The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 25, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Scini-Wcckly Founded 1008; "Weekly Founded 1814.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the7 Citizen Publishing Company.
Entered as second-class matter, at the postofllce. llonesdale, Pa.
directors :
ii. wilson,
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Honesdale. Pa.
All notices ol shows, or other entertainments held lor the purpose of
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The policy of the The Citizen is to print the local nercs in an mtercstinp
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xniCTcbls VI lis nuuea urn inc ti-Hiuit vi ."i- ..v.... y
The opposition press Is out with Its bucket of mud, appealing to pas
sions and ureiudices In behalf of Its candidates. Vote the Republican
The County Commissioners are the finance committee of the county.
For that office men of considerable business experience are needed. Their
duties call them all over the county. They are not. presumed to sit In the
office to answer questions, In fact the office business Is not one-tenth of their
duties. They must Inspect county bridges, have them painted and repaired
when needed, let contracts for new bridges and see that non-resident poor
aro nrovided for and various other duties of like nature. This Is an ag
ricultural county and a majority of the board should be farmers.
John Male and Earl Rockwell, the Republican candidates, answer to
these requirements. "Both are farmers who know from experience what
the Wayne county' farmer has to contend with. Both have had experience
i bridge building and repairing which gives them a knowledge of what
auch work Is worth. Both are well acquainted with land values In this
county, which will aid in adjusting appeal cases, which, by the way, the
law specifies, must be held In the Commissioners' office.
The present board of commissioners have made an excellent record
and Male and Rockwell are amply able to continue the work.
It is not safe for any Republican to give complimentary votes to the
Democratic candidates. Vote for Male and Rockwell and mnke sure of two
able men on the board.
to you or some other person. The
power of these explosives exerted to
ward the first point where air Is
met, in case of a muzzle loader at
the tube.
Do not use the higher explosive in
cheap gun of any make.
Never carry a loaded gun Into a
car or house. Be sure to remove
the charges before so doing.
Allow no man to point a gun at
you even If you are certain It Is not
Never Are in the direction of cat
tle, no matter If they seem out of
range. A cow Is easily wounded or
Allow no man to hunt In your par
ty who carries Intoxicants along" and
take none yourself while carrying a
While standing always keep your
hands off the muzzle or your gun.
Do not shoot a rabbit in its
'squat" unless it is in a bad posi
tion. Be sportsmanlike and give the
game a chance for its life. It Is all
right to get the first one for "meat,"
but after that give all a run for life
at least.
Never shoot into a covey of quail
If found on the ground. You can
get enough when they rise if you are
a fair shot.
If you snoot a rabbit being chased
by the houiiil of another offer him
the game. Tno chances are he will
not accept and you will make a
Ask permlsson of the farmer be
fore entering upon a neat piece of
hunting ground. A kind word to
him may bo of value to you. Be
sure never to shoot nrsar a barn and
respect the pigeons you may see
Read these little hints carefully
and bear In mind for your own and
your companion's protection. Re
When the present board of Commissioners came into office six years
ago, succeeding a Democratic board, they found no money in the hands
of the County Treasurer and a balance of $14,300 against the county.
That balance has been wiped out and there is to-day money enough on
hand to pay two-thirds of the old court house notes. In the last three
years the county has paid $22,000 for good roads, has had two or three ex
pensive murder trials, and new bridges are being passed by grand juries
faster than they can be built
The Herald proposes to elect a Democratic board of Commissioners
who will make the assessment In violation of the law which provides that
that duty shall be done by assessors elected in each township and borough,
County Commissioners have absolutely no authority over any taxes except
the county tax. They have no control over supervisors, overseers of the
poor or school directors. These officers levy the road, the poor and the
school taxes. All the Commissioners can do Is to sit as a board of re
vision and adjust the Inequalities that are brought to their attention or
that they discover themselves. Vote for Male and Rockwoll.
