CITIZEN, FRIDAY, NOV. 34, 1011. PAGE a A--CENT-A-WORD FOlt SAIiE. FOR. SALE BLACK MARE, AGE about ten years: weighs about 1000; nice driver. Address Luke P. Richardson, Bottler, Hawley. 94t2 FOR RENT SIX ROOMS AND bath, on first floor, 1019 Court itreet. Inquire Bontley Brothers, tf FARM FOR SALE NEAR HALF Way House. First person who makes fair offer takes premises. Must bo sold quick; contains 8G acres 130 perches. Partly timbered. Inquire of C. A. Garrett, Esq., Honesdale, Pa. 3wel FOR SALE FOX NO. 2 TYPE writer, cheap. Address The Citi zen, Honesdale, Pa. HOUSE AND LOT AT 1407 MAIN street. Honesdale. for sale. Black walnut bedroom suit also for sale Inquire of Bentley Bros., opposite postofflce. S7eltf. miscellaneous. WANTED MAN TO WORK TEA route; also a young pair of road horses for sale or exchange. Grand Union Tea Co., Honesdale, Pa. It A SPRINGFIELD RIFLE AND A box of shells only $4 at Erk Bros. A rare bargain. Come and Inspect. 90eltf. WANTED: SEVERAL COPIES OF the Issuo of The Citizen for Wed nesday, November 1, 1911. Ad dress Tho Citizen, Honesdale, Pa. WHEN IN NEED OF CARRIAGES and sleighs don't forget E. T. Smith, 1120 Church street, who has the largest assortment in Wayne county to select from. 75tf TEN FIRST-CLASS SMOOTHERS wanted at tho Deemer Bros, cut glass factory at Great Bend, Pa. 85w eol. LOCAL NEWS Born, to Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, of East street, a daughter. There will be services at tho Dyberry Baptist church on Sunday afternoon next, tho 2Gth, at 2:30. Galvln & Theobald are install ins the steam heating system in Patrick Havey's home, East Hones, dale. Tho Helpers will servo vege table soup at 12c. a quart, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross, Dyberry Place, on Friday from 10:30 to 12 o'clock. The glass cutting establishments are now running on full time. Men are being taken on every day, there being in the neighborhood of GO cut ters on the pay roll. Parties from Brooklyn are ex pected to open a cut glass establish ment In Hawley In the near future. It is stated that it will be located in the building lately occupied by the T. B. Clark Cut Glass Company. The Citizen Publishing Company has secured the services of Walter Dudley, of New York City, to act in the capacity of solicitor. Mr.Dudley Is empowered to collect renewals on old subscriptions, get new subscrib ers for this paper and solicit job work and advertising. Postmaster A. C Stewart who has been confined to his home for the past few weeks, is rapidly gain ing in health, and his physician re ports he will be able to resume his duties. Endlcott-Lestershlre Rec cord. Mr. Stewart was a former resident of Honesdale. The Wayne County Savings Bank has been designated a Postal Savings Depository Bank, No. 2115. Tho secretary of the Board of Trus tees of the Postal Savings Bank sys tem informs them that they are en titled to receive fifty-eight per cent, of the total Postal Savings funds to bo deposited In the banks In Hones dale. In addition they are designat ed to receive funds constituting the postmaster's emergency credit. In the equity case of W. W. Kl zer et al vs. A. M. Cook et al better known as the South Canaan school case, a rule for replication was filed November 21, by H. Wilson and Wm. H. Lee, solicitors for defendants, al lowing their motion to dissolve the injunction and dismiss the bill, filed October 14, mil, to stand as an an swer, and entering a rule on the plaintiffs to file a replication thereto within ten days after service of rule. In Columbia county tho voters elected a dead man to the office of Register of Wills. The successful candidate, Clyde Fritz, died two days before the election. The Gov ernor will be called upon to fill the vacancy. In Susquehanna county the uncertainty of life was shown in the fact that three candidates for local offices died between the pri maries and election, their names, however, being withdrawn from the ballot following their deaths. A harvest homo festival will bo hold next Sunday evening at 7:30 In Grace Episcopal church. Tho rec tor, Rev. A. L. Whittaker, will