THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1011. PAGE 7 Darina and The Agents She Makes One Mistake By MILDRED STEVENS CoDVrieht br American Press Asso- - - .- - i. elation. 1911. t Miss Charity Decker tied a knitted ipo and drew on thick woolen mlt- "Darlna!" she called uhrllly, and eared In the kitchen doorway sho ccn waiting for ten minutes, and 1 1. 1 " (111. I IvIlllW 1L M I I I If 11 V L 1 1 Hill- lnls to keep 'em standing nronnd In R Rnnw ill... huh- fmr j mill ui itml icles. and. then I lost my handker- haven't fonnd It again yet Why, L- LU ntU M 11 11 1. Ill U Hliuiuui ia KU.UK i be tomorrow" The girl laughed softly as sho push d the older woman gently toward he door. "There, Aunt Charity; If you top and talk much longer the'horse's I1I1IS Will I n'l'7.1! fill. 1IIII1 tlllllllllMll IB von't forget to put the bread In the - . ' 1 1 a TMt 1 II. n Viril 11 L II II ITHJiriv. 1111U 1 11 IVULtL 1UU efore I go over to Cousin Sarah's to he 3 o'clock train tomorrow afternoon vithout fall there!" Miss Charity was on the porch by his time and waving a mlttened hand o Hannibal Jones, the stage driver. Til be there In n jiffy, Hannibal. I've nr in Rnv finmothinc mnrn to Dfl- lua" Darina laughed merrily as sho vnvnrl n f,irnrnll in TVflaa P.hnrlfrr'a iii'iv null lilt: HiiiiNi; nun (:iiit!ii 111111 ocked the door. Miss Charity's de- age, was an event that had been alked about for a fortnlcht. ever tM tin. lifn1ina linil 4ni.1ti.l 1111 1 . 111.1 111 11 1 111.1 13 11 111. 111111 111 111.11 ier over to the Baptist donation party md to snend one nlcht. She had left dozen different commands for her Charity Decker detested agents. She n:it iiniifirj! nil cm i iiiiir kihichcii i iisiiiii ii.jiiltiv hi. iht KMf'iifii I li Mir. ipr sir 'i. 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 v iii'iiii'ii mill i hi n mi n iiutiii UU1U oiuj m. t uj "They are not so plentiful In snowy weather," thought Darina as she rolled - . . i . . ! ... 1 . 1 1 i T .Ann of them will call, but somehow It does seem as If Little Klver harbored more canvassers, ana inero is one nowr Sho popjied a pan of cookies In the oven ana pusaea ixick uer iair nair with a floury hand, leaving a dab of white on the rose of her cheek. She nnnmul (!ln rlnni in flnrl n S27rlnTi nifi VUbUVU 1 U 1 llllll u. 1I11U 11 .J 1 1 11111 1 11 1 dealer squatted on the doorstep. Miss Charity's admonitions still rang In her oars. "No no not" said Darina emphati cally In response to his appealing ges tures as he displayed his wares. She closed the door and watched him shamble down the path. Her heart leaped with fright as sho saw him pauso at the gate and make some sort of mark on the white post with a bit of red chalk'. Then, with a sly look over his shoulder at the house, ho went on his way. "How dreadful!" thought Darina as she returned to her baking. "Perhaps be has marked the house so ho can return tonight and rob us or perhaps murder." There was another knock at the door, and Darina took her cookies out of the entrance auu peered tnrougu tne cracK in the door curtain. A man with a long handled patent mop Impatiently waited on the doorstep, Darina opened the door. 'fnfvl mnrrilnn,f RnlH tlift nrroni courteously. "Are you the lady of the house?" "Yes," said Darina. "But I do not wish to buy anything today. Wo have a mop we bought from you last year." "Very good, ma'am; you cannot need nnother one now, and you will never unless yours is stolen, for, ns I told you last year, when I sold it to you, our mop is practically Indestructible Now. let mo show you tho best clothes brush you ever saw there, ma'nm look at that!" When Darina had Anally added a firmly voiced "No, no!" to his mono logue ho gathered up his wares, dis posed them about his person and with a bob of his head was gone. "I bopo ho doesn't; mark the house," murmured Darina as sho watched his hurried departure. But tho brush man seemed glad to get nway from such nn unpromising vicinity 'and paused to look neither to the right nor left as ho hastened down tho road. Presently Darina saw him open Cousin Sarah's green gate and enter tho yard. She went back to her cookies, and an hour passed rapidly. JuBt as she had placed the last panful of crisp dalntlei on the table nnothpr knock enrae loud and Imperative. This time tho iigent wan n young man, tall and good looking, mufUed to the cars in n thick warm ulster, while a fur cap that rested 6n bis dark head was whipped off as Dnrinu opened tho door. He did not carry a bag nor a bundle, but Darina did not doubt that somewhere concealed about his person was a capacious pocket that would hold