9 THE .CIX1ZHN, Fill DAY, DEO. 1, 1011. THE) CITIZEN Semi-Weekly Founded 1008; AVeckly Founded 1814. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter, at the postofflce. Honesdalo, Pa. E. li. HARDENBEUutl PRESIDENT J. M. SMELTZEll ASSOCIATE EDITOR U. DORFLI-NQKR, M. B. ALLEN, DIRECTORS! II, WILSON, K. Ii. 1.AI.DENBERCIII, W. W. WOOD Our fricndsjiclio favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re umed, shoufdh every case enclose slamiis for that purpose. TERMS: ONE YEAR $1.60 THREE MONTHS 38c SIX MONTHS 76 ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Office Order or Registered letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdale, Pa. AH notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making money" or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee Is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks, 60 cants, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application. le policy of the The Citizen is to print the local news in an interesting r, to summarize the news of the world at large, to fight for the right as this The paper sees the right, without fear or favor to the end that t'( may serve the best a t : J iu. ...lt t fh interests ui no rcuucia u.i wtc whiwc wr w i-v....'. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1011. ONE WAY TO SAVE COAL. Don't complain If your coal bills are high this winter. It will ho your own fault. To fill one's home with a hot, dry air, as most people do, Is both expensive and unhealthful. Tuberculosis, pneumonia and colds He in wait for persons living In this kind of atmosphere. On the other hand, properly moistened air does not have to bo heated to as great a temperature as dry air In order to be made comfortable. When you feel cold, therefore, Instead of seeing whether the furnace needs fuel, find out if the air does not want water. On a cold day the win dows of your room should have the perspired look of a kitchen window on washday. In very hold weather the panes ought to be frosted. If you find this Is not the case, the air probably needs a drink. Place a pan of water In the room, or if you have steam 'heat, allow a little of the steam-to escape. You will soon feel comfortable although the temperature of the room will not have risen. With properly moistened air a room need not be heated to more than G4 degrees Kard de Sch welnltz, executive secretary Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis. NEXT ELECTION TO BE STATE AND NATIONAL. Pennsylvania will elect a State Treasurer and probably an Auditor General, four Congressmen-at-Large, thirty-two district Congressmen, thirty-eight presidential electors, twenty- five Senators and 207 members of the Houso of Representatives next year. The next election will bo a national and State affair, and no municipal or county officers will be chosen. Neith er will any Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas bo elected. Tho primaries will be held In April Instead of September, owing to the fact that delegates to national and State conventions must be chos en early. The State conventions will be held shortly after tho primaries. The election of State Treasurer comes under the decision of the Su preme Court in the case decided in 1910, when It was hold that Charles Frederick Wright, appointed State Treasurer to fill the term ifor which J. A. Stober was elected, but did not should serve out the term. A contest to determine whether the Auditor General can be legally elect ed next year or whether he must come up for election In 1914 will probably be inaugurated when the nomination Is made. The Congressmen-at-Large will be elected because no apportionment of the State has been made since the 1910 census results were announc ed and until new districts are creat ed by the Legislature this will be the rule. The Senators to be elected aro from odd numbered districts and comprise one-half of the number. WORLD'S PRODUCTION OF COAL. WE SHOULD EAT FIVE APPLES A DAY, Every man, woman and child in the United States should eat five ap ples a day this winter, according to an appeal from the growers. Five apples a day for each of 90,000,000 people would mean 450,000,000 ap ples; but tho country's orchards are perfectly capable of standing the strain. The United States government has forecast a crop at least 25 per