i'AGB a TUB CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8, 1011. This Railroad Was Expensive Quarter of a Milo of Jefferson nranch of Brio Cost 9125,000 to Build. Tho recent disappearance of parts of the Canadian Northern roadbed Into bog holes has led to many stor ies by railroad engineers about some what similar troubles. The New York, Susquehanna and Western, now owned by the Erie, had troubles with several such holes it met with while, the road was being constructed through New Jersey that for a time held up the construc tion of tho road. An expert railroad constructing engineer gives It as his opinion that the most expensive piece of railroad construction in this country up to recent years, at least, was a small piece of the Jefferson branch of tho Erie, between Carbondale and Sus quehanna. The oxaqt spot Is near Ararat. This road was originally built by the Delaware and Hudson. Here Is what the engineer has to say about it: Engineering Feats. "Some of the recent gigantic engi neering feats in railroad construc tion in the Rock Mountains and else where may have equlred the making of a more costly quarter of a mile of roadbed than a stretch of that length of construction on a little railroad up In Pennsylvania did, but aip to .the date of some of those possible tasks I believe that the quarter of a mile of roadbed on that Pennsylva nia road was the most costly in the world. That railroad, now a divis ion of the Erie, climbs the lofty hills of Northeastern Pennsylvania be tween Susquehanna and Carbondale. "When It was constructed the roadbed for the distance of a quarter of a mile disappeared one night. An apparently bottomless bog covered all that distance where the railroad had been and the space of fifty feet in width. After 10,000 cartloads of rock and gravel, over 100,000 tons, and more than 500 great hem lock trees, branches and all, had been thrown into that great pit without having any visible effect to ward the forming of some kind of a 'bottom to it an effort was made to sound it. 100 l'eet Deep. "A pile 40 feet long was thrust down Into It Its entire length. On top of that pile another the same length was placed and driven down, and forcing the one beneath It on down, and still no bottom was struck. Two more forty-foot timb ers were put down on top of those two before solid ground was found, and It was known that a pit 1G0 feet deep, 50 feet wide and a quarter of a mile long had to be filled up be fore the railroad could get any fur there on its way. "The existence of this enrious formation at this spot was the more remarkable because it was on the summit of a rocky ridge more than 2,000 feet above this. When tho depth of the big sink was determin ed a row of piles was driven in tho manner of the test piles, on both sides of the space required for the rehabilitation of the roadbed and the securing of its maintenance. ".More than 10,000 of those huge timbers were used, being driven close together to form subterranean booms that prevented the escape of any t'hing dumped into the enclosure thus made. LI KB OK THE IIAIK. When the hair begins to fall out it may require the advice of a special ist, but a little cheap experimenting sometimes sets matters right. 'Perhaps you find washing the hair a great trouble and neglect to clean the scalp. This becmes clogged and the hair falls out. You lly immediately to some pat ent remedy and by rubbing tho ex pensive concoction into the scalp with a sponge succeed in freeing the pores. New life returns to the roots and the restoration is voted marvelous. It Is a mighty good thing In many cases to use these remedies, but not always. Many hair lotions are very valuable but there Is no harm first in seeing whether soap and water "will do the trick." Often this is all that Is needed. "I can't be bothered to wash my hair frequently," you say, and stop at that. It the hair is abundant there is a good reason why you shirk the task, but try making a good lather, dip scalp. Another way is to part tho hair down the center and rub it with a piece of sponge dipped In soapy lather. Continue the partings on each side till the whole head is thoroughly cleaned. The long hair will not be soaked, only the top of the head. i'ou need not rinse the soap away. If you rub well with a towel your Head win dry quickly and there will be no trace of stickiness If fairly sort water is used. Should you not care to do this the sponge dipped in clear water and used as before will remove the soap. AN AID TO IJEAUTY. Camphor water applied to the nose with a soft cloth at Intervals will reduce the pores of the skin. Persons not susceptible to colds should try walking