The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 24, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    THE CITIZEN. FIUDAY, NOV. 21, 1011.
1'VGE 3
Hend of Troops Ordered to Pro- v
vent Rebel Outbrer!-s In Texas. (
Photo by American Press Association.
Washington, Nov. 21. A supply of
L'litiuu Kir lik? iiivns umiprniiTH ins
minorities nave ueen requesteu to
. i i. ...
Information received here Indicates
hat the nronospil revnliitlnnnrv mnvp.
(i ri r in nrpniH7Dii firm rnnr (vin
p rtiiipnrun Kinn nr rnn lino
It Is believed here that the arrest of
nnAwnl T 1 ... . .... 111 V, 1 . .1...
nation" Case.
New York, Nov. 21. Joseph Cassldy,
inmopriitin lonnnr nnrl PT-linrnnili
l V I '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IHM I I H IT II H nr f'flTtRTIl T.
Nr c fH'i inn tiii" Riinromn rnurr iuoiiri
a magistrate in order to hear ovi-
ir ii nn run t pip pnan nun noon mm o
Wlllett nnd Walter -will make no
uiiiiL'iiL (Jii iiimr iMTi'sr.
Two sections of the penal code are
o rrin wi nrr wnn una noan n rnn.
ith persons who attempt to securo or
cept a nomination ior money, xne
niMnmnnr rnv miss nnnn nn T7ifnrm ia
J l. 1 i 3 3 II..
her section, which deals with an at
mpt to procure or promote a nonil-
uuu. mo iienniiy ior uiis oaense is
e year in prison.
S HfllrlPKRS T,nSTNI H llTiTl ?
at Atlanta Convention.
Vtlanta. Ga.. Nov. 21, what manv
legates believe ia a forecast of the
ath of the old recline and the In-
ine nr nnw mniinra win in rnn niivr
uorlty report of a committee which
is adopted providing that In future
officers of the federation bo elected
Initiative and referendum, a Social
measure. 'resident finmnprs lipnnmo onn-m!
a heated controversy with Delegate
. . , . T1 "I .. .. Jl i I. .. IT'...... .. .1
tlnn rlnrlnrr rltflrMisnlnn nf rlio nrnnn.
Ion. Mr. Gompers yielded tho chair
resented the inference made by
nnon that he was not in favor of
initiative and referendum for Arl-
K HV ih, I I rj T K I M I . HUH I lJ
In Kansas City,
- "1 1 X n. 1
1II1NMN I ill V . 11111.. ItllV. Aiinr
eks spent In the selection of a jury
the second trial of Dr. B. Clarke
ue, conviciea 01 mo muracr or uoio
Thomas II. Swope, the making of
in l ri it uTiunTiinnra in rna nnan nnnnn
Judge Porterfleld's court. Senator
nes A. Heed, special prosecutor, out
Mi tho state's case. Frank P.
ilsh, chief counsel for Dr. Hyde, fol-
he hearing of testimony began this
its House Physician Orders Patient
to Stay Indoors.
asumeiuii, mov. zx. i-resiaent Tnfr
1 Secretary III Us are both Hnfrnrtnr.
h colds. Mr. Tart's condition, it
said at tho White House, Is some-
at Improved.
nior ueianev. tne wnitn TTmmo
slcian, said ills patient was much
tor aud only needed to stay Indoors
remain quiet for awhile to throw
cold off entirely.
Abolilh Pintails.
eking, Nov. 21. The national as
ibly has passed a resolution abol
ng cues and establishing the west
calendar beginning with the yeai
Mother of China's Baby Em
peror Flees With Actor.
Wife of Prlnoo Regent Falls In Love
With Yung Shu Uu at Imperial Per
formanoo and Clandestine Cor
respondence Follows Thought
Mtmchu Cause Lost.
Son Francisco, Nov. 21. Chinese pa
pers Just received here tell of the
elopement of Princess Lai, mother of
tho boy emperor and wife of the prince
regent, with Yung Shu Lu, an actor.
While some of them do not mention
the princess by name, they allude to
her as tho wife of the first' noble of
the empire. The Mln Lu Po, tho big'
gest native newspaper In China, pub
lished at Shanghai, however, gives her
name In full, together with the clrcum
stances of tho elopement.
