(I PAOI3 0 THE CITIZEN, FP.IDAY, NOV. 10, 1011. WOMEN EXOEL SWIMMERS Wonderful Access of Interest In Water Sport During Recent Years Feminine Champions Who Have Made Records. SWIMMING ns an exercise for women has become generally popular only within the last few years. Ten years ago there were few expert women swim mers. Today there are hundreds of them, and a grave scientist has taken It upon himself to announce that wo men make the best swimmers of all. He says they have more endurance than men because they do not feel the shock of the cold water so intense ly, their bodies having more fat than men's do to protect them from cold. This docs. not mean that women as a class are fatter than men. Par from It. The learned scientist means only to say that the proportion of protec tive fat layers in a woman's body are more numerous than In a man's. Tho popularity of swimming is proved by the fact that a swimming pool is part of the equipment of most fashionable country places. One often finds a swimming pool annexed to some smart town houses. One of the finest swimming pools In the country is maintained by the fash ionable Colony club, whoso members are New York society women. Wo men's clubs in other parts of the coun try have added tho swimming bath to their equipment. Free swimming baths for the peo ple are to be found in every large city. Some private schools arc provided with them, and a course in swimming is part of the curriculum. It is therefore no wonder that every now nnd then one hears of an intrepid young woman saving some frail or un fortunate male beiug from a watery grave. Miss Adeline Trapp, a pretty young .Brooklyn schoolteacher, recently amaz ed the public by two remarkable long distance swims. One was made from 1'onkers down the Hudson river to the foot of Forty-second street, a distance of about seventeen miles. The other swim -was from North beach to Ilobbln's reef, near Livingston, Photo by American Press Association. MISS ADBLttJU TRAPI'. Staten Island, tho distance being twenty-two nnd n half miles. The United States volunteer life saving corps bad four of its best swimmers to go over this distance with Miss Trapp, and all of them had to bo taken into boats before she had completed her swim. Not only is Miss Trapp tho best -woman swimmer in America, but few men can successfully compete with her. She some time ago made a dar ing dash through the water in tho fa mous Hell Gate channel In Long Island sound. Miss Hose PItlnof of Dorchester, Mass., and Miss Elaine Goldlng are also -wonderful women swimmers. BAHBARA BAUTLKTT. A Woman's Way. A man awoke one night with a tooth ache. He groaned; ho turned and twisted; he howled; ho sat up nnd lay down again; bo arranged his pillow and pressed it against his face with anoth er groan. nis wife slept on and never moved. Ho wanted attention, ho wanted sympathy, nnd he groaned again. SU11 she slept. Injury added to tho pain. It wasn't treating a fellow right to sleep like that when ho was suffering with a painful tooth, and he called ber name. SUU she slept. ne had groaned three times as loud as ho could, and she didn't awake. Then tho baby, in its crib in another room, sighed boftly in ts sleep. The woman was on hec feet and, standing beside its crib, anxious eyed, in an instant "And I actually thought," said tha man. "that sbe tovod me most." or the Children Tho Sad Fato of a Fighting Crow. Tho hero of this sad tale is or was Jim Crow. He was captured in the woods from the nest in which ho was born. At first he would not cat, but when bread soaked in water was forced into his mouth he got a line appetite. In a short time he became very tame and kept his master busy digging worms in tho garden to satisfy his hunger. If his wants were not immediately attended to he would scream loudly. Then as he grew strong he began to annoy the hens in the yard, stealing their food and some times pecking the chickens. One day he made a grlevo.us mistake, however. He attacked n gamecock which was strutting about the yard, and the fun begun. Poor Jim was no match for the gamecock, and when he was final ly secured ho was a sorry sight. That was enough for Jim, and thereafter he steered clear of tho poultry yard. A Fino Toy Ship. Did you ever know a boy who wasn't proud to own a toy boat? The em peror of Germany Twns a miniature boat that would delight the heart of every boy. It Is an heirloom in the imperial German family, having been given by William IV. of England to Frederick William III., great-grandfather of the present emperor. The boat Is a full rigged, three masted warship, flfty-flve feet in length, drawing but four feet of water and having a enpacity of thirty tonr. Em peror WllUam's favorite amusement when a boy was to sail In this boat. His brother. Prince Henry, always