THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DEO. 1, 1011. PAGE T E. G. LEWIS. 'romoler of Woman's League 38 Vehicle to tho Presidency. . xJi4l Hi? fife' ' As i Mi L Louis, Nov. 28. E. G. Lewis, who Iulng the government for $3,000,000 ingc due to fraud orders Issued by postofllco department against his llness, announces that the Women's Iguo of America may put a full tick n the fleld in tho national election 1912. If It docs, ho said, he will bo landldate to head It le explains that the Woman's league branches in most of the states nnd It It is being organized by the elec- Ii of executive officials, a senate and iso of representatives. fhese senators and representatives, Ideclares, will meet in tho University y next January ana nominate a In for the presidency. In Juno a l.lonal convention will bo held. l$15,000 A YEAIt ALIMONY. be President of Lehigh Valley Di vorced by Wife. few York, Nov. 28. Supremo Court Istlco Cohalan granted a decree of aration to Mrs. Lily Mlddlcton from Inn A. Mlddlcton, first vice president tho Lehigh Valley railroad. The art said that the plaintiff had proved r charge that her husband had her Infilled in nn asylum and had treated r in an abusive manner. Tho de- adant admitted that it was impos- lile for him to llvo with his wife. Clio court said that since the parties Id lived nt the rate of $15,000 to 50,000 a year, and the defendant has Income of $45,000, he would fix nll- lony nt $15,000 for plaintiff and her Ires children and a counsel fco of 0,000. PHACAHS AT. ATLANTIC CITY. arnell Team at Seashore For Fin ishing Touches. lAtlantlc City, N. J., Not. 2S.-Wlth squad of thirty-five, including play- coaches and trainers, the Cornell lam arrived here this afternoon to put li the finishing touches and rest up for ho struggle with Pennsylvania at Iranklln fleld Thanksgiving day. Tho huad Is located at Iladdon Hall and fill practice orery day at tho be6.U ark. I The CorncUians will remain at At- Intic City until late Thursday morn- bg, when they will proceed to Phlla- Jphla In tlmo for luncheon tber be- bre tho big game. W0LGAST THE FAVORITE. Llahtweight Champion Will Welsh Thanksgivlno Dy. Loa Angeles, CaU Nor. 28. Ad "Wol- ist, champion lightweight, who la t aeet Freddie Welsh here next Thurs day, put four of bis sparring partners lo rout m snort oraer uerore a large kudlence. Wolgast says he weighs I ess than 182 pounds and that he is n perfect condition. The champion is a strong favorite. be odds ranging from 10 to 7 to 2 te 1. SEEKS TO OUST SETDEL. Milwaukee Councilman Asks Impeach ment of Socialist -Mayor. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 28. The to cachment of Mayor Seldel, tho So cialist; City Clerk Carl D. Thompson, I and City Attorney Daniel W. Iloan for alleged malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance In office in connection 9 with tho 1011 tax assessment Is asked I by Alderman J. P. Carney in charges submitted to the common council at Ian adjourned meeting. TAFT COMPLETES MESSAGE. In Short Document President Fails to Mention Tariff. Washington, Nov. 28. President Toft has completed his message to congress and sent It to the government printing office. Tho message Is about 0,000 words long ono of the shortest messages re cently. The president will deal with the tariff question later in a special mas sage. Weather Probabilities. Rain today: tomorrow clearing and colder; Increasing southerly winds, be- romlne hlch. ATwentieth Century Marriage Contract By EDNA PH1LUPS Copyright by American Press Asso ciation, 1911. Mnrrlugu in ono respect is very differ nt from what it was a century ago. Mien thcro was one head to tho fami ly, tho husband. Now, it Is claimed, nine-tenths of tho young women of the world, Including tho wealthy classes, I work. This educates them to a self dependenco of which their grandmoth ers knew nothing. Charlotte Dlako was one of theso girls who worked. Work to her was not necessary. Her father was abun dantly able to support her, but she could not brook Idleness. She possess ed a good voice and would have liked to go on the stngo had her father not . ment of agriculture and horticulture, objected. As It was, she gate music The work of tho Keystone State's De lessons. But when she engaged her- partment of Agriculture has been of self to Henry Pomeroy her lover ob- Jected to her doing unythlng whatever, so she gave up teaching. She had been engaged several months without hearing anything from her fiance as to their marriage, and, time hanging heavy on her hands, sho spoke to him about the matter, "I'm