It appears that the mother of the em
peror saw the handsome young Chi
nese actor during a performance in
the "Forbidden City," given by impe
rial mandate. She fell in love with
him, nnd n clandestine correspondence
carried on through trusted eunuchs of
the palace follqwed.
When the revolution broke out the
princess, apparently deeming the Man
chu cause to be lost, stole from the
palace, joined her affinity and fled with
him to Mukden, where they now are.
Chinese Reformer's Visit Secret Until
After Departure.
London, Nov. 21. Dr. Sun Yat Sen,
the Chinese reformer, and General
Homer Lea, the American who has
been mentioned as the coming military
ruler of the revolutionary government
In China, are en route for Marseilles
after a stay of about ten days in the
British capital. It Is understood that
the two will take a German steamship
for Hongkong.
While here both Sun Yat Sen and
General Lea did their utmost to keep
their presence a secret. A few friends
were let into the secret, but they made
no mention of the matter until the men
were gone.
While here, it is understood. Sun Yat
Sen interviewed many men prominent
In military and naval affairs, especially
persons Interested in shipbuilding and
finance. Negotiations are thought to
have been entered Into with firms with
reference to improvements which the
revolutionists propose to make in Chi
na when their government is placed
upon Its feet. If things go as they ex
pect. Every day during his stay here Sun
Yat Sen exchanged long telegrams
with the revolutionary leaders in Chi
na. Those who saw Sun Yat Sen say
he spoke in the most hopeful terms of
the future of China.
Rebel Army Is Concentrating About
City Preparatory to Attack.
Peking, Nov. 21. The battle of Nan
king has not yet begun, but there has
nlrendy been somo skirmishing be
tween the rebels and the Imperial
forces. Reports agreo that the revo
lutionary army Is concentrating about
the city, but a largo part of tho force
is still at some distance. Eight thou
sand rebels are preparing to march
from Canton to Nanking.
Tho situation at Hankow Is still ob
scure beyond the fact that there has
been a renewal of tho fighting thero
nnd each sido is claiming victory.
Msllen Railroad Also In Court Because
of Smoky Engines.
New York, Nov. 21. Eighty offend
ers against the sanitary code were ar
ralgned in part I of special sessions,
the various informations charging the
sale of adulterated or putrid milk,
cream, chickens, meat, cucumbers,
fish, pork, liver, eggs and pie. Justices
Mclnerney, noyt and Olmsted heard
the cases.
The heaviest penalty was inflicted on
the New York, New Haven and Hart
ford railroad not for selling bad food,
but for smoky locomotives on tho
suburban branch, which Is tho only
strip of railroad entering Now York
that Is not electrified. Attorneys for
tho railroad pleaded guilty and asked
for clemency. A fine of $250 was im
posed. Fines for having for sale or selling
bad food ranged from $10 to $100. The
total of the flues amounted to $1,200.
Boston Surgeon Overcomes Disadvan
tage of Ether.
Boston, Nov. 21. Ether may soon be
superseded as nn anaesthetic as a re
sult of remarkable experiments being
made by Dr. Frederic J. Cotton, a
Boston surgeon.
By a combination of gaseous ele
ments of the air containing about half
the proportion of oxygen in the earth's
atmosphcro, Dr. Cotton has succeeded
In producing anaesthesia, not only
without tho slightest danger or dis
comfort to tho patient, but even agreeable.
Royalist Leader Who Pre
pares to Invads Portugal.
Big Hit at
Kaiser Goes to Baden-Baden.
Berlin, Nov. 21. The kaiser, who Is
nvnr bis cold, has cono to Baden-Baden.
Lisbon, Nov.. 21. Tho government
has been Informed by the consuls at
Gallcia, Spain, that another invasion
by the royalists Is imminent. The
royalists say that they will be aided
by Portuguese troops, who will revolt
in their favor. There is, however, no
evidence of any republican desertion.
It is confirmed that the Duke of
Oporto, uncle of the deposed King
Manuel, has arrived at Vigo, where
he is conferring with other monarchist
leaders. They plan to strike the first
blow at Oporto.
! American 'Officers Make
i u ....... eh....
t w i aj wnu w .
