PAGE 2 TtllS CITI.UN, FIHDAY, NOV. 21, 1011. EATT1E 1ST DIE "I Shall Not Interfere," Says Governor Mann. HE WANTS NO CONFESSION. Virginia Exocutlve Ridicules Messaga From nichmond That Ho Would Grant Reprieve) if Condsmncd Man Would "Tell All" To Be Executed Friday. IticUmoiid. Va.. Nov. 21. "I shall nnl j Interfere." wero the flnnl words ol 1 Governor Mann In reference to th subject of prantlng a reprieve for Hen ry Clay Beattle, Jr., whose electrocu tiou for wife murder takes place Frl day at the state penitentiary. Governor Mann was disgusted when his attention was called to a mossag sent out from Richmond in which II was stated: "If Beattle will make a full and frank confession ho can live uutll Dec. 24. Christmas eve. If he doesn'l he shnll be electrocuted at the tlrna now fixed. Let him decide for him self." The governor di not like to be plac ed In this position? which might possi bly Influence a part of the much de ceived public. He said In a most em phatic way Hint he had made no prop osition of any sort and would make none. "I refer you," said the governor, "to a statement Issued by me on Nov. 15. I then said: 'To grant a respite In sc plnlu a case would bo to sot a prece dent which I would be called upon to follow, would be to temporize with the law and to encourage appeals to the supreme court with the solo purpose of gaining time. I bellevo the best way to prevent such crimes as this ia to punish them adequately, certainly, speedily. Therefore the judgment ol the circuit court of Chesterfield county will be carried Into effect without in terference.' "Upon this statement I stand at firmly as when I signed it. I shall not interfere." Nothing of n new nature has devel oped at the prison. The prisoner wae reported as doing well and received his usual callers, those being prescrib ed by law and consisting of his rela tives and spiritual advisers. MAY TRY FURTHER DELAY. Beef Packers' Trial In Chicago Set For Tomorrow. Chicago, Nov. 21. In postponing the trial of the beef packers' cases until tomorrow Judge George A. Carpenter in the United States district court an nounced that he was not disposed to try J. Ogden Armour separately. Ar mour could have been tried at once, as lie was the only one of the indicted pnekers not included In the blanket habeas corpus proceeding of last week, which Judge ICoblsaat quashed. The lawyers for the indicted packers refuse to say what their next move will be In their long campaign for de lay. They deny any intention of ap plying to the United States supreme court, even had the court not adjourn ed. It is thought that a motion for separate trials for tho defendants may be made tomorrow, and this will give o chance for such argument, many mo tions and still further postpone tho ac tual trials. In the meantime the court machinery Is working on the assumption that the defendants, proceedings against whom were begun in 1002, will appear at the tar tomorrow. FUND FOR OLYMPIC TEAM. Amateur Athletio Union Holds Annual Meeting In New York. New York, Nov. 21. Athletic law makers composing the Amateur Ath letic Uuion of the United States gath ered here for the annual national con vention, which took placo at the Waldorf-Astoria. The prospects of the Olympic team of Stockholm next year received every attention, and a substantial sum was officially donated toward the fund to defray the expenses of the team. GustavuB T. IClrby of Columbia uni versity was elected president. The new president is tho youngest man who has ever held tho office, as he was born at Philadelphia in 1874. Ho is a graduate of Columbia. James E. Sullivan was again elocted secretary-treasuror. BLAMES CANNON'S CIGAR. Rakish Tilt of Ex-Speaker's 8tonle Caused Defeat, Clergyman Says. Ilockford, 111., Nov. 21. Uncle Joe Cannon's cigar is to blame for Repub lican losses in recent elections, accord ing to the Itev. T. B. Thonipsdn, a cler gyman of this city. Ho says tho rak ish angle of tho former speaker's cigar must be altered if any hopo for Repub lican success In 1012 Is to be entertain ed. This is the minister's dope: "It was not the progressive cause primarily that defeated Cannon for the speukorshlp. It was tho pugnacious tilt of that stogie. It Is the congres sional 'red flag.' It is a chip carried on the shoulder of conservatism." Archbishop O'Connell at Gibraltar. Gibraltar, Nov, 21,-Cardlnal Desig nate O'Connell, archbishop of Boston, has arrived here in perfoct health on the Cauoplc. lit- goes from here to nrnnnT nr rnr il UTHt Findings Will Be Presented $ Soon After the Session t Convenes. Dy JAMES A. EDGERTON. 