The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 01, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    I'AGE H
Pope Formally Elevates New
Cardinals at Rome,
Three Americans Among New Princes
of Church Cardinal Falconlo Thanlca
Pontiff For Honor For Hlmielf
and Colleagues Just Eleoted
to the Saored College.
Rome, Nov. 30. More than a thou
sand persons witnessed the semi
official ceremony of the conferring of
the blrettas on the new cardinals In
the conslstorlal hall. These included
the delegations which accompanied
each cardinal and their relatives. The
latter Included a nephew of Cardinal
Farley and a niece of Cardinal O'Con
uell. who occupied front seats' In the
hnll. There were many clergymen of
all nationalities In attendance.
The chamberlains In their capes and
picturesque black velvet costumes,
with swords at their sides, ushered the
guests to the places which had been
assigned to them by their Invitations.
All thoso without invitations had to
stand up at the end of the hall, as
there were few scats.
The pope walked Into tho hnll fol
lowed by n brilliant retinue." Tho pur
ple robed prelates occupied seats on
either side of the throne In which the
pontifT had taken his Beat. Then the
master of ceremonies called out tlio
names of the cardinals whqwero pre
ent to receive tho red blrctta. Bach
cardinal advanced, then genuflected
three times and Anally knelt In front
of the pope for tho Imposition of the
tuozetta (cape) and cap. Tho cnrdlnuh
were called In tho following order,
which will be followed at today's pub
lic consistory: Mgr. DIomede Falconlo.
apostolic delegate at Washington; Mgr
Granlto dl Belmonte Pignatelll; tin
Most Rev. John Farley, archbishop of
New York; the Most Rev. Francis
Bourne, archbishop of Westminster;
Mgr. L. A. Atnette, nrchblshop of
Paris; the Most Itov. William n. O'Con
nell, archbishop of Boston; Mgr. F. V.
Dublllurd, archbishop of Chambery;
Mgr. Roverie de Cabrlero, 'bishop of
Montpellor, France; Mgr. BIsletl, papal
major doino; Mgr. Lugarl, assessor of
the holy office: Mgr. Pompeii, sefrc
tary of the congregation council; Mgr.
Mlllot of tiie Jesuit order. Mgr. Van
Bossum. Redemptorlst
Each cardinal was attended by Ills
secretary and a gentleman In wulting,
train bearers and masters of ceremo
nies. After the new cardinals had been in
vested with the minor Insignia ithe.v
took seats on benches around the
throne. Cardinal Falconlo, as the sen
ior cardinal present, then arose anil
made a speech In Italian. He said he
felt honored at being selected to ex
press to the pope on behalf of himself
nnd his most eminent colleagues their
thanks and homage on this solemn day
of their elevation to the purple. They
were all fully convinced that their
merits were not In proportion to the
high rank bestowed upon them, but
was a proof of the pontiff's benevo
lenee. The cardinals, said Mgr. Fal
conlo, were deeply grateful nnd were
bound to reciprocate by offering tho
popo their work and placing t,hemselve
at his entire disposal. They fully real
ized tho responsibility of the' holy
father, especially In the present trou
bled limes, when society threatened
antlreligious nttempts to demolish the
Church of Christ. It was owing to the
pope's energetic nnd constant defense
since his elevation to tho chair of rcter
that the devastating torrent had been
Ithaca Rooters, 4,000 Strong, to Cheer
the Team.
Philadelphia, Nov. 30. Two thou
sand Cornell rooters arrived here tills
morning for the annual football game
with Pennsylvania this afternoon. It
Is estimated that 2,000 undergraduates
and almost the same number of nlum
nl will cheer for Cornell at the game.
A special cheering section, in which
women will not be admittod, has been
The students raised a large enough
fund so that tulrty-flve members of
the scrub teams and tho cadet band
expenses to Philadelphia were paid.
WUUe there liaa been little betting In
Ithaca there are thousands of dollars
of Cornell money to be wagered pro
viding odds on Pennsylvania are offer
ed. In view of the disastrous ex
periences Cornell has encountered nt
Franklin Field in tho past, tho Cornell
men demand odds this yoar.
Heirs of Late New York Editor Admit
Document te Probate.
Now York, Nov. 30. Rumors that the
will of Joseph Pulitzer might bo con
tested were set at rest when tho wit
nesses of tho will and the various codl
cils appeared nt tho surrogate's office
and testified as to their signatures.