preach an appropriate sermon and special music will be rendered. The decorations will consist of autumn fruits. The latter will be given out in baskets before Thanksgiving Day. Grace church congregation will Join in the Union services, Thursday, November 30, at 10:30 o'clock In the Methodist church. Among those to attend the an nual banquet of the Exchange Club last Wednesday ovenlng in Lyric hall wore: Fred C. White, R. W. Murphy, George S. Thompson, Dr. L. P. Cooke, V. A. Decker, LeRoy Sands, Harry J. Atkinson, Ralph Martin, W. F. Suydam, Jr., Homer G, Ames, RoRoy Rolllson, Ray Wall and C. S. Houck, all of Hawley; W. S. Gard ner, Robert H. Patterson, Scranton; L. R. Knapp, Passaic, N. J. The banquet, it Is claimed, was the finest in the history of tno club. Special singing was rendered and tho speak ers wero well received. John Bangert, the retired mcr chant of Torrnco street, Is critically sick at his borne. Tho three children of Mr. and Mrs. John Bussa, Willow Avenue, are suffering with lagrlppo. The many frlonds of Erie Con ductor Lord aro pleased to see him on duty again after his recent Ill ness. The Mllford Basket Ball Five will play tho Rink team at the Roller Rink Thanksgiving afternoon and ovenlng. Thero was a tie vote cast for as sessor In Oregon township, November 7. No election resulting, tho Coun ty Commissioners will appoint some ono to fill tho vacancy. William Wheeler, of tho J. D. Williams & Brother Company of Scranton, drove about twenty miles through "Picturesque Wayno" calling on the trade Tuesday. My! how tho wind blow! Fred Brooking, of Mount Pleas ant township, was tho first assessor to complete his work and return his book to the county commissioners. December 15 is tho last day 'for re turning assessors' books. Mary E., widow of Rev. J. 'P. Slmpkins, formerly of "Hawley, died at Cnmden, N. J. Tho remains ar rived in Hawloy last evening and in terment will ho in Glen Dyberry cemetery, Honesdale, to-day. She Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Royal Foster, Carbondale, and Mrs. ,t.lnn T T I T .1 fitiui tun naiiuu, uiiu sun, ucuuuiui uotn or riawiey. Advertising seems to be an art yet to be discovered by some people. That is, the practical part of it. A constant stream of water from one or more firo engines will soon ex tinguish or get under control a very large lire, while a few buckets of water, dashed on here and there, have little or no effect. Tho mod ern fire department Is practical and has outgrown the bucket system; nnd so with modern advertising plenty of It, used in a practical, com mon sense and judicious manner, pays. An iron water pipe lying across the sidewalk was the cause of what might havo been a very serious ac cident to ono of our oldest and re spected citizens, 'Reuben Small, of Main street, yesterday. Mr. Small in 'walking past tripped and was thrown violently to the sidewalk. Willing hands helped him to the drug store of Percy Cole and Dr. Peterson was hastily summoned. He found the injuries were not serious and conveyed the patient to his home in his automobile. Mr. Small Is feeling quite himself to-day. Leo Hartford, aged sixteen, of Equinunk, was the victim of a seri ous hunting accident, Monday, as the result of which he will be lame for life. It appears that he went up to Pine Mills to go hunting with a chum of his, by tho name of Ray Knapp, aged seventeen. In some un accountable way, Knapp slipped and fell, and his rifle went off the whole charge of small shot riddling his companion's leg. (Dr. Frisbie found the bones of the limb badly shatter ed, and called In consultation Dr. Frank Woolsey, of Hancock. N. Y. They amputated his foot above the ankle. Official announcement has been made of the secretaryship of the State Board of Education by Dr. J. George Becht, principal of the atate Normal school, Clarion. Pa. The work of organization will "begin at once though probably tho formal opening of the Board will bo defer red until the first of January. The special problems to which the Board will devote its energies aro as fol lows: Report and recommend