PAGE 8 THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY; NOV. 1, mi. BETHANY. l?leclttl to The U'tizen J Bethany, Pn., Oct. 31. John Smith lids sold his milk youto to Charles Webb. Now Windows are being placed In the Manning house. Other Im provements will bo made In the near future. Miss Helen Manning returned to New York on Thursday. Mrs. Edward Woodward loft for New York Friday. Rev. DIerly spent Thursday in Philadelphia. He was accompanied homeN by his sister-in-law, Miss Lulu Erhardt. of Tyrone, Pa. ' Joe Henderson was stricken last week with rheumatism and kidney trouble. Dr. Ely was called. Howard Johns, Carbondale, spent Sunday -with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .fames Johns, Dr. Harry Many ,nd family, for merly of Tyler Hill, are expected this week to reside with the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Many. Mrs. Charles V. Sutton and chil dren, Keith and Kathleen, spent Tuesday at Pleasant Valley with1 Mrs. Carl Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paynter and two little daughters, Phyllis and Rachel, of Carbondale, have been visiting relatives here the past Week. Mrs. J. D. Faatz and son, Charles, passed the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cott, Miner's Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gammell re turned from their wedding trip Mon day night. Rev. Edward C. Haynes, of Rod man, N. Y will preach In tho Pres byterian church Sunday evening, Nov. 5. The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid will serve dinner and supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ross Tuesday, Nov. i. Price 25 cents. Oysters, raw and stewed, will be served dur ing the day and evening. Mrs. Henry N. Miller has sent in her resignation as .postmistress to take effect the first of January, 1 -r TYLER HILL. Tyler Mill, Pa., Oct. 31. While engaged in sawing lath hero Thursday, William S. Smith, the lumberman, lost three fingers of his loft hand and injured the remaining members and also the thumb on tho newly-sharpened, rapidly moving cir cular saw..'' Dr, H. C. $Idny not be ing able to attend to tho case, Mr. Smith walked to Cochecton, three miles distant, where Dr. W, N. Ap pley finished amputating the fingers and dressed the wounds. Mr, 'Smith was In his mill before daylight on the morning mentioned and it is supposed that the heavy fog , partially hid tho sow. He Is very op-1 tlmlstlt- about the disaster, saying i that it might better 'be he than one of his men'. At last reports ho Is' getting along very nicely For Register & Recorder FOR PROTHONOTARY EQUINUNK. Special to The Citizen. 'Equinunk, Pa., Oct. 31. Tho local institute for Bucking ham and Manchester townships will be held here in the church on Sat urday. , Bert. Haddaway and wife spent Friday m HancocK. Isaac sandercocK, Hawley, was a guest at the home of J. K. Horn- The church fair and supper under the supervision of "The Willing Workers, held In tho church Wed nesday evening, was a financial suc cess. Sixty dollars was the receipts of tne evening, Mrs. William Kellam, Hancock, at tended tho church fair and supper Wednesday evening and visited at tho home of her brother, Joseph' Lay ton. Merret Joy captured the big pike of the season. It "weighed 11 pounds. Allen uloyd died at his home here Sunday morning at 7. '30. Mr. Lloyd has been suffering from 'consumption for several' months, TJhe funeral will be neld here Wednesday T-a($M o'clock. i ' HAMLIN. f - t W. J. BARNES. A man whb kntlws Wallace .J. Barnes, ot Berlin", knows a true friend, ono wnbm his acquaintances admire for his manner of doing business by ijot ,stb6plng to anything low or unpririclplbd in obtaining his nomination. Stf. Barnes is working along the same Utte In his- canvass for the oillce Of prothonotary and says tnat if He cattnot get the election- fair' hrid sfjitare he does not care for it. Ho does not believe in curb politics. That hie friends stood by him is evidenced fry the handsome vote ho received aft the polls at the primaries. He Is .the, people's choice and his electlbn dn' Tuesday next is looked forwar.d lo'by'a "big majority of votes over hi! .opponent on the Democratic tlcKei , a more popular ana eincient can didate for Prothonotary cannot be foiind In WfiVrfe tfomitv nnrl Mr. Barnes will prtiye hlnlself a. courte ous ana ever apcommouaung omciai. The voters of .Wayne