Innumerable samples of something salable probably subscription books. "Good morning," ho said pleasantly and In a very busrfncssllUe manner. "Is Miss Charity Decker at homo?" "No." she sold coldly. ' "Au," he said In a disappointed tone. Then, unbuttoning his coat, bo thrust a gloved hand into an inner pocket. "I wonder if you" ho was beginning when Darina interrupted him coolly. "We don't wish to buy a dictionary, thank you." His hand dropped to his side, and he flushed redly. "I beg your pardon" he was beginning when Darina's voice, a little shorier this time, brought Are to his brown eyes. "Or a history of tho world or' rem iniscences of anybody," said Darina heartlessly. "I'm not canvassing for books." he said grimly. "Nor a patent mousetrap or a carpet beater or fancy note paper," continued Darina recklessly. "We've got a fold ing sewing table that turns into a chair" "Do I look as if I had a folding sewing table concealed about me?" he demanded scornfully, yet with a smile back of the glitter in his eyes. "We've got a bread mixer and a pat ent washer and a freezer" "Pray spare mo the Inventory of your household goods," ho said cut tingly. "1 may as well tell you as rapidly as I can that" "And wo don't want to purchase any fruit trees or shrubs this year!" ended Darina breathlessly and rather frightened nt her own lack of cour tesy. "All of which Is very interesting, madam; but, as a matter of fact, Mr. Joseph Decker of Greenville asked me to stop here for his sister. Miss Charity, and drive her over to his place. There! That's why I'm here!" lie ejaculated, In a relieved tone. Darina's floury little hands llw up to her reddening cheeks. "Oh, I am so sorry! What have I said?" she fal tered. "My aunt went to Greenville by train. Sho left about an hour ago In tho station stage." "Then I may ns well drive along," ho said, replacing his cap and turning away, his glance lingering In a trou bled way on Darina's sweet, tearful face. "You mustn't disturb yourself over that. You see, 1 was so slow about explaining who I was that no wonder you thought I was a canvass er of somo sort. I suppose you'-ro both ered to death with them." "We are," said Darina fervently, and in a few words she told him of Aunt Charity's last admonition and nlso of litr experience that morning. "I think the brush man scattered my last atom of patience," she CKplalned. "I don't wonder," he consoled her. "I believe the same feltow called nt tho parsonage the other day and" "The parsonage!" echoed Darina. "Then you must bo Mr. Fleck, the new minister at Greenville." "I am," he smiled, baring his head again. "I believe there is somo sort of donation party going on for me tonight, and my sister, who keeps house for mo, advised me to keep out of the way. That is how I happened to call for Miss Decker." "It was very kind of you, Indeed, nnd I am ashamed of the reception I gave you," said Darina. Just ns he was passing through the gate to enter the little cutter that awaited him Darina remembered the red mark on the gate post. Perhaps Mr. Fleck could reas sure her as to Us meaning. She recol lected hearing Miss Charity say that he had been a missionary. Instantly sho was in tho gateway explaining her fears. The minister looked at the rude charaoter closely, thought for a moment, and then a smile broke over his face. "I was connected with a mission in Syrln for a year, and I learned something of the language. This merely says it is the house of avarice and merchants will do well to pass It by. It is too bad that it is not written In plain English so ull your obnoxious ngents migbt be discouraged." Darina watched him drive away over the sparkling crust of snow, con scious that her heart had thrilled strangely at tho clear, compelling glance of his brown eyes. Sho went back to her baking quite cured of her 111 humor and humming softly under her breath, The next day when Miss Charity re turned home nnd had evolved from her voluminous wrappings Into n very small thin old lady sho related with much animation the events of die evening before. "It wns the nicest donation party I ever went to, Darina, nnd I like that young minister. Why. the first thing I'd got there he singled me out and told mo about coming hero nnd nsked nil sorts of questions about us. UeVs coming to call, and I say it's very kind and attentive, because Little Klver is out of his parish. They're going to have a sociable nt the church next week, and your Undo Joe says he wnnts us both to com, over for It. Don't you want to go?" Miss Charity beamed proudly at her pretty niece, "Yes, indeed," said Darina demurely, with a happy light