As uo notice of contest has been filed
by any person, tho will was then ad
mltted to probate.
Marshall For Presidency..
Indianapolis, Nov. 30. The Indiana
Democratic state committee has in
dorsed Governor Marshall for the pres
ldentiitl nomination. '
Hundreds Of Pcoplo Attend 20th
Annual Dnnco In Armory. .
Tho Amity Social Club of Hones
dale entertained several hundred,, of
their friends at their twentieth an
nual ball in the now State Armory,
Thanksgiving eve, November 29.
Everybody and his best girl was
there, of course. Some idea of tho
youthfulness of tho crowd can be
gained from the fact noted by an In
terested observer that there was
only one man at tho affair who wore
a moustache. Yes, the bride and
groom were there. Tho brldo danc
ed, 'but the groom didn't. They left
at 10:68 p. m.
The dance programs wero both
headed "engagements," certainly
a most appropriate title. It Is more
than likely tho County Seat clergy
will hear of some of the after ef
fects of the ball much to their fi
nancial delight.
Freeman did the music, and that
is a sufficient guarantee that It was
well -done. Tho Club looked after
tho decorations and tho way they
spread themselves would have done
honor to Princeton herself, whose
colors are the same as the Amity's.
Mrs. Brown attended to the refresh
ments, and they were all that could
bo desired.
Thanksgiving Eve was tho first
timo In six years that the Amity
Club held a ball. It certainly was a
great social success. Between
twenty-live and thirty people from
Carbondale, Scranton, Jermyn, etc.,
were In attendance.
The committee In charge of the
ball consisted of Joseph A. Bodle,
Jr., George Burkett, Frank H.
Schuerholz and Ed. Mathey.
Out-of-town guests in attendance
Carbondale Misses Lottie Hlsted,
Ruth Knapp, Hazel Patten, Louise
Baer;Mr. and Mrs. Ed Knapp, Mr.
and Mrs. Burkett; Messrs. George
Colvln, Wilbur Morgan, Evan Hum
phreys, Harold Rommelmeyer, Frank
Herbert, John Morgan, Nat Orange,
G. E. Graham.
Aldenvllle Glenn Wllmuth, Miss
Margaret Kennedy.
Cleveland, O. Miss Stella Levi.
Jermyn Thomas Graham, Frank
Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. E.
New York, N. Y. Miss Fanners.
Waymart Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Griffiths, Misses Alice Crowell,
Laura Coursen.
Scranton Harry Northup, Miss
Anna Ward.
Plymouth M. A. Brown.
Pretty Wedding At Orson, Tuesday
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. S. H.
Hall, Orson, Tuesday evening, No
vember 28, when their daughter, Miss
Graco Hall, was united In marriage
to Archibald Christopher Hine, son
of Ira W. Hine. Promptly at eight
o'elock to the strains of Lohengrin's
wedding march played by Mrs. G. C.
Tallinan of 'Honesdalo, pianist, and
Dr. H. A. Evans of Wllkes-Barre,
violinist, the wedding party descend
ed the stairs led by Master Spencer
Evans of Wllkes-Barre bearing the
ring on a gold tray, a gift to the
bride's grandparents on their fiftieth
anniversary. Then came Gladys
Harlow of Orson and Pearl Engle of
Wilkos-Barre carrying baskets of
roses which they strewed along the
pathway of tho bride. Following
these came the bridesmaids, Miss
Alice Tallman of Honesdale and Miss
Reba Hine of Orson, sister of tho
groom. Miss Charlotte Bullock of
Honesdale was maid of honor and
preceded the bride who entered lean
ing on the arm of her grandfather,
H. B. Hall, and passing up an aisle
made by ribbons drawn through the
center of the room took their places
in the large bay window under a bell
made of ground pine, where they
were met by the groom and best
man, Royal Hine of Carbondale,
oroiner oi tno groom, 'tine cere
mony was performed by Rev. W. H.
Swift, pastor of the First Presbyter
ian church, Honesdale, while "Hearts
ana mowers was softly played.
During congratulations Mendels
sohn's wedding march was rendered
The guests wore then ushered Into
the dining room where the following
menu was served: Chicken salad, po
tato croquettes, celery, pickles, rolls,
bread and butter sandwiches, Neapol
itan ice cream, cake, fruit, salted
peanuts, bon-bons, coffee, cigars.
