The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 25, 1911, Image 3

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Iso thqrjAMIES
Invrlffht, Underwood & Underwood. N.
HE ragged, Jagged coast of Ko
rea, which has been a terror to
mariners for centuries and
whoso wolftoothed rocks have
bitten through the cockleshell
Ills of Chinese junks, the stout tlm-
rs of full rigged sailing ships from
Iropenn ports and the sheet metal of
lidern steamers with equal ease and
lewed an unlighted and desolate
are line with wreckage, will blaze
night with warning lamps to save
Ipper from catastrophe and display
day floating buoys to mark the
annels and tho danger points where
wrong course means disaster.
loads will beft the hinterland and
panese schools, from whose history
lirse all mention of tho American
Solution and other successful wars
(independence will be eliminated lest
Korean school boys should dovelop
triotlam instead of learning submls-
In, will dot the country. A modern
ptem of credit and currency will fa-
Iltato tho transaction of business
Iere the copper "cash" that was for
rly used was so bulky that a ship-
la of it was required when tho Jap-
aso paid for a timber tract in north
Irea before tho annexation. .,
Mines in which aro stored great
lues will bo worked by modern ma-
Inery with Japanese, Americans and
Iglishmen as "operators" and Jap-
eso and Koreans as tho men behind
j) picks. Railroads broad gauged and
bk ballasted like American trunk
lea, over which will be driven Amer-
In mado locomotives drawing Amer-
In made coaches, will Increase their
Ileago- between the ancient walled
y of Korea through sections in
tich the tiger, tho leopard and the
pbant aro now hunted. Urban and
entually lnterurban electric lines
pi become an Important factor In
Corea will be "reformed" just as the
paneso have Insisted It will. When
reformation Is complete It will no
fcer be Korea, but a province of
Ian used as an outlet for congested
pulatlon and as a "buffer state" on
Asian mainland and as the site
naval base that will command the
(low sea and threaten China.
Some Queer Customs.
Corean women of the classes that
unattended and unveiled wear a
Ken, white trimmed wrap called a
liangot" thrown over their heads,
ith the sleeves hanging down over
fclr shoulders. The "changot" Is
lid about the face In such a manner
lit only the eyes of the woman are
bn, and they are visible only when
are in front of her, It prevents
wearer from seeing anything that
Iproacbes from behind.
When the Japanese rickshaw boy I
Id engaged upon arriving in Seoul
over a Korean woman and did not
lor to stop and apologize till a
brean mob filled the street and
bcked tho way I realized the atti-
lo of the conqueror. I discharged
boy, dusted the weeping woman's
Irments, mopped the blood from her
be with a handkerchief, apologized
the mob In a dumb show and hired
Korean ,boy.
Contrasts between the customs of
brea and those of other countries
striking everywhere. For in-
knee, in most countries snakes are
bre or less feared by everyone and
S3-. - v:y
are never liked about the house. They
aro certainly unpopular with persons
who are habitual and intemperate
users of alcoholic beverages. In Korea
snakes live about the eaves of natlvo
houses and aro not feared or disliked.
Tho native legend about their intro
duction into tho country is that a cer
tain prince who was a drunkard or
dered a shipload of them from India
to be broucht to the naliipn in drlvn
away the evil spirits of drink that
possessed him. In other words, to
cure delirium tremens.
In most countries the horse is con
sidered a better mount than the
donkey. Not so in Korea. Here tho
meek and slow moving ass is regard
ed as the mount for a gentleman, and
especially tho man of fashion. In
other countries progress is highly re
garded, but the tortoise is tho emblem
of a' dignified and desirable conserva
tion in "Tho Land of the Morning
Calm," where the evening was equally
calm and the middle of the day more
bo when the Koreans ruled the coun
try. Street signs aro relied upon In the
cities of other countries, and nowhere
are they more used than in China,
which formerly exercised a 6hadowy
suzeranity over Korea and was hct
neighbor. But in Seoul they were not
used at all before the Japanese came.
In almost all other countries women
are fond of going shopping and mer
chants strive to please them and to
sell them something lust nn ennd it
they haven't the article asked for.
Mow bnopplng Is Regarded.
In Korea It is otherwise. The
women regard shopping as a neces
sary evil, and the merchants keep
their goods In closets Instead of on
counters and shelves and In show
cases. The merchant does not hustle
for trade or argue for a sale. If the
customer asks for something she is
likely to bo shown what the merchant
has and told that he has nothing like
what she wants. Tho shopkeeper is a
fair emulator of the highly-respected
tortoise that was the national emblem
of conservation during the halcyon
dayp of tho Hermit Kingdom when no
diplomatic or trade relations were
sustained with foreign countries.