in her bluo eyes. Miss Charity shot n keen glance at the girl. "Of course, you'll wear your rose colored cashmere," sho said care lessly, "Of course," agreed Darina, blushing. FOR THE CHILDREN Bits of Help. A bit of a smile In the morning bright From Joe Uade glad one iieart till the sweet "Good nishti" 1 know. A bit of thought on wbat was right By Dan Uade him from a careless, thoughtless boy A man. A bit of a eons, sung while at work, Dy Ray Chased many an ache from tee passersby Away. A bit of a question "Please let me help 7" And Fred Saw a smile, while thero scudded away a frown From Ned. A bit of a lift, so kindly done By Phil And the work was through, with an hour of fun For WI1L A bit of advice "1 wouldn't. Jack" That's all. "1 won'tl" came the cheery answer back To Paul. How many there are, little folks Like you. That can make by such "help bits" other little Folks true I Youth's Companion. Game of Elements. In the game of earth, air, fire nnd water the party sits in a circle. One throws a handkerchief at another and calls out "Air!" The person whom the handkerchief bits must call eagle, vu) ture, lark, sea mew, partridge, wood' cock, snipe or some other bird belong ing to the air before tho caller can count ten, which he does In a loud voice and as fast as possible, if a creaturo which does not live in the air Is named or If the person fails to speak quick enough a forfeit must be paid. The person who catches the handker chief throws it to another In turn and 'calls out "Earth!" The person who la hit must call out elephant, horse, dog. cat, mouse, guinea pig, ox or any other creature which lives upon the earth in the same space of time aa allowed before. Then throw tho handkerchief to an other nnd call out "Waterl" The one who catches the handkerchief observes the same rules as the preceding and is liable to the same forfeits unless he calls out Immediately trout, mack erel, herring, sole or tho name of some fish that lives In tho water. Any one who mentions a bird, beast or flsh twice is likewise liable to a forfeit It any player calls "Firel" every one must keep silence, because no crea ture lives in thnt element. Brotherly Love. Ee nnd Chi were two young princes in an ancient kingdom of China called, the Lone Bamboo kingdom, for in old en times China, like Britain, was split up Into a number of little kingdoms, which often went to war with one nn other. When the king wns about to die. In stead of commanding that his eldest son, Ee, should become king be said that Chi. his third and favorite son. should rule. Afterward, 'however, Chi would not consent to be king, for he said that would be putting himself above his elder brother, whom he loved and urged to take the crown. But Ee replied, "Did not our father command that you were to be king?" And In or der to put an end to the discussion he ran away from home. Thus, says the historian, Ee disobeyed not his father, while Chi kept true the relationship that should exist between brothers Both felt that brotherly lovo was great er than a throne. The two princes, runs tho story, met on the great Sun mountain and lived together In biding until their death. An Ancient Doll. If you ever go to independence hall In Philadelphia ask to see the quaint little doll that is carefully preserved there. She came over from Paris dressed In tlie fashion of Louis XVI. long before these United States were In existence. She came to bring Into William Penn's woodland a flavor or the old world that 'was much sought after In those days. She served two purposes first, she was a fashion platt from which the ladles of those days eagerly made their dresses; second, when she had served her purpose in this way she was given to the children to play with. Think how well made she was nnd how carefully she has been preserved to outlast the wear and tear of the centuriesl She may well be called the "oldest inhabitant" of Philadelphia. Riddles. Mr. Jones met three tramps this morning. To the first he gave 6 cents, to tho second 10 cents and to the third 10 cents. What time was it? Do you all give up? It is easy enough to see that it wns a quarter to three. In the days when Dan Rico was at the height of his fame as a horseback rider he rode half a score of careering horses nt once. What time was it then? Going on ten, of course. Tonguo Twisters. The trick is to repent these sen tences as rapidly as possible and say them distinctly at the same time: When a twister a. twisting would twist him a twist. To twist him a twist, he three twists doth entwlst. But when one of the twists that be twisted untwists Then the twists that