getting things into shape for that," ho said. "Leave It to me. Just as soon ns I'm ready I'll let you know." "Do you propose always to keep vour affairs to yourself?" "Why would you wish to hear.about them! You wouldn't understand them, and your opinions upon them would only bother me. I'm like a horse used to a mountain trail. Give him his head and he'll carry you safely. Try to guide him and he'll spill you." This was all that was said about th matter at tho time. Miss Blake con tinued to do nothing, while Mr. Pom eroy pursued the even tenor of his way without mentioning his affairs to her. He wus devoted to her In other respects, taking her to the theater, to drives and affording her other amuse ments. Indeed, ho treated her in the old fashioned way. as his father had treated his mother, aa his grandfather had treated his grandmother. But Charlotte lived in a different age from his mother or his grand mother. She had been developed. She was Itching to assume her part of the family headwork. Self control was one of the features of this develop ment, and that self control enabled j her, having spoken once on the mat ter that most Interested her, to refrain from doing so again. Nevertheless, there was n smoldering Are within. Miss Blako was a representative of the twentieth century woman. Meanwhile the flowers came regular-1 ly, and her fiance was not sparing of his invitations. As to tho flowers, she sent them to an invalid whom she re garded her cupeclal protege, and some of the invitations she declined. These methods of courtship did not Interest her. Pomeroy, not having risen to modern methods, knew of no other way to show his devotion, while she, being a modern girl, had no uso for at tentions tn vogue half a century bo fore. Ono evening Pomeroy appeared at her home and said: "I am happy to an nounce that my affairs are now In con dition to take you from your father and support you In the same style aa that to which you bar been avcena- toined." What am I te do?" What are you to do? I daa't under stand yon." "I Infer from what yen ay that yoa will be ablo to hire tho beet of Mrr nnU, who will takt very car of the bouso. 1 eee nothing to occupy bm. Uy mind will be a vacuum." "What have ladles always dene?' "1 am not concerned with that. I novo never considered marriag area In tho present day. 1 only kaow that I am a woman, bar earned a saffl- clency to take care of myself and doa't Dcd any one to take care of me. If I ceuld be, as a married woman, a partner in my husband's affairs I sup pose I should be Interested In matri mony. Aa it la. I don't think I have any use for If The lover stood aghast; and his fian cee continued: "I have found tho perted of engage ment insipid. You have sent me flow ers and tbWter tickets. I enly won dered that you didn't send me a doLL Now you propose to set me up In your home as a wax Sgure under a glass cover. 1 decline the honor. I am about to sign a contract to go on tho stage. I'm o!ng to try occupying myself In tho profession of music for two years, but I am practical enough to realize that If 1 once enter upon that profes sion 1 shall doubtless follow It as long as my voice lasts. That Is what oth ers have done, and 1 see no reason why I should be an exception." Pomeroy was so taken aback that for awhile be did not know what to say. "It seems to me." he said finally, "that you ore proceeding as much too fast ns I am too slow. I see that I am not up to date in the matter of a court ship or in my estimate of the modern position of a wife, I will meet you halfway. I will take yon ns a part ner na well as one to love if you will give up the career you have chosen te accept the partnership." "Now you are proposing something that meets my concurrence," said Char lotte. "I agree to your terms." But the care of a family threw the wlfo back to tho status of her grand mother. She found it Impossible te supply tho wants of her children and learn enough about her husband's busl ness to consult with blm intelligently. The consequence was that she natural ly dropped into her own sphere, lear tajc her husband to oecnnr aU alone. ( MODERN METHOD IN FARM WORK Valuable Service of Pennsylva nia's Agricultural Department, MODEL ORCHARD MOVEMENT Prosecution For Manufacturers Bogus Fertilizers Instruction Movable School and Institute. Pennsylvania has taken tho from rank of states which have adopted scientific methods for the advance- Incalculable value to tho farming In- terests. Since the creation of the de partment tho legislaturo has appro priated more than $2,000,000 for that