briskly in the rain without an umbrella as a tonic for the complexion. Equal portions of pure rice pow- uer ana some one of the favorite French face powders make a dell' cate and effectual flUIng for the powder box of the woman who al ways cannot afford the French brands. Tho teeth should be brushed thor oughly with a reliable powder or paste In the morning and lightly af ter each meal and before going to uea. The new modeled tailored suits at Menner & Co. stores are made ' on modern Hnes of best materials, lat est cuts. GOVERNMENT i TO PREVENT Ex-Chief Croker Suggests a Department Founded on "Pure Food" Lines. EDWARD F. CltOKEIl, former chief of the New York Ore department and who has a record of more than a qunrtcr of n century ns a Ore fighter, was one of the chief speakers at the recent lu- yrnntlonnl municipal congress and ex position at Chicago. Mr. Croker's sub ject was "The Reduction of Fire Waste," and his address was devoted principally to tho question of Are pre vention Instead of fire fighting. In part Mr. Croker said: "I have fought the fire demon in New York' city for twenty-seven years, twclvo of which were spent as the ranking officer of the uniformed force. Throughout these years I was1 steadily nnd irresistibly led to the conclusion that, while fire fighting and fire ex tinguishing organizations of our great modern cities hard reached a high state of efficiency and were keeping well abreast of the demands mado upon them, our citizens, as a rule, paid too little attention to tho vital matter of fire prevention. "Tho enormous fire waste of the United States varies from $200,000,000 to $400,000,000 annually, nnd tho vast ly greater Indirect losses that result seriously nffect our economic and civic progress. The loss of lives by fire is one that cannot be realized save by those unfortunates whose relatives and friends have been lost 1b many deplorable calamities. Great Loss Unnecessary. 'This utter destruction of more thou a quarter of a billion of dollars In property in addition to tho lives incal culable In money vnluo is not an act of God nor one of the inevitable chances of Industry nnd commerce. "All that Is necessary is to npply the test of comparison with other coun tries of like civilization. In round numbers tho per capita fire loss in tho United Stales has been from $2 to 4 against 33 cents in tho principal Eu ropean countries. One of the condi tions In theso countries that operates to effect a lesser loss than here Is the larger ueo of noncombustlblo mate rials duo to tho high cost of wood. Another reason is the intangible Influ ence ef their older civilization, which makes these people more careful of small savings in all their affairs and generally more cautious than we have yet become. "But, allowing for theso fundamental differences between the countries com pared, It Is yet apparent that the fire loss In tho United States, which Is be tween seven nnd eight times that of the greatest European country, is out rageously and criminally greater thnn It should, be. It has been my observa tion that tho large majority of fires arise from preventable causes. In fact, every fire of consequence is prevent able. "Tho subject of fire prevention Is vastly more Important than that of fire fighting. When one conflagration hns been checked or prevented you have accomplished little. Tho chancea for repetition tomorrow are equally as great. What Is Fireproof. "If we nro to better conditions you must realize that 'fireproof Is not 'fire proof as it Is understood today. The literal definition remains, but many crimes have been committed in Its name. I know of no more.abused word. I am sincere in tho conviction that the government should make it n heavily punishable offense to apply the term to anything but nn absolutely fireproof building. "There is but one principle to fire proof construction, bo It either homes, hotels, office buildings, theaters, apart ments, battleships, railway cars or what. To have fireproof buildings orchhitects and owners must throw aside precedent nnd eliminate the use of combustlblo nnd semlcorabu'stlble materials In their construction. "If I had my way about it I would not permit a piece of wood, even the size of u lead pencil, to bo used In the construction or finish of nny building In tho United States exceeding a ground area of 25 by 00 feet or three stories In height. If there was still nn nbsoluto necessity for Its use, If it could not bo replaced with steel, ns It has been In many modern construc tions, it would then bo well to attempt to c,oncelvo of something better. I am opposed to tho use of wood In any form In fireproof buildings, rind tho