untwisted untwlstetb the twist. Pointer's Buff. A circle is formed, one standing blindfolded In the center, with a cane. The others wnlk around, and when hey stop he points to one nnd asks a question. He guesses who it is by the voice, which may bo disguised, or bo may imitate an animal, which the nrnn touched must echo. ENORMOUS SLIDES FILL THE PANAMA CUT. 4285,613 More Cubio Yards Excavated Than Were Originally Calculated. New estimates on tho excavation f tho Panama canal have been made public by tho isthmian canal commis sion. These estimates are materially higher than those of Jul?, 1010. The total Increase over the estimates of that date amounts to 12,783,013 cubic yards, raising the total estimated ex cavation for tho entire canal to 105, 823,370 cubic yards. The chief reason for this increase In the estimates is found in tho huge slides in the Culebra cut. These slides present tho most embarrassing prob lem with which tho engineers have to deal. It is stated officially that these increased estlmntes will not increase tho estimated cost ns determined in December, 1008, nor affect tho time of completion, because tho cost per cubic yard has decreased and the capacity per excavating unit has increased as the work has advanced. At the same timo it is apparent that tho task of having to excavnto this onormous mass of material delays tho time of completion of tho canal beyond tho tlmo when, It otherwise would be finished. Tho statement that the in creased excavation will not delay com pletion merely means that in making the original estimates for finishing the canal in the year 1015 ample allowance wns made for Just such hindrances as the present one. By reason of the slides in the Culebra cut about 5,000,000' cubic yards havo been added to the estimates. At that, tho slides in this region of the canal are said to bo in more satisfactory con dition than in any September since 1007. One slide at Emplro contains about 300,000 yards of material. The exact amount cannot bo ascertained owing to tho fact that tho depth of the moving mass is unknown. This slldo Is unique in that a steop side of the bank, a ridge of earth, moved toward the prism of the canal from the back and both sides at apparently one time. One of tho interesting phases of tho work of construction relates to the enormous quantities of dynamite re quired. It Is estimated that about 15, 000,000 pounds of dynamite remain to be unloaded before tho canal is com pleted. To promote safety n new dock for the unloading of dynamite Is being established on the Atlantic side some distance from Colon and Cristobal. It Is feared that if unloading is continued at the present docks shipping In Colon harbor and the localities of Colon and Cristobal might be damaged. No ex plosion has occurred, however, since tho first shipment arrived seven- years ago. Secret Societies. Secret societies are so ancient that their origin is lost in tho mists of the past. They existed, in Egypt, Persia, India, at the earliest times with which history or legend gives us any insight. It seems to bo natural for men to organize such societies for both good and evil purposes. Nearly all tho ancient religions were of a two faced character, popular and secret, or, as they are called, "esoteric" and "ex oteric," the first for the few, tho in itiated, tho second for the rank and file. Tho philosophers would teach one thing to the masses of the people and another to the select few who made up the "Inner circle." Cicero tells us that the wise men of Rome and Greece be lieved quite differently from the com mon run of Greeks and Romans. A Good Listener. Alfred Henry Lewis, the author, wns walking up Pennsylvania avenue one day when ho met Louis Brownlow, the magazine writer. "Louis," said Lewis solemnly, "listen to me for three hours." "Why, what's the matter?" asked Brownlow. "Why," said Lewis indignantly, "I've been in this town all day, and every body else has been doing the talking. I do love my little conversation!" Brownlow went to luncheon with him nnd, after doing a sprint in long distance listening, pulled out his watch with the remark; "Lewis, I'vo listen ed to you for three hours and nlno minutes. Goodby." New York Trib une. The Genuine Article, "I don't know about this picture, Bobby," said tho visitor as ho ran over specimens of tho youngster's camera work: "I am afraid a dog With a propeller instead of a tail is something of a fake." "That ain't a propeller," said Bobby. "That's his tall, ne kept waggln' it whllo his picture was being tookened." Harper's Weekly. Vulgar. "When ordering champagne some people nro not satisfied