cent. In excess of last year's crop of 14,000,000 barrels; but as a matter of fact, tho big apple shippers of this vicinity do not hesitate to assert that fully 20,000,000 barrels will bo disposed of, leaving out of consideration thousands of bushels of apples used for drying, for preserving, and for cider, and those left on the trees or ground to waste. It is the farmers of the country that is to say, the apple farmers w'ho have set up the plea for every person to eat five apples a day. They base their plea on two considerations. In the first place, they state, eat lng five apples a day will be very beneficial to everybody. In the second place, such a steady consumption of fruit will be extremely usful to the apple industry. It will probably mean that there will be no leftovers in the ( storage warehouse. Five apples a day for each of 90,000,000 people for a whole winter would mean that there would be nothing left of the eating apple crop. WHY SOME TOWNS GROW. In every county and In every state can be found towns that are con. tinually forging ahead while others in the same vicinity remain practically at a standstill and accomplish nothing in the way of improvements or advancement. In every case the fault can be found to rest, not with the town, but with the people themselves. Tho reason why some towns grow Is because they have men inutheni with push and energy who are not afraid to spend their time, money and energy on anything that will boom and benefit the town. They have con fidence enough In their town to erect substantial and modern buildings and residences and work for public improvements on the same order. They organize stock companies and establish factories, induce industrial enter prises to locate and use every means to further the hest interests of the town. Their work is never considered finished and a compllshment of one thing is only an incentive to another. On the other hand the town that does not get ahead will be found to be dominated by either a set of men who are perfectly satisfied with their surroundings or who are afraid somebody else will be benefited in the event something is started, consequntly no effort of any kind is made by this class for these two reasons. If some man or set of men endeavor to start something they are met by opposition and discouragement and it is uphill work all the way and very often failure. Every town however has a certain progressive element which hopes for a turn of the tide when it will go forward by leaps and bounds and occupy a position of importance along with other numerous advantages and Interests which go to make a good town in every sense the term im plies. But this stage cannot be accomplished by mere wishes or sugges tions. It can only come from harmony in purpose, and action and the eternal vigilance of its citizens. The town with these' things will con tinue to grow and improve but the town without them can be expected to remain in a state of lethargy Indefinitely without affording its residents anything but a mere existence. A CHANCE TO HELP MAKE HONESDALE GROW. Elsewhere in this issue of Tho Citizen the Greater Honesdale Board of Trade gives the people of Honesdale and Wayne county an opportunity to do something for their town and county. What Is a benefit to the county is a benefit to the individual. The Board, after careful investigation, takes pleasure in presenting to the public 1,300 shares of non-assessable stock, par value $10, of the Globe Yarn company, now doing a business of $30,000 per year and showing a profit of .077 per cent, on the gross output. Under careful management, proper facilities for manufacturing and sufficient working capital the concern can earn on the most conser vative estimate a net profit of 10 per cent, on the gross output. The out put can be increased within a year to $50,000. Tho goods manufactured are a staple article that sell very Teadlly and without tho aid of expert salesmen. The demand through tho malls ex ceeds $50,000. For further Information concerning the now established business read the advertisement. Much has been said about Honesdale's future, but Its prosperity lies in Its manufactories and natural resources. Now that the glass cutters' strike has been declared off by Organizer Robert Luckock, the town will be in better shape to do .business. Honesdale