All auditors should be men of more than ordinary ability. The audi
tors are the accountants of the county, and should have a general knowl
edge of bookkeeping and figures. It is something of a task to audit the
accounts of Wayne county as they should be. Taking the figures as fur
nished by the Commissioners and Treasurer and compiling the county
statement Is not auditing. The books and vouchers must be compared
the collectors' accounts examined and verified and many other items of like
nature, which shows the kind of men we should elect as auditors
Win. Avery and Leroy Gilpin, 'Republican candidates for auditors, are
able to fill these requirements. Give both of them a vote.
The people of Wayne county will, no doubt, be glad to know some
thing about the Improvements made by the present board of Commissioners
In the last six years. While there has been no increase In the county tax
lovy except a half mill for the purpose of caring foignon-resldent 'poor
large amounts have been paid for roads and bridges
In addition to what follows, about $5,000 was paid in 1906 for bridge
work done in the former administration. The present board has construct
ed twenty-three new bridges, all except two of which have been made of
stone and concrete. Steel floor beems have been placed In 18 old bridges
and concrete floors have been put on five old -bridges. The total cost of
bridge work in the last six years will average $10,000 per year,
The new bridges built are as follows: Cherry Ridge, $554.70; Sterl
ing, $615; Laurella, $1428.50; near Tyler Hill, $481; Tanners Falls, $629
Hauensteine's, $1100; South Canaan, $1075; Wlnterdale, $914; Maple
wood, $723; Gouldsboro, $1397; Indian Orchard, $840; Salem, $846
Freethys, Texas, $3050.25; Starrucca, $927; Starlight, $813.78; Damascus
$2168.75; Palmyra, $1930; Hollisterville, $1148; White Mills, $724
Lookout, $620; Forest City, estimated $7000, new guard wall Beach Lake
$060.50; Prompton, $399, a total of $30,042.48. The figures given Include
the contract price and all extras for guard walls and fills,
The following bridges have concrete floors: Bunnelltown, Ledyard
Hauensteln, South Canaan, Creamton. In addition to thlB about $17,000
has been expended In repairing od bridges, replanklng, steel floor Joist,
repairing abutments, guard walls, etc
State roads have added a large Item to the expenses of the county,
The cost to the county of these roads are as follows:
Seelyvllle $1408.00
Dyberry-Bethany 1000.51
Mt. Pleasant 1432.34
Lehigh 5703.32
Dreher . 5140.18
Dyberry 2801.50
Total v. $17,702.50
Then the county had to pay $4,998 for the 'Hawley-WHsonvlllo turn
pike in order to make It free from toll. Adding that Item to the cost of
state roads makes the sum $22,747.52 which -with the money paid for
building and repairing bridges amounts to $74,790 for roads and bridges
In six years.
lie Game ami Glvo the Gamo a
Oliunco For Life Great Danger.
With the huntlngseason at hand It
Is well to glvo a little advice that
may be a great help to all sports
men. Read and then cut out and
read again before you venture In the
Keep the hammers of your gun
lowered except in case of actual
It the muzzie is placed upon wet
leaves or mud see that It Is, clear
before using. Remember that even
a sheet of wet paper over the muz
zle makes the explosion of a barrel
In passing a fence place the gun
on the far side first -with the ham
mers lowered; place the gun
through llrst, muzzle pointing for
ward. Never drag it after you.
If hunters are In brush and you
on the outside never fire until you
.have ascertained accurately the posi
tion of men concoaled by the scrub.
Novor use smokeless powder, bal
Hstlte or any such explosive In a
muzzle loading gun; it means a sure
blow up and possibly death or Injury
Guthrlo is not announced as likely1
to appear In the district.
Some of the old line Democrats
are Inclined to sniff at the regularity
of the nominee, Dr. O. H. Rockwell,
who is suspected of being rather
more Koystoner than Democrat. The
fact that he Is able to bring Berry
and Henry O. Niles to the district
rather supports this view, although
tho appearance of those two will
hardly help Rockwell with the Dem
ocrats. Tho election of Captain W. D. B.