law ought not to permit Its use. Wooden floors, wooden window frames, doors and casings burn nnd help other things to burn; wooden trim and bases burn everything that is made of wood burns nnd helps tho fire to spread. Eliminate wood removo tho cnuse, and you have precluded tho possibility of fires. "We have no department of our gov ernment devoted to tho matter of fire prevention. Our laws on tho subject nro not specialized to completely cover any particular building or business, al though they could bo mado broad enough In their general application to go a great way toward partly solving the problem. Federal Action Suggested. "It Is my firm conviction that the rtnito Rtatra Government should SHOULD ACT j LOSSES BY FIRE I He Would Not Permit a Piece of Wood In Buildings Three Stories High. ICi establish a department, founded some what on the lines of tho puro food law. for tho puropso of establishing lab oratories whose business it should be to test and classify various materials used throughout the construction of fireproof buildings in order that the public may bo provided with a satis factory and snno schedule, of standards of kuown safety and which shall be ac cepted as such by all departments nud Authorities In this country, nnd the law or' laws necessary to make these conditions possible should be enacted with the idea constantly In mind that the present so called fireproof build ing is such only so far as its exterior s concerned and that legislation is needed nnd demanded by tho public to insure ndequate and proper protection to tho lives of nil persons who may be called upon to congregato In all build ings of a public or semlpubllc nature. "Under tho majority of tho present building codes so called fireproof build ings are substantially fireproof In the sense that a conflagration rarely does serious injury to the building itself. The flnmes may rage from room to room nnd floor to floor; floors, doors. , partitions nnd nil interior fittings may char and bo consumed; tho contents may be destroyed throughout and some or many of the occupants lose their lives, but the four walls nnd frame work, that Is. the organic structure of the building, usually comes through tho conflagration Intact. It is tho com bustion of contents, not damage to the buildings themselves, that makes Are losses in tho United States so heavy in proportion to the amount spent for new construction. The need, therefore. Is not for ordinance requirements which will make the buildings more effectually 'fireproof,' but enactments which will protect the inmates nnd contents of buildings by making it Impossible for n fire once started to course virtually unchecked from room to room nnd floor to floor of a building whose walls are fireproof. In other words, death proof and conflagration proof construction are necessary re quirements for now compulsory legis lation for 'fireproof construction.' Future Construction. "Future construction must be so re quired that tho starting of flnmes In one room of a building need not make Imperative the Instantaneous exit therefrom of all persons employed? In tho building, or even on tho floor where the firo starts. Means of safety for both persons and property must bo se cured In tho building, and even on tho floor where the fire starts, by making Impossible tho instantaneous convert ing of elevator shafts and stairways Into flues for the flames and by making Impossible the rapid spread of flames from room to room nnd floor to floor. Nothing could be more dangerous, more expensive or more unnecessary than tho idea that the safety of work ers In factory and loft buildings can best be secured, or can be secured at all, by providing means of rapid exit to tho street. Tho cost of tho kind of fire escapes and the nddltlonnl stairways properly required, as well as the con siderable Bpaco occupied by such do vices, would make them almost pro hibitive in expense, evpn If practicable or effectual, which they could not bo. "Even if, however, all the occupants could bo got out safely and in time, no reason appears why the contents should be left to tho mercy of flames coursing from room to room and floor to floor until checked by tho activities of tho firemen. Both persons and property should be afforded protection in the building by making Its construc tion really fireproof that Is, death proof nnd conflagration proof thereby confining the flames to a limited area within which to burn themselves out, consuming only such contents as are not removed to safety behind doors and partitions ns effectually Are resist ing as the walls themselves. One Great lesson. "Ono great lesson which many re cent fires