 hours, 48 minutes and 1.7 seconds behind the sun. If this Is kept up Indefinitely, in the irse of time the loss would be so bat that we would have midwinter July and the summer season in Icember, says an exchange. iBack In the earlier centuries it s found that tho calendar was get g behind the sun and all the coun- les that were civilized by special ac- tn looped oft a certain number of lys to set things right. In the fchteenth century Great Britain by of 'Parliament changed October to October 15th, of a certain ir as the loss had amounted to pven days. The loss every four irs is 23 hours, 15 minutes and 1.8 seconds, just a little short of a y but a day is added to tho calen- r every four years but there is still slight variance which is adjusted skipping leap year every .century so. The rule is that every year visible by four Is a leap year except contennlal years which are only p years when divisible by 400. to year 1900 was not a leap year. lit Is a noteworthy (fact that the Iming year Is a counterpart of 176, the year that -.witnessed ' tho rth of the nation. The declaration Independence "was declared on a kursday and the national holiday lis year is on tho same day of this feek. There have been three other lars since that time when the days the week and the dates of the nth stood in tho same relation to Ich other, tho years being 1816, 144 and 1872. I The greater number of the church Istlvals which are movable come Ither early this year. Many depend bon the Easter date which In turn Lpends upon the condition of the loon, the rule ftelng that Easter lall occur on the first Sunday fol- Iwlng tho first full moon after the Iring equinox, March 21. Monday, prll 1, is the date ifor the first full' loon, therefore Easter is the follow- Ig Sunday, April 7, and the depend- fcit festivals take their places ac- Irdlngly. Following Is a list of the holidays kd church festivals: Jan. 1 New Year's Day. Feb, 12 Lincoln's Birthday. Feb, 14 St. Valentine. Feb. 22 Washington's Birthday. Feb. 21 'Ash Wednesday (Lent bglns). March 17 St. 'Patrick's Day. March 31 Palm Sunday. April 5 Good Friday. April 7 Easter Sunday. May 16 Ascension (Holy) Thurs iy. May 30 Decoration Day. June 2 Trinity Sunday. June 6 Corpus Christi. July 4 Independence Day. Sept. 2 Labor Day, .Sept. 29 Michaelmas. V- n . t t 1 1 ....... Nov. 5 Election Day. ,TNov. 28 Thanksgiving. iDec. 25 Christmas Day. The year has little to offer the peo lo of this section so far as eclipses re concerned. While there will bo io usual number there will only be no that will be visible here and that nly partial, th6 phenomenon occur lg April 7 when the sun will be artly clouded. LNTHRACITE miners RECEIVE AN INCREASE. On their December earnings the liners of the anthracite regibn will eceivq an Increase of eight' per cent., oal having sold for an average price f 54,92 tho ton at tidewater during lovember. This 16 in accordance vlth ino terms of the award of the tnthraclte coal strike commission, he minors getting an Increase of me per cent, on every Ave cents or najority fraction thereof, that coal ells for at tidewater in advance of ;4.50. Runaway Trniii Kills Two Men. Two men were killed and several luuro uijuruu iu iuu xjoxuware ana ludson railroad yard at Carbondale 1 1 1 . 1. Tl . fuesday morning. The -wreck was aused by the giving way of a coup Ing pin, which allowed a trip of oaded freight cars to run away. The ars crashed through a shanty where ;en men were working, killing two jutrlght. A wall of the machine mop was demolished and the build ing set on Are by an overturned ixtent of $ 100,000. Startling Advice Given by episcopal Rector HAS LITTLE RESPECT, HE DE CfiAIfKH. TiYm pp.env mm ONLY READS THE BIBLE JSJL'ltOJMU SUNDAY NIGHT SEH- Declaring that the man who only read his Bible would .be "one-sided," and entitled to very llttlo respect. tho Rev. iA. L. Whlttaker, rector of urace Protestant Episcopal cnurch. preached a strong sermon before a 'large congregation last Sunday even ing. Taking as his text Matthew 7:25 "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and It fell not: for It 'was founded upon a rock," Rev. Whittaker spoke in part as follows: "Tho newspaper Is one of the most splendid institutions of to-day, It can bo tho very noblest institu tion or tno very opposite. Tho man who reads only tho newspaper is as one-sided as tho man who reads only the Bible. I would 'have little re spect for the man who reads only his BiDie. LHe would not be in synina thy with his world, Ho would be snanow, one-sided. "You must have a foundation if your character will stand the test of life. A good and honest builder will give his first attention to the foundation. "There is notning so slighted and skimped In the world as tno founda tion on which character is built. If It, 'be music lessons, parents wish their children to play pretty pieces. They hound the teacher to stop teaching scales. 