is in bettor condition to-day than it has been in some time. The worklngman is happy, ho owns his property and wages received are satisfactory. The manufacturer Is doing more business every day and his future is bright. The business man, In turn, by the prosperous condition of the Industries, is busy and as a whole everybody is benefited. More industries in Honesdale means more busi ness. In other words, by helping Honesdale grow you will prosper. We will venture to say that there Is not a young man or woman in Wayno county but what is Interested In the development of the county and Honesdalo. There is no better way to demonstrate this spirit of civic pride than by subscribing for one or more shares of tho Globe Yarn Company's stock at $10 per share, par value. Subscribers to stock will not be called upon to pay until subscriptions to the entire $13,000 Has been received, when a call for 10 per cent, will be made and the bal ance called for as needed. The Board of Trade has appointed W. W, Wood solicitor who is county treasurer-elect. If it need be he will call upon you in your Wayne county home and will cheerfully explain AH details connected with the enterprise. Don't wait for Mr. Wood to call drop Tilm a postal if you aro Interested In making Honesdale and Wayne county the manufacturing county of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Act now, United States Exceeds all Other Countries in 1010 Great Britain Second, but Over 200 Million Tons Behind. The total coal 'production of tho world in 1910 was approximately 1,300,000,000 short tons, of which the United States contributed about 39 per cent. This country has far outstripped all others, and in 1910, according to the United States Geo logical Survey, it exceeded Great Britain, which ranks second, by ovor 200,000,000 tons. Great Britain's production In 1910 was less than GO per cent, of that of the United States ana uermanys was less tnan nair, The increase in 'both of these coun tries in lUiu over 19 ua was com paratively small, whereas the in crease in tho United States was near ly equal to the entire production of France and was more than the total production of any foreign country except Great Britain, Germany, Aus tria-Hungary and France. The United States has held first place among the coal-producing countries of the world since 1899, when it surpassed Great Britain. In the 11 years since 1899 the annual output of the United States has nearly doubled, from 253,741,192 short tons to 501.59G.378 tons, whereas that of Great Britain has in creased only 20 per cent., from 246,- 506,155 short tons to 296,007, G99 tons. Tho following table shows the coal production of the principal countries of the world in 1910, except those for which only the 1909 -figures are available. The world's production of coal, in short tons: United States (1910) .. .501,590,378 Great Britain (1910) ..290,007,699 Germany (1910) 245,043,120 Austria-Hungary (1909) 54,573788 France (1910) 42,510,232 Belgium (1910) 26,374,986 Russia & Finland (1910) 24,96.7,095 Japan (1909) 16.505.41 Canada (1910) 12,796,512 China (1909) 13,227,600 India (1909) 13,294,528 New South Wales (1909) 7,862,264 Spain (1909) 4.54G.713 Transvaal (1910) 4,440,477 Natal (1910) 2,572,012 New Zealand (1909) .. 2,140,597 Mexico (1909) 1,432,990 Holland (1909) 1,236,515 Queensland & Victoria.. 1,119,708 Italy (1909) Gil, 857 Sweden (1909) 272,056 Cape Colony (1909) 103,519 Tasmania (1909) 93,845 Other countries 5,236,903 Total 1,278,577.812 Percentage or the United 'States 39.2 BIG CHEESE OF 1011 RECALLS THAT OF 1801 Jefferson's Election AVns Celebrated by Making Big Present For tho Victor. It Is announced that the big cheese which was planned at Appleton, Wis., for exhibit at the National Dairy Show in Chicago, October 26 to No vember 4, is completed. This cheese, It Is stated, will weigh 12,- 000 pounds, or six tons. It contains the milk from 10,000 cows, has been finished and photographed, and Is claimed to be " the largest unit of human nourishment in existence on the globe." The cheese Is now rip ening, and is said to bo perfect in every detail of its making. It will be a great advertisement for the Wis consin cheese making industries. The big mass will be the star at traction at the Chicago Dairy Show, This cheese is ten feet In diameter and