Alney. of Montrose, the Republican
nominee, is certain. He Is not only
a popular man but well known in the
district and such men as State Treas
urer C. F. Wright, Congressman C.
C. Pratt and others are strongly sup
porting him. Harrlsburg Telegraph.
Vote for W. B. Lesher for Register
nnd Recorder.
Vote for W.
D. B. Alney for Con-
Vote for Wallace J.
Barnes for
Vote for Hon. Alonzo T.
for President Judge.
Vote for Thomas
X Who's Who In Politics!
Vote for W. D. B. Alney for Con
ISpecial to Tho Citizen.
East Hamlin, Pa., Oct. 24.
A surprise party was held at the
home of E. D. Conklln in honor of
the birthday anniversary of their
son, LeRoy. Piano selections were
rendered and games indulged in.
Refreshments were served at a late
hour. All report a good time.
Fred F. Chapman made a speedy
trip to Shohola Glen.
Mrs. Carrie Ressegulo and son,
Earl, made a trip to Hawley Sunday
to see her aunt who is not expected
to live.
Ernest Chapman and Stewart
Peet were callers on Rome Kellam
Sunday last.
Whilam Burns has returned to
New York after spending the sum
mer with his sister, Mrs. T. S. Bart
leson. v
Vote for W. B. Lesher for Reglsi
ana 'Recorder.
Vote for Avery and
County Auditors.
Gilpin' for
That the late Justice Harlan was
a great judge, despite a certain in
tensity ot feeling that at times, even
on tlhe bench, led him into a degree
of overstatement, will be the general
estimate of his long and distinguish
ed judicial career. It was not the
least of the public services of Presi
dent Rutherford B. Hayes that in
1877, he made John Marshall Har
lan of Kentucky an associate justice
of the United States supreme' court.
That he never became chief justice
must be credited mainly to the vicis
situdes of politics and, in the later
period, o advancing age.
Justice Harlan was a notable fig
ure in American life in various ways.
Of striking presence, marked indivi
duality and unusual Independence
and fearlessness of thought, he was
a commanding personality on tho
bench. Ho was also a churchman of
influence, and occasional utterances
on public affairs kept the people
aware of his robustness of mind and
sympathy with democratic ideals.
Bred a whig of the Clay type. Jus
tice Harlan carried into his work on
the federal bench the fundamental
conceptions of the constitution,
which were conductlvo to a broad
construction of that Instrument. He
was not a strict interpreter' of the
constitution. In the old manner of
Calhoun and Taney. Rather did he
belong to the school founded by Mar
shall and made Illustrious by Webster.
Yet Justice Harlan was swayed by
the deeper forces of his nature to
break the bounds of any mere school
of constitutional interpretation It
was his instinct to support the cause
of liberty and popular rights. He
hated injustice, tyranny and oppres
sion In whatever guise. And with
this key to his character as a man, It
Is not difficult to see the general con
sistency of all of his great judg
ments on the bench. In supporting
the federal income tax, in opposing
tho government's imperialistic con
tentions in the Insular cases, and In
his later insistence upon the strict
enforcement ot the antitrust law and
his repugnance to "judicial lawmak
ing," there is discernible the man's
fidelity to what ho conceived to be
the public welfare. If we call him
a great democrat on the bench rather
than distinctively and pre-e'mlnently
a profound jurist, the essence of our
estimate, perhaps, becomes entirely
Justice Harlan's ambition to sur
pass all records ot continuous sor
vlco on the Supreme Court bench was
frustrated, yet his 33 years, lu
months and 25 days made a career
that was Inferior in duration only
to those of Chief Justice Marshall
and Justice Stephen J. Field. The
death of Justice Harlan brings to
President Taft the opportunity to
nominate a fifth justice of the Su
preme Court, In addition to his nom
ination of a chief justice. Few
presidents have had such an oppor
tunity to 'form the court's personnel;
and that It is an opportunity which
the President holds as sacred is well
Vote for Thomas
Y. Boyd for
The boilers at. the court house are
old and wero installed when the
building was erected, but as yet have
not been condemned by Inspectors.