Now York, Nov. 21. Ono thing is
shown in the horso show which is im
mensely pleasing to patriotic Ameri
cans, that is tho showing made by tho
home talent ngainst tho foreign visit'
ors. Last year, when these classoi
were first ou the program In tills coun
try, tho American soldiers mado u
sorry showing. After tho show somo
enthusiastic and wealthy horsemen,
among whom were Alfred G. Vnnder
bilt, J. W. Harrlman, Judge Moore nnd
others, gave horses to tho army nnd
subscribed to a fund for tho purchase
of more. Tho mounted servico school
was organized nt. Fort Riley, with
Captain Guy V. Henry of tho cavalry
In chargo, and there the horses were
schooled nnd the officers were taught
how to rldo them to win prizes in such
exhibitions as these.
The best horses that tho United
States officers have are Qurindary, a
good Jumper, and Chtswell and St.
Nicholas I., officers' chargers.
The mounted men make a flno ap
pearance In the ring and drilled so
well that they were heartily applauded
by the contingent of army officers, who
know what good drilling Is.
The attendance is good. Nearly all
tho arena boxes were filled, as were
the scats back of the arena boxes, and
thero was quite n steady procession
passing around the board walk. With
tho New York police on parade nnd
the big jumping competition between
the nrmy officers thero was plenty to
entertain. The costumes of the wo
men were dainty and artistic, and their
diamonds glistened as tho rays from
the fancy electroliers struck them.
Antitrust Suit Held as Bar to House
Washington, Nov. 21. The Stanley
:ommittee is up ngainst a snag, and it
is quite possible that its Investigation
of the United States Steel corporation
will be indefinitely postponed. Rich
ard V. Llndabury, counsel for the cor
poration, is tho man who, figuratively
speaking, threw a monkey wrench into
the cogs of the machinery.
When tho committee met for the
first time since tho latter part of Au
gust, Mr. Llndabury entered a formal
objection to tho continuance of the
hearing in view of tho fact that the
government had begun suit against the
steel corporation. He said that It
would be unfair, unjust and unprece
dented for the committee to go on ns
it had Intended when another branch
of tho government was trying to
strengthen its case against the defend
ant corporation.
At the conclusion of tho session
Chairman Stanley gave out the fol
lowing statement:
"The members of tho committee pres
ent unanimously decided to reserve
final decision until the assembling of
the full membership of the committee.
Meauwhllo the committee will proceed
to examine the witnesses already sum
moned to testify on the subjects relat
ing to the violations of the various in
terstate commerco nets as directed by
the resolution of the house."
Army and Navy Officers Will Visit
Wreck Today.
Havana, Nov. 21. The board of navy
nnd engineer officers, which is to in
spect the wreck of the battleship Maine
with a view to fixing the blame for the
explosion, which sent the vessel to the
bottom of the harbor in 1808, has ar
rived here. Owing to heavy rains they
have not yet visited the scene of the
wreck, but it Is probable that they will
do so today.
Captain Ferguson, who is in charge
of the task of raising the hull, has
prepared a model of the ship as it now
appears nnd which shows how the dif
ferent portions of tho ship were torn
apart by the force of the explosion.
Reed of Cornell Disgruntled Over De
feat by Chicago,
Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 21. Tho Cornell
football squad has begun Its prepara
tion for tbo last game of the season
with Pennsylvania on Thanksgiving
Dan Reed is very much disgruntled
over the boylike attitude and overcon
fldenco of the Cornell team in tho Chi
cago game. It is obvious that the
team is in for a week's hard driving.
He believes hard work Is a cure for
the cockiness of the players who have
worried him most.
Observations of tho United
States weather bureau taken at
8 p. m. yesterday follow;
Temp. Weather.
New York 45 Cloudy
Albany 34 Cloudy
Atlantic City . . 50 Cloudy
Boston 38 Cloudy
Buffalo 32 Snow
Chicago , 80 Clear
St. Louts 42 Clear
New Orleans .. 04 Clear
Washington ... 48 Cloudy
Alleged Mexican Rebel Leader Will Be
Tried Next April.
