SUl'PIiESIENT NO. 2; THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DEO. 8, 1011. PAGE 5 Mtk; A: I pmiPsTBROOK: etHeheffi) J7T -W U3tD Bt YtRMHSIOH eopv RjIght nu rOKD 6c OO. Before Purchasing Your 1. 0 lit - tie town of Beth- le-hemt How still we see 8. For Christ is born of Ma ry, And gath-ered all 8. How si . lent-ly, how si. lent-ly! The wondrousgift 4. O ho. lv Child of Beth- le . hem! De-scendto us, thee liei a - bove, is giv'hl we pray; Presents A - bove thy deep and dream-less sleep, The si - lent stars While mor-tals sleep, the an - gels keep Their watch of wond'r So God im- parts to hu-man hearts The bless-lngs of Cast out and en ter Be born in us go by; ing love; His heav'n to - day. -1 1 w u t 1 r a in thy dark streets shin morn-lng stars to ,geth ear may hear his com hear the Christ . mas an The ev- er las-ting light: Pro -claim the ho . ly birth: But in this world of sin, . The great glad tid - ings tell; . pocc0-all The hopes and fears of all the years And prals-es sing to God the King Wheremeek souls will re-ceive Him still, O come to us, a . bide with us, 1 " ' Are met in thee to-night. And peace to men on earth The dear Christ en-ters in Our Lord E- man u ell A - men -4'"l . S n K , F1 , , Just stop for a minute nnd give the matter good sensible thought ; don't simply buy something to pleaBe the eye something that neither you nor your friends will reap any benefit from but rather buy something in the line of iives9RazoErss Scissors, Carvers9 Silver Knives and FoHks3 Tea andTahSespoons, Lamps., IMickeB Tea and Coffee Pots3 ftliekeB ikateSg Sleds, r an Oil one of the Best Wash Machines on the 'Market a White Liiy, a lose, or For any off the above or many other sEFUL PRESENT: GO TO r Bros. m any Happy Returns . Of course Christmas Time is Gift Time nnd "what to glvo" is olwnys n many-sided problem. Perhaps wo can help; wo hope so. Tho old-fashioned Christmas spirit is nil over our store; our Yule-tido Stocks are thoroughly complete, every case and counter is laden with Holiday purchases and wo'ro all trying hard to please to accommodate and to ho of some real service. Iiook over tho list tlint follows. You will find sugges tions of many useful and attractive gift articles. What to Give PERFUMES of tho most exquisite fineness and charm, botli foreign and domestic. Complexion Sets wo Imvo oil tho articles of tho finer quality to mako up these sets. CANDY tho very choicest kind fresli quantities now coming in for Xmns gift buying. BRUSHES of splendid quality for tho hair, teeth, tho bath, hat or clothes. Many grades, styles and sizes. TOILET WATERS in all their originul flower odors many of tho leading makes'. CIGARS by tho bo.v or as you like. Big variety of quality and prices. STATIONERY charming and extraordi nary products of renown ed paper mills, neat and dainty styles; cut in vari ous sizes; unlooked for attractions; mako splen did gifts. Shaving Needs Strops, ltazors, Soap, y Brushes, Witch Hazel, Hay Hum, etc. A boon to tho man who shaves. RUBBER GOODS Atomizers, not AVnter Hags, Rubber Gloves, and nil other Rubber Goods tho best pro ducts of tho finest makers. Tooth Powder and Pastes help to make up those appreciable toilet gift sets. Talcums many tints and makes to select from. They make exceptionally fine gilts. Soaps packed singaly or by sets, in beautiful dec orated boxes. A wide choice of makes. Sachet Powders in a variety oftints and odors, popular prices. Manicure Needs sets or pieces goods made from high grado material, serviceable and lasting. Toilet Requisites such as creams, lotions and other skin appli cations ; hair tonics and tho like. Emergency Articles those little tilings which one finds need of almost every day when presented in select couples, mako thoughtful gifts. "The Quality Sfore" PEIL THE DRUGGIST