The bride looked charming In a dress
of wihlto Duchess satin trimmed with
Irish baby lace and a veil, carrying
a shower bouquet of bridal roses and
nyacintns. sue also wore a pearl
necklace, the gift of her mother and
a pin of sapphlnes and pearls, the
gift of the groom. The maid of hon
or wore net over yellow satin and
carried yellow chrysanthemums. The
bridesmaids' dresses wero white
-batiste over pin silk and they carried
pink chrysanthemums. Tho flower
girls wore white over pink. Tho
bride's gifts to her maids were beau
tiful wreath pins set with rubles and
emeralds; tho maid of honor receiv
ed a pearl crescent pin. Tho groom's
presents to the best man and ushers
wore stick pins. Tho gift of the
bride's mother to tho groom was a
gold watch. Tho decorations were
laurel, ground pine, chrysanthe
mums and roses. The bride received
a largo collection of beautiful pres
ents Including cut glass, china, silver,
linen, pictures and money, which
showed the high esteem in which
these young people are hold. The
bride and groom left on the following
day for Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse,
Cortland and Blnghamton, On their
return they will reside with the
bride's parents until spring. The
bride's going away suit was plum
color with hat to match. Tho out-of-town
guests were: Laura Euo
Bullock, Charlotte Bullock, Mrs. G.
C. Tallman, Alice Tallman, Hones
dale; Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Evans, son
Spencer, Miss Anna SImkovltz, Mrs.
Engle and daughter Pearl, Miss
Louise Davis and Mrs. T. Rowlands,
Wllkes-Barre: Royal Hine. Carbon
dale, Mrs. Alvlra Box, Wlnwood, and
Mrs. 'Hitchcock, of Cortland, N. Y,
ISpcclal to The Citizen.
Sterling, Pa., Nov. 30.
r cold weatner sun continues
and many aro pinched up.
J. E. Cross is off his feed to-day
and thinks ho wants more than ono
nay in seven to rest up. Our great
trouble Is the nights are not long
enough to recuperate.
H. R. Megarglo and br,t.; h,ave re
turned from their southern trip and
by kindly attending church Sunday
gave all curious eyes an "onportunlty
to inspect tho bride.
On the evening of the 24 th a num
bor of Tillman Gilpin's young friends
made him a birthday surprise party
nnd a few very pleasant 'hours were
On a trip to Marshwood Ray Gil
pin lost a live dollar bill on tho road
while pulling out a handkerchief
and strango to say just ono week af
ter picked up the bill where It had
been driven over by several score of
teams every day.
Will 'Hafler has moved into the
Musgrove house just vacated, H. J.
Musgrove having moved in tho De
Pew house near Madisonville. On
account of tho cold weather F. L.
Robinson has decided to give his
drill a rest. No water at tho depth
of sixty feet.
Howard Butler is Investigating
tho mysteries of Odd Fellowship. He
Is surprised to find what sharp horns,
short tall and long whiskers tho
goat has.
Robert L. Cross is not well but
we are glad to see him around again.
Mrs. Mary C Skolton is also im
proving. Rev. W. 'E. Webster preached an
excellent missionary sermon last
Next Sunday wo aro to decide
when wo will hold our Christmas ex
ercises. What time would be more
appropriate to celebrate the birth of
our Savior then on Sunday? This is
not an occasion for deviltry and tho
giving of gifts or singing of songs
should not be objectionable to the
most fastidious. We were pleased
with tho remarks tho superintendent
made about realizing that the house
dedicated to the service of God was
not the place for a gymnasium and
all sensible folks should see it in that
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gilpin and
Miss Laura wero guests for dinner
at Mrs. S. N. Cross Sunday.
Special to Tho- CltlzenO
Gouldsboro, 'Pa., Nov. 30.
Mrs. W. E. Foster has been spend
ing a few days with Scranton friends.
Mrs. A. L. Rhodes, Mrs. William
Surplus, Mrs. M. E. Smith, Mrs. G. A.
Kerling, Mrs. M. M. Dutot, Mrs. C.
