THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEJOIEK 8, 1911. PAGE a A-CENT-A-WORD FOB SALE. FOR SALE 'A YOUNG HORSE, weighing about twelve hundredt Good worker, single or double. In quire G., Box 827, Honesdale, Fa. FOR SALE A DOUBLE-LOT building in the business center of Hawley. Suitable for two families, or one family and a store room. Can be bought right. Dorin, Honesdale. AN ACCEPTABLE CHRISTMAS gift Imported, Genuine Canary Birds. Leave your order now at Brady's Drug store. 95el Gt. A SPRINGFIELD RIFLE AND A box of shells only ?4 at Erk Bros. A rare bargain. Come and lnspoct. 90eltf. FARM FOR SALE NEAR HALF Way Houbo. First person who makes fair offer takes premises. Must be sold quick; contains 86 acres 130 perches. Partly timbered. Inquire of C. A. Garrett, Esq., Honesdale, Pa. 3wel. MISCELLANEOUS. GIVE YOUR BOY A NICE LITTLE farm as a Christmas present. Dorln, the real estate man, has them for sale $800 and up located In all parts of Wayne county. CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD AND silver by Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 96tf WILL BE IN HONESDALE MON day, Dec. 18, for the week. WINT, the piano tuner. 98t2 Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weavor, Jr., a daughter. Owing to tho crowded condition of our columns to-day a great deal of valuable news matter has been left out. A fine double column picture of Mrs. Dwlght E. Price, of this place, appeared In Thursday's Philadelphia Press. There will bo held an examina tion at Gravity Saturday, Dec. 16, for tho position of Fourth-Class postmaster at Maplewood, Pa. When in need of auction bills or any job printing bring your order to The Citizen office. Work neatly and promptly completed. Prices very reasonable. ' The Citizen has added several series of new faces of type to Its Job department and is now In a position to execute work with promptness and. dispatch. You will want new stationery January 1. Give Tho Citizen a trial. We have a numher of pleased pat rons who have their Job work print ed here. Call and Bee our samples. Prices right. Ernest Harris, a Dallas farmer, killed a hog last weok that weighed GOO pounds after being dressed. Who had the largest hog killed In Wayne county? Send your stories to The Citizen. Hon. D. F. Dempsey, salesman for the International Text Book Co. of Scranton, has been made assist ant manager. This is a well-deserved promotion and "his many .Wayne county friends extend congratula tions. "A Christmas Eve "Reconcilia tion," which appears on page 1 of Supplement 1, was written by Homer Greene about 35 years ago while a student at the Albany Law School. It was published originally in the Al banian, New York. NOTICE ALL GOODS BOUGHT engraved free of charge. G. P. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. FOR RENT SIX ROOMS AND bath, on first floor, 1019 Court street. Inquire Bentley Brothers, tf WANTED A WOMAN TO WORK IN laundry. Apply at Allen House. 96t2. NOTICE DURING THE MONTH OF December a discount of ten per cent, will be given on all cash pur chases. G. P. Sommer, Jeweler and Optician. 96tf WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply at 1114 Court street. 95-5tei WHEN IN NEED OF CARRIAGES and sleighs don't forget E. T. Smith, 1120 Church street, who has the largest assortment In Wayne county to select from. 75tf TEN FIRST-CLASS SMOOTHERS wanted at the Deemer Bros, cut glass factory at Great Bend, Pa. 85w eol. NOTICE DO NOT FORGET THE ten per cent, discount when you call to purchase goods at Sommer's Jewelry Store. 9Gtf LOCAL NEWS Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold service in White Mills Sunday, Dec. 10, at 3:10 p. m. "The Country Boy" at the thea tre on Tuesday evening,. December 12. The company Is one of the best on the road. Come and buy your Christmas presents at the parish rooms of Grace church, Wednesday afternoon, December 13. A marriage license was issued Tuesday, December 5, to Wallace Shaffer, of Matamoras, and Nettle L. Hull, of Waymart. Grace Episcopal church, Sun day, Dec. 10, Second Sunday In Ad vent, services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.: Sunday school at 12 M. Aaron 'Rude, of Pleasant Mount township, who made an attempt to commit suicide some time ago, was discharged from Emergency hospi tal, Carbondale, Wednesday. Unclaimed letters for the week ending December 4, 1911, are re maining in the Honesdale postofflce, addressed to the following persons: Marclus K. Bishop, William Bond, Carley Brook, Juro Jones, Hassaln Saley. M. B. Allen, P. M. A civil service examination will be held Saturday, December 16, at Aldenvllle to All a vacancy In the position of fourth-class postmaster of Class B at Creamton. Tne compel satlon of the postmaster at this or flee waB $22 for the last fiscal year. Maior E. H. Conrad of the Thirteenth Infantry. N. G. P., of Scranton, will conduct an election for (first 1 eutenant of Company ifl in tne 'armory at this place next Monday evening. December li, at s o ciock, 'lue election is