7", HE report of the tariff board Ou schedule K, the woolen sched ule, is promised on Dec. 1. The report on schedule I, the cotton schedule, will come later, probably lr. December or January. The board has been working on other schedules anu may report on the chemical, the stcci and possibly one or two more during Uie coming session of congress. Especial significance attaches to these forthcoming reports for several reasons. Chief of these is that the president vetoed tho tnrlff revision bills of the extra session because the board had not been heard from, but in effect promised that ho would approve meas ures based on its findings as soon as the:-o were made public. That will make certain n reduction of tho cotton and wool schedules, provided the Deiv ocrats and progressive Republicans can r.ct together on the passage of bill? based on tho board's recommenda tions. The second factor that renders thf new method of tariff legislation impor tant Is that it has long been advocated by tho manufacturers' association, by the progressives and by other elements l-'iom left to right In and out of congress. Tho objection urged by these to tho old omnibus tar iff bills is that they were unscientific and were subjected to congressional "log rolling." It should be observed In this connec tion that the present tariff board docs not como up to tho demands of those advocating n permanent tariff commis sion. Tho commission bill was killed by a filibuster In the house during tho closing hours of the Sixty-first con gress. Tho rayne-Aldrlch law con tained n provision empowering tho president to appoint a board-to assist him lu arranging the maximum anil minimum schedules with foreign na tions, however, and ho seized upon thi i opportunity to have the board investi gate the difference in cost of produc tion nt home and abroad, thus doing practically the work that a commission would have done. For this purpose ho increased the board from three to Arc members. Congress gave him an ap propriation to cover tho cost of the work. The board reported on the wood pulp and paper schedule during the ex tra session, and it is worthy of note that this is the one schedule on which tho tariff was then reduced, tho reci procity agreement providing that the provision concerning pulp and paper 3hould go into immediate effect regard less of tho action of Canada. A Commission Thirty Years Ago. It should be explained further that there was a tariff commission back in the eighties, beginning, I believe, In 1882. The tariff reformers charged that this body was captured by the high protectionists. At any rate, it passed out of existence, and little more was beard of the commission plan un til tho agitation arose resulting in the present bonrd. The one great difficulty that stands in the way of tariff revision at this session is the difference in principle be tween the two political parties, the Democrats demanding a revenue basis and tho Republicans standing for pro tection. The theory on which tho Re publican revisionists will work la that the duties should equal the difference in cost of production nt homo and abroad. The theory of the Democrats, or at least of most of them, will be that' tho tariff should bo laid with the solo purpose of producing revenue. It Is certain that a large element of tho Re publicans will favor no reduction at all, so that theso can bo left out of tho calculations. The factors that remain to be considered are the progressiva Republicans and the administration group who will follow the president. TKeso, two elements will probably be KM ABOUT READY TARIFF BOARD FOR COCKS Parties' Difference In Prin ciple May Hinder Revision of Schedule. near enough together In the ponding struggle to bQ classed as one. At least they agree in theory as to tariff re vision, however far apart they may bo politically. There then remain two factors to bo considered the Democrats and tho president himself. Tho problem will lie to frame bills that will bo approved by these three elements. Can the Dem ocrats contrive n bill that will be ac ceptable to the Republican revisionists and the president? Can tho La Fol lette insurgents, tho administration senators and the Democrats of the sen ate get together on amendments that will pass muster In the Democratic house? And if the two houses of con gress do ngree on legislation, as they did during the