'Let us havo popu lar songs and gay waltzes,' they say. "America stands out for short cuts in Law, Medicine and the Ministry. That is the cry that goes up. When a man slights his pre paration he's not the man he is when ho takes time to lay the foun-, datlon. "If a -boy has a chance to start in learning a trade at fifty cents a week, or of starting In on a machine at' $1.50 a day, he -takes the latter. Ho buys a new necktie every week, goes td a show overy night, and spends his. money badly. At the end of ten years lie would have been better off if he had learned a trado. "Men don't take time to learn things. The whole tendency of our lives is toward this superficiality. We look on the surface and don't look beneath. One of the faults of our nation Is to slight things, skimp things, trying to get to the goal by short cuts. "In this Advent season of search ing tho hearts I "want to call the people to a realization of the neces sity of laying firm foundations for doing things honestly, rightly. "Have you been feeding your spiritual nature on inane worthless novels at ?1.50 each? You'd better pay that much not to read them. Read the papers and magazines or we shall be ignorant of the life of our fellow-men, which is unchris tian." SUNDAY SCHOOL BANQUET. The Galilee M. E. church was the scene of a splendid banquet "Friday evening, Dec. 1, 1911, when the Earnest Workers, an organized Bible class of young people, .entertained a number of friends. At eight o'clock the members of tho class extended their welcome by a song of greeting. The remainder of the program was as follows: Reci tation, "Naughty 'Llttlo Brier Rose," by Miss Maude Noble; song by class, "Speak Kind Words,"; recitation by Miss Leila Keesler; address by the superintendent, Fred Selpp, com mending the Earnest 'Workers for their work In the Sunday school; song by class, "The Good Old Pumpkin Pie"; reading by Tom Gregg; recitation, "Tho Classical Preacher," by Miss Mary Loy; duet by the Misses 'Alma and Irene Can field; response to encore; speech., "The Ideal Siyiday School Scholar," by tho "pastor, Rev. F. E. Moyer; class hymn, "Work for the Night is Coming." It was then announced that the remainder of the program would be continued in tho basement. The banqueting hall was beauti fully decorated with evergreens and the class colors, red and white. An excellent menu was served by the waitresses who filled tholr office In a very pleasing manner. Thirty-nine partook of the feast which overyone pronounced fine and which wlil linger in the .memory as a very joyous reflection. It is the aim of the Earnest Workers to inspire greater pride and fidelity In behalf of tho'lr Sunday school and to blend the social and religious life of their community. Frank Mills, a Canaan Fanner, Struck ny Train. Frank Mills, who lives in Canaan township, was struck by the engine of the Honesdale freight train Tues day evening as the train was pull ing out of Lodore station. Mills, who Is well along in years, was seen to totter in front of the engine. He, however, was not seriously Injured. Mr. Mills was taken to Carbondale and afterwards to the Emergency hospital In that city. His condition is not serious other than ho Is suf fering from shock. County Seat Mayor Be lieves In Expansion mayor Mccarty in an exclu. SIVE STATEMENT TO CITIZEN MAN, SAYS PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE MORE PRIDE IN THEIR HOME TOWN. NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION. " If I were a citizen of Honesdnle, and lind a sincere desire to help the town, I would resolve at tho beginning of the New Ycnr to continual ly talk in favor of the town; encourage its industries, if not In a pecuniary way, nt least by my good will. 1 " 1 would also resolve to do my part as un individual to mnUo the town moro beauti ful; socially and morally, bet ter; and generally a better place