In most countries retailing liquors
It not regarded as a suitable nvenue
of activity for an aristocratic woman
Whoso fortune has rUvinHini t
Korea a iadv In dlRtmna mnv
'a saloon without fear of any social
stigma resting upon her. And a bar
Is the only kind of shop she may keep
with impunlty.v Her maid acts as
barmaid, but the. saloon is given space
In the residence without Injuring tho
tone of the establishment. A woman
of social distinction may make shoes
provided she makes such as the com
mon people wear. To make shoes for
her own class would remove her from
that class.
Of tho Hermit Kingdom, which was
unknown such a Ehort iimo ago, only
a very small portion of the outsido
world had a glimpse before the Jap
anese began transforming a country
In which breech loading cannon were
cast centurieB before gunpowder was
known in Europe and which fought
naval battles with Ironclads more than
three centuries before the "Yankee
Cheesebox" eclipsed the glory of the
Slcrriraac at Hampton Roads. .
The Genevieve Who Took a Boy
to Raise
Genevlevo was a charming woman.
She was, in fact, a charming widow,
and that Is very important indeed.
James was as nice a young man as
ever executed a clean shavo with a
safety razor or fretted about tho way
his trousers wero pressed. Though,
for the matter of that, James was no
ladles man either, and not more in
Iovo with himself than a young man
has a right to be.
Genevlevo was not only charming;
sho was also several years old. Not
an impolite number of course; but
moro Junes had slipped by her than
had cast their roses upon tho head of
James. She had just about enough
money to take lovely caro of herself;
but sho also had to tako lovely caro
of her daughter, who fulfilled to tho
letter that old, but truo saying used
by tho wlso Latin people about "Mater
pulchra, Alia pulchrlor," which, being
translated, means that mamma used
to be as good looking as daughter is
Daughter was sixteen and in a
boarding school.
James met Genevieve at a dinner,
where sho was looking lovely, and
whero ho was so happy as to take
her In. Sho was lovely. Her hair was
very soft and almost a truo corn yel
low, and that shade of hair is the
easiest thing in the world to keep
from turning gray. All a wlso woman
needs is per well, never mind what.
All sho needs is to take it In 'time,
and it will never fade at all.
Genevieve's hair was not at all arti
flclal; and her eyes wero as bluo as
could bo and had a natural baby-stare
that many younger women would have
given all their beautiful switches to
own. Young Jennie was taller by two
Inches and her hair was smooth and
black and shining. But sho was at
James fell head over heels in love
with Genevieve. Ho was wonderfjilly
good to look at himself, being an
athlete and carrying himself with a
swing and a swagger to his shoulders
that spoko of pure, physical arrogance.
"She Let Him Gather Her to His
His disposition was not arrogant, but
very kind, and so gentle that a lady
might lead him. And sho did.
Genevlevo looked at James and
thought to herself, "He is a most in
convenient age just too young for me
and just too pld for Jennie. I suppose
I had better not have him about."
But sho was not consulte;d because
James came calling the very next af
ternoon in his touring car. And he en
tered with diffidence in his manner
and worship in his big, black eyes.
Genevlevo saw the diffidence and reso
lutely declined to see tho worship.
James said,, "Do come out for a drive
and find out how tho spring feels. I
am sure you are pale for tho need of
fresh air." And Genevlevo said, "I
am always pale, but it is very kind of
you, and I shall be charmed."
So she and James motored all that
afternoon and James had never had
Buch a good time in all his life. He
had little experience with women, this
nice James.
James came around tho next after
noon, and then the next. Tho third,
time Genevieve was not at homo. Sho
was, In fact, holding a serious conver
sation with herself. She was saying
that JaraeB was much too young for
her. Of course, anybody knows what
that leads to. She could make him
happier than any mere girl sho knew
men, and an unhappy marrlago would
cause her to appreciate a happy mar
riage. When she doubted about Young
James as to how this would bo after
a while for him "Ha wants mo just
mo," sho whispered to her doubts nnd'
crushed them out of sight. Though
Bhe knew perfectly well tho look that
would come Into the faces of her
friends when James was kidnaped.
But Bhe would not think of that, be
cause Genevlevo was doing that thing
for which people always laugh so at b.
woman sho was falling headlong in
lovo with a man her junior twelve
years, to be exact. And when sho was
fifty which would not bo for a long,
long time, sho told herself her hus
band would be just thirty-eight.