with tho pop of tho cork." "Think not?" "No; they think tho waiter ought to also sound a gong." Kansas City Jour nal. Women and Youth. She A woman, you know, is ns young ns she looks, no Yes, but un fortunately she Isn't always as young as sho thinks sho looks. Exchange. Sarcastic. Major Mull The doctor says ho thinks I am suffering from brain fag. Miss Cynic Rather n flatterer, Isn't ho? London Opinion. It is manly to lovo one's country; It is godlike to love the world. J. W. Conklln. Some Girts I Know. Ann talks of culture, long and deep. Though Ann, Indeed, Is not magnetla She talks until I fall asleep, A sort of gentle Ann esthetic. Of fair Louise I sing, for she's A dream In bathing suit of blue. Sho seemed today a mermaid gay, And thus I met my water Lou. There's Anna; she was quite morose. To melancholia she seemed fated. She married. Now she's quite jocose. The wedding made her Anna mated. Sweet Alice causes me to sigh. She molts my heart that's far from cal lous. Light of my life, she's really my Most bright aurora borealls. Town Topics. AVOID HARSH DRUGS. Many Cathartics Tend to Cause Injury to tho Bowels, If you are subject to constipation, yo'u should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. They only give temporary relief and their reactlou is harmful nnd sometimes more annoying than consti pation. They in no way effect n cure nnd their tendency Is to weaken the already weak organs with which they come in contact. We honestly believe that we have the best constipation treatment ever devised. Our faith in it is so strong thnt we sell It on the positive guaran tee that it shall not cost the user a cent if it does not give entire satisfac tion nnd completely remedy constipa tion. This preparation is called Rexall Orderlies. These are prompt, soothing, and most effective In action. They are made of, a recent chemical discovery. Their principal ingredient is odorless, tasteless, and colorless. Combined with other well-known Ingredients, long es tablished for their usefulness in the treatment of constipation, It forms a tablet which is eaten Just like candy. They may be taken at any time, cither day or night, without fear of their causing any Inconvenience whatever. They do not gripe, purge, nor cause nausea. They act without causing any pain or excessive looseness of the bowels. They are ideal for children, weak, delicate persons, and nged peo ple, as well as for the most hearty person. They come in three size packages. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 30 tablets. 25 cents; 80 tablets, 50 cents. He member, you can obtain them only at our store Tho Rexall Store. A. M. LEINE 0 HPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of Orphans' Court of Wayne county, made the 14th day of October, 1911, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bid der, on the premises at Equlnunk, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, on FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 1011, 3 P. M., the real estate belonging to tho es tate of Reuben W. Redmond, late of the Township of Buckingham, coun ty of Wayne and State of Pennsyl vania. All the following described piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the township of Bucking ham, county of Wayne and Common wealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning at an iron pin in the center of the road leading up and down Equlnunk creek opposite a maple a corner of land now occupied by John L. Snyder; thence north sixty-three and one-half degrees west fifty per ches to a heap of stones; thence north twenty-six and one-half de grees east, thirty-four and seven tenths perches to a heap of stones; thence south sixty degrees and flfty flve minutes east sixty-five and two tenths perches to an iron pin in the center of the said road; thence south forty-two degrees west twenty-six perches to a post; thence south thir ty and one-half degrees west four perches to a post a corner of said Snyder's land; thence along the line of the same south forty-one and one half degrees west four perches to a post corner another corner of said Snyder's land; thence along the line of the same eight perches to the place of beginning. Containing fourteen acres and four perches of land, he the same more or less. Bearings drawn to county meridian surveyed 3rd of April, 1894. Re serving, however, to Fred R. Hol bert, his. heirs and assigns a Tight of way across the said land from the public highway aforesaid at or- near the White school house to other lands of the said Fred R. Holbert as the same is now used. See Deed Book No. 62, page 130. The above bounded premises "Was conveyed to H. Kate Sheldon by Fred R. Hol bort and Minnie E. Holbert his wife by deed dated th'e 12th day of July A. D. 1894. Reserving to the use of Delamah Redmond, widow of Reuben W. Red mond, the use of four small rooms in the dwelling ihouse during the re mainder of her life. Upon the said premises is a frame dwelling house, barn and other out buildings. Terms of Sale, cash. Purchaser to pay three dollars for deed as in Sheriff's sale. John Tompkins, Executor. M. E. Simons, Attorney. D. & H. CO. TlflE TABLE A.M. P.M. SUN A.M. A.M. P.M. 8UJS 8 30 10 00 10 00 4 30, 6 05 Albany .... . Binchamton . 