branch of the state government. Each year its work has b'een extended and the appropriation to maintain it in creased. Owing to its success its methods are being adopted by agrlcul tural and horticultural bodies through out tho country. A phase of tho department's work that has attracted widespread atten tion Is presented by what is known as the "Model Orchard Movement." The movement had Its origin three years ago In tho selection of thirty orchards which were taken under the department's charge. This number has grown to such an extent that now more than 1300 orchards are on the "model" list. Tho owners of these orchards depend upon the department for direction and assistance in their efforts to grow fine fruit, under the terms of a signed contract, executed when application was mado for the service. More than 1918 public orchard demonstrations, embracing work In spraying trees and other horticultural operations, have been conducted since Jan. 1 last, and about 1200 model orchard Inspections made. Tho attend ance at the demonstrations was many thousands of fruit growers. Ridding Orchards of Deadly Pests. In tho inspection of orchards tho Inspector determines the kinds of in sects Injuriously Infesting tho trees on each of the premises Inspected, as well as tho degree of Infestation. A report is mado of conditions for the department and a duplicate left for i the use of tho owner and tenant. Of the orchard Inspections, 4584 have been made In thirty counties during this year. Inspections of nurseries to the number of 219 have also been mado and 330 boxes of foreign impor tations of nursery and greenhouse stock Inspected. Original Investigations have been carried on In tho effects of certain in secticides on oyster-shell scale, le canium scale and the grape-vine flea beetle, In which 300 trees and vines have been sprayed. Special investiga tions have been conducted as to the distribution, habits and life history of the Hessian fly and the appearance in Pennsylvania of tho seventeen-year Cicada, The Bureau of Farmers' Institutes may be regarded as the right arm of the State Agricultural Departmen1. Through this bureau tho colleso is brought to tho farmer and results of experiments carried on in all the states for tho advancement of agri culture are brought to his attention by scientific men, while Instruction In methods Is given by practical tillers of the soil who have proved their ability to Instruct by the success they have achieved In the employment of the methods they advocate. Institute Work In Every County. Since the beginning of the year 221 regular farmers' Institutes havo b-en held, all tin- counties of the stato be ing included In this work. These lnstl tutes wero under the direction of local managers appointed by tho Deputy Secretary ot Agriculture, who Is ex officio Director of Institutes and who attended many of tho meetings. In struction was given by experts in tbo science of agriculture, as well as men known to be thoroughly practical far mers who are successful in the con duct of their affairs. In addition to the regular lnstttute work there were held since Jan. 1 fifteen movable schools of agriculture These schools continue In session about one -week at a given point and then go to another point. Before a school Is located at any point thoro must bo an enrollment of a sufficient number of persons who pledge them selves to attend rogularly the sessions to Insure such an attendance as will justify locating the school at that point. At these schools instruction Is given in specific branches of agrlcul ture according to the selection mado by the persons who enroll themselves as students. The attendance at the Institutes since Jan. 1 was 162,809, uid at the movable schools 16,198. Tho Bureau ot Farmers' Institutes also furnished speakers for thirty-two special summer meetings conducted In the interest of agriculture, at which 32,376 persons were present, and speakers for many agricultural fairs and expert judges of certain commodl ties when requests for such judges wero made Regulating Manufacture of Fertilizers. The enforcement of the provisions of tho law regulating the manufacture and sale of commercial fertilizers has leen of inestimable value to the farm' tr of Pennsylvania. The amount ex- ponded by larmors oi mis state for fertilizers Is from $5,000,000 to $6, 000,000 nnnually, and while most fer tilizer manufacturers are honest men, somo are not. An act of the lcglsl j a prohibits the uso in the manuhuturo of com mercial fertilizers of certain materials such as hoof, horn, wool-waste, etc., that