hnvo taught Is that no build ing Is moro fireproof than aro its doors and windows, whllo tho presence of wood in trim or casing anywhere less ens to that extent tho firo resisting and firo confining power of tho struc ture. No iatter if tho walls are fully fireproof, doors of wooden construc tion permit the flnmes to sweep from room to room and floor to floor instead of being confined to ono room, as Is posslblo In fireproof buildings In real ity, not fireproof only In name. "now often It Is truo that hotels, theaters, apartment buildings and tho like nro advertised as 'fireproof throughout' only to have some fire dls closo that tho buildings were verltablo 'firo traps,' the fireproof construction of tho walls, floors and even stairways making only more perfect flues for tho rapid combus'tlon of Under-like doors, partitions, window casings, trim and room contents. Those who go into public hotels and halls nt night should have protection and assurance that rcpresentnions of fireproof construc tion aro la reality well founded. "Every building should have straight, broad stairways of fireproof construc tion, and every door and partition, no matter how small or how temporary, should l flrenroof." Convicts Cheering A Convict Play All those who have attended "Alios Jimmy Valentine" in tho past will be at least Interested to read that that stirring play of convict life, which on so many occasions 'has warmed the hearts of law-abiding citizens of tho land, was as much of a thriller to nearly 2,000 prisoners at the San Quentln Prison in Cali fornia some two weeks ago, Tho prisoners, of whom nine had been convicted to die, cheered rampantly the exciting elements of the play, and when at the end the hero's par don Is finally secured, their joy mado itself known for miles around. The Governor of California was himself an Interested spectator and, though visibly affected by tho scene, rofused to make comment or to admit that he proposed pardoning any of tho con demned men. The following ac count of this unique performance Is gleaned from tho San Francisco Evening Post of October 5. It re counts that: Sitting with their heads bared In the sunlight of the prison yard, with "condemned row" as the lobby of their open-air theatre, 1,851 prison ers nine of them condemned to die unfolded one of the greatest dramas of life to-day as "Alias Jimmy Valentine," the great convict paly, was enacted by the same com pany that has been appearing 'before San 'Francisco audiences. The production of the noted play, which carries With it a mighty lesson to all humanity, marked one of the most remarkable Incidents in the his tory of prisons. It was the first time In history that a professional play, with all Its scenery and original cast, was ever given insido the walls of an institution where men and women are denied the rights of associating with persons of the outer world be cause of their crimes against society. It was the most unique audience that ever gathered to witness a play and the rows of men In their stripes of shame and the women prisoners in their blue dresses furnished a scene that has never before been wit nessed. It was the drama of life revolving about the drama of the stage, and as tho regeneration of the stageland burglar was unfolded, the enthusiasm of the convicts waxed warnier and warmer until it ended in a mighty cheer for the character that showed them their inner selves as they wish ed to be known when outside the walls of the prison. But for the stripes on every hand one would have 'forgotten that he was In a prison. Tho convicts were not treated as outcasts of society, but as men of the world. There were speeches, extolling the virtues of the stageland burglar who "turned good." When the noon hour approached the prisoners were taken to the pris on yard, where everything had been arranged for the great show. They took their seats, even as you would take your seat In a "flrst-come-flrst- served" theatre. The prison band played the usual overture and then the curtain of canvas was raised and ".Alias Jimmy Valentine," with his message of hope to tho poor souls denied their liberty, was theirs. The audience was composed of prisoners with the nine condemned men sitting close ,by the fifteen wom en, who were the special guests of Warden Hoyle. No outsiders, be yond newspaper men and prison at taches, were allowed Inside the walls. Tho play which dealt with a con vict's struggles for reformation was presented on a convict-built stage, with part of the scenery painted by convicts. A convict 'band furnished the music. The stage was In a cor nor of the prison yard and the play ers voices echoed back from