Edwards, Mlsse3 Lila Flower, Grace
Smith, Rev. P. C. Lehman, George
Edwards and Wilson Newell enjoy
ed a straw ride to Moscow Friday
eenlng and attended a concert giv
en by the Gouldsboro Musical Club
for tho benefit of the W. R. C. at
Moscow. After tho concert Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Pelton entertained the
Gouldsboro party and the club at
their home. Mrs. Amasa Bortree,
Mrs. Edward Van Brunt, Mrs; Allen
Reaser and Mrs. Will Brown assist
ed Mrs. Pelton in serving.
Mrs. Emma Latimer is spending a
few days with Mrs. S. A. Adams at
Hillcrest and making farewell calls
on her old friends and noighbors.
She will start for Pasadena, Califor
nia, where she expects to make her
future home with her daughter, Mrs.
Martin Adams. She has sold her
farm at Rockport to Harry Kurbach
who took possession on Friday.
Last week the Gouldsboro members
of the W. ft. C. of 'Moscow gave a
farewell tea In her honor. Those
present were Mrs. George Gllllland,
East Stroudsburg; Mrs. Edward Van
Brunt, Mrs. F. E. Pelton, Mrs. C
Holllster, Mrs. A. Bortree, Mrs. Hat-
tie Bortree, Mrs. John W. Clouse,
Mrs. S. Mott, Mrs. Hatherlll, Mrs.
Miller, Mrs., Bennett, Mrs. W. R.
Sayer, Mrs. Delia English, Mrs. Wm
Basley, Mrs. C. Wardell; from
Gouldsboro, Mr. and Mrs. M. 'E
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rhodes,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garagan, Dr.
and Mrs. G. A. Kerling, Mrs. Etna
Staples, Mrs. S. A. Adams, Mrs. Geo.
Johnson, Sr., Misses Bessie, Grace,
Anna, 'Helen, Gertrude and Margaret
Smith, Messrs. Fred Rhodes, George
Edwards, A. H. Flower, Raymond
Crooks, and R. W. Balcom.
The fair held by the Ladles' Aid
society of the M. E. church proved
a success. The net proceeds was
about ono hundred and fifty dollars.
Two little girls, Mary Edwards and
Dorothy Gress contested for a very
handBome doll. Mary won tho doll
but as Dorothy did so well a largo
sum was also presented with a 'doll.
Little five-year-old Harry Ellen-
berger, son of S. Wilson Ellenber-
gor, manager of tho Sunny Crest
farm, met with a very serious acci
dent Sunday afternoon by being bad
ly bitten on the hand by a shepard
dog, belonging to one of the farm
hands. Ho was taken immediately
to Dr. Kerling.
Miss Jennie Eschenbach, who has
been homo for several months on ac
count of her health, has returned to
Scranton much improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Morgan, of
Scranton, are at the St. Charles for
the winter.
A number of accidents occurred
last week. Charles Bender was bad
ly cut In tho foot while working In
tho woods. While loading a revolver
Mrs. Minnie Rhodes was shot In the
hand, and Burton Tiger, while hunt
ing and on a bear trail fell and frac
tured his ribs. All are doing well
Miss Ethel Mulgrew, New York
city, Is spending a few days with
her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. B
Mr. and Mrs. S. Decker, East
Stroudsburg, spent Sunday with Mr
and Mrs. R. B. Decker.
Special to The Citizen.
Lakevillo. Pa., Nov. 29
Rev. and Mrs. H. T. Purklss set
sail on the steamship Philadelphia
from New York harbor on Saturday,
Nov. 25, 1911, for a six weeks' so
Journ In London, England. Contrlb
utlons donated by many friends to
ward paying passage on ship' were
as follows: Mr. and Mrs, B.'F.' Kel
11am JIB: Helpers. $6: W Veter-
loin S2; Fredla Veterleln Louise
Veterleln Jl.&o; 'Wt w, flood 12
Mclntyro $2: C. Altmlor ?2;
Mrs. Murdock
rii.ilnnlf R9 A Trnmlinth S 1 ' !
J. T. McFarland $1; W. L. Kelley I
$1; Mr. and Mrs. Seegar ?2; Mrs. S.
. ill ii.ii... v a. i - . n i t a
R. Crane ?i; Mrs. Fraveipiece ?i.ou; ;
Esther Flnley $1: Anna Miller fl;
W. Alpha, G. Welsh, Mrs. L. James,
Dr. Edson Green, Dr. Rodman, Mts.