James spoko near tho end of a sum
mer of outdoor recreation which had
mado him neglect his business and re
duced hor wardrobe to one evening
frock and a house dress or two. And
when ho did speak, she put her two
llttlo hands-into his and let him gath
er her right to that throbbing young
heart of his.
Genevieve felt guilty about not hav
ing Jennie to tho wedding, which took
placo In October. But Jennio had vis
ited friends In tho west all vacation,
and had lost a week of tho opening, so
sho was working very hard, her tcach
ier said. So Genevieve just wrote and
told her; and Jennio was a little hurt
and felt that mamma had acted rather
rashly without consulting her, and
wroto and told her so. Jennie was a
capable young woman.
James was very happy at the time.
Even when sho took her hair down,
Genevieve was still charming, and that
is a test which no woman past thirty
likes to meet, unless her husband is a
perfectly well-trained husband, and
used to her anyway.
About Christmas Jennio came homo
for tho holidays. Jennio was now
seventeen; and when sho was intro
duced to her stepfather, her new step
father nearly had a fit. Sho was as
tall as he, and looked old enough to be
married herself.
When this happens in stories, it is
only up to the point of tho young man
being engaged to tho mother of the
grownup daughter. Then his father,
who has known the' mother in his
youth, always comes along and rescues
his boy at the cost of an Illusion or
two. But James was not in the rescu
able stage. Ho was married.
That Christmas a college friend of
Genevlevo came to call on her; and he
was stout and bald and had a tall son
with him who was in business with his
father. Of course, father had married
very young.
Then Genevieve had a letter from a
girl friend of her youth.
"Dear Genevieve," wroto Kate, "I am
to be In your city soon and 'would so
love to see you in your home."
Of course Kato was Invited to see
Genevieve in her home. Kato was a
bit older than Genevieve, to begin
with, and she weighed two hundred.
James, in his anguish of soul, groaned
that sho was a hundred and weighed
three. But one must mako allow
ances. Kato was introduced to James, and
sho looked down at him he was 'so
ridiculously young anyway and then
sho said, "Why, Genevieve, what a
nice boy he is! Just about my Wll
yum's ago" though, goodness knows,
Wilyum was five years younger. And
then she said, "I am Just going to give
him a kiss for Wilyum's sake." And
she did.
But James and Genevieve wero mar
ried. And after a while Jennio had a
dear llttlo sister; and she was very
vexed about it.
Now, in this household there are
two young people, an old person and
a baby. But somehow they are not
mated properly. James does not fall
In love with Jennie. He is a nico man,
and he is sick of falling in love any
way. And Jennie does not become the
victim of a secret passion for her
step-papa; because Jennio is a nice
girl, and, besides, as things stand,
falling in lovo looks a mighty poor
business to Jennie. But to say that
they do not feel the incongruity of
their positions would be a dreadful
However, any Incongruity that those
two young things feel is a Joke, the
merest piffle and persiflage to what
Genevlevo feels.
And the other day, when sho was
out walking with her oldest daughter
and her youngest daughter, both of
whom aro beautiful, they met a gay
party of ladies, one of whom exclaim
ed in an audible voice, "Tho llttlo girl
looks far moro like her grandmother
than her mother, doesn't she?"
(Copyright, by Associated Literary Press.)
Invited to a Shakedown.
Beddlngford is a good man not to
invito to take luncheon with you these
days. This is the reason as he tells
it himself:
"I was just putting on my hat and
coat to go out to my midday milk nnd
crackers banquet when Helm camo
along and said;
" 'Come and lunch with me. I know
a swell place not far from here.'
"I accepted, wondering at the same
time what had come over Helm, for
he Is known as tho office 'tightwad,'
It was a swell little place and we did
get n good lunch, and when the checks
camo Holm took them both and then
said to tho waiter: 'Bring us somo
"I wondered what the dice wero
for, but ,when they arrived Holm
" 'Now, I'll tell what we'll do. We'll
shake to see who pays the bill.'"
McDevItt, Right Tackle on Yale Team.
The 1911 football season will bo one
of tho most Important in the history of
the gridiron game. Fully 1,000 impor
tant games will be played throughout
the country, and the game played un
der the new rules, which make for
open play, promises to enjoy its un
usual popularity. Three moro of the
big eastern colleges are trying the
graduate coaching system this year
Yale, Princeton and Syracuse.