county will do violence to thplr, consciences If they fall to vote for him on the 7th day of November. ., TTlT I take this method of inaldng my self clear on tho following points to such voters thnt I have been unable to see personally; That .1 will, If elected to tho oillce of Sheriff, give my whole and undivided attention to tho duties of theyofllQe,- and 1 will at this time state that all .such per sons that are unfortunate enough 4o Suecial to The Citizen. Hamlin, Pa., Oct. 31, The Booklover's Club "spent an agreeable afternoon with Mrs. F. Av Abbey on Wednesday of last week. On Thursday last the L. A. S, met with Mrs. W. A. Van Sickle for din ner. ' Although the day was stormy there was a good attendance. Miss D. 'P, Hamlin is 'making a longthy visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C learwater of Hackettstown, N. J. Dr. J. A. MeKee is Improving rap idly and is now able to walk about the town. Miss. Alice E. Hamlin Is spending this weeK In Scranton -with her brother, Dr, B. G. Hamlin, of Cedar Avenue. Mrs. D. G. Parsons, ot Jamestown, N. Y., visited her sister, Mrs. Orchard a few days ago. She was called to Scranton to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, Walter Christmas. W.'A. Alt spent Sunday In Hawley at tho Hotel Dennison as the guest of his son, L, A. Alt. Stewart Peet also visited at that place over Sunday. Mrs. Robert Spangenberg and daughter, Florence, visited relatives at Cherry Kldge over Sunday last. A. F, Jones returned on Tuesday from Peckvllle where he had been to see hlB wlfo who is staying with herV sister, Mrs. Nelson Decker, and re ceiving osteopathic treatment. Mrs. George Bartlow and Mrs. Elbert Goodrich spent Tuesday at Mrs. John Wlttlch's. -ihe Encampment enjoyed a feast of pumpkin pie after lodge on Tues day evening, Oct. 24, Tho Ladies' Aid and the Epworth League hold a Fair and social In the I. O. O. F. Hall on Hallowe'en. All kinds of fancy articles wore for sale, FOR COMMISSIONER JOIIN MALE, Cherry Ridge. For Coirity Treasurer W. B. LESHER. The voters of Wayne county are going to place W. B. Lesher, of Stei'ling, in the office of Register and Recorder because: Ho is methodical. He Is capblo of performing the duties of his "office without an, as sistant. Of the different candidates for the office he was THE man of the choice of the Republican voters and is very popular and courteous. He would 'perform the duties . of tho office he Is seeking in a mostj business-like and systematic man ner. He is deserving of the ofllce and would ma-ke an Ideal public servant If elected. He has been tried and has proven to be true and competent, having served as county auditor. From every standpoint he pos sesses tho requisite qualifications for the office to vhich ho was nominat ed. Being a trustworthy clerk he would make a trustworthy' official. He is ambitious, painstaking and po!,.sepse3' that great quality of char-, acter stlck-to-lt-ive-ness. He Is needy . of the office he is seeking now providing a homo for Ms aged parents. ' THE LATEST SWEATER. The latest thing in sweaters aro first cousins to the fuzzy wuzzy tam-o'-shantera that abounded some flvo yeara back. They look like goats and camels, for."they aro wild and they are woolly" with a sheen and a long- beard nap, all combed out smooth and shiny until ono buys them, then they will probably gath er up In lumps, but they will con tlnue to be Just as warm and com fortable and much softer than tho regular . worsted ones. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 OF WAYNE COUNTY. Lillian M. Connors v. Geo. A. Connors. No. 49 Jan. Term, 1011, Libel in Divorce by required to nnpfcar In the Bald Court on the third Monday In January next, to ans wer tlio complaint exhibited to the Judce ot To QKOHGfi A. CONNORS : "V pu are hcre- Bald court by Lillian M. Connors, vonr wife In tho cause above stated, or in default there of a decree of divorce ns prayed for IH said complaint may be made aiialnstyou In your m. L,itKOiiAfliAJN,aner'a. Searlo & Salmon. Attorneys. Hohesdale. Oct. 20, 1911. S5w4 W. B, HOLMES, President. II. 8. SALMON, Cashier A. T. SEA.RLE, ViCEiPaKS. . W. J. WARD, Ass't Cabhikr We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE .SECURITY ' . of this Bank. -lUd-Ul- WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF MAKING- ALTOGETHER $100,000.00 42,342.01' 527,342,00 E Y DOLLAR oi which must be lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY. It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving nn increasing number of customers with fldeelity and satisfaction. Its cash fundsaro protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS, All Of IllPSG thltlPS. pmmiprl wlfVt rrmonrvnMxrn mnnnrrmrnr inonrorl by the OAKKKUL PKKSONAL ATTENTION constantly el fen the T. Y. BOYD. become subject to the mandates of the Sheriff, would receive every con sideration possible at my hands. Un til three years ago I never came be fore the public asking for any office whatever, at which time I Was de feated at tho primaries, and now having received the nomination of the Republican party, it is needless to say that I most sincerely appre ciate the support of my friends, that made it "possible, and will feel deep ly obligated to all voters that will support me at the polls on Tuesday, Nov, 7, and if the verdict of the voters at large Is In my favor, I pledge myself to be a Sheriff to the people, of the people, and for the people, doing my duty without fear or favor, regardless-of party lines, caste or creed. IJank's nffalrs hy a notably able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons of that bUPKKME SAFETY which Is the prime essential of a eoOd Bank. DECEMBER 1, 1910 Total Assets, - - - $2,951,048,26 f DEPOSITS MAY JJE MADE BY MAIL. "a DIRECTORS ' V. U. HOLMES A.T.SEAKI.G T.B. CARK CHAS.J. SMITH, H.J. CONGEIJ. W. K. SUVDAM. V J. KIMBLE II. S SALMON W. FARI,KY REAL ESTATE DEALS. Jesse O. Dolph and wife, 'Clinton township, to T. J, Goodrich, Dun more. 7 acres In Clinton township. Consideration 52H0. Sylvester J. 'Shaffer and wLe, Lake township, to Charles Jllgnerey, Long Island, N. Y 115 acres, 136 perche3 In Lake township. Consideration, ?4,000. Victor V Genther and wife, Mount Pleasant township, and Jennie and Frank McCillloy, .N. Y to Oliver Frear and Jay Frear, Cltntch town ship. Two parcels of land In Dyberry township, viz: 88 acres, 160 acres, 63 perches. Consideration, $1500. James R. Keen and wife, Canaan township, to Harry W. Keen, Canaan township, 55 acres, 6 perches; 12 acres and 60 perches In Canaan township. Consideration, $1- Jeremiah Caufleld and wife to Clarence Cantleld, both of Damascus township, '.S3 acres of land In Da mascus townEhip. Consideration $1. Fred M. Woodmansee and wife, Lake Como, to Matthow J, JIcGarry, Pleasant Mount R. D. 1. Lot in Buckingham township. Considera tion, $800. Vote for W. D. B. Alney for Con gressman. '. W. WOOD. COURT iJffelS OF INTEREST. The repoWs of the viewers ap pointed (o viw any lay out and va cate publlpk j)a4B In the following townsmps uvea connrmea, uctooer 26, by the Burt, viz: In re pefltlpn for public road In Dreher township. Report of viewers confirmed aMolutely. In re petition to vacate public road In Dahfjfscus township. Report of viewers-icahfirmed nisi. In re pepHop to vacate public road in Danipcus township. Report j of viewers'jcqnftrmed nisi. I ' "In re putjt.lfln to change and va cate publlc'Toad In Palmyra and Paupack townships. Report of view ers confirmed nisi. In re patj&jon to change and va cate publlcsfotid in Palmyra, Pau pack and Hafem townships. Report of ylewers'Tppnflrmed tiisi. i 4n re petitipn to enange and vacate public road 'In Salem township. Re port of viewers confirmed nisi. In re petition for county 'bridge in Dreher township. Report ot viewers confirmed absolutely. In re petition for county bridge in Sterling township. Report of view ers confirmed absolutely. I In re petition for county bridge in Buckingham itownship. Report of viewers confirmed nisi. First and tlnal account of John Leonard, guardian of Josoph M. Mul ligan, a feeble-minded person, Oct. au, was confirmed absolutely. lu -re appointment of guardian for Anion Jones, a feeble-minded per son. October 26 petition read and filed and November 13, at 10 a. m, fixe'd as time of hearing. In re appointment of guardian for Ann Eliza Spry, .a feeble-minded per son. October 26, petition read and filed and November 13 at 10 a. m. fixed as time or hearing. Masters Appointed. Esther A. Hacker, llbellant, vs. Edwin T, Hacker, respondent. Oct. 26, P, H. Iloff appointed master. Eleanor L, Swltzor, llbellant, vs. John Swltzer. respondent. October 26, R. M. Salmon appointed master. Court adjourned to Thursday, November 9. 