contain nitrogen In a form that Is not readily avallablo when applied to tho land, without an explicit state ment of tho fact; said statement to bo conspicuously affixed to every packnge of such fertilizer or manure, and to accompany nnd go with every lot, parcel or packago of tho samo. This single Item of legislation Is worth many thousands of dollars to tho farmers. Tho spring sampling of fertilizers this year resulted in tho securing of 1974 samples, of which 719 were ana lyzed. As a result of the analytical work fifteen prosecutions wero or dered for violation ot tho fertilizer law. These cases aro now pending. Tho sampling work for tho fall sea son resulted In tho securing of 1292 samples, which are now undergoing analysis by the chemist employed for this work. The number of brands of fertilizer registered since Jan. 1 is 1537, and the amount of license fees collected from manufacturers of fer tilizers since that date Is $26,416, which has been paid into tho stnto treasury. Low Grade Feeding Stuffs. The rapid increase of population, as well as business, especially in tho mining and manufacturing districts of Pennsylvania, in recent years has in creased tho demand for horses, mules, dairy cows and all the meat producing animals to such an extent that the farmers havo not been able to produco a suiiicient amount of grain to meet tho requirements of theso animals. This has led to a large sale of what are known as "commercial feeding stuffs," which are made up principally of the by-products resulting from the manufacture of flours, breakfast foods, syrups, beer, distilled liquors, etc. The number of samples of commer cial feeding stuffs collected by agents of the department since the beginning of the year is 667. Of these flfty-sevr cn were found to fall below tho guar antee of the manufacturer with re- gard to nutriment, and prosecutions were instituted, resulting in the pay- ment of $1107.98 in fines and costs. A fow cases are pending. Analysis of samples of linseed oil since Jan. 1 resulted in fourteen pros ectutlons, thirteen of which havo been terminated, resulting in tho payment of $408.72 in costs and fines. Tho Bureau of Chemistry of the department, In adldtion to the analyz ing of feeding stuffs and linseed oil, has analyzed 134 samples sent to the department by manufacturers, dealers and consumers of feeding stuffs. Tho fees for analyzing these last named samples, as well as all fines colected for violatios of tho law, were paid Into the stato treasury. Assistance For Gardeners and Fruit Growers. Requests to the department for as sistance from the farmers, fruit grow ers and market gardeners have great ly lncrcasod during the past season. For the purpose of giving concise detailed Information on pests and their treatment twenty special circu lars on the common destructive insects and diseases of plants havo been pre pared, which, together with marked copies of bulletins, are used in lieu of letters whenever possible. The periodical publications of the department are the BI-Monthly Zoo logical Bulletin of the Division of Zoology, published every two months. and tho Press Bulletin, Issued week ly. Of tho former, five numbers, ag gregating 240 pages in editions of 35,000, have been issued to date. More than thirty-five numbers of the Press Bulletin have been sent to 901 news papers of the state, in whose columns the "Timely Topics on Pest Control" have been more or lesB regularly re printed. Bach Issue contains on an average three articles, so that ninety- nine separate treatments for pests have been presented through this agency to tho millions who road the newspapers. In the department's laboratory the work of classifying and arranging In sects systematically for the museum and carintr for the same has been busily progressing. About 1000 speci mens have been received since Jan. 1. Photographs havo been made of in sects and 200 charts of. insects and their work prepared. The Bash! Bazouk. The bashl bazouk shaves his head ex cept a tuft at the crown, which is to be used by the angel to Jerk him to paradise If ho should be slain by his intended victim. Materials In a Man. This averago man In health has the material for thirteen pounds of can dles, one pound of nails, carbon suffi cient for 800 pencils, bindings for six teen octavo books, 600 knife handles, twenty-eight violin strings, twenty- teaspoonfuls of salt and one pound of loaf sugar. ADVANTAGES OF OASH-IN-AD- VANCB PLAN. We note tho following from a re cent issue of the National Printer Journalist, ot groat Interest to tho