the .windows of tho death-cell. When seemingly the last convict had been seated on a slopo looking over the walls, nine cell doors clank' ed open and as many men, condemn' ed to death, clattered down the Iron stairs and lined up at the foot, with George Figueroa, a happy-faced boy who is to die for the murder of his wife In Los Angeles, at the head. Mrs. Hiram W. Johnson, wife of the Governor of California, with a member of the State Board of Par dons and his wife, were the only civilian guests present, although high officials for three days past In terceded for themselves and their friends to obtain admittance. The first scene, wo read, was most realistic: It showed the office of tho warden In the play and tho furniture was taken from tho office of Warden Hoyle. Then as each scene was unfolded the prisoners compared It with their own life, and that the experiment was a telling ono could be gathered from the expressions heard on all sides. All agreed that the show was a good one. Some of the men, prom inent In the days before their crime made them outcasts, reviewed the show with the stoicism of the man of tho outer world. Others not so woll groomed In the advance of tho drama talked of It as a child with some new toy. They could not review it with tho same light that the others had, but Its moral sank all the deeper, and for the time they forgot that they wore looking and hearing only the artifi cial life of the stage and lost them selves In Its story as though thoy were watching the game of life. From early morning there was much hurry and bustle about the prison, for tho convicts made ready the stage settings under tho guid ance of a skilled stage-hand. Cap tain William G. Leale of tho steam er Caroline, and known as " tho prisoners' friend," carried extra chairs and scenery from this city to the prison early to-day and the prisoners hustled as they never did before to get everything in place In time for the curtain to rise on time. When It was time for tho play o begin, the prisoners gathered in the grounds, where a natural amphithea ter is formed under the walls of the old sash factory. No extra guards were employed, and the convicts moved in an orderly manner. It was an event, indeed, In their lives, and to some It brought hack the ever haunting yesterday. Thft wnrdnn nt iha nlov nnA fVio warden nf San Onnntln nm turn Hlf. ferent characters. One, the stage warden, is an unthinking, unsympa- tneuc, uncoutn orute. John Hoyle, warden of San Quentln, Is a fair friend, kind and rnnnMorntA rtt nvnrv man who wears the stripes. Tho man mat. staiKea the boards In that prison yard was far different in his relation to "Alias Jimmy Valentino" than Warden Hoyle appears In the eyes of tho unfortunates in tho pris on. Jlmmv Vnlnntlna liimantr illus trates " honor among thloves." On tho stage he Is portrayed, by H. B. Warner, an Englishman, and he captivates you from the moment he makes his first appearanco till the curtain drnns. Hn notor "nnolioo" on his "pals," and It Is his very stearastness tnat wins for him his reward in tho end. HOW TO ADJUST A VEIL. It Is very sad but there is only about one woman in a thousand who realizes the Imnnrtnnnn nf n tirnnn.w adjusted veil. To arrange a veil over the queer shaped hats worn this fall is not an easy matter, but if a woman values her appearanco she will tako time to put on hr "beautl fier" as neatly and becomingly as possible. It Is well to avoid cheap colls, and It Is unwise to wear any veil too long as it Is extremoly bad to have anything near the skin that Is not absolutely clean. Cream -brussels net veils are worn a great deal this autumn, and they have the advantage of washing like the proverbial handkerchief. Snnttml hlnrlr nnri rMA ..nil., n. In favor, and when lined with pink muuues mey aro great complexion aids. Chantilly lace is also fashion able, but ono has to he careful with what kind of hat lace veils are worn. A very large hat with a lace veil runs the risk of helng overdecora tlve and of over-weighting the dress that Is worn with It. This season all veils aro eased round the brim so as not to touch the face too closely. And no one twists the veil Into a little knot be neath the chin, a habit that was ruinous to tho veil and unbecoming to the wearer. It Is a fairly safe thing to say that the best way to put on a veil is to pucker it in front, attach it to the edge of the brim, carry the upper edge of tho veil all round the hat and fasten It with a pin, gather up the lower part, fasten that and the veil will then bo hanging quite loose all round the face, but not in a becoming manner for the profile probably. This, however, can be made