1911, at 12 M. In re appointment of guardian for Edna R, Cooper, Oliver V, Cooper and Alson II. Cooper, minor children of Geo. L. Cooper, deceased. Octo ber 26, petition read and filed and M, B. Simons appointed master. ForCounty Commissioner To tho Voters of Wayne County: I regret that I have not been able to meet all my friends throughout the county, as I have endeavored to do, and I therefore take this oppor tunity of thanking them for past fa vors, and appealing to them for their support In the present campaign. As tho people of Wayne very well know, I have given my best years to their service, politically, In the per formance of duties which br6ught no adequate return. In the present campaign, a position appears open to me that promises a fair reward for services rendered. Hence I venture to hope In view of all the circum stances, and the Counsel of jny friends that the people will recognize the claims put forward in my behalf, and stand by me as one fairly deserv ing their endorsement at the polls. Very respectfully, LEOPOLD FUERTH. ENJOYS EATING 100 FOWL. District Attorney Small, of Colum bia county to-day rues the loss of a Rhode Island Red Cockerel as well as a Black Minorca cockerel, for which he had paid ?100 and count ed as sure winners at the Columbia County Poultry Show next month. In honor of his return to Blooms- burg 'from 'Philadelphia, where he had undergone an operation, his wife killed two of the largest roosters in the pen. He enoyed the dinner, told his wife she was a fine cook, and then went out to 'look over his prospec tive, prize winners. They were miss ing, and explanations! were In order. Male and Rockwell are both "on the square." v EARL ROCKWELL, $9, ARIEL, PA. 1 Fanner, Contractor ;aml Ckncrcte Builder. for HOW'S THIH7 We offer On Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations made by his firm. Waialng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Id ternallv. actlm; directlv unon the blood andmucouB surfaces of the system. Testimonial i sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggsts. s Take Hall's Family Pills for ron stipation. Vote for Wallace J. Prothonotary. Barnes Society Won't Tolerate Catarrh GET RID OF IT! Tfcoro Ib one sure way to banish catarrh and along -with It the dis gusting symptoms such as hawking, snuffling and 'spitting. Breathe HYOMEI that's all you've got to do. Breathe It a few minutes a few times a day. Breathe it deep Into the lungs ana see how quickly the sore, gorm ridden membrane will clear up and inflammation vanish. HYOMEI is pure antiseptic air, it does not contain morphine, co caine or other habit firming drugs, It Is made from Australian eucalyp tus and other antiseptics, and It Is rieidlir ituaranteod for' catarrh, as thma, croup, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Complete outfit (inhaler and bottle) $1,00. separate bottles, if af terward needed, 60 cents at G, W, Fell's and druggists everywhere, 8 tOOOOCOOOCO AH Wool Fabrics. NEW ! AUTUMN'S BEST Jacket Suits For Ladies and Juniors NOTICE PUBLIC SALE OF PER- SONAL PROPERTY There -will be a public salo of eleht maple logs on Saturday, tho elga teenth day of November, 1911, at two o'clock p. m., at the Winwood station of the New York, Ontario and Western Railway Company, at Wln- wooa, wayno county, Pennsylvania, by the New York, Ontario and West ern Railway Company for freight charges demanded and unpaid, costs of sale and advertising, the said logs being on nana, ana ueing consigned by Cox and Son Co. to Daniel Le Barr, the same having been forward ed from Brldgeton, N, J to Win wood, Pa, New York, Ontario and Western Railway Company, By JAMES E. BURR, Attorney. 85t6 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. i Kind Yon Have Always BacM Bears the Signature of OOCGOOOCQCCOOOOQ ENNER & Co's. Store ili ill . ' 18 II New Long Coats in Real Furs, Plushes and i-tylish Weave Cloth. Separate Voil and Wool Skirts; In our Ladies' Dress Waist i stock can be round the Accepted Style for the , Season. we sayg men's young men's clothes that fii tmer9s we don't mean freaks or fads We do mean and we have suits and overcoats cut e smaSEer proportion res of young men, in youthful, stylish models and designs. Suits9 brown and grays; overcoats, light and heavy. Ohildren9s suits and overcoatSg raincoats. 53 no, 12, 1SS $25 and up. Ready-to-Wear. Full Line of Gents Fnrnishings v B REG STEIN BR O HONESDALE, PA. s