extra session, will it be signed by the president? Practical Statesmanship Needed. Considering tho fundamental differ ences between these groups and in view of tho fact that all of them will be engaged In playing presidential poll tics up to tho bent of their natural ca pacity, it must bo admitted that tho outlook Is doubtful. The only thing that will save tho situation Is practi cal statesmanship. Fortunately the special session revealed the presi-noo THE TARIFF BOARD Thomas W. Page, Alvln II. Sanders, Henry of considerable practical statesman ship in the Sixty-second congress. There has seldom been more need for it than in this first tryout of the plan of one schedule at a time revision. The chairman of the tariff board is Professor Henry Crosby Emery of tho chair of political economy, Yale. He has held that chair since 1000, prior to which time ho wns Instructor und pro feasor of political economy nt Bow doln. It will thus be seen that on the political economy stage ho was the boy In the middle of the spot light. He had John Stuart Mill for breakfast, Adam Smith for lunch and Rlcnrdo and all the others for dinner. He knew the science of government as a musician knows the scale or a member of tho legislature knows the grafterB' brlgnde. Professor Emery was born in Mnlne In 1872. Ho wns educated nt Bowdoln, Harvard and Berlin. Emery on "Cost of Production." That Professor Emery does not take either himself or tho tariff board too Fpiiously is indicated from a speech mado by him at n banquet of the American Association of Woolen nnd Worsted Manufacturers in New York on Dec. 8, 1010. Hero is a portion of his speech as quoted In the Worcester Evening Post and reprinted in the New York Evening Post: "There- are certain things that are very difficult to get, and one thing, that, nccording to the platform of the Republican party nnd Incidentally that does not mean anything to me, except that I have been given the job nccording to that platform Is to try to get the cost of production. I thank you all, gentlemen, that you did not laugh. Laughter. I frank ly say rignt here that this idea of set tling things on cost alone by any mathematical or algebraical or geo metric ratio or problem or theory is all nonsense. You must not think. I am joking about this thing, but there is a joke about it, and the joke Is this: I have no powers whatsoever. Tho tariff board has no powers. There Is no such thing ns a tariff board. The law snys that for certain purposes the pJesldent may employ such per sons as ho sees fit. I am one of such persons. That Is all." Laughter and applause. As yet there has been little or no Indication of what kind of a report the tariff board will give. This quo tation -would Indicate that on tho one Important subject the board was ex pected to Illuminate viz, the cost of production at home and abroad. It baa .met difficulties. Soma authorities havo said that It would be Impossible to find any reliable dtn ns to such cost, that it fluvtuntes !n different years and different localities nud that man ufneturers would not give true figures If it is impossible or impracticable to obtain such information the report should make this point plain once and' for nil. That in itself will clear the atmosphere. The facts that are known, however, indicate that tho cost can be deter mined, that tho tariff board has had cxpert.i going through the wool grow ing districts and the woolen mills both nt home and abroad, that tho wool growers and manufacturers have co operated with these men and that the report on Schedule K will be the near est to a scientific and reliable present ment on comparative cost of produc tion that has ever been made.. Burton, Not Bronson. James Burton Reynolds, the second member of the tariff bonrd, wns origi nally a newspaper man who got into politics. He was born In New York state In 1870. graduated from Dart mouth, was Washington correspond ent for a Boston newspaper two years and later an editorial writer on the New York Tress, was secretary of tho Republican state committee of Massa chusetts for nine years and then was made assistant secretary of the treas ury at Washington. In this capacity Mr. Reynolds had especially to do with the custom service, so that he became nn expert on the tariff. During tho sugar trust disclosures In New York attacks were made by some of tho in vestigators on Mr. Reynolds, but noth ing came of them beyond newspaper talk. Because of the similarity of their names