legis lation to tno Governor and General Assembly. Create, organize and manage the "State School Fund of Pennsylvania." Equalize education al advantages throughout tho Com monwealth. Inspect and require re ports of educational institutions wholly or partially supported bv the State. Promote agricultural educa tion, manual training, 'domestic science and vocational and practical education. Provide plans for the erection of school buildings in dis tricts of second, third and fourth class. Prescribe regulations for the sanitary equipment and Inspectln of school buildings and promote the physical and moral welfare of the children. A. B. Transuo, D. & 11. station agent, entertained his father, Rev. J. A. Transuo, of Auburn Corners, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson and Rev. R. iD. Ilinch, of Tyler Hill, wore business callers in ' Honesdale this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh Foote. of Hoi llstervllle, were guests of their daughter, Mrs. Bortree, of Moscow recently. William G. Blakney Is a member of tho petit Jury of the U. S. District Court which meets In Harrisburg Monday, December 4. Miss Elizabeth Donnelly, Scranton, who came to attend the funeral of Mrs. Christopher Ennlss, Is spending a few days with relatives. Miss Emily Brown accompanied Miss Mary Bodle - to Scranton on Tuesday where the latter will spend a few days as the guests of relatives In that city. Cashier Lewis A. Howell, of the Honesdale National Bank, has leased tho beautiful home of M. J. Kelly on West street. Mr. Howell will take immediate possession. Mrs. G. William Sell, who recently returned from visiting her sister, Mrs. Mead Sweeley, of Montclair, N. J., was called to that city Thursday morning by the Illness of Mrs. Sweeley. W. H. Berry, Port Jervls, N. Y., route agent of Wells Fargo Express company, and L. B. Matteson, Onefon ta, N. Y., route agent of the Nation al Express Company, spent Wednes day in Honesdale. Attorney R. M. Stocker spent a few days at his boyhood home In Salem. Mr. Stocker Is an agriculturist as well as a lawyer and each summer finds him deeply Interested In his Salem farm, which borders on beau tiful Lake Hiawatha. PERSONAL Bernard Rehbeln left Wednesday for Philadelphia. Miss Loretta Murray is the guest of Carbondalo friends. J. Adam Kraft was a recent busi ness caller In Hawloy. M. J. Kelly, Deposit, N. Y is spending several days in town. Mrs. W. A. Collins, Gravity, spent Wednesday with Honesdale frlonds. Hanford Knapp, Equinunk, trans acted business in town, Wednesday. Miss Bessie Brown has roturned from a visit with friends In Scran ton. Messrs. Gus and Leo Levy, New York City, are spending several days in town. Mrs. Thomas Baker and daugh ter Edna, are visiting friends in Scranton. Mrs. W. B. Roadknlght and son, Maurice, were recent visitors In Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Townsend, of Now York, aro visiting relatives in Honesdale. Photographer Louis Hensel, Haw ley, was a business caller in town Wednesday. Austin Lynch, Scranton, was among the business callers in Hones dale Wednesday. Robert Patterson, Scranton, is a business caller in Honesdale and vi cinity this week. Lieutenant Isaac Millhauser, of the New York pollco force, Is tho guest of SIgmund Katz. Mrs. F. W. Tibbetts, of St. Mar tins, Philadelphia, is visiting her sis tor, Mrs. O. M. Spettigue. Miss Anna Adams, of Corning, N. Y., is spending several days In the Manjtf City with her young friends. GRANDFATHER'S CHAIR. By S. S. Robinson. Discarded, and forsaken, In the gar ret it stands, Laid away years ago by affectionate hands, Disjointed and marred by long years of wear Is that precious old relic, my Grand father's chair. As I gaze at Its form In the dim attic light, Its presence brings back fond mem ories bright, Of the days when It stood by the old stone-fire place And Grandfather seated In Its gener ous space. CHORUS. Oh, my Grandfather's chair hid away In the garret, That precious old relic of days long ago! With joy I now hasten again to re store it, To its time-honored place in the fire