One of the big features o fthe sea
Bon will be the meeting of Harvard
and Princeton at Princeton, on Novem-
Rather Peculiar Because of Fact That
Most of Stars Hall From One
of Three Cities.
The make-up of tho first team that
Coach Yost of Michigan has been lin
ing up is peculiar because of the fact
that tho men for the most part hail
from one of three towns.
Ann Arbor contributes three. Cap
tain Conklin, Bogle and Allmendlnger,
all linemen. Detroit furnishes live,
of whom four were on the central
high team together, white the iitth
was playing for D. U. S. They are
Garrels, Craig, Patterson nnd Torbet
from Central and Pontius from the
Elmwood school. Saginaw sends two
of the other three men, Carpell and
Thomson, who played on the same
team in tho northern town.
The eleventh and most famous play
er on the team, by virtue of rils hav
ing won a place on Camp's All-Amerl-can
team, Stan Wells, halls from
Ohio, and from a town that was only
known to its Inhabitants until Wells
mode the two forward passes that
Frank Plcard,
took the ball down to the three-yard
line in tho Minnesota game, and then
mado tho remaining three yards on
two bucks through the left side of the
Minnesota line.
Aram tho players to occupy a prom
inent position on the second team 1b
Frank Picard of Saginaw, of last
'oar's reserves.
Weather Now Interferes.
Football has so degenerated that it
b coming to bo looked upon as unus
aal when teams, practice in spite oi
iiln. It used to be that they gloried
that sort of weather.
ber 4. They last met 14 years agd
when tho Tigers lowered the CrimBon
colors. Harvard, too, will play the
Carllslo Indians at Cambridge this
Vail Returns to Badgers.
Rowing Coach Harry Vail assert
ed the other day he would not return
to Harvard. He said ho had accepted
tho proposition of tho University ot
Wisconsin, and will tako up his du
ties as head coach at the Wisconsin
Once Famous Pitcher Couldn't Be In
duced to Sell Milk to One of
New Generation.
Young Warhop, tho pitching sensa
tion of the year In the Amorican
league, can now and then be coaxed
into telling stories, says a writer in
tho Cincinnati Times-Star. One was
of an early adventure, when he had
reached the stage of worship for suc
cessful practitioners of tho noble art
of baseball, without having attained
to any notable eminence himself. "One
of my early heroes," said he, "was
an old pitcher. Ho had been a lead
ing figure in the game in the days of
its development. Then he became an
umpire, but a somewhat hasty temper
kept him from complete success. Ho
finally quit tho gnmo definitely, under
a rain of pop bottles, and only now
and then could be persuaded to talk
of tho old tricks ho had onco used
with effect. In order to live he had
opened a dairy. Every morning ho
drove about the streets and delivered
"I rode with him ono day. We camo
to a new house and the freshly laun
dered curtains In the window told that
tho owner had Just moved In. The
old pitcher, on the alert for a possible
now customer, knocked at tho door.
A good looking young woman respond
ed to his knock, he stated his errand,
and she thanked him for his cour
tesy. " 'This is our first day in our new
home,' said she, 'and I have been won
dering where I could get good milk.
I'll take two bottles now.'
"The old pitcher gave her two bot
tles, and as he truned to go sho said:
'Why, aren't you Mr. Juggins, who
used to bo the famous pitcher?'
"The old man said he was. very
sourly. His blood used to curdle when
ball playing was referred to. He
wanted to know why she referred to
his past.
"'Oh,' said she, 'didn't you know?
Why, my husband is a professional
ball player' himself.'
"'GImrao back that milk,' said Jug
gins. 'Giddap.' "
Would Bite Once.
Josh Devore of tho New York Giants
says he will try anything once.
In Pittsburgh the Giants bean at
tho Hotel Schenley, a tavern of con
siderable class. Devore, Matty, W11-'
son nnd Wlltso wero putting the fin
ishing touches to dinner there ono
evening on the last trip when Matty,
after perusing the bill of fare to see
if anything had escaped him. re
marked: "Josh, tho cuisine here Is great,
don't you think so?" '
"You can search me." replied Josh.
"I never tried it Walter, bring mo
some cuisine with my "ice cream ano
Picks American Tennis Team.
The make up of tho American lawn
tennis team that will visit Australia,
this winter in quest of the Davis cup,
was announced the other day. The se
lections aro: William A. Larned, the
national champion; Maurice E. Mc
laughlin, tho winner of the All-Comers
tournament at Newport, and Deals C.
WrlRht, the runner-up to McLaughlin.