Mr. Reynolds has been confused with James Bronson Reynolds of New York, who has also been In politics. During tho Roosevelt administration .Tames Bronson Reynolds wns one of C. Emery, James Burton Reynolds, William M. Howard. tho investigators of tho Chicago pack ing companies, making a somewhat scathing report thereon. Most of the pictures printed of James Bronson at that time were in reality those of James Burton. A few years later the aforesaid Jamo3 Burton was scheduled to speak at a Chicago banquet and in the beginning of his remarks was care ful to explain that he had nothing to do with investigating tho beef trust. He felt this statement wns necessary on tho score of personal safety. Alvln II. Sanders, the third and last member of the original tariff board, is the controlling owner nnd editor of the Breeder's Gazette of Chicago. Ho was born in Iowa In 1800 and was educat ed at Cornell, at the Union College of Law and nt the University of Illinois. In tho last named Institution ho was mode a doctor of agriculture. He prac tlced law in Chicago for a short time, then began work on the Breeder's Ga zette, with which he has been connect ed over since. He was for three years secretary of tho National Cattle Grow ers' association. United States commis sioner to the Paris exposition in 1000, president of tho International Live Stock Exposition association of Chica go in 1008 and chairman of the Amer ican Reciprocal Tariff league from 1005 to 1009. Two New Members. Within tho last year the president appointed two additional members of the board. They are William M. How ard, formerly a member of the house of representatives from Georgia, nnd Professor Thomas Walker Page, pro fessor of history and economics in the University of California. Mr. noward was born In Louisiana In 1837 and was educated in the Uni versity of Georgia, no began tho practice of law nt Lexington, Ga and was for eight years the solicitor gen eral of the northern circuit of the state, ne was a member of congress for fourteen years, but was defeated for renominntion In 1010. Uncle Lon Livingston went down at the same time. One of tho charges urged against both was that they had voted for the Cannon rules. Thomas Walker Page was born In Virginia in 1807 and was educated at Itandolpb-Uacon college, at the Uni versity of Virginia and at Leipzig, Ox ford and Paris. He was dean of the :ollege of commerce, University of California, for two years, then head of the department of economics of tho University of Texaa and since 1004 has benn In the same position In the University of California. RESIGNATION OF BALFOUR He Led British Conservative Party For Many Years. FEW HAVE RISEN SO RAPIDLY, Was First Eleoted to Parliament In 1874, When Twon.ty-slx Years Old. Late Marquis of Salisbury Was His Uncle and Helped Shape His Career. Arthur James Balfour, for many years the recognized leader of the Brit ish Conservative party, both in office and opposition and who has Just re signed his leadership, was born in 1848. His father was James Maitlnnd Balfour, scion of n distinguished .Scot tlsli family, and his mother was Lady Blanche Cecil, a sister of the late Mar quis of Salisbury. Tho boy was edu cated nt Eton ,nnd Cambridge univer sity, ne wns a great favorite of his uncle, the Marquis of Salisbury, who had great faith lu his abilities, and in 1874 lie was able to enter parliament ns a Conservative from Hertford. Four years later he became his uncle's pri vato secretary, and from that moment his upward progress In political life wns constant. In 1878 he accompanied Lord Salis bury to Berlin, and on his return to England associated himself with what was called the Fourth party. He did not prove himself a remarkably ener getic member of this revolting asso- elation, and in 1884 thought it wisest to sever his nctlvo connection with it. He soon became n privy councilor nnd president of the local government board. In 18S0, when his uncle re turned to power he found himself a member of tho cabinet and secretary for Scotland. Excelled In Debate. Meanwhile, he had been steadily es tablishing his Influence In the house of commons, whero he was recognized ns n fluent, subtle and forcible debater. Soon ho was nppolnted to the exacting post of chief secretary for Ireland. Thus Mr. Balfour got his foot upon tho first step of the ladder. The crimes act and the creation of tho congest ed board were features of his Irish policy. In 1890 he mado a prolonged tour In Mnyo, Donegal and