San Antonio, Tex., Nov. 21. Geueral
Bernardo Reyes, arrested on Saturday
upon n federal grand Jury Indictment
chnrging him with setting on foot a
military expedition against Mexico,
was arraigned before United Stntes
Commissioner Edwards and held In
$10,000 bonds for appearance at tho
April term of the federal district court
at Laredo.
Bond was furnished and tho general
Rebels Recapture Hankow.
London, Nov. 21. A dispatch from
Hankow, by way of Shanghai, says
that the rebels have recaptured the
former city.
Keeler's Memorial.
After Keeler had become head of tho
Lick observatory and died there and
his ashes were taken back to Alle
gheny for burial it was his friend Bra
shear who scaled them up In their last
resting plnce. a hollow In the support
tyr pillar bf the thirty Inch reflector,
which is Keeler's memorial.
Tho Kangaroo.
The big gray kangaroo of Australia
measures about seven feet from its
nose In the tip of Its tall. It can run
faster than n horso nnd clear thirty
feet at a jump.
A Carefully Guarded Tree.
The oldest tree In the world is said
to exist on the island of Cos, off tho
coast of Asia Minor. It Is several thou
sand years old, but just how many no
ono has dared to say. The tree Is care
fully preserved by a wall of masonry
round it, nnd the trunk is thirty feet In
circumference. .
Free From Rabies.
It is singular that mad dogs and oth
er animals suffering from rabies are
unknown in the Rocky mountalu re
gion and on the Pacific coast.
Women's Shoes.
Prior to 1825 all women's shoes were
made without heels.
Reviving a Turquoise.
By the application of ammonia n fad
ed turquoise receives a new lease of
life, and, It is claimed, the same effect
may be produced by treating the stono
with Prussian blue, which in some
mysterious way is held to penetrate
the cem unit impart color thereto.
W. B. HOLMES, President.
A. T. SEARLE, Vice Pkes.
We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY
of this Bank.
HAR A CAPITAL OF - - - $100,000.00
MAKING! ALTOGETHER - - 527.342.00
EVERY DOLLAR ot which must lie lost before unv depositor can lose a PENNY.
It lias conducted a growing nnd successful business" for over !55 yesirs, serving
an increasing number of customers with fideelitv and satisfaction.
Its cash funds ore protected by MODERN STKFL VAULTS.
All of theM things, coupled will) ciiiist'rvHtlvi- inaniit'onient, insured
by the CAKKKUI. PKRSONAI. ATTKNTJON constantly cUen the
Hank's nffnh sby a notalily able Iloaiil of Di rectors iisnres the patrons
of tliat SIM'KKMK SAFETY wlilcli le the prime essential of a cood
DECEMBER 1, 1910
Total Assets, - - - $2,951,048.26
A.T. SKAltf.E
15. CLAltK
c. c. j" .A. :d w i nsr
Play Pocket Base Ball
A brand netv game of skill exciting, fun-making and fascinating to
young and old. Is indestructible and can be carried in the vest pocket.
Has All The Points Of Regular Base Ball
You Can Make
Runs, Base
Hits, Et-.
One or any number
can play. One team
may match another.
Simple Instructions.
Bccomo a Clmmninn We will arrunge to have you or your team matched if you will issue a challenge
ubtuuiL d VsllcJllipiUli. Anybody. can play, but it takes skill to hecome expert.
MOTHPP Hprp'; thp CMnnre t0 glve th0 1)078 the vory th,ng they
111 l-rlO, I 1CI G VIldllCC want Jt a lesa prlco tnan you couid
possibly please them in any other vay Give each of the boys a Tocket Babe Ball Game for a Christ
mas present he can play it by himself, or any number that have these games may choose sides and play
as teams.
Evervbodv That LikeS Base Ball will be delighted wlthltnls fascinating game. It teachestho
L.vcivuuy i iitii. iuvca uuac Uilll boys patience and determination nnd develops a steady hand
and a quick eye.,
BOYS, GET UP A WINTER LEAGUE. You'll have more fun than you ever did before.
TO INTRODUCE this fascinating came we will for 25 cents and the names of your leading toy dealer and
druggist send you a game with full instructions of play. SEND TO-DAY, this offer is for right now.
ESPE SALES COMPANY,-Nashville, Tennessee