right by two hairpins, which should be attached to the back edges of the veil under the hrlm behind. It Is most Important - that veils should be carefully folded and put away after each wearing, and it is a pleasant fashion to keep a sachet of rose leaves among them, so that when brought Into use they are deli cately perfumed. A. O. BLAKE AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER YOU WILL MAKE MONEY BY HAVING ME Bell Phone 9-U BETHANY, PA. H.T. Weaver Architect and Builder Plans & Estimates Furnished Residence, 1302 EastSt. DIGNITY and CONFIDENCE It Is wonderful what an amount of dignity and confi dence ono gets from tho fact that he has a growing bank ac count. Tho possession of mo& ey you have earned and savecj yourself makes you Independent mentally as well as In regard to material things. Become a regular depositor In a good, strong, growing Insti tution like tho Honesdale Dime Bank We will help you with three per cent. Interest. Each now de positor Is presented with a use ful, as well as ornamental house hold bank. Wo make a specialty of loan ing money to Wayne county peo ple. Duslness accounts solicited. Call and see us or you can do your banking with us by mall. Write and we will tell you how. JOS. A. FISCH, Cashier. E. C. MUMFORD, President. CHICHESTER S PILLS W,,- THIS UIAMONU IIRAND. a 'hl.thu.ter' I 1-111 In lied t toiet. texlej w Take no other. Diuril.t. AskfotCiri.OirKH.TEB8 DIAMOND 1IKANII 1'ILLH, (or 1ii vein known u Uest.SK.it, Alwiyt RellibU bOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERF C Have The Citizen sent to your address. Only $1.50 per year. our I'rufji.i for a Diamond ItrndV o4 tiold mctftlllcVVV Ith ftlllrt RILhnn. A aik tj Hut of rour Uk If PROFESSIONAL CARDS: Attorncvs-nt-Low. TJ WILSON. J-L. ATTORNEY. A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Offlce adjacent tp Post Olllco In Dlmmlck uiuio, xiuiicouuie, x u. WJtS.. H . LEE, T T ATTORNEY A COUNBELOR-AT-LAW, Offlcepver post office. All lecal tmslnesi T7 O. MUMFORD, lit. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Office Liberty Hall bulldlne. opposite tUe i uai uiutc, xiuiiuouuie. x u. TTOMER GREENE. XL ATTORNEY COUNBELOR-AT-LAW Office over Hell's store. Honesdale Pa. CHARLES A. McOARTY, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR. IT-I.AW. Special and prompt attention given to the collection of claims. Office over Kelt's new siuru xionesuaie. i'a. EP. KIMBLE, . ATTORNEY A COUNBELOR-AT-LAW Office over the post office Honesdale. Pa. Tir E. SIMONS, ill.. ATTORNEY A COUNBELOR-AT-LAW, Office in the Court House, Honesdale riii TETEK H. ILOEF, A ATTORNEY A COUNBELOR-AT-LAW j Ofllce-Second floor old Savings BpHs UU11U1UK. XXIMUSUUIB. i a. ClEiSlLE & SALMON, AtiuuMto UU UMHKLOHB-AT-LAW, tjiuces imeiv occupied Dy judge scans CHESTER A. GARRATT.E ATTORNEY A COtJNSELOR-AT.r.AW Office adjacent to Poat OQlce, Honesdale, Pa Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, I1EMTTOT ituucouaic, a a. D ,R. O. R. BRADY, DENTIST, HONESDALE, PA. 1011 MAIN ST. Citizens' Phone. Physicians. PB. PETERSON, M. D. . 1126 MAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA. es civen careful attention. Livery. T I VERY. tred. G. Ricknrd has re I I Hl.MT.l1 Uia 1 .-M-.t I. 1 I. . I corner Church street to Whitney's Stonh UUI II" ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. WTTJ KT MI A CG ArTTIMTO . AAX......... ........... SPENCER The Jeweler would like to see you If vnu rt rp In tlio mnplr.fH for JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, WATtHES, CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES "Guaranteed articles only Bold." tltlUHt: WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at' that ; have his prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even it it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would bo im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night i or day, will be promptly and ; accurately compounded by n I competent registered pharmacist : and the prices will be most rea i sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, i Opp. D. & II. Station, Honesdale. Pa. ;;i:;;;;;;;;iii;iiinn?;;n;:t:n;;;;iiuu;ui; uurwan-Hmerican nom - ThaaIimmmIi JUea Jb Women, younir old I I GalffiSIIll " a"rl. A c-4 ft tar.d, I E?u,l?lv2.?pAJ!ld.TtD, The GERMAN American TDtitMcuT wko uua. Writ, iiit ir r.i. 1. ttrUt ..nju HOTEL r,V.V feu! 1 1th ST. V . nf r ry nwit of l L . L! j. 1 . ' t rt NOr 'Cr.. U-etrn. of rout' 1 In pp umrntit, c ou n 'drove .uid VmncliW' -unuur, Jiru ! Hcsir.s St.CO per i j anJ t, Wiih privilege ol Bath i $1.(50 per (Say and up EUROPEAN PLAN Tb!c d'Hoia Brtakfait . SOa - VM.TAVLOR A SON, Ino.