other west ern districts of Ireland and met with an exceedingly cordial reception from the peasantry, then in Imminent dan ger of famine. This calamity fell upon them in 1805, and Mr. Balfour Issued a public appeal which resulted in the collection of $300,000. In October of 1891 W. H. Smith (Old Morality), the respected leader of the Unionists in the bouse of commons, passed away, and Mr. Balfour was called by the unanimous voice of his party to succeed him. A rise so swift is rare in British political annals. In the general election of 1802 his par ty was beaten, and when ho again en tered the house of commons It was ns leader of the opposition. On the return of the Unionist party to power in 1805 Mr. Balfour once more became first lord of the treasury and leader of tho house of commons. In 1005, by which time bis govern ment had plainly lost much in public confidence, bo resigned, nnd at the en suing general election he and his party were overwhelmingly defeated. Since then he has been In opposition, and his leadership until very recently had never been directly challenged. Mr. Balfour In his leisure moments has found much delight in philosophic speculation. His best known works aro "A Defense of Philosophic Doubt" and "Foundations of Belief." He Is also tho author of a Romanes lecture ship on "Decadence," and be has been tho recipient of many honors from va rious universities. Mark 8t of Lbby Prison. The site of the famous Llbby prison, now occupied by an Ice factory, has been marked by a bronze tablet un veiled by tho Confederate Memorial I.ltfirarv soclntv. PltOJFUSSlOifAI, CAUL) 8; Attornevs-nt-Lovy. TT WILSON. XL. ATTORNEY 4 COUNSKLOU-AT-LAW. Office adjacent to Post Office In Bliumlck XKT&l. H . LEE. I V ATTOKNEY A COUNBELOK-AT-LAW. Office over post office. All legal business 7i 0. MUMFORD, il. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-I.AW. Office Liberty Hall building, opposite thr rost Office. Honcsdale. l'n. HOMER GREENE. ATTORNEY 4 COONSELOR-AT-LAW Office over Hell's store. Ilonesdale Pa. rtHAKLES A. McCARTY. J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- IT-LAW. Special and prompt attention elven to the collection of claims. Office over Hell's nnw 171 T. KIMBLE. H . ATTORNEY fc COUNSELOR-AT-LAW uiui-e over mo uosi ouice Jionesaale. Pa. Tir E. SIMONS. ill. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-L AW, Office in the Court House, Honesdale' "DETER H. ILOJF. u ITTATJUPV a. riArtvanrnn im . uuuuiuii, XJIUJUBtiUiC, x a, ClEARLE it RALMDN D ATTORNEYS A COIINSEr.onR-AT.f.iw'. unices mieiv occupied by Judge Searle' CHESTER A. GARRATT.e Office adjacent to Post Office, Honesdale, Pa Dentists. DU. E, T. BROWN, TIEMTIBT Office First flnnr. nM Ravlnon Kunlr K.,n,i nib, iiuucBumri x u. n IIf1.n,l 1 11 " It. 0. R. BRADY, DENTIST, HONESDALE, PA. 1011 MAIN ST. Citizens' Phone. Physicians. T R. PFTRNKON M n m, - " " " - . , .... t, . ju aiiuer, liUKESiJAI.E, PA 1 l"i;trl. . . . HHL-ivi-u rfirniii nrtunijnn Livery. T TVIOIJY. llrorl li I..,- I 1 ... i:.. ...1.1!..l e ...u.wv. ma incij coi.iuuDijiiiuui iron uarii" ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. 76y SPENCER The Jeweler would like to see you if 4. jrJU UIE 111 nil; IIICjrKCC for I JEWELRY, SILVER- t WARF. WATfPP CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES "Guaranteed articles only gold." rnnmrntsmmit in::::::::::::: WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that; have his prescriptions put up nt a reliable pharmacy, even it it is a little farther from your home than some other etore. You can find no more reliable etore than ours. It would be im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. n t ruimocDc V. . VsllttlTlUEilVO, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. & II. Station. Honekdalx. Pa. jnmmmmtmitranrmtMmmnmmm t . u u s uermiin-nmerican nom I Vtlllilwilll Q0Mk, A) idfrtUIr lelo Fotltd, DWd or ttftfabad Ta, Da't Jdr all till I 6000 Dlller..! Dr.c.. U nil utk .i.rj I.dlild. wba Lll.d. Writ., .t.t. t..r C... I. Uriel e..tld..c A OureOrJAIIANTKEU. lldrmOLD OERMA HOTEL BROADWAY and 11th ST. NEW YORK CITY Within easy hecett of every point of in tereat, , Half loclc from Wanamaker'i. Five minutes walk of Shopping District. NOTED FOR i Excellence of cuiiii, comfortable appointment, courtrvua aervice and homelike turroundinKa. Rnnme SI flfl nrr dxv Knit i-. i(iin privilege! 01 Bain SI. GO per' day and up EUROPEAN PLAN Tibia d'Hold BreaWaat . . B0o WM.TAYLOR A'SON, Ino,