to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lieut W. H. Mumford. Reports made to the Department of Agriculture Indicate that the acreage of wheat sown this fall has been fuly up to- the average of the last live years and In some counties a little greater than In 1910. The weather conditions have been report ed as very fair for tho growth of the wheat and it is well advanced for this time of the year. Complete fig ures on the acreage In seed are ex pected before the end of the month. Gustave Harder, of East Cherry Ridge, met with a serious accident Thursday morning. He has been In the employ of tb,e' Wayne Milling company for about two weoks. While hoisting feed from the wagon to the sceond floor one of the bags became loosened and fell on Harder, striking him on the shoulders and back. Har der was standing on one foot when the accident occurred. Ho was thrown out of the wagon to the ground. It was feared at first that his back was broken but Instead It Is sprained. His right ankle was fractured. Mr. Harder was removed to the home of his sister, Mrs. Chas. W. McMullen on West Eleventh street whore Drs. P, B. Petorson and E. W. Burns were called. O. R. LeedB, Scranton, spent Tuesday and Wednesday In Hones dale. i H. G. 'Rowland, jeweler, is confin ed to his home by a severe attack of lagrlppe. William Hoover, of Scranton, was a business caller In Honesdale on -Thursday. Mrs. Ellsworth Thorp, Scranton, and Mrs. Margaret Rockwell, Sun- bury, sister and sister-in-law of Mrs. S. F. Wells, are visiting her now. Percy u. Cole, druggist, was called to Dunmore by the serious illness of his mother. Buel Dodge is In charge of Mr. Cole's store during the latter s absence. E. Ray Carr, Scranton, was a business caller id town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McGin- nlss are occupying rooms in the Donnelly house on Erie street. Mrs. George Eck. son William, Mr.. and Mrs. Erwln Bodle, and Mr. ana Mrs. Isaac Hawker, all of this place, attfiti'dnrl tho funeral of the late "Henry Starbuck In Port Jervls on Tuesday. Remember during the Anniver sary Sale at Myers' shoe store, you receive iO per cent, discount on an shoes. It s Your husband would be pleas ed with a Bath Robe, Pajamas, Night Gown, Rain Coat, Ties and Socks, at Menner & Co., for Christmas. 98t3 PERSONAL 'Why not please your wife by buying a new rug, carpet, portieres, lace curtains or carpet sweeper, at Menner & Co. 9&w3 missloh 25 cents; all children and school pupils 15 cents. Walter Sheeley, Port Jervls, spent a few days with his parents here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have moved from Lakovllle Into rooms on West Keystone street. Mr. Nelson has opened a shoe and harness repair shop In tho building and In connec tion with tne harness store or ueo. F. Simons. Miss Wllma KnaDD. a student of Bucknell University, spent Thanks giving with her parents. Miss Vlcker Oiad disposed of only a part of her furniture up to Saturday. The house which she formerly occu pied on Barker street was sold to Ed. Seller of the East Side and we un derstand that on Saturday Mr. Seller resold the same to Mrs. Ekbeck of Winding Hill. James Sheeley spent Saturday and Sunday in Scranton. Joseph GenoskI made a 'trip to Honesdale on 'Saturday. Mrs. James Wren died at her home at the Eddy on Friday after a linger ing illness. Private funeral was hettd at the home on Monday last. We have a large assortment of SUNDAY DINNER, DECEMBER 10 Oyster Cocktail Celery Olives Pickles Tomato Bouillon Roast Beef with Brown Gravy Fricasee of Chicken, with Biscuit Plain Boiled and Mashed Potatoes June Peas Hubbard Squash Cranberry Sauce Cabbage Salad Apple Pie Mince Pie Cake Ice Cream . White Bread Brown Bread Tea Coffee Dinner Served from 12:30 until 2 I 31. PrJco 35 cents. AWAY GOES PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, ECZEMA, DANDRUFF AND OTHER SKIN AFFECTIONS. When Zenio nnd Zeino Sonp Are Used. The A. M. Lelne drug store says: "We are so confident that ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP used together will rid the skin or scalp of infant or grown person of PIMPLES, BLACKHEAD, ECZEMA, DANDRUFF, INSECT BITES or any form of itching, irri tated, disfiguring skin or scalp trouble, that we do not hesitate to recommend these clean refined rem edies to every person who desires quick relief and a cure from any form of aggravated skin or scalp af fection. Oftentimes one bottle and qne cake of soap Will cure a minor case of skin trouble. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP produce sure and swift results. You will not suffer another day after you com mence to use them. You will feel like a new person. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can be ob tained from one leading druggist in every city or town In America and In Honesdale by A. M. Leine's drug store. Fuller-Greene and Huyler9s Confectioneries in Fancy Christmas Boxes basHT3 10 cent Candies 4 URGE STOCK OF GOODS FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE ALWAYS ON HAND 809 Main Street, PAUL FREDERIC, Honesdale, Pa. CHRISTMAS GIFTS In Useful, Seasonable Desirable Goods at HAWLEY. Special to The Citizen. Hawley, Pa., Dec. 7. Friends of Mrs. G. T. Rodman are pleased to hear that her condition will warrant her discharge from the hospital In Scranton on Tuesday. She will remain In the city the guest of a friend for a week or ten days before undertaking the journey to her home here. Watrous Healv. manager of the Paupack Power Co., and his wife, 1 L 1 B l i ! ClA...1 uuve reiurueu lruui u. liip ouuuu Mrs. Healy is a southern lady. Mr. and Mrs. George Helchelbeck of Wllsonville, entertained for Thanksgiving dinner a party of Lake vllle relatives. Miss Caroline Ketchel is recover ing from an attack of tonsilltls. D. J. 'Brannlng Is the possessor of a milk bench of antiquated origin, used by his great-grandfather, Parks Balrd, 100 years ago. He was the only wheelwright at that time In the northeastern part of Pennsylvania turning out wheels .by the slow hand process. He was kept very busy traveling about with his tools over his back through what was then a wild, unsettled country. Mr. Balrd owned a large tract of land but little cultivated at that time, situated two miles from tho village of Narrows burg. Upon this tract Is that most beautiful and picturesque natural lake of pure spring water now called "Barkley's Lake," named after Its present owner, Simon Barkley. The Balrd tract of land was divided Into several farms and sold, a portion be ing kept by the family and their an cestors, until about twelve years ago the last survivors sold out to the above named gentleman from New York city. Tho subject of my sketch was born at Freehold, New Jersey. His father was born In Scotland and with a brother -were unwilling em- migrants to this country at a time when seafaring life had few If any charms for the average young man and these brothers were stolen and smuggled onto the vessel. Upon landing here one migrated to Michi gan and the other one found a home in New Jersey. Mr. Brannlng pro cured the work bench of Park Brlad's grandson, Amos Balrd, who recently sold his property on the East Side and also disposed of his household furnishings, etc., on Wednesday last. Mrs. John Hoover, who has been confined to her bed for tho last two months, with rheumatism, is slowly recovering, also her daughter, Elsie, who -was taken very sick last week, was taken to the State Hospital on Monday, Nov. 27, for treatment. The pupils of the school will give an entertainment In the school build ing on Tuesday, Dec, 12, beginning at 7:45 o'clock sharp. Price of ad- Menner & vo. always show a fine line of dress goods and trim mings suitable for Christmas pres ents. Quality tho best. Saturday, Dec. 9, is the last day of the Anniversary Sale at Myers shoe store. Be sure and attend. It CALKINS. Special to The Citizen. Calkins, Pa., Dec. G. Tho Thanksgiving night rally at Calkins packed the house and crowd ed the aisles. A thank offering of $29. 02 was taken, which paid all floating indebtedness of the church and left a substantial balance. Rev. Moyer preached an effective sermon and Dr. Spear conducted the after meeting, -when 17 new converts were secured. The Union rovlval services are being conducted this week, with a grand union social and supper at Ellsworth Sheard's, Friday night. These special meetings will probably close 'next Sunday night with a rally service "for all new converts. Real Fur Muffs, Collars, Three Quarter and Full Length Coats, Hudson Seal, Pony, Marmot and Caracul, Ladies' Winter acket Suits, Misses Fancy School Dresses, Shirt Waists in Silk Wash Goods and Tailored Effects, Long Coats, Reversible, Polo and Dress Styles suit able for comfort and dressy wear, House Dres ses, Kimonos, Bath Robes and Sacques. Menner & Co's Stores FLOWERS! Make appropriate gifts and decorations for the THE MAPLE CITY GREENHOUSE is prepared to serve its patrons with all kinds of Cut FBowersg Ferns, Palms and Plants. OFFICE AND GREENHOUSE, CORNER SPRING AND HIGH STREETS, SALESROOM, MORRISON BUILDING NEXT DUNKLEBERG'S, MAIN ST. Shoes for All Oooasions 1 THE LE BRUN GRAND OPERA CO. AT LYRIC ON FRIDAY NIGHT. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice Is hereby given that tho an nual meeting of The Wayne County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be hold in the office of the com pany In Honesdale on MONDAY, JAN. 1, 1012, at 10 o'clock a. m., for tho transac tion of general business and that an election -will be held at tho same place of meeting between the hours of one and two o'clock p. m of said day, for tho purpose of electing ten members of said company to act as directors for the ensuing year. Every person insured In said com pany is a member thereof, and en titled to one vote. PERRY A. CLARK, Sec. Doc. 6, 1911. 98w4 Your Need is Our Opportunity. Our Goods are Excellent in Quality and J Style. You must have well-fitting shoes if you wish to be comfortable during the rough winter weather. Why not Step in our Store TO-DAY and let us help you choose them ? I Myers 9 Shoe Stores HONESDALE, Pa.