went with him. This man-of-war can sail the water the same as tho largest ship, but the crew must of necessity be limited in number. The name or this great toy Is the Itoyal Louise, after the Prussian Queen Louise. It was built on the Thames In nnd was towed down the river nnd across the North sea by a steamer to Hamburg. From this place it was floated by a flat barge up the Elbe Into tho havel at Potsdam, where it still remains. Table Manners. Don't Puc your elbows on the table. Trifle with your knife and fork. Clink tho glasses together. Tuck the napkin in your collar. Fold tho napkin when dining out. Convey food to your mouth vriH your knife. Mash food with fork. Hold knife nnd fork in the air while plate Is being replenished. Place soiled knife or fork on the ta ble linen, Allow spoon to stnnd in cup whlie drinking from it. Blow on soup to reduce Its tempera ture. Drink from the end of a spoon. Masticate the food noisily. Converse with your mouth full. Hold food In the air while convers ing. Bite mouthfuls of bread from a slice. Precede older members to the tnble. "Use a toothpick at the table. Streets of New York City. Now York city streets have a mile age of nearly 3,740, which is exactly the distance between New York nnd London. There are 1,005 miles of paved streets, which if placed in n connected line would reach from New York to Aniarillo, Texas. The sheet and block asphalt paved streets aggre gate 80.r miles, equal to the distance between New York and Detroit. There are 0-13 miles of maendam streets. The Dandelion. Little Dandelion When she came to town Seemed a bit of sunshine In her yellow gown. Playthings, too, she carried. Funny Uttlo toys For tho happy schoolgirls And the country boys. Watch chains, oh, so splendid! Little barefoot Dan, Wearing his In triumph, Felt himself a man. Curls for Prue and Polly Tucked In bonnets small Made them grown up ladles Going out to call. Bo she scattered treasures Up the road and down. Through the sunny pastures, Through the dusty town. When her task was ended On a cummer's day While tho breeze was bio wins Up she flew away. On her sort wings riding. Far she sailed and high. And the children, watching, Waved a fond goodby. -Youth's Companion. The Stake in the Game. A party of apaches entered a Paris cul'e to hnvo a gamp of billiards. Tha game waa carried on In great mystery and absorbed nil the interest and at tention of tho players. They had an enemy who wns to bo "done for," nnd whoever lost tho gnme wns to "do" him. When the gnmo was over tho loser accepted tho result without dis cussion. Not long afterward a work man vn stabbed fatally ns he was coming out of a thitu'e hall. The mnn who had stabbed him quickly disap peared, and the workman was placed in n cnb nnd driven to nn nddress which he had given. This wns in a certain street whero a sister of his was living. Tho mnn was barely able to get out of tho cab and to cxplnin mat ho had been stabbed. His case was. so serious that ho was convoyed to a hospital nnd died a few hours Inter. Tho police then mado nn inquiry nnd learned how tho murder was delib erately decided upon and savagely executed. Tho workman himself did not know that his life was staked on a game of billiards. Paris Cor. Lon don Telegraph. Scotch Accent Too Much For Him. The only real blot on my visjt to Glasgow, says a writer In the London Sketch, is my total inability to speak with a Scottish accent. I rather pride myself, as most people do, on my vocal Imitative faculties, but I confess to all the world here and now that I can not Imitate tho Scottish accent. My Irish Is beautiful; It would make all Dublin weep. My American is quite good; I could nearly always get any thing that I wanted in the shops if 1 had the money. Anybody can trill; Welsh who cares to substitute "p" for "b" and "f" for "va." But the Scot tish accent eludes me. Sometimes 1 speak a little Scottish, tentatively, to the policeman or the tram conductors or tho shopkeepers. The policemen draw their staves, tho tram conductors stop their trams, and the shopkeepers put up their shutters. I am not quite sure, but 1 rather think that I shall abandon the unequal struggle.