subscribers and editor alike: " When a newspaper gets estab llshed on a cash-in-advance basis, this means that thereafter, it any one Is receiving the paper, he has ordered It, and, what is more im portant to both parties to the trans action, he has paid for tho service in full. It means, moreover, that when the term of subscription Is up the subscriber will not need to take a club to the editor In order to havo tho paper stopped, for, after a duo! and courteous notice is given, it a renewal Is not made within a reason able tlmo, the publisher should ac cept that ns, prima facie evidence that tho paper is not wanted anoth er year, and, accordingly, drop the name of the subscriber from tho list. ' "There aro so many advantages to both subscriber and publisher in this pay-ln-advanco system, that the only wonder Is that any other news paper Is run any other way. It does awny with any unpleasant feelings that inevitably grows up between an editor' and his chronic delinquents. The one dread to meet tho other, be cause ho knows tho other hates to meet him. It does away with the everlasting disputes over credits' and doblts in the subscription accounts, which are a constant menace to tho peace and happiness bf thousands of country newspaper men. " It puts an end to tho shameful imposition which In the old way is eternally being practised upon hun dreds of Teaders, by forcing -upon them, year after year, a paper which in many instances they do not want, and to get rid of which seems as utterly Impossible as tho annihilation of tho 'hunchback In tho Arabian Nights. Likewise It precludes the imposition from the other side, by which so many well meaning pub lishers are cheated out of hundreds of dollars every year, by dishonest people who would accept and use a newspaper for life, without protest, until a bill for the service is pre sented when they strenuously object to paying that which they owe the publisher. An Act of Assembly approved March 2. 1911, provides that the terms of all public officers elected ln odd-numbered years shall hereafter begin on the first Monday of Janu ary succeeding their election. In accordance with tho provisions of this act the terms of Township Supervisors elected at tho last elec tion would begin on the first Mon day of January next. But a subse quent act approved June 14, 1911, provides that, at tho municipal elec tion in the year one thousand nine hundred and eleven, one supervisor shall be elected for four years, to fill the term commencing tho first Monday of December, 1911. Since the provisions of those two Acts of Assembly aro conflicting, tho latter will stand. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. By virtue of process issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county, and Stato of Pennsylvania, and to me directed and delivered, I have levied on and will expose to public sale, at the Court House in Honesdale, on FRIDAY, DEC. 33, AT 3 1. M. All the defendant's right, title, and interest in the following de scribed property viz: All that southern part of a cer tain piece or parcel of land, situate in Preston township, Wayne county, Pa., beginning at a heap of stones on the line ot land surveyed to John Chambers; thenco by tho same and land surveyed by Daniel Bauman, north 63 degrees east 107 perches to a 'beach corner; thenco by lots Nos. 42-37 of tho allotment of the Bond tract, north 27 degrees West 320 perches to stones the corner; thence by lot No. 29 on said allot ment, south 63 degrees west 107 per ches to stones corner and thence by lots No. 39 and 40 of said allotment, south 27 degrees east 320 perches to the place ot beginning. Contain ing 314 acres more or less, tielng the same land that Thomas Cadwalader and wife by their deed dated the 7th day of December, 1830, said deed be ing recorded in Deed Book No. 7 at page 256, granted and conveyed to Bernard and Cornelius Relay, and the said Bernard and Cornelius Reil- ly divided the said land property 'by the said Bernard Rellly taking the southern half or 160 rods by 107 rods of the said tract and the said Cornelius Rellly taking the north FOR ItOIVES-THEBESTFIEgyLTS. I LIGHT; traded Ji rn SMITHSONIAN 1 HOLDS I ',W IN ANY I C. C- JjD"WI1T D. & li. CO. TlflE TABLE A.M. SUN P.Al. A..M A.M. P.M. SUN 8 30 10 00 10 00 10 00 1230 4 30 a 05 .... Albany .... . Blnchamton . A.M. 10 00 2 15 2 15 2 10 ... Philadelphia.. 8 15 4 0M 7 10 800 4 40 6 30 12 30 1 18 7 10 .WHkes-Barre. ....Bcranton.... 