r'AGE a SUPPLEMENT NO. J i THE CITIZEN, FltlDAY, DECEJHJEIt 8, 1011. wsaFew CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS El! J SOME OF THEM YOU WILL RECOGNIZE AT ONCE AS WONDERFULLY PLEASING AND TIMELY Rochester Serving Dishes and Casseroles. Nickel Plated with enameled and earthenware Insets. Prices 92.50 to $7.00. Rochester Chafing Dishes, $0.00 to $7.50. Nickel Plated and Aluminum Tea Kettles. Price $1.00 to $4.00. Carving Sets. Two-piece sots 75c to $1.50; Three-piece sets $2.25 to $4.50. P.erfect Roasters, combining all the good features of all other makes. Prices, 00c to $2.25. Robeson "Shur Edge" Pocket Knives, In Pearl, Stag and Wood Handles. Prom 25c to $1.50. Robeson & Clauss 'Razors, fully -warranted, $1.00 to $3.00. Safety Razors all the leading makes; $1.00 to $0.00. Polished Brass Ash Receivers, loaded bottoms, from 25c' to 35c. Polished Brass Cuspidors. Loaded Bottoms, from 50c to $1.00. Polished Brass Match Holders. Loaded Bottoms, from 35c to 85c. Rochester Bean Pots; Nlckle Plated Frame with -earthen Inset. Prices i.uu nna Rochester and Manning Bowman Percolators. Prices $1.75 to $11.00. Nlckle Plated Tea and Coffee Pots from $05c to $2.50. Razor Strops. A fine line; 25c to $1.50. Right and Left Hand Shears from 50c to $1.00. Shears and Scissors. Fancy and Plain Scissors from 25u to $1.00 WATCH OUR WINDOWS. O. M. SPETTIGUE. J. H. STEGNER & SONS "Zhe IRoal Scarlet Store" J.H. STEGNER SONS will be headquarters for all kinds of good things for Xmas Our stock of Holi day Goods are all new and prices low. Qual ity considered. OYSTER! The only store in town that opens its own Oysters. Fresh trom Rockaway, opened while you wait, at 60c, per quart. STANDARD OYSTERS in sealed cans received daily, at 35c a quart. SPECIAL PRICES to Church and Grange suppers. ASK THE OYSTER-MAN FOR PRICES A FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR XMAS Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, Orange and Lem on. Peel, Cluster Rasins, Olives, Cran berries, Celery, Plum Pudding, Mince Meat, Lettuce, Bates and Figs, Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Candies, all kinds of New Nuts. The above goods were all bought with utmost care, there by assuring you the very best goods obtainable. Thanking 3011 for pabt patronage and wishing you a MERRY XMAS we are, J. H. STEGNER & SONS ESTABLISHED 1883. WE boast of our telephone service. If you cannot call personally kindly 'phone. Satisfaction guaranteed. BOTH 'PHONES.