twelve to fifteen feet high, and it will bo necessary to have a ladder by the side of it so that the people can go up and look at the top. The account of this big Appleton cheese causes the Springfield (Mass.) Republican to tell the story of an other big cheese made by the Jef ferson Democrats at Berkshire, the western county of Massachusetts, in 1801. Elder Leland was the en thuslastic projector of that cheese, and his memory is revered in con nection therewith. The cheese was made in Cheshire and shipped to Washington, and there presented with great ceremony to President Thomas Jefferson. The cheese was about one-tenth as large as the pres ent big cheese. When the news of Jefferson's election was confirmed Elder Leland called on the Jefferson' lan Democrats to contribute to make the big cheese. No federal contrlbu tlon was received. A mass meeting was held and Dar ius Brown was put in charge of making the cheese. Elder Leland was commissioned to take it to uaeuiug.uu tuu jjicdcui. vu neat HONESDALE'S INDUSTRIE! THE GLOBE YARN COMPANY HELP 2,500 Shares tSwJJ Cm WJ g Par Value $10.00 STOCK NON-ASSESSABLE. 13,000 SHARES ARE NOW OFFERED FOR SALE This Company to be Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of Pennsylvania. ATM- f...w, .... . 1 . . K 1 ..... f . 1 . r l 1 A r r . 1 - j . .1 . J- uuiliuu.lt 1 iJ IM LUn. J y LllV. LU01lllaO Ul lilt' V T 1 1 1 1 It 1. 1 III I .1 111 lllil I V I.L llllllLCll I Jrll LI IC. t.: , ,. . r a- . -r Oilll, V.UU1UU11V , HUVY UUIUC U U 1 D 1 J l" 1 V c i LT . IK NllllWlIltr it lirtJIlL 1)1 .1, V 111"! tlCIl ' u i j x J ' ' ja i II L . 1 A f . . 1 . i '. T .1. , i , , - , i 1 j"iautv ttjip ttuoi ui lug .4111ju111.11 1 o)iuw3 uidi unuei curenu inanugeineiu. proper iucuiiic frvf mnnllfni.fllrinn' n ti r nrnnpr nmflirinr .nnlfnl 4-1. n 4.la a-.Ar.-. An.nA...n4-2.. ,-.r'.l.l-n r .1 i nnli .-.i T f i lit" nn " " - - . . 1 1 i 1 . . 1 1 1 1 ! . 1 V.ulllllUk.i U. J1V1. IJ L U11L Wl J.W if VI W411. KJ 11 lilt: f 1 tl 3 UL1LIMIL. .Mill I 1 1 f I 111 1 11111 I'Ill lf llll'I Clr,t!tl W1L1 in a year to $50,000.00. The goods manufactured are a staple article, that sell very readily, and without the aid expert salesmen; in fact the demand through the mails exceeds $50,000.00. mere are no secret orocesses ot manufacture wlnrli wnnlrl disturb thp. business throup- death or change of management. Ordinary intelligence and active application of labor unde caretul and wise management is all that is necessary to produce successful results. Sufficient stock will be sold outside of Wayne county to -pay for the proper equipment macninery, apparatus, vats, etc., so that the above Sn.ooo can be used mainly for workin capitajr" - r 1 " j j ward until the stock is earning and paying at least 6 per cent. No better or sfet investment has been offered to the people of Wayne county. The interest of the stockholders will be safeguarded by home people, and the progress .1- M1 i 1 fii ii. ,iiii. r. . .1 1 - me comnanv win ue neraiuea to me siocKnoiuers irom time to time so mat mev mav ue close touch with the business. ' mi. . 1 .-..,1. ! mi. 11 ii . . 1 j j. i.-ii .1 1 lie .ti .uuij.uij worm ui si win le niioit-n am nein in trust nv trustees seiecteu v ii stockholders so that the control of company will remain in the hands of home people. suuscriuers to stocK win not ue cauea upon to pay untu suoscriptions to tne entire ai 1 1 : 1 ...1 11 t -it 1. i 1 ...in i. 11 . . 1 - l'" ... ..... ..... for as needed. It is desired that every person in Wayne county interested in the industrial prosperity Honesdale shall subscribe for one or more shares. T. 1 "1 v 1 11 1 1 .11. tir in nr. i 1 uii mil w;nr iintn iinr smii.ittir r.ans minn vnn. imr senr ;i nnsT:i -; ri to vv. v. vvoiiii. wi will call and explain more thoroughly all details connected with the enterprise. i nei e win lie. no sloi.k nouns. w;uere.u sror-.ic. nr fouuinssiou ii;liu uir senium SLoeit. r.vt; dollar subscribed will go into the Treasury, and be used in the development of the business Nmv ivlr. rsnnker. Mr. Merch.inr. Mr. Stnrp rppnpr Mr. l prk-. Mr. Wnrkinrminn. :inn M T- r v... . i v. .1.. ...i i i ii". r tx ..i i i ..... ... i i il. rainier, n you are interested in me muustnai upint 01 nonesuaie snow your interest uy taKii just as many shares of this stock as you can. Help Honesdale To Grow, and You Yourself Will Prosper! The name of every subscriber to this stock will be kept prominently before the people i 1 j i . i j t . , i mi i ii i m m i i 1 1 1 i ill ill it i i;i i ii i n 1 1 1 1 vvt- ii. vt i 1 1 i i i ui-- i iii 1 1 1 r in r ri 11 rmnf m Tin Kiiii'-n-niiMi'-i iti i i ;hi i h appreciation will more than counterbalance th.e amount they pay for stock. dent Jefferson. The cheese was four feet in diameter and eighteen in ches high. Elder Leland gave the cheese to President Jefferson as a present on New Year's Day, 1802. The presentation address, prepared by a committee, of five prominent citizens of Cheshire was read. In response 'President Jefferson return ed his warmest thanks to the peo ple, saying that he looked upon his New Year's gift as a token of the fidelity of the very hearts of the people of the land to the great cause of equal rights to all men. Then, at a signal from tho Presi dent the steward of the White House carved the big cheese in the presence of the Cabinet, foreign diplomats and many distinguished men and women. Dig slices were handed wlth'bread to those present until all had been served. One by one the company was then introduced by the President to Elder Leland, who was highly honored by his trip, both go!nj and coming. On the Sunday following his returns to Cheshire the church was crowded with people, who lis tened to the narrative of his Journey and heard tho President's message of thanks. FOKTY-EIGIIT STATES. There aro now no more territories, save our colonial possessions. The vast region from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the lakes to the Itio Grande is one compact nation of states. In place of tho original thir teen, fringing the eastern seaboard, there are forty-eight, comprising 3, 000,000 square -miles, with almost all varieties of climate, scenery and industry, the home of 90,000,000 Americans the greatest territory and population ever welded together In one nation of free peoplo. The extent of the two new states in it self is enough to stir the Imagina tion, for this last and comparatively trivial addition to the body of fed eralized commonwealths Is as great as the extent of the thirteen parent states. As -far as political organization is concerned, the building of the feder al structure is now complete, says the Boston Traveler. There can be no more states without the cleavage of those already existing, and such a development Is merely a possibility of the tar future. Other states 'here may be in time, In Alaska, the Philippines, the Hawaiian Islands, tho isthmus, the West Indies, or else where, but it will doubtless be long before there is another star added to the forty-eight of the new flag. Wayne County Savinas Bank HONESDALE, PA., THE LEADING Financial institution of Wavn uuu iv iict uec uca ui dicu u r- :a . R I one ri e f . . . . a. jt m . w Par W J J w mm w a mmt ar aj w waa A -a. I CTaaa.. I.-.-..- Cl..Ja-. -a a-a J 1 M a-a M I A to receive 58 per cent. of the tota POSTAL SAVINGS FUNDS . . . a . a Banks. REAL ESTATE DEALS. Lucy Hessler et husband, Hawleyi to Posten It. Cross, Shohola. Pike county. Lot In Hawloy. Consid eration 3UU. Albert G. Loomis and Emma A. Loomls, Deposit, N. Y., to William D. Adams, Long Eddy, N. Y 140 acres of land In Manchester town Bhlp; consideration, $1400. John N. Edwards and wife to Sam uel B. Wiley, both of Canaan town ship, 191 acres and 40 porches of land in Canaan township; consider ation ?47UU. Rudolph Weichel and wife to Qa mer It. Neild, both of Texas town ship. Land in Texas township; con Bideratlon $1500. m jm -n a-, -m mtmtmv r. . - n. at W TTte T T li. J !!. l a-.- kofn. 4-1- iiii iiriiimn n niniii. uii .lp v- i vr a lii TENTH of the month. Do Your Banking WITH THK Always Reliable Wayne County Savings Ban OFFICERS : nr ii TrnT.An?a' -PR-RSITIENT. If. S. SAT.MnW. Hnslilor. -mr -n vt Tl i -I .1- lir T 11 Itlt . j r . W. B. HOLMES, W. F. SUYDAM, F. P. KIMBLE, DIRECTORS A. T. SEAItLE, T. B. CLAUK, J. W. FARLEY, H. J. CONGER, C. J. SMITH, H. S. SALMON. A. T. Bryant and wife and J. B. Robinson and wife, both of Hones dale, to Osmer Nolld. Lot of land in Texas township. Consideration, $50. lLri.i n.ii.Mi 'in n 1 1 i nuiu mini C5i1 n HrAXn. P. .rt- m usbed furriers. Subscribe for the Citizen.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers