TUB CITIZEN, FllIDAY, 1E0. 1, 1011. PAGE 8 ABDUL HAIHD II. Ex-Sultan of Turkey, Who Is Selling Jewels at Auction. ( HI S EXC TED Paris, Nov. 28. Tho sale of jewels belonging to Abdul Hnmld II, ex-sultan of Turkey, was begun at the gal leries of George Petit in the Rue do Seze. The flrst sale amounted to 2,607,270 francs, or about $533,455. Tlip highest price was received for a col lar and cbaplet of pearls. It brought flB-1,000. There were 154 oriental pearls arranged In three strings, com prising one of the most magnificent pieces of Jewelry ever seen In Paris. A collar of 101 oriental pearls which was second on the list went for 13. 600. Another high price was paid for a chaplet of ninety-nine pearls con taining three ruby pendants which went for $124,700. LOYALISTS REPULSE REBELS. Desperate Fighting and Heavy Losses Reported at Hankow. Peking, Nov. 23. While indications point to the ultimate success of tho rebels fighting around Peking, the im perial forces ngaln have the upper hand in tho Hankow district. The American consul at Hankow wired his legation here that after the imperial forces had captured the rebel positions the revolutionists fled to Wu chang, whore they were pursued. Tho losses of the rebels are described as enormous, and It Is added that the fighting was of tho most desperate character. Word comes that the rebel leaders around Hankow have appealed to the foreign consuls to mediate with a view to securing a three days' armistice to enable them to consult with other revolutionary centers about consider ing Yuan Shlh Kal's proposal for a limited monarchy. If these reports are true, it, can only mean that the position of Yuan Shlh Kai ns premier hasi been greatly strengthened. Meanwhile tho republic ans are banking strongly on the cap turo of Nanking, tho fall of which Is said to be imminent. The republicans claim that the fall of Nanking will establish their cause firmly in central and southern China. The Manchus are said to bo extreme ly anxious over the situation. Prince Tsaitao Is said to be in almost constnnt consultation with General Yin Chang, chief of the general staff. It is as sumed that plans aro being made for a display of military strength by tho Manchus. NEW YORK AUTHOR DIES. W. Max Reid Succumbs After Illness of Several Weeks. Amsterdam, N. Y Nov. 23. After an illness of several weeks of cancer, W. Max Held, an author and one of the best known residents of Amsterdam, is dead. Mr. Held was born in Amsterdam June 8, 1839. Ho was tho author of "History of St. Ann's Church and tfjuocn Ann's Chapel," "The Mohawk fa 1 ley, Its Legends and Its History," lie Terrible Mohawks" and others. Swiss Leader Dead. Bern, Switzerland, Nov. 28. Joseph A. Schoblnger, Conservative leader In the federal council, in which he was also the director of tho department oi finance, is dead. Eagerly Read Accounts of Greys Speech. WAR CLOUDS DIMINISHING. The Local Anzelger, Government Or gan, Calls Attention to Friendly Tone of British Foreign Secre tary's Statement of Moroo can Negotiations. THE NEW OPERA BAG. Trimmed Reticulo Im portant Part of Costume. Berlin, Nov. 28. The eager curlositj concerning the long looked for speect of Sir Edward Grey in the British houso of commons reached a fevei pitch here. If the direct question oi peace or war hnd been nt stake the excitement could scnreelv hnro liwn greater than it was while tho public awanea the newspaper reports ol what the British secretary of foreign affairs had said In reference to the re cent Moroccan negotiations. It was late before tho papers Issued gratis extra editions containing the first part of Sir Edward's speech. These extras wore eagerly grabbed by everybody who got them and were read In the streets, on the enrs. nt the railway stations and in the restaurants ana cares indeed, wherever men con gregated. Not onoimh wns nrlntwl tn give a very clear and definite idea ol wuat nati really been said, but it waa apparent that tho first impression was a favorable one. The local newspapers aro having the entire speech transmitted by tele graph, and it will nocossarilv h verv late before tho Germans will have It ail before thorn. On this nccount it Will be lllinnsslhln hefnrn Into tnrtn-e tn Clean nnvthlnir Hlro n rnmnrMinnalrn statement of a Judgment of Germany on the matter. The Lokal Anzoicror. which Is nlwnrs friendly to tho government, will edl- lonany can attention to the friendli ness of the tono of Sir Edward's speech and express satisfaction there at. It will noint out that his Rtnte- nient corresponds with tho osnrpsspri attitude of Germany throughout the negotiations and will give voice to the" hope that the speech will mark the be ginning of a period of diminishing hostility In the relations between Great Britain and Germany. ' i Thoroughness an Asset. One uunlltieulidn