in which to live." MAYOR CHAS. A. McCARTY to a Citizen man. " I think people take pride in tho size or tneir town, it creates a competition between them and other towns of a similar size. I think the best way to create civic pride In Honesdale would be to enlarge the town." In the opinion of Mayor Chas. A. McCarty what Is most needed to create a greater civic pride among Its citizens Is " to make Honesdale larger." When seen Wednesday morning by a Citizen man, Mayor McCarty also suggested certain de sirable physical Improvements In tho County Seat. " Of course," ho continued, " the most pressing need we have is a better condition of the streets. That seems so threadbare and old, every body Is tired of it. Yet7 it's a need that ought to be supplied, before It can be said wo have a progressive town." " Do you enter ofilce with any high Ideals of what you Intend to do?" 'he was asked. " I couldn't say that, I have, any definite plans," he answered, " ex cepting' as the duties of my ofllco de velop 'from time to time. I'm going to taKo up tno worK wnore Mr. K.uh bach left It off and try and go on and make some progress." Mr. Mccarty's term will not expire until January, 1914. All the fines and costs which ho imposes are turn ed over to the borough. The Town Council fixes the amount of 'his nom inal salary each year. What can do done to arouse a deeper individual pride dn the town?" he was asked. " I think," he Toplied, " there Is quite a pride in the town among the individuals and citizens. I think there's Toom for considerable Im provement. One thing is the care of the trees. Each Individual might see that the trees on his premises are better taken euro of. " Throwing ashes- on the streets ought to be entirely prohibited. Ad vertising on tho telegraph poles and other available space around town has a tendency to make the town look untidy. This Is against tho brough ordinance and should b stopped." Greatest Blunder of My Life. Our boys and girls will be interest ed in a few of the "Blunders" written down Iby five hundred men: "Reading worthless books." " Did not stick to my trade." " Did not stick to anything." " Did not take care of money." " Beating some out of money." " Careless about my religious du ties." " When I loft my church and mother." "'Not saving money when I was young." " Refused a steady position with a good firm." The greatest 'blunder of my life was gambling." " Was to fool away my time when I was to school." " ThinklnK that my boss could not do without me'." " Would not hearken to the advice of older people." " Not keeping my position, but grew slack in my work." " When 1 left school before I was past the fourth grade." " The greatest blunder of my life was not accepting Christ, and there by avoiding many sorrows caused by serving satin. Pittsourg Christian Advocate. Editor Jones For Legislature. W. W. Jones, tho genial editor of the Olyphant Gazette, has announced his candidacy fqr the legislature in the Fifth district on tho Republican ticket to succeed Mr. Mannlon, of Carbondale. Mr. Jones Is a pro gressive and consistent Republican, and well able to care for the In terests of his constituents If elected to the ofilce which he aspires. He is well known, not only In his own dUtrlct, but through this section of the county. The editorial columns of the Gazette shows the strong char acter of tho editor with his caustic writings and comment on political matters, and if he is elected he will make an excellent representative. Mr. Jones is a resident of Blakely borough. Claims Barn Collapse Fault or Contractors COMMENCES SUIT IN COURT OF COMMON PLEAS AGAINST ICREITNER BROS., WAYNE CONCRETE SUPPLY AND CO. STRUCTION CO. AND PIERCE & BAKER. Allocinc that tho pnllnnoo nn Opt 25, 1911, of their barn and storage house on tho rear of n. PRrtnln lnt on the westerly side of Main street Deiween Tentn and Eleventh streets, in the iborough of Honesdale, was due to the negligence of the three firms with whom they had contract ed for the substantial construction of the same, suit was commenced re cently in tno court of Common Pleas of W.ivnfi rnimtv fnr sa nnn damages by C. A. Cortrlght and sou against itneitner Bros., the wayne concrete supply and .Con struction Company and Pierce and Bake. The plaintiff's statement declares tnat "tnis action Is brought to re cover damages from tho defendants above named, on the following