Jnmes Noble, Mrs. Aney, Mrs. H.
Simons, Mrs. Ed. Kolliam, Mrs. J.
Jordan, George Miller, J. S. Welsh,
Homer Ames, V. Burnnett, Mrs. Gil
Pennell, Mrs. A. W. Locklln each
gave $1; Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wil
liams ?2; Mr. and Mrs. A. Goblo $2;
Irvln Buck, DO cents; Mrs. D. Fln
klosteln 60 cents; Roy Rolllson 50
cents; Mrs. Chas. Daniels CO cents;
A. Friend 50 cents; Verna Loveless
50 cents; Mrs. Sarah Pennell 50
cents; gift for birthday $7. Total,
$78.50, They will leave England
for America January 10, 1912. We
wish them a safe and happy voyage.
Tho L. A. S. met with Mrs. S.
Crane Nov. 22. Proceeds, 14.45,
Messrs. H. A. Depew, F. Spencer,
B. Cresky, Dunmore, passed a few
days recently at Goble's, enjoying a
few days' hunt.
Sadie Raushmler Is home for a
time from Paupack.
Joseph Martin haB Temodeled his
home which Improves his property
very much, he having built a fine
addition and a nice porch. Royal
White, a young carpenter from Grav
ity, is doing tho work.
Alble Goble recently painted his
house on Main street.
We are sorry to heaT Mr. London
Is not improved.
Ed. Loveless made a "business trip
to Sterling on Saturday, returning
Miss Elizabeth Alpha Is spending
a week In -White Mills.
Congratulations are extended to
Mrs. John Betchor, who lias a fine
baby gin. Mrs. Botcher was form
erly Miss Ethel Stephens, one of
Lalcevllle's girls. Her home is in
Buffalo, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Nelson ana son
Edwin moved to Hawley last week.
We are sorry to part with good
Roval White is spending rnanKs-
glving with his parents at Gravity.
Rev. H. T. PurKlss, pastor oi mis
charge, desires through tho medium
of the press to publicly acknowledge
tho receipt of $54.34 from tne L,aice-
ille L. A. S. to be applied upon
salary and this amount has been
made up on the following oato ana
amounts given:
Mav 20. SS.23: June 31, SJ.o;
.Tnlv 31. $12.50: Sent. 21. 2.25; Oct.
4, 52.05; Nov. 7, $; .ov. 10,
81.75; Nov. 22, $id. 4t; total, oi.-
34. Tho object of this statement is
to show that the L. A. S. of this
place has been doing some good
work during tno year; aiso mo re
cently organized L. A. S. of Arling
ton have been making some splendid
progress, and yot Paupac society
must have "great praise" for the
noble method and the work they do
In support of the church.
Special to The Citizen.
Lookout, Pa., Nov. 29.
LaFord Teeple spent Sunday with
friends, at Equinunk.
Herbert Lake, ot Sidney, w. ., is
visiting friends at this place.
Myrtle Ewain, or EquinunK, wno
has been visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Virgil Young, returned to her home
at Equinunk on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. uutledge visit
ed relatives at Hancock, N. Y., Sat
urday and Sunday.
George Knapp, Jr., spent a iew
days last week at his home at this
John Ewain, uquinunK, spent
Tuesday at Virgil Young's.
Mrs. Grace Edsall visited ner par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Branning
at Union on Sunday.
Mrs. Bert Branning or union,
visited her mother, Mrs. Daney, one
day last week.
Special to The Citizen.
Tyler Hill, Pa., Nov. 29.
A large number of people from
this locality were present at tho
union service at Calkins Sunday
evening. Rev. M. S. Spear was tho
speaker, his text being the one word
"Why?" Tho church was wen lined
and promises to be so an tnis wees.
H. B. Lord sold a quantity or nay
at Honesdale last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Olver were
guests of Damascus relatives Sat
urday and Sunday.
Allyn Smithers is our idea or a
successful poultryman. Some days
ho Is .busy all day carrying In eggs,
they say.
Joshua Boucher spent tne ween-
end with Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Alfast.
To our new supervisors: Don t
forget that the Brook road Is badly
In need of guides.
Church Notes.
Tho union revival services are
continuing this week. Hev. M. S.
Spear of Dunmore preached in the
Calkins church Sunday evening.
There was a very good attendance
at tho service. Two young men
manifested their deslro to lead a
better life. There will be a special
Thanksgiving service and general
jubilation Thursday night, everybody
Invited. Mr. Spear was called home
to-day to officiate at a funeral but
expects to return later In the week.
Rev. ll. D. Minch and Rev. 1 Hi.
Moyer preached Thanksgiving ser
mons at their respective churches
Sunday morning.
The Loyal i Daughters of the M.
E. church Suhday school will meet
with their teacher, Miss Luclle Abra
ham, on Friday evening.
Rev. F. E. Moyer preached at Gal
ilee yesterday afternoon and at
Abrahamsvllle yesterday evening.
The Teunlon of tho members of
the M. E. church on last Thursday
evening was "very well attended.
Several out-of-town people were
Sneclal to The Citizen.
Beach Lake, Pa., Nor. 27.
Beautiful morning; wish wo could
have the next month juBt like It.
Freddie Wagst Is sick with pneu
monia. Dr. Gavitte Is the attending
Little Francis Bailor, who Is also
under Dr. Gavltte's care, la no bet
ter and seems to be growing weak
W. J
Mrs, Garrett visited her aunt. Mrs.
T. Tlrnwn Willi to atrlr n Vi nucrt.- I
ter's, Mrs. Whltmore, Saturday. Sho
reports her no bettor. Sho Is still
- - . wii--. ' ' . . . j u,.a. . .. . . i. . 111.U.-.11 I
connneu to nor ned.
Mrs. Wallace Barnes Is nurstnc a
sprained foot.
Wo are very sorry to learn that
Norman Davoy, formerly of this
place, but now of Morrlstown, is In
the hospital -with pneumonia. We
sympathize with his mother who is
In such -poor health that sho Is un
able to go to him.
Mrs. Charlie Budd entertained a
very largo Ladles' Aid last Wednes
day. Tho W. C. T. U. will entertain all
the young people at the M. E. par
sonage on Tuesday evonlng.
John P. Budd is building an addi
tion on 'Ezra Case's house.
Mrs. Delbert Mclntlre Is enter
taining her stepmother.
While passing tho home of John
Porkln this morning I found him
engaged In burying a cow that he
had been so unfortnuate to lose.
Fred Wegst Is very 111 with pneu
monia. Mrs. Anna Daniels Is still In poor
health with bronchitis.
The new board of school directors
for Berlin will meet at Ives store on
Monday, Dec. 4, at 10 o'clock.
Tho N. P. L. held a banquet at
J. B. Wllmarth's last evening. A
good time was enjoyed by all.
The subject of moving the Vine
Hill church to Bethel Is being con
sidered by tho people of this place,
and quite a discussion is going on,
somo In favor and some not. It
seems too bad to see the church go
to waste. We aro hoping to see it
made into something neat to bo
used by tho people of God.
Rev. O'Breln is around taking pic
tures of the different schools.
'Report came from Blnghamton
that our friend, Mrs. R. L. Woodley
had a very serious fall, breaking her
nose and splitting her skull, which
sounds very serious.
Bertha Ballemy is visiting at J. O.
Tho Leine drug store says to every
person be it man, woman or child
who has an Irritated, tender, In
flamed, itching SKIN or SCALP, you
need not suffer another day. " We
have a refined skin preparation, that
acts instantly and will bring you
swift and sure results."
One warm bath with ZEMO SOAP
and one application of ZEMO and
you -will not suffer another moment
and you will soon see a cure In sight.
ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP are prov
en cures for every form of skin or
scalp affection. They are sold by
ono leading druggist In every city
or town In America and in Hones
dale by A. M. Leine.
Sliecim to Tno Citizen.!
Hainlln, Pa., Nov. 29.
Dr. and Mrs. J. A. McKee have
gone to Philadelphia to spend the
winter. Dr. McKee Is very much
Improved In health. Their daugh
ter, Miss Loraine, who Is employed
in the telephone exchange here, will
remain with her aunt, Miss D. P.
Mrs. H. F. Nicholson entertained
the Booklovers' club on the afternoon
of Wednesday last. This is tho first
meeting of the club, since its recent
Preaching services were held In
tho M. E. church last Sunday evening
when Rev. O. G. Russell delivered a
sermon on the subject ot Home Mis
sions. Miss M. A. Hodgson has closed her
summer home here and gone to Phil
adelphia for tho winter.
Mrs. Brink, Brooklyn, N. Y., Is
visiting at Robert Spangenberg's.
Mrs. Emily Simons Is spending this
week with her sister, Mrs. Clark Ab
bey. Henry Corey, Herrlck Center, Is
visiting at O. G. Russell's.
W. H. Alt has returned from his
hunting trip.
Mrs. Harriot Chapman is quite ser
iously 111.
A company of young peoplo from
Moscow were pleasantly entertained
at the home of Miss Elma Peet on
Thursday evening last.
Miss Anna Walker, Hawley, visited
at F. A. Peet's last week.
Amos Olver and W. A. Van Sickle
are on tho sick list. Dr. O. J. Mullen
is attending them.
Special to The Clllirn.J
Hollistorville, Pa., Nov. 30.
Joo Frable and Walter Quick are
doing the carpenter work at the new
barn at the M. P. parsonage.
There will be services In tho Bap
tist church on Sunday at tho usual
A part of a new roof Is being put
on the Baptist church.
Rev. W. H. Welxell, a former
pastor, will Ylslt hero over Thanks
giving. Tho communion services In the M.
P. church last Sunday morning were
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County, SS.:
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
he Is senior partner of the Arm of
F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business
In the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said Orr
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDREb
DOLLARS for each and every case o
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscrib
ed In my presence, this 6th day of
December, A. D. 1886.
(Seal) A. W. QLEASON.
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In
ternally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of tho
Bystem. Send for testimonials free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by. all Druggists, 76c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
very largely attended. Rev. Ru
snl1 nt ihn f W ri ,. Vi n.nnnhn'
ww.. w .w .... . .... u. ... . 1 1 . i
persons communed.
.1 I . 1 j . r . . . ...
giving dny. A largo number o
guests were Invited, tho most
whom wero present.
Rev. Relchert will preach at Eas
Sterling next Sunday at 2:30 p. m
and at union church at 7:30 p. m.
and Mildred Brown were Scrantoi
shoppers this week.
mi 1. I . .... I 1 1 t .
i . i .i i . 1. -tr ,t? l. . . 1. ...
n n ., t .. . it. T.i
24th, In the evening.
Married Thursday Morning.
At Rf .Tilin'o T? JT nhn.tli WTnA
assistant rector Rev. Father E
C. Connolly, Cliff street, and John T
uoiden, tne wen-Known professlona
1 1 1 1 1 nlmrai n-li f c n .nma la In T" . .
1.. l .1 I . hi . 1 t,
friends of the contracting parties
of tho groom. The brldo wore
beautiful blue travelling gown with
a picture hat to match, and carried
o 11 HI 1'n- .rtla- tTo.. Ill iff! tun n .
L11U U,J.lllt3 LU1UI. ALltil L11U LU1UU1UU
a wedding breakfast was served to
the Immediate relatives at the bride's
home, Miss Molly Buckley catering.
Mr. and Mrs. Golden left on the 4:40
u. ..M ri. Lruiii nn an fixtemiRn WRnmn
TriTi nirinff Tnoip nnaonno. mav nri
visit the Eastern States and the Ber
muda Islands. Upon their return
they will reside in Scranton.
"Jack" Golden is well known In
Honesdale. As a base ball pitcher
Tin tinn i.i .1 .7 nnnA n n A li n .1 n nnt.
11UO 1UUUU uuu uau tx oJicil-
dld record In the Connecticut League
last Summer. Mrs. Golden Is a pop
ular blonde who enjoys a wide circle
of friends. Their many friends wish
them all sorts of ihapplness. The
Citizen pxtends congratulations.
The ladles of the Methodist church
of 'Waymart are completing arrange
ments for their annual fair to be held
on the 6 h and 7th of this month.
Hon'esdale, Pa.
Dec. 8th
Benefit of tho llonesdnlo
.Realty Company.
Selections from the operas of "Kaust".
"Martha", "II Travotore". "C'avallelria
A Wealth of Special Seen
ery and Costumes.
PRICES: 50, 75 $ $1.
Scat Snle upens at the Hox Office at 9.
A. M.. Thursday. Dec. 7th.
All tickets purchased from oollcltors
must be exchanced for reserved seat