- She Was Persistent. A huge package onco reached Sir Walter Scott from a young lady in America for which he had to pay $2,"i expressage. It contained a manuscript play and a letter from the fair author requesting Scott to road and correct her work, write a prologue and an epilogue, arrange for its production nt Drury Lane and negotiate with a pub Usher for the copyright. That was bad enough, but worse wns to follow. About a fortnight later arrived nnother mighty packet, charged with a similar postage. Scott, who had not grown wiser by experience, paid tho charges and opened the parcel. Out came a dupli cate copy of the play and a second letter from tho authoress, stating that as tho weather had been stormy and sho feared something might have hap pened to her former manuscript she hnd thought it prudent to send him a duplicate. How Centipedes Walk. An eminent authority has investigat ed tho peculiar wavy motion of centi pedes and millepedes to determine the manner in which these animals man age to use their superabundant pedal extremities so gracefully and harmo niously. It has been found that the legs move In groups or waves, each wave including a definite number of legs. The number of waves included In the length of the body is constant for each species. In millepedes the waves of each side are synchronous. In centipedes they are symmotically alternate, giving rise to beautifully ac cordant movements. Tho difference may be explained by suggesting that tho millepede moves like a pacing horse, tho centipede like a trotter. Chicago Itecord-nerald. A Pleasant Surprise. A young man in Indianapolis felt his heart sink as he pulled from his mail box a letter of the wedding in vitation type. That was tho fifth he had received this season, and he bad begun to wonder whether he had any friends left in tho single state. "Another flvo dollar bill busted to smash," ho mourned. Then he opened tho envelope. But it was only tho announcement of a wed ding that hnd taken place the week before. And ho found In the same cover a check for $5. It was then that ho recalled a bet made with n friend yenrs before. The conditions were that the one first mar ried should pay tho other $5. Indian npolls News. And Upside Down at That. "Whero does this train stop nextV" nsked the nervous traveler on un un certain railway. "Well, boss," replied tho porter, "dnr's three washouts an' some bad track right along here, an' she's liable to stop inos' any place mos' any min ute." Washington Star. ( : - Experienced. "That trained nurse Is qulto remark able. Sho made a man I know cough up a brass tack at tho hospital." "That's nothing to what sho can do. She made tho young doctor she's en gaged to cough up a diamond ring." Bnltimoro American. Diplomatic. Young Mnn So Miss Ethel Is yout oldest sister, Who comes after her? Small Brother Nobody ain't come yet, but pa says the first fellow that comes can have her, Exchange. A Kitchen Jar. Lady Susan, I've eomo down to help you. Servant I'd much rather you didn't, please, mum. I'm very busy today. HUMOR OF THE DAI She Got the Soul. There was a bashful young man who was invited to a dinner party and was pnlred with the prettiest woman In the room, nis scat nt the table was In front of the roast fowl, which he was to carve. And thoro was also n fried sole in front of him. And he had never done a lick of carving in his life, for he was a bachelor. But he made tho best of tho 'situa tion by asking tho lady at his side what she would have. "A llttlo of tho sole," she replied. He began to cut off a slice of the chicken's breast. "No, no tho sole," she whispered. 'Now, where was the soul of a hen 7 He thought for a minute and then at tacked the wing, v "The sole, the sole I" cried tht lady. He looked for tho feet, but no soles were left, so ho tried a drumstick. But she still shook her head aud said, "No; I only want a plcco of tho sole." I Then did this young man nrise in hU I wrath, stick n fork through tho fowl and put it nil on tho woman's plate. I "Take it!" he shouted. "Take it, body. soul and all!" , Then he helped himself to the fish. uieveinnu Plain Denier. Expert Testimony. Two men who swore off New Yenr's dny for n year have not seen each oth er since that time. One, tied to a city job, is under the guns because all of his friends 4wero posted on the resolu tion. The other travels, and if his foot slips on tho road nobody need bo tho wiser. The stationary party t& tho agreement received n letter from tho traveling man nnd wrote in reply. "I removed the stamp from tho en velope containing your letter and sub mitted it to a chemist, who reports that it reeks with whisky." Chicago Evening Post. Dissolved. One big trust Reveled In plenty. The government busted It; , Then there were twenty One In Virginia And one in Maine, Two in the Carollnas Twain, Six out east And six out west And the others where They did the best. St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The Old Story. 