grounus: Whereas, In the spring of the year 1911 it became the purpose of the plaintiffs to build a barn and storage house on tho rear of a certain lot, standing In the name of C. A. Cort rlght and Son on tho westerly side of Main street between Tenth and Elev enth Rtrnpts In tho iPorniiirj, of Honesdale, the plaintiffs thereupon employed tno said firm or Kreitner Bros, to prepare plans for said build ing and to design and construct tho timber-Work, framp-wnrk flnnra roof and all other portions of said build ing, ouui oi wooa; and entered into a contract With the said The Wayne Concrete. Snnnlv Company, to furnish concrete blocks nor me construction or tne walls of said building; and entered into a contract with the said firm of Pierce and Baker to erect the walls of said building. And whereas It hepamn thn rlnfv of tho said Kreitner 'Bros, to pre pare the plans for said building, and to so construct the timber and frame work, floors, Toof and all other parts Q5ald ibulldlng to them, in -a skillful and workmanlike manner,- so .as to stantlal, permanently secure and fit iur its purposes; ana wnereas It became the duty of tho said The Wavno ConprotA 'Snnnlv nnrt rnn- structlon Company to furnish con crete diocks oi a sate and durable quality, Hard and firm, and fit for the walls of said building, in a skills ful and workmanlike manner, so as to render said walls, safe, substan tial, permanent secure and fit for their purposes: "Yet SO It is that tlin snlrt firm nt Kreitner Bros, prepared tho plans ior saia ouuding, and constructed tho timber and frrnnn-wnrlr nnrt tho floors, roof and other portions of said building, entrusted to them, so unsklllfully, carelessly, negligently, without due regard to safety or se curity; and the said Wayne Concrete Supply and Construction Company, so carelessly and negligently fur nished to the said plaintiffs, con crete blocks of such a poor, Inferior, and unsafe kind and quality; and the said 'Pierce and Baker, so care lessly, unsklllfully and negligently laid said concrete blocks and built said wall, without due regard to se curity, safety or permanency, that by reason of the Joint carelessness and negligence of the defendants, the said barn of the plaintiffs, being in course of construction as aforesaid, tho walls thereof completed, the timbers and frame-work In place, tho floors and roof wholly or par tially laid and built, did, on October 18, 1911, suddenly, without warning, collapse, fall, and become wrecked and destroyed, to the inconvenience, damage and loss of the plaintiff, and such lnconvenlnce damage and loss was due to the fact that the defend ants above named, acted In concert 1n performing the negligent acts which resulted In the destruction of the said building; tho negligent acts of each defendant, combined with tho negligent acts of the other defend ants having produced tho result above named. For all of which in convenience damage and loss each of the defendants above named is separately liable to the plaintiffs and all of the defendants above named are Jointly liable to the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs declare the amount of the loss and damage suffered by them for which the defendants are liable as above stated to be the sum of 3, 000 to recover which amount they bring this suit." THE PER CAPITA TAX CIRCULATION 831.54 The per capita circulation of money In tho United States is J34.54 ac cording to a statement issued by the treasury department. To arrlvo at this figure the fiscal experts estimate that tho population of the country is fast approaching the JIOO.000,000 mark. Besides their circulation on the census of 1910 they estimate that there were 94,679,000 souls in the United States on December 1. The last census showed that tho popula tion April 15, 1910, was 91,972, 266. Tho total amount of money In cir culation December 1 -was ?3, 270, 682, 753; the assets of the United States government were 345,'943,923. This makes the total stock of money In this country $3,616,526,676. Auditors Find Funds In Good Shape PROFS. ODAY AND DA VIES AP POINTED TO ATTEND PRINCI PALS' CONVENTION IN PHILA DELPHIA ROUTINE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. The CountySeat Board of School Directors held their first regular business meeting under the provis ions of the now School Code, Thurs day evening, December 7, in the Library room of the Honesdale ,Hlgh school with all tho five members present. President Fred C. Schoell appoint ed three permanent committees, as follows: Committee on Building Fred C. Schoell, T. B. Clark. Committee on Teachers Joshua A Brown, Wm. J. Ward. Committee on Supplies Joshua A. Brown, A. M. Lelne. mx Collector Herman achuerholz's salary was fixed at ?335 per an num, rnis is tne average amount Which ho has been rRpfilvlnsr fnr rov- eral years past, when his compensa tion was computed ona percentage basis. The new School 'flnrto Tim. vldes for a fixed annual wage. The directors authorized the pay ment of the salaries of the teachers for the current month, as well as a number of other bills. All the county seat teachers are on the job. Principal Harry A. Oday, Ph. B., and Prof. R. T. n.ivlps. A Tt mm asked to attend the State Conven tion of High School Principals which will be held in Philadelphia during tne noiiaays, as the representatives of the Honesdale High school, Town Auditors T. Fllllor T I. Ham and Frank Truscott made a mid-year examination of the school accounts,' and reported balances on hand as follows: Sinking Fund $3,003.25 General Fund 0,382.71 Under the now sohnnl enrto tya fiscal year in future will end nn tho first of July. It was decided to continue the same calendar nf mnnhlv .moaHnoa as at present in force. This calen der is ngurea on tne number of Bfihnn! dflVH. nnrt 1t a on nrnnn . V - - .H. - - "I 1 11 n L. that each meeting comes a couple of days before the school 'month ends. Bv this arramrfimp.nt tho Cmmttr ao pedagogues are assured that tho -gnost win want" in 1912 as reg ularly as ho did In 1911. For. as In everv othor npnnnntlnn the salary, If not the "principal thing," Is still an Important essen tial. "FARMER" CREASY ON CO-OPER ATION. The Grangers of the State held a convention at Scranton this week. Farmers attended from all narts of this grand old 'Keystone state. warmer creasy, one of the most Interested workers, takes tho reader back to the time -when wo 'had al most primitive competition and still everybody prospered; the producer got more ror his produce and the consumer got better produce and paid less for It. Among other thlnKB Mr. Creasy said: I remember years ago how we used to handle meat. Tho butchers, all of them substantial business men at that time, would buy tho cattle from us and kill thorn and sell them at prices far below tho prices that prevail to-day. The butchers did well In those days and tho consum er got good meat at a low price. Then the corporations stepped in and telling the people they could sell meat much cheaper because of tho big 'business they were doing, oro- cecded to squeeze out the local butcher. If a butcher stuck to the business they undersold him and drove him out. Then they got a duty placed on 'Canadian cattle and It was good-bye to the butcher, and the prices went up to where they are. They acted just like the oil peo ple. If a competitor fought them they would lower their price in his district and raise it in other places, driving the competitor out of tho field and making their profits just the same. "Take these breakfast foods, too. Now there Is one brand of breakfast food (mentioning Its name) that costs about fifteen cents a pound. Down home we use the whole wheat, ground and make the same kind of a dish. What we use is good. A man can work on It. It contains every bit of good that Is In tho wheat, and still It costs us only about a cent and a half a pound. You see, there Is 900 per cent, tacked on the price of tho Inferior product be fore it Teaches the city breakfast table. "It's JuBt the same with agricultur al Implements. Watored stocks must show a profit and we must pay that profit. That watered stock Is a dent on tne people and the people are paying it. It's wrong that they should be compelled to do so." SCHOOL NOTES. Elchth srrnrto of tho Wlirh oMiool of this place has an average of 99 per tout, iu Hiienaanco ior tne past three months. During tho first and third monthB the boys were present nt overy session. This is a remark- ttuie recora. A dispjay of school work taken from tho different grades wijl bo on exhibition In the window of T, A. LIghthizer the latter part of the weelc. Three Criminal Cases Al ready Listed AT LEAST SIXTEEN CIVIL OASES PUT ON FOR TRIAL LENGTHY SKSSION OF COURT PROBABLE THREE PRISONERS IN JAIL. " It looks now as If there would be a number