n business girl should cultivate, if she wants to give satisfaction mid to bo sure always of a position, is thoroughness. The girl who does things thoroughly Is a Joy to her employer. Let her have that reputation and a business man will bolt the olllt'o door for fear she will escape before he can engage her. The girl who half does her work is everywhere. The girl who is thorough is rare. And. like all raro things, she is prized. Evprywlnere thoroughness Is rated high. All lines of work require it. It is a quality that employers need most urgently. It Is absolutely essential to successful business. A business man can't afford to Jeopardize his business by placing it in the hands of tho girl who half does her work. He knows that the Injurious results of neglect, foigctfulnoss or indifference may bo rarrcaching. When a girl acquires a reputation for thoroughness, when it becomes, known that she can he absolutely de pended upon to do thoroughly what is Intrusted to her. that no part of her work will be left undone, no part done carelessly, she will never be out of a position long. KICHESTER S PILLS j fVS J:!'!",1"' 4"!;.0.?,'1",ufr-,"",'l M.";3tV S ',Vc,,1";!f51'",n,,n,l TlrandA '. IMII In Kcd nl ol, mtlMlcX7s , "1J ltll Lluo Ribbon. 7 lor sOi.0 BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Wo print circulars. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature II IHfc MOM WESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY S OF MILWAUKEE, WIS.' x,., ... ... Apency at Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa. . FROM Tllh U1 ANNUAL, nEPOIlT. Total admitted assets j zrcsiinciKK Total Insurance In force 1 OSO 239 7M00 Total number policy-holders .......... ........... . . 425 481 00 New Insurance Reported and paid for In 1910 118 78s'03300 Inciease in Insurance in force over 1003 ittitio'isiVno Total Income for 1010 v mm'is! Total payment to policy-holders ; 32'sC9 8MM Ratio of expense and taxes to Income 197a n'er 'eiit VOU WILL. MAKE NO MISTAKE IP YOU INSURE WITH H. A. TINOLEY, Agent, HONESpALE, PA. jl vanity on or-Eiu bag. Tho up to tho minute woman carries to evening affairs, tho theater and the like, n very picturesque bag slung on long cord handles. Such a bag Is pic tured, and it contains fan, opera glass, vanity outtlt and all tho little belong ings a woman likes to have at hand. It Is made of rose silk embroidered in gold soutache and matches the cap of macrume luce over rose silk with trim mings of gold fringe. Market Reports. BUTTER Firm; receipts, 6.S2 pack ages; creamery, specials, per lb., S64c; extras. 35c.; thirds to firsts, 2Ga34c: held specials, 33tta3c.; held extras, 31Ha32Hc; held lower srrades. 2Ga31c.; state dairy, common to prime, ZSnZic; process, seconds to specials, 22a26c; factory, current make, 20a23e.: packing stock, ISHanc CHEESE Firmer; receipts, BIT boxes; state, whole milk, September and earlier specials, per lb., lbc; average fancy, September and earlier, ISalSHc; current make, specials, 15al5Vic; average fancy, UHalMo.; undergrades, UaHc.; daisies, best, ISftc; part skims, 6al3c; hard skims. Ia3c. EOaS Steady; receipts, 3,919 cases; fresh gathered, extras, 41a43c.; extra firsts 37a33c,; firsts, 33a3Cc.; seconds, 28a32c; re frigerator, special marks, fancy 23Hc Urate, 22a23c; seconds, 20Ha21Ho.; state,' Pennsylvania and nearby, whites, 40aS5c; hennery browns, 42a43c; gathered brown ind mixed, 31 a 40c. LIVE POULTRY-Turkeyshlgher;chick-ms, per lb., Salic; fowls, He; roosters, Itc; turkeys, 15al8c; ducks, 12al3c; geese! 2alse.! nlKGons. ter Dair. zuc.: crulnnn r,a- ialr. EOo. ' POTATOES Firm; Bermuda, late crop. :rn, late crop, S2.25a2.75; Maine, bulk, ISO bs., S3a3.5; per bag, S2.S5a3; Long Island, cr bbl, or bag, 13X0; state and western, iulk, ISO lbs., J2 87a3.12; per bag, S2.7Sa2.90; miiitran inn ill. rm r- i7.mn7 M- ui-ninh ag, S1.65al.S5; English, Sl.C5aI.86; Irish. usai 75. sweets, Jersey, No. 1, per bask lalM, soutbarn, per bbl.. S2.Ua3. WERE AT DANGER POINT. Sir Edward Grey Admits Germany and England Were Near War. London, Nov. 28. In tho opinion of Europe, history was made In the house of commons when Sir Edward Grey, the secretary of state for foreign af fairs, delivered his notable speech clearing up much of tho mystery which has clung about the part which Great Britain took in the negotiations regarding Morocco. While the utterances of Sir Edward wero conservative in every way, tho fact stands out clearly that the rela tions between England and Germany were strained last summer to the dan ;er point. That the British govern ment refused to permit Germany to deal with Franco without being con sulted in turn was revealed by Sir Ed ward, who, while denrecatlntr tho inn that Lloyd-George's speech of July last was threatening in its nature, left a strong impression on the minds of his hearers that a threat was intended. He went so far as to intimate that tho speech was suggested by Premier As qulth himself. Sir Edward did not enter into an ex planation of the reports which have been in circulation that Great Britain had been prepared for hostilities whilo tho Moroccan negotiations wero in progress. So far as that portion of the controversy is concerned, the min ister confined his statement to tho ex pression of a personal disbelief of tho report which has been circulated from time to time that an abrupt break had been likely in tho relations between Germany and Great Britain. While ho admitted that during tho month of July there had been periods of anxiety, ho evidently was of tho opinion that thcro had been no real danger. lie made it obvious that during that month Germany had abstained from all communication with the British government, but despite this fact Sir Edward explained that he had twice outlined the attitude of Great Britain to the German ambassador at London. It was apparent from this that Lloyd George's speech was made for tho pur pose of forcing a reply from tho kaiser's minister and bringing tho Ger man government to terms. It was Just as apparent from tho speech that this policy 'was successful. First Aid to Silver Bag. "Where's your lovely silver bag?" asked a keen eyed woman of the friend who had come to meet her. "Oh," was the nlaintlvc answer. "1 have had to stop wearing It.' It leaves a dirty mark against all mv light dresses, and, besides, I'm afraid of wearing it out. .My keys and things poke holes In tho links so." Any possessor of one of those very desirable silver bags will have experi enced these troubles, but there is reallj no need to put the pretty things 11 way except for, dark clad occasions, when nothing more serious than a handkerchief and a notebook are car ried. Silver bags certainly get very dirty, but they have tho advantage over leather and suedo ones of being easily cleaned. When your bag is dark and dull look ing simply drop it into a bowl of hot water to which a little ammonia has been added. You will be surprised at tho dirt that will roll out. A good brushing with soap and a soft nail brush will finish tho cloaninc: nrocess. Tho bag should now be rinsed in clear hot water and rubbed with a soft towel 7hlle it is still warm. Don'ts For Engaged Girls. Don't exhibit hhn to your women friends as you would a new hat. Don't think he's neglecting you be cause he Isn't neglecting his business. Don't note his vices before noticing his virtues. You will love him for 'both. Don't ask his opinions on woman's rights. You will ncvpr get the truth until after you are married. Don't bo dictated to by all your fe nalp relatives. Remember they would like to marry him themselves. Don't keep the past a closed book. Remember tho past is never wholly your own property. Let him protect your interests. Don't call him clever if he isn't. You are certain to tell him the reverse after yon are married. Don't keep a diary. You may want to burn it. Don't forget he wants more mother ing than when a boy. Pon't flirt with him. "I hope your novel ends happily?" "Indeed, it does. It ends in the mar riage of the heroine and hero; does uot go into their married life at nil." Houston Post. Wigwag You are drinking too much, old man. I should think you would consent to be treated for it. Guzzler Thanks, old chap. Don't caro if I do. I'll have a cocktail. Philadelphia Record. The Ideal Guardian of Me estates of your minor chil iT'Jf dren. It has the very best facilities ' Ji for the profitable and wise invest- mentand re investment of theprinci pal and accrued income -The Scranton Trust Co. 510 Spruco Street. FOR RELIABLE HEATING f PLUMBING CONSULT I2th and Kimble St. HONESDALE, PA. COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE FOR "CAPITOL" Boilers and Radiators. "LEADER," Air pressure water systems. "GOULD" Pumps. "STAR" Windmill. The above goods represent the best products in the market. Tho use of them coupled with our 26 years' practical experience at the business Insures you a lasting and satisfactory job. Correspondence. Solicited. Both 'Phones. -t- a a - a 4- a a a a a a a - a - a a a -f-fa-faa-faa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-faaa-faaa-fa-faaa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa About Its name I had no Moubt When I arrived in Terra Haute. But soon I met a gay galoot, Who said the town was Terra Hoot. I might have had plain sailing, but Another called it Terra Hut. And others, I was pained to note, Wero pleased to call it Terra Hote. And then I gave it up, you know, And moved away to Kokomo. Washington Herald. To the Farmers of Wayne Co. j We Desire to Have You Patronize the Useful Christmas Offerings. A Christmas grab bag will make tho day bright for some friend who is 111. It can be made to suit any purse. That is Its chief appeal to tho donor. It lasts all day, and that is its greatest Attraction to the recipient. Make the bag to suit the age and tastes of the person who is to open it. In it pack ten or u dozen gifts, tied separately in tissue paper with gay cords or colored ribbons. Fasten a card of direction to the outside of the bag. It might read: "Merry Christ- JUSTICE ON PAYING BASIS. Wiokersham Says His Department Is Self Sustaining. Washington, Nov. 28. Discussing his annual report, upon which ho has been at work for several days, Attorney General WIckersham said that before another year the collections of the de partment of Justice In lawsuits would equal the expenditures. LaBt year the department was able to run without cost to tho government, and this year tho feat is even more creditable, as the enlarged activities of the department have increased the expenditures from $3.1300,000 to $4,000,000. Mr, WIckersham said that three trusts are now at work upon reorgan ization plans. These aro the Interna tional Harvester company, tho powder trust and tho plumbing trust Her Sound Advice. . Tho prominent citizen and favorlto son sat at bis desk, deeply immersed In the cares of his wide affairs. A delegation of party leaders was ushered in. "Sir," said the spokesman, "you have been unanimously chosen as the party's candldato for governor of tho state. Under present conditions a nomination Is tantamount to election, nnd we urge your acceptance. The ofllco seeks tho man." "Gentlemen," said tho favorite son, "I am profoundly impressed by tho honor done me, but before I nccopt I must consult my wife. I never tako a decisive stop without consulting my wife." Tho committee bowed and withdrew. At homo the favorite son confided the circumstances to his wife, who lis tened with fond pride and wifely ad miration. "And now," ho said In conclusion, "what would you advlso mo to do?" "John," sho said, "you must get your hair trImmed."-Savaunah News. MECHANICS PB" CBlf ne stockholders of this Bank as- Famess Open An Account in the Progressive Bank Capital Stock $75,000.00! Surplus and Profits $17,000.00 Comparative Growth of Deposits: June 1st 1907, Hay 1st 1908, May 1st 1909, May 2nd 1910, May 1st 1911, M. E. SIMONS, President M. B. Allen, George C. Abraham, J. Sam Brown, Oscar E. Bunnell, Wm. H. Dunn, Officers: Directors: W. M. Fowler, W. B. Gulnnip, John E. Krantz, Fred W. Kreitner, John Kuhbach, John Weaver. V $24,398.54 8109,896.20 8161,077.58 $241,843.67 $272,500.68 C. A. EMERY, Cashier G. Wm. Soil, M. E. Simons, Fred Stephens, George W. Tisdoll, J. E. Tiffany, TUB NEWEST DESIGNS IN WOBEBAGS. mas. As each hour strikes shut your eyes, thrust in your hand and pull out tho first package you touch." One attractive bag for a grown per son might bo made of Japanese crape and filled with any of the knickknacks which are to be picked Up for 25 cents or as many dollars In any Japanese bazaar. Some appropriate gifts are a package of orris root, sachet, a print in soft tones of some oriental maiden or snow capped mountain, a painted fan, a teacup, of thin china, a tiny carved bone or Ivory charm. A child's bag could hold a picture book, some Christmas stories, a doll sr woolly lamb or bear, a small Santa Claus, n reindeer, a holly figured hair ribbon for n girl or a penknife, which Buggests happier days to a boy. Tho worlibaga seen In tho Illustra tion are two of tho newest designs In this useful article. Play Pocket Base Ball A brand new game of skill exciting, fun-making and fascinating to young and old. Is indestructible and can be carried in the vest pocket. Has All The Points Of Regular Base Ball You Can Make Put-Outs, Strike-Outs, Runs, Base Hits, Et-. , One or any number can play. One team may match another. Simple Instructions. Rpnnmo ji flinmninn We will arraneq to have you or your team matched If you will l6suoachallence ucbuuic d VsliUllipiuu Anybody;can play, but it takes skill to irecomeeipert. .MOTHERS, Here the Chance want Jt a ieSsyprice than youBcou!d possibly please them in any other way. Give each of tho tjoys a Pocket IUse Ball Game for a Christ mas present he can play it by himself, or any number that have these games may chooso sides and play as teams. Evervhndv That I ilees Rn;p Rnll will be delimited with rthls fascinating eame. It teaches thn uvciyuuuy 1 Iiau lollies oase Dan boys patience and detenulnation nnd develops a steady hand and a quick eye.; BOYS, GET UP A WINTER LEAGUE, You'll have more fun than you ever did before, TO INTRODUCE this fascinating came we will for 25 cents and the names of your leading toy dealer and druggist 6end you a game with full instructions of play. SEND TO-DAY, this offer is for right now. ESPE SALES COMPANY, - Nashville, Tennessee