10 00 A.M. 10 00 2 15 12 30! 2 15 2 15 . Philadelphia. S 15 4 03 7 10 4 40 5 30 1 12 30 1 19 7 10, 7 55 .Wllkes-Barre. ....Scranton.,.. O 00, P.M. A.M. P.M, P.M. A.M, Lv S 40 5 SO 6 51 8 45 8 55 6 20 6 30 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 37 2 43 8 45 8 55 8 69 9 18 Carbondale .... ...Lincoln Avenue., Whites Farvlew Canaan .... Lake Lodore ... Waymart Keene Steene Prompton Fortenla Seelyvllle Honesdale .... 8 59 6 34 6 11 9 18 6 52 668 7 07 7 13 7 16 7 20 6 17 9 21 9 21 8 26 6 32 635 639 613 K4B 660 9 32 9 37 9 39 9 43 2 52 9 32 2 67 9 3; 9 3! 269 3 03 3 07 3 10 3 15 9 43 9 47 9 50 8 66 9 47 7 21 9 60 9 66 7 27 7 31 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar NOTICE PUBLIC SALE OF PER SONAL PROPERTY. There will be a public sale of eight maple logs on Saturday, the eigh teenth day of November, 1911, at two o'clock p. m., at the Wlnwood station of the New York, Ontario and Western Railway Company, at Win wood, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, by the New York, Ontario and West ern Railway Company for freight charges demanded and unpaid, costs of sale and advertising, the said logs being on hand, and being consigned by Cox and Son Co. to Daniel Le Barr, the same having been forward ed from Brldgeton, N. J., to Win wood, Pa. New York, Ontario nnd Western Railway Company, By JAMES X. BURR, Attorney. 85t6 TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 OF WAYNE COUNTY. Lillian M. Connors v. Geo. A. Connors. No.,49 Jan. Term, 1011. Libel in Divoroe To GEORGE A. CONNORS : You are here by required to appear In the said Court on the third Monday In January next, to ans wer the complalntexhlbltcd to the judge of snld court by Lillian M. Connors, your wife, in the cause above stated, or In default there of a tlecree ot divorce as prayed for In said complaint may be made against you In 'your absence. M. LICK BRAMAN, Sheriff. Searle A Salmon, Attorneys. Honesdale. Oct. 26. 1911, 85w4 DR. E. F. SCANLON, Only Permanent Resident Specialist In Scranton. TKN YEARS' SUCCESS IN THIS CITY.. CURING VARICOCELE Varicocele Impairs the vitality and destroys the elements of manhood. I dally demonstrate that Varicocele can be posi tively cured without the organs being mutilated: they are preserved and strengthened; pain ceases almost Instantly; swelling soon subsides; healthv circulation I fl rapidly re-established, Dr. E. F. Scanlon, and every part of the Varicocele Special organism affected by the 1st. disease is thoroughly re stored. A written guarantee with every case I accept. Write If you cannot call. Consultation and examination free. Credit can be arranged. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. ; Sundays, 12 to 1 p. m. Offices (33 Linden St., SCRANTON, PA. (Opposite Postolilce ) The Home of the Honesdale National ORGANIZED - - 1836 ave Conservative Successful Will extend every facility that good banking will iustify. Accounts of Individuals, firms and corporations soli cited. Correspondence invited OFFICERS: HENRY Z. RUSSELL--EDWIN F. TORRRY PRESIDENT. CASHIER. ANDREW THOMPSON - A.C.LINDSAY VICE PRESIDENT ASSISTANT CASHIER DIRECTORS: Henry Z. Russell Edwin F. Torrev Horace T. Menner Louis J. Dorflinoer Andrew Thompson Homer Greene James C. Birdsall E. B. IlARDENBERQn Piiair R. Murray Wo print 1)111 heads. Wo print envelopes, Wo print circulars. HONESDALE BRANCH P, M.l P.M, A.M. P. M SUN A.M. SUN, 2 00 12 40 10 60 8 45 10 DO 00 4 09 714 7 38 P.M. 7 11 738 P.M. 10 05 9 12 A.J1 a 33 2 65 2 13 7 25 6 30 12 65 12 05 8 45 Ar A.M P.M, P.M. P.M, P.M. 8 05 1 35 1 25 5 60 5 40 11 25 8 27 8 17 8 13 1 64 7 17 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 28 7 22 7 19 7 15 7 N 11 14 7 60 7 33 725 7 17 7 12 1 21 5 31 11 10 10 63 U 45 10 37 10 32 10 29 10 25 1 03 12 66 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 36 12 32 12 29 12 25 6 16 5 11 5 66 4 68 4 65 7 7 05 4 61 7 01 4 47 4 41 10 21 6 68 6 65 10 18 1015 1 40 Ly A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. P.M, 1