of cases that possibly will take quite a considerable time for trial," said District Attorney M. E. Simons to a Citizen man, Wednes day, when asked whether there would bo many case3 to come before Court in January term. "There are no capital cases," he continued. "There's the caso of a robbery at Hawley. There's the lar ceny cases against Swartz, of Ariel. There will bo probably half a dozen criminal cases in all. "The calendar will be pretty full of criminal cases, if they are any whero's near ready for trial.. They'll not be able to get nearly through the list. I think there's sixteen or sev enteen cases listed. "The Justices are showing some improvement, and are returning transcripts of cases more promptly. "I don't think there will be as much business at January term as there was last January. Last Janu ary we .had our murder case. "There are only three prisoners In Jail now. There's that Polander In for vagrancy. There's one fellow In from Paupack for getting money under false pretenses. And Schlm mell Is In Jail, too. The Sheriff took Spangenberg to the Danvlllo Insano Asylum this morning." Woman Breaks Parole Ella Simpson, Convicted of Burglary, Violates Provisions of Suspended Sentence. A praeolpe ror capias non omlttas was Issued December 12, by District Attornev AT. .PV Slmnno for toii Simpson, a young woman of Orson, .J OI (Mir t auu ouerm ju. ijee uraman went al ter ner Thursday morning. A WJlrrnnt wn tstmort for hor nr rest September 2, 1910, charging her wun me larceny or a dress valued at ?10 and other articles valued at ?5, tho tirnnortV of T.llMnn T.a& .from v, n i i .-j " m. ....... . . w 1, ,rui ui;i home In Preston". The defendant pleaded Jjuljty to the charge and was held under $300 bail by J. P. R. N. Lee for next term of court. Sentemlior "4. mm tho rtofonrtnnt entered a nlon nf cnlltv tho rort susperided sentence, and paroled her In the custody of hor imrlo Smith Simpson, Orson, such parole to ex- icuu uurmg une timo sne may con- auct nerseii in a proper manner; Smith Slmnsnn n ronort to fourt nt least once overy 60 days as to de- lenuams- cnaraoter ana conduct and upon report being received from him that hor nnrtiint la becoming a woman, the defendant win ue mrougnt into court and such sentence will be imposed as provided by the Act of Assembly made in case of (burglary. BRUSSELS APPEALS. Joan .Brussels has taken an appeal from the decision of 'Saulre William H. Ham who fined him flO and costs for cruelty to animals. The complaint was made by A. F. Schlm- meii, and the offense for which he was lined occurred November 22, when it was alleged he left his horses stand unblanketed before the Hotel Wayne from 2:30 to 5 p. m. A. F. Schlmmell, the prosecutor, is serving a six months' sentence In the county Jail for repeatedly breaking Oils par ole. PLUCKY ACTRESS. Miss Grace Campbell, leading lady In "The Country Boy," which played to a good-sized house at the Lvric Theatre Tuesday night, Is a plucky woman, suffering as sne was from a severe attack of La Grippe, which the doctors warned her might de velop Into pneumonia, sho persisted in going on the stage and taking the part of Jane Belknap. Each act of the four she thought would be her last, hut with staying qualities which would put those of many a man In tne snade, she took her part to the last curtain, and took it so well that sho was forced to respond to several curtain calls. AVANTS A WIFE. W. J. Thomas, a well-to-do farmer of Grand Tunnell, Luzerne county, by announcing that he Is 60 years of age, has a good bank account, a horse and buggy and a cosy home, has received replies from 325 wom en and personal visits from 221. The latter came to see him twenty-four hours after the advertisement appear ed in tho paper. Not a member of the fair sex from Honesdalo is Included in the. list of prospectives. FARMERS' INSTITUTE. "The onen weather an fnr hnn ro. suited in marked increase of attend ance at the farmers' institutes hold throughout tho State over last fall," says A. L. Martin, director of insti tutes. "The institutes held last -week attracted many people in Washing ton, Cumberland, Cameron and Cen trp counties. Tho now educational features, especially domestic science, are much appreciated." During tho coming week institutes Will be held in Franklin, Wayne and Sullivan coun ties and next week in Lancaster, Ful ton and Fayette. . 1 - . n , P - i a