7 65 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Lv 5 40 8 45 8 55 8 69 B 18 9 24 9 32 9 37 6 20 6 30 6 31 6 62 2 05 2 15 2 19 237 i 43 2 62 2 67 2 69 3 0.1 3 07 8 45 8 65 8 69 9 18 .Carbondale 5 60 1 lncoin 0 Ol 6 11 . 6 17 026 632 668 707 7 13 7 16 720 9 24 9 32 37 6 3 639 6 43 H4 9 39 9 43 9 39 9 43 9 47 9 60 B 47 7 24 9 601 7 27 3 10 3 15 660) 7 31 9 651 P.U. A.U. P,U P.M. A.M. Ar half or 160 rods by 107 rods of tho said tract. Also all that certain piece or par cel of land situate in Preston town ship, Wayne county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stones corner tn tho lino of .other lands of tho said Bernard Rellly;' thence by Lots Nos. 43-44 of the allotment of the Cad waladcrs in Preston township, south 27 degrees east 186 rods to a post set for a corner; thenco by Lot No. 23 of said allotment, south 84 de grees west 180 rods to a stones corner; thence by land of N. L. Ken nedy, north 5 degrees west 159 rods to a stones by corner in the lino of land of Bernard Rellly; and thence along said line, north 63 degrees east 42 rods to the place of beginning; containing 78 acres and 149 perches bo the same more or less, and being the same land that Mary Cadwalader by her deed dated tho 2nd day of March, 1843, granted and conveyed to Bernard Rellly, and the said Ber nard Rellly having died on or about January 1, 1866, having mado his last will and testament In which ,he devised the said land to his two sons, Michael Rellly and John Rellly. The said will having been duly probated in the office of tho Register of Wills in and tor Wayne county on the 13th day of January, 1866, and recorded in Wayne County Will Book No. 2, page 243, and tho said John Rellly et ux having by their deed dated March 27, 1873, recorded In Wayne County Deed Book No. 43, at page 76, granted and convoyed all his In terest in all the said land to the said Michael Rellly. And the said Michael Rellly having died intestate on or about the first day of January, 1896, leaving to survive him a widow and ono child, Charles J. Rellly, and the said widow having since died the entire title to the land above de scribed became vested in the said Chas. J. Rellly absolutely. Upon the premises are a good frame dwelHng, barn, shed and other out-bulldlngs and a good orchard. Land mostly cleared and balance has somo good timber growing upon it. Seized and taken Into execution as the property of M. J. Moran and Chas. J. Riley, at the suit of The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Com pany. No. 96, March Term, 1910. Judgment, $300. Attorneys, De Laney & McCarty. ALSO All the defendant's right, title, and interest in tho following de scribed property viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the township of Dy berry, county of Wayne, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at the south-western corner of a lot of land, devised by William Hogland, deceased, to Eph rlam P. Kimble; thence south GO de grees west 90 rods to the middle ot the public road leading down the Dyberry Creek from Tanners Falls to Honesdale; thence along tho mid dle of the same, south 28 degrees east 23 7-10 rods to a corner of Eli Burltt's land; thenco by the same and by other land of tho said party of the first part north 50 degrees east 95 rods to a corner and thence north 44 degrees west 23 6-10 rods to the place of beginning, containing 13 acres more or less. Being the same land that Frederick Hubbard and Elizabeth Hubbard his wife by their deed dated the 29th day of November, 1870, recorded In Wayne County Deed Book No. 65, at page 247, granted and conveyed to Charles Tribes. Upon said premises Is a frame house, barn and other im provements; land mostly Improved. Seized and taken into execution as the property of Charles Tribes at the suit of Harry B. Ely. No. 131 June Term, 1910. Judgment, $50.55. McCarty, Attorney. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Nov. 22, 1911. mm SALE BY HONESDALE BRANCH 1. M. l'.M, A.M . M. M. SUN SUN. 2 00 10 50 8 45 10 60 12 40 uo 4 09 7 11 7 38 7 14 7 38 A.M P.M. P.M. 9 30 8 45 2 65 a 13 7 25 6 30. 12 55 12 05 10 OS 9 U Ar A.M P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 8 05 1 35 1 25 1 21 5 60 6 40 6 34 11 25 827 8 17 8 13 1 64 7 47 Avenue..- 7 51 11 14 wmtes 7 60 7 33 725 7 17 7 12 7 09 7 05 11 10 10 63 11 45 10 37 ....Farview .... Canaan . Lake Lodore .... . . Waymart Keene Steene ...Prompton ... Fortenla ...Heelyvllle . . Honesdale 1 03 12 66 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 36 12 32 12 29 6 18 5 11 6 66 4 68 7 S 7 32 7M 7 M 10 32 4 65 10 2U 4 61 4 47 4 44 II 23 7 01 IS 211 7 23 10 14 7 IS 11 l3 7 IS 6 68 6 65 12 2M 4 40 A.M. P.U, P,U, A.U P.M.