'Did that explorer suffer any phys ical ailment as a result of bis trip to tho arctic regions?" "Yes." "What was it?" "Writer's cramp." Washington Star. Stupid. Doctor My dear lady, you are in perfect health. I can't find a thing the matter with you. Patient I wish you'd try again, doc- j tor. I do so want to go away to recu perate. Century Magazine. A Tip. "Pn, what is n tip?" "A tip, my son, is n small sum of money which you give n man because you're afraid ho won't like not being paid for something you didn't nBk him to do." Pittsburg Lender. Humiliating. lie Great heavens, we bavo run over somebody! She Well, don't make such a fuss. People will think it's tho first time you have ever been In a motorcar. Washington Times. Calculations. "Thank heaven air is still free," said the gloomy person. "Yes," replied Mr. Chuggins. "But an nutomobilo tire to surround a small section of it costs a heap." Washing ton Star. Temperature Fell- "I onco proposed to a girl in a con servatory." "With what result?" "A lot of expensive plants were nipped by frost." Washington Herald. Other Way Round. He Do you think that your father would offer me personal violence if I were to ask him for you? She No, but I think ho wM if you don't pretty soon. Watchman. Strictly Business. Nan You and Jack haven't broken off, have you? Fan No; we're still engaged, but I'vo asked for waivers ou him. Chi cago Tribune. A Taste. Missionary And do you know noth ing whatever of religion? Cannibal Well, wo got a taste of it when tho last missionary was here. Toledo Blade. With an Oratorical Drop. "The orator wo heard tonight used to be a baseball player." "I suppose that accounts for the way ho pitched bis voice." Baltimore American. Merely Further Proof. "Anyway, ho has an honest face." "Honest? You surprise mel" "Yes; it's the only honest thing about him. It shows how dlshonost be really is."-I.lfe. Disagreeable Allusion. Garrulous Barber As tho sayln' goes, "There's always room at tho top." Sensitive Customer How dare you refer to my baldness! Boston Trail- 1'AINTINGS TO BE IN PLACE IN A WEEK. Tho Abbey paintings, which arrived ten days ngo from London, will prob ably be in plnce in tho State Capitol within the next week, the arrange ments for hanging them havirfg been completed before tho canvasses wore delivered In Harrlsburg. The panel completed for the Senate, which was placed recently, is the only one of tho commission for that chamber to bo finished by Mr. Abbey. It has attracted much attention. Tho walls nnd celling of the hall of the House of Representatives have been prepared for tho four large paintings for that chamber and the first section of tho largo decoration for the space behind tho Speaker's chair, which represents the Apotheo sis of Pennsylvania, will be In placo within a few days. A Greenland Duel, it 1 rather a pity for the gayety of sations that French meu of letters cannot fight their duels as duels arc fought In Greenland. In Greenland when one man has been insulted by another the adversaries each compose n satiro In verse. This each man re cites to his household until tho serv ants and the women know it by heart. Then n place of meeting is np pointed. Tho two men, the insultcv nnd insulted, the offender nnd offended, stnnd fnce to fnee. nnd ench recites his poem. Ills friends and servants form a chorus. Each man tries bard to raise the laugh against his adversary. Each man speaks In turn, whipping the enemy with epigram and quip, and after two hours of this wordy battlo the meeting gives tho victory to bim of the two adversaries who baa nmuscd tho w hole assembly most Advertise in The Citizen C We wish to secure a good correspondent in every town in Wayne county. Don't bt afraid to write this office for paper and stamped envelops. Asthma! Asthma! POPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY gives instant relief and an absolute cure in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on receipt of price fi.oo. Trial Packntre by mall 10 cents. WILLIAMS .MFG. CO..Propa., Cleveland, Ohio nm SALE BY C. O. JA1JWIN. W. C. SPRY I1EAC1ILAKE. AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES AN YWHEliE IN STATE. Exact Copy of Wrapper. , ,,r., i ,. i:...r. T FOR RESU LTS t&ml Aperfect Remedy for Cortslipa- l.p wuM tton,SourStoraach,Dlarrtoea B ft W&nM Worras.Convulsions.Feverish- ffg rfll WiJiBi ncQsmulLnSSOFSLEEP. W 1 Ul M fi ' ' Facsimile Signature oF Iks ! new yobk. : JOSEPH N. WELC Fss i TliA HT TM2CT run TM..- Agency in Wayne County. Office: Becond floor Masonic Bail IIUIJBUUIB. M. LEE BRAMAN CVCKI 1 nilNvtllN LI VcK F VW-V VMM w m m w , . . r . cn c. np Duaa lur every train a Town Calls. norses always tor sale r i . i UUQIUII i: (1I1U J-llLU 111(11141 111) for Farmers r luiiiuL til mi iiiiiiit' hi ifiirin at all times. AliLEN HOUSE BARK MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works I 1036 MAIN ST. 1 HONESDALE, PA. if mimifitimaiuiimiiiitiMiiiittMttttttft In Use Over Thirty Years THI OENTAUH COM PANT NtW YORK OITT. KRAFT & CONGER m HONESDALE, PA. Ftenresent Reliable Companies ONLY For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought T lA S ears tne w v Signature Vo ORA iiffnn i iff N HflN ADVERTISE IN THE CITIZEN