A year ago the county commis
sioners employed a boiler Inspector
of 30 years' experlenco from Blng
liamton, N. Y., and he reported the
boilers to be in safe condition. He
recommended certain repairs which
were made at that time.
On July 15, 1911, Edward Charles
worth of Honesdale Inspected the
boilers. His report was as follows:
Shell in bad condition.
Tubes thin In boiler No. 1.
Tube sheets good.
Braces good.
Safety valves good.
Water gauges good.
Steam gauges good.
Allowed working pressure to
square Inch 15 pounds.
Safety valve set at 15 pounds.
The report of the boiler inspec
tors are on file in the commission
ers' office at the court house and
anyone desiring to see them can do
The commissioners thought it pru
dent not to buy new boilers, If by
making the necessary repairs the old
ones would last a couple of years
longer, owing to the fact that sev
al bridges necessarily had to be built
and the money was needed for this
He would make an efficient sheriff
for Wayne county. Put "him in that
office. Your vote will help do It.
Vote for Neville Holgate for coun
ty commissioner.
; IP
Frank C. Kimble, Democratic can
didate for Sheriff, is favorably
known throughout Wayne county.
Remember him Nov. 7.
For County Commissioner
Vote for Thomas
Y. Boyd for
The Citizen from now until Jan
uary, only 25 cents.
Vote for Hon. Alonzo T.
for President Judge.
Fourteenth Congressional Democrats
Do Not Liko Outside Inter
ference. Towanda, Pa., Oct. 20. Demo
crats who have harbored hopes of
electing one of their political faith
to serve out the unexpired term of
Congressman George W. Klpp, who
died last Summer, have put them on
the shelf because of the disaffection
due by Interference with, affairs by
Democratic bosses. The strength
of the Democrats in this district was
always that of the late congressman
and when his son-in-law and confi
dant was turned down In his aspira
tions to the seat it did not leave a
very good taste In the mouths of tho
old time followers of Klpp.
But even then the campaign was
proceeding very well until Congress
man A. Mitchell Palmer, by virtue of
his connection with the Democratic
congressional campaign committee,
butted in. Palmer said it was a good
place to try tho proposed congres
sional district committee plan. In
cidentally, Committeeman Kelly
carefully prepared the way for Pal
mer to make a speech in the district
although up to date State Chairman
Farmer, Contractor and Cnncrcto
W. B. Lesher, of Sterling, Is w
known in the county. He woil
make an Ideal register and recordl
the office to which he has been nol
lnated upon the Republican tlcket.B
John Male, of Cherry Ridge. II
publican candidate 'for county col
missloner, Is known througho
Wayne county. He most respectful
solicits your vote on November
T. Y. Boyd, candidate for Shell
on tho Republican ticket, Is w
qualified for the office to which
has been nominated.
rnougn past sixty years ot as
Neville Holgate has never befd
asked the voters of Wayne cour
for any office and he pledges hll
self, If elected Commissioner, to
everything 'In his power to prptJ
and serve the Interests of the t;
payers of Wayne county.
Vote for E. E. Bunnell, Repull
can candidate for assessor of Tea
Vote for John Male for
Vote for Earl Rockwoll, Ariel,
County Commissioner.
Vote for F. C. Kimble for sherl
T. Y. Boyo-, of Boytls Mills, Is t
the office of Sheriff. Vote for hinl
For Register and Recorder Frl
Saunders Democratic candidate.
Napkins, Favors,! Crepe Papers, Post Card
John Male, of Cherry Ridge, Re
publican nominee for the office of
county commissioner, most respect
fully solicits your vote at the com
ing election. 85eI4.
Vote for M. E. Simons for District
Bronchitis Conquered
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DECEMBER 1, 1910
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T. 11. CLARK
II. 8. 8AI.MO