light's bright glow. Beloved "by all the household was that ancient old chair In Its soft cushioned seat I have of ten sat there Watching my mother turn the old spinning wheel Or winding the yarn on tho cumber some reel. Tho hum of the spindle, the click of the reel, Would, lull me to sleep, and mothor would steal Close to my side and stroke my brown hair, Then cover me up in my Grandfath er's chair. Each morning we would gather by that sacred old chair, While Grandfather led in family prayer, From tho Bible he read a chapter or two, Then he knelt by that chair as ho al ways .would "do. One night as he sat in that old chair he died, I had fallen asleep in the seat by his side, And when I am called from this world and care, May tney nnd me at rest in my uranaratner s cnair. A LETTER. Florence Theatre, John C. Dorfllnger, Manager. Whito Mills. Pa., No. 23, 1911. Dear Friend Ben: It Is with pleasure that I note that you havo the "Dunbar Company" booked for to-morrow night, for it affords many of us an opportunity to witness for the second time their performance which Is far above tho ordinary. They played here on Sat urday last, and everyone was per fectly delighted with their enter tainment. You cannot recommend them too highly. I know their work will pleaso your patrons. Sincerely, JOHN C. DORFLINGER. To Benjamin II. Dittrlch, Honesdale, Pa. When tea Is spilled on tho table cloth, as soon as possible cover the stain with common salt. The stain will soon disappear from it. IN MEMOHIAM. At the regular meeting of the di rectors of the Farmers' and Mo chnlcs' Bank, held on Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1911, It was unanimously re solved that in tho death of John Kuhbach, Honesdale loses one of its foremost residents, one who was al ways anxious to assist in the promotion of any thing he believed to bo for tho advancement of tho in terests of Honesdale and vicinity. He was one of the organizers of our Bank and became a director at the time of its pormanent organization and continued as such until the time of his death. Wo desire at this time to show our appreciation for his services and to express our re grets nt his death in tho prime of life. We also desire to tender to his family, our heartfelt sympathy at their lrreparablo loss, and that a copy of these resolutions be placed upon our minutes. O. E. BUNNELL, J. E. KRANTZ, t Com. M. E. SIMONS, EFFICIENCY How Many Men Know How to Keep It nt Par. Thousands; yes tons of thousands of mon, grow old 10 years too soon. If you aro a man and realize that your efficiency is on tho wane and that you are losing money and hap piness in consequence, get a 50 cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets to day and tako two after or with each meal for three days; then take ono with oach meal regularly until you feel well and vigorous. MI-O-NA stomach tablets disinfect, tone up, restore elasticity to th stomach and intestinal canal and end indigestion." They do more: they in rceaso tho nutrition of the body ani In case of nervo exhaustion, sleep lessness, night sweats, bad dreams or any condition that requires a re storative they act with astonishing rapidity. They can bo found at G. W. Pell's and helpful druggists the world over. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING EVE. ATTRACTION ! IP II! !i ,. 1HAR III m ll Evening NOV, Return of THE FAVORITES 291 THE HILARIOUS MUSICAL COEV1EDY Stage-full of folks you all know Mostly Girls -including the FAMOUS ENGLISH DANCING DOLLS ! ELABORATE PRODUCTIQK i AUGMENTED ORCHEST PRICES : 35-50-75-$1.00 and $1.50. Boxes $2.00 Curtain, 8:00 p. m., sharp, to enable those attending the Amity Bali to en joy uom nig events. ibtUKt acAla JhAKLY. iiiilflF Of all the rare and beautiful things that nature u, : 4.1 a : i r .1 1 1 mi .i . niia yivcn, tnc uiuiiiuim is iux in ine icau. xnere .ggi is nothing to compare with it and there never will be. There are diamonds and diamonds. - wiiu.l llJtly UVJ LlilOOLU cia UUL LUC 1UIIG1 are cherished for their beauty, brilliancy and value. We are showing many real gems the pick of the market patiently and carefully gathered. . X . I i , , . X&C 'H OUK RAILROADS. Tho report of the Interstate Com merce Commission, of the railroads of the United States, for tho year ending June 30. 1910. is of great In terest and Importance to the people in general, it shows a total single tracit mileage of 240.438.84. Indi cating an Increase of 3,604.77 miles over the previous year. Thero were 58,947 locomotives in service on June 30, 1910, an increase of 1, 735. Of tho total number of loco motives, ij.oou wero classified as passenger and 34,992 as freicht. Tho total number of cars of all classes was 2,290,331, or 72,051 more than on June 30, 1909. This equipment was thus assigned: Pas senger service. 47.095 cars: freicht service, 2,130,1:21, and company ser vice, 108,115. The figures given do not include so-called private cars of commercial firms or corporations. Tho total number of persons em ployed by tho steam roads of the United States on Juno 30, 1910, was 1.G99.420, or an average of 706 per iuu mnes or line. As comnared with returns for June 30, 1909, there was an increase or iau,5U7 in tho total number of railway emnloves. There wore 64,691 onginemon, G8.321 fire men, 4s,usa conductors, . 136,938 other trainmen and 44.682 switch tenders, crossing tenders and watch men. On June 30. 1910. the nnr value of the amount of railway capital out standing, according to the returns or tno companies filing reports with mo commission, was $18,417,132, 238. Of this amount SI 4.33R.K7K.- 940 was outstanding in the hands of; me puDiic. The number of nassen?era carried by railroads of the United States during the year ended June 30, 1910, , was 971,083,199, an Increase of 80, 210,774. I The number of tons of freight shown as carried (including freight received from connections) for tho year ending June 30, 1910, was 1, 849,900,101, while the correspond ing figure for the previous year was 1,556,559,741, the Increase being 293,340,360 tons. I mm Thorp is some pretty serious talk to tho effect that tho prlco of diamonds, which, as nil tho world knows. Is con trolled by the (treat syndlcato operating tho bouth African mines, may ho raised attain before lonsr. It certainly will not go down, If you aro at oil In doubt about tho safety of your money put it Into diamonds, tnd to cot tho lost prices buy of us, thus taving all middle men's profits, for wo Import direct. The new nroom sweeps clean only when there is a willing hand at the other end of it. in 1 'f'TW vvrry 1 1 IH II in II II II II Wteira In Ortnh i n I in J II II II tt-.lT' m w hi II II II N I $15.00 No. 3759 f B Solid Cold Bright Finish II Cenulne Full C.St nismj II fi fcl 1 Safety Catch H I 1 Afc i HUH - HKSolldCold- RosiFmlsh l l ll iwemiemueniurvivioumin? Genu na Fu I H Hnellsh Finish Cut Diamond y ll 1 1 ll Genuine hull Cut DUmond Ruby Eyes H Eethonow edition I llB C?t U III of our Illustrated I j catalog, beoauso i I III there Is moro to A I II I show nnd to say, Vfo I I III send It free to any J addriw Jtwdcd Gift! JI0 00 Solid Cold No. 3876 Ross Finish Cenulne Full Cut Diamond i 1 1 iY Tho buyer dopondlntc to qulto an ex tent on tho morchant. It Is most Impor tant that tho houso slioulrt bo of un doubted responsibility. If ta therefore only nttlne that your BlO should be Identified with this establishment. The value which you not for your money Is by far- moro important than the prlco you pay for a diamond. $16.50 Solid Gold No, 3873 Ronun Finish Genuine Full Cut Diamond 8 J22.00 "No. 3756 Solid Cold Brleht Finish Genuine Full Cut Diamond Real Pearls Safety Catch J24.00 No. 3943 Solid Cold Roman Finish oenuine run uut Diamond $7.50 No. 3839 Solid Cold English Finish Cenulne Full Cut Diamond Whole Real rear I $16 50 No. 3617 UK Solid Gold Enrllsh Finish WE BUY DIRECT FROM HEADQUARTERS AND SAVE YOU THE MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT CATALOG nan uraera Promptly Filled Anything plcturod hero forwarded Im mediately